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03x05 - Mum's the Word

Posted: 11/07/22 06:13
by bunniefuu

♪ Why don't you go ahead ♪

♪ And grab your shovel... ♪

STELLA: You know, guys...

the homecoming sandwich station

did not used to feel so involved.

It's probably because
you're just used to

doing the eating part.

The prep takes a little longer.

Well, in her defense, the eating
part is the best part.

- Mm.
- Okay, so while we're on topic of HC...

after two years,
it's kinda tiring feeling like

you're living in your sister's shadow.

They're big shoes to fill, I know.

Okay, yeah, point is, it's my
junior year, and I feel like

I'm ready to show everybody
who August Walker really is.

Show everyone or show those boneheads

who are always unironically
going live on Insta.

Brick and Scout?

Brody and Scooter. Yeah.

And it's not just about them, Stella.

It's about me, which is
why I need your help, Dad.

- Yep.
- So...

basically, we're-we're
playing Holy Word tomorrow.

No way. Tomorrow. Wow.
That takes me back.

- Yeah, so it got me thinking...
- So, we were down

with four minutes left
in the fourth quarter.

And I look over, I see Hoyt
hauling downfield

and I just throw a perfect spiral.

Bam, touchdown! The rest is history.

Oh, it's a slightly revisionist
history there, buddy.

If Hoyt hadn't have gotten that pick-six

on the next drive, we'd have never won.

Yeah, yeah. My point was

that we won the game
and it brought us glory.

Yeah, right, right.

So, um, you know, like,
the afternoon of the big game

they have this, like,

- alum-student flag football thing.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Seniors versus juniors
with alumni on their teams?

Sure, yeah, I remember that. The
winners get a skip day, right?

Yeah, so, I mean,

you know, since we actually have a sh*t

at b*ating Holy Word

for the first time since, you know,

you were playing in the Dark Ages...

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey!
- Wow!

Okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. No offense.

Maybe you could play with the juniors,

you know, give the guys some good vibes.

It'd help me out. What do you say?

Love to, buddy. Hey, listen,

Captain James is giving us
an assignment,

and I'm not sure what it's going to be,

but if I can be there tomorrow,

I will be there tomorrow.
I just can't promise.

This is going to be awesome.

Look, I'm gonna try my best
to make it tomorrow,

but I'm just not sure what
the gig's gonna shake out to be.

It'll break her heart.

Whose heart are we breaking?

- Mm, our grandma.
- Ah.

It's the centennial of our
family's restaurant up in Waco.

It kinda became a thing.
She had her own show.

She's like our personal Julia Child.

Wait, wait. This feels huge.

Which is exactly why
Cassie needs to be there.

You don't want to get the whole

"I'm not mad, I'm just
disappointed" speech.

Oh, definitely not.

Why don't you bring Liam?
Just in case I can't make it.

I mean, yeah, I'd love
to meet your family.

Yeah, although it is kind of early.

Lucas didn't meet her for like a year.

But that was fine.

Was it... was it bad or... ?

No, it was great,

but it was the first boyfriend
he brought home...

Why are you here again?

Yes, why are all of you here?

- (LAUGHING): Hey, Keesha.
- Good morning.

- BEN: Good morning.
- I thought you lived down the hall.

Across the hall, actually.

We brought food because we can't be

- at the actual ceremony.
- I see.

Y'all ready for the Trey Barnett show?

- Look who it is.
- Whoo!

CASSIE: I don't know if Mama's ready.


Sorry, Mama.

What, did it finally get too hot for you

to go out running
on the surface of the sun?


Yeah, yeah. Something like that.

Uh, Cap, you got that assignment for us?

Yeah. Yeah, got a request in
from up the ladder.

You know we've been helping out

with the more sensitive evidence runs

ever since last year's issues?

Yeah. The truck with Serrano's evidence?

Yeah, you guys drew the short straw.

- Where we going?
- You're picking up

at a crime lab near Dallas,
bringing it back down here.

- Dallas office isn't handling?
- No. Origin jurisdiction.

So, you know the drill, right?

Keep the evidence in your custody.

If you got to stop... potty break,

snacks, whatever...
just maintain the chain.

- Yes, sir.
- It'll be ready for pickup tomorrow.

Have it delivered by midnight
and you're good.

- Okay.
- Hey.

We're getting ready to start.
You might want to...

Yeah, shower. Yep. Yep.

Okay, this guy... (CHUCKLES)

... throughout his training,

he proved time and time again

that he has more than what it takes.

We are stronger with him in our ranks.

Y'all know I like to keep it short,

so let me just finish by saying that

this is truly one of the
greatest honors of my career.

Congratulations, Ranger Trey Barnett.



All right.

Let's do this.

Thank you, sir.

- Thank you, sir.
- You're welcome.

Way to go. Welcome to the family, Trey.

My man.

Is this a good time to ask
about carpooling to work?

(LAUGHS) Thank you, everyone.

Thank you. Seriously.
This is a true honor.

- Oh, thank you.
- All right.

JAMES: All right, let's
get back to work.

♪ ♪



- Hey, what are you doing?
- Nope.

We have had six hours of calming auras

and that absolutely wild
guided meditation

by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.

Okay, you don't have
to say his whole name.

I do. It's a sign of respect.

But enough is enough.

It is DJ Cassie's turn.

Oh, good.

Let's see.

You know, the two of us
on a little road trip,

snacks galore,

little bit of mysterious
evidence in the back,

it's a nice change of pace from...

From, what, kidnappings and trauma?

For starters.

- But, yeah,

even if that means
we both miss family stuff,

and speaking of family,
your brother misses you.


And I'm glad we get
to start a new chapter

and catch up on the scenic route.

- It's nice.
- Hmm.

Really nice. It would be perfect
if you could silence your phone.

I mean, who is texting you nonstop?

I thought it was you.

- Me?
- Yeah. I was trying to be nice

because, I mean, yeah, hello,
that is incredibly annoying.

- Incredibly annoying.
- Then what the hell is it?

I-I don't know.

What? Cass, what? What is it?

It's coming from in there.


I feel it in my bones, man.

We win with this last QB
to defeat Holy Word on our team?

That takes us to dub-city, my friends.

Seriously, bro. It's perfect.

Boys, listen, skip day, all right.

Paintball, the lake.
Possibilities are endless.

♪ Everybody cheers,
that's where it's at ♪

♪ Like, yay ♪

♪ Feeling myself today ♪

♪ Everything going my way... ♪

Kinda weird, huh?

I don't know what I was expecting

being back here,
but it wasn't whatever this is.

The nostalgia factor takes time.

Geraldine Broussard. Oh, my God.


Oh, my gosh. Becca Ferguson. Wow.

- Hi! This is, this is Stel...
- Stella Walker.

Already visiting from college?

It's crazy. I could have been your mom.

So, uh, are you still in...
what was it... pharma sales?

It's biomedical technology.

Oh, right.

I just wanted to stop by and say

how inspiring it is to see you here.

Year after year, so bravely,

after everything that's happened.

- Oh.
- Thank you.


♪ I'm feeling good ♪

- ♪ Good, good ♪
- Wow.

- ♪ Hey ♪
- ♪ Hey. ♪

You've got a... delivery?

What is that? A meat bouquet?

- Mm.
- Who's it from?


Where is she anyway?

She's, uh, heading
to New Orleans with her moms.

Listen, Ma, I think you got to try that.

I finally nailed it.

All right, let's see what
you're working with, then, son.


C'est bon, Trey.

- Ah, merci, Mama, merci.
- Wow.

My God.

So we're wearing hats inside now, huh?

My bad. I'm excited.

Your grandma would be proud of this.

Tastes just how I remember.

All right, talk to me, Ma.

Mm-mm. Don't do that.

Don't go therapizing me, Trey Barnett.

You moved on from that.

You're gonna have to give me
something, Ma.

I mean, how else am I supposed
to know how to fix this

if I don't know what's wrong?


It's Captain James.

Sorry. Just give me one second.

Hey, what's up, Cap?

Yeah, yeah. Yeah, for sure. All right.

We'll see you then. Yeah.

Sorry about that.

What was that about?

We got to swing by HQ on the way
to the mayor's event

that we have tonight, if that's okay.

I better start getting ready, then.

Wha... ?


CASSIE: We're just going
to leave this here?

What's in the box?

No, no. You stay back.

CASSIE: Wait, are you thinking b*mb?

Well, you're spooked, too.

Yeah, but the lab and the point officer

obviously would have swept
for anything suspicious.

Okay. Yeah, right, then
tell me it's impossible.

Exactly. You can't.

- It could be anything.
- And it could be dangerous.

We don't even know
what this case is related to.

So it could be a tracker
or a kitchen timer,

or it could be a damn Furby.

Yeah, I'm gonna call James
and the b*mb squad.

I-I guess I'm not gonna call
James and the b*mb squad.

I don't have any service. Have you?

- Great.
- We should've brought a radio.


All right, well, you're
the ranking officer.

What do we do?

All right, so the beeping
makes me think it's on a timer,

not a pressure trigger,
but opening the case

could compromise whatever
investigation it's linked to.

Yeah, okay.

Off your timer theory,

not opening it could get us blown up.

- So, not ideal. Yeah.
- Not ideal. Yeah.

- So...
- So...

So, uh, we're doing this.




Well, at least we didn't go boom.


At least, uh, we didn't go boom.

No, DEFCON for a bunch
of cheap plastic watches.

And no service so I can't even
text Augie good luck

on his flag football game.

Yeah, that's great. Yeah.

Walker, how could we have known?

Huh, alarms are all set for hours.

Every day at the same time,
the mercenaries

would, uh, would-would come
and, uh, come and take us.

Julia, the other prisoner,
above me, the journalist.

She was keeping track
long before I got there.

Every day at the same time,
they would, uh...

- Right.
- Right.

I guess the mercs had a name.

"Grey Flag". Huh.

All right. We should
get back on the road.

What the hell's this?


It was really weird of Becca to say that

about being your mom.

And everything else
that she said, really.

Yeah, that was gross, but whatever.

It's that four months ago,

these were my stomping grounds,

and now it feels icky somehow.

Yeah, I get that.

I think it's just going
to take you a little while

to figure out your routine,
but you'll get there.

I just don't want to be

that weird alumni who's always around.

I didn't mean... I-I was not thinking.

Total word vomit.

It's fine. It's fine.

I was actually thinking
about this earlier.

You know that conversation

that we had about dreams and whatnot?

I don't know if you know this,

but I was supposed to go
to business school,

and then life got in the way.

My dad d*ed and he
left me the Side Step.

And, you know, it wasn't my plan,

but it was the hand that life dealt me.

And it's what keeps a roof over my head.

Kind of like how it's
doing for you right now.

Deciding not to go to college was huge.

And I just feel like there's
more hard choices now.

I thought I'd figure it out
faster, is all.

Well, Stel, part of being a
grown-up is owning your choices.

And you're really lucky
that you have a safety net

while you figure it all out.

'Cause not most people do.

I think if you just try to focus
on the bigger picture,

I know it's hard,

but stop thinking about
the little things.

You're gonna save yourself
a lot of heartache.


Hey, how do you know when it's ready?

Well, you know how in chemistry class

when you would work with acids and bases

and you would use titration
to get whatever

that concoction was
to turn a different color?

Vaguely, yeah.

So that means?

I failed chemistry in college.

Oh, so we're winging it? All right.

Why didn't you call me, mijo?

I would have come over earlier.

They said you were busy and
mentioned we needed more sauce.

But I want to introduce you
to my... uh, to Liam.

Oh, good to meet you.

It is so nice to meet you finally.

And congratulations on everything.

Thank you.

And I hope you have
a great time tonight.

Oh, I'm sure that I will.

We just watched your episode
last night on Passion Pit,

and everything just looks amazing.

Well, then maybe you can convince Ben

to come over to see me
a little more often.

I'm sorry. Things have been crazy.

Crazy good, though.

You know, a major distillery
just gave Ben the exclusive

on a limited batch
for their reserve barrels.

GLORIA: Oh, really?

Well, then I wouldn't mind

if a bottle fell off the truck.

(LAUGHS) I think
we can do better than that.

Oh, Lucas. You've got to watch this.

It's actually...

I-I got it.

- Yeah.

♪ ♪

Oh, this is weird.

Look, compared to Miles,
Fenton was their inside guy,

and his file starts halfway
through his time as a Ranger.

Okay, well, you know,
Miles was an outsider, so...

Yeah, but, no, here, look, see,

yours is kind of insane.

You've got m*llitary discharge papers.

Stella's birth.

There's all these scribbles,
tons of notes.

Dental records.

It's like Grey Flag was obsessed.


Guess these must be the files
that Sean was quoting to me.

I mean, it makes perfect sense, Cass.

You know, them having all this
info. It's classic psyops.

- Right, but still...
- But still nothing.

It doesn't matter.

You know, Grey Flag,
they're all finished, locked up.


"Cassie was a Ranger,
Cassie loses partner,

Cassie freaks out,

And Cassie gets duped
by douchebag Sean".

Yeah, it is not even worth
a second page.


This really makes my life seem sad.

Cass, maybe it's because

you haven't been a Ranger very long.

Again. Dental records.

Okay, again, we are...
uh, we're done with this.

- Wait, what?
- This is pointless.

Cass, I mean, these files are nothing

but a bunch of Looney Tunes
thinking they're MI- .

And we are going to prove them wrong.

The first stop, Perez Prime Cuts.

I hear it's an anniversary.

Wait, wait, hold up,
what about the evidence?

You heard James.

It only has to be delivered
by midnight tonight,

and it will be.

You're serious?

As a heart att*ck.


The delivery can wait,

but starting this whole
"trauma-less chapter",

as you put it, cannot.




Ah, yes!

I still cannot believe that
this is your family's place.

- Yeah.
- And you never told me

you're Texas barbecue royalty.

I mean, it's almost hurtful.

Well, there's a lot of things
you don't know.

Oh, yeah?

There she is.

Guess who.

Hey, don't you scare
an old lady like that.

Oh, I couldn't resist. I've missed you.

Oh, honey.

Ooh, and who is this handsome young man?

- Oh.
- And tall, too.

This is my partner Cordell Walker.

Liam's brother.

The famous Ranger Cordell Walker.

You're always in the news.

Okay, well, ma'am, just Walker is fine,

And believe you me, I'd love
to stay out of the news.

- Congratulations, by the way.
- Oh, thank you.

- Make yourself at home.
- You bet.

Eat. Both of you, eat.

Oh, we are gonna eat.
Just wanted to see you first.

Also... h-hold on a second.

Is that, is that a headshot?

Were you a child star or something?

Strictly local.

No, man, this place is a gold mine.

Okay, let's not.

Oh, no, no, I, I think we should.


Uh, yeah. I-I'm gonna need a few hours,

but, uh... okay, yeah.
Send me the details.


- Hey, everything okay?
- Hey.

Whoa, I thought it was no contact.

Yeah, it's supposed to be low
contact, but I got all of it.


Uh, hey, Stel, I, uh, I got
to go take care of something.

So I'm gonna have someone come here,

help you pack all this stuff up,
and once you're done,

just consider yourself off
for the night.

We're not opening on a Friday night?

It's not ideal, but, yeah.

I mean, we're already closed,
so I'll keep in touch, okay?

Hey, I'm sorry Dad bailed on the game.

He's been trying really hard
to show up for us lately.

Yeah, show up for you maybe.

What does that mean?

It's whatever. Stella, I'm used to it.

And, um, you know, who needs
friends or a skip day anyway?

W-W-Wait. I'm off now

since the Side Step is closed.

Why don't you come hang out
with Colton and me?

There's, like, one of these

sing-along things at the Drafthouse.

You really don't get it, do you?

Whatever, Stella. Enjoy your movie.

I can do better than a skip day.

What's up, boys?

- Hey, hey.

JAMES: Hey. Come on in,

- KEESHA: Captain.
- How's Austin treating you, Keesha?

Oh, hot as hell, just like home.

Yeah, you're not, you're
not wrong. Have a seat.

Thank you.

- Okay.
- What's up, Cap?

When I was first coming up,

there was this brother named Willy Lamb.

He was like, you know, old-school cool,

tough as nails,

one of only a few Black Rangers.

He was stationed up north.

When I got my star,
he drove through the night

just to see them pin it on me

and he gave me this.


Willy had it made
to kind of set himself apart,

not that he needed any help doing that,

but it was his way of saying,

"I'm one of you, I'm here. You know?

I ain't going anywhere".

Thank you.

I mean, this, this is just... Wow.

Hey, you earned your spot, man.

This is just a little something
to remind you

that there's more to it than
the day-to-day, you know?

Yeah. Yeah. There's history.

That's right, a legacy,
one that you're a part of

and one that I know
you're going to live up to.

Yes, sir.


Coast is clear.


Oh, check this out.

Yo, pass the cups.

♪ ♪

- Kegs are dry.
- I got this.

- Yo, give me a hand, Scoot.
- Yeah.

♪ Catch me if you can ♪


Yeah, you know, sometimes
the gas lines get a bit funky,

I just have to change the kegs out.

Dude, how do you know all this?

Well, one of the perks
of owning a bar, I guess.

Cool, we'll just switch out the kegs.

(CHUCKLES) There we go.


Hey! Guys, we're in here, we're stuck.

♪ Catch me if you can. ♪

- Hey there.
- Hey.

- You mind?
- No, please sit.


You know, uh, man, I guess
it was about a year ago,

I was with your son

and the next thing I knew,
boom, I was sh*t.


I'm fully recovered now,

but I wouldn't be here
if it wasn't for Trey.

He saved my life.

Captain, do you have any kids?

I do, yeah.

DJ. He's up at Boise State.

Look, I worry about my kid constantly,

I do,

but I'm not going to pretend
that our worries

for our sons are the same, you know?

I mean, that look on your face...

exact same look my mom had.

I'll never forget it.

I'm not trying to tell you
how to feel, okay?

I just hope you can come to understand

the decision that your son has made

and know that he's... he's special.

My two favorite people.
Is everything all right?

Everything is golden.

I'm gonna head over.
I'll see you guys there.

Captain. Thank you.

You can call me Larry.

And you're welcome.

- Can I call you Larry?
- No.

You know, the last time
I was here, I found peace.

You had the house,

the girl, the safe job.

Ma, why didn't you tell me this before?

Because you're grown, Trey,
but I'm telling you now.

It was hard raising you
while your father went career.

I know the history,
and a lot of it's ugly.

But my decision was about that man:

Captain James and his vision.

Cassie, Walker, and James,

they have my back.

I just pray that you do, too.

Of course I do.

It's just, Trey...

You need time.

Maybe just a little.

Come on, Ma.


I don't know, I-I guess I just wanted

to make it out of high school
alive, you know?

Damn. That's... dark.

I'm sorry. It's just...

It's been really fun
hanging out with you guys,

but I know I'm just

Stella's weird little brother
to everyone.

Dude, you guys were a force,

plus you had a band with seniors.

Always with upperclassmen.

Does surgery on his uncle
in his bedroom.

Bro, you're badass.

- I didn't think we stood a chance.
- What?

You literally just said you wanted

to make it out of high school alive.

And not, like, in a dramatic
way. You meant it.

Well, I mean, when
you put it that way...

I'm just glad to know we were wrong

about you being up on a high horse.

Turns out, you are kinda crazy, though.

We broke into a bar your Ranger dad owns

and are drinking it dry...


What the hell was that?

They'll get our texts
any minute and let us out.

- Oh, man.


You've got this. It's cool.

I still hope you feel that
way in about an hour.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

You know, I've been
thinking about earlier.


About all of it.


Mostly the dossiers.

Cassie, these files, they're just...

Crazy Pants trading cards, I know.

- Yes. Exactly.
- But they're not wrong.

For so long I was
just living for the job.

Well, as you know, work-life balance

isn't exactly my strong suit either,

but finding that sweet spot takes time.

I think just seeing it
all laid out like that

was the kick in the ass
I needed to do more.

Refocus my life or whatever.

Okay, that can all start right now.

Sometimes all you need is family.

Is that why you've been tiptoeing

around your brother all night?

- All right. Touché.


Well, maybe now's your chance.


I'm going to go clear this.

- Do you want me to...
- Uh, sure. Please.

Thank you.

Perfect. Uh...

- How you doing? Good?
- I don't know.

I feel like Ben doesn't
really want me here.

His grandma keeps
confusing me for Lucas.

I don't know if I can really
make sense of things.

Can I give you a bit of advice?


Sometimes when you're in a relationship,

you can tend to go with the flow

and try and ignore the little things,

but those little things can add up.

Why don't you just talk to him?

You really are doing better, huh?

(CHUCKLES) I'm getting there.

- You?
- Not quite.

Grew up on the ranch,

I never gave the horses
a second thought.

Now I need them for therapy...
they really help.

- Good.
- You know, but, uh,

I'm very far still from better.

I haven't really healed
keeping all the trauma inside.

But out there I feel like,

I don't know, I feel like
I can let some of it out.

Good. Hey, um, how about this?

When you and I get home,

we, uh... we talk about it?

We talk about what we went through.

Yeah. I'd really like that.

That's a date.

- BEN: Testing.

Testing. Testing.

We wanted to say a few words

as we celebrate years
of Perez Prime Cuts.


Back then it was just one smoker,

two recent immigrants from Puerto Rico

with a lot of promise.

Ah, Puerto Rico. ¡Viva!

Our abuela's been
running it for decades,

and we've been very lucky
to have a front row seat.

She taught us all about
the value of hard work,

about our roots,

even though we weren't
always the best students.


But when we started a little tradition,

she saw that we were listening.

Wait, what are you doing?

Every weekend Cass and I
would put on a show.

For tips, of course.

Someone needed their candy money.

You can't be serious.

BEN: Oh, I am.


♪ ♪




♪ Hold it together to let 'em know... ♪


Hey! Party's over!

Seriously! Time to go now!


Tomorrow. Lake. Jet Skis.

- It's on.
- Yeah.

All right. Get home safe.

- Hey, good night, bro.
- All right, see you later.

What were you thinking?

Police! Freeze!

Hands where I can see 'em.

♪ What didn't k*ll me made me
stronger, better and bigger ♪

♪ Now it's my time to deliver ♪

♪ Trophies belong to the winners ♪

♪ History lies in the hands
of the great. ♪

- Hey, Cass.
- Hmm?

I have a feeling I know
what you're thinking.


What you said earlier about me

and-and captivity... you were right.

I guess those kind of things
have a way of sticking with you.

So the watches, the files...
it all made it rush back.

But I am not going to let
past traumas rule my life.

Fact is, it's gonna happen again.

You know, no matter what I do,
someone is going to come for me.

I can't change that, but I can
change how I react to it.

So, I've decided that I'm done
looking over my shoulder.

I know you have the whole boys club,

capture-the-flag thing but,

I'm happy to join you any time,

running and frying on a dirt road.

- Okay. Yeah?
- Yeah.

Okay, all right, well, be careful,

I might take you up on that.

Hey, I hope you know that you, uh, this,

you know, our partnership,
it's really helped a lot.

- So, the case.
- The case?

Oh, the-the case. The case, yeah, uh...

It was signed into our custody

and we never broke chain of command.

Bags were never opened,
we didn't tamper.

No. Nothing we did could
compromise that evidence

so it shouldn't compromise our careers.

I mean, it'd be a whole lot
of mess for nothing.

I think we turn it in
and don't say a word.


Okay. Yeah.

This is between us.

It's a promise.




a*t*matic VOICE: You have a call

from the Austin Police
Department Holding from...

AUGUST: August Walker.



- Hey.
- Hey.


Things were weird today.

I don't disagree.

I've been thinking about
it all, overthinking really,

just how I didn't
officially invite you here

- and about the Lucas stuff...
- Ben...

No, just let me finish, okay?

Because dancing around it

actually helped me figure it out.

We jumped into this.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

And then you got kidnapped,

which is not something
I know how to talk about

but also something
you have not talked about.

I kind of... I feel like it's
between my brother and me,

but this...

this comes so easily.

It did.

So, you... saying you want
to take a break?


God, no.

I just think that we should discuss,

what this is, what we are.

And really how we can move
forward, given where you are.

I hear you.

I hear you. I do.

What do you want?

Well, I really like doing this with you.

The easy and the awkward

and just trying to figure out
what this is.

I don't want that to stop.

I don't want it to stop either.

♪ For a "further down the line" ♪

♪ We called it just in time. ♪

Was it worth it?

Getting put in here for some clout?

Oh, my God, Stella. You know what?

This is why I wanted you to leave.

How is any of this my fault?

Look, I hear you about
so-called favoritism

and I'm sorry, okay?

But this, tonight, you made a choice.


You. Truck.

- Dad, I'm sorry.
- Don't. Don't.

No. Later.

- Get in the truck.
- Yes, sir.

♪ ♪


What the hell were you thinking?

You should ask August.

Stella, I've been trying
to be patient with you.

You lied for months
about your mother's car.

You roped in August on that,
then you drop this bombshell

about not wanting to go to college.

And you know what?
I've been trying to be

the cool modern dad
who rolls with the punches.

It's your life. You get
to make the big choices.

That's great. I'm good with that.

That's "cool". Right?
But now here we are.

You threw another party
and ended up in jail again,

but this time, you dragged
your brother into it as well.

They saw kids doing donuts
in the parking lot

and tossing bottles into the streets.

That is completely uncalled for.

This is not my fault.

I was just trying to help August out

- and then, bam, the cops show up.
- Stella.

No. Go out there and
ask him what happened.

You got to believe me.

How can I ever believe you again

when all you've been doing
for months is lying to me?



No, don't, don't "Dad, please" me. No.

Stella, you're an adult now,

and that means facing the
consequences of your actions,

and that means you...

are staying right there,

in that cell by yourself.

Maybe that will give you
some time to think.

♪ ♪