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14x01 - Game of Drones

Posted: 10/10/22 10:19
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪


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♪ ♪


- (LOUD expl*si*n)



And you can feel free to call us
at lunchtime, if you want to.

Uh, for what?

Oh, um...

just to let us know how it's going.

But you don't have to, it's up to you.

And you have our numbers
memorized in case, yeah?

Uh, yes. They're in my phone.

No, but you should memorize them,

in case your phone gets
lost or stolen or dies.

Right, a-and if you're experiencing

any bullying just call us immediately.

You think I'm going to get bullied?

- No, no, no. No.
- No. Not at all. No.

It just... it was like a theoretical.

- Just in case.
- Yeah, of course, but you should

always remember your
self-defense training.

- And your active sh**t drills.
- Yeah,

but more importantly, have fun.

That's the most important thing,
just have fun.


Okay. Also, uh, one of us
will pick you up today.

But if not, we'll text you,

and maybe Naomi's mom
can drop you off at home.

In which case, you have
your house key, yeah?

- Uh, yes.
- Great.

And you know the alarm code?

- Yes.
- Let's hear it.

Real quick, before you go.

- - - - .
- Perfect.

- Yes. Ooh.
- What about the panic code?

- - - .

Bingo. All right.
Anything else we're forgetting?

- High five. It's gonna be great.

- You're gonna be great.
- Uh...

I have to go so I'm not late.

- DEEKS: Okay.
- Okay. Bye.

- Have fun. Make friends.
- Bye.

None of those...
none of the mean girls, though.

We're proud of you.

You know what I'm thinking?

BOTH: Homeschool.

I'm not built for this.


What are you doing?


Lawn bowling.

I mean, what the hell
it look like I'm doing?

We have to be there in minutes.
We have an appointment.

I'm not going to an adult day care.

It's not a day care.

It's an activity center.

They have a gym, a pool, a library.

Well, then take me to a gym,
or pool, or a library.

There, they have it all in one.

What, they're gonna
change my diaper, too?

If you need to wear one, yeah.

Yeah, I'd bite a b*llet
before I let that happen.

Dad, they have classes, guest speakers.

Oh, whoopee, I can read about ants

and brush up on pole dancing.

Just give it a try.


(QUIETLY): Okay. Okay.

Do they have billiards?

Yeah, they got a whole game room.

They even have a poker tournament.

Poker, huh?

Ah, what's the buy-in?

I don't know. I think it's just for fun.

Oh, the only fun is
when you're winning real money.

Mrs. Williams will be there to
pick you up later this afternoon.

Oh, so it's a su1c1de mission?

I'd be safer walking.

You ever see that woman driving?

I mean, she's legally blind.

She's not legally blind.

I mean, it's like riding with Mr. Magoo.

I need a helmet to ride with that woman.

Look, Dad, all I'm asking is
that you keep an open mind.

All right? You may make
some new friends.

Only new things that happen
in a place like that

is hips and pacemakers.

Soon as you get to know
somebody, they die.

The only thing I like
about dating a woman my age...

Mm-hmm. you don't have to feel guilty

about not calling her back.

Why is that?

Because most of them can't remember.


That's not funny.

Ah, no, no, no, that's funny.

No, n-not really.

That's "ooh-wee" funny.

Get dressed, please.

Damn funny.

Not funny. Actually disrespectful.

Come on. Come on, Dad. We got to go.


Hey, what you working on?


- You need help?
- With what?

I'm really good at planning things.

Look, I know that some guys

can find this sort of thing
out of their wheelhouse.

You were looking at
possible wedding venues, right?


Well, what is Anna thinking?

Uh, she's thinking

somewhere between the two of us
just going to city hall

and fulfilling Arkady's desire

of recreating Doctor Zhivago

with everyone on horses and real snow.

(CHUCKLES): Okay. Love.

Well, do you have a theme?

- A theme?
- Yeah.

Like traditional or whimsical,

uh, cosplay, new age, fairy tale?

- Fairy tale?
- Mm-hmm.

People come up with some
pretty wild things these days.

I mean, just think about it.
Sam as a troll.

Deeks as a pixie.

Kilbride as a wizard.

(GASPS) Yeah.

Yeah, you know what?

I'm gonna run it buy them,
see what they think.

- Ha! Yeah, please don't.
- No, no, no.

Honestly, I don't...
It doesn't hurt to ask, right?

(CHUCKLES): I know you're kidding,

but seriously, please don't.

SHYLA: Agent Callen.

Admiral needs you in his office, ASAP.

And good morning, Fatima.


(SIGHS): Okay.

What's so urgent?

I wasn't told, but I believe
it has something to do

with a communiqué from Syria.


You wanted to see me, Admiral?

Hold my calls,

have the Commander patched through here.


Commander Neal,
thank you for your patience.

I'm here now with
Special Agent Grisha Callen.

Can you tell him, please,
what your squad found?

Yes, sir.

We were doing some joint recon work

alongside the Syrian Democratic Forces

when we came across an abandoned school

that we had been using
as a shared safe house.

It showed signs of an ambush
and human remains

of several individuals
were found inside.

They were burned beyond recognition,

but one of the bodies
had documents identifying them

as an American female
named Trudy Chambers.

♪ ♪

The Trudy we know is a small woman.

Do the remains that you
recovered reflect that?

I'm afraid so, sir.

We're still waiting
on dental and DNA confirmation

for a positive ID.

Thank you, Commander.

Please reach out the moment you do.

Aye, aye, sir.

Well, you obviously know
that Trudy Chambers

is one of Hetty's aliases.


Yes, I do.

What have we got?

expl*si*n and subsequent fire

at Havlock/Haines Aerospace last night.

They design and build

remote piloted vehicles for the Navy.

A janitor was k*lled,

a security guard severely injured.

A*F b*mb Squad said that it was
a nitroamine high expl*sive.

Hmm. Octogen.


Not yet.

Luis Estevez was the janitor.

Morgan Reynolds was the guard.

But neither fits the profile.

It seems more like they were

at the wrong place at the wrong time,

or the right place at the wrong time,

or the wrong place at the right time.

Whichever it is.

Well, we still need
to check them both out.

I'll take the crime scene with Callen.

Put Kensi and Deeks on the janitor,

and Rountree can work
the security guard.


Sure you don't want to run this
by a more senior agent?


You see a more senior agent in here?

I like it. Go get 'em, girl.

- Okay.

Are her remains being flown back?

They will be, if they're
positively identified.

I'd like to accompany them.


You know, she was with another American.

Harris Keane.

- Any sign of him?
- No.

But we'll know better once
the forensics team is finished.

If she was ambushed in a safe house,
someone sold her out.

Even if that's not her,

she's in danger.

She was in danger
the minute she went back,

and there's no such thing
as a safe house

in Syria these days.

But, then again, this is Hetty
we're talking about.

She's got more lives than a barn cat,

and Lord knows she's just as mean.

KENSI: Thank you for talking
with us today, Miss Estevez.

DEEKS: We're so sorry
about the loss of your father.

Uh, did he ever talk to you about work?

I know he liked it there.

They paid him well,

and the night job allowed him
to work days on other projects.

What other projects?

He was a skilled carpenter and
mason and worked construction.

Geez, when did he sleep?

- Sundays.

He would come over to dinner

and pass out during football.

We'd just let him sleep.

We'd turn up the volume on the TV

so we could hear it over his snoring.

- Why the two jobs?

In the beginning,
it was to make ends meet.

He came over illegally as a child.

Later on, I think
he just liked to stay busy,

especially after my mother died.

Did he ever work with expl*sives?


Although he did love his fireworks.

Didn't matter if it was
New Year's, Fourth of July,

Cinco de Mayo,
any excuse to put on a display

for his family and neighbors.

I can't tell you
how many times the police

and fire department showed up.

Your dad have any difficulties,
any problems?

Like what?

Like financial issues, gambling, dr*gs?

No, he was a gentle and caring man.

Any enemies?

No. Everyone liked him.

He would do anything
to help his friends,

family, neighbors, even strangers.

And he lived alone?

Since my mother passed, yes.

When did your mother pass?

It's been two years now.

She died of COVID.

- I'm sorry.
- Sorry.

I thought this was an accident
at the factory.

Did something else happen?

That's exactly what we're
trying to figure out.

Do you think it would be okay

for us to take a look
at your father's house?

I guess so.

Thank you.


Yeah. My old show went into syndication.

Well, that's not exactly subtle.

Well, this is L.A., baby.
You know, subtle stands out.

Is everything okay?

A recon unit in Syria found
the remains of a human body

at an ambush site.

It was carrying one
of Hetty's alias IDs.

They haven't confirmed
whether or not it was her, but the...

the size of the body matches.

(SIGHS) My God.

I am so sorry.

Is there anything that we can do?

Not now. Let's-let's just go.

Okay. Yeah.

ROUNTREE: The security guard's a bust.

He's lawyered up,
and he's refusing to talk to us.

And the doctor said

he's in no condition to be questioned.

And yet he was in good enough
condition to hire a lawyer.

Yeah, well,

life can be funny that way.

Well, inform his lawyer and
the medical staff that as soon

as he can eat his Jell-O,
he better start talking.

All right. Copy that.

I can try to get a warrant
to search his residence,

not sure we'll get it,
but it's worth a try.

Do it, and also get
a list of his coworkers.

Maybe they can shed some light
on this individual.

We're still assessing the damage.

Plus rebuild time and
lost revenue and contracts

in the interim.

CALLEN: Any ideas who did this?

TAVERES: Anarchists,
right-wing extremists,

anti-w*r activists?

FATIMA: Any industry rivals or,
uh, disgruntled employees?

"E," all of the above.

Not everyone likes what we do,

especially after we took on
military contracts.

CALLEN: Did you lose
any employees after that?

A few chose to leave

over their conscientious
objections to manufacturing

weapons of w*r.

- Can we get their contact info?
- Of course.

Although I don't think any of
them were capable of this.

Have you had any trouble in the past?

Nothing as overt,

but we've been subjected
to a relentless onslaught

of cyberattacks.

- You know who's behind those?

Not yet.

It's Ops. Excuse me.

Hey, what do you have?

SHYLA: We just received a
preliminary coroner's report.

The janitor, Luis Estevez,

was already dead several hours
before the expl*si*n.

If the janitor was k*lled
hours before the expl*si*n,

it would suggest that
they used him to get inside.

Makes sense.

Nobody but the cleaning crew
or security working at night.

It's easier access.

They grab him, use his ID.

Hell, they probably brought
the body in with the b*mb,

maybe in the cleaning cart.

That's what I'd do.

That's a little scary.

But it is a good way
to dispose of the body.

Probably hoped it would look

like he was k*lled in the expl*si*n.

Well, let's see what turns up
at the residence.

KENSI: No, I mean,

unless this is a Dr. Jekyll
and Mr. Hyde situation,

honestly, I don't see it.

I mean, this guy's like
Mister Rogers, just more neat.

Ask the daughter if she has
power of attorney.

If so, we may be able to access
his phone and financial records.

I don't want to miss anything.

- KENSI: Will do. Yeah.
- Did he have any home security?

(SCOFFS) This guy wouldn't even
lock his doors.

Well, whoever grabbed him must
have had surveillance on him.

Maybe we can spot them.

Yeah, we can ask the neighbors
if they have any

- home security cams.
- Yeah, and see if the daughter

can help you work up
what his daily routine was.

Well, phone records will help

and hopefully his vehicle has GPS.

Well, he left his Jeep at
the plant, but they're having it

trailered over to the carport
for a full workup.

Okay. Got it. We'll let you
know if we find anything here.

- CALLEN: Sounds good.
- Bye.

- Hey. They find anything?

They're working up his vehicle.

I didn't think about his truck.

Um, they will release it to you

once they have a chance
to search for clues.

He really loved that truck.

It was the first new vehicle
he ever bought.

Um, do you have power of attorney?


(VOICE BREAKING): My father did that

after my mother passed away,

just in case.

♪ ♪

Would you allow us to look through

his financial and phone records?

It might help us find who's
responsible for all of this.

(CRYING): Okay.

Also, maybe can you help us
figure out his daily routine?

Can you do that?

I can try.



Why does life have to
hurt so much sometimes?

Well, maybe 'cause it's so special

that we experience
the most pain when it's gone.

Although I do hear that kidney
stones are right up there.


What, you're gonna tell me
that childbirth is

more painful than kidney stones?

You're an idiot.

- I'm joking.
- Why?

Because if I don't joke,

this job is too sad
for me to keep doing it.

I know.

I still think you're an idiot, though.

Even though you're a lovable idiot.

I'll take it.


You know, all this is making me feel

like I want to call Rosa
and check in on her.

Okay, pull up on that stick
there, helicopter mom,

because she's fine.

You just need to give her
some space and time

to find herself and-and to grow.
Put the phone down.

Yeah, I know, but how many parents

dropped their kids off at school

only to never see them again

because of another school sh**ting.

Okay, y-you can't,
you can't think like that.

How can you not think like that?

I mean, all right, you can
consider the possibility,

you can do the drills,
but at some point,

you just have to give in
and believe in a greater good.

I just feel like that's getting
harder and harder to do.

Yeah, well,
that's why they call it faith.


I mean, George Michael even
wrote a song about it.

Oh... Please don't.

- Boy George?
- Nope.

George Harrison?

- Curious George?

- I mean, he's a monkey,

but he could write a song.

What do you got, Dahr?

Besides one dead janitor,

an injured guard,
a demolished RPV factory,

and no suspects,

I'd say a whole lot of nothing.

And what, pray tell,
are we doing to rectify that?

Kensi and Deeks are canvassing

the janitor's neighborhood,
hoping to find a witness

or something on home security cameras.

Callen and Fatima are
going through his vehicle.

Rountree is interviewing employees

who quit the company
over military contracts.

And I'm still working
with cyber to try and identify

- sources of their recent att*cks.
- Hmm.

Well, They're willing
to k*ll innocent people

to accomplish their objectives,
and they're using HMX,

so they're not just some...

run-of-the-mill militia idiots.

No, this, uh...

this feels professional.

Corporate sabotage
from an industry rival?

- Mm.
- Military contracts are worth

billions of dollars.

Well, that would be a touch
better than the alternative.

Which is what, sir?

State sponsored terrorism.

Keep pushing cyber.

I want to know where those
initial att*cks originated.

Yes, sir.

CALLEN: Admiral?

Any news from Syria?

I'd have informed you
if there were, Agent Callen.

What have you got for me?

Nothing yet.

The people who did this
are still out there,

probably with more targets in mind.

I need you focused on the task at hand,

not an unknown situation
half the globe away.

Am I understood?

- Yes, sir.
- Good.

Now go catch these bastards
before they strike again.

Here you go.

Whoever took him wiped this thing clean.

I can still smell the bleach.

Any news on Hetty?



All good?

Yeah, it's just my sister calling.

I'm sure she just wants to know

- if I want to do something with Jake.
- Aw.

How fun. Wish I had a niece or nephew.

Yeah, well,
at least while they're young.

Turns out the world's coolest uncle

is not as interesting these days
as an adolescent girl.


I see.

Just out of curiosity,

did you give yourself the designation

of world's coolest uncle?

Who's cooler than me?


You don't think I'm cool?

What? No. Yeah.

Yeah, you're cool.
You're, like, supercool.

Okay, let's... let's not oversell it.

ROUNTREE: Hey, Shyla.

Janice Ng will be here in ten.

I just sent you over
her background info.

She quit Havlock/Haines
over her opposition

to their military contracts.

Oh, no.

That doesn't necessarily mean anything.

No, but this does.

Cyber finally identified

the source of the computer
att*cks on Havlock/Haines.

Foreign or domestic?



SHYLA: Lebanon is an ally.

FATIMA: Yeah, but Hezbollah is not.

They're not only a militant
group in that country,

they're a successful political party.

Well, we've known they have
operatives in this country

ever since the arrest of
Ali Kourani and Samir el-Debek

a couple years ago.

Weren't most of those operations

to raise money and secure weapons?

Yeah, but things change.

Especially as our relationship
with Iran worsens.

Iran is like Hezbollah's sugar daddy.

You find anything in Estevez's truck?

Nah, it was wiped clean,
and the GPS history was deleted.

Oof, that's sophisticated,
even for Hezbollah.

Why don't you reach out to the ODNI,

see if you can get the most recent list

of Hezbollah members in this country,

especially anyone on the west coast.

Got it.

I joined Havlock/Haines
as an aeronautical engineer

because I wanted to be part
of the first mission to Mars,

not create weapons of mass destruction.

RPVs aren't weapons of mass destruction.

They are if they're armed
with nuclear weapons.

Which they aren't.

Don't be so naive.

You don't think they've considered

and tested them for
small yield delivery weapons?

Who am I talking to?

It's your job to cover up
their crimes against humanity.

Oh, I love that game.

Listen, it's not our job
to cover up anything.

In fact, it's our job to find the truth,

which is why we're trying to ascertain

who set the b*mb in
your former employer's facility.

Ah, and because I quit for
not wanting to be a warmonger,

I'm a suspect.


is this where you beat
a confession out of me?

- This place makes more sense now.

I'm not gonna be the one
to beat a confession out of you.

That's actually what,
uh, she's here for.

What? No, no, n-no.

He's joking. He's just kidding.

Deeks, tell her you're kidding.

- I'm not kidding!
- Oh, my gosh, he's kidding.

- Hmm?
- Sorry, he's totally kidding.


Special Agent Kensi Blye,
this is Janice Ng.

She used to work

at Havlock/Haines but recently quit

when they started handling
military contracts.

- Huh. I can respect that.
- (SCOFFS) Yeah.

- Right.
- She seems to believe

that we're covering something up.

Okay. What exactly
are we meant to be covering up?

- I want a lawyer.
- Janice, you don't need a lawyer.

Oh, so you can railroad me?


You know what? You're free to go.



You're still gonna hear from my lawyer.

All right, have a good afternoon,

(WHISPERS): and don't let
the door hit you on the ass

- on the way out.


It's one of those days, isn't it?

You have no idea. I have nothing.

What about you?

What's the latest
with the Beirut cyberattacks?

They're thinking it's Hezbollah.

We were been gathering security
cam footage of the homes

around Luis Estevez's house,

and of course we would've
taken it to OPS ourselves,

but somebody needed a potty break!

Sorry that I have a natural

and justifiable... ah... aversion...

- Oh.
- public restrooms.

Sorry, out of towels.

KENSI: Okay. I think it got in my mouth.

Yeah, he's a sensitive flower.

- Hey, Shyla.

What's with the Hezbollah message?

Cyberattacks on Havlock/Haines
originated in Beirut.

Current theory is Hezbollah.

- You have anything?
- Uh, not sure yet.

I'm sending you home security footage

from the deceased
janitor's neighborhood.

Copy that. We'll compare
it to other footage we have

of Estevez going about his day,

see if we can find a common element.

There's a lot of stuff on there.
Deeks and I are heading back,

so we'll help you sift through it.

Sounds good.

- All right.

CALLEN: The coroner's report

has Estevez's death around : p.m.

Hey, check this out.

- What am I looking at?
- See in the corner.

- Bunny's Laundry and Dry Cleaning van.
- Mm-hmm.

It's there at : .

Still there two hours later.

So, they could be taking
a long lunch or the day off.

Or having a stakeout.

Bunny Vale laundry is a chain
throughout the Southland.

And when we started looking
for this specific van,

it showed up in multiple locations

at the same time as Estevez.

And the owner is...?

Currently it's one Darius

aka "Bunny" Vale and his wife, Sara.

- Lebanese-American.
- Persian-American.

First generation born in the US.

- Any links to Hezbollah?
- None that I could find.

Could be using his business as a front.

Are you suggesting
they're "laundering" money?



Couldn't resist.

I think we need to have
a talk with Bunny Vale.

That's one of your vans?

Yes, I have over a dozen.

Hmm. Well, we believe
that this one was used

in the commission of a crime.

I was afraid of that.

That's the one that was stolen.

Your van was stolen?

- Yes, just the other night.
- Hmm.

You didn't file a police report.

Oh, I didn't know it was stolen.

And then when I did,

one of my employees found it
before I could.

There was no damage, so I figured

it was just some teenagers on a joyride.

They did empty the gas t*nk.

- Hmm.
- Where did your employee find the van?

Just down the street
from one of my locations.

Mm-hmm. What was this employee's name?

Emelio. Good kid.

Been with me for years.


Anything else?


That is what remains of Luis Estevez,

a father, grandfather,

Who was probably m*rder*d in your van.

So, once forensics is done
going through it

with a fine-tooth comb,
any evidence they find

will link you to his m*rder.

Not to mention a t*rror1st bombing

on American soil.

How long have you, uh,
supported Hezbollah?

What? No. Nothing. Never.

Nothing never?

Sounds like a Taylor Swift song.

You try and play us, Bunny,

you're gonna be in Guantanamo Bay

with your extremist brothers
before dinner.

I had nothing to do with this.

Then who did?

Last chance, Bunny.

I can't help you.

They'll hurt my family.

We can protect your family.

Not in Tehran.

We have agents all over the world.

But not in Iran.

You're not in Iran, Bunny.

You're in the United States of America,

and whoever is behind this is a threat

to you and your family.

Tell us who they are,

so we can stop them
from hurting anyone else.

I don't know. Two men.

They demanded a van,

they said if I didn't cooperate

my relatives back in Iran
would pay the price.

I was told to ask no questions
and tell no one.

I just gave them the van to use.

And then they returned it.

Where were they staying?

I don't know. I only gave them the van.

Did they approach anyone else?




My friend Ava.

They threatened her, too.

What did they want from her?

A place to work.

She's in commercial real estate.

Call in Sam, we're gonna
need the full team on this.


♪ ♪

Nice of you to finally join us.

Trust me, I'd rather be chasing bad guys

than trying to convince
my father to behave himself.

How's he doing?

He's doing everything he can
to drive me crazy.

you all are finished chitchatting,

maybe we could get
this operation started.

building is owned by Ava Safari.

It's only about % occupancy

since COVID wiped out
most of her tenants.

The office that she gave them

is on a floor that's otherwise vacant.

Good. Last thing we need are
collateral casualties.

KILBRIDE: Consider these people armed.

We know they're dangerous,

and they have access to high expl*sives,

so watch out for booby traps.


I'm sor... What, bo-booby trap?

Wait, nobody said anything
about a booby trap.

I'm not the b*mb disposal guy.

Maybe Sam should be
coming in here first.

SAM (OVER COMM): They're not expecting
company, Deeks, you'll be fine.


(SCOFFS) "Probably."

Whoa. What are you doing in here?

Oh, hey. I didn't know this
place was rented again. Cool.

I'm L.A. Fire, here for
the monthly inspection.

You can't do that now.
Come back tomorrow.

Oh, cannot do that.

Starting the triple seven tower

(CHUCKLES): Nakatomi Plaza.
You're heard of it.

But this will only take
a second. Is anybody else here?

Because they may want
to step out into the hall.

It's about to get loud
when I turn on the alarm.

I said no. You need to leave right now.

Oh, I'm so sorry, I can't hear
anything with these on.

But, seriously, your ears
are gonna start ringing

like you were at front row
of a Motörhead concert.

- KENSI (OVER COMM): w*apon!
- (g*nsh*t)

Tango down.


Oh! Oh.


Bad guy down.

We're good.


DEEKS: Uh, we're clear in here.

Nice shot, honey.

Baby, that was way too close.
That guy almost shot you

in the back of the head.

If I had a nickel for every time

I was almost shot
in the back of the head,

I could take us all to Cabo.

Actually, you know what?

I was shot in the back of the head.

Darrel Dinkins. I still got

the BB right under my scalp right there.

You sure it didn't make its way
into your brain?



God, I missed you today.

I bet you did. (CHUCKLES)


All right, sending you photos
and fingerprints now.

SHYLA: Got it.

Uh, he's got a cell phone on him.

I'm assuming it's a burner.

I'll send you the number
and the call history.

See if you can find anything.

KILBRIDE: Have any ID on him?

I got a Canadian passport here

identifies him as one Cyrus Karimian.

Born in Fort Erie, Ontario.

Doubt it's real.

I got four more passports here

for different men, so either
this guy's selling these

or we may have a whole cell here.

KILBRIDE: Wonderful.

Did he have time to warn the others?

Highly doubtful.

KILBRIDE: Any signs of
where the others might be?

DEEKS: I mean,
I'd like to think they're visiting

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter,

but they probably have other plans.

They've been, uh, shredding documents.

This one looks like a topographical map.

Can you tell what it was?

I mean, maybe if I was
The Amazing Kreskin.

Who's The Amazing Kreskin?

Uh, that was before Google.

Uh, I may have something here.

I sent you a photo. You recognize this?

Yeah. That's not good.

Wait, "not good" like, "aw, that sucks,"

or "not good" like
"the phone call is coming

from inside the house"?

SHYLA: Uh, it's the symbol
of the Islamic Revolutionary

Guard Corps' staff college.

These guys aren't Hezbollah,
they're Quds Force.

Iranian special operatives.

Normally, they only train proxies

to fight in other conflicts.

KILBRIDE: Son of a bitch.

I knew this smelled state sponsored.

I will bet you my grandchildren
that the RPV

that took out Soleimani was manufactured

by Havlock/Haines.

You don't have grandchildren, sir.

Right. Searching.

DEEKS: Who's Keyser Söze?

He was an Iranian
military leader that k*lled

by an RPV a couple years ago.

KILBRIDE: He was a
beloved hero in his country

and this, Team America, is payback.

Team America. That's hilarious.

You think this is funny, Rountree?

Uh... No, sir. Absolutely not.

Any luck locating
the other numbers from the cell?

SHYLA: Uh, looks like...

they are traveling together

or going in the same
direction on the PCH.

Last cell tower to carry them
is just past Malibu.

So maybe they're surfers?

Point Mugu.

KILBRIDE: Naval Station Ventura
County is the West Coast base

for the Triton RPV project.

Get the base commander on the phone,

and I want helicopters on the
roof of that building in two minutes.

- How am I supposed to
- I don't care.

Coast Guard, Sheriff's department, LAPD,

hell, every TV and
radio station in the area

has got traffic copters up.

Commandeer every damn one
of them if you have to.

Aye, aye, sir.


♪ ♪





♪ ♪





Nobody's home.


Call this a k*ll box.

Drop your weapons, now.




SAM: Allahu Akbar

or behind bars, it's your call.


SOLDIER: Move back slowly.

SOLDIER: Behind your back.

Spread your legs.

Walk. Let's go.

♪ ♪

- DEEKS: Hey, uh...

anybody got any ideas on how I get down?

I'm-a take this.

DEEKS: Roundtree, you want to catch me?

On three, ready?

Everything okay, Mrs. Williams?

What do you mean gone?


I have no idea who that is.

Can you give me a number or an address?

You don't need to do anything else.

I'll take it from here, all right?



When the caretaker arrived,

my father had already left
the senior activity center.

All right. You need to look for him?

I'd prefer not to.

He left with another member,

some woman named Victoria.

♪ ♪

Your father hooked up
with someone on his first day?

- Don't...

- That is impressive.
- Don't start.

- He could teach you a few things.
- Don't start.

Anybody want to grab a bite?

- Rountree's buying.
- Ooh.

What? Seriously.

I'll pay for drinks.

Actually, I will buy dinner
if Rosa can come.

Nah-ah-ah. It's a school night.

Nah-ah-ah. (STAMMERS)

Terrible plan, because it is,
it is a school night.

But if you guys want to
get takeout or something

and eat at our place, that's fine.

Yeah, I'm down for that.

- We can hang out with Rosa.
- Amazing.

How's you guys' calculus?

Better than my algebra.

DEEKS: Fantastic.

How's your algebra?

- Eh...
- Eh...

- We can work with that.
- Done.

- We can work with that.
- Hired.

- That's totally fine.
- We got a new tutor.

- Rountree does math.





Am I gonna need it?

Well, the longer you stay
in this business, definitely,

but not because of Hetty,
not now anyway.

The, uh, remains that they found

were those of a female child, not Hetty.


So, what is a dead girl doing
with one of Hetty's IDs on her?

Well, if I had to guess,
Hetty planted it on the body.

Without forensics, that would probably

convince whoever found the body
that Hetty was dead.

Which would suggest
that she's in trouble.

Like I said, she was in trouble
the minute she went back.

I'd like permission to go look for her.

I'd like to have the knees
I had when I was ,

but it ain't happening.

Now, maybe if we had
any actionable intel,

but until that time, she's on her own.

Okay, well, I have plenty of
annual leave I can use.

Give your head a shake, Agent Callen.

We just had a foreign t*rror1st attack

right in your own backyard,

and you want to go
halfway around the world

searching for your surrogate mommy?

Not a snowball's chance in hell.

♪ ♪

Enjoy your scotch.


I intend to.



Where the hell have you been?

Well, I, uh,

I took your advice
and made some new friends.

You should have called me.

I texted you.

No, you didn't.

You-you sure?

Huh, I thought I did.

Well, think again.

What's the big deal, son?
I'm not a child.

Well, you're acting like one.

I mean, you hook up with a
woman on your first damn day.

Well, for your information,

her name is Victoria, and she's married.

Her husband, Cliff,

also a veteran, is bedridden

and can't get out.

I went home to visit him,
and provide some much-needed company.

Sorry. I didn't realize.

You didn't even give me
the benefit of the doubt.

- I'm going to bed.
- I apologize, Dad.


That's very kind of you.

I'm sure they both appreciate it.

Well, they did.

She more than him.

Oh, I'm just glad

that he was as deaf as a doornail,

if you know what I mean.

She wore me out.

You better be kidding me.

Dad, come on.

Good night, son.


- Dad.


♪ ♪