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04x04 - Radio Daze/Psycho Angelica

Posted: 10/19/22 11:30
by bunniefuu
[ Snoring]

[ Gasps]

[ Kids laughing]

[ Toilet flushing]

Stu, didi!

I've got
great news!

The masked detective
is back!

Where was he?

It's a radio show
I used to listen to

When I was a sprout.

Why don't we go to my room

And listen to it together?

Gee, pop, that old radio stuff
is so boring.

It's not boring.

You just have to use
your imagination.

How about you, didi?

Action, adventure.

It sounds very exciting, pop.

But I have to, um, repot some
dirt, I mean, some flowers.

Maybe next time.


[ Tv playing]

[ Children laughing]

Kids, we're going to listen
to the masked detective.

[ Static]

Got to wait for the tubes
to warm up.

you watch these pups

While I dig out my old
junior snooper kit.


I wonder where
he keeps the candy.

[ Sniffs]

Malted milk balls!

So that's where
my malties got to.

Okay, kids.

One for everybody.


I eat more chocolate
than this for breakfast.

[ Crunching]

and after this message, we'll
return with tonight's episode

"The case of
the stolen rocket pellets."

Madame evil and her g*ng
want to steal

Professor oldenheimer's
secret rocket pellets.

If the masked detective
can't stop her

It'll be the
end of the world

As we know it.

There he is!

The masked detective.

Who's he?

He's the one
who goes into

The dark underbelly
of the big city

To track down the bad guys.

And look-- there's the worst
crook of them all

Madame evil!

Madame evil?

What does she do?

She's a crook who
steals from others.

When you're growed-up you
can get a job doing that?

This really
brings back the memories.

The whole family waiting
for the show to start

Us kids right up front

Grandpa in the back
on his rocker

Usually... [ Yawns]
fell asleep...

The old... [ Mumbling softly]

[ Snoring softly]

Well, that was interesting.

Let's eat those malties!


But, you guys!

Grandpa said
we could only have one apeach.

So what? Who's going to stop us?

I am!

And now, the masked detective.

[ Theme song plays]

What are you
supposed to be?

I'm the masked defective.

You're don't look
like the masked defective.

Yeah, he was
feet tall.

And he didn't
have a diaper on.

I'm doing the best I can.

Somebody's got
to stop angelica.

Oh, I'm really scared.

Now, where are those malties?

Right here and you'll
never get them.

Oh, yeah?

Let's get them.

Man on radio:
get him, boys!

Chuckie, catch!

Oh, uh-oh.

Give me those malties!

[ Screams]

[ Panting]

I knew madame evil
would stop at nothing

To get professor oldenheimer's
rocket pellets

Break any law,
bust down any door.

Open this door!


And now the only man standing
in her way was my client.

[ Evil laughter]

Oh, madame evil, um... Hi.

Where are those malties?

[ Mumbling]

Oh, never mind.

Just get out
of the way.

Phil, lil,
tear this place apart.


[ Angelica laughing wickedly]

From my window I saw my client
headed towards my office.

As he passed the statue
of professor oldenheimer

I could see that chuckie...

...was a-scared, scareder
than I'd ever seen him

And that was really a-scared.

[ Panting]

I made it!


Nice woodchuck.

Quick, hide it!

The malties are inside it.

Oh, so this is
the maltie's woodchuck.

You got to help me,
masked defective.

Madame evil's going
to find out any minute

That I took the malties from
professor oldytimer's house.

[ Grunting]

You were right,

We got to hide
this woodchuck

Where she can't get
her sticky hands on it.

This should keep it safe.

Is there room
for me in there?

[ Gasps]

Madame evil!


The malties are
in the woodchuck.

Give it to me!

Over my dead potty!

Come on, chuckie.

[ Both panting]

We'd better split up.

That way she can't
catch both of us.

How will we find
each other?

Meet at
rick's juice bar

Before bedtime.

Go to oldytimer's
from there.

Bedtime, right.

Will somebody
read me a story?

[ Grunting]

There they are!

[ Panting]

[ Grunts]

Hello, chuckie.

[ Seagulls crying]

All right, you,
spill the milk!

Where's the
masked defective?

I'll never tell.

I may be a scaredy cat
but I'm no tattletale.

We'll see just how
brave you are, chuckie.


[ Knuckles cracking]

[ Giggling]

Okay, okay!

I'll tell!
I'll tell!

The toast was clear.

All I had to do
was wait for chuckie.

In the beantime,
I thought I'd have a bottle.

Mind if I join you,
masked defective?

Lil, what are
you doing here?

I thought you were madame evil's
bestest friend now.

I was, but now phillip
fights with her all the time

And he won't fight
with me anymore.

Can I be your
bestest friend?

So maybe I don't think too good
when it comes to girls.

Call me a sucker
for a pink bow.

I thought it was juice

But she'd slipped me
the warm milk.

Before I knew it,
it was nap time for me.

[ Snoring]


I thought lil was my friend

But she throwed me away
like a used diaper.

The key was gone.

Madame evil was going
to get those malties

Unless I could get there first.

I stood up.

My legs felt like jello--
the red kind

Not the green kind with bananas
that I like.

[ Evil laughter]

Finally the malties
are within my grasp.

Not so fast,
madame evil!

You, I thought
we'd put you to bed.

It looks like
you forgot to tuck me in.

Get away from that safe!

Too late, masked defective.

It's empty!

Where's that woodchuck?

Chucking wood?

Oh, wise-baby, eh?

I'll do whatever I have to do
to get it out of you.

And it isn't going to tickle.

No, you're not!

Lil, I thought you were
my bestest friend.

I was, until I gave masked
defective the warm milk.

He was so cute
sleeping like a baby.

He isa baby!

It's me and
masked defective now.

And if you lay
a finger on him...

I'll tell my mommy!

You dirty

Thanks, lil.

Where are the malties?

I took them out before
I gave the key to madame evil.

Come on, masked defective,
run away with me.

We can eat all
the malties together.

Sorry, lil.

I like chocolate
as much as the next baby

But rules are rules

And kids
who break those rules

End up doing
hard time-out.

I'm not going to the big
playhouse without a fight.

Get them, phil.

Okay, lil.

Put down that finger
and give us the malties

Or I'll tell mymommy.

Phil, we have the same mommy.

Uh... Yeah.

Besides, you've got
something in your nose.

I do?

Good work, lil.

Drop it, phil!
Or I'll tell mymommy!

All right.

Hey, wait a minute.

None of you dumb babies

Can talk to
grown-ups anyway.

Oh, yeah.

Now, give me those malties.

Run, masked defective!

Come back here!

Madame evil
was breathing down my diaper.

There was nowhere to go but up.

[ Growling]

Nobody here to save you now,
masked defective.

Hand them over.


If I can't have them,
nobody can.

[ Yelling]


[ Kids fighting, grunting]

Good work, sprouts.

I was looking for these.

Malties, we called them.

Oh, hi, deed.

You feeling
guilty, too?

I started thinking
about him all alone up here.

Let's go in and give
him a little company?

[ Grandpa and children

[ Sucking]

[ Burps]

[ Elephants trumpeting]

[ Birds cawing]

[ Roars]

[ Growls]

[ Grunts]

[ Kids giggling]

...big one.

[ Giggling continues]

[ Gurgling]

[ Imitating dog barking]

What's wrong,

I was trying to get
an animal cr*cker.

Hmm, are they all gone?

No, that's the problem.

There's too many of them.

I'd like to get
a nice monkey or a zebra

But it's dark in there

And I might get a tiger
or something scary like that.

That's the fun of it,

You don't know what you're
going to get till you get it.

It's not fun for me.

Okay, cynthia,
work those abdominals.

Hungry already?

Your restaurant
is only two blocks away.

How could they get lost
for an hour?

Aunt didi, cynthia
wants a hot dog for lunch

And a hundred cookies.

No cookies, angelica

We ordered pizza.

It's going to be here
any minute-- I hope.

Before you give spike
his bath

Take tommy
a bottle of juice.

Sure thing, deed.

Are you sure
it's okay to eat this?

It's all natural.

[ Gulping]

I wish
I had a bottle.

Quit whining.

Your dad's
bringing you juice--

Like anybody ever
brings meanything.

Here you go, champ,
hydrate in good health.

[ Sucking and slurping loudly]


That's amazing!

No, I think
it's apple.

I mean, didn't you see
what just happened?

How did you do that,

Do what?

You said tommy
was going to get a bottle

Then he got it.

How did you know?

I just...

...have magical powers.

[ All gasp]



I can predict the future.

I'm a psycho!

Hmm, if you're
really a psycho

something else.

Um, okay.

Uh, I predict that, um, uh...

Um... Um...

See, she was
just faking.



I see something...

Something cheesy.

Is it between
my toes?


No, it's a...

...a pizza.

Pizza, where?

It's... It's on...

It's on the moon.

No, it's in the specific ocean.

No, wait, wait.


It's here!

[ Knocking]


[ All gasp]

Okay, who will be next

To unravel the miseries
of the future?


Me, me!

I can tell you
what will happen today

even the next day

For I am the great angelico,
your psycho friend.

this is dumb.

She can't
predict the future.

Now, come on.

Let's play
in the sandbox.

Um, uh,
just wait a minute.

Oh, great angelico!

Should I go play
in the sandbox with tommy?

That's a tough question.

I'll have to check
my syskal ball.



I predict

If you play in the sandbox

You will get sand in your pants.

[ Gasps]:

I got diaper rash

And it doesn't
bother me.

Phil, lil,
maybe you'd like to know

Who will have the most candy
when you grow up.

Yeah, yeah,
I would, I would.

Out of my way,

Well, you're not fooling me,

You don't know
about the future.

You want
to make them feel bad

And get their stuff
and stuff.

Tommy, you got me all wrong.

I'm just a humble serpent.

Hey, guys, I say we all go
outside and play with our toys

Instead of giving them
to angelica.


I only wanted
to help.

That's why
before you go

I'd wish you'd let me
warn you guys about spike.

Uh, what
about spike?

Well, you don't believe in me,

I guess he'll just have to melt.


Uh, what do you mean,

Poor doggie.

Out there
in the hot sun.

Dogs don't melt
when it's hot.

They do
when they're snowmen.

Spike's not a snowman!

You want to bet?



[ Barks]

[ Gasps]

[ Barking]


He's melted.

Hurry, guys, we got
to save him.

I'll get him.

[ Barking]


I got him,
I got him.

I got him!

[ Panting]

[ Spike barking]

[ Skidding]

[ Whimpering]

[ Panting]

[ Yelling]

[ Kids panting]

I am the great angelica.

[ Chewing]

Everybody has to do
everything I say.

I can have anything i...


[ Buzzing]

Hi, come on in.

We're going to
watch the video

Of stu's knee surgery.

I hope you got a few slices
of pizza left, deeders.

Brought my own topping.

I baked cookies.

[ Sloshing]

I thought spike

Was the one who needed a bath.

[ Mock laugh]

Let's eat.

Hurry, you guys.

hey, babies.

I got good news.

What is it,

Is spike going
to be okay?

Yeah, you've saved spike
from melting.


That's the good news.

The bad news is you'll
all turn into bugs.

[ Babies gasp]


Oh, great.

What kind?

Slimy ones, with feelers.

I don't want
to turn into a bug.

Sorry, I know it's
kind of sudden.

But, angelica,
I don't feel slimy.

That's the
first sign.

You feel
completely normal

Then whoosh!

You're an inch high

And birds feed you
to their babies.

There's got
to be a way

To keep us
from turning into bugs.

Well, I'd like to help you guys.

Let me see.

I can almost see it.


Oh, I'm sorry,
my little babies.

I'm just too weak.

If only I had some cookies.

Oh, well.

Maybe you guys should hide
under the refrigerator

So your dads don't smoosh
you by accident.

There must be cookies

Actually, I shouldn't
tell you this, but, uh...

this is where they went under
the patella and hit that vein.

The nurse keels over

Like a rotten log.

[ Squirts]

Oh, look
at that spurt!

[ All laughing]

Oh, hurry, tommy.

I think I'm starting
to grow more legs!

[ Grunts]

Don't turn into
a bug now, chuckie.

You're the tallest!

[ Whining]

At least he wouldn't
be so heavy.

Oh, tommy, hurry.

I think you're starting
to grow wings.

Don't move, you guys.

Ow, ow, ow!

You're hurting my feelers.

Oh, chuckie, watch out!
[ Squealing, grunting]

Why did you
step on me, phil?

I'm not a bug yet.

If you turn into
a bug before me

I'm going to eat you.

Please, no fighting.

Just get those cookies

Before you get
all hairy and gross.

Somebody, push me.

can I get anybody else a slice?

grab one for howard.

His cholesterol count's too low.

[ Sniffing]

[ Creaking]

[ Screaming]

Whoa, whoa!

[ Screaming]

[ Sighing]

Quick, tommy, I think
chuckie's going to be first.

His eyes are
bugging out.

Oh, no!

Poke 'em in,
poke 'em in!


[ Yelling]

Oh, forget it, angelica.

I'm not getting you
any more stuff.


But, you gots to.

If you don't,
the great angelico

Won't be able to help us.

Don't you guys understand?

We used to be happy before
we knowed the future.

Now, chuckie, you won't
go in the sandbox

And phil and lil

You're arguing about stuff

That hasn't happened yet.

I say we just turn into bugs
and go back to being happy.

I guess we could be happy
being bugs.

Maybe we'll turn
into butterflies.

Well, fine.

If you want
to be bugs

That's okay
with me.

I'll get those
cookies myself.

Uh, I don't think you
should do that, angelica.

Why not?

Because if you do

You're going to get hit
with a pizza.

You think you'rea psycho now?

Don't make me laugh.

There's nothing up there
but cookies.

[ Clattering]

[ Sobbing loudly]

Oh, angelica.

What have you done?

Now we have
to give her a bath.

How can we
scrape the cheese
out of her hair?

[ Angelica wailing]

Wow, tommy.

That was amazing.

You predicted that that
pizza would hit angelica

And it did.

What's your next prediction,

Hmm, I predict...

We're all going to go play in
the sandbox and have fun.

[ Laughing and gurgling]

You still scared
about not knowing

What's going to happen, chuckie?

Yeah, I figure

Maybe we're not supposed
to know about that stuff.

So, from now on, I make
my ownpredictions.

[ Shivering]

It's not so bad.

[ Giggling]

oh, great angelico!

I'm a psycho!