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04x07 - Episode 7

Posted: 10/21/22 07:29
by bunniefuu
This way, everyone.

Here we come
to a part of the prison tour

which I must warn you
is not for the faint-hearted.

It was here that the condemned
would spend their last night on Earth.

The soul of every prisoner
to have been held in these cells

is c*ptive in these walls,

the very stones around you.

Yeah, you want to go to Alcatraz, mate.

I wonder if anyone would care
to volunteer to spend a few moments

locked in one of these cells?

To get a feel for what it was like?

Yeah, all right.

It's said that
if you listen carefully enough,

you can hear the cries
of the prisoners' torment

echoing across the years.


Are you okay?

- Hi.
- Hi.

I thought this might
brighten the place up a bit.

Thank you.

Sorry about this place.

It's only temporary.

Well, I'm used to temporary.

Once Ethan's taken care of,
you won't have to lie low any more.

I'll officially exist in this time?


Lester's working on it.

And once you've got a new identity,
we'll get you somewhere with a window.

Somewhere more permanent.

A window would be nice.

Permanent will take
some getting used to.

Do I look ridiculous in this?

No, you look great.

Ah! The Minister's
authorised all security services

to track Ethan down.

We can catch him ourselves.
We don't need outside help.

Look, the man is a m*rder*r
and a lunatic.

The police and Ml5 are involved now.
It's outside our remit.

He came through an anomaly.
That is our remit.

And now that we know how he thinks,
we're best placed to find him.

- Listen...
- Just get me access

to the evidence from the apartment,
buy me some time

and I guarantee you we'll find him.

That way, we've cleaned up our own mess

and you're back
on the Minister's Christmas card list.

Fine, fine, fine.

You've got till the end of the day.

I can't hold them off
any longer than that.

So, this is where it all happens.

This is my desk.

- It's a little bit...
- Messy.

Yep, "messy" would be
the word for it, right now.

You know, it's good.

I mean, I suppose it's your average
work-surface area, really.


I never know what that does.

- What's this.
- Huh?

- What's this?
- Ah.

That's a dating calculator.

- What?
- Oh, no, no.

Not that kind of dating.

It... It tells you
where the anomalies lead to.

And that means what exact year.

All you've got to do
is point it and press.

You made this?

My first project for Philip.

- That's really cool, Connor.
- It certainly is.

Oh, Philip, here. The anomalies,

they're definitely
getting more frequent.

- Oh, Connor.
- I should go.

Don't take this the wrong way,

but not everything we do here
will concern the ARC team.

Yeah, I know.

So, from now on, we can consider
this lab as being part of Prospero

and off-limits to everyone else.

- Part of Prospero. Check.
- Good.

Secure the perimeter. You two with me.

There was nowhere he could have gone.
I locked and bolted the cell myself.


This way, please, ladies and gentlemen.

The museum will reopen
as soon as possible.


Absolutely nothing.

- Yup.

There's no sign of a creature att*ck.

- Really?
- Yeah, the door was locked,

nothing could've got in it.

- That's weird.
- Hmm.

And we only registered one anomaly
and that's this one.

We searched the entire building,

and there's no other sign
of an incursion.

I don't get it.

There's something I don't understand
about Ethan.

You said something's
going to happen with the gateways

and that he's involved. But how?

If I'm right,
he's going to try to use them,

change them somehow.

But I always assumed
they're a natural force,

like the weather.

How could someone change them?

The technology exists in this time
to change almost anything.

Right now, here, is crucial.

We have all of the abilities
and all of the tools,

and all the wisdom to use them safely.

I'm growing old here, Connor.

How long does it take to get a date
from this thing?

Okay, I'm getting something.

Looks like 1870-ish.


You left home in 1867, right?


I think we found an anomaly
back to your time.

Excuse me.

Connor, are you sure?

Trust the technology, Matt.

If that's what is says,
then that's what it...

- What happened?
- No idea.

Connor, time to turn your toy off.

It won't have anything to do with this.

- Turn it off now!
- Becker, it leads to the Victorian era.

What do you think
is going to come through?

Oliver Twistasaurus?


There must be a problem
with the locking mechanism.

Can you fix it?

Get back!

Maintain a low charge.

Let's try and scare it back through.

If that's what I think it was,

then your calculator's only,
what, a few million years out?

Jess, we're going to need
backup down here right now.

I'll get right on it, Becker.

Who is it?

Emily, I'm sorry, but that anomaly
doesn't lead back to your home.

Jess shouldn't have said anything
till we were certain.

Jess, I can't find a fault
with this locking mechanism.

You're going to have to send me
another one down.

On its way.


- You okay?
- I'm fine.

Wind-up radio, generates its own power.

I know what it is.

We used one to find gateways.

So you're telling me Ethan tuned it in
to the frequency of the anomalies?


Ethan has a way to track anomalies.

Warn the others
he might be on his way to the prison.

I'm heading there now.

No. It's likely that he thinks
you're dead already,

so you're safer here.

- He's my responsibility.
- If you're there,

I'll just be worrying about you
and not about him.

My father warned me
that you'd be a distraction.

Please, just...

Ethan could be armed.
You two stay down here.

Connor, stay with the anomaly.
Abby, you're with me.

Well, what if the...

We double-checked. The place was clear.

I know.


How on earth
did the ARC not pick this up?

Jess, we've got a ptero-bird
and another anomaly in a store room.

I'm only registering the first anomaly.
Are you sure?

Yes, Jess. Pretty sure.

One, two...

Okay, spread out. You know what to do.

Any sign of Ethan?

No, but Matt, we've got
a seriously weird anomaly.

- Show me.
- Okay.

At first, Becker thought
my dating calculator was interfering.

But the replacement mechanism,
that didn't lock the anomaly, either.

This is like nothing
we've ever dealt with before.

And the anomaly we found in
the store room, it didn't look normal.

It was paler, not as strong.

That can't have been open long because
Becker searched the cells, right?

Yeah. If they're coming
and going quickly,

it would explain
how the tourist disappeared earlier.


is there anything to indicate

that someone might have
manipulated this anomaly,

like interfered with it?

Interfering? How?

I mean, there was nobody in the room

when we arrived,
if that's what you mean.

Not again.

Don't sh**t.
I think it wants to go through.

Becker, check for anomalies.
We've got an incursion.

- That was the same bird.
- Really?

Yeah. Scar.

Well, that'd mean the anomaly you saw
must be part of this one.

How does that work?

Move! It's coming back through!

- Danny.
- Danny.


Danny, it's Abby. Can you hear me?

- You're back.
- I can't believe you sh*t him.

He's been away over a year

and he finally makes it back
and you just...

Sorry. He'll be okay,
it was on its lowest setting.

- Danny.
- Come on, Quinn. Get up. Stop faking.



Wow, Becker. You're much cuter
than I remember.

Oh, God!
All right, sunshine?

Come here.

- God, what was that?

Matt sh*t you.

- Yeah?
- Matt likes to sh**t people.

So you'd be Matt, then.

Matt Anderson. Sorry, mate,
you'll be okay in a couple of hours.

I'm really back, aren't I?

- Never thought I'd see you again.
- We waited for you. What happened?

- Where were you?
- Well, you know, here and there.

Mostly through there.

Look, guys,
Ethan could show up any minute.

Abby, take Danny back to the ARC.
Connor, keep trying to lock that thing.

Becker, come with me.

What's going on?

Well, it's a long story. We're kind of
in the middle of something serious.

So, nothing changes, then.

Matt, guard down. Ethan's in.

Careful. Don't move too quickly.

- So, did you two end up, um...

You know...

Ethan's in the building.

Don't move Danny till I say.

Whatever happens,
we can't let Ethan near that anomaly.

Matt. Ethan's using radio frequencies
to locate the anomalies, right?


Then we can tell exactly where he is.


Right, so what are we listening for?

Connor says we'll know it
when we hear it.

If I could just...

All right, stand by.

Here goes.

Okay, he's upstairs.

Oh, uh, you going to be okay?

- Do your thing.
- It's good to have you back.

Connor, Abby, cover the ground floor.

Guys, take cover!

You two take the bird.

- Hold up.
- What?

It's close.

Stop running, Ethan!

There's nowhere to go!

Okay. On three.

One, two...

It's in here. Let me introduce you

- to Molly.
- Molly?

Hang on.

You named your stick?

Listen. It was just me and
those ptero-birds for six months.

Believe me, you start naming things.

Don't move!

You're going round in circles, Ethan.

- Drop the g*n.
- Tell me where the gateway is.

Drop the g*n or I'll drop you!

Tell me where the gateway is.

- Drop the g*n.
- Where's the gateway?

Why? What have you done to it?

- Done to it?
- I know you've messed with it. Why?

What are you trying to achieve?

- I don't know what you're talking about.
- It's over, Ethan!

- Just tell me what the plan was.
- There's no plan!

I thought I wanted to stay
in this world.

I don't. I was wrong.

Oi! Big Bird!

Let me go through the gateway
and you'll never see me again.

- Matt!
- This way!

Whoa. Okay.

Yeah, all right. Just...




It's all right. It's all right.

He's his brother.

Give me two minutes with him, Becker.
Just two minutes, please!

I'm sorry. Matt doesn't want anyone
talking to him.

Look, I promise I'll let you
see him later, all right?


Ah! Quinn.

What an unexpected pleasure.

That's my brother in there.

Look, why can't I talk to him?
What's going on?

Not here. Come on.

My office.

- So, Helen Cutter, dead?
- As a dodo.


How do we know that Patrick's
done all this stuff? I mean,

he could just be using
this guy Ethan's name.

What do we actually know that he's done?

Since Patrick's been here,

he's m*rder*d one person
and attempted to k*ll two others.

This can't be right.

He wasjust a boy when he went through.

What happened to him?

We don't know.

We don't know.

You said you could do anything

and that we didn't understand
the anomalies,

what did you mean?

You said you were the future.

"I am the past. I am the present.
I am the future. " What does that mean?

I have no idea
what you're talking about.


How long is it since you first
went through an anomaly?

Eighteen years.

So you were just a boy.


I was all alone in that world
with those things.

Every day I waited
for him to come and rescue me,

and he never did.

Who, Danny?

So this is all about your brother?

He's not my brother.

Not any more.

So this has nothing to do
with the anomalies?

This is just because you wanted
to punish Danny?

Why are you so interested in me?

I thought you were somebody else,

but I was wrong.


That should hold him
until you figure out what's going on

and we can send him back home for good.

If I figure out what's going on.

You will.

I'll do another circuit, make sure
nothing else has popped through.



Okay, well it won't lock,

and somehow it's projecting
satellite anomalies,

weaker versions of itself.

Connor, you need to come
and see this now.

Look at them.



start from the beginning.

- What do we know?
- Okay, we showed up,

the tourist was missing.

I got the wrong date
and the anomaly wouldn't lock.


Come with me.


Did he tell you what he's going to do?


Talk to me. What happened in there?

Why do you care?


Why are you so interested in Ethan
and what I'm doing here?

Matt, are you accusing me of something?

It's not Ethan.

He's not the one. I was so certain.

So what...

What, you suspect me, now?


I don't know.
Look, it could be anybody now.

It could be Danny, for all I know.

If you were wrong about Ethan,
you could be wrong about everything.

How can you be so sure this event with
the anomalies is even going to happen?

It just is.

I know it is.

Well, it doesn't make sense.

Danny, pleasure to meet you.

Philip Burton.


My company
were invited by the government

to come and help
with the ARC operation.

James Lester tells me you saw
Helen Cutter die.


Did you k*ll her?

I imagine you may not
have had much choice.

Well, strictly speaking, it was
a combination between a raptor

and a steep cliff that
finally finished her off but, um...

Did you know her?


Although I've heard a lot about her.

It's just your name was written all over
a document that she had with her.

- Really? Interesting.
- Yeah.

In what context?

It was a list of questions
about anomalies,

like your opinion mattered to her.

Well, at the risk of sounding conceited,

my opinion on a range of issues matters
to a lot of important people,

especially other scientists.

It'sjust anomalies
aren't just any old issue, are they?

Helen Cutter...

Helen Cutter just isn't
any old scientist.

...was an unbalanced individual.

Who knows what she was thinking?

I trust you're being well looked after?

And if there's anything, you know,
I can get you, anything you need,

don't hesitate to ask.

You can speak to him now.

- Excuse me.
- Of course.


We should tread carefully.

Danny seems...

erratic to me,

a little unbalanced.

It must have been rough
out there on his own so long.


- I'll keep an eye on him.
- Good.

Not a single day went by

when I didn't think
about what happened,

about where you'd gone.


Patrick, look at me, please.

- You abandoned me.
- No.

Everything that I have done
since the day you disappeared

has been about getting you back.

The police force,
joining the ARC, everything.

- Shut up.
- I've never given up on you,

and I'm not about to start now.


- You ready?
- Ready.


Wow. Okay.

Two anomalies.

Two anomalies opening
in exactly the same spot,

and they act like magnets.

They try and repel one another
but they can't because they're fused.

But all that generated energy,
that has to go somewhere,

so satellite anomalies
are opening instead.

But now these anomalies have separated,

the satellite anomalies
should cease to exist.

So these two anomalies
lead to different places.



It worked all along.

Two anomalies.

In exactly the same spot.

- What are the chances of that happening?
- Tiny.

Come on.

Jess, we're coming back to the ARC.

I need you to bring up every bit of
anomaly data that we have,

going way back,
and I mean absolutely everything.

And, Jess,
tell Emily that Connor was right.

It's 1867.
Connor's sure this time. He promised.

I thought this would be good news?

It is. Thank you.

I'm sure if you wanted to stay,
it would be okay.

Do you want to stay?

I wish I knew what I wanted.

The person I was three years ago,

a new bride who went
to investigate the golden light

and fell into another world,

it's not me any more.

But it seems
I don't quite fit here, either.

All those things that you did.

They told me about you.

What happened to you?

At first I had to k*ll to survive.

Those creatures, they kept coming.

I got good at it.

k*lling. Really good.

After a while, you start to enjoy it.

k*lling animals in self-defence,
I get it. But Patrick,


- They're only animals.
- No.

They are. We are.

Why are humans different?

This isn't you, Patrick.

It isn't you.

No, it is.

And I thought about k*lling you
every day.


take me to the gateway

and I promise you'll never
see me again. No one will.

- I can't do that.
- Please.

I just want to be alone.

No. You don't have to do this.

Please. Listen to me.



Intruder alert. All units to Corridor 5.


Ethan! Or Patrick!
Or whatever your name is.

Lower your w*apon slowly
and get down on the ground now. Now!

Okay. Just don't harm her, okay?

I won't.

He's taken one of the 4x4s.

- He's going back to the prison.
- Let's go.

Tell me how to open them.

I told you, I don't know how.

You go through that gateway,
and on the other side

you'll be exactly the same person
as you are now.

Ethan, don't do this.


Nice. You said she was good.


You going to go after him?

I can't risk him going through
to another human time.

I won't leave him alone.

Look, I don't know if I can trust you
but it looks like I've got no choice.

Philip Burton is connected
to Helen Cutter.

They knew each other.

He lied to me about it,
something to do with anomaly research.

Will you let the others know
that Burton is not to be trusted?

Oh, my God.


Look, you go after your brother,
I'll take care of this.


Good luck.

Say goodbye to Abby and Connor
for me, will you?

And, oi.
I've not forgotten that you sh*t me.

I'll get you back for that one day.

- Where's Philip?
He'sjust left.

Thanks, yeah.

I thought perhaps I'd tell you
I would stay.

If you asked me to,

I'd let this close.

That would be the end of it.

But you've got this immense thing
you have to do.

Philip! Don't!

I don't belong here.

And neither do you.

You came through a gateway
of your own, didn't you?

From where? The future?

Everything there is
either dead or dying.

We exist underground

because the surface of the planet
can't sustain life any more.

It's sterile

because of something mankind did.

We destroyed it.

Stop! Stop!


What did we do?

I don't know yet.

What on earth is going on?

A few of us have been sent back to
different times to try to prevent it.

My father as well.

Get your breath back
and talk me through it.

And all of this has got to do
with the anomalies?

I said the anomalies
were growing more frequent.

I was right.

- Something interferes with them?
- Someone.

Someone interferes with them.

I did some projections

of what would happen if the anomalies
kept growing at this rate.

What will happen?

It'd be catastrophic.

Soon, and I mean really soon,

anomalies willjust start
to open up everywhere.

Thousands of them.
Tens of thousands of them.

Unless I stop him, that's it.

The end of all life on this planet.

And they wouldn't stop, they'd just keep
multiplying and multiplying, until...


I don't know.

I will stop him.

But you have to go.

I can't let anything else
matter any more.

Come on.

We have to think of a way
to respond to this.

But most importantly,
we have to keep this to ourselves.

For now.

You do trust me, don't you?

Yeah, I trust you.


Get in.

We have a lot to discuss.