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01x11 - Starry Night

Posted: 12/13/13 19:59
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Switched at birth"...

You took home someone else's baby and another family took home yours.

Does anybody know where this other child might be?

I'm so glad you found it!

Who's my father?

The guy who took off when Daphne was little and hasn't been in touch since.

Mom, this is Angelo Sorrento.


Who are you again?

This is my father.

You are not welcome in Bay's life, you have nothing to do with her!

We are playing East West Fest in St. Louis.


Did you know my lawsuit is tanking?


But I know something you don't.

And what's that?

The nurse assigned to our babies that night worked 48 hours straight.

There is one person who's always been there for me.



Road trip!

You didn't want me to be with Liam, so I broke up with him.

But I'm not giving up on Emmett.

He's moving here.

Angelo... he's moving to K.C.

Moving. Is that right?

Can you see me?


Okay, it's my conversation!

There's a family meeting right now.

Living room.

Okay, give me a sec.

I gotta go. But I miss you.

Okay, we need to go over some ground rules. Daphne, ground rules.

Number one: he cannot come to this house.

Number two: he can't be alone with Bay or Daphne.

Number three: all phone calls with him will be monitored.

He's not on parole!

He is with me.

I just want to say I had no idea that he was going to do this...

I don't know why he has to be here at all.

What do you want to do, ban him from the city?

Girls, stop! every single time I...

Yes, I am!

I know nothing about this guy.

But Regina does!

Yes nothing she's said so far has put as at ease.

I know him too.

I'm happy to help. Anything you need from me, John.

Thank you, Adriana.

Mom, you're gonna give them the wrong impression about him.

I'm on John's side on this one.

So am I.

There are no sides!

Both: Oh, there are sides!

Well, he invited to a jazz club and I'm not canceling.

Fine, make it a table for three.

Because I'm coming.

♪ Go-ooo ♪
♪ But she gonna get melted ♪
♪ Fast or slow-www ♪
♪ She's pretty, but she's pretty, oh! ♪
♪ And she gonna get... ♪

There's something wrong here.

We're supposed to open for the cold w*r kids.

They wouldn't put the cold w*r kids way out here.

Yeah, uh, about that.


Now before you freak out.

Dude, you tricked me to get us out here?!

That is not cool, man.

We will open for the cold w*r kids someday.

Just not this weekend.

Why do I unstop believing your crap?!

We're not opening for the cold w*r kids.

Uh, we're not...

Hey, relax! We are playing.

We've got a perfectly good stage here.

We've got...

We've got a terrible time slot!

We're playing up against Arcade Fire.

No one's going to trek out to Siberia when Arcade Fire's playing on the freaking main stage!

Kennish, get a hold of yourself. It's good experience.

It's great exposure, plus the sun is shining.

We've got music, hemp bracelets, corn dogs. Chill out and see the bright side.


"D" stage.

You really believed we had the spot for the cold w*r kids?


Man, I'm better than I thought.

Hi. Come in.

Daphne, um, this just came out in closed caption.

It contains "The unedited convent m*ssacre scene."

I didn't know you liked horror movies.

I haven't seen one since I was your age.

"Amityville horror."

And it wasn't nearly as scary as the boy I saw it with.

So Toby's gone, and Bay's, you know, out, so I just thought that you and me, we could watch a movie.


Eat caramel popcorn, nuns with chainsaws. Wreeee!

What do you think?

Sure yeah, we could do that.


Okay, I'll see you.

Thanks, I can never get the right hand it's always a disaster.


So it looks like my dad was actually serious about tagging along tonight.

He's just being protective.

It's humiliating. Like I'm five years old.

I mean, how Angelo and I are supposed to get to know each other if my dad is just sitting there glaring at him?

He's not going to do that.

Then what's the point?

Angelo's not gonna kidnap me, you know that.

So can you tell my dad that is unfair and unnecessary and kind of creepy?

This is between you and John. I can't interfere.

Okay, Daphne gets access to my dad every single day, but I have to schedule time through my parents?

And then they're monitoring him like he's in prison. How is that fair?

I just don't think my opinion matters much to anyone, especially your dad.

Can you at least try?

Hi, Amanda. I wasn't expecting you.

John's not here, he's at the office.

Look, that nurse... the one Angelo found...

She's willing to meet with us next week to go over her story.

So she's sticking with it... that the hospital forced her to work a double shift?


So that's good, right, for our case?

Kathryn, I know John wants this to be true.

We all want it to be true.

But I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't tell you my gut says there's something fishy about it.

She's a single mom on a nurse's salary, if Angelo promised her a cut of a multimillion-dollar lawsuit for providing key testimony...

That would be hard for anyone to turn down.

Well, then we'll find out when we speak with her next week.

We will. I just think we need to walk into that meeting as skeptically as possible... all of us.

Of course.

I want to make sure your voice is heard... if you had a different opinion.

Well, my husband and I have equal voices when it comes to this lawsuit.


Here's her file. Read it through and I'll see you monday.


Hey! Everything okay?

Are the girls okay?


I just actually have this coupon for 10% off.

But I think it might be expired.

I think I can help you with that.


Um, okay, uh, look, I know that you are worried about Bay, but I think if you insist on tagging along every time she's with Angelo, it's just going to make things uncomfortable.

And make her resentful... of you.

And I would hate to see that happen.

He's already hurt Daphne. I'm just trying to protect Bay.

I get it. I just think that Bay is old enough that she has to form her own opinion of him.

And you and I both need to give her the space to do that.

I'd just feel better if somebody was there.

Will you go?

Hey. I'm making eggplant parmesan tonight.

Do you want a salad too?

Actually, nothing for me.

Instead of John going to that club with Bay and Angelo, I'm going.

What is this, a date?

Of course not.

I don't understand.

How can you encourage Bay to get to know him when you know who he is?

Wait, I think I might have painted too harsh a portrait of him.

What does that mean? You said he walked out when I went deaf.

Well, he doesn't see it that way.

You've talked about this?!

For a second.

Honey, it's complicated. There were good years.

You're completely changing your story!

Okay, I know it sounds like that...

It's like he brainwashed you or something.

Or Bay did.

I tried to keep it simple because I thought it would be better for you, and now I see it might have been a mistake.

Oh, and suddenly he is this great guy and you're gonna go dancing with him.

It's not like that.

I don't want you to see him!

Why can't you just tell Bay no?

You know why.

No, I don't.

Because I'm her mother too.

Guitar Face, tomorrow at 2:00!

Toby: Guitar Face!

Hey. Guitar Face newest alt pop sensation in K.C.

Check it out, "D" stage.

Guitar Face... acid metal.

Guitar Face!

Guitar Face... best K.C. ska, man.

Guitar face, indie rock from K.C.!

You guys are not indie rock. You're garage pop, at best.

Simone Sinclair! How are you?


Hey, you want to help us hand some of these out?

I did not drive all the way out here to help you pass out your stickers. I'm sorry.

Oh, come on. hey. hey, Toby.

I didn't know you were gonna be here.

I didn't know you were going to be here.

Simone, this is Emmett. Emmett, this is Simone.

Hello. Nice to meet you.

Emmett is actually Bay's...

Can I say?


Oh, no kidding.

Simone is one of Bay's... good friends. Well, used to be good friend... or...

So I've been meaning to ask you guys, "Guitar Face"... what is that all about?

It's the term my mom made up to describe my face when I'm playing.

We couldn't name ourselves "Bass Face" because that just sounds stupid.

Right. What is the face?

Nice. So where you guys playing? I'm gonna come check you out.

The "D" stage.

Oh, ouch.


That's a hike, huh?

No, it's not that bad.

It's Timbuktu.

All right, I gotta run. Helen Mirren's cleavage is playing.

And now they are indie rock.

Okay, so is this like too much? Or too weird?

Oh, honey, you don't have to impress him.

Mom, didn't you want Daphne to think you were cool when you guys met?

Yeah, but he's not going to be judging you.

You're his... daughter.


You're not gonna call him "Dad," are you?


You're not wearing that.

Okay, I'll just... I'll take it off.

No, I'm talking about the whole "Studs aplenty" belted leather micro...

Oh, he's not gonna look at me like that. He's my dad.

You know what I mean.


I think you look fantastic, honey.

Yeah yes.

And if you need me, you text me.

I won't need you.



Oh wow, you look beautiful.

Oh, uh... I wasn't trying to.

I mean, it's a club. That's what you're supposed to wear.

Okay, let's go.

Guitar Face.

Check us out.

Tomorrow at 2:00.


I know... $7 beer, crazy, right?

But check out this line. These dudes are cleaning up.

We should change our names to "Free Booze."

So that way when they announce our band, it's "Free Booze on the 'D' stage!"

Wilke, no.

It's seriously the smartest thing you have ever said.

No, it's false advertising. They'll stone us off the stage.

They'll laugh and then we'll win them over with our sound!

This is a terrible idea.

No no.

Don't listen to whatever he is going to write.

That's a bad idea.

Hi. Gina, I didn't know you were coming.

No no, just pretend I'm not here. I am just chaperoning.

This is your night.

The two of you.

I am not gonna say a word.



Beautiful necklace.

Oh thanks.

Look at us... a family.


I'm starving.

Oh, you're going to so much trouble.

Oh no, I love it.

Do you wanna help?

I was going to see if you wouldn't mind if we took a rain check.


The boys are playing at the festival tomorrow.

I was going to drive out there tonight in my new car.

And I could really use some time alone right now.



Are you mad?


No no no, of course not.

And plus Emmett's up there.

I just wanted to check in on him.

Do you know how to get there?

Do you need anything? Gas?


I'm fine.

My mom asked all the same questions.

And I'll just crash with Emmett or Toby.

Well, drive safe.

And text me when you get there.



Oh, did you want to take...

Your mom ate the crabcakes here by the dozen when she was pregnant with you.

I was afraid you were going to come out with eight legs.

So you guys came here a lot?

Yeah, there was this horn player that was completely obsessed with her. What was his name?

Zeke? Zeb?



And it was only because you were always late that he came by so much.

She was stunning back then.

Back then?

Gina, you're still gorgeous.

Enough about the old times. I want to hear about you.

Boyfriend? Girlfriend?

Uh, boyfriend.

It's this guy, his name's Emmett.



Wait, Daphne's Emmett?

He doesn't really belong to her.

No, of course not.

Wow, I... I never would have guessed that.

But I'm happy for you.


Oh, thank you.

It's the pinot. Wanna try?

Um, I don't drink anymore.

Oh right. Bay told me.

I forgot.

Bay told you and you forgot?

I guess I never saw you as the A.A. type.

What type is that?

You know... the rules, the meetings, the "Higher power," you know? It's not really you.

What can I say?


Sorry, um... can you take it back?

No no!

It's fine, it's fine. I'm around it all the time.

She says she doesn't mind, but she really minds.

If I say I don't mind, I don't mind.

Okay, this is a test. She does that.

And then if I don't send it back, she will say I've being selfish.

What are you talking about?

Don't tell me you don't remember all those times you were telling me it's okay for me to go out...

If I say something, it's true.

You don't have to question it. Look where that got us.
Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Daphne really likes this?

I don't know. Maybe Regina likes horror movies.

Maybe it was like a thing in their house.


Sometimes it's just so obvious that we didn't raise her.

Come on, we raised Toby. He's doing things all the time that make me wonder how the hell he's related to me.


I just wish that when she was upset, she'd want to be with us.

Well, gee, go to rock festival or stay home with the parents?

What would I have done?

It's all because of that Angelo.

He barges into our lives and suddenly there's all this chaos.

I can't believe that our lives are tangled up with that woman and all of her mistakes.


I'm sorry. I didn't mean it.

No, it's all right.

Hey, we're meeting that nurse on monday... 3:00 P.M.


Brizia Mun... is it Brizia or Britzia?

You do remember what our lawyer told us, right?

Whatever. I can't wait to shake that woman's hand.

If that nurse is lying and we sign on to a false document, we could go to jail.

Sweetie, I looked over the affidavit.

It looks very credible to me.

So what do you say we turn this off, and go read instead?

Okay then.

So I'm sure that was strange for you.

He just pushes these buttons with me and I lose it... which I'm not proud of.

I don't know if you're like that with anyone, but... anyway, if you want to do that again...

Maybe I can ask my mom to come.


So why didn't you tell me about you and Emmett?

I don't know.

I guess I just assumed Daphne told you.

Daphne knows?

Of course.

Besides it's not exactly like you and I tell each other everything.


I better go. Good night.


Hey, sweetie. You okay?

Yeah, dad, I am okay.

Angelo called. He wants to take you to the Kemper tomorrow.

I guess everything went great, huh?

I guess.

I know your mom's busy tomorrow.

Maybe Adriana can take you.

Or you could just lojack my phone or chip me like a dog.


Dad, just admit you're trying to make it hard on me to see him.

No, I am trying to do my job as your father.

Okay, I'm going to bed.

I assume this means you do not want to go to the Kemper tomorrow, right?


Maybe you'd like to spend the day with me?

Actually, Toby just texted me.

He really wants me to go out there and support him.

So I think I'm just gonna head out tomorrow morning.

I wish I'd known, I would've had Daphne wait for you.


Daphne went out to the East West thing tonight.


I don't know. To see Emmett, I guess.


What's going on?

Uh, dude, you're with Bay.

Daphne, what are you doing?

Nothing. I just came to talk to him.

It's 7:00 in the morning, you're coming out of his tent.

It was late. I was tired.

You know what, forget it.

This was the stupidest idea.

I don't know what I was thinking.

Hey, stop.

I can't believe you think I'm the type of girl who would sleep with someone else's boyfriend.

Okay, I'm sorry, okay? I overreacted.

It's just wired in or something.

I'm just so protective of Bay.

She's my little sister, what can I say?

Oh. Right.

It doesn't matter. I'm going anyway.

Stop. Come on, we're playing today.

You gotta come watch us. Please?

For your big brother?

Ms. Munoz? Are you Ms. Munoz?


My name is Kathryn Kennish.

I had a baby here 16 years ago.

You said you were working here that night.

I can't talk to you here.


I missed you.

Well, hey!


Oh yeah, I heard you were coming here!

I thought I should stop by.

If it's a party, I should come too.

Just came to support the guys.

Just couldn't stay away, could you?

I remember everything about that day... the seahorse wallpaper, the cranberry juice and the nurse who took care of me.

She was indian. I am sure of that.

Then I'm sure you recall that when you deliver a baby, you have more than one nurse.

Yes, I do.

But I don't remember you.

Well I can't control what you remember, but I was there.


Get in.

I remember being a new mom and being so sleep-deprived that I couldn't even mix a bottle.

If I was in charge of medication or I.D. bracelets...

I'm sure you would've done a much better job than me.

Look, I just don't understand why you didn't say no.

Have you ever depended on a job?

Because it's easy to judge from inside of a Mercedes.

And I wasn't Norma Rae.

You were taking care of infants.

You had a responsibility to tell them if it wasn't safe to do your job...

It probably wasn't even me!

I am doing the right thing by coming forward now.

It's a little late, don't you think?

You were having trouble nursing.

You said it was your first time because your son was born with a cleft and couldn't latch.

How do you know that?

You told me.

We had that fixed when he was six weeks old.

We didn't tell anyone.

But wait... you must have had hundreds of patients...

How do you remember me?

I was living at home then and your husband was a big deal to my parents, especially my dad.

He wanted details... what was he like?

What were you like?

He was a baseball star.

So I made sure to hold the baby so I'd have something to tell them.

I remember taking her into the nursery and wondering what kind of life she'd have.

You were so pretty and sweet.

And she would have everything and it would be an easy life.

I was kind of jealous of a one-day-old. I know.

I know it was silly.

I remember putting her in her crib.

And I thought it was the right one, but I was so tired.

And I just... I remember being so tired.

If it was me, I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

Bay: So we all go out to this jazz club and it goes from a family reunion to like a total meltdown in like three seconds.

Apparently I am the spawn of not one hothead, but two.

You're up.

What can I get for you, my man?

All right, you want green tomatillo or red chile sauce?

Tomatillo or chile, man?

What's it gonna be, green or red?

Hey, green or red?

What's it gonna be? I got a line here.

You guys are hungry, aren't you?

You know, he'll just take the green.

Great, green. There we go.

Here you go, my man. Appreciate it. $4.

There we go.

More chips, more chips. Come on, let's go.

What can I get for you, my man?

What's up, East West Fest?


All right, thanks for coming out, guys!

We are Free Booze.

Free Booze!


Yeah, it's the name of our band.

Kinda funny.


Oh, hey hey!

No no, we've got a great set for you guys.

We've got a great set. Let's get it going.

We want beer! We want beer!

♪ What cold, in spite of achings ♪
♪ I wouldn't know you now ♪
♪ anyway ♪
♪ there's nothing left to keep breaking ♪
♪ we had a life together ♪
♪ we made a big mistake, oh! ♪


Oh, sorry, bowl.



I went to meet that nurse Brizia today.

What are you talking about?

We're going to go see her on monday.

I know. I'm sorry, I... just I went...

Wait a second. You went and saw her?

Without me? You hid this from me?

I wanted to meet her myself and make up my own mind.

You know sometimes you railroad me, John.

I railroad you?

I don't... I don't mean to.

I know.

I need to learn how to speak up for myself.

So what happened?

She's telling the truth.

She remembers us.

This is great.

No... well, maybe, but...

I guess I was hoping that she was lying, and that we would find out that Angelo had bribed her.


You know, when we found out about the girls being switched I was never as angry as you, you know that.

And I think it's because I just thought that it was meant to be.

That it was...

God's plan or something. To bring us to Bay...

To make us all stronger or something.

But it was none of those things.

It was just a big hospital trying to save a little money.

I know.

Those sons of b*tches.

The good news is that the people who stayed are your hardcore fans.

Hey, I know you!

You're the drummer from that band that sucked!

Hey, buddy, I was promised a drink!

Whoa, he is deaf, you moron. Leave him alone.


I said you were deaf.

You bailed after like two seconds.

Were we that bad?

So what's the deal?

I thought Edward had a thing for you.

Emmett. Whatever.

He's with Bay now. He's happy.


So you're out here staring out into the water all alone because you're so happy he's happy?

I got a couple other things going on.

I'm listening.

It's okay.

What, no smart comment?

You got a shoulder for me to lean on.

Or abs or some other body part?

I really am listening.

You know how there are some people that love you so much every time you think about them, you get happy?

And then there are others that even the tiniest reminder brings you down?

That's my dad. I hate even thinking about him.

And he just moved back here, right?

I hate Bay for wanting to get to know him.

I hate my parents for not being able to stop it.

And I hate more than anything that I can't even talk to the one person that I would normally talk to about all this because Bay took him.

So I'm just sitting on this beautiful dock on this beautiful day hating the entire world.

Aren't you glad you asked?

Yeah, I am.

I wish I could just turn my brain off for a second.

You know, just...

Can I see your hearing aids?


Can you just take them out?

Okay, but it doesn't turn off my brain, only my ears.

Wilke, I'm gonna k*ll you!

Did it work?

I can't hear you.

Did it work?

Get in here now!

All right, I'm coming.

What would have happened if I couldn't swim?!

Well, I guess I'd have to save you.

I'm sorry, okay?

I was scared and I didn't know what to do.

Okay, which part bothers you? The hearing or the girl?

You may have had this happen before, but I haven't.

And you cannot get mad at me for not knowing what to do!

But as a sales hook it's okay?

You didn't care when Wilke sold you guys as the band with the deaf drummer.

So how am I supposed to know the rules?

I will.

Okay, I have another question.

The tamales?

I know that you were mad that I ordered for you, but I was just trying to help.

And why is that not okay... to help?

Excuse me.

Pointing and texting and gesturing is how I connect to the world.

So that guy had to stop and figure out how to engage with me without talking.

So what? He'll survive.

If he's uncomfortable with me, that's his problem.

But most people aren't.

They figure it out.

I'm different.

It's okay.


I wish we didn't need Daphne.

Not really.

Wilke's making fart jokes and there's some drunk girls over there.

They're being idiots.

What do you mean?


It actually does.

Who were you talking to?

Um, just a client. She wanted to reschedule.

You were on for a long time. I knocked.

Yeah, um, she just kept going on and on about her boyfriend.

It was Louise.

I just wanted to talk through some things.

He's here 48 hours and you're on the phone with your sponsor.

It's not a big deal.

And what did she say?

Mom, I really don't want to get into this right now.

I know what she said. You're supposed to ask yourself "Is this situation going to"

"take me closer or farther away from a drink?"

And when we're talking about you and Angelo...

That was a long time ago.

Because you've got two girls to think about now.

I am not gonna start drinking again.


Hey, um, so how did it go with Angelo and my mom?

It was incredibly weird.

What do you mean?

Okay, so this is what life would've been like, but not really, 'cause everything just got totally screwed up and we will never really know. And no matter how hard we try, or which family we are in, it still feels like all screwy.

Or at least it does for me.

Did you get any of that at all?


I got it.

♪ Wish on a star ♪
♪ A million light years... ♪

Good night.

♪ That's how far you are... ♪

Good night.

♪ If I had invented a time machine ♪
♪ I'd change everything ♪
♪ I'd make all the broken things beautiful ♪
♪ Especially the way ♪
♪ We left it ♪
♪ If only we could go back ♪
♪ Maybe we could change it ♪
♪ Fix a single mistake ♪
♪ Maybe that would save it ♪
♪ When all is said and done. ♪