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02x15 - Mean Ghost

Posted: 02/20/07 23:25
by bunniefuu
My name is Melinda Gordon. I just got married. Just moved to a small town. Just opened up an antique shop. I might be just like you. Except from the time that I was a little girl, I knew that I could talk to the dead. It's all right, honey. "Earthbound spirits" my grandmother call them. They stay here because they have unfinished business with the living, and they come to me for help. To tell you my story, I have to tell you theirs.

Anyway so the great thing about antiques is their connection with the past and all the stories behind them.

Um, vintage is really hot right now.

And I sell tons of these
1930s bed jackets.

This one actually belonged to the Thelma Sedgwick estate.

But most importantly, ladies, it looks hot with a pair of jeans.


So, like, how much money do you make?

You know what? Actually, that's a great question.

Thank god that is over!

Ah, come on. That was fun.

If I didn't have to work nights all week, I'd come back tomorrow.

Ooh, listen to you, mr. Big man on campus.

I'd rather poke myself in the eye than have to go back in there.

Ha ha. It sounds like you had a rough crowd.

No. It's just I don't think they got the concept, you know?

Antique to them is an mp3 player with no video screen.

So how did your real estate talk do?

Great. I just hooked them with "you can make $1 million before you're 30" line.

It worked.

Oh, isn't that, uh--oh, sh**t. I forgot her name.

The new girl.

Right. Village java.

You have a little mocha right there.

That's her lipstick, stupid.

Oh, my bad.

See, that's how I pictured you in high school.

Not quite.

Do it.

They did it to you.

Episode 2x15
"Mean Ghost"

It can't be broken.

We're already down two girls, and semifinals are days away.

Tell him!

Ok, let's not panic until we get an x-ray.

It might just be sprained.

This is your fault. You pushed me!

Ok, I don't think anyone--

I wasn't even close to you.

Did you see what happened?

Yeah. Kind of. It looked like an accident.

Didn't I see you in the cafeteria this morning?

I'm here for career week. Melinda Gordon.

Jackie Boyd. I coach cheerleading.

You think she's out?

Well, it's not just her.

We've had two other accidents these last two weeks.

Three girls down now.

Makes for kind of a lopsided pyramid.

Ok, people, you all have better things to do, so go do them.

There you go. One dry half-caf.


Uh, what was your name?

Oh. Madison, Maddy. Either one.

Are you ok?

Yeah, the coffee was hot.

Oh. Sorry.

Oh, jeez. Voodoo girl's working.

What about that accident with the cheerleader?

That was kind of freaky, huh?

Screw it. I've got chem lab. I need my buzz.

Um, no, not really.

I mean, that's why there's seat belt laws.

Two non-fat capps, please. And could you maybe make those better than that piss water you gave me yesterday?

Sure. I'd be delighted to.

Ok. Talk about a walking fashion faux pas.

I mean, that nose thing. Fine, we can deal with that.

I'm so-- so sorry.

I don't know how that happened.

Do you know how much this costs?

Oh, my god. You are gonna pay for that.

Hi! How's your cheerleader?

Which one? The one that fell out of the moving car or the one that fell
10 feet off the bleachers?

Well, I was gonna see if I could come by your practice, but maybe now is not a good time.

No. Maybe you should.

It might be good for the girls to have an audience.

Watch out!

Why are you doing this? I can help you.

They did it to me.

You are so dead.

Hey, I didn't do anything, except for stand here, watching you being lame.

Go, team. Rah, rah.

Look, maddy. Whatever creepy mojo you're into, it's not gonna work.

I don't care how many lizard heads you bite off. We're going to regionals.

Just let it go. Don't stress.

You're right Curt. We wouldn't want her to stress. She might mess her hair.

You ever think all this bad luck is just karma for you bagging your dead friend's guy?

You know what? She is so noxious. Ok? She's not worth it. She never was.

You had a cheerleader die recently.

Yeah. Tais.

Just about this time last year. It was an accident.

A cheerleading accident?

No, it was really a freak thing.

She got locked in the boiler room. She died trying to get out.

Do you know why she was down there?

I'm not sure, but it's kind of a hangout.

Well, it was.

Since the accident, no one goes down there. Why are you asking?

It's just that grief can come out in such weird ways.

I'm sure that all of this has really thrown the team.

I know a little bit about grief, too.

And sometimes the best thing we do is to just keep focused and work your butt off.

Get through it.

That's what I try to teach these girls anyway.

Maybe they need another outlet.

Look, they've had counseling.

They've had time off. All they need to do is focus now.

Hey, you know, it was intense, what happened with Rana and Maddy. What's up?

I give up trying to figure out these girls' social lives, but clearly, maddy's one that just doesn't fit in.

Melinda, I heard about what happened today.

You did?

You can tell me. Is it true?

Is what true?

That you're a total freak!



A total freak.


Hey, open up!

Tais, what happened down here?

Please. I wanna help you.

I want justice!

Sorry. That was my fault.

No. It's fine.

Hey, uh, you're that antique chick, right?

Yeah. It pretty much feels that way.

Way to keep going, even though nobody was listening.

A wesome.

Um, can I ask you a question?


Well, according to Maddy, you were Tais' boyfriend.

So why do you think all these accidents are happening?

Uh, I don't know.

I guess everybody's still a little freaked out, especially Rana.


Yeah. They were, like, best friends. You know, really tight.

And now you're going out with Rana?

Well, yeah. But it wasn't like--

I didn't mean it that way.

Is that a yearbook?


Can I borrow it?

Sure. What for?

Well, because, you know, I'm asking, and you're a nice guy who wants to help out the antique chick.



Do it.

What's happening?

Do it!

Why are you doing this? What do you want?

Who are you talking to?

Do it to them. They did it to you.

"Do it to them. They did it to you"? What does that mean?

Ok. Why are you doing our justice cheer?

Do it. Do it.

That'll get you some air. Come on! Let's get out of here.

Don't touch me! You're a freak.

What the hell is this?

No one else was in there.

I'm sorry about all this.

I'll figure it out, ok?

See you tomorrow.

She's a little freaked out.

Yeah. I imagine she would be.

How did you get to be in the locker room?

I was in the gym, and I heard her screaming.

What were you doing in the gym?

Wait a minute.

You're not thinking...

I don't know what I'm thinking.

Rana said you were talking to someone, but there was no one else there.

It may have appeared that way, but--

Look, Melinda, I appreciate it if you're trying to help.

But how about you just stick to career week, ok?


Jackie... what's the justice cheer?


Rana was saying it before.

She was upset so I thought maybe it made her feel better.

It's a football cheer, when we're losing.

"Push it, push it, push it on through. Do it to them like they did it to you."

Curt said that Tais and Rana were best friends. Why is Tais attacking her?

You said Curt's going out with Rana now. Case closed.

I don't think so. Otherwise she'd be going after curt, too. And she isn't.

But there is the goth girl--Maddy.

And Rana accused her of being into some kind of creepy mojo stuff.

You know, maybe Maddy is into some kind of witchcraft.

What, do we believe in witchcraft now?

Who am I not to believe in anything?

Besides, it would explain why Tais is hanging out with the social outcasts and attacking her best friend.

Ah, high school. It makes Washington politics look like preschool.

There's not much else I can do at the high school.

You should have seen the way the coach looked at me, like I was a total freak.

And that's how I felt, you know, like a total freak.

I was right back in my old high school, and everybody was looking at me like I have two heads.

I've seen your high school pictures.

In fact, I've looked at them quite a lot.

You were never a freak.

A big nerd maybe, but not a freak.

You're really good at comforting me.


You want some more tea?

Please, you gotta help me.

Peggy will fail science if I don't get it turned in.

Ok, not now.

You know, she's a nice girl, and she's not very science-minded, but, oh, man.

She's cute! No, it's in my locker right there. Right there. It's in my locker.

She needs it right now. 5-22-10! Say it. 5-22-10.

Ok, I am not your errand girl, all right?

Now, go into that light.

There are some very nice non-science-minded girls in there.

So just shoo, please.

Melinda? Who are you talking to?

You ok?

Yeah, sorry. I just drifted for a minute.

All right. I'm going to go up.

Ok. I'll be up soon.

I just don't know how this is any of your business.

You know what? It's not. But I'm asking anyway.

Jackie told me that you and Tais were friends.

So? I was stupid once.

You think I locked her in the boiler room? - Did you?

Uh-huh. Yeah. k*lled her dead.

Good riddance, too.

Wow. You know, I am impressed by how tough you are.

But I am just trying to find out what happened before Tais died and if it has anything to do with what's happening now.

I thought we were friends.

I was wrong.

So why did you join the team?

I was into dance.

Modern stuff, my own choreography.

I was doing a piece one day on the field.

It was my second week, when nobody even talked to me.

But Tais, she saw what I was doing and asked me to be on the team just like that.

Is that when you became friends?

Tais was the only one who never treated me like I was a freak.

And if you're cool with Tais, then you're in.

Everyone liked my house the best because my dad let us stay up late and eat junk food.

It was the best when it was just the three of us.

We'd read out of our journals and talk about everything--

what boys we liked, school, problems with our families, our deepest, darkest secrets.

Man, I really trusted them.

I was popular. I had friends.

And I was really good at something.

And then I woke up. And it was all just a dream.

The end.

So what happened?

Why'd you wake up?

You ask too many questions.


Fire, water, moon, and sun. We come to you all as one.

The wrath and ire that she creates return to her a crueler fate.

Fire, water, moon, and sun. We come to you all as one.

The wrath and ire that she creates return to her a crueler fate.

They left me to die.

You have no idea which of those girls was burned in effigy last night?

Whoever it is is Maddy's next target.

All right, so a group of outcasts get together to put hexes on cheerleaders.

You know, if word gets out, this could be a pretty popular teen sport.

Except these girls are clueless, because it's not spells that are bringing down cheerleaders. Tais is.

But why would Tais want to hurt her friends? - I don't know.

Maybe she thinks they're responsible for her death.

You think those herbal pouches they found in the boiler room have something to do with it?

Doubt it.

Maddy didn't want Tais to be a part of her ritual.

In fact, she didn't even know that she was there.

But she did mean to hurt cheerleaders.

Right. So maybe her coven's angry energy is influencing Tais somehow.

Look, if they were down there in the boiler room with those herbs, maybe Tais attached herself to them there.

So the justice that Tais is looking for is about Maddy and her friends, not her.

That's because she didn't read the first rule of the Wiccan faith--

"do no harm to others."

Ok, well, maybe this is the teen angst version of Wicca.

Oh, my god.

Come on. I'm fine.

Drop it. You're not working out on that leg.

Jackie, what happened?

A girl fell in practice.

She was out for a few minutes, but they think she'll be ok.

I'm so sorry.

I should have canceled the season before it got this bad.

I don't think that would've helped.

You know, you said something to me before that you know something about grief.

I lost my little brother 5 years ago.

He was only 9. And I never let myself stop to think about it.


I took this job, tried to make a difference.

I kept busy.

And I thought the same thing should happen with these girls, you know, that they'd get over it quicker if they just kept moving forward.

Jackie, everybody has to feel their feelings, no matter how much it hurts.

I feel them, all right. I just don't talk about them.

And I guess I expected the same thing with these girls, you know, for them to just suck it up and go on.

I told them Tais was the heart of the team and they were the soul.

Well, you were right about that.

And you did get these girls to the semi-finals.

So there is something good in all of this.

Yeah, beat up, demoralized, and wondering who's gonna fall on their ass next.

"Way to go, Jackie."

You know what? This is not your fault.

Ok? Maybe there is just some bad energy around the team.

Not for long.

Cut the crap. I know what you're doing.

I'm a dabbler in the spirit world myself.

Oh. You wiccan? I don't think so.

Except I skipped witchcraft and went straight to seeing dead people.

I saw Tais' spirit in your fire.

Oh, see, now I know you're full of it, because if Tais was here, we'd be the last people she'd hang with.

It's not your hexes that are hurting cheerleaders. Tais is.

Well, if that is true, that is, like, really beautiful.

That is like the ultimate poetic justice.

Your negative energy is like a drug to Tais.

And I'm asking you to stop until I can cross her over.

Why should I help Tais?

Because if you don't, you're no better than them.

That girl turned on me and all the others.

Maddy, please don't do this.

Try and stop me.

Jackie told me that you didn't really want to talk to me.

Are you serious?

In the locker room, you were, like, totally talking to yourself.

Then you went all Rambo and broke that window.

What do you think is going on, Rana?

Do you think Maddy's doing something?

Maddy is like the devil, ok?

She was totally normal one day, and then she's out of, like, a Tim Burton movie the next.

Right. After you guys turned on her.

Yeah. How good a move was that!

It was like I saw the writing on the tea leaves.

I think you mean the writing on the wall.

What are you, my english teacher now?

Whatever. I just know that we speak, Maddy's probably sticking some big pin into a doll with my name on it.

What happened with you and Maddy, with everybody and Maddy?

You mean, why did we kick her off the team?

Well, I got the feeling that she quit.

In her dreams. We totally exited Maddy because of what an enormous liar she turned out to be.

We'd just found out that we'd made the semifinals.

Maddy was supposed to fly out to France for the break, but we were so psyched that we wanted to tell her, catch her beforehand.

We were totally floored by what happened next.

Mr. Strom?

Dad! That was mrs. Frawley. She wants you to send the car... to the airport.

The place wasn't even theirs. Her dad was like jeeves the butler or whatever.

You know, it was just some rich family's summer house.

I totally lost all respect for her after that.

Because she wasn't rich?

No. Well, yeah, but, I mean, come on.

She was poor, but I could have gotten over that.

You know, I'm not a total bitch.

So what was it really?

I mean, I trusted her. I told her everything. And she lied to my face.

Our entire friendship was just a big fake-out.

I couldn't be friends with her after that.

Neither could Tais.

Must be nice to be so sure about everything.

Not always.

It just got me.

Ok, I know it's wrong that Maddy lied, but I don't think those girls would have been friends with her if she hadn't.

And if those girls just cared more about who people were and less about what they look like or how much money they had or if they made fools of themselves in a hallway.

I'm sorry. They're just so cavalier.

They have no idea how much pain they inflict, you know, when you're already at your most vulnerable in life.

You know, I wish I had known you back then.

I'd have kicked some ass and taken names.

You would have, wouldn't you?

Hey, tell me what you're doing before I have to go.

Remember those herb pouches that I found at the boiler room?

Well, I did a search on all the witchcraft and spell sites, because I thought maybe it was a curse, but nothing was coming up.

So then I did a broader search.

Well, that doesn't make any sense.

Or maybe it does.

Look, I don't have anything else to say to you.

I found this in the boiler room, and I thought maybe you had put it there.

Good going, Sherlock.

I didn't really know why until I looked up what it meant--

a spell for forgiveness.

Rana told me about the lie you tried to pull off with them.

Is that what you needed forgiveness for, or was it something else?

Did you do something to Tais?

Look, I didn't ask to be in their stupid clique. They invited me.

What did you do to Tais?

What did you need forgiveness for down in that boiler room?

Tais sent me a note before she died.

She said that she wanted to meet up and talk, that our friendship was too important to lose over something so petty.

So what happened?

I never went.

I was too mad or ashamed or just messed up.

I never went, and Tais died down there waiting for me.

So you didn't actually do anything to Tais.

No. And, you know, I don't care if you believe me or not.

I'm just really sick of the whole thing.

I'm not going back out there. I'm done with the spells. I've made my point.

If you want Tais to move on, tell her to move on, ok?

All right. That's it. I want to talk to you this instant!

Wow. You sound like my mom.

You can stop now, ok?

Maddy broke up the coven. She's really over it.

And you may still be feeling negative energy, but it'll wear off.

That is so random.

Like Maddy has anything to do with why I'm here.

You're feeding off of her energy.

All of the goth girls, their anger is giving you strength.

Yeah. Right.

Why would you go after them?

I mean, they were your friends, your own kind. - No.

I hate them. I hate them all.

Rana, come on.

Rana, don't.


Hey! Rana!

Rana! Rana, help!

They left me in there to die.

They didn't care, especially not Rana.

Took my boyfriend, the team...

Maddy was the only one who cared.

I felt badly about how I treated Maddy.

Ok, so all you have to do now is tell Maddy that.

She'll be really happy, believe me. She feels like she's responsible.

I know who's responsible.

And Rana knows.

And all those pretty cheerleaders, they're never going to be champions without me.

Is that what this is about?

You didn't get your chance, so they don't have theirs?

This is about justice.

And I'm just doing to them what they did to me.

This better be good.

I don't get up this early for anybody. - It's important.

I don't want one of your girls to get hurt before the semi-finals.

Is that what you think, that the girls are caving under pressure?

Yeah. Something like that. I need you to get a hold of Rana and Maddy.

They'll be here in 30 minutes.

Ok. And I need you to tell them to meet us in the boiler room. And I need you to have a little faith.

Ok. No one else is getting hurt. It's time to solve this. Rana, I need you to tell me what went wrong between you and Tais.

You think I had something to do with--

Rana, this is not "judge Judy."

Just tell the girl what she wants to know.

We had a fight. So what?

Fine. I don't need you guys. You want to be that way, I'm out.

I don't need you.

Good riddance.

The last thing we need is a fake we can't trust.

It's true, Maddy. I like you, but the trust isn't there.

When we fly into the air, we need to know someone will be there to catch us.

That's bull!

When you guys thought I was rich, you didn't worry about me catching you.

You're kicking me off the team because I'm not like you.

And I am so glad.

Screw you both.

We weren't too hard on her, were we?

Maddy, what happened next?

I, um, I got a note from Tais to meet her here.

But I didn't go.

But Rana did.

I sent them both notes. They were both supposed to meet me there, just like now.

You got a letter, too, didn't you?

How did you know?

Remember what I told to you, you were gonna have to have some faith?


Tais is here with us right now in spirit.

You freak! You brought her ghost back.

Stop it.

Tais is here, but not because of Maddy.

Ask her to tell what happened next.

She wants you to tell us all what happened after you got the note.

I figured Tais wanted to give me a pep talk before the competition.

But it wasn't a pep talk. It was worse.

I think we need to let Maddy back on the team.

Are you bent? Why?

We need her, for one thing.

Look at the moves she gave us.

She is a loser, Tais. She lied to us!

Because she knew we wouldn't even talk to her if we knew the truth.

Oh, so now you're, like, taking her side?

It's not about sides, Rana. I liked her.

She was kind of cool. She's different.

So Tais liked me because I was different?

You were special, not like the other girls.

You were smart and quirky.

She's saying that you were unique.

There was no one else like you, and she missed you.

Ok, I'm sorry. You lost me at "Tais is here."

I'll try and explain it later. Just go with me.

It's true.

She is here.

I--I can feel her.

She's not angry anymore. That's why you can feel her.

Tais... we were friends for so long.

I just--I wanted you all to myself.

I wanted to be your best friend.

No way! I am not letting her back in!

She's our friend.

You better figure out who your real friends really are, Tais.

Rana, come on.

Rana, don't.


I didn't know that the door would lock behind me.

I didn't know... until they told me they found her.

I didn't tell the police because I was so messed up.

It was all my fault.

It was an accident?


Just a stupid accident.

What have I been doing?

It's not your fault.

You were stuck in the middle of something that never should've even happened.

It's not their fault either.

Please tell them that...

I don't blame them.

She's saying that she doesn't blame either one of you.

She knows it was an accident.

All I wanted was for us to be like before.

I could never have as good a friend as Rana.

She just wanted everything to be the way it was.

She could have never replaced you as her friend.

Tell Maddy that I loved who she was, how her mind worked.

When we talked about stuff, I felt smart.

And she really liked who you were, not who you were trying to be.

Tais, I...

I thought you were so special, and I...

I just miss you.

When we were friends, I felt like I could do anything.

You can.

It's so awesome.

She sees a light. She's ready to cross over now.


No, she can't go yet.

I need to say that I'm sorry. And I was stupid and lame.

And if I could take it all back, I swear. - Tell her it's ok.

Tell her she's a really good person and it's ok to let others see it.

I will.


There's a little boy here.

A little boy?

He says his name is Sean.


Do either one of you know a Sean?

My brother-- my baby brother.

He wants me to tell his sister that he loves her and he's happy.

And he wants her to be happy, too.

He says he loves you... and that he knows that you're sad but that you don't have to be, because he isn't.

You--you see my brother?

I don't.

Tais does. He's in the light.

That's where he should be.

I'd like to introduce the reigning state champion cheerleading team-- The Grandview Tigers-- with an assist in choreography by Maddy Strom!