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03x11 - Itchy Martha/Martha and the Thief of Hearts

Posted: 10/15/22 08:14
by bunniefuu
♪ Martha was an average dog

♪ She went... and... and...
(barking, growls)

♪ When she ate
some alphabet soup ♪

♪ Then what happened
was bizarre... ♪

On the way to Martha's stomach,
the letters lost their way.

They traveled to her brain
and now...

♪ She's got a lot to say

♪ Now she speaks...

How now, brown cow?

♪ Martha speaks, yeah,
she speaks and speaks ♪

♪ And speaks and speaks
and speaks... ♪

What's a caboose?

When are we eating again?

♪ Martha speaks...

Hey, Joe, what do you know?

My name's not Joe.

♪ She's not always right,
but still that Martha speaks. ♪

Hi, there!

♪ She's got a voice,
she's ready to shout ♪

♪ Martha will tell you
what it's all about ♪

♪ Sometimes wrong
but seldom in doubt ♪

♪ Martha will tell you
what it's all about ♪

♪ That dog's unique...

Testing, one, two!

♪ Hear her speak

♪ Martha speaks and speaks

♪ And speaks and speaks
and... ♪

♪ Communicates, enumerates

♪ Elucidates, exaggerates

♪ Indicates and explicates

♪ Bloviates and overstates
and... ♪


♪ ...hyperventilates!

♪ Martha, to reiterate

Martha speaks!
♪ Martha speaks.


Today's show is
full of words...

Hold it.

I'm in the middle
of something here.

I know. Today's show
is all about design

and devising gadgets
and machines, right?

Well, I invented a robot
that will introduce the show.

Here it is.


(theme music
from different show plays)

Uh, wrong show.
I'll fix it.

While he does that,
be sure to watch

for all the words
about inventions,

as well as drawing,
designing and creating.

I don't want it!

Jakey, come on,
just one spoonful.

Isn't this fun?


(Martha yawns)


(groans, sighs)

Morning, world!

(laughs, gasps)

'Tha! 'Tha! 'Tha!

It's Martha.

She's fun.

You can play with her
when you finish eating.

Here you go.


That's right.

Finish your food, Jakey,
and we can play.

Darned itchy ear.


Martha, would you mind
scratching somewhere else?

Eh? That wouldn't work.

It's my ear that itches.

No, I mean, could
you take your ear

somewhere else
and scratch it?

Oh. Sorry.


Martha, can you scratch
someplace else?

I tried to explain to Dad, it...

I mean another room.

Oh. Right.

(loud scratching)


(Dad groans)

It's the middle
of the night.


It's just this ear.

What's the problem?

I wish I knew.

It really itches...


Looks like it's time
for a trip to the vet.


Well, it's nothing serious.

Just a case
of ear mites.

These drops should
take care of them.

Meanwhile, we have
to devise something

to keep you from scratching
that ear, young lady.


"Devise" means to come
up with something

to fix our problem.

For instance, a secret agent
might devise a way

to talk to his boss
by having a phone in his pen.

Do I get one?

No, you get a cone on your head.

(traffic noises echo)

MARTHA (amplified):
Wow, everything sounds
really weird.

Hey, I sound
like a radio announcer.

Hello, hello!

This is Martha coming
to you on station...

(grunts)... Ow.

Uh-oh. Are you okay?

Yeah, I guess
I'm not used to how wide I am.








It's stuck.

(Martha grunts)








Ow... ow.
(crickets chirring)


Sorry, Martha, sorry!

I'll let you in.

Oh, ha-ha.


Quit sniffing.

(whines inquisitively)

I have to wear it
for a week or two.

It's a contraption

that's supposed to keep
me from scratching.

(barks inquisitively)

Oh. A contraption--

it just means a
gadget or a device

that's made
for a special job.

In my case, to keep
me from scratching.

(barks confusedly)

Yes, like
a phone in a pen.

Now any more questions?

If not, I'm trying
to nap here.



Good baby, Jakey!
Num, num.

(Martha yawns)

Boy, did I not sleep well.

(grunts and groans)

I kept thinking
I heard a bear breathing.

(frightened squeals)

What? What is it?

Martha, I think
your cone is scaring Jake.

It is?

It's just me, Jakey!


Martha, maybe you should
go out of the kitchen.

At least until
he's finished eating.

(Jake crying)

(babbling playfully)

I've got it, Jakey!

Here I come!

(whimpers, cries)

Martha, I think
it's a good idea

if you stay away
from Jakey.

At least for a while.

Shh! It's okay, Jakey.

I hate
this stinking contraption.

Bad cone!

I hate you!



Life is so unfair.

Hey, Martha, how's it going?

This cone is
driving me crazy.

I keep scaring Jake
and-and running into things.

Oh, I know someone

who could help
you with that.

You do? Who?

Let's go see my dad.




"Woof. Woof."

Woof! Woof!

That's it!

Woof! I did it!

I learned my first word in dog.

Did you hear that?!

I heard, OG! I heard!


(chuckles) Wow.

Maybe next year,
I'll speak only in dog.

The whole year, nothing
but "woof" and "arf."

What do you think?

That's a great idea.

Teach me another word!

Dad, don't forget.

We have to help Martha
with the cone.

Oh, of course.

Come on.
To the workshop!

You made all these things?

That's right.

All these gadgets
are my inventions.

Inventions, in case
you didn't know,

my fine furry friend,

are things that someone
makes to fill a need.

Like this.

It's a gadget
I devised for barbers.

You can see what you look like
with a haircut...

or if you let it grow.


Over here are some other
inventions I've devised.

This one's a sandwich
with printing on it,

in case you feel like reading
in the cafeteria.

And this one...

is a book you can eat in case
you get hungry in the library.

Try it!

Mmm! Delicious!

What's this
machine do?


I said,
what does this machine do?!

I don't know,
but it sure is loud!

Those are
all great inventions, OG.

But do you think you can create
something for me?

Of course!

But first things first.

Before we invent
something new,

we have to know the problem
we're trying to solve.

Hey look, I'm a lamp!

You know, this is
not a bad gadget, this cone.


Okay, I see the problem.

I'm kind of getting used
to running into things,

but I just can't get
used to having Jake

be afraid of me.

We just have to devise something

that looks less scary
to a baby.

We need a variation on a cone.

A variation?

Yes, sure.

A "variation" is
kind of the same thing

but with little changes.

Hmm... I know!

you from scratching.
(muffled shouting)

your whole head.
(muffled shouting)

It looks
like a space helmet!

I think she's trying
to say something.


Can't breathe.

That could be
a definite problem.

Looks like we need to think up
a variation on this helmet.

(engine chugging)

Testing, one, two, three.

That helmet scares me.

What's it going to do to a baby?

Hmm, you have a point.

We need to design
a simpler variation.

Time to go back
to the basics.

What do children like?

I know!


Hi, Jakey.

It's me, Martha.


It's okay, I'm
going, I'm going.

Oh, it's no use.

No matter how many
variations we invent,

I still look like
I'm a spaceman.

Or an alien.

I should just go hide
under the porch.

Except I'll probably
get stuck halfway.

Wait a minute.

Maybe you're onto something.

No, TD, I'm
not, trust me.

Martha, I've got an idea!

This'll be great!


I'll be back!

Why do I have a feeling
this is a bad idea?

Martha, you can't live
in the basement.

Don't be silly.

But I don't want
Jake to be afraid.

I'll just stay down there
until the cone comes off.

That way, he'll
never have to see me.

I don't think
that'll be necessary.

I've devised a solution
to all of your problems,


A book?

How is a book
supposed to help me?

It's not for you.

TD has a story for you, Jakey.

Don't look at
me like that.

You're going
to love it.

It's about Martha.


It's called
Spacedog Martha.

Let's hear it.

"Spacedog Martha and Dr.
Jake are going to the moon.

"A space dog needs
a special helmet.

It looks like a cone."


That's right,

It's Martha.

"Three, two, one...


"Zip, zoom,
we're going to the moon!


We made it!"



But what's this?

"All of a sudden,
the moon cracks open.

"It turns out,
it's not the real moon.

"It's a fake moon
put up by the evil inventor

"Dr. Arms.

"Inside is a giant
contraption he devised--

the Take-a-bath !"


That's right!

"It's a machine with
a giant water t*nk for a body,

"eight shower hose arms

"and a soap dispenser
for a head.

"'Ha, ha, ha.

"Bath time, you two!'

"'A bath?!'

"'Try and get us!'

"And with that,
Dr. Jake and Spacedog Martha

"leap into action,
running in crazy figure eights

"until the robotic contraption

"is tied into a giant knot,
along with Dr Arms.

"'Good thinking, team.'

"'Hang onto my cone, Jake.'

"And with that, they fly
all the way back home

"just in time for bed.

"Good night.

The end."


Did you like it, Jakey?

'Tha! 'Tha! 'Tha!

It worked!

TD, that was
a great idea.

You did it.

Thanks a...

Oh, choking, choking, Jake.

Not so hard, buddy.
Okay, thanks.

TD, maybe you better
read it again.


Oh, hi.

Let's talk
about devices.

A device is an
object or a machine

that's been made for
a special reason.

For instance,

you might invent a device

that dogs could use
to open cans.



Or maybe a device
like a robot

that looks like you.

The ratio of a circumference
of a circle to its diameter

is . .

Another use
for that device

(slowing down):
would be to...

(electrical device
powering down)



Can't blame a guy
for trying.

So, cuántos?

How many?


Same here,
but that's only because

everybody in our class
had to give a valentine

to everyone else.

I got .

There's someone who
got us all beat.


MARTHA (sighs):
Courageous Collie Carlo.

He's so dreamy.

What does
it say?

"Martha, you're the hound
of my heart.

Will you be my valentine?"

It's from Alice.

Wow, Martha,
you're really popular.

Skits got one more than me,

but that's because
I sent him one.


In a minute, Skits.


But do either of you
have one that sings?

CAROLINA (recorded, off-key):
♪ Carolina

♪ Be my valentine-a

♪ Nothing could be
finer to me. ♪

It sounds like your voice.

Well, if you don't send a
singing valentine to yourself,

who will?

Good point.

♪ Carolina

♪ Be my valentine-a

finer to me. ♪d be
Hang on, Skits.

I really have to admire
how much thought

I put into
designing this card.

It's really original.

I'll admit it's original.

Mine are pretty boring.

I got way too many ones with the
same illustration of a pickle

that says, "You mean
a great dill to me."

(all groan)

I think everyone
just buys the same box.

They don't bother
to personalize them.

CAROLINA (gasps):

I can make you
a personalized valentine.

It'll be exquisite.


"Squiz it"?

You mean you can squeeze it
and it squirts?

No, "exquisite" means

something's really,
really beautiful.

I'm going to start
designing it right away.

I'd rather have one
that squirts.



Uh, hey.

Can someone
throw Skits some snowballs?

I'd do it, but no thumbs.

Speaking of which,

open that one, open that one.

It says:

be Mine."

I drew that one.

Aw, thanks, TD.

Ready, Skits?

Hey, maybe I could draw
some more valentines, too.

Is there any paper I could use?

Up in my room.

Come on, Tru,

let's make some

Wait for me.

(Skits barking)

Sorry, Skits. Ready?



I can't find
my eraser.

Hmm, I just had it.

Did you check under the table?

Sometimes stuff bounces
under the bench.

Don't look!

You can't look!

I'm not going to copy you.

I just need a place to draw.

Ew, glitter!

Found it.

Go work in the
other room.

This is
top secret.

It's no good
if it's not a surprise.


Oh, this is going
to be exquisite!

Now shoo, you.

You can't
look yet.

(Skits panting)


You can't look either.


Boy, you sure have
a lot of art supplies.

I can really create something
completely original.

What's that?

Just some materials for
crafts-- scraps of fabric.

I'm going to use them
to decorate my valentines.



You mean they're just
for persons, not dogs?

No, "personalize" means

that you make something special
for someone.

Like that valentine
I made for you

in the shape of a bone.

Glitter pen!

Did you take my glitter pen?

Why would I want
your glitter pen?

Is there a problem?

Carolina can't find her pen.

Did you pick it up when
you were in the kitchen?

Me? No.

I think I might
have one upstairs.

Did you see it, on her hand?

She probably just got it when
she was looking under the table.

You have like a major sandstorm
of glitter in there.

It's like you're decorating
the whole kitchen.

I wish I could be sure.


Your pen is probably
under the table.

Let's go look.

Excuse me a sec.

Can't decide what to do?

Well, it's important to
have the design just right.

"Design" means you
plan the way it's
going to be right down

to the last detail
before you start creating it.

Right. Hmm.

I thought I had
a glitter pen here.

Uh, Helen?


Help me!
I don't know what to do!


I can't do this! I can't!

Truman, it's just
a valentine.

Everyone says
it's just a valentine,

but that's just
to cover up

the fact
that it's really crafts.

It's crafts, isn't it? Admit it.

Yeah, come on.

It's fun.

You can use cloth or beads
or any materials

you want to decorate it.

That's crafts!

That's the dictionary
definition of crafts.

"Crafts" are things people make
themselves by hand.

But what's the matter
with crafts?

I'm going to tell you something

that I've never
told anyone else.

It happened
when I was in kindergarten.

That's an exquisite lion, Cindy.

Oh, Truman, it's crafts time,
not nap time.

Head off
the table, please.


I wish I could.

How does anyone paste
themselves to a table?

I don't know!

Ow! Take it easy!

TD's going to make
really funny ones.

You're going to make something
really exquisite out of cloth.

Carolina's going to decorate
hers with glitter.

Okay, those'll be tacky.

But what about me?

What will I have?

A pair of scissors
glued to my head.

Why did I ever agree
to do this?

I can't take it,
I tell you.

I can't take the pressure.

Just draw something.
You like drawing, right? Here.

Have a candy heart.


I'm telling you,
right on her hand-- glitter.

There's a ton of glitter
under here,

but no glitter pen.

What are you looking for?


Just playing with Skits.
Right, boy?


I couldn't find
another glitter pen.

Okay. Sure.

I can't believe it.

Here I was making this
absolutely exquisite valentine

about how wonderful she is,

while she's busy
taking my pens!

That can't be right.

Helen wouldn't
take anything.

She's probably
just... oop.



My school notebook!

It was right here.

It had all my important
stuff in it!

Someone stole your homework?

No. Important stuff.

My sketches for valentines,
my pirate name ideas,

my old gum,

Has anyone seen

my fabric?

Fabric? No.

Something weird is going on.

Everyone's art
materials are missing.

Maybe it's time
to have a look around.



We need to face facts.

We're dealing with someone
who will stop at nothing,

not even taking other
people's art supplies,

to keep them from
making valentines.


(barking)Skits, what is it?

He has something
he wants to show us.




What? What is it?

He wants us to throw
more snowballs.

Skits, we don't have the time
right now.


It's okay.

We'll play just as soon
as the mystery is solved.

What's this?

Someone left a valentine.

"You stole my heart..."


"...and TD's notebook
and Carolina's glitter
pen and Helen's fa..."

Hey, who wrote this?

Don't look at me.

Carolina, this looks
like your handwriting.

Okay, I wrote it.

I thought it would make whoever
took our supplies confess.

Okay, nobody leaves this room!

We'll get to the bottom of this.

You don't get to say
"Nobody leaves this room."

I get to say "Nobody
leaves this room."

Why do you get to say
nobody leaves this room?

Because I didn't steal
the art supplies!

You're saying I did?

I don't have to say.

Our parents will.


You sound nervous.

Aw, come on.

Can't you make
nice personalized cards

without fancy glitter pens
or fabric?

Yeah, but you can't do it
without trusting the person.

What are you saying?

Don't start
accusing people.


I know who did it.

You do?


Let's go
into the living room.

All right, everyone.

Now the first question is:

Why would someone want
to steal your supplies?

Someone who hates art supplies!

Mm-hmm. And what did they steal
from you, TD?

Oh, right.

My notebook.

But we were all in the kitchen
when that happened.

Everyone except Truman.


where were you?

Right here looking
at TD's notebook.

I thought I might get some ideas

to help me overcome
my nervousness about crafts.

So it was you
who took my notebook!

I want it back.

I didn't take it.

Why would I take it?

You wouldn't.

And Truman was nowhere near
your glitter pen,

was he, Carolina?

Well, now
that you mention it, no.

Why do you think someone was
stealing the stuff, Martha?

Truman, will you look under
that cushion, please?

It's there!

It's all there!

Martha, you did it!

You solved it!

So which one of us did it?

It was the only one
who had both the motive

and the opportunity,
plus he's the one

who always hides things
under that cushion.

Ew, slobber!


You hid all our supplies?


It's not his fault.

He was just jealous
of all the attention

you were giving the valentines.

Oh, poor Skits.

He felt left out.

It's okay, Skits.
We're not mad.

Hey, who wants to go throw
snowballs for Skits?

Let's go!

Here, Skits. Catch!


I'm going to create a ginormous,
personalized snowball

to heave at someone.


Toss one to me!
To me!

(gags) Thanks.

This is a Martha minute.

With me as always
is our own Mr. Hands, Truman.

You should have warned me
it was going to be crafts.

Today, we want to talk about
doing something original.

"Original" means something
that's new and different

and not copied
from something else.

For instance,
you can design
a card or a box

decorated with materials
you find around your house,

like the ones Truman holds.

So be original and have fun
creating something new

and one-of-a-kind
and we'll see you next time.

Okay, you can put
the cards down now, Truman.


You got them glued
to your hands, didn't you?

I think there's one
or two on my back, too.

Well, that's original.

All finished.


Let's watch the clips.

"Personalize" means

that you make something special
for someone,

like that valentine I made
for you in the shape of a bone.

A "variation" is kind
of the same thing,

but with little changes.

"Devise" means to come up with
something to fix our problem.

"Crafts" are things people make
themselves by hand.


Welcome to the show.
Today's words...

(robot powers down)

Too late.

To dig up some more fun words
and games, vi

♪ Who's that dog? ♪

♪ Who's
that dog? ♪

♪ Dog, d-d-dog, d-dog. ♪

That dog is Casey.

Casey works for my dad.

My dad's a farmer.

She's a farmer's helper
that's a dog.

She catches mice...

And rabbits.

She scares away birds.

(Casey barks)

Casey learned to not walk
in the beds.

Sometimes she'll work
and sometimes she'll play.

♪ She's that dog... ♪
♪ Dog, d-d-dog, d-dog. ♪