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03x14 - Gone With the Wand

Posted: 10/16/22 06:56
by bunniefuu
I was a girl in the village doing all right Then I became a princess overnight Now I gotta figure out how to do it right So much to learn and see Up in the castle with my new family In a school that's just for royalty A whole enchanted world is waiting for me - I'm so excited to be - Sofia the first I'm finding out what being royal's all about Sofia the first Making my way, it's an adventure every day Sofia - It's gonna be my time - Sofia To show them all that I'm Sofia the first CEDRIC: Oh, I think I finally got it, Wormy.

Cardium constructo! SOFIA: Mr.

Cedric! Oh, Merlin's mushrooms! That's just what I came to see you about.

I won a contest at school, and I've been invited to meet Merlin.

( shrieks ) "The great wizard Merlin invites you, Princess Sofia of Enchancia, to visit him in his legendary tower of Dragonhold this afternoon.

" Do you realize what an honor this is? There's more.

"You may bring up to two guests along with you.

" I know Merlin is your hero, so I couldn't think of anyone I'd rather invite than you.

Thank you, princess.

This is like a dream come true.

I am finally going to meet my idol, the one and only Merlin! This is going to be the best day of my life! - ( knocking on door ) - Here we are.

Oh, no, I forgot about Cordelia the Conjurer.

Uncle Ceddy! Oh, you must be Princess Sofia.


My brother has told me so much about you.

You're Mr.

Cedric's sister? Indeed, and this darling creature is my daughter Calista.

Hi, Calista.

I'm Sofia.

I'm a friend of your Uncle Cedric's.

Any friend of Uncle Ceddy's is the bestest best friend of mine.

Wow! You look just like Mr.


Don't I? I asked Mummy to make my hair look just like his.

Oh, I missed you so much, Uncle Ceddy.

Yes, well, me, too.

Thank you so much for volunteering to watch Calista today, Cedric.

Yes, about that, Cordelia I am only in Enchancia for a few days, and I'm determined to make the most of it.

Shopping at Spells Fifth Avenue, lunch at the all-you-can-conjure buffet.

Oh, and I'm having an enchanted pedicure at 2:00.

Yes, but I'm afraid that something's come up - What? No! - Then you understand? I've scheduled a fairy-dust facial for 2:00 as well.

I'm double-booked.

I'll just have to move it to 3:00.


Cedric, you're such a dear for doing this.

But Now I'll be back at sundown to pick up my little angel face.

You mind your Uncle Cedric, Calista, - and behave.

- Yes, Mummy.

Toodles! Oh, I can never get a word in edgewise with her.

Now I can't go with you to meet Merlin.

The invitation says I can bring two guests.

Why don't we just take Calista with us? Oh.

Well, I suppose we could.

( knocking at door ) Oh, Calista sweetheart.

You've taken Mummy's planner again, haven't you? But, Mummy, the cover is just so reddishly red.

It matches my red robes.

I know you love red, darling, but I've got a busy day ahead, and I'm going to be needing that.

Yes, Mummy.

It's just a little phase Calista's going through.

She's been taking things.

I'm sure she'll grow out of it before too long.

Toodles again.

Oh, dragon drums.

Ooh! What's that, Sofia? Pretty red lettering.

Calista, give that back.

We're going to need that invitation to see Merlin.

Would you like to come with us? Is Uncle Ceddy coming? - Yep.

- Then I'm coming, too.

I want to go everywhere my favorite uncle goes! She can't come along.

What if she keeps doing what she's doing? I'll keep an eye on Calista.

It'll be fine.

Oh, I do hope you're right.

Dragonhold, the legendary tower of Merlin.

Oh! Let's go in.

There's lots of stuff to play with here.


Nobody's home.

Aren't you handsome? It's a magic mirror.

It's not a magic mirror.

It's just got a wizard in it.

Merlin! In person.

Please forgive my little trick.

I was just practicing a new spell that can put a person inside a mirror.

All you need is some water from a reflecting pool, and a shiny silver bowl.

Reflecting pool water, silver bowl.

Wonderful! I'm Princess Sofia of Enchancia, and this is our royal sorcerer Cedric, and his niece Calista.

I won the contest.

Welcome, one and all.

This is such an honor, Mr.

Merlin, sir.

I am your figgest ban I mean your biggest fan.

Merlin's mushrooms.

Oh, would you like to try some? Fungus amongus.

They are quite tasty, if I do say so myself.

Ooh! It's not often I have guests.

Excuse me a moment while I tidy up the place a bit.

Spickandspanio! So pretty.


Come back here.

Gotcha! ( gasps ) Calista! I love red hats.

That one belongs to Merlin.

I know.

Put it back.

If I must.

So let's get this visit started, shall we? I'll give you the grand tour of my tower.

There's so much to see, I'm not sure I've seen everything, and I live here.

I have so much in store for all of you.

A day spent with me is a magical day So please don't be shy, sky-walk this way Here is a spell that lets you climb like a lizard Each trick is a treat When you visit this wizard Here is the hall where I keep all my things My wonderful wands, my radiant rings Inside of that t*nk are some special mementoes I swam all the way to Atlantis to get those I just pick up a wand Give it a twirlin' So you can see how to make magic Like Merlin Yes, you will see how to make magic Like Merlin Wait.

Is that the dragon claw wand? Yes, I use this particular wand to vanquish my greatest enemy.

The evil enchantress Morgana.

She looks pretty powerful.

Yes, but she was no match for the magnificent Merlin! Merlin's the mage with the magic mojo Messing with him is a tragic no-no That may be so, but for now, let us focus On having some fun with our own hocus-pocus So just pick up a wand and get it twirlin' And I'll teach you how to make magic Like Merlin Yes, please Please teach us how to make magic Like Merlin Owluxo! ( hooting ) ALL: Owluxo! Ha ha! I think you've got it.

Of course we did.

You just pick up a wand Get it a-twirlin' It's fun learning how to make magic Like Merlin Like Merlin And now you know how to make magic Like Merlin - Bravo! - Amazing! Wow! Tish-tosh, that was only the tip of the iceberg, ladies and sorcerers.

There's much more to show you.

Thanks for a great day, Mr.


Safe travels, my friends.

Do come again sometime.

CEDRIC: Farewell, Merlin.

- CALISTA: Toodle-oo.

- SOFIA: Bye! Well, that was really fun.

Is that all you can say about meeting the most amazing wizard in the world? You're the most amazing wizard, Uncle Ceddy.

Yes, well, meeting Merlin was a dream come true for me.

He even gave me this autographed picture.

Can you believe it? ( giggling ) I got something, too.

BOTH: The dragon claw wand?! Yes.

Don't you love how red it is? Calista, you can't just take the most powerful wand of the greatest wizard in the world.

You have to give it back.

Right away.

- But I like it.

- I like it, too.

It's Morgana, the evil enchantress.

Merlin's enemy.

Arch enemy.

It has a better ring to it, don't you think? Hey! At last I have my hands on Merlin's dragon claw wand.

With this, I can finally defeat that do-gooding old wizard.

Give that back.

It's not yours.

That didn't seem to stop you from taking it.

I could never get into Merlin's tower, so I never had a chance to grab his dragon claw wand.

But you brought it right to me.

Let's try it out, shall we? Oh, that crafty conjurer's locked it with a charm.

So only he can use it.

You're no match for Merlin.

Then I'll just take this wand back to my fortress, and figure out how to unlock it.

Then I'll be able to use Merlin's own dragon claw wand to defeat him.

Not if I have anything to say about it.

Mercury's meatballs! Mirror, mirror in my hand, who is the baddest in the land? Me! ( laughs ) Don't worry, Uncle Ceddy.

I'll get you out of this mess.

Come-loosium! Oh, Calista, what have you done? Freed my favorite uncle? You took Merlin's dragon claw wand, and now Morgana's going to use it to defeat him.

I didn't know she was going to do that.

What are we going to do? Merlin invited us into his tower-- he trusted us-- and this is how you repay him? I'm I'm sorry, Uncle Ceddy.

( crying ) Oh, there, there, little one.

It's all right I mean, no, it's not all right.

You can't just take things like that.

Please don't be mad at me, Uncle Ceddy.

( sniffling ) I'll go get that wand back for you, and everything will be okay, right? We'll take care of this, together.

Yes, but we've got to do it before that egocentric enchantress figures out how to unlock the wand.

Do you know the way to Morgana's fortress, Mr.

Cedric? Yes.

If memory serves, it's the last evil fortress on the left.

You can't miss it.

( thunder rumbling ) CEDRIC: There it is.

Morgana's fortress.

How can we get past those What are they? Imps.

Morgana uses them as guards.

( shudders ) Ugly little fiends.

And they're always, always hungry.

Maybe we can distract them with food, and sneak past them.

Ooh, let me do it.


Mmm, don't they smell yummy? ( sniffing ) Do you smell something? Just your stinky breath.

No, my breath is more garlicky.

This smells more like BOTH: Cookies! Well done, Calista.

Now's our chance.

Wow! Look at all the mirrors.

Morgana must really like to look at herself.

Let's find Merlin's wand and get out of here.

So red.

I want it.

Wait! Calista! Don't! CEDRIC: Oh, no.

Get away from that centaur! Calista! Who dares steal my ruby?! - Come on.

- That is mine! - CEDRIC: Run! - Come back, thieving cowards! ( whinnying ) Through the doors! Hurry! - Help! - I'm coming, Calista.

You cannot escape me, foolish mortals.

No! Go.

Go! This way.

Uncle Ceddy! - Keep running.

- But, Mr.

Cedric CEDRIC: Go! Imps! What's this? A gurgler? It's burglar.

That's what I said.

- Take him to Morgana.

- With pleasure.

( Cedric groans ) All I wanted was for Mr.

Cedric to have a special day.

Why do you have to take things, Calista? I don't know, Sofia.

It's just, there's so many things I want.

We all want things, but that doesn't mean we can just take them, especially when they belong to somebody else.

I know.

I didn't think something this bad could happen.

That's the problem.

You didn't think at all.

You just took things.

You're right.

I would trade everything I ever took if it would get me my Uncle Ceddy back.

What are we going to do? There's only one thing we can do; get help from Merlin.

You have to tell him you took his wand, and you have to say you're sorry.


I'm sorry I took your wand.

If you help us save Uncle Ceddy, I promise I'll never take anything ever again.

I forgive you, child.

But without my dragon claw wand, I'm no magical match for Morgana.

I certainly can't break into her fortress without it.

However, there is more than one way to scale a dragon.

What this calls for is a clever plan.

Aw! Hm.

You know, Morgana has so many mirrors in her fortress, it's like she collects them.

Maybe she'd like one more with some surprise visitors inside it.

My dear, I believe she just might.

Now where is that bowl of reflecting pool water? ( thunder rumbling ) "Place the wand you wish to unlock on the altar of unraveling.

" There.


"Next, fit the glass stone securely over the altar.

" What? Wait.

Which way does it go? Some evil sorceress you are.

Can't even follow simple directions.

Silence! I need to concentrate.

Excuse me, Your Evilness.

Didn't I say not to disturb me? You did.

It's just that I thought-- Don't think.

It's not your strong suit.

What have you got there? What we got to show you, O Evil One.

Someone left this on the doorstep.

Note says: "Please accept this special gift from one of your biggest admirals.

" Admirers.

That's what I said.


Open it.

Ah, a mirror.

Well it does reflect my absolute favorite thing.

But I've got oodles of mirrors.

Why does this one belong in my fortress? What makes it so special? SOFIA: Why, the beautiful face gazing into it, of course.

- Blimey! - It talks.

( gasps ) Sofia! Do go on.

You are fairer than the fairest of the fair.


Anything else? Your eyes are like pretty flowers, and your lips are like Oh ( giggles ) - like - CALISTA: A bug? Ugh! Take that thing away.

Bugs? Sorry.

It was the first thing that popped in my head.

SOFIA: Wait! I mean waaaait! Of all the faces that have ever gazed into my glass, yours is by far the most amazingly beautiful.

Oh! CALISTA: You are way prettier than the sleeping princess or the one with the glass slipper.

Oh, well, that's better.

I suppose you can stay.

Put it over there, boys.

Go do whatever it is you do when you're not bothering me.

Now, where was I? Oh, yes.

"Fit the glass dome securely over the altar.

" You go for your uncle.

- I'll get Merlin's wand.

- Right.

"Once the dome is attached, twist it in a counter-clockwise direction.

Next, drop three troll tears on the dome along with a pinch of Pegasus powder.

" Wait a moment.

Where do I sprinkle the unicorn hair? "See instructions" Whoever drew these pictures should be banished.

You! And you?! Mr.

Merlin, catch! - Hello, Morgana.

- And you! What's the matter? Don't you like what you see in the mirror? Oh, I'll destroy all of you for this.

How about a little taste of your own magical medicine? Your two wands can't defeat me.

How about three? Princess, put that mirror behind her.

( Morgana gasping ) What is this? What have you done? Where am I? Someplace where you can reflect on your evil deeds for a while.

Oh! We did it, we got you back! Thank you, Calista.

Your Uncle Ceddy is so proud of you.

Well, my friends, I suppose this is good-bye again.

Good-bye, Mr.


Sorry about all the trouble we caused.

Oh, nonsense.

I haven't had this much fun in years.


I shall always remember the name Cedric the Sensational.

- Where's Calista? - Coming.

BOTH: Calista! How could you take that after all we've been through? Now, now, the girl didn't take it.

I gave her the hat.

Turns out all I had to do was ask, which is what I'm going to do from now on.

That's really good to hear, Calista.

Let's go home, Uncle Ceddy.

Indeed, Calista.


- Farewell - Good-bye, Mr.


CEDRIC: Good-bye.