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05x07 - Crossfire

Posted: 11/07/22 06:54
by bunniefuu





I have so many questions,

I don't know where to start.

So I'll open with...

- "Where you headed?"
- To the bar on the corner.

I'm taking my brother
for one last drink.

- I'm sorry for your loss.
- As am I.

But y-you can't just
be transporting a...

- There is a body in there?
- Yes, sir.

My brother Kenny.

Uh, who knows the next time
I'll see him, if ever.

- If you know what I mean.
- Yeah. No, actually,

I don't know what you're talking...

I'm sorry. Could you
open the lid for us, please?


- Oh.
- We there yet?

- Your brother's not dead.
- No, sir.

So why is he in a coffin?

Oh, we just found it on the side
of the road a ways back.

- Pretty cool, right?
- CELINA: Okay, but you said

it was the last drink
and you'll never see him again.

Yeah, well, he's moving
to the Valley tomorrow,

- so who knows?
- I just...

It's right behind my eyes.

♪ Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, ♪
♪ oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

It's like a hot knife.

♪ I'm gonna win for you ♪

♪ Like I know you want me to do ♪


Alright, so, what do we have?

Ji-hoon Kim...

, liquor-store owner.

Two g*nshots to the head.

Also has a fractured jaw
and bloodied ear.

There were broken bottles inside.

- He fought off a robber?
- Or tried to.

Looks like he tried
to make a run for it.

Anyone see anything?

Hey, Detectives.

A C.I. of mine
says Double R did it

because our victim wouldn't pay up.

- Double R?
- Some new girl g*ng.

I'm sorry, did he just act like

- girls aren't dangerous?
- Yes, he did.

In front of two of the
most dangerous women

who have ever walked this earth.

Who could have you assigned to

traffic control on the
surface of the sun.

MAN: Officer Jan,
we need you inside.

Uh, yeah, Copy that.
I'm on my way.

Oh, yeah. Yeah.
You better run.


♪ ♪

Good morn...

Oh. Good morning.

Ignore me.

- Please continue.
- We need to talk.

That's never a good start
to a conversation.

So, I've been speaking with Celina.

Oh! I just discovered
a worse one.

The energy in your house is off.

- Our house.
- That's really sweet,

but not the point.

Okay. I'm excited to hear
what the point is.

Ever since the engagement,
whenever I'm here,

I feel off center,
if that makes any sense.

But I couldn't put my finger on it.

But after talking to Celina,
we realized

that the wallpaper color in the bedroom

doesn't line up
with your astrological sign

and the couch fabric

is completely counter
to your birth element.

Okay, see, the plan was
for you to rub off on Celina,

not the other way around.

- What about the blocked energy?
- Oh, don't you worry.

I'll talk to Celina today
all about that blocked energy.

Love you.

Okay. That's it.
Be safe out there.

But before you leave, one more thing,

what you've all been waiting for.

So, I'll make this quick.

Pay raises from
the last union negotiation

have gone into effect.

- Yeah.
- Yay.


♪ ♪

Check your pay stubs,
and we'll see what...

- You're interrupting a briefing.
- Are you Sergeant Wade Grey?

- No.
- That'd be me.

You've been served.

"Elijah Stone vs.
The City of Los Angeles, LAPD,

Wade Grey, Wesley Evers,
and Angela Lopez."

♪ ♪

A civil suit and a Pitchess motion.

Briefing's over.

♪ ♪

What's a Pitchess motion?

It's a request to see
a cop's personnel file.

Everything... IA complaints,
even the bogus ones.

It's a great way to, uh, block energy.

Why don't you go set up the
shop. I'll meet you out there.

LOPEZ: Hey, union rep.
Anything you can do to help?

Not much I can do about the lawsuit.

As far as the Pitchess motion goes,

I can call the City Attorney's
office right now

and make sure they're
following POBR on that.


I've been hit with Pitchess motions

and never had a judge grant one.

Yeah, but if it is granted,

Elijah can use it to
support his claims of

"violation of civil rights,"

"false arrest by a peace officer
with a warrant,"

"racial profiling,
civil conspiracy."

This is unbelievable.

I mean, the guy is
a major drug trafficker.

If he thinks he can sue

a defense attorney
turned prosecutor and win,

he doesn't know how badass
my husband is in the courtroom.

- Damn straight.
- Uh, you want to take a minute,

or, should we ask about Chen?

What about Chen?

We caught a D.B.
this morning,

a shopkeeper who refused
to pay protection money

to a street g*ng called Double R.

Rowena Razors out of Rowena Gardens?

g*ng task force
doesn't have much on them

except their leader, Shana Quelli.

She was released from Valley
State Prison three months ago.

She's been extorting
store owners on her turf.

Our victim took a stand,

and the Razors made
an example out of him.

Harper and Lopez need you

to infiltrate the g*ng

to get some evidence, m*rder w*apon.

- A confession would be best.
- Uh...

They're not going
to let me anywhere near them.

You're U.C. now, right?

Gaining access and building
trust is the name of the game.

♪ ♪

You got it.

I'll figure it out.


TIM: Hello, ma'am.
We had a noise complaint.

Everything okay?

I was just arguing with my son.

Ain't no need for the police.

Okay, so what's the problem, ma'am?

- My son, Tabin.
- Mm-hmm.

He won't listen.

He cuts school.
He won't pick up after himself.

And the mouth on that boy.

- And how old's your son?
- .

- He thr*aten you?
- He knows he better not!

Okay, any dr*gs,

weapons, other criminal behavior?

Absolutely not.

I see him drifting.

He's running the streets
instead of doing schoolwork.

Told him he's gonna
end up like his sister.

I already lost one child.

I'm not gonna lose another.

And let me guess, he didn't
want to hear that, huh?

He says I don't know
what I'm talking about.

Starts yelling and, and slamming doors.

I told him, "You break my house,"

"I'mma break your head."

Okay. Well, we can't arrest him
if he hasn't committed a crime.

Ain't nobody asking you to do all that.

You can't talk to him,
put the fear of Jesus in him,

help keep him out of trouble?

I pay your salaries.

You know what?
We should defund y'all ass.

Look, um, I-I'll talk to him, okay?

Is he inside?



She did not call the cops on me.

- Ma!
- Hey, hold on.

It's-it's alright.

Tabin, right?

Officer Thorsen.
Call me Aaron.

She's crazy, okay?

Your mom didn't call us, okay?

But she is worried about you.

What am I supposed to do?

Stay cooped up in here?

I-I want to live my life.

Right, and she wants you

to live a long and good life,
too. All moms do.

You know, it's just, sometimes,
they can trip about everything.

I know how you feel, okay?

My mom, she's a piece of work, too.

Sometimes I feel like

she's the kid and I'm the adult.

- Yeah. Yeah. You know.
- Right.

But you still got to
show her respect, okay?

No matter how angry you get.

When I was your age, I was angry, too.

Listen to her, right?

If you get upset or whatever,

just take a beat before answering.

I mean, she changed
your diapers, man, okay?

You owe her that.

- I hear you.
- Anything else bothering you?

- Kids at school?
- Nah.

- You use?
- No, sir.

Good. Any gangs
pressuring you to join?

No, no.

Here's my card, alright?

It's got my cell on it.

Anything stresses you out,
you give me a call, okay?

But no more slamming
these doors. You feel me?

Yes, sir.


Yeah, as their union rep,
I just wanted to touch base.

Thank you very much for your time.

What'd they say
about the Pitchess motion?

That Lopez's and Wesley's marriage

is going to complicate things.

Elijah's gonna try to prove prejudice.

He may actually have a case.

Yeah, that's not good.

No, that's not good at all.

Uh, now, what was
Bailey talking to you about,

uh, our house's energy being blocked?

Okay, look, she came to me for advice.

And you suggested redecorating?

[CHUCKLES] Okay, look,
it's more than that.

It's about having
your home's energy line up

as you build a home together.

It's that couch.

- She hates the couch.
- Definitely the couch.

It's like a positive-energy black hole.

- I'd start there.
- "Start"?

- BARISTA: Enjoy. Have a great day.
- Thank you.

Double latte, cranberry scone?

You know me well.


He's taking the last one?

And if you real about it

Hello, Wesley.

What, you following me?

Well, I heard you come here
every morning.

Well, the best scone in town.

You know, I never would have guessed

from your sad, little office
or that beater that you drive

that you're old-money rich.

What's it like
having generational wealth?

I don't care about money.

I care about justice, the rule of law.

Spoken like someone
with a ton of money.

- Hmm.
- Well, don't worry.

I'll be relieving you of your burden.

Get in, get in

It's been nice, but you need to leave.

Your lawsuit's malicious.

I'm not leaving.
This is my spot.

Well, not anymore.

Given the fact that you
planted evidence on me,

are married to a police detective,

and have the full force
of the D.A.'s office behind you,

it's easy to see how you kept your job.

My only choice was to file
a restraining order against you.

The judge granted it.

This gentleman here just served you.

I'mma be here every day,
which means you'd better not be.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

- Take the scone.
- That's all you're gonna get.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


- It's that kid Tabin.

"Took a beat like you said."

"Now Mom has me grocery shopping."

"Thanks a lot."
Smile emoji.

- "What time's dinner?"

I think that kid's gonna be alright.

Be careful.
Puppies are a lot of work.


You just got a puppy.

Meaning I'm blurring the lines?

Meaning protect your personal space.

Lucy got a puppy over a year ago.

Now she's living with her.

I mean, as long
as his mom's a good cook.

♪ ♪

LUCY: Oh, hey,
I ran a record management search

on the Rowena Razors.

Here is everything
from the g*ng task force.

They are playing catch-up.


This doesn't make sense.
I mean,

criminal history, arrest reports.

These girls are heavy hitters.

They've all done time
for meth trafficking,

attempted m*rder, manslaughter.

Why is the current intel so light?

Well, you said it.

Everyone dismisses female gangs

as some sort of throwback curiosity,

like the Pink Ladies.

And if they do take them seriously,

they are written off
as drug mules or prostitutes,

not the ones who are actually
calling the sh*ts.

This is what
I was trying to say earlier.

It's gonna be tough to get in.

They'll be a tight-knit group,
you know?

- Suspicious of outsiders.
- Yeah. No doubt.

But don't make the same mistake
that men do

and write them off
as just little girls.

They're a real threat.

Well, so am I.

♪ ♪


Remember, those stop signs
are there for a reason.

Drive safe.


You know, here's what's concerning me.

- About what?
- Bailey.

She's feeling off-center
ever since she proposed.

- It's not you.
- It's the energy in your house.

Let's just say,

for the sake of argument,
it's not about the couch.

- Mm-hmm.
- I just don't like

that she doesn't feel
comfortable in our home.


Police! Drop the g*n!

-Adam- .
sh*ts fired at our location.

- I need assistance.
- Check on the victim.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Good boy.

I know you're in there.

Throw the g*n out.

♪ ♪

Now step out nice and slow.

Keep your hands where I can see them.


Turn around.

Hands on your head.
Step towards me.

Right there.

- Alright.

Nice dog.

Code .
Suspect in custody.



He got what he deserved.

I'm sure you feel that way,

but no one deserves that.

- He's dead.

Yeah, well, b*ll*ts will do that.

No, I mean, like, he's a corpse.

Skin's cold and pale.

The vessels in his eyes are trucking.

I mean, I'd say he's been dead
for at least an hour

before she shot him.

Why would she sh**t someone...

- Who's already dead?

NOLAN: You'll see that little
trailer halfway down on the left.

That's where I found her hiding.

Hello, sir.

Our victim is Alvin Mitchelssen.
He's an M.D.

He was working at a urgent care
center in Woodland Hills.

- This his residence?
- Yes, sir.

- Any family?
- Uh, he's got a wife

we're trying to get ahold of.
She hasn't picked up yet.

I had realized there was no blood

coming out of the b*llet holes,
which was weird.

But then I saw blood pooling
on the seat,

and that's when I realized
he was already dead.

The M.E. found a s*ab wound
on his lower back.

They figure that's
the likely cause of death.

There was no blood leading to the car.

So we figure he was stabbed
as he was entering the vehicle,

but, he was losing blood so quickly,

he passed out before he was able
to drive himself to a hospital.


Good work, both of you.

[SCOFFS] This guy must have
been a piece of work

for two people to set out
to k*ll him on the same day.

Uh, sir, would you mind

if Juarez and I continued
working this case?

I know you have your hands full
with the Elijah Stone stuff.

I appreciate that.

You two work this.

Just keep me in the loop
with any developments.

- Yes, sir.
- Head back. Talk to the sh**t.

If we can figure out
why she wanted him dead,

maybe we can determine why someone else

would want him dead, too.

Got it.

What am I charging her with?


- desecration of a human corpse?
- Right.

But if she didn't know
it was a corpse...

Then it'd be attempted m*rder.

- But...
- But without a victim...

Give me a second.

Bradford, we have a suspect

who fired into an already
expired individual.

TIM: Ooh, that's a tough one.
Could be m*rder one,

but maybe just discharging a firearm.

They either get a trial or a ticket.

- Thanks for nothing.
- NOLAN: Uh, you know what?

I'll just call the D.A.'s office
when I get back.

I'm sure they've done this
a hundred times.


Probably not a hundred.
That doesn't seem very...


I could pose as a store owner,

get them for extortion.

No, we need them for the m*rder.

Keep looking.



- What is it?
- One of the Razors,

Vina Cordon...

there was a - called
at her house today,

and, Tim and Aaron took it.

Hey, you guys caught a -
this morning?

It was cute.

- Cute?
- All puppies are cute.

[SCOFFS] Until they borrow
your earrings and they lose one.

Yeah, the mom asked us
to talk to her -year-old son.

He's a good kid.

Aaron's protégé has been
texting him nonstop.

"Who should I take to prom?
What's good on Hulu?"

Did the mom mention a daughter?

Yeah, she said she lost one.

Didn't want her son
to end up the same way,

and I thought she meant,
like, O.D. or something.

Uh, Vina Cordon.

She runs with the Rowena Razors.

- R- .
- We want to put Lucy under,

but we can't find an in.

Your kid might be our ticket.

If your puppy vouches for her,
it can go a long way.

I don't know. Having a kid act
as a C.I. on his own sister?

I mean, they might not
even be in touch.

She doesn't have any violent priors,

but we like the g*ng leader
for doing our shop owner.

Okay, so you're not
going after the sister.

The kid's a minor. We're gonna
need the mom's permission.

No, I-I'm not feeling that.

Why would we put him in this situation?

I get it.
But it's one intro.

It's not like it's a buy or anything.

Yeah, but it opens the door.

- Isn't there another way?
- There really isn't.

Alright, look, how about we keep
an eye on the kid ourselves,

make sure he's safe?

If we don't do this,

we risk letting a suspect
get away with m*rder.

♪ ♪


Whatever you need.

We'll set it up.

Well, do you want to tell us
why you shot Alvin Mitchelssen?

A few years ago,

my dad hurt his back at work.

And Dr. Mitchelssen
gave him opioids for the pain.

And he just kept...

Upping the dosage.

And I went and I told him,

"My dad is abusing the pills."

"He needs help."

And Dr. Mitchelssen
just ignored me.

- My dad O.D.'d three months ago,

and he would still be around today

if it wasn't for that monster.

Well, did you report him
to the medical board?

I did everything
that you were supposed to do,

and no one cared.

I wasn't gonna just
let him k*ll my father.

He had to pay.

And that is why I k*lled him.

And I am ready for whatever
consequences that may bring.


Well, Abby, I've got
some good news for you,

and, I've got some good news for you.

Dr. Mitchelssen was already dead,

when you shot him this morning.


Uh, I don't understand.

So I-I'm not being arrested for m*rder?


We will be charging you with vandalism,

discharging a firearm in public,
and mutilation of a corpse.

So I'm not gonna be spending
the rest of my life in prison?


After we process you,
you'll be free to go,

and someone will explain to you
how you can get your g*n back.

Keep it.

Having it in the house
in the first place

is what got me here.


Look, it's a big decision.
You know, we don't usually

involve minors, but it's the only way.

I knew this Shana girl was nasty.

I told Vina,
"Stay away from her."

- Is it dangerous?
- It's just an introduction.

One meeting. But we'll be set up
on surveillance.

- You'll be there?
- Yes, ma'am.

And what do you think?

Is this a good idea?

I think it's our best bet
to get Shana off of the streets.

That's not what I asked.

Do you think he should do it?



♪ ♪

If we can get Vina
away from Shana, then...

Maybe she'll come back home.

I hope so, baby.

I'll do it.

Do I get a g*n?


Do I at least get to wear a wire?


You guys are real cops, right?

♪ ♪


Thank you for coming in.
We just had a few questions.

- Would you like to sit?
- Yeah.

First, uh, may I say how sorry we are

for the loss of your husband.

Thank you.

I-I'm still in shock.

I can only imagine.

When was the last time
you spoke with Alvin?

This morning.

I had a conference downtown, so,

I left before him, which is unusual.

He's usually out the door first.

Can you think of anyone,

who would want to harm your husband?

I don't understand.

What do you mean, harm my husband?

W-Well, he was stabbed.

Right before he was shot.

Somebody stabbed him, then shot him?

Two people, we think.

- At the same time?
- No.

So two different people
k*lled my husband?

No, technically, just one.

None of this makes sense.
He's a doctor.

He-he dedicated his life
to helping people.

I-I knew he had heart problems.

That's what I thought you were
gonna tell me k*lled him.

I-I don't understand why
someone would want him dead.

So there's nothing you could think of

that could lead to this?
I mean, no arguments

with co-workers, patients?

All his patients loved him.

Well, thank you very much again
for coming in.

And we are so sorry for your loss.

- Uh, Rich, would you show

Mrs. Mitchelssen
back to the front desk?

If we have any more questions,
we'll be in touch.

Uh, please...

Find whoever did this to my husband.

Of course.


Sounds like she didn't really
know her husband.

Or he's a really good liar.

♪ ♪

♪ If you gon' do it, do it right ♪

♪ So if I hit it once, ♪
♪ I know I can do it twice ♪

♪ Anything come up out my mouth, ♪
♪ I'mma back it up ♪

♪ Don't judge me cuz ♪


Yeah, that's the sister, Vina.

LOPEZ: I have Shana,
the sh**t.

Copy. Lucy, you're up.




- WOMAN: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.




♪ ♪


You didn't invite me?

SHANA: What you want?

- You Vina?
- Who are you?


I got a special delivery for you.

♪ ♪

What the hell you doing
with my brother?

Get over there.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Put that g*n away.

Is that how you're gonna thank me,

for saving your brother from the cops?

- You a'ight?
- Yeah.

Man, you're wearing some
dumb genes in your family.

Got some nerve to be talking like that.

Okay. Wait, wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait, wait.

Look, cops saw me boost a six.

- They chase you?
- Two blocks.

They would have caught him if I
didn't stop

and let him in my ride.

That's the last time
I help a kid in need.

♪ ♪

Can't blame her...

You rolling up on a house like that.

Could've been a drive-by.

Yeah, well, I like to make an entrance.

And exit, too.


Stay good, little man.


Yo, chica.

- Mm-hmm.
- Chill.

Grab a drink.


♪ ♪

Promise me you're not gonna freak out.

I never freak out.
I'm a very calm person.

Don't even wo...


This is so...

Are we, are you, are we
redecorating the entire house?

You said you weren't gonna freak out.

Listen, there are just some
samples I wanted to look at together.

Okay, can we just talk about why
you're not comfortable at home?

I mean, this morning, you said
you've been feeling off-center.

I think we should try
to figure out why.

I want you to be happy everywhere.

- I am.
- Not entirely, though.

You know this has nothing
to do with you.

I'm just weird.

Okay, well, maybe it doesn't
have anything to do with me,

and, maybe it has something to do
with the house after all.

What do you mean?

There's nothing of yours there.

It's all my stuff.

Today we'll go get some of your things,

bring it over to the house,
and then it'll be our place.

Thank you.

Oh, come on. I'm sorry
I didn't think of it sooner.

You know, there is
this one lounge chair,

that I love, and I've been missing.

And every time you sit in it,
it feels like it's hugging you.

A hugging chair.

That sounds like a wonderful addition.

- Oh, hey. Hey, girl.

- How you doing?
- Hi.

Oh, this is nice.


A-An investigation had been launched

by the Medical Board of California.

Dr. Mitchelssen was
racking up complaints,

mainly about over-prescribing opioids.

He had all of his scripts filled
at just one pharmacy,

- deep in the Valley.
- That's not suspicious at all.

- Mm-hmm.
- Alright. Back to business.

Um, unless you two
want to handle the pharmacy,

- and I'll get the chair?
- No.

No, go, go, go.

Don't worry about the chair.



- What's up?
- I got news.

Elijah's Pitchess motion failed.

He won't be able to get his hands

on all the B.S. IA complaints
in your file.

- But?
- But he decided to file his own.

Against me?
On what grounds?

He claims you kicked him in
the nuts and slapped him around,

pulled his hair, body-slammed him.

Never happened, although now
I'm regretting my restraint.

I know. Hey, it's his word
against yours.

He won't win.

We thought he'd spend
a lifetime in prison.

Now he's walking free.

Don't underestimate him.


Listen, don't let Elijah Stone
get to you.

You got this.


You know, we keep it cool like that.

- You want a beer?
- Yeah.

♪ Money be da mission, city slickin' ♪

♪ Back to back whips, ♪
♪ no penny pinchin' ♪

Appreciate it.

You from L.A.?


My cellie at Valley State lives here,

so I'm crashing on her couch.

You were at Valley?


I did .

Who's your cellie?

Shawty Ross.

I know Shawty.

You were cellies?


That says something.

Tell her I said what up.

For sure.

Shawty's a C.I.
on D.O.J.'s payroll.

She'll confirm Lucy's cover.

- Okay. Good.
- We should pull Tabin out now.

No, he's fine.

- Sir, no, it's not.
- You are endangering this kid

all because it's good
for Lucy's career.

Excuse me?

LUCY: ...time,
walk out a free woman.

- SHANA: Ain't no surprise.
- I'm sorry.

- SHANA: Shawty don't play.
- I shouldn't have said anything.

- VINA: No, she don't.
- So, what game you guys run?

Vike, goodfella, monkey?

- What's the deal?
- dr*gs bring too much attention.

TABIN: Yo, what'd you say
about my sister?

- We stick to the shadows.
- Yeah, let's just say

- we in the security business.

♪ ♪



♪ ♪

Oh, yeah.
You see it, huh?

You see it?

♪ ♪

Put that away.


- Are you good?
- Yeah, I'm good.

- Good?
- You just got your ass beat.

Hell yeah, he got his ass whupped.

Hey, look, take this.
Settle up with him later.

Come on.

♪ ♪

Nah. I'm...
I'm good.

♪ ♪

Boy can't even hold a g*n.

- Scared of a g*n! [SCOFFS]

"Nah. I'm good."


♪ ♪

Alright. She's in.
Let's peel off.

- Roger.


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Come on.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

AARON: Look, it may feel like
a big deal now,

but things like this always blow over,

People will forget.

- You're just saying that.
- Nah, it's true, man.

You know how many times I been beat up?

Is that why you're so ugly?

- Wow. Okay.
- ALTHEA: Get off me!

Get away from me!
Don't touch me!

- WOMAN: Ma'am!
- Where's my son?! Where...

[SIGHS] I knew I shouldn't
have allowed this.

You said it wasn't dangerous.

It was just a little dust-up
with another teen.

You call this a dust-up?
Well, I call it a screw-up.

And what about Vina?
You put her in danger, too?

Maybe I should tell her
what's going on.

Ma'am, you can't do that.

You expose that we have
an officer undercover,

it'll jeopardize their life
and your son's.

He's right. As soon as
Tabin made his introduction,

I should have pulled him out

My son's done playing cops and robbers.

- You hear?
- Yes, ma'am.

Come on, baby.

♪ ♪

With all those prescriptions
Dr. Mitchelssen was writing,

I mean, you'd think this
pharmacy would be a little busier.


♪ ♪



♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Well, that's why they don't look busy.

They're shipping in bulk.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


NOLAN: License
and registration, please.

Uh, did I do something wrong, Officer?

We'll get to that.


You mind telling me what's in the van?

Just, uh, making some deliveries.

Show me.


Just some boxes.

Why don't we open them up
and take a look?

Uh, I don't think I have to do that.

Do I?

Normally, no.

You wouldn't have to show me
what's in the boxes.

But, the fact is, your pupils
are the size of pinholes,

and you can't seem
to stop licking your lips,

which makes me believe you're
driving under the influence.

Now I can see what's in the boxes.

The law is so confusing.

Not if you don't break it.

Step back.

Did you know it's illegal
to possess prescription dr*gs

assigned to anyone else?

- "Janet Wilson."
- I'm guessing that's not you.

- That's my Nana.
- Mm.

I'm her caregiver.


"Thomas Jeffries."

Poor Thomas.
He's having such a tough time.

- Hands behind your back.


What do you know about
Alvin Mitchelssen?

- Never heard of him.
- Dr. Alvin Mitchelssen?

Look, we've got a dead doctor
writing prescriptions

getting filled out at that pharmacy.

And here you are, picking up
those very same scripts.

Whoa, hold on.
You're not hanging that on me.

- Then who are we hanging it on?
- Uh...

Look, I noticed the ink on your hand.

- Rolling Seventies?
- That's a tough group of guys.

I'm guessing they're gonna
sell these pills on the street.

You're just a middleman.

Tell me this, though.
Any of those guys

willing to do your time for you
if they were here?


Come on, man.
Just tell us who's in charge,

and we'll keep your name out of it.


♪ ♪

Callis Caputo, okay?
He did the doctor.

Where do we find this Callis?

This is a good party.

Except for my brother
getting his ass whupped.

Yo, my moms got him so whipped,

he ain't ever gonna make it
on these streets.

I mean, ain't that a good thing?

Maybe he'll get to live a regular life.

- Doing what?
- Whatever he wants.

Yeah, what you know?

Don't disrespect me.

SHANA: She ain't.

Sit down.

I told you, you got to chill.

'Specially after you know.

- What happened?
- You nosy, you know that?

- Step off.

That's Shawty's girl.


We got to make a run.
Want to come?

Soon as I finish this.




I already paid you.


We're gonna be by twice a week now.


I-I can't pay that.

That's what the liquor
store owner said.

You heard about him?

"I can't pay."

Even when I put a g*n to his head.

He left me no choice.



I'll pay you whatever you want.

- You know what?
- Hey, man.

He said he could pay.

Don't interrupt me
when I'm doing business.

I already told you.
Do not disrespect me.


The liquor store was enough.

We don't need more blood.

And I told you to get rid of that.

It's my lucky piece.

Get rid of it.


See you in a few days.



♪ ♪

The City Attorney's offering
to pay you a settlement.

You should take it.

You know, I lost everything

when I decided to help you
get your wife back from La Fiera.

You turned me into a pariah.

Now I have to start from the bottom.

But it's all good.

I will win, and the damages
will be paid out

from everyone's personal accounts.

Now, that may not hurt you,
Richie Rich.

But it most certainly will hurt
Nolan, and Harper, and Grey.

Where they gonna find a half
a million dollars each, huh?

I'll keep coming, adding more of
your little friends to my suit.

I'll take everything away from you

until you say sorry for
taking everything away from me.

You want me to apologize?
To you?

Something along these lines.

In public.

♪ ♪

And, Counselor, make me believe it.

♪ ♪

Sir, we I.D.'d a suspect
for our homicide.

His name is Callis Caputo.

He's a member of the Rolling Seventies.

Yeah, he's holed up at his shop,
surrounded by his crew.

We need to be smart with how
we go about bringing him in.

This could get ugly.

They've been itching
to start trouble for weeks now.

I don't want to put a match to it.

Well, then, sir,
I think I have an idea.

♪ ♪



- Yeah?
- You need to run.

The cops are coming for you.

- How do you know?
- They picked me up earlier.

This is my one phone call, and
I'm using it to warn your ass.

- Run!

They're here already.

My car's parked behind the repair shop,

halfway down the block.

Keys are in the wheel well.
Go, now.

♪ Hit the breakers, yeah, we're gone ♪

- Stall the cops.
- ♪ I only do it for the chase ♪

♪ To see the look on their face ♪

♪ Big Electric ♪

♪ Ultra Thesis ♪

♪ Cut Express It ♪

♪ Can you feel it? ♪

- Looking for these?
- ♪ Whoo ♪


♪ ♪

♪ Can you feel it? ♪

- Hands.

Alright, come on.
Watch your head.


Yeah, this is John Nolan.

You're kidding me.

Oh, my God.
You're not kidding me.

No, I-I didn't see that coming.

Alright, thank you very much
for the call.

- What was that?
- That was the coroner.

The tox report came back
on Dr. Mitchelssen.

It wasn't the sh**ting that k*lled him,

and it wasn't the stabbing, either.

Before all that, he was poisoned.

That's what stopped his heart

before he bled out after being stabbed.

Okay, so there's yet another
m*rder*r out there?


But not for long.

Care for a little overtime?

♪ ♪

Look who it is.


- What's up?
- I just told Harper and Lopez

that I've made Vina as the sh**t

in the liquor store m*rder.

Tabin's sister?
Not the g*ng leader?

VINA: Look, I'm just
checking up on you

after your little ass-whuppin'.

Man, I'm good.


Look, I need you
to hold something for me.

N-No. No.

I'm sorry, Aaron.

She practically admitted to
pulling the trigger.

I'm pretty sure she's got
the m*rder w*apon on her now.

- Come on, just hold it.
- No.

Use it if you need to.

♪ ♪

- Vina?
- I don't want to blow my cover.

- We got it.

♪ ♪

- You know anything about this?

Get on your knees now!

- What the hell?
- TIM: Vina, you're under arrest

for the m*rder of Ji-hoon Kim.

What, you called them?

No, baby, I swear I didn't!

- Get on your knees!
- Alright! Alright.

- g*n!
- Wait! No!

♪ ♪

Wait! What the hell
are you doing?!

- Tabin, what are you doing?
- Drop the g*n.

- No, no, no, no, no, no.
- You brought this mess to my house.

Tabin, give me the g*n, man.

- TIM: Put it down!
- ALTHEA: You did this!

- VINA: No...
- ALTHEA: Vina, you did this.

- TIM: Drop the g*n!
- AARON: Tabin, look at me.

- AARON: Give me the g*n.

- TIM: Put it down!
- Give me the g*n, man.

Give me the g*n.
Give me the g*n, Tabin, okay?

Just give me the g*n.

Come on.

Give me the g*n.

♪ ♪

You used me.

♪ ♪

- VINA: What you mean?
- Look, I'm sorry, okay?

We just wanted you home.


♪ ♪



Officer Nolan.

Did you find out who k*lled my husband?

We did.

And we're looking at her.

What are you talking about?

It struck me as odd,

but I couldn't quite
put my finger on why...

Why you acted so surprised,

when I told you your husband
was shot and stabbed,

as if you expected something else.

Something like poisoning,

which would have presented to us

as a heart attack, like you assumed.

And it would've worked
had he not already been shot.

- And stabbed.
- And stabbed. Thank you.

You're welcome.

That's insane.

We put a pharmacy
out of business today.

They were filling illegal scripts.

They have you on video surveillance

using one of Alvin's scripts

to purchase the dr*gs you used
to stop his heart.


♪ You can feel it in the moment ♪

Did you know, that he was
under investigation,

about to go to prison, for being
a complete and utter idiot?

I thought I was at least owed
the life-insurance policy.

Mrs. Mitchelssen,
you're under arrest for m*rder.

Officer Juarez, cuff her.

♪ Like it was your last ♪

♪ Live extra ordinary ♪

- We matched Vina's g*n.

It was definitely the m*rder
w*apon at the liquor store k*lling.

So thanks for the help.

Hey, how's your puppy?

I reached out a couple of times
to see how he was doing.

Did he respond?


Oh. Hey, you put a k*ller
in prison today.


It's his sister.

He'll get it someday.

♪ But you can't let up ♪

I hope so.

- ♪ No, you can't let go ♪
- Good night.

- Good night.
- ♪ 'Cause you got that dream ♪

♪ In your mind, oh ♪

Hey, uh, I just wanted to say I'm sorry

for what I said about Lucy.

That was totally out of line.

It was.

It's all good.

Look, sometimes tensions get high,

but we get the job done.

You had my back,

the way you threw yourself
in front of Mom for me.

Oh, yeah, she was gon' lay you out.

Come on.

♪ ♪

♪ 'Cause you could ♪
♪ never really hold it ♪

I don't have a choice.

LOPEZ: Let's fight him in court.
You don't have to do this.

Yes, I do.



From the heart, Counselor.



♪ ♪

Thank you for coming.

I'd like to apologize to Elijah Stone

for some of my conduct while
acting as his defense attorney.

I made statements to the LAPD

which broke attorney-client privilege,

I misrepresented
the nature of his business,

and I cooperated
in an LAPD investigation

that involved wiretapping.

My actions have been reported
to the state bar,

and I have been reprimanded.

Mr. Stone's reputation
has been tarnished,

and for that, I am sorry.

I'm relieved that
justice has been served.

Mr. Stone deserves
a second chance...

And the full faith of the community.


Thank you.
Thank you.

I accept your apology,
Mr. Evers.

I will also accept
an undisclosed settlement

from the City of Los Angeles.

I'm glad to see our elected officials

working to right this egregious wrong.

I hope you all have learned your lesson,

and will strive to do better.

Thank you.



♪ ♪




♪ ♪

What are you smiling about?

I did a thing.

What kind of thing?

Close your eyes.
I'll show you.

Oh, no.

Keep walking.

- You trust me, right?

Walking, we're walking, we're walking.

Open your eyes.


I know we said we'd go this
weekend together and get your stuff.

I thought I'd surprise you.

Oh, thank you.

If I could wish upon a star

Now let's put it back in storage.

Whoa, what?

I got your big hug chair.

I don't want that thing hugging me.

- It's hideous.
- Oh, it's not...

That hideous.

No, really, it is.

Especially next to all your furniture.

You have such good taste.

Yeah, especially in fiancées.

- Aww.
- ♪ Over the hills and far away

Well, it can go back.

But, this...

Has to stay.

- I made it.

You don't say.


It spent an hour too long in the kiln.

No, no, it's perfect.
This is excellent.

- It'll live right here.
- Aww.

And he will bring us luck.

Now it's our home.




I'm sure that doesn't mean anything.


But you never "gnome."