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01x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 11/16/22 12:48
by bunniefuu
It should be around here somewhere.

So, do you think it's true?

What they say about him?
That he's the wolf's child?

Fine, be like that.


♪ It's this one thing
That got me trippin' ♪

♪ It's this one thing
That got me trippin', you did ♪

♪ This one thing
Your soul may be feeling ♪

♪ It's this one thing you did
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh! ♪

♪ It's this one thing
That caught me slippin' ♪

♪ It's this one thing
I want to admit it, you did ♪

♪ It's this one thing
And I was so with it ♪

♪ It's this one thing you did
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh! ♪

♪ Hey, we don't know each other well ♪

This your property?


- Can I ask you what you're doing here?
- No.

We've had reports of suspicious activity
on the premises, so...

- What do you think?
- Excuse me.

If you can't tell me what you're doing,
I'll have to arrest you.

Excuse me. I'm talking to you.

I just need you both
to step away from the house.

Aww, shit.

Had enough of this.
You're under arrest.

- Just hold that thought.
- You don't have to say anything.

But it may harm your defense...

f*ck off.

Her kids are in here.

You shouldn't touch it.

Why not?

Because yeah, I do think it's true.


The boy can stay here
along with his sister,

but only as a ward of the council.

We'll have legal rights over him.

Under what laws exactly?

Under the only laws that matter.

The laws of
the Council of Fairborn Witches.

If or when he proves to be a threat
to the Fairborn Witch community,

then we'll move him.

You're scared of him already.

The w*r's over, you know.

Thanks for the tea.

What are you going to call him?

His mother was going to name him Nathan.


There have always been witches
in the world.

Blood Witches and Fairborn Witches.

- There's us and the fains.
- What are fains?

Fains are the ones
with no magic in them...

...and no interest in it either.

Almost everyone in the world is a fain.

That means that almost everyone you meet,

you'll have to keep a secret from.


People are scared of us.

Are witches bad?


Though some of them
are so full of darkness

that when you look into their eyes,

you think
you'll never see the light again.


- But we're good?
- Yes.

- And we're Fairborn Witches?
- Yes.

Am I a Fairborn Witch, Gran?


Am I a Blood Witch?

You're my grandson.

You're Nathan Byrne.

And for now, that'll do just fine.

Do you know one
of the ways you can tell a Blood Witch

from us Fairborn Witches?

How much quicker they heal.

- How are you sleeping at night?
- Okay.

Do you find yourself
getting quick to anger?


If you listen carefully,
can you hear my heartbeat?


Do you ever have negative feelings
about other witches?



- Sometimes.
- Who?

My sister.

Because she's a Fairborn Witch?

- No.
- Why then?

She stinks.

Thirty-five seconds.

That's good. That's about the same as me.

Do you want to know why
everyone hates us so much?

Why our people won't talk to us?

It's because of what your dad did.

He k*lled witches.

A lot of them.

He locked them in a room,
and he turned into a wild animal

and ran from each of them.

Men and women.

Little children and babies.

And he tore out their throats.

But that's not even the worst part.

The worst part is what he did next.

Because your dad can take
other witches' powers.

Do you know how?

He rips their heart out of their body
and eats it,

while it's still warm.

He's a monster.

The most evil Blood Witch that ever lived.

He put a baby in my mom,
so she k*lled herself when you were born.

Why do you think they ask
if you can hear heartbeats?

It's because they're very scared.

Scared you're going to
turn into a monster.

Just like him.

Do you ever have violent dreams?


Do you find yourself
getting quick to anger?


Do you have fantasies
about hurting people?

- Only their feelings.
- How are you sleeping?

Butt naked with a window open.
How about you?

Do you ever have violent dreams?

Dreamt I was singing
in the school assembly,

but my microphone wouldn't turn on,
and everyone was booing me.

What do you think that means?

Do you find yourself
getting quick to anger?

I don't think it's a sex thing.

The microphone not working,

'cause I can tell you're thinking that,
but I don't think that's what it is.

- Nathan.
- I think...

No, I don't find myself
getting quick to anger.

Do you find yourself having negative
feelings about other witches?

Very, very occasionally, I'll have
a small negative feeling about you,

but I don't want you
to take it personally.

If you listen carefully,
can you hear my heartbeat?


But are we 100% sure you've got one?

Forty seconds, give or take.

You should take this more seriously.

You take it seriously enough
for both of us.

I'll see you next month.

Counting the days already.

we have a new pupil starting today.

Annalise, would you stand up
and tell everyone a bit about yourself?

Got a pen?

Uh, hi, I'm Annalise.

My dad's work meant that my brother
and I had to change schools from London.

But it seems nice.

Yeah, I think that's it really. Hi.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.

We're all looking forward
to having you in the class. Right.

Today, we're going to be
looking at differential equations.

♪ Ayy, ayy
Walkin' so stupid ♪

♪ I got business shit pourin' okay ♪

♪ Day one morning ♪

♪ Shawty wanna put that ass on floor... ♪


Jessica, didn't think you were invited.

Everyone in sixth form is crashing
your dweeby friend's party.

- His house is gonna get trashed.
- Okay.

Well, you were supposed to come
in costume though. Bit embarrassing.

- f*ck's sake.
- Your brother's so cringe.

♪ 'Cause, baby, I'm about to blow ♪

♪ 'Cause, baby, I'm about to blow ♪

♪ You like the danger
Can't have beauty without pain ♪

♪ That and practice gives you perfect
Build a statue in my vain ♪

♪ Bring the fire... ♪

- All right, guys. Having fun, yeah?
- Yeah.

Do you know them?


Guys, could we just be aware
of fluids, please?

You know what? Next time,
maybe someone else should host the party.


Are we living under a fascist regime?

My dad's a tyrant.
You wouldn't understand.

Why don't we go to yours for a change?

I live in a caravan, mate.
We can fit about five people in there.

Well, we wouldn't know
'cause you've never invited us around.

- And I never will.
- Why not?

- I got secrets and shit, innit!
- Like what?

My gran's a witch.

- Shut up!
- It's true.

My whole family. We're all witches.

- You're not a witch. You're drunk.
- You can be both.

Oh, go on. Do us a spell then.

It's not just spells.

You get one power when you turn 17.

And only after, you get three gifts,

and you drink your family's blood.

You're f*cking weird, man.
I'm worried about you.

No, not on my parents' bed!

- Shouldn't tell people that.
- What?

That you're a witch.

Nah, I was just messing about.

No, you weren't.

Yeah, I was.

I'm a Fairborn.

You weren't messing about.

- You're...
- Yeah.

- Nah.
- Yeah.


You're Nathan Byrne.
I'm not supposed to talk to you.

- Who says?
- My dad.

- Who's your dad?
- He's in the Council.

Yeah, what does he do?

He's chief executive
of the Fairborn Council Protection Unit.

- He's a Hunter?
- He's chief executive of the Hunters.

His work made him move down here?

Hey, I think that might have something
to do with you.

So, what's it been like...

...being the only witch family
in a town full of fains?

Just gotta keep your head down.

How's that going?

Not very well.

Why are you not supposed to talk to me?

You know why.

Evil dad.

Evil dad.

You seem all right.


So, I'll see you around, yeah?


We can talk about how we're both witches.

There's no such thing as witches.



You looking for Annalise?

- Yeah, do you know her?
- Uh, yeah, I think we know her.

Oh, shit!

Yeah, that's his sister.

And it's my cousin.

And we don't want you talking to her.

Whoa! Whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa, Nathan.

Not getting quick to anger, are you?

Not having negative feelings?

Hey, come on, bruv. What? What?

Oh, come on. Don't you wanna fight back?

Not even if I, uh...



You have a good night?


My brother's a dickhead.

It's fine.

It's not fine.

What if there's
a family dominant dickhead gene?

Like, what if I have dickhead kids?

Or dickhead grandkids?

He was right though.

- It's probably better if we don't...
- Want a crisp?

My family don't decide
who I'm friends with.

What about yours?

My family don't care who I'm friends with.

Well, there you go then. It's decided.

We can hang out.

Just like that?


How do you know I even like you?

'Cause I'm f*cking great, mate.

And I'm the only witch in this school
who doesn't hate you.

There's no such thing as witches.


How are you sleeping at night?

You having
negative feelings towards other witches?

Do you have fantasies about hurting...

If you listen carefully,
can you hear my heartbeat?

Do you find yourself
getting quick to anger?

Do you have violent dreams?

Do you ever have fantasies
about hurting people?

If you listen carefully,
can you hear my heartbeat?

Do you wanna hang out on Friday?
I can sneak away.

- I can't. Jessica's turning 17.
- Hmm.

Giving ceremony.

Shit. I wonder what her power will be.

Is being a massive bitch a power?


Yeah. See you at lunch.


Niall, Kieran.

Remember telling you
to stay away from my sister.


Are we ever gonna do something
about this thing between us?

I mean, the tension's k*lling me.

Plus, I think
your cousin's starting to get jealous.

f*ck you.

Okay. See you later then.

f*cking dickhead.


Jessica, on the day of your 17th birthday,

I give you your first gift.


Your second gift.

She really loved you, you know.

Your third gift.

Thanks, Gran.


Your family's blood runs through you.

Take of it and become whole.

Tilt your head back, girl.

It came.

"You have been accepted

into the Fairborn Council
Cadet training program."

You gonna be a Hunter?

Protecting the Fairborn community
from the Blood Witch scourge.

I didn't know you'd applied.

Just been waiting
till I was old enough.

You know,
I think I feel different already.


I was reading about
what happens to a Blood Witch

if they don't get their blood
when they turn 17.

Apparently, it's agony.

Apparently, they have convulsions,

and they start bleeding out
of their eyes and their ears,

and they can't stop screaming.

And then they die.

I'll take blood pouring out my eyes
if I don't have to look at you anymore.

Will you two stop it?

There are no Blood Witches here, Jessica.

Well, he's not a Fairborn.

He's gotta be something, doesn't he?


Who is it?



I've come back, Nathan.

I wanted to tell you something.

I wanted to tell you...

that you k*lled me.

It's your fault I'm dead.

All your fault.

How dare you!

Your mother would be ashamed.

Ashamed enough
to k*ll herself and her two kids?



So it looks like I found my power.

Oi, Blood Witch.

What you doing out here, freak?


I'm talking to you.

You think ignoring this
is gonna make it stop?

'Cause it's not.

You're a traitor, just like your mom.


You. With me.

Soul O'Brien's son.

Of all the people to pick a fight with.

He picked it with me.

Yeah, well,
you certainly rose to the challenge.

Where are we going?

- Fairborn Council Building.
- Why?

Some people wanna talk with you.

- Why?
- Why do you think?

Jessica started her training.

She could make a great Hunter.

Massive hunt is definitely
what I think when I see her.

Your sister really hates you, doesn't she?


Perhaps she blames you
for your mother's death.

Yeah, no, I got that. Thanks.

Always thought this place
would be more impressive.

Just saying.


What's this?

It's a re-creation.

This is the home
of Rita and Frank Applewood,

twelve months ago almost to the day.

I'm Reutger Sillwood.

Head of the Council of Fairborn Witches.

And I'm sorry
we've never met before, Nathan.

Though I assure you, I've been keeping
a very close eye on your development.

Soul O'Brien, Executive Administrator
of the Fairborn Council Protection Unit.

You att*cked my son today.

He started it.

Did he hit you first?


- Then you started it.
- He was being very f*cking annoying.

Have you read up on
your witching history, Nathan?

I know Harry shags Hermione at the end.

Do you know
what the Blood Witches did to us?

Do you have any idea
what they're capable of?

What men like your father are capable of?


She ends up shagging Ron.

That was gonna annoy me.

Okay, well, this was fun.


We need to stop
getting the disposable coffee pods.

- It's criminal how many we go through.
- That's you, that is.

I have one cup a day.

Not sure that's true, but okay.

Will you remind me
I need to ring Beth for a catch-up?

We cannot wait for her to call us.

Oh, well, like you called
your mom every weekend when at uni?

No, I know. I know.
She's probably working too hard.

- Going to the pub too hard.
- Well, I should hope not.

As long as she's enjoying
herself. That's the important thing.

- And studying, don't you think...
- Why can't we see them?

The spell can only trace
the history of the objects it's cast on.

They never found the bodies.

I mean, Gemma's sweet,
though I can see Aisha being...

What was that?

I don't know. Stay here.

- Frank.
- Wait there.

Be careful!

Can you see anything? Frank?

No! No, please, no!

Please no!

- Rita! Rita!
- Frank!

- Oh, God!
- Please!

- No! No, wait!
- Frank!



Please! Please!

So, who were the Applewoods then?

Frank Applewood was a member of the Ten.

The ten sitting Fairborn Council members

who had sworn
to find and punish your father,

Marcus Edge,
for the Wolfhagen Peace m*ssacre.

Nine of them are now dead.

Who's the last one left?

I am.

Do you know what happened? At Wolfhagen?

He k*lled everyone.

He tore them apart. Limb from limb.

He stole their powers and ran away.

No one saw him again.

Until ten years later,
when rumors started to spread

that a Fairborn woman
was pregnant with his child.

Rumors that turned out to be true,
of course.

Before the end of the year,
you'll turn 17, and you'll get your power.

You could just be
another normal Fairborn Witch.

Or you could inherit something far darker,

far more dangerous.

What do you think I'm going to do?
Turn 17 and start murdering people?

You're already displaying signs
of anger and v*olence.

Nathan, right now
your power lies inside you dormant.

It will wake.

And it will change you.

It does for every witch.

Good... or bad.

Is it true you att*cked Niall?

Not really.

Sort of. I don't know.

Okay, wow.
Three vague answers to one question.

Can I assume
there's some truth to the tale,

or did he smash his own bike
over his head?

No, that was me.

- That was dumb.
- Yeah.

Should have cut the brakes off
and given it back.

See? You look nice,
but you're actually evil.

You think I look nice?

Shut up.

- You think I look nice.
- Get away from me.

How'd you do that?

Trick is to tell yourself it doesn't hurt.

- That's the trick, huh?
- Yeah.

What do you think
your power's gonna be?

Super strength.


Turn into the Hulk when I get angry.

I don't know.

My dad's core power is botanical,
which could be quite nice.

Grow plants everywhere.

Mom's element's water,

but... I've never really seen her
do anything with it.

What was your mom's power?

She made potions.

Are you okay?


Yeah, um...


Good afternoon, Nathan.

Did you forget what day it was?

- How are you sleeping at night?
- Okay.

- Have violent dreams?
- No.

- You find yourself quick to anger?
- No.

Do you find yourself having any neg...


Do you find yourself having negative
feelings about... about other witches?


You quick to anger?


Do you have fantasies
about hurting people?


If you listen carefully,
can you hear my heartbeat?


I'll see you next month.

Come on.

- Come on.
- Annalise.

Come on!

f*ck's sake.

Hurry up!

Where we going?

Come on, slowcoach!

Slow down!

I'm gonna prove what you are.

Yeah. Who am I?

Your father's son.

You okay with this?

Do it.

- I knew it.
- Doesn't mean anything.

You know exactly what it means.
Do it again.

Do it again.


Shit, shit, shit, shit.

Uh, what... what do we do?

Go home.


See, I always knew what you really were.

Please, help me. Please.

Wouldn't you rather die
than be a Blood Witch?

I know I would.

Even you can't heal that.

Please help me.

Fine. I'll get help.

Don't pull the knife out.
You'll only bleed quicker.


Don't speak.

It's okay.

You'll be okay.

Hold it.

Come on. Come on, love.

Nathan. Thank God. I...


f*ck, Nathan!
Have you lost your f*cking mind?


Nathan! Nathan!


I'm Blood.

I'm just like him.

Look at me. You are not your father.

Blood. Fairborn.


You're a good boy,

and you've got nothing to be ashamed of.

What am I gonna do?

They'll be coming for you,

and they can do what they want with you.

I can run.

You won't make it on your own.

There's this witch I know of.


God help me,
I don't wanna do this.

Should the time ever come
that you need it,

she can help.

Help with what?

Whatever's coming, Nathan.

Okay, so let's go and talk to her.

Get to it then.


Start reading.


She's gone for now,

Nathan Byrne, son of Marcus Edge.

Oh, yes, I know you,

the bastard son of the very devil himself.

If the stories are to be believed.


there you go.

You called me.


My gran said that you could help me.

Helping people is what I do, my dear.

What is it you need?

I don't know.

Perhaps you need answers.
You want to know who you are.

You want to know
if foul blood runs through your veins.

Tell me, when do you come of age?

I'm 17 in ten months.

You'll be needing your family's blood.

- My gran will give it to me.
- Perhaps.

Perhaps not.

A lot can happen in ten months.

Can you get me to safety?


I have a safe place.

Now, whether you can get there or not

is an entirely different question.

- You're a Blood Witch, aren't you?
- Takes one to know one.

How do I find you?

- What are you doing?
- Drawing a map.

When the time comes,

just call for help.

A map to where?

You know
about the prophecy, I expect?


The prophecy.

The reason they've kept you alive
so long, I'd imagine.

They hope it comes true, but if not,

well, they aren't sure yet what to do,

but they are certainly worried about you.

I suppose that's why
there's so many of them outside.

We're moving now!

Wh... What prophecy?

Go, go, go!

Our time is almost up.

I hope I get to meet you properly
one day, Nathan Byrne,

but I must say,

the chances aren't looking that good.


When the time comes, just call for help.

- Hey. Wait, wait!
- Nathan Byrne!

This is the Fairborn Council.
You are surrounded.

Come out with your hands up.