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01x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 12/24/22 17:40
by bunniefuu
April 23rd

ls this really necessary?

Regulations, sir.

So you did come for me that night.

That's what you said.

Was it all part of a plan?

I can't talk to you,
your father is under investigation.

You didn't know
who my father was before!

f*ck off.

There's a new message.

I'm Davide Minnella, from the Rai.

It's no use beating around the bush,
I have bad news.

The affair's fallen through,
no "Domenica In".

You'll be in the next round,
life's a circle!

We have to stay united, compact.

Don't be bought, don't accept gifts,

remember, we're the Northern League.

The north has nothing
to do with Rome!

Let's take Rome!

Settle down please,
there are other people.

What's that accent?

"Other people!"

Rome's a bandit,
the League will never stand it!


At ease, at ease...

It never passes, I know!

Sorry, you can't come in like that.

I got elected too.

A jacket is mandatory.

Isn't there an extra jacket for him?

- Of course.
- Thank you.

The sessions are only:

Tuesday afternoons,

Wednesdays all day
and Thursday mornings.

They work their asses off here!

Formentini looks angry,
what's wrong?

He says he was a partisan
and won't sit next to Fascists.

Hi, Umberto.

Hot damn!

First day of school.

- What is it?
- The regulations.

- We have to study this stuff?
- No!

You don't learn politics in books,
but on the field!

Thank God!

- I've been calling all morning.
- Has something happened to Viola ?

No, she's fine. Put Fabrizio on.

He's had a stroke.


He can't talk,
we don't know if there's damage.

I'm going back to the hospital, bye.

You made it!

Do you realize what's going on here?

Till today, investigations stopped
here, the system was closed.

Whoever got caught stayed quiet
and paid for everyone.

Today the system's collapsed,
because the industrialists,

maybe also thanks to us,
have started talking.

- Not Mainaghi.
- He stays in jail, too bad for him.

We're going beyond Mario Chiesa
and the Pio Albergo Trivulzio,

this is about tens of contracts
and Milan's biggest public agencies.

Welcome to "Bribesville".

This gentleman,
for those who don't know,

is the magistrate who investigated
on the P2 and the Ambrosoli m*rder.

Gentlemen, Gherardo Colombo,

as of today he'll work with us
on the Mani Pulite investigation.


Vacations are over,
if you're not for it,

there's the door.

We're making history here,
we need men with balls.

Gentlemen... rock and roll!

And the subway?
Kickbacks for the underground?

I paid in cash.

- But I don't like the word kickback.
- What would you prefer?

Voluntary dation
by the industrialists.

A bribe.



Thieves, thieves!

MAY 12th

Thieves, thieves!

Order, colleagues!

Piazzale Loreto!

How dare you!

Di Pietro, Di Pietro!

How many people live in Italy?
50 million?

60, why?

None of them have a job like ours!

You're right!

Di Pietro!

This place scares me.

You look tired, and older.

Thank you...

You sure know how to comfort a guy.

It must be a family trait.

What's that mean?

Your sister was rough on me.

Didn't you read her article?

I'm sorry for your contract,
I know how you feel.

Don't worry, it will all work out.

Stay calm.

Is that why you had me come?

To tell me to stay calm?

You have to leave the house,
for a while.

It's in my name,

the magistrates are looking
for my properties.

If they find the house,
with you inside...

it would be unpleasant
for everyone, right?

It's just to be cautious!

I've reserved a suite for you
at the Principe di Savoia.

The Principe di Savoia?

- Remember you met me there?
- So?

You're saying
I go back to being a whore?

Don't take it like that...

I thought it was
the easiest solution.

Want one even easier?

I'll take care of myself.

Moments of tension in Parliament.

At the nth unsuccessful attempt
to elect the Head of State,

a section began
to exalt the Milan magistrates.

The struggle between Andreotti
and Forlani for the presidency...


Did you get my package?
Like the photo? Fond memories?

- What do you want from me?
- 700 million lire.

Who's got that?
You have nothing against me.

I have the proof you k*lled Bianca
Navarra, Fabrizio gave it to me.

- I was supposed to destroy it...
- Hi. don't get you.

No? You know that syringe?

I have it, your prints are on it
and Bianca's blood. Enough?

I didn't k*ll anyone.

Let's have a judge decide.

Are things alright?

Yes, a small problem
already resolved.

Popular indignation against
corruption continues.

Colombo and Di Pietro,
don't slack, don't turn back!

I don't understand
why they get so much TV time.

You're not answering?


This is your daughter's teacher.

- What's it about?
- You should come right away.

- There's a problem with Viola
-Yes, on my way.

- ls everything alright?
- Yes.

People look at Milan and think:

work, fashion, the Bocconi...

All I see here is dirty money.

It's dirty money that holds
the bricks of this city together.

Bribery is an illness, a virus.

Where are we going?

We have a problem,
maybe a friend can help us out.

That's Di Pietro!

Send them all to jail!

Yes, it's him!
He doesn't fool around!


Thank you, Tonino!

Colombo and Di Pietro
don't slack, don't turn back!

Milan is with you,
honest people are with you,

we want them in jail!


Thank you for coming.

I'm sorry I bothered you at work,
but it's important.

Will you tell me what's happened?

It's a bit delicate.

This is a diurnal, arboreal species.

In the hours of midday,
they look for shelter in cool places

and remain inactive
for about an hour.

At night, they sleep in trees,
stretched out on the branches...

And that's the story.

You see what comes
of emphasizing manual labor?

Listen, I already have
lots of problems.

- What's done in these cases?
- I'll have to inform the principal.

- Viola risks being expelled.
- Or?

There is no other solution,
it's extremely serious!

May I?

I'd like one too.

What type are you?

Phlegmatic, melancholic,
sanguine or choleric?

According to Steiner,
we're a mixture.

- You don't seem choleric.
- It's nothing to do with anger.

It's for Viola's own good.

Have you spoken to her?

I wanted to speak to you first.

Why are you embarrassed?

I don't see
what I have to do with this.

Talking about sex made you blush.

Look here.

Stop it.

You have soft skin.

There's a little sanguine
in each of us, isn't there?

- Antonio!
- Giovanni!

- Luca Pastore.
- Giovanni Falcone.

Keep yourselves company.

Have a seat.

- Schifani.
- Pastore.


The lawyers made an agreement
among themselves,

the industrialists started talking,

they gave us the names
of a few politicians,

get things off their chests,
even feel good about it.

The point is, they sell us smoke
and keep the roast.

Their money's in Switzerland
and what do we do?

We write a letter of request
to check the bank accounts.

- And the Swiss banks?
- They don't give a shit.


And we're blocked,

if we don't find the money,
we won't conclude a f*cking thing,

actually Mani Pulite
risks ending right here.

You have to circumvent the request.

If you inquire into a total bank
position, they balk.

You have to intervene specifically.

There was a transaction
on July 10th?

Ask for the bank statements
from July 1st to the 30th.

You have proof, they can't deny you.

And then maybe
you discover something else.

How about dessert?

With this belly, not me.


- What floor?
- Yours.


Don't worry, no one
knows his neighbor in Milan.



- Empty-handed this evening?
- Meaning?

Your room abuts mine, sometimes
I have to sleep in the living room.

I'm sorry.

Don't be, once in a while women make
a mistake and knock on my door.

- What do you do, study?
- No!

Why invest in the future,
if you can make the present yield?


Where the f*ck were you?
You said seven o'clock!

Is he a more important customer
than me?

You idiot, he's my neighbor.

- Sorry.
- No problem.

How embarrassing!

I don't have a home anymore,
or a job, or a man

and you have a daughter.

We left you some pasta.

- We two have to talk.
- About what?

Forget it... Go do your homework.

I'll leave you two alone.

She's a darling!

Her mother was a friend of mine,

a lesbian, she wanted a baby.

You accepted?

I swear I'll stay
as little as possible.

You're not the problem.

What is?

Viola jerked-off a classmate.

The school called me, what mayhem!

What did you do?

I screwed the teacher.

Organize a meeting
with your sister for me?

I have to do a survey on
the Prosecutor's Office in Milan.

If you like...

I do.

You can stay all you want.

Do we play one happy family?

Happy families
are only good for selling cookies.

I didn't think I'd be seeing you.

I didn't want to miss the scene,

now that I'm no longer
the shame of the family.

I don't understand
why you have it in for me.

How do they treat you?

Can you hold out
without French wine?

Did I ever make you do anything?

Maybe that's exactly the point.

I wanted you to do

what I couldn't, have fun.

What a ball! My life's useless.

It is, if all you think of is work,

I never did anything
but work and now look.


I have to go.


I didn't want you to become like me.

Maybe that's what I wanted.

Open up?


- Finally!
- Done? Where do you think you are?

I'm Bosco, I live here.

We close at midnight, no exceptions.

I went out for a beer,
now I'm back, it wasn't...

What the f*ck?
It wasn't me who k*lled Jesus!

- Sister, please...
- Rules are rules.

It won't happen again, I promise.

Thank you.

f*ck, I went out for a beer,
she locked me out!

What a great f*cking idea
this place was.

It's close to Parliament, low cost,

and we all stay together.

I'm sick of dormitories.

Article by article.

What the f*ck does it mean?

The procedure...

It's Parliament integrated
with the regional representatives.

- Integrated?
- Don't the Parliamentarians vote?

Yes, but we don't elect Miglio.

It's just to put pepper
up the others' asses!

The election
for the President of Italy, right?

Yes, good, the election
for the President of Italy.

Now you go study and
let the grown-ups talk politics.

Go to work!


The vote is open
for proposed legislation 3012B.

In favor!

I announce the vote by name
via electronic procedure

on draft law 3137A:

regulations in the matter of justice.


What are you doing? C'mon, vote!



Let me out, I'm leaving,
and not just from here.

You stay here with your shit nuns!

Come back here!

Put a monkey in my seat,
it's the same thing.

I've taken enough orders.

MAY 17th

Venturi !

Pastore, don't you have a home?

You slept in the Archive Room?

I can't go home,
I've got a few messes.

- Got a cigarette?
- I told you I don't smoke.

You still have to tell me
why you're here on a Sunday.

Mainaghi, could have guessed!

Someday you'll tell me
why you're hooked on him.

I was looking at the balance sheets,
the figures don't make sense.

I think Mainaghi uses fictitious
firms to get his money out.

- Did you tell the Beast?
- I just discovered it.

What a hot babe!

Hot chick, huh?

I approached her
at the Pixies concert.

You don't know the Pixies?

And her?

She told me to f*ck off!

I haven't had
a Sunday like this in ages.

Will you help me get the dessert?

- Is it true he's after Craxi?
- Di Pietro?

The other day he was interrogating
Chiesa for the nth time,

no one knew where.

I go to the basement and hear Chiesa
yell from behind a door:

"No, I won't give that name!"

But the paper
wouldn't let me publish it.

No one dares write that name
in an article on Mani Pulite.

Are you married?


Are you gay?

- No. Why?
- And you haven't k*lled anyone.

That's good,

because she really cares for you.

Have you got a boyfriend?

Sort of.


You're pretty,
I imagine all the boys are after you.

No way!

When I was in school,
there was a beautiful girl,

but she didn't know
she was so pretty.

She wanted everyone to like her,
to feel loved.

So, she started going
with all the boys at school.

And I mean every one.

Then the boys stopped looking at her
as a pretty girl,

but just a girl
to have fun with sometimes.

In the end
she started feeling like that too.

She went from one man to the next
even when she grew up.

In other words, a whore.

Let's go back in.

Has she found a man
to really be with?

Who knows!

The cake.

My love!

My love, I want to be with you.

Never leave me.

I want to be with you.

Never leave me.

Does living together
affect you like this?

What's the matter?

Want to talk about it?

You're like that painting.

Elegant, cold...


They're taking that painting away.

Getting it fixed?


Why? You liked it.

Are you free for dinner tonight?



How's it feel to be
the most envied man here?


Remember the time I hurt my ankle?

You gave a whole speech
on the fear of change,

what was the word?

I don't remember, it doesn't matter.

I've thought about it.

If TV isn't what I really want?

What would you like?



That's exactly
why I wanted to talk to you.

Why limit yourself
to the small screen,

when you can shine
in a much bigger one?

Here's your surprise.

He's a producer from Rome,
Sergio Lucidi.

I found you a job!
If I don't take care of you...

You never change, how do you do it?

Do you know Veronica Castello?

You never change either.

I have to go,
but I leave you in good company.

If you come to Rome, call me.

Of course.


Self-sabotage, that's the word.


Leonardo's great.

We met a few years ago,

he organized a screen test for me... made more than in the first
two weeks combined, understand?

Word of mouth!

What are you doing?

Are you leaving?

Good girl, run!

Did we wake you with the music?

I'm mortified.
Are you the new lodger?

Gaetano Nobile.
We haven't met, have we?

No. Lower the volume.

Why don't you join us?

Go put some pants on
and I'll make up for it.

If you want to stay like that, we're
worldly people, maybe the T-shirt...


I'm telling you for the last time,
lower the volume.


They want to alienate me,
but they don't know who I am.

The others talk because
it's in their interest.

Give them the Socialists
and get out of here.

I don't dump friends.

They froze your accounts,
blocked your activities

and that's nothing.

If they keep digging and
the rest comes out, what happens?

Give them what they want.


Come in.

I discovered how Mainaghi
accumulates his illegal funds.

Will you tell me?

One of the firms in the group
records a company's payment of 10,

but it really pays only 2
and the remaining 8 is forwarded

to a third firm abroad, which then
brings the money back, clean.

- It's a theory.
- Plausible, right?

I'll take this to the interrogation.

You haven't heard?

Mainaghi has decided to confess.

So, how are you?

I'm embittered,

not so much because
you're abusing precautionary custody.

You know you are.

I'm embittered because
I thought I was stronger,

so you won,
let's skip the pleasantries.

Yes, they wouldn't have lasted long,
believe me.

Pastore, are you ready?


Mainaghi, is it true
you dumped the Socialists?

I'm Castello.
What names did you give?

Castello... just look at that!

I missed you.

Didn't you say
you'd rather be alone?

Didn't you say you wouldn't talk?

You let him out!

You didn't ask about illegal funds.

We'll move when we get proof!
Mainaghi confessed.

- He gave a name.
- A small thing?

Sir, the phone, it's urgent.

Not now. Pastore, the door!

Larini... Mainaghi said it's rumored
he takes Craxi the money.

If it's true, we catch the Boar!

- Your only interest is Craxi.
- And yours Mainaghi.

Just his name makes you snap
to attention, what did he do to you?

It was Falcone, he says
the requests have no attachments

and he didn't take it very well.

What the f*ck,
you don't pass me Falcone?

Contact Colombo!

You didn't send him
the acts of the investigation.

You don't even trust
Giovanni Falcone!

What the f*ck are you saying?
Who ever wrote a letter of request?

Can you do one?

Why should I justify to you?

Get back in the archives,
that's where I need you!

- Veronica?
- Gone.

You sent her away
like you wanted to do with me?

Think about your own messes!

If it weren't for me,
you'd be expelled.

I'm Off.

Miss me?

I've got it, all one hundred.

Bring it to the station tomorrow.

- That finishes it.
- Who knows? You have no choice.

Actually, prison
is always an alternative.


That's what people want.

Throw them all in jail.

They're in all the stalls in Milan:
"Di Pietro like Che Guevara",

"Milan is a bandit,
Di Pietro can't stand it",

Mani Pulite soaps, pins, gadgets,

the game of Bribesville.

They want handcuffs, and to yell
"in jail" to who governs them,

they love seeing rich industrialists
sleep on filthy mattresses

behind bars at San Vittore.

It's an obsessive force,
marvelous, unstoppable.

“Spaghetti Inquisitor,
rice plate San Vittore"...

The Germans have a term:

It's the excitement felt
at others' misfortune.

Italy is being flooded by an
unstoppable wave of Shadenfreude.

- Do we give in to the wave?
- No, we ride it.

But we don't dictate
the Fininvest course of action.

I know, but you can
help news shows and papers

see this is what
the country's belly wants.

If they talk continuously about
Di Pietro, ratings and sales go up

and so does our advertising income.


MAY 23rd

...of the terrifying attack in which

Judge Giovanni Falcone and 3 of
his security detail lost their lives.

Twenty people are injured.

The attack took place on the highway

that links Palermo to Trapani.

From Palermo, we have Cusimano.

Here are the images
taken by our colleague

who managed
to get through the barrier

and sh**t these scenes.

They're dramatic, w*r-like scenes.

That rubble hides, obstructs

what was once a high way,
in the 20-km portion

that goes from
the Punta Raisi airport to Palermo.

The two lanes have been obliterated.

We can see bent metal,
a car in the center

and another behind it,
probably the b*llet-proof car

in which Falcone was traveling.

Falcone was driving,
his wife next to him.

We're already able to tell you

that three agents have been k*lled.

All three were from Apulia...


Still like the idea
of making the present yield?

What are you doing?
Playing hide-and-seek?

Leo, Leo!

I put the money where you said.

Good, now go,
there's a train waiting.

A train?

The inter-regional for Genoa,
leaving from track 7.

Did you hear? Track 7.

Don't worry about the ticket,
go just one stop.

Get off at Rogoredo
and then go calmly home.

Hurry or you'll miss it.

There, good boy.

It's been nice
doing business with you.

Giovanni Falcone's death

is an irreparable loss.

But we in this Prosecutor's office
can do something:

take him as an example.

Like the anti-Mafia section,
we too will work in teams, united.

We too have decided to create a pool

with deputy procurators Di Pietro,
Colombo and, from today, Davigo.

Welcome aboard, Piercamillo.

There he is!

The last on the right.

He picked up
the money at the station.

Who the f*ck are you?


I ask that justice be done.

We're not going to the show tonight.

Parliament is like a chess board:

you have to decide
to move as a pawn or a king.