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04x14 - Angelica Orders Out/Let it Snow

Posted: 10/19/22 11:44
by bunniefuu
[ Snoring]

[ Gasps]

[ Kids laughing]

[ Growling...]

[ High-pitched voice]:
hello, angelica!

It's uncle stu

The magic elf.

[ Giggling]

[ Darth vader voice]:

Come over to the dark side

And on the way pick
up six bagels

Two plain, two onion...

Stu, what on earth?

Check out my invention.

The pickles voice
frequency modulator .

Watch this.

[ Deep-pitched cooing]

Can I try it, uncle stu?

[ Charlotte's voice]:
so, how does it work?

Hey, listen to me.

Well, I'll be--
she sounds just like charlotte.

Now, I'm the boss
of everybody

And you all have to do
ezactly what I say.

Isn't that precious?

Yeah, precious.

Okay, sweetie.

Give it to uncle stu.

You wouldn't want
to break his prototype.

Oh, my goodness, stu.

We better go
or we'll miss

That wonderful world
of wicker seminar.

[ Snoring]

Pop, don't go to sleep.

You said you'd watch
the kids, remember?

Oh, of course I remember!

Why don't you
call zippy's

And order lunch
for you and the kids.

The number's on speed dial.

Put it on our account.

Oh, all right.

I have to
run to a meeting.

Give me a kiss.

[ Kissing sounds]

Bye-bye, sweetums.

Be a good boy.

Bye, tiger.

Bye, pop.

See you in a while, pop.

Oh, and we're trying
to take care of their teeth

So don't order them
any junk food

Or I'll take yourteeth away.

Get out of here.

Have fun.

How about we head
into the kitchen

And order up some lunch
from zippy's?

Can I dial the phone, huh?

Please, grandpa,
can I dial?

Please, can i? Can i?
Can i? Can i?

All right, already.

Jumping jehosephat.


There you go, sprout.

Now, these here are
the speed dial buttons.

Number one is phil and lil's.

Number two is your house.

Number three is chuckie's.

And all the way down here,
number nine is zippy's deli.

Now push a button.

Hello, zippy's snappy
home delivery.

This is larry speaking.

How may I help you?

Hello, this is
lou pickles.

I'd like to order some food
for delivery.

Okie doake,
mr. Pickles, sh**t.

Send me two baloney
sandwiches on white

With extra mayo
and some steamed carrots

With a side
of cottage cheese.

And what
about dessert?

You got any
baked apples?

Sure do.


Send over three
baked apples.

Account's in the name
of pickles.

Your food is
on the way.

Thanks for calling
zippy's snappy home delivery.

Baked apples?

I hate stinky baked apples.

Sorry, angelica,
but you heard aunt didi.

No junk food.

You wouldn't want

Your old grandpa

To get his teeth
taken away, would you?


There you go, sprout.

All gone.

I remember the first time

I had baked apples
with my grandpa.

Yes, sir.

[ Yawning]

Macintosh, they were.

[ Snoring]


I thought he'd never
go to sleep.


What are you doing?

Nothing that concerns babies
who like stinky baked apples.

Now, let's see.

All's I got to do
is push this button.

Hey, it's ringing.

Zippy's snappy
home delivery.

This is larry speaking.

How may I help you?

I'd like a bag
of double fudge

Chocolate chip cookies sent
to the pickles' house

Right away, please.


If my mommy catches us
with cookies

She's going to take
away grandpa's teeth.


Excuse me, but how
old are you, little girl?

I'm practically
six, er, nine.

Sorry, kid, we only take
orders from grownups.

But, but...

Hold the phone, please.

Hello, this is charlotte
pickles speaking.

I'm a growed-up lady.

You got a problem

Sending my sweet
little girl her cookies?

Oh, no, mrs. P., As long
as you say it's okay.

Um, um, you want
anything else?

Anything else?

Um, what else
you got?

Well, for dessert we got
chocolate cake, eclairs

Coconut cream pie,
strawberry shortcake

Chocolate macadamias,

That sounds good.

Send it all.


You know, that was pretty easy.

I wonder who else I could call?

Hmm, I think this button's
the one I'm looking for.

It's ringing.

Hello, pickles residence,
drew speaking.

Oh, hello, da...
I mean, drew.

This is charlotte
pickles speaking.

Yeah, thanks
for telling me, hon.

Listen, drew.

Angelica is the bestest
most wonderfullest girl

In the whole wide world.

I want you to run right
out to toy city

And buy me--
I mean, her

That new cynthia
ultra-mega play world

That she's been wanting
for so long.

Since she's been
so good and all.

Are we talking
about the same angelica?

Just get it!

And bring it over
to tommy's house

So she can play
with it today.

I got to go.
Kiss, kiss.

Uncle stu's really
got something here.

That's it,

I'm going to wake up grandpa

So we can call that place
and stop those cookies.

Uh, uh, uh.

[ Beeping, phones ringing...]

[ Charlotte's voice]:
just leave the bags.

Huh? Who said that?

Down here.

Just leave the bags
and go away.

Oh, uh... Okay.


Thanks for calling zippy's
snappy home delivery.

Go away!

[ Snoring]

[ Engine gunning]

Yup, they were the best apples

Huh, where'd those kids go?

This is going to be
the bestest dessert I ever...

Tommy, what
in tarnation...?



Angelica, how did you...?

Stu's invention?

Oh, my gosh!

We got to get rid
of this stuff before...

[ Phone rings]

Look, whoever it is,
we're a little...

Pop, it's didi.

Oh, hi.

We just wanted
to let you know

That the wicker
seminar was canceled.

Apparently there was

A very serious
splinter incident

So we're coming home.

Oh, great.

See you in
a few minutes.

[ Door buzzes]

Oh, now what?

It's drew, with some kind
of big box.

My cynthia ultra-mega
play world.

You called him, too?

Who else did you call?

Hmm, nobody.



I'll handle your daddy.

You grab tommy
and hide somewhere.

And don't make a peep
until I say so.

I can put this...

No, I better...

Or I should take this one...

[ Doorbell buzzing]

Hold your horses!

Hello, drew.

What brings you over?

Charlotte called and said

That angelica's been so good

That I had to run out
and get this expensive...

Holy mackerel!

What happened?


Angelica hasn't been
eating sweets, has she?

Why, no.

I just ordered myself
some dessert

While the kids were napping.

Hey, you want some?

It's raspberry.


Stay right there.

Chaz? Betty and howard?

What are they doing here?

Hmm... Oh, yeah.

I called them, too.

Anybody else?


Tell you what, boy.

I'll grab this
and you can head home.


But I don't like

Hope we're not late for
angelica's surprise party.

What are you talking about?

Angelica's birthday isn't
for six months.

Well, look at the time.

Nice seeing you all.
[ Slams door]

Come here, sprout.

Angelica, you get rid
of all this stuff

While I keep them busy.

Okay, grandpa.

[ People talking]

What is everybody talking
about a surprise party?

Look at this, everybody.

I, uh, I taught tommy
how to dance.

♪ Dadda da doo
giddap da boo ♪

♪ Da da da dit doo da da da...

Dad, I thought you said

They were napping?


Why are you here?

I'm here for this
surprise party

That you didn't even
tell me about.

What's going on?

yeah, what is going on?


Well... I, er...

[ Chewing noisily]

Hi, everybody.

Pop, what
happened here?

You fell asleep again.

Uh, no.
As a matter of fact

I was watching them real close

And i, well...

Don't look at me.
Ask her.

What difference does it
make who did what?

The important thing is
that we're all here

And we love each other.

[ Charlotte's voice]:
after all, family is

Really what matters, right?

Why are you all looking at me?

Well, sport, I guess

That's one invention

That mankind just
isn't ready for.

But, mommy, I don't
like this stuff.

Angelica, you ordered it,
you'll eat it!

How was I supposed to know
flan would be so yucky?

[ Slurred]:
at least you can eat it
without your teeth.


[ Slurps]

[ Sighs contentedly]


[ Humming]

Watch it there, sprouts.

Coming through.


Uh, pop...

Do you know what month it is?

Course I do. It's august.

And you know what that means?

Only shopping days
left till christmas?

Time to take the picture for
the annual pickles holiday card.

Already? You usually
don't do this until october.

Yes, and the conflabded cards
are never done till february.

I've just got to go find my old
camera, and I'll be right down.

Oh, pop...

Could you bring down

That bag of tommy's old toys?

The good
samaritan army

Is picking them up.

I'll take care of it

As soon as I get
set up for the picture.

[ Muttering]:
if it ain't one thing,
it's four others.

Oh, I was wondering
where this was.

Oh, stu just never seems
to take a good picture.

Well, maybe we can finally get
stu to hold still this year.

...and the southern heat wave

Has everybody
running for the sprinklers.

[ Laughing]

[ Laughing and shouting...]

[ All gasp]


I don't know
how it happened, guys

But I think it's...


come on!

[ Giggling]

Hmm, that's funny.

No presents.

Maybe santa
forgetted it's christmas.

Lil's right.

We didn't know
it was christmas today

So santa probably
didn't know, neither.

But if santa forgot

Then we're not going
to get any presents.


And neither will
any other babies.

Then we got to remind him.

Not just for us

But for all the babies
of the whole wide world.

How are we
going to do that?

Hmm... If santa knows
when we're naughty or nice

Then he can probably

Always hear us,

[ Gasps]

I don't know if I like that.

How about if we
sing one of those songs

The grownups sing
when it's christmas?

Then when santa hears us,
he'll know it's christmas.

Deed, I have to
start the laundry.

Then I'm spending
a great afternoon

the weather channel special

On appalachian fog.

It's very controversial.

That's nice, honey.

Now take your time

And load
that machine evenly.

Don't let it bounce around
the room again and make a mess.

[ Children trying to sing]

[ Singing gibberish...]

Kids, what's the matter?

I'm not sure what kind
of game you're playing

But as long as you're all right.

[ Continue singing]

[ Bells jingling]

Hey, guys, wait.

Wait, stop!


You hear that?

[ Bells jingling]

It's santa claus!

He must've heared us.

[ Bells jingling...]

I guess santa
couldn't hear us.

Yeah, I thought it
sounded pretty, too.

Hmm, there's got to be
another way

To remind santa
that it's christmas.

I wish it would snow.

Then the snow would remind him
and we wouldn't have to.

Well, if snow is what we need,
then let's get some.

Follow me.

...moving up
and down the coast...

the weatherman.

He's makes it
hot or cold outside.

I know, because
my daddy gets mad at him

Whenever he doesn't do it right.

...if you look at this area

You'll see a nasty storm system
creeping in

Dumping nine inches of
the wet stuff all over michigan.

Wow, he really doesn't like
that mischegasplace, does he?

Now, alls we got to do is
tell the t.b. Weatherman guy

To make it snow to remind santa
that it's christmas.

But how are we
going to tell him?

When my mommy wants
to tell stuff to our granny

She writes a letter.

Then the t.b. Weatherman guy
is about to hear from us.

Tommy [ dictating]:
dear mr. T.b. Weatherman guy:

I know this will
surprise you...

Hey, slow down.

I'm trying
to make up letters here.

...i know this will surprise
you, but today is christmas.

Don't feel bad, because
even santa forgot.

I guess the only peoples who
did 'member is my grandpa.

Anyway, me and my friends
phil and lil and chuckie

And all the other babies
in the world

Would really appreciate it
if you could make it snow.

Anything else?

Well, you got to sign it.

Oh, yeah.

Okay, chuckie,
put it in the antelope.

I want to lick it.

No, phillip,
I want to lick it.

But I gots
a longer tongue.

But I'm juicier.

You can both lick it.

good idea.

[ Slurping]

Here's the hole
where the mail comes in.

Alls we got to do is push it
through the other way

And wait for the t.b. Weatherman
guy to make it snow.

[ Wind blowing...]

Tommy: quick, the window!

[ Ice cream truck jingle

Well, I guess that's it.

Yeah, if the t.b. Weatherman guy
didn't get our letter by now

He probably will never get it.

Then we'll make it snow
by ourselves.

But how?

Oh, we got to think.

[ Grunting]:

I knew I could do it
all in one load.

Deed, uh, where's
that new box of soap?

Oh, here we go.

[ Whirring and rattling]


All this thinking
is making my head hurt.

You know that time

We played in the brizzard

And there was snow everywhere?

It was real cold.

Maybe it's got to be cold
for it to snow.

Even if that's true, tommy

How are we going to
make it cold?

I got it!

The hair conditioner!

the hair conditioner!

What's the hair conditioner?

It's this thing over here.

Whenever it's hot outside

My grandpa turns on
the hair conditioner

And it makes it cold.

But why do they call it
a hair conditioner?

'Cause the cold air comes out
and blows my hair.

I want to try!

But, tommy,
there isn't any cold air now.

To make it work

You got to play
with the thermosplat.

[ Grunting]

And now?

[ Tommy grunting]

Not yet!

Deed, could you...


[ Gasp]

You guys can get hurt

Climbing on top of each other
like that.

They have been acting
very strangely today.

Good thing I got here in time.

I better get back to the tv.

They're about to show
the precipitation charts

For the entire coast.

Now we're never
going to make it cold.

And it's never
going to snow.

And santa's
never going to come.

Hey, deed, you have to see this!

the size of guava melons!

This is our chance for us
and for babies everywhere.

Oh, no!

I don't have my stewdriver.

Chuckie, I need your head.

[ Sighs]

[ Grunting]

Here, chuckie, grab my hand.

Deed, don't leave.

They're about to show
the mud slide in malaysia.

hurry, tommy.

Your mom's coming!

[ Grunting]


[ Groans]

[ Grunting]


make it snow, tommy.

You can do it, tommy.

Why didn't it work?

[ Crying]:
now santa's never going
to know it's christmas.

And babies everywhere
won't get no presents.

[ Rattling]

Sorry, guys.

I thought
I could make it snow.

[ Air blowing]

um... Guys.

Guys! Snow!

Whoo! Num, num, num...
It's snowing!

[ Giggling and laughing...]

Tastes like laundry soap.

[ Laughs nervously]

Let's not worry
about that now, deed.

It's christmas.

ho, ho, ho!

Well, I'm glad to see

You're all finally
getting into the spirit.



Pop, are you all right?

Ho, ho, ho...

[ Children laughing...]

Well, will you look at this.

This is the best christmas ever.

Yeah, I guess so.

What's the matter, chuckie?

Well, maybe it's my imagination

But I think I seen these toys
somewhere before.

Okay, everyone say cheese.






[ Children sing gibberish...]

I think I seen these toys
somewhere before.