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07x07 - Accidents Happen/Pee Wee Scouts

Posted: 10/19/22 15:50
by bunniefuu
[Cymbals crash]

[Light percussive music]

- Ooph!


[Twins giggle]

- [Gasps]

- [Groans]


[Milk squishes]

[Airplane buzzing]

[Tires screeching]

[Lion snarling and roaring]

- Get out of my way,
stinky breath.

I got some 'sploring to do.




- [Gasps]


- Uh, chuckie,
did we go swimming?

- No, tommy.

But I think I forgotted
to go potty in the potty.


- That's okay, chuckie.

But I thought you was potty

- I thought so too.

- [Cooing]

- Sorry about the wet sheets,

- Don't give it
a second thought, charles.

- [Laughs]

- [Gasps]

Trust me, chas.

Sheets are the least of our
laundry problems.

I'm gonna go change, again.

- I'm worried about chuckie's
little regression.

It could be a deep-rooted

Of his subconscious resentment
for something I did or said.

- Or it could mean chuckie
just made a pee-pee, charles.

Accidents happen.

He just had
a little backwards slide.

- Well, if chuckie's
going backwards,

I'm gonna face it head-on.

- Didi, I think I made a slight
laundry mistake.

All our clothes are pink.

- [Sighs]

I'll be right there, stu.

- Did you hear that, guys?

My daddy says
I'm going backwards.

- Chuckie,
if you was going backwards,

You would've taked your glasses
off instead of putted them on.

And went up the stairs
instead of down them.

- Unless he means you're turning
backwards into a baby, baby.

- 'Cause you went potty
in the bed.

- [Gasps]

That must've been what he meant.

- Wow.

That means
soon you'll be just like...

- Poopie.

- Oh, great.

You mean I'm gonna be doing
that in my pants again

And telling everybody
when I do it?

- It's okay to keep
some secrets, chuckie.

- I know.

We'll do a 'speriment.

We'll watch chuckie take a nap

And see if he goes when he's

Chuckie, if you don't go,

It means you're worrying
for nothing.

Come on.

- But I'm not even tired.


- Check to see if chuckie's wet,

- I'm not checking him.

You check him.

- You, phillip.

- Nuh-uh, lillian.

- Oh, it's no use.

I can't sleep.

- Okay, let's go play.

- [Sighs]

- There you are, chuckie.

Come with me, little guy.

Daddy has a surprise for you.


- The surprise is in your

- It's my new big boy
training pants.

Want to see?

- Um, what do they do, chuckie?

- Well, they're for just in case
I forget to go potty.

But my daddy said
they're definitely different

From diapers.



- If chuckie said
they're not diapies,

Then they're not.

Uh, even if they sound like them
and feel like them.

- I guess they're kind
of like diapers.

- Don't you remember
how great diapies is, chuckie?

You can keep stuff in them.


- And the bestest part is,
wherever you're playing,

You can stay and go
at the same time.

- What's the matter, chuckie?

- Well, it's just that
I liked being potty trained,

Except for the potty training

But I liked how my daddy
and everybody said how proud

They were of me and
how grown up it made me feel.

Now I guess it's true.

I am going backwards.

- Chuckie really likes his new
big boy pants, didi.

That's a cute name for them,
don't you think?

- Well, actually--

- So much better
than "corrective underwear."

Now I think it's important
for chuckie's self-esteem

That we experience some
father-son bonding moments.

I'm gonna check the paper
for some fun stuff to do.

Nice talking with you, didi.

- [Grumbles]

- Here's the dil boy, all clean.

And pink.

- [Sighs]

[All grunting]


- [Sighs]

- Want to play jungle 'splorer,
like yesterday, chuckie?

- Yeah, we can 'splore
for more jungle aminals

Like hickototamooses.

- And chickens.

- That was kind of fun,

Especially the part when I
called the lion stinky breath,

And I pushed him out of my way.

- Uh, chuckie,
you didn't do that.

- Did too.

I was flying in the sky.

And then I met stinky breath
and then got into a canoe.

And the water started
getting real loud.

And then I saw the great big
giant water faucet.

And--and--then I waked up.


I guess I was dreaming.

- Gee, yesterday we played
jungle 'splorers and airplanes

And canoe drivers, right?

Maybe that's why
you dreameded about them.

- Yeah.

It sure was exciting.

Till I waked up and found out
I forgotted to go potty.

- Hey, chuckie,

Maybe you was just having
such an exciting dream,

That's why you forgotted
to go potty.

- [Gasps]

You mean, every time
we play something fun,

I'm gonna pee in the bed?

Oh, brother.

- Guess what, chuckie.

I'm gonna take you to some
of the most exciting places

On earth.

- [Gasps]

- Chuckie and I really bonded,

Especially the rocket simulator,

Where we both threw up
at the same time.


Gee, I hope
he's not over stimulated.


- I sawed spacemans
and giant monkeys

And rided on the train.

- Thanks for suggesting
he spend the night

With his little pals
for support.

That ought to make him
feel nice and secure.

- He's probably so tired,
he can't wait to go to sleep.

- [Yawns]

[Both yawn]

- If chuckie goes night-night,

He'll have really great dreams

About all the exciting stuff
he did.

And he might forget
to go potty again.

So we gots to keep him up.

- [Muttering]

And the bear
was on the rolly toaster.

- Uh-oh.


- [Gasps]

And it was raining.

- Oh, no.

Quick, guys.

- [Laughs]


- I know.

Let's tell him a scary story.

- There was this monster.

- Ghost, phillip.

- Monster, lillian.

who cares.

- Uh, chuckie,

Once upon a time,

A big germ taked your glasses.

- [Grunts]


- [Yawns]

We gots to keep him up, guys.

- Who's gonna keep us up?

- [Crying]

- Keep your diapers on, dilly.

Daddy's coming.

How's that, kiddo?

♪ Rock a bye, dilly,
daddy is here ♪

♪ Maybe I'll get some sleep
by next year ♪

♪ The sandman

♪ Is sprinkling

♪ Dust...

[All yawning]

- Oh, no, guys.

We must've felled asleep.

- Uh-oh.

So did chuckie.

- Hi, guys.

What you doing?

- We was trying to tell
if you, you know...

- If I what?




Hey, everybody, we did it.

I'm dry.

- He did just fine, charles.

His little potty was full.

- Oh, thank goodness.

I bet our bonding
made all the difference.

Well, at least you don't have
to worry about the finsters

Contributing to your laundry,

- [Yells]

- [Sighs]

- Thanks for helping me, guys.

- But we didn't, chuckie.

- And keeping you up
didn't work

'Cause we felled asleep.

- You did it all by yourself,

- [Gasps]

I must've gotted up
and gone in the potty.

- Yay, chuckie.

- [Chuckles]

I wonder if it was
just after the moon man

Showed me his giraffe.


- Pretty snazzy uniform, huh,

- Mm, forgot just how
good-looking they were.


- [Chuckles]

I was never very good
with tents.

But I could track animals.

- Yup.

If it weren't for you, we'd have
never found that dang raccoon.

- Right.

- You always had the good sense
to use smoke signals.

Every gol-durn time
you got lost.

- My favorite part.

I could roast a mean
marshmallow, huh, pop?

I guess I wasn't the greatest
scout in the world.

But the troop
always stood by me.

- Why, of course they did.

You know what they say.

Through thick and thin...

scouts stick together.

- Boy, being a scout sure seems
like fun, huh, guys?

- Yeah, scouts do all kinds
of neat stuffs together.

- I like their socks.

- You know, we like to stick
together and do fun stuffs.

Why don't we be scouts?

- You think we can?

- Do we get to wear the socks?

- [Laughs]

- You, too, dilly.

Now alls we need are unicorns.

Scouts gots to wear unicorns.

We look like scouts now.

- Now what do we do, tommy?

- I think we're apposed to do
scout stuff, like--let's see.

Putting up a tent.

- That looks like a tent.

- You're right, lil.

Alls we gots to do
is make it bigger.

- Dil wants to help too.

- Maybe dil can help
by not moving.

- Every scout needs
to help, lil.

- But it's all done, tommy.

- Let's go inside our pretty
little tent.

- No, dil.

- [Laughing and cooing]


- Thanks a lot, dil.

- Dil's not a very good scout,

- Oh, he's just learning,
you guys.

He'll get better.

Scouts, look, an aminal.

We can follow his feetprints.

- [Laughing]

- Shh--dil, you gots to be quiet
when we're following a aminal.

- Doggie, doggie.

- Now look what dil did.

- [Yawns]

- Oh, he's just tired, you guys.

I'm sure he'll be a better scout
after a nappy.

- [Groans]

- That's my nose.

- I don't like this.

- Dil's hogging
all the blankies.

I say we kick him out.

- Yeah.
- Me, too.

- But, you guys,
we're scouts,

And scouts always stick
together, remember?

Now let's try
and get some sleep, okay?

- [Laughing and cooing]

[Spike sniffing]


[All muttering]

- Socks.

- Be a good scout and sleep
tight, okay, dilly?

Uh, dil?


Where's dil?

- Maybe he's under the blankies.

- He's not here.

- How many times
did we tell dil

Scouts are apposed
to stick together?

- Maybe he decided he didn't
want to be a scout no mores.

- Yeah, probably.


- You guys, we're scouts.

That means we gots to find
someone when they get losted.

- We forgotted.

- Sorry, tommy.

- [Babbling]

- Okay, scouts.

Does everybody member
what they're apposed to do?

- Lil and me are gonna look
for dil in the sandbox.

- What are the cookies for?

- To eat.

- What phillip means is,
um, we're gonna--

- Throw the cookies on
the ground so we don't get lost.

- Good one.

- Great.

What about you, chuckie?

- I'm apposed to look
by the tree.

And if I find dil,

Then I got to share
my juice with him

'Cause he might be thirsty.

- And I'll check
spike's doghouse.

'Member, whoever finds dil
gots to blow lots of bubbles,

So we all know he's safe.

Good luck, scouts.

- [Belches]

- Dil, where are you?

- Dilly.


- Come on, dil.

We was only joking about you
not being a scout no more.

- [Babbling]

- Dil?

is that you?



- [Whistles]

- Hey, somebody eated our trail.

- Must've been chuckie.

- Now how are we gonna get back?

- Hmm.

- [Slurping]



Somebody finded dil.

[Both grunt]


- My bubbles are bigger,

- Nuh-uh.
Mine are bigger, phillip.

- You guys found dil.

- We did?

- Oops.

Sorry, tommy.

- Somebody eated our trail,

So we blowed bubbles for help.

- Oh.

That means dil's still out
there by himself.

- What are we gonna do, tommy?

- Well, if scouts
can follow aminal tracks,

Then we can follow baby tracks,

Follow the trail, scouts.

- Yummy, a bug.

- Hey, I sawed it first.

- Nuh-uh!
I did.

- Did not, lillian.

- It's my buggy, you--

- It's my bug.

- Stop it.

- [Gasps]

[Both gasp]

- It's my bug.

- It's my bug!

- [Laughs and coos]


- Scouts, over here.

It's dil's binkie.

He must've went into the bushes.

- [Scatting]

- [Chuckles]

[Phone ringing]


- These are still damp.

Oh, kids.

Why, in my day,
we knew how to do laundry.

- Pop, phone call.

- [Coos]


- Tommy, we looked everywhere
for dil.

Are you sure scouts
have to stick together?

- I should never have tolded dil
he was a bad scout.

- Yeah, he's real good
at getting losted.

- Oh, I know dil's
not the bestest scout

In the world, you guys.

I just wish he was here.

- Oh, me, too, tommy.

- He looked so cute
in his little scout unicorn.

- [Sniffs]

Hey, look, a bubble.

- [Gasps]

- Dil.

- Tommy, tommy.


- Dil blowed bubbles
to let us know he was safe.

- I knew you was
a good scout, dil.

- We blowed bubbles,
and everyone got mad.

- I'll 'splain later, phillip.

- [Laughs]

I think dil learned how
to be a good scout after all.

- But we're not taking
any chances, huh, guys?

- Nope.

Through flick and fin,
scouts stick together.

Right, dilly?

- [Coos]


- My daddy said
they're definitely different

From diapers.