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01x07 - Order Up!/Teeny-Tiny Venture

Posted: 12/22/22 07:55
by bunniefuu
(theme music)

♪ Down the rabbit hole to Wonderland
I found this place ♪

♪ Spices sing and butterflies
a new world to embrace ♪

♪ Nothing here's impossible
so we stir and twirl away ♪

♪ Up is down and left is right
here's where I'm gonna stay ♪

♪ Everything's so curious
like a dream come true ♪

♪ At Alice's Wonderland Bakery
I'll make something for you ♪

♪ Don't be late it's ready now
bring friends both old and new ♪

♪ At Alice's Wonderland Bakery
I'll make something for you ♪

♪ At Alice's Wonderland Bakery
I'll make something for you ♪


ALICE: Order Up.

Phew! Another order delivered.

The dandelions roared
over my sesame sunshine bars.

-They loved them.
-(meows, slurps)

We sure are booked
and busy with deliveries lately.

-But now it's time for a nice...



A dozen doughy donuts for the dodos.

Well, one more order isn't too bad.


You know, Alice,
I think it might be time for some help.

Oh, you're right, Cookie.

Dinah, you're on sprinkle duty.

-(purrs, meows)
-(Cookie laughs)

No, what I mean is
we might need our own delivery crew.

Well, that's a curious idea,
but they'd have to be fast.

(overlapping conversation)



I think I know just the team.


And the last one.
Think you can deliver all these orders?

You can count on us starting...

-Oh, that reminds me, you'll need these.

Of course, we can't leave
without some tea.


Not exactly. Follow me.

-(cups clink)
-(pours tea)



(dreamy music)

These will help you
make your deliveries faster.

Oh... whoa. Whoa!

-Listen to this beaut!


Thanks a hatters million, Alice!

(tire screeches)


Uh... how do I go right?




-(Fergie yelping)
-Thanks, Hattie! Thanks, Fergie!

(tire screeches)

Whiskers! These guards are fun!

Absolutely fun!

And you know,
what would make this even more fun?



No, carrot cake!

HATTIE: Oh... Better!

A race, you, me,
teacup carts, hats against the wind?

Ooh... Rabbits love to race!

But Alice is counting on us
to make these deliveries.

I don't know if we should make
a game out of it.

Then again, I'm sure she wants us
to have fun on our deliveries.

Plus the faster we go,
the more we'll be able to deliver.

Okay, you've convinced me.

I'm in!

Then, game on!

On your marks, get set...


(energetic music)

-(engine revs)
-(tire screeches)


♪ People of Wonderland, listen up ♪

♪ Mad Hatter on the mic
live from his teacup ♪

♪ Two orders down and I'm in the lead ♪

♪ And hats down moving
at the highest speed ♪

♪ Ears up,
'cause Fergie is coming in hot ♪

FERGIE: ♪ Tip the fork in the road
it's the best shortcut ♪

♪ You want two orders
I'm already on eight ♪

♪ Better hurry up
or you're gonna be late ♪

(in chorus): ♪ So buckle up
your grab and soar ♪

♪ I have what it takes to win the race ♪

♪ We'll lend our friend Alice a hand ♪

♪ Delivering meals ♪

♪ The fastest meals in Wonderland ♪

-(both laugh)

(in chorus): ♪ Start your teacup
and hold your horn ♪

♪ I have what it takes
to pick up the pace ♪

♪ Call me a driver on demand ♪

♪ Delivering meals ♪

♪ The fastest meals in Wonderland ♪

♪ Delivering treats
from our teacup seats ♪

-♪ The fastest wheels ♪
-♪ Fastest wheels ♪

(in chorus): ♪ In Wonderland ♪

-HATTIE: Whoa! I got eight deliveries!
-FERGIE: That's ten percent!

Oh, they sure are going fast.

They'll be done with deliveries
in no time.

(knocking on door)

Your Majesty!

I mean, Your Majesty.
(chuckles awkwardly)

Alice! Thank goodness you're here.

I have a very important order,
and I had to come in person

because that's how important it is.

Sounds important.

How can I help?

I need something scrumptious
to eat after my siesta.

Well, my pages are full of flavor.

Let's see. Too sweet.

Too peppery.

Too peachy.

Oh, this...

ALICE: Whoopsie daisy cake.

-A regal choice.
-Now I take my siesta after lunch.

Nothing must disturb my nap time.

Can you have it ready
by the time I wake up this afternoon?

-Coming right up, Your Heartness?
-I know I could count on you, A...



-(Queen of Hearts groans)

(breathes deeply)
What is that?

That's just my kitten, Dinah.

Oh, kitten? I must away at once.

I'm allergic to kittens. They make me...

Looking forward to that cake.

Busy day, you are gonna need this.


Fit for a queen and Dinah.


Now let's pots this up for delivery.

HATTIE: Hold on to your hat!

We're here for the next delivery.

-What's the next delivery?

-Whoa. Careful with the binding.
-Pastry coming...

-(Fergie coughing)

Last delivery of the day
is the Whoopsie Daisy cake for the Queen.

Got it! Daisy cake, we're up!

To the palace, race the wind!
I mean, let's make our delivery.

-FERGIE: Bye, Alice!
-Sweet buttercream!

That was speedy and strange.

It was curious, all right.

We're up to ten deliveries,
but there is only one delivery left.

So whoever gets to the palace first wins.

-Time to go even faster!
-(engine revs)

(engine revving)


Listen to this baby burn.


(tires screech)

Presenting one cake for the Queen.

I won? I won!

Yeah, a sweet taste of victory!

Hats off to you, Fergie. Good game.

That was so fun.

And the Queen got a cake without a hitch.

(Dinah meows)

Do cakes usually meow?


Oh, it's not a cake, it's a kitten.

We delivered Dinah!

-(door shuts)

Jumpin' jelly!

-That is not good.
-Oh, we got to get help.

Come on.

(both grunting)

Oh! Well, that just what happened.

Looking for this?

Oh, we delivered the queen, the cake...

-I mean, the cake, the kitty...
-We delivered Dinah to the Queen.

Dinah? Oh, no, but the...
but the Queen is...

BOTH: Allergic to kittens.

-Everyone knows that.
-Oh, I'm so sorry, Alice.

-It's just, Hattie and I are racing...

So that's why you two were going so fast.

We got a little carried away
with our game and made a big mistake.

It was a whoopsy daisy. All right.

When you go too fast,
it's easy to miss things.

Poor Dinah. What are we gonna do?

We're gonna get her back
before the queen notices.

Of course.



-How are we gonna do that exactly?
-By working together.

Time to whip up a plan.


The Queen takes her
afternoon siesta after lunch.

That means she'll be napping
right about now.


I could use a nap right now.


(chuckles awkwardly)
I'm focused.

The card guards bring all
of the royal deliveries to the ballroom.

So all we need to do is get in
and swap the cake for the kitten.


And luckily,
we have a little help from me inside.

-(blows air)

Co-ca, co-ca.

Rosa, do you copy? Over.

Loud and clear, Alice,
this princess is ready for action.

I can't wait. Over!

Operation kitty-cake switcheroo is a go!

Step one, distract the Jabberwock.

-(growls softly)

-(door creaks open)

Great work, everyone. You're in.

Oh, thanks. What's next?

Lucy and I will distract the guards.

Hattie, your hat.

When Rosie gives the signal
you run to the ballroom.


ROSA (yelps): A mouse!

Guards, over here!

Hey! Uh, uh, it went that way!

(Dinah meows)


Dinah's basket!

Oh, thank goodness we did it.
Oh, that was too easy.

She's gone.

Oh, Dinah could be anywhere in the palace.

-(cup clinking)
-ALICE: Alice to Hattie. Alice to Hattie.

Dinah's upstairs!

Looks like she's heading
towards the Queen's room.

-Oh, dear!
-On it, Alice.

(Queen of Hearts snoring)

Mmm... cookies.

-(cup clinking)
-ALICE: It's time for step three.

But this is where you're gonna have
to work together.

You still have the kitty treat?

I'll get down to the kitty treat.
Then use for my fur cake.

-Sounds like a plan, my rabbit pal.
-(Queen of Hearts snoring)

Here, Dinah. Come get the treat.
Homemade by Alice.


-Uh, creamy...


-Oh, dear.
-It's okay, Fergie.

Time for speedy switcheroo. Ready?

(Dinah purrs)

(groans, snores)

(blows air)


(snoring continues)

Nothing like some hatter and rabbit
teamwork to pull it off!



Oh, good! My cake!

That Alice is simply the best.

(Queen of heart munches)

(sighs in relief)
Mission accomplished, Dallas.

-There Dinah, safe and sound.
-(meows, slurps)

Operation kitty cake switcheroo
was just bonkers enough to work.

It really was a smooth operation.

You can accomplish anything
with a little teamwork.

Maybe you can start working together
on delivery orders too?

-Absolutely! Down!
-No more competing for us.


I think Dinah likes that idea, too.


ALICE: Teeny Tiny Venture.

-(squeaks, yawns)
-A cup of cozy is almost ready, Cam.

All it needs is a pillow.

A freshly baked wonder swirl muffin
should do the trick.

They're still warm.

Good for snugglin'.

-You're right, Dinah.

It is too big for Cam's teacup,
but not for long.

It just needs a little dash
of shrinking powder.

The perfect bed for, uh...


What's the princess doing
hiding behind a mushroom?

-Rosa, is that you?
-ROSA: Nope!

ROSA: Uh, it's not me.
I'm definitely not Princess Rosa.

Rosa, why are you hiding?

I think we should call the card guards.

No, I mean, that's okay.

I'm just out for uh, um...

uh, a stroll!


-What's going on?

There's a big ceremony
at the palace tonight,

a new class of card guards
is going to be knighted.

Oh, is that when all the cards kneel?
And your mom twirls her scepter?

And says a big speech?

(chuckles awkwardly)
That's it.


But I'm the one
who has denied them this year

in front of the entire queendom.

I'm honored Mama wants me to do it,
but it's my first time

and my heart won't stop pounding.

I don't think I'm ready.

Maybe all you need is a little practice.

Rosa, you'll like Fergie and Hattie,
our card guards.

-Oh, let's do this.
-Let me.

This can be
our royal rose scepter for now.

And... go!

With all the wonders of Wonderland,
I hereby knight you...

Thee, I hereby make thee, not you.

I know the speech by heart.

Okay, I hereby knight thee
protector of our queendom,

our royal card guard...

-Don't forget the twirl.
-The twirl?

Oh, all right, the twirl.

-(all yelp)

I have to ace that twirl.

It's like whatever I do just isn't right.

Why don't we take a little break
from practicing?

Come on.

No-bake chocolate hearts. Thanks, Alice.

(sighs in relief)

-It's nice not having to think about...
-The knighting ceremony.

-We're late.

My heart is pounding again.

Uh... isn't it a little early?

Not if we want good seats!


Oh, Fergie, you're really wedged in there.

Too bad we can't use
some shrinking powder on you.

-(bottle clinks)

Everyone, haul!

(all grunting)

-(alarm clock ringing)

Oh, carrots... Now we're really late.

-Hattie, let's go!
-See you onstage, Rosa.

At least Hattie and Fergie
are ready for the ceremony.

-I don't know if I'll ever be.
-Oh, lemon drop.

You'll be great.

Dinah and I will get you a glass of milk
to go with your snack.

Let's have a chocolate heart.
Then get back to practicing.

Mmm. Thanks, Alice. I heart these.

Mmm. Then have another.



-Alice, don't you?
-Rosa, you're tiny!

-So are you.
-What in the Wonderland happened?

Alice? Rosa.

Where did you go?

-Down here!

Dinah, do you hear squeaking?

Cookie! Dinah! Down here!

-Oh, biscuit!

How did you girls get so teeny tiny?

I have no idea.

One bite of the chocolate hearts and poof,

I'm as small as a door mouse.

But there's nothing in my chocolate hearts
recipe that causes shrinking.

The shrinking powder!

Sweet buttercream.

I think a certain kitty,
knocked the powder

-COOKIE: ...onto your chocolate hearts.

I can't be tiny
for the knighting ceremony.

-What am I gonna do?
-Let's see.

Shrinking nachos.

Shrinking orange berries.
Oh, yes, here shrinking powder.

COOKIE: Now's the time to enjoy
your tiny silhouette

because you'll grow back to size
right at sunset.

Oh, you won't be small for too long.

But I have to be back to my size
and on stage by sunset.

It'll take us forever to walk
to the palace with these little feet.

Why walk when we can ride?
What do you say, Dinah?

(slurps, meows)

Next stop, the palace!


(adventure music)


The fastest way to palace
is a shortcut through Tulgey Wood.

BOTH: Whoa!

Why in the Wonderland?

-ALICE: Cheshire Cat!

(sighs in relief)
We glad to see you.

Why, thank you, Alice.
I'm glad to see me too.

Uh, you girls look different.


Oh no, no. Don't tell me. New Crown?

-No, we're not.
-I just can't put my paw on it.

We've shrunk and we need
to get to the palace by sunset

for the card guard ceremony.

A ceremony I'm still not ready for.

Well, we can't find the shortcut.

(exhales sharply)

Can you please help us, Cheshire?

Well, of course, helping friends
makes me all smiles.

To find the shortcut to the palace.

Just take the fork in the road.

Take the fork in the road?

But which way do we take it?

To the palace, of course!

Good luck.

All right, you heard him, Dinah.

Let's find that fork in the road.

(adventure music continues)

Is that what I think it is?


ROSA: It's the fork in the road.

We must be getting close to the palace.
But which path do we take?

Hmm... Cheshire didn't say,
but he did say to take the fork.

So let's start by doing that.

(both grunting)

-(both yelp)
-(metal clanks)

Look, a new path.

This must be the shortcut to the palace.

(ground rumbling)

-Um, what was that?
-I don't know.

Sounds strange.

Things are usually strange
in Tulgey Wood, right?


Mome Raths!

-ROSA: Watch out!


Wait, wrong way, Mome Raths!
They're headed back the way we came!

We gotta get off!

ROSA: Jump off to the mushroom!



Well, there goes our ride.

-And here comes our shortcut.
-Wait a maple coding minute.

We are in Mushroom Grove!
That's really close to the Palace gates.

But I can't tell which way to go.

What if we just wait here until sunset?

Then you'll miss the knighting ceremony.

Maybe it's for the best.
I still don't feel ready for it.

Practice didn't help.
I don't even have my twirl down.

(chuckles awkwardly)

I can't do anything right.

Maybe the knighting ceremony
just isn't in the cards for me.

Trying something you've never done before
can be hard and scary,

but you've got what it takes
to do whatever you set your heart on.

♪ I'm at your side
so tell me, what can I do? ♪

♪ Sometimes only needs
a new point of view ♪

♪ Everything you need you've got ♪

♪ It's just some food for thought ♪

♪ We've got this always together, I know
I believe in you at every high and low ♪

♪ Everything you need you've got ♪

♪ It's just some food for thought ♪

♪ There's a recipe for anything ♪

♪ Trust me on that ♪

♪ You'll find your way ♪

♪ You'll never fall flat ♪

♪ 'Cause everything you need you've got ♪

♪ It's just some food for thought ♪

Thanks, Alice.

I still don't know if I'm ready,
but I guess I'll just have to get on stage

to find out.

Then let's get moving.

We're not far now,
but I can't tell which way to go

when all I see are mushrooms...

...and the Cheshire cat.

Looks like you didn't take
the fork in the road.

You didn't take the spoon, did you?

Do you know which way is the palace?

Let me get ahead of myself.


Look, a heart-shaped cloud.


ALICE: But how does that help us?

ROSA: There's always one
floating over the palace.

It's a royal rule.

-We can follow it there.
-Great idea. Thanks, Cheshire.

Happy to be your eye in the sky.

ROSA: The palace!

ALICE: We finally made it,
the sun starting to set.

We'll never make it on foot.

(neighing in distance)

Why walk, when we can fly.


Rocking horse flies
are always buzzing around the Rose Garden.

We've become friends, haven't we, boy?
Yes, we have.


To the stage!

(epic music)


We made it to the ceremony.

Oh, my horse. We made it to the ceremony.

And no one in Wonderland
could have gotten us here except for you.

You had a whole day of firsts.
Shrinking super small

and getting swept away by Mome Raths.

And I'm sure you're the first princess
to fly over the palace.

I do have a way with rocking horse flies.

We weren't ready for any of those things,
but you tried them anyway.

And that takes a lot of heart.

(grandiose music playing)

(crowd applauding)

So what do you wanna do?

I wanna try another first
and do the knighting ceremony.

Welcome Wonderlanders
to the annual Hearts Palace

knighting of the card guards.

This year it is my honor

to pass the ceremony over to mia preciosa,

my precious daughter, Princess Rosa.

(crowd applauding)

Psst. Where is she?

(light music)

Right where I wanna be.

-(crowd applauding)

My Rosa knows how to make an entrance.

(clears throat)

With all...


...with all the wonders in Wonderland,

I hereby knight thee...

She said "thee", yes, nailed it!

...protector of our queendom.

A royal card guard!

-Hats off!
-You did it.

-(crowd cheering, applauding)

(cheerful music)