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01x17 - Bubbling Over/The Card Guard Shuffle

Posted: 12/22/22 08:07
by bunniefuu
(theme music)

♪ Down the rabbit hole to Wonderland ♪

♪ I found this place ♪

♪ Spices sing and butter flies ♪

♪ A new world to embrace ♪

♪ Nothing here's impossible ♪

♪ So stir and twirl away ♪

♪ Up is down and left is right ♪

♪ Here's where I'm gonna stay ♪

♪ Everything's so curious ♪

♪ Like a dream come true ♪

♪ At Alice's Wonderland Bakery ♪

♪ I'll make something for you ♪

♪ Don't be late, it's ready now ♪

♪ Bring friends, both old and new ♪

♪ At Alice's Wonderland Bakery ♪

♪ I'll make something for you ♪

♪ At Alice's Wonderland Bakery ♪

♪ I'll make something for you ♪


ALICE: "Bubbling Over."


Nothing like a quiet morning
in the bakery.

(door opens)

I'm late. I'm late. I'm late.

-Late for what?

It hasn't started yet, but it will.

We need food and... brushes.

Two brushes.

Did he say tubas?

Got them.

No, he said "two brushes."

FERGIE: No, no.

Oh, dear. It's all wrong.

He's right. It's wrong.

All wrong.

(both shrieking)





Oven, a little help.

-(honks loudly)
-(Hattie yelps)

Now. What in Wonderland
are you talking about?

My baby twin siblings
just got their first teeth.

-So cute.

Hats off to the twins.

So I'm throwing them a party.

Oh, but I'm late.
I'm late! I'm late! I'm late!

Now that we know what's going on,
we're happy to help out.

This calls for a batch of my famous
bunny biscuits.

Famous? I've never heard of them.

That's because you're not a bunny, honey.

When any bunny in Wonderland
gets their first teeth,

my crunchy biscuits are the first treat
they eat with their new chompers.

ALL: Aw...

There's Fergie.

Okay. Okay.

Let's get bouncing.


Cookie, you bake the bunny biscuits

while we get the Rabbit's house ready
for the party.

On it, lemon drop.

Can't wait for the twins to get
their chompers chomping on my treats.

Watch out!

Kids. Come here.

Cottontails. They're fast.

Oh! Alice, Hattie.

I'm glad you could join us
for the twins' big day.

Thanks, Mrs. Rabbit. We--

Stew! Do not let them bite that.



Those twins, they just can't wait
to try out their new teeth.

-(blows raspberries)

Make yourselves at home.

This is a list of everything
we need to do before the party.

That's not such a big list.

Whoa! Now that's a list.

(watch alarm ringing)


-Time to hang the streamers.
-(watch alarm rings)

Uh, time to set the table.

What about the... streamers?


I'll set the table.

And I'll hang the streamers.

Ah. We, Hatters,
know how to bring the fancy.

Um, thanks, Hattie.
I'll take it from here.

(playful music)

The table's party-ready.

Perfect, Alice.


I would just move this here.
This here, and this here.

Now to serve the perfect snacks
to go with Cookie's bunny biscuits.

-(screaming playfully)

-ALICE: Watch out!
-STEW: Speedy little chompers.

Carrot sticks.

-Got them.
-Zip it in for the dip.


Nice catch, Cam.

Why don't we go out to the garden?

I've got a surprise for the twins
that isn't on your list.

(ambient music)



Kiki, the caterpillar?

Oh, a big bubbly hello to you both.

I heard some baby bunnies
just got their chompers.

They sure did.

That calls for a party.

I've got some new dips, exotic swirls,
and popping pizzazz for you.


Fergie, you missed it.

I'm trying to see
where to squeeze Kiki in on my list.

If you're looking at that list,
you won't enjoy this.


Sometimes I even impress myself.

Kiki's right. Enjoy the party.

Hey, it's me.

But my ears are a little longer. May I?

If you insist.

(watch alarm rings)

-TWIN : Watch.
-TWIN : Watch.

My watch!

KIKI: Fergie.

You're bubbling over.

The bunny biscuits have arrived.

-(twins giggle)
-FERGIE: Come back here.

Where's everybody going?

(giggling continues)

Oh! Biscuits.

And watch the biscuits!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa...
Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Whoa! Help. Help.
This book is flying off the shelf.

Oh, crumbs.

Hold on, Cookie.

What's everyone...

up to?

HATTIE: Pop and Haberdashers!

We've got to cook up a plan.

There's no time for a plan.

I'll save Cookie and get this party
back on track in two hops.

Uh, how do I steer this thing?

You can't steer it. It's a bubble.
It goes anywhere the wind blows.

But I've got a party to start.

Is there any way
to get them out of those bubbles?

Why, yes.

They'll keep going up and up
until the bubbles burst.

Hold the scone. We can't have that.

How can we get up high enough
to reach them?

Oh, we can use these stilts.

-What, uh...

Never mind.

Hm. What else do we have in here?

Hot dog? No.

Extra galoshes? No.

Tall cake? No.

Can I have that tall cake?

Alice, this is no time for a snack.

Oh, now that you mention it,
I could eat...


Fergie and Cookie get bubbled?

Don't worry, Mr. and Mrs. Rabbit.

We'll have them and the biscuits
back in no time.

Come on, Hattie.

ALICE: There they are.

Stop the cart.

Time for a little tall cake.

Up I go.

ALICE: Ouch!

(magical music)

-There's my girl.


Almost got you.


Growing tall was too tall an order.

Looks like we're going to need
to whip up a new plan.

HATTIE: They're heading for...
Ooh! Mushroom forest!


That's the icing on the cake.

I think I know how to get
Cookie and Fergie down.

Carrot sticks.

There is got to be...


...a way out of this bubble trouble.

Fergie, you got to stop
bouncing your bubble.

Hey, time for a chapter
on sitting back and enjoying the ride.

I can't enjoy the ride.
I'm stuck in a bubble. And I'm late!

-And Alice is one smart cookie.

She's got this.
In my book, that's reason enough to relax.

(watch alarm rings)

COOKIE: Lemon drop.

You've got to turn off that watch,
or you'll burst both our bubbles.

How are you staying so calm?

I take a breath, flip my pages,
and slow down.

Because as far as I can remember,
this is my first time floating in a bubble

above Wonderland.

I don't want to miss it.

♪ You're always in a hurry ♪

♪ You scurry and you hurry ♪

♪ There's always somewhere to be ♪

♪ And there's so much to do ♪

♪ But take it from me, Rabbit ♪

♪ Get yourself in the habit
of taking time to unwind ♪

♪ And appreciate the view ♪

♪ It's true ♪

♪ Set your mind at ease ♪

♪ Sway away on the breeze ♪

♪ Let your bubble float on by ♪

♪ You don't have to rush now ♪

♪ Settle down and hush, now ♪

♪ Let's jump off and float on by ♪

♪ Don't miss this wondrous sight
that the things you love take flight ♪

♪ Feeling free and lighter than air ♪

♪ Drift in a love without a care ♪

♪ Set your mind at ease ♪

♪ Sway away on the breeze ♪

♪ Let your bubble float on by ♪

♪ You don't have to rush now ♪

♪ Settle down and hush, now ♪

♪ Let your bubble float on by ♪

♪ Let your bubble float ♪

♪ On by ♪

♪ On by ♪

Wonderland looks so beautiful
from up here.

I wonder where Alice and Hattie are.

Oh, I'm sure they have
everything under control.

Oh, we're totally out of control!

(Hattie shrieking)

Much better. Thanks, Alice.

When Cookie and Fergie
float over the mushrooms,

all we have to do is bounce up
and pop the bubbles.

Oh, and they'll land safe and sound
on the soft mushrooms.

Sounds like a recipe for success to me.

There they are!


Let's bounce.

Oh, what a page-turner.

Here come Alice and Hattie.

Huh? Oh, hey, Alice.

FERGIE: Hey, Hattie.

Hattie, do you have a tea bag?

Whoa, whoa!

Alice, this is no time for tea.

What am I saying?
There's always time for tea.

(whimsical music)


Oh, I love an old-fashioned tea toss.

Down we go.


Oh, the bunny biscuits.


-Oh, thank whiskers.

Thanks for helping me
stay calm up there, Cookie.

I'm glad you got to have
a little R and R, rabbit relaxation.


Thanks for saving us
and the bunny biscuits.

We'd never let you get bubbled away.

Besides, we've got a party to get to.


I call this one bubbling biscuit bunnies.

(all exclaim in amazement)

Thank you. Thank you.

And now it's time for the twins

to take a bite
of their very first bunny biscuits.


Ooh! Now that's a biscuit.

And those are some chompers.

(cheers and giggles)


That wasn't on your list.

That was my list.
I decided I didn't need it anymore.

Come on, everybody. Let's get crunching.


FERGIE: "The Card Guard Shuffle."

Nine hundred ninety eight,
nine hundred ninety nine, one thousand.

Ready or not, here I come!

You all better have great hiding places.

Nothing gets past me.
I know all the spots.


this one.


Too clever for that, huh?

But are you too clever for this?


(shrieks, sighs)

-Where are you, guys?
-(knocks on door)

-(Cookie chuckles)

Ha! Gotcha.

The Queen. Oh, dear.

-Uh, I mean, greetings.
-Your Majesty.

-Hello, Mama.

Alice, my dear, tell me,

what are your plans
for the rest of the day?

Uh, no plans, really.

(in singsong voice)

How would you like to make dinner
for tonight's Card Guard Shuffle?

It's a job for the best baker
in Wonderland.

Sure, but what's the Card Guard Shuffle?

Every year,
our family hosts a croquet match

and party for all the card guards.

As a thank you for all they do for us.

Like protecting the royal family,
caring for the palace grounds,

and the Hatters dozen other cool duties.

They sure help make Wonderland wonderful.

And the piece de résistance
of our celebration...

the dinner.

What do you say, Alice?

I would be honored to bake
for such a worthy occasion.

(in singsong voice)

I'll leave you to it.

You do know that hat rack's a hatter,

-Wow, the queen is good.

For a second there,
I thought I'd be hiding all day.

-(Rosa chuckles)
-This is so exciting.

I can't wait to show the card guards
how much we appreciate them.

What are you going to make?

It's got to be something really special.

A card guard's favorite meal.
Cookie, open to...

Hm. I have no idea what foods
card guards love.

-Rosa, do you know?
-They love Mama's royal lunch.

Royal dinner.

But those are always
Mama's favorite foods.


I'm not sure
what their favorite foods are either.

Uh... I don't see anything in my pages.

They didn't cover this in Card Cadet Camp.

No clue from this hide-and-seek champ.

You know who we could ask?


-ALICE: ThreeAnne.

What's your favorite meal
when you have something to celebrate?

Oh, it's always a party
with thimbleberry dumplings

and spicy mustard dipping sauce.


Thanks, ThreeAnne.

Oh, and nice twirl work.

It'll take all morning to make
enough thimbleberry dumplings

for the whole deck of card guards.

Then we better get baking.

(indistinct chattering)

Oh. Everyone seems so relaxed today.

The card's guard shuffle
is the one day a year,

the cards really let their guard down
and have fun.

(guard exclaims)

Pardon me, Your Highness.

This little fella got a bit carried away.

It's your day today.

I look forward to the Card Guard Shuffle
all year,

especially the dinner.

Want to see what we're having?

Hm. Do I?

Oh, who am I kidding?
Of course I want to see what's for dinner.

It's... thimbleberry dumpling?

Yep, with spicy mustard sauce.

Oh. Well, I really appreciate
all your hard work.

Aren't you excited?

I'm... not a fan of thimbleberries,
or dumplings, or spicy mustard.

I'm more of a sweet and sour cod myself.

Oh, dear.

But some of the guards love spicy.

-You'll surely be a hit with that.
-QUEEN: Guards!

-Let the croquet commence!
-Better fan over to Mama.

(somber music)

I thought all card guards
love thimbleberry dumplings

and spicy mustard sauce.

I'm sure some of them do.
Or, at least, ThreeAnne does.

(imitates ThreeAnne) It's always a party
with thimbleberry dumplings.



But I want all the card guards
to feel celebrated.

Even if one doesn't like the meal we made,

it won't be the party they deserve.

The croquet match just started.

We have time to make something else.

But what?

Hattie, Fergie. You guys up for a mission?

-Are we ever?
-Oh! Absolutely.

Rosa and I will finish setting up.

You two, go ask the guards
about their favorite foods.

We'll call it "mission delicious."

Thimbleberry dumplings. Yay or nay?

(upbeat music)

You don't happen to know
that guard's favorite foods, do you?

-(bird squawking)

After making the wicked at five rush,
both out of bounds

to set up the strong position
for attacking the ally next turn.

-Any questions?

-One question.
-Any dinner requests?

Good news, Alice.
You were right to be concerned.

All the cards celebrate
with different foods.

How is that good news?

Hm... Good point.

Well, at least we have requests now.

Cold finger foods,
hot fork and knife food.

Not too hot and not too cold chunky soup
you eat with a spork.

Oh, crumbs.

Those foods couldn't be more different.

Oh, what can I bake
that everyone will like?

Knock, knock. How's dinner coming along?

Those cards sure are working up
an appetite out there.

-Oh, Your Majesty, it's...
-It's going great, Mama.

The card guards are all going to feel
so appreciated with the meal.

Marvelous. As they should.

I can't wait to see what you've cooked up.

-ANNOUNCER: A once in a lifetime shot.

I missed it.

Do it again.

But it's not going great, Rosa.

It's almost dinner time,
and I have no idea

what we're going to make.

Don't worry.

If anyone can come up with one
perfect dish for all the cards, it's you.

-Where there's a whisk...

There is a way.

First, we'll see what ingredients
we have to work with.


-Sorry, David.

We didn't mean to startle you.

We didn't think anyone was in here.

No need to apologize, Princess.

I'm glad to have the company.

Shouldn't you be at the croquet match
with the other card guards?

Oh, I'm not really one for croquet.

I'm a baker at heart, like Alice.

When I get a day to myself,

there's no place I'd rather be
than the kitchen.

These are very impressive.

I had no idea card guards like to bake.

There are all sorts of card guards,

Just because we are part of the deck
doesn't mean we're all the same.

You're right.

I'm sorry.
I never thought of it that way.

Oh, I guess it wouldn't do much good
if all the guards had the same skills.

Exactly. You need cards who march.
Hup, two, three.

Cards who guard. All clear.

And cards who paint the roses red.

This bunny gets it.

Our differences are why the deck
works so well together.

Of course, there's no one dish
that all the card guards like.

Because there is no
one kind of card guard.

Then what are you making for dinner?

I know just the thing,
or things, I should say.

You all up for a lot of baking?


(lively music)


♪ Oh, roll up your sleeves,
it's time to bake ♪

♪ Stir that, we've got a dish to make ♪

♪ And let's work together with sift
and a scoop, and a sprinkle, and shake ♪

♪ Come on, let's bake ♪

♪ Let's bake ♪

♪ Whisk like me, then have a taste ♪

♪ Mix it like a hatter,
there's no time to waste ♪

♪ Set it like a rabbit, we can't be late ♪

♪ The perfect recipe
served on your plate ♪

♪ Come on, let's bake ♪

♪ With a sprinkle and a shake ♪

♪ Come on, let's bake ♪

♪ With a sprinkle and a shake ♪

♪ Come on, let's bake ♪


Our Card Guard Shuffle dinner
is ready to be served.

Set those at the end, Fergie.

Great work on the flowers, Rosa.

-And David, you can place those here...
-Heads up. They're coming.

A truly wonderful day of croquet.
Wouldn't you say?

I certainly worked up an appetite.

I wonder what's for dinner.

I believe Alice made my favorite.

Thimbleberry dumplings.


The white rabbit himself told me
we're having my favorite,

hot fork and knife foods.

-Dumplings. Dumplings. Dumplings.
-Hot fork and knife foods...

-Dinner for breakfast.
-...all day, all night.

(Alice clears throat)

-Well, what is it?
-What's the grub?

Since we are all so grateful
for each of you,

for this year's Card Guard Shuffle,
we made...


(all gasp)

I'm flushed of excitement!


Feel free to mix and match.

And design your plates
exactly how you like it.

We want you all to have your perfect meal.

I knew I made the right call
asking you to make dinner.

Yay, me.

I've never felt so appreciated.

Truly, most people think
we all celebrate the same way.

But, you know what they say,

when you have card guards...

You have , different opinions.


I'm glad I could do my part
to say thank you.

But I'm still confused about one thing.

Why is this party called
the "Card Guard Shuffle"?

-It's not only the name of the party...
-It's the name of our dance.

-CARD GUARD: Tune us in.

(upbeat music)

I know.

Are you ready, card guards?


Then let's shuffle!

CARD GUARDS (cheering): Yeah!

(lively music)

♪ Hop for the High Court ♪

♪ Hop! Hop! ♪

♪ Clap if you're wild ♪

♪ Clap! Clap! ♪

♪ Split the deck into a ruffle ♪

♪ It's the Card Guard Shuffle! ♪

It really does take all kinds
to make a full deck.

Come on, let's shuffle in.

♪ Hop for the High Court ♪

♪ Hop! Hop! ♪

♪ Clap if you're wild ♪

♪ Clap! Clap! ♪

♪ Split the deck into a ruffle ♪

♪ It's the Card Guard Shuffle! ♪


(closing theme music)