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02x03 - Star on Wheels/Fetch

Posted: 10/16/22 08:52
by bunniefuu
[title music]

It's gonna get a little weird Gonna get a little wild I ain't from 'round here I'm from another dimension Gonna get a little weird Gonna have a good time I ain't from 'round here I'm from another, woo-hoo Yeh-heah I'm talking rainbows I'm talking puppies Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa Paah It's gonna get a little weird Gonna get a little wild I ain't from 'round here I'm from another dimension [straining]

Faster, Marco, faster.

Stairs!! - That's it.

- Huh? If you love bike riding so much, - you should learn to ride one yourself.

- You can do that? Teach me, teach me, teach me! [whimpering]

You're not gonna let me fall, are you, Marco? Nope.

I got you by the seat.

- You won't let go? - I won't let go.

- Promise? - Yes, I promise, Star.

- Okay.

Vroom! - Okay, hold on.

First, this bike is not a toy.

It's my baby.

My honey.

Custom-tuned alloy spokes.

Sweet ergonomic grips.

Custom-forged titanium fork.

[kissing sounds]


But where are the giant invisible goats? Invisible goats? Come on, you know.

To pull you! Everything on Mewni is pulled by invisible goats.

What? Uh, there are no giant invisible goats.

- On Earth, we use pedals.

- Oh, cute! On Mewni, only flowers have petals.

Okay, the first step of biking is to coast.

- Okay, you've got the seat.

- I've got the seat.

Huh? Wow! Hey, I got this.

Yes! Okay, Marco, you can let go of the seat now.

I think I'm ready to do it on my own.

- Oh, I already let go of the seat.

- What? Yep, you've been riding all by yourself.

Marco! You said you'd hold onto the seat.

You lied to me! Ah, come on.

I did it to give you confidence.

And look at you.

You're awesome, and I taught you everything you know.

- Except how to stop.

- What?! Use the brakes! You never taught me how!!! [panting]

Call Star.


Hi, Marco.

You have to use the brakes.

Just put your feet on the pedals - and push back.

- That doesn't even make sense.

It's spinning the other way.

This princess says no, thank you.



Do you have your wand? Oh, dip.

It's in my backpack.

[keytar playing]

Uh Oskar? What are you doing in my driveway? Mhm.

I thought this was my studio.


Everywhere's my studio.


Just drive.

That way! - Seatbelt.

- Uh, why is your car filled with garbage? Yeah, it's sort of a live/work space.

Oh, hey, it's Gene.

Oh, double hey, it's my keys.

Go! Stop! Don't walk.

It says don't walk! Sorry.

[horn honking]

Oskar, Oskar, Oskar, Oskar! - Cool.

Little book dude.

- Glossaryk.

Pop quiz, Mr.


Where is Star, and why do you have her wand? I was teaching Star how to ride a bike.

She doesn't know how to stop.

- Help.

- Hmm.

Where are the giant invisible goats? There are no giant invisible goats.

Star doesn't have her wand.

You have to help her.



What?! Are you joking? Boy, this isn't a magic problem, and thusly is beyond my control.

Whoa, you put corn chips on your subs? That is dope.

I love the crunch! You must try it.

- Whoa! Cheers.

- Cheers.

Uh - [gasps]

What is that? - You play? [people screaming]

OSKAR: Okay, now to the right.


Back to the left.

You're getting it.

Now put one finger here.

Can you guys stop goofing around?! Star is in trouble! [synthesized voice]

Trouble, trouble Oh, yeah.

MC Oskar on the mic.

Marco make some noise! Trouble, trouble, tr-tr-trouble.


Trouble, trouble tr-tr-tr-tr trouble.

[Oskar rapping]

# Now in my car, I am the boss # Tracking down Star at any cost Booker can't help 'cause there is no magic Star will be fine, this won't end tragic Trouble, tr-tr-trouble - # Trouble, trouble # - Yeah! Got sloppy hot rhymes like a meatball sub Little book dude, he is my bud Drivin' through signs 'cause we doin' our thing Marco lookin' chill like he relaxing Oskar, could you maybe be looking at the road? Oh, you are just so cute.


Okay, Mama doesn't have time to play.

Shoo, shoo.

Uh, I'm out of rhymes.

Wiggly fan man, take the mic.

[wind rustling]

Great song.

Number one hit.

Now can we just get focused on Star getting her wand back? I'm with you, man, but I don't think we can - get to her before the - Sinkhole? A sinkhole?! [screaming]

Good work, wings.


If only those dogs had been wearing helmets.

Wish we had some.


Star, pedal in reverse.

It will work.

Trust me.

I don't trust you anymore, Marco Diaz.

Besides, I'm moving forward.

Pedaling backwards doesn't make any sense.

I know just how she feels, 'cause I can't stop either.

The brakes are out.

- Steering wheel, too.

- Whaa? Everybody lean! Cuddle puddle.

Star, quick, the wand.

- Use your magic.

- What? Oskar! Star, wait.

Your wand.


Total eclipse! [crash]

- Marco!! - Star! [shrieks]

[horn honking]

I should've never let go of her seat.

Okay, no more kidding around.

This calls for magic.


[stomach rumbling]

Uh which is what I'd do if I hadn't eaten that ooh that meatball sub.


- Word.


- Okay, it's up to you, Marco.

Give her wand to her and save her life.

- How? The car's wrecked.

- Ride the invisible goats, of course.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna be sick.


[angry stammering]

For the last time, there are no giant invisible goats! Oh.

Sure there are.

You just need to believe.

If you want to save Star, trust in goats.



If it saves Star, I'll believe.

ALL: Believe, believe, believe.

Believe! Believe! [goat bleating]

I'm on an invisible goat! [laughing]

Okay, goat, tally whoa!! [goat bleating]

Whoa! - Star, take the wand.

- Marco, you're my hero.

Who I'm still upset with for lying to me about holding my seat.

Come on, give me one more chance.

Hurry! [Marco yelling]

Help! Help, help! [Star screaming, goat bleating]

You're gonna have to stop the bike by yourself.

Pedal in reverse! I told you, that is not how we do things on Mewni.

You're not on Mewni anymore, Star.

And if I can believe in an invisible goat, then you can stop that bike.

- I got you.

Trust me.

- Thanks, Marco.

But you believing in me is all I need.

Star! [goat bleats]

I was so worried about you.

Marco, you were right.

I can ride a bike.

And I am awesome at it.

How about Mysterious Sonograms? - That's a good band name.

- Mm.

But does it match our sound? Hey, Oskar, I'm really sorry about your car.

But if you want, I can give you a ride home on my bike.


Hey, Glossaryk, Gene, hop on.

Safety first.

Marco, you coming? No thanks, Star.

I'll take the goat.


Believe [thud]


Oh, Marco, the goat left long ago.



[horns honking]

Okay, Diaz, you got this.

Aim it at the little [angry muttering]

All right, going again.

Hey, this is hard enough already.

Star, can you please get control of these puppies? I'm trying to focus.

Yeah, no problem.


Come on.

- I believe in you, Marco.

- Star, I'm concentrating.

Right, right, right, right, right.

Okay, I'll be quiet.

Even if no one else does I believe.

Got it.

I'm trying to focus.

[mirror chiming]

Just answer it, please.


Hey, Mom.

Star, your Aunt Felicity still hasn't received her thank-you card for the lovely necklace Just give me the juice! I can't right now, Mom.

Things are happening.

You said that the last time Marco, did you free the nectar from the juice cocoon? Get the puppies out of the way.

Oh, stop it, puppies! Here.

Go fetch! - Oh no! - Did you just throw your wand? I threw my wand.

The poo-poo bin! No, no, no! Oh, thank Mewni.

Saved by the bush.

What? [straining]

Got it.


Aah! Oh, you're just a doggie.

For a second, I thought you were a gargoyle.

Thank you for bringing me my wand.


Ooh! I can just [growling]

Let me just get [growling]

All right, this is annoying.

Is your person here somewhere? There's no one else in the park, Star.

Everyone always leaves when we get here for some reason.

The laser puppies are hungry.

- Just grab your wand.

Let's go.

- Hmm.

Star, what are you doing? That's a dog, not a coat.

- Fur coat.

- No.

Look, you're basically a pet owner now.

You're gonna have to feed him.

He'll put the wand down if he wants to eat.

- Okay.

- Is that normal? [toilet flushing]

[water running]


This is your problem.

I'm gonna go to bed.

Come on, puppies.




So it's bedtime now, and I sleep best with my wand right under my pillow.

Even though my mom says not to, because of radiation.



Star, you down here? [growling]

What? [screams]

Star, come on.

We gotta get going.

- We're gonna be late for school.

- Okay, okay.

Just give me a sec.


Magic doggie, get me ready for school.

All right.

Guess it's a hat day.

[bell rings]

I think they make this for kids.

Just open! - Miss Butterfly.

- What?! - Where are you going with that dog? - He's got my wand.

A dog in a classroom is a roadblock to learning.

Do not come back until you get rid of that dog! - [groaning]

Cool hat, Star Butterfly.

- Oh.

Shut up.

Star, you have to send your aunt a thank-you card.

It's a really nice necklace.

I can't talk right now, Mom.

I just got kicked out of school.

- What - Uh, no dogs in the store.


Ignore me.

I'm not, like, a person with feelings.

Or anything.

- That'll be a buck-fifty.

- Oh, I can't make any money right now, 'cause my dog has my wand.


See? Right.

On your tab then? Oh, yeah.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

It's Marco Diaz.

- Cool.

Thanks, Joe.

- Name's not Joe.

And my name's not Marco.


Lost dog! [doorbell chimes]

Come back.

Please stop that.



"Lost smallish medium-to-large dog.

" [gasps]

You're a smallish medium-to-large dog.

"Dog-ish face.

" Yep, dog-ish face.

"May or may not bark.

" [growls]

You may or may not bark! I'm pretty sure this flyer is talking about you, mister.

"Call 555-0199.

" Okay, 555-0199.

[phone dialing]

[line ringing]


Thank you for calling Hi.

I got your flyer and I think I found your dog.

- I do not have any pets.

- Ooh! Is someone calling about my dog? - Uh, yeah.

- It's for me.


This is Lydia.


I found your dog.

- I am outside the Stop And Slurp.

- Be right there.




Here for this little gargoyle? I found him.

Here you go.

Come to Mommy, my little, um Willow bee.



Can you get Willoughby to drop my wand? I I can do that.

Willoughby, put it down.

Where are you going? [toilet flushing]

[water running]

It's cool you taught your dog to use the bathroom.


[nervous giggle]

That's not your dog, is it? [nervous giggle]

But I have so much love to give.

MARCO: Stand up.



Now play pirate.

Now laser the hole.


Okay, everything is half red.

[door opens]

Star, where have you been? - I don't wanna talk about it.

- Okay.

Today was the worst day ever, Marco.

I got sent home from school, I couldn't make any money, - so I had to put everything on your tab.

- What? I was harassed by a weird lady, and worst of all, Willoughby still won't give me back my wand.

[frustrated groan]

- His name's Willoughby? - That's what the weird lady called him.

I thought I found his owner, but she was just a fake.

Yeah, this flyer's obviously fake, but let's go back to the dog park and see if his real owner put up a flyer.



- You know your eye is glowing, right? - I know.


Beep, beep, beep.

Where's your owner? My problem is, I'm stuck in a doubt loop.

You so are.

[beeping rapidly]



Come on, Willoughby.

- Why is this so hard?! - I know.

Right? Oh, right.

Your thing is hard, too.


Willoughby senses something.

[Star gasps]

Marco, look.

Beautiful businessman.

Go, Willoughby.

Go to your businessman.

- That's it! What the - Ooh.

- Sorry.

- What just happened? - Who are you? - It doesn't matter.

- Why did you take my wand? - [sighs]

Because in my dimension, dogs are the ones with all the problems.

There's no escape.

Only sadness.

It's easier if you poke it from the bottom.

You did it.

- White grape.

- All I really want is to be like them.

I thought if I zapped myself with your wand, I could quiet my troubled mind.


But you can't just run away from all your problems.


You run away from your problems all the time.


I just take breaks.

That's what I want.

I want a break.

You don't need magic for that.

You need a chew toy.


- And you need to play fetch.

- No, Star! No fetch.

Oh, yeah.

And you need a Marco, too.

Hey, Lydia, I found your dog.


I've been here all along.

- Come here, my sweet little boy.

- Actually, he's a girl.

It doesn't matter.

My little cake pop.

It's time to come home.

- Go on.

- I guess it couldn't hurt.


There's one more thing.

Your necklace? I couldn't.

Eh, it's a win-win.

This way, I don't have to send my Aunt Felicity a thank-you card.

[baby talk]

Now go get your Lydia.

Uh, why are you talking to me like that? 'Cause that's how we talk to wittle doggies.

This is what happiness feels like.


Thank you for finding my dog.


See, Marco? I do face my problems.

[compact ringing]

- Is that your mom calling again? - Break! I think Earth is a pretty great place That's saying something 'Cause I've been through outer space I think it suits me, it's just my style I think I'm gonna stay a little while I think that strangers are just friends You haven't met I'm blasting monsters and I never break a sweat I'm really thinking I could call this place home