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04x10 - Cornball!/Meteora's Lesson

Posted: 10/09/22 08:51
by bunniefuu
♪ It's gonna get a little weird
Gonna get a little wild ♪

♪ I ain't from around here
I'm from another dimension ♪

♪ Gonna get a little weird
Gonna have a good time ♪

♪ I ain't from around here
I'm from another... ♪

♪ Whoo-hoo! ♪

♪ Yeah! ♪

♪ I'm talking rainbows ♪

♪ I'm talking puppies ♪

♪ Fa-fa-fa-fa
Fa-fa-foo! ♪

♪ It's gonna get a little weird
Gonna get a little wild ♪

♪ I ain't from around here ♪

♪ I'm from another dimension ♪

Okay! You can
open your eyes now!

They are open already.
Your hands are still in way.

Oh. My bad.

You have brought me
to cornball game?

And front-row seats?

Not just any front-row seats.
You, my friend,

are the personal guest
of Queen Eclipsa herself.

Have you seen my baby?

this is Buff Frog.

Very nice to meet you.

come back to Mommy!

So... cornball!

The greatest sport.
Brings together families.

Star Butterfly,
what are you planning?


I'm just really excited to
watch this game with you...

and... maybe convince you
to come back to Mewni.

Why would cornball game
do that?

Because, Buff Frog, this
isn't just any cornball game.

For the first time,
Mewmans and monsters

will play together.

You mean against each other.

Oh, no, no, no, no.
With each other!

This is the first-ever
integrated match.

Monsters and Mewmans

working together
on the same teams!

That is terrible idea!

Okay, okay. okay,
just hear me out.

I know things were bad
when you left.

Like, really
super, super bad.

But things have changed.
Thanks to Eclipsa,

monsters and Mewmans
are totally equal now.

Just because
things have changed

does not mean
they are better.

Look, I know this is
a lot to take in,

but can you please just
give this game a chance?

For me?


All right, Star Butterfly.
For you.

Anyway, I cannot turn down
a free cornball game.

But beside all that,
how did you even track me down?

I am master spy

and made sure
we were untraceable.

I have my ways.

Whoa! Huh?

Whoa! Ooh!


I'm so excited to see
my first cornball game!

Katrina, did you tell
Star where we were hiding?

What did I say about
being master spy?

You cannot let anyone know
what you are doing.

Just like how
you had no idea

I was still in contact
with Star on a daily basis?

One day, she will surpass me.

I am so proud.

Welcome to the first-ever

monster and Mewman
cornball game.

It's starting!

We are so glad
you could all join us today

for the greatest game!

Cornball! Yeah!

Ow! That's so loud!

Sorry, dude.
I am just so hyped!

Hey, nothing wrong with that.

I just wish
I understood the rules.

Mm, don't worry.
I got you covered.

Okay, so that's
Selena Fortune,

Mewni's number-one

- Mm-hmm.
- Bleck Drockman,

- the MCL's top stickler!
- Stick, uh, what?

Yeah. The Cassidy Brothers,
they are

- an unstoppable moat guardian combo.
- Huh?

That's Midfield husker Danny
Doom, but that's just a nickname.

Wait. And new
up-and-comer Blabby FrontFaws.

Oh, yeah.

But those are just
player names.

I don't know what
they actually do.

Hmm. Oh! I know.

I have an expanded
limited collector edition

of the original rules
and... regulations.

- It'll clear everything up.
- This is big.

Do you need any help?

Nah, girl.
I'm super good at books.

Uh, you don't have to
stay here either.

You could go sit with Star
if you want.

No, that's okay.
We just got done

with this whole drama
with the Blood Moon Ball.

It's kind of
a long story, but...

If you came here
to see some cornball,

let me hear you scream!

Oh, sorry, Marco.

I'm kind of in, like, professional
mode when I work, yeah.

Uh, were you saying

Nah, it's not important.
You do your thing.

I'll go grab us
some snacks and, uh...

skim through
the rule book.

Sounds good, breakup buddy.

What up, sports fans?
It is time to pick teams.

Today's captain for the
purple team is Bleck Drockman,

and for the red team,
Jason Sheffield.

Aw, yes. This is where
the magic happens.

I'm so excited!

- Let's not get hopes up.
- Shh! Let them concentrate.

And first pick for Bleck is...
Blabby FrontFaws.

Bleck is going for an aggressive
offense with the up-and-coming rookie.

So, monster
picks monster.

Oh, it's just
the first pick.

I mean, come on. Look at that guy.
He's built like a t*nk.

And Jason goes for Selena.

Selena is known for preferring
a low-scoring game.

And Mewman pick Mewman.


And Bleck's turn.
Back to Jason.

Bleck again.
Now Jason.

Now Bleck.
Back to Jason.

It looks like
old alliances hold strong

on the field today, folks.

Oh, come on!
What are you doing?

You guys notice anything?
This is supposed to be

an integrated
exhibition match,

but you're the super opposite
of that right now.

Come on! Time to
mix it up, guys!

It is not going to be
working, Star.

I don't get it.
Is this part of the game?

- No.
- Hmm...

This is gonna ruin

What should we do?

Oh. Well, perhaps we should...

Popcorn. Get your popcorn.

Sweetie, what did Mommy say

about preying on those
weaker than you?

I just want to
watch them play.

- Hey, uh, want to see something cool?
- Yeah.

I just got a brand-new cornball.
Want to go test it out?


Come on!
This can't be that hard!

You guys have
so much in common!

Like what, even?

Uh, what about...

monsters and Mewmans
both love cornball.

She's right.

But Mewmans
love cornball way more!

In fact, Mewmans love cornball
so much, we invented it.

Hey, even if
that were true,

which it's not,
monsters perfected cornball!

Why don't you come
here and say that to my face?

I am not liking
this vibe.

They are ruining
the spirit of cornball!

got you a cornshake.

No time for cornshakes, Marco!
I got to go save cornball!

Hey, uh, wait.
Wh-Who's gonna announce?

Oh, yeah.
Uh, cover for me, okay?

If you have any questions,
check the manual.


Just check the manual.

Chapter one...

The first-ever cornball players
were Mewman. That's a fact.

Oh, yeah?
Where did you read that?

A Mewman history book?

- Hey, you want to come too?
- Come where?

- To...
- Wow! Really?

Yeah! Follow me!

Oh, come on.

Guys, guys, cut it out!

Magic bubble
double diffusion!

- What's happening?
- Whatever's going on is your fault!

You guys need to cool it!

Would it really k*ll you to
just give each other a chance?

The only thing I'm giving this
guy is a piece of my mind!

Yeah. Forget cornball. Let's
settle this the old-fashioned way!

Fight, fight, fight, fight!

- Guys...
- Do not bother, Star.

It was good for you
to be trying,

but I knew Mewni was

not ready for
this kind of thing.

No, no, no. I know
things look bad now,

but we can't
give up yet.

Show Buff Frog

how much you care about
monster-Mewman unity.

Oh, I'm sorry, dear.

I'm afraid I'm still
looking for Meteora.

I don't want her running off on
her own if a brawl breaks out.

Yes. This place is no longer
safe for the children.

It is time for me to leave.

- But, Buff Frog...-
- But, nothing.

I refuse to put my family
in danger.

Katrina, Buff children,

- we leave now.
- 'Sup, Dad?

Alexi, Anya, where are
your brothers and sisters?

- At the cornball game.
- What? Where?

Not that game.
The other game.

Yeah, the actually fun one.

The other game?

- Wow.
- Whoa!

Hey, over here!

They're playing...

Okay, okay,
so-so if a kicker

kicks with his left leg
and scores, that's three points.

But if it's raining on a
Tuesday, then that's four points.

I get it! It's so simple!

Huh? What?
Where's that coming from?

The game's over here now?

Aw! How did I miss this?
All right, uh...

And they're off! The red team's hitting
the offense hard with a classic,

uh, creepy crop circle

And the game's really
starting to heat up, folks.

Team red's going all in
with the beanbag blitz.

Team purple counters
with a hula hoop hustle.

Hey, they made my Jeanie
third kicksmith.

That's cute. They made
my kid first kicksmith.

He's got it!

There you are.

Well, all's well
that ends well.

smile for Mommy.

Go get 'em, Lexxy!

Here come
the huckster hurdles.

They're clearing one,
two, three.

They nailed it!

Got some great
monster-Mewman teamwork here.

Hey, your kids got moves.

We've got some air time...

by the moat guardian!

And he's tossing
to his tenth baseman!

This is for you David.
I'll always love you!

Wait. What's going on here?

That's rule 23:

no shout-outs to exes
on the field.

Oh, yeah. That makes
no sense at all.

- And it's the final play?
- What?

One more cross-field goal
could mean...

Katrina steals the ball!

Looks like team red has it
in the bag, folks.

Katrina's bookin'
it towards the goal!

She's got a clear shot!
She's going for it!

It is a corn...
in... the... hole!

What does that mean?

It means they just scored
15 points! They won!

Fifteen points?
What kind of rule is...

You know what?
I give up.

- Good game.
- It was so much fun.

- That was awesome!
- Great job!

Yeah, we should
do it again.

Hey, your kid played
a pretty amazing game.

And your kid's got quite
the kick... for a monster.

- What did you say?
- Oh, come on.

You people get offended
by anything!

I'm not just gonna stand here
while you belittle...

we're back to this.

Hey, Katrina,
everything okay?

Yeah. I just wish
we could've won.

Guess we will need

But cornball
is only played on Mewni.

Then I guess
we will have to stay.

- What?
- What? Thanks, Dad!

Buff Frog,
are you serious?

I still have doubts,

but this game has filled me
with hope.

I'm gonna go tell everyone!

But the adults are still
angry with each other.

generation is garbage.

But the little ones...

They might turn out okay.

Episode 10 b Title:
"Meteora's Lesson" --->

Coo. Coo.

Coo coo coo.


Is-Is this a bad time?

Oh, Janna.

You'll have to pardon me.

I'm just brushing up
on my pigeon

for the dinner party tonight
with the rich pigeons.

Thank you for offering
to babysit.

Hey, anything for
the Queen of Darkness.

I would've asked M-A-R-C-O,

but I get the sense she
doesn't like him very much.

Yeah, who can blame her?


Ooh. She really does take
after her father, doesn't she?

You be good, my darling.

I'll be back by 8:00.

If you're not, I charge
double for overtime.

let the babysitting begin.

- Psst! Meteora.
- Hmm?

Down here.

Hello, Princess.

Oh, geez.

You would not believe
the day I've had today.

Oh! Oh, yeah, yeah.
My arm.

Just a little boo-boo.
Nothing to really worry about.

Oh, no, no, no.
Don't cry.

Your buddy Glossaryck's okay.
Look. Look.

I've got another arm.
Plus I've got a silly hat.

Now, as your guide

to all magical matters,

are you ready to continue
our lessons?

Have you been practicing

the "dip down" exercises
I taught you?


No, no.
A little longer

and a little louder.


No, no, no.
That-That's all wrong.

It's just "dip down."
Two short words.


No. Now-Now you're
just getting louder.

No, no.
No, no, no, no, no.

I know how much joy
this brings you.

Let's get going.

Wait. Wait!
Don't go in there without me.

Oh! Triple
burger bonus! Yes!


to the Plains
of Time.

To complete your lesson,
we got to go back in time.

And we need Father Time
for that.

Oh, yes. Yes, yes.

I can go back in time.

But I can't take
a passenger with me.

That's why we need
Father Time.

Where is he?

Yes, of course I knew
he wasn't going to be here.

If he was here,
it would've been easy,

and you wouldn't
learn anything.

Um, sure, there's
another way to time travel.

I just, uh...

I really don't want to see
Reynaldo today.

Reynaldo the Baldpate,

ferryman of
the River of Time.

Uh... Okay.

Let's just get it over with.

Look, look, he's gonna
talk and stuff.

Uh, just...
don't interact, okay?

All right, Meteora,
pull up a seat.

This might take a while.

You know what?

Never mind!
He's here!

For passage through
my timely sea,

this question
you must answer me.

Who speaks in rhyme
and wanders time

with none to call
his family?

No phone calls, cards or...

Thank you, Reynaldo.
Please be quiet. Just,

we're in a hurry,
and we need to get going.

What doth bring you
to my land?

A passage through time,
swift and grand?

Up-bup-bup-bup! We don't
have time for riddles today.

Princess Meteora and I
need to go back.

An inch, a pinch,
the years unravel.

How far dost thou
wish to travel?

The length of something
short and flat,

- or perhaps something...
- We just need to go...

to the Age of Butterflies.

With haste we must depart
this place

and skim the flow
of time and space.

Away we go
and briskly float.

We ride, us three,
upon a...


And boom goes the dynamite.

At this point, I don't even know
what you're getting out of this.

What's dank and musky
like a foot

and falls apart
when overcooked?

In soups and stews
this foulness lingers.

If you must touch,
don't smell your fingers.

Meteora, I really
must apologize.

Father Time's wheel
would've been so much faster

and less...

But why don't you practice
your "dip-down"

while we're waiting?



Okay, that's good.

But try it
with more emotion.

A-All right.
You're getting closer.

I can fill a room
or just one heart.

I cannot be shared,
only apart.

- What am I?
- Loneliness.

Ah. You want to get back on
the Magical High Commission.

I don't think so, Reynaldo.

The riddle thing, it's...

Just because I created the commission
doesn't mean they listen to me.

You have arrived
at the time you seek.

Okay, great.
Thank you!

Come on.
Let's go, Meteora.

Bye... Dad.

Oh, my goodness.

They keep you well fed,
don't they.

All right. Are you ready
for your lesson?

'Cause we're he...
Oh, no.

- Waa! Waa!
- Waa! Waa!

Waa! Waa!

Wh-Where are we?

Who are we?

brought us back too far.

Let's go, Meteora.

Wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait.

Do you...

Do you know who we are?

Uh... yes.

Can you help us?


Let's just do the abbreviated
version here.

A long time ago arrived
the first settlers of Mewni.

That's you.

- Wow!
- Whoa!

A modest people
with noble pursuits...

Life, liberty
and... corn.

The end.


One more thing.
Mind if I borrow your rattle?

Eenie, meenie,
Mewni, moe.

Okay, you, Moe.
Here you go.




- You can do magic with that thing.
- Okay.

Come on, Meteora. We've got to hitch
another ride with my weird son.

Oh, and another
one more thing.

There's a storm coming,

so y'all might want to
huddle around that stump.

Through darkness, slumbers,

toils, solemnly alone,

no game of catch,
no father, no home.

- Hey, Reynaldo?
- Father!

Yeah. Can we just go forward
in time a bit? Thanks.

Thou makest haste like wind,
we shall arrive and...

Oh, geez, just go.
Just go.

Here's a free
extra lesson for you...

Don't have children.
Oh, looks like we're here.

Boss, is this
really necessary?

Rasticore, if you're
too weak for this,

you'll never survive
against a Mewman.

Do it.

Oh. It's kinda tingly.

Great. On to the last
part of your lesson.

Now, they may
have magic,

but we are invincible.

- Hey, Toffee!
- Who said that?

Hello again.

Sorry for interrupting
your weird meeting,

but I'm trying to teach
this little girl a lesson.

What are you trying to teach her?
How to get your arm broken?

Yep, that's the bad boy
who broke my arm.

Whoa. Hold your horses.

I'm sure Toffee had a good
reason for doing what he did.

You were making that stupid
leaf hat, so I snapped your arm.

Not the best reason.

But that doesn't mean he has
to keep doing terrible things.

If he did,
he'd... break my other arm.

Oh, that's a good idea.

Maybe that baby isn't the one
who needs to be taught a lesson.

Maybe we came
to teach you.

Well, what are you
going to teach me?

That's enough, Meteora.


This is the threat of magic.

This is what
we're at w*r against.

I guess you learned
two lessons today...

How to "dip down,"

and that jerks like him
never learn.

Not again!

Ugh. Now I got to restart
from the pickle factory.

Oh, hey.

How did it go?
Any trouble?

Yeah, I keep getting stuck
on this one jump on level 43.

- Oh, come on!
- Dee-daa!

Did she just say "Daddy"?

Did you just say "Daddy"?

Oh, my darling!

Oh, what a genius!

You know,

I think magic's
in pretty good hands.

♪ End Theme song plays... --->
♪ She's a princess ♪

♪ Winning battles
through the break of dawn ♪

♪ Don't worry
when it's night ♪

♪ 'Cause she will keep
the lights on ♪

♪ Oh, there goes
a shining star ♪

♪ Evil won't deter her ♪

♪ 'Cause magic
flows through her ♪

♪ She's a shining star ♪