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02x08 - Tell Me the Truth

Posted: 12/24/22 21:50
by bunniefuu
What are you doing?



Lele, stop.

Lele, listen to Daddy.

Put down the g*n.
Put it on the floor. Put it down.

Tell me where she went.

Daddy doesn't know where Mommy is.

Put the g*n down.

I want to know the truth.
Tell me where she went.

- I don't want to hear any more lies.
- No, Daddy won't lie to you.

It... It's just hard to explain it to you.

Mommy doesn't like lies.

But I told one anyway.

And she left.

Come here.

It's not your fault.

It's only my fault.

Samurai asked you to k*ll Tullio Adami.

This confession will turn Rome
on its head.

It's time everyone knew the truth.

There'll be huge consequences.

You know
what happens to cops in jail, right?

Are you sure?

It's the right thing to do.

Thank you, Doctor.

Are you okay?



Don't mention it.

Look, Cinaglia hasn't won yet.

Yeah, I know.

What happens if he wins?

Will they take you out?

You were always quick on the uptake.

When I knew you as a kid,
you already spoke like an adult.

Do you remember what they called you?

The philosopher.

You could have stayed.

I didn't leave.

You're the one who left. For money.

To get in with the same people
that now want to k*ll you.

If you don't come up with something,
Cinaglia will become Deputy Mayor tonight.

...was found a few meters
from where Mass was being celebrated...

- Hi, Amedeo.
- Hi.

...the body of Countess Sveva
Della Rocca Croce.

It appears to have been a tragic accident.

A sudden turn of bad health
seems to have led to a fall,

causing the woman
to hit her head against a rock

and as a consequence
immediately losing consciousness...

- Why aren't you answering your phone?
- What did you do, Amedeo?

Alice, I'm sorry.

I told you to stay at the hotel, didn't I?

I didn't want to get you involved.

What the f*ck did you do, Amedeo?

I did what I had to do
to win this election.

I did it for us.

What the f*ck are you talking about?

Who are you?

It's easy to watch from a distance
and play dumb, isn't it?

But now you know.

Now you know
what I'm prepared to do to win.

You drove me to this.

Have you read the newspapers?

They're talking about an accident.

You haven't won the election yet.

- Why haven't you taken sides yet?
- I'll only do what's good for the Church.

A good that transcends
what's good for you or me.

What does that mean?

You k*ll those who get in your way.

First Giunti, then the Countess.

I'm not going to take sides.

I'm not afraid of you.

What are you talking about, Your Eminence?

Don't play dumb with me.

You are an evil blight on this city
and on the Church.

From now on

you will only find
locked doors at the Vatican.

You can't do that.

You were the first
to take advantage of my actions.

Yes, but now I don't need them anymore.

Do you really think you'll succeed?

History says the opposite.

History doesn't matter.

What matters is the will of God.

We're in charge now, Angelica.

And we're beautiful.


Mom and Dad are building you an empire.

Caesar? When did you decide that?

Alberto Anacleti's son can't have
a name like Charlie.

Caesar Anacleti.

Come on, kids, move it
with those bumper boats.

Quick, the ride's about to end.

Christ, the amusement park's doing well.

The stuff arrives today.

I want you to take care of it.

Did you hear what I said?
I want you to take care of it.

Now, seeing as we're very happy today,
you've all won a free ride.

Well done.
There you go. Great.

This ugly guy with the beard is paying.

It's the least you can do for me.

Okay, now give these rides a rest.
There's work to do. Come on.

We've got nothing more
to say to one another.

Maybe you don't,
but I've got something to say.

They k*lled the Countess.

- It was an accident.
- No.

Cinaglia ordered it.

If word gets out,
the Right will take City Hall.

I thought I made myself clear.

I don't want to have
anything more to do with you.

Just like I don't want to have
anything more to do with my ex-husband.

- Without me you'll lose the election.
- No.

We don't need you anymore.

Every newspaper is reporting it
as an accident.

If the Countess was m*rder*d,
we'll know in a few days.

And you can't change that.

You've got nothing left to offer me.

We'll win this election

even without making shady deals
with people like you.

So, where is he now?

I don't know. We split up right after.

But the problem now isn't Lele.

Everyone is saying
the Countess's death was an accident.

No one's talking about m*rder.

- I did what I was supposed to do.
- Then what the f*ck happened?

People were supposed to think
she had been mugged and k*lled.

That's what we needed
to win the election!

Did you take her jewelry?
Did you steal her purse?

- Did you take...
- No!

Because your pain in the ass of a wife
showed up!

What do we do now?

- Your wife has to testify.
- What do you mean "testify"?

She has to say
the Countess was k*lled by an immigrant.


Not a chance.

Amedeo, we haven't got a choice.

You have to convince her. Now!

It's the only way
we can get the news out in time.

We can still win.

We'll take several cars.

Women will drive the ones with the stuff.
That way it'll be safer.

We'll take different routes
and meet up there.

- [in Sinti] [Let's go!]
- [Let's go!]

So you've made a deal
with Aureliano Adami, huh?

After he put Manfredi in a coma.

Don't ask about things
that no longer concern you.

What are my clothes doing in there?

Did you take them from my place?

- What do you mean?
- My clothes are in your room.

- I was worried, Lele.
- Cut the bullshit.

I heard what happened to Mara,
and you had disappeared.

I was looking for you.

Why didn't you tell me? Huh?

And why the f*ck are my clothes in there?
What were you going to do?

All right.

Mara and I investigated you.

We found out about your links to Samurai.

That he made you an inspector.

That you work together.

But I never intended to report you, Lele.

That's not what I want.

Introduce me to Samurai.

I've had enough
of that shitty office, Lele.

Nothing's ever going to change.

You don't know what you're talking about.

Then explain it to me.

Because I've always done things honestly,

by the book.

And it hasn't gotten me anywhere.

Well, if that's the game

then I want to play too.


I'm not asking, Lele.

You'll ruin your life, you know that?

- Welcome.
- We're doing it here?

Nice work.

Did you expect less?

- How much have you got?
- Two cars full.

Go get it all.


Every plaza you deal, one of my people
has to be there to check on things.

Don't you trust us?

I can see you get me.

Okay. You'll see, nothing will be missing
at the end of the night.

Go ahead.

Come on.

I want to show you who I work with.

Alice, I want you to go to the police.

I want you to report what you saw.
Tell them that the Countess was m*rder*d.

That you were scared,
that they threatened you.

And that she was k*lled by a refugee.

And if I don't, what will you do?

You're the mother of my children.

You're my ally.

You do this, and we win this election.

So, how's the young lady doing?

Thought it over?

Changed your mind?

If you don't tell me what you did
with Spadino, you'll die in here.


Got anything to say?

There we are.


All our plazas in Ostia
have to be up and running again.

How much stuff is there?

A lot.

Are we sure it's good quality?

We're sure.

Who's it from, the Gypsies?

- Yes.
- The ones who k*lled my father?

What kind of deal
did Aureliano make with them?

The right deal.

He found a way to resolve everything
without too many wars.

Which are never good
for business, are they?

Now let's get back to work.

Tell your friend he could have at least
given me his condolences.

He's been busy getting
this stuff for everyone.

With you,
he'll make a different proposition.

My father spent more time with him
than with me.

A proposition isn't enough for me.

And I don't want
to do business with Gypsies.

Why are you stopping?

As soon as he sees us, he'll k*ll us.

We can't go there
without letting him know.

I have to call him.


Yes, I know. I'm sorry.

But we have to talk.

No, no, not on the phone.

Good. I'm on my way.

- All set?
- All set.

Now drive.

She's done it. She reported it.

Are we still in time?

Yes, the news should break soon.

What is it?

Let's go.

I want to help you.

I heard about the Countess. Poor thing.

But if no one knows she was m*rder*d,
you've lost, Cinaglia.

But if people did know?

That's where you're wrong.

My wife just left the police station.

Yeah, but she spoke to the wrong cop.

That report won't exist until tomorrow,
and tomorrow it'll be of no use to you.

There's not much time left, right?

I want to be honest with you.

I tried to find someone else on the Left

but it didn't work out.

You were right. They're a tight group.

And they're convinced they've already won.

And you and I are back in the same boat.
I don't have allies.

And you don't have the news.

So, what do you propose?

I like female pragmatism.

I can get the news out that you need.

Tell everyone
that the Countess was m*rder*d.

In a matter of hours, I can raise hell.
What do you say?

That I need to see results.

Look, let's cut to the chase.

I'll get the news out

and then we can work out
the fine print of our new deal.

Besides, if I can't do it,
we're both f*cked.


all three of us.

- Hey, bro.
- Hi.

- You got a light?
- Yeah.

- Bye, thanks.
- Bye.

Want a cigarette?

This is for my father.

f*ck your deal with Aureliano!

Let's go.

Anacleti scum!

Where the f*ck are we?

We're here.

Get out.

Where do we have to go?

All the teams are getting new players,
and what are we doing?

Standing by watching.

I know he's expensive,
but we absolutely have to acquire him.

All we do is complain.

Here's what I think.

If we want to finally...

win, if we want to finally be competitive,

a sacrifice has to be made.

Now we're going to take a short break
but we'll keep discussing this afterward.

So stay tuned. Back in a moment.

- Hey.
- I need a hand, Adriano.

What happened?

You have to put a piece of news
on the air. It's important.

- And you need me to do it?
- Yes. To do it now, yes. I can't wait.

- What do I have to say?
- That the Countess was m*rder*d.

It wasn't an accident,
and there's a witness.

- And you? How do you know?
- I know.

The news of the m*rder of a noblewoman
in downtown Rome will help the Right win.

Are you back with Cinaglia, Samurai?

I'm talking to you.
Are you back with that piece of sh*t?

- You've got to wake up! Listen to me...
- No! You listen to me.

Have you forgotten
that he was about to k*ll me?

He destroys people for his own interests.

- And for Aureliano Adami and that Gypsy.
- No, forget about those two.

You and me can make a new deal with him.
One that'll work for all of us.

Then Cinaglia will be my puppet, trust me.

Yeah, we've seen... A puppet!

A puppet that fucks you over!

My life depends on it, Adriano.

You've taken more b*ll*ts
than an army in the trenches.

I'm sure you'll find a solution.


What the f*ck are you doing?

Do me this favor.

Just this morning, I thought how nice
it would've been to have a dad like you.

One who helps you.

Not one who points a g*n at you.

Fathers do that too, if it helps
to teach their sons to grow up.

Here we are back on air.

However, before we continue
discussing Roma,

I have to give
you some terrible news, my friends.

Some breaking news that makes one wonder:

are we really safe in this city?

Because what seemed
to have been an accident

now appears to have been m*rder.

Countess Sveva Della Rocca Croce...

was m*rder*d.

Apparently there's proof.

There's even talk of witnesses.

We'll see how the situation develops
over the next few hours, and...

as always, we'll keep you updated.

Okay, after that news,

even if it's not at all easy,

let's get back to talking about soccer.

So, you finally managed
to get your ass kicked.

So, tell us what the f*ck you want.
We're busy.

I want to apologize to you.

I did the worst thing someone can do.

Samurai was on my ass, blackmailing me,

threatening me.

I was afraid he was going to k*ll me.

I didn't have the balls.

I just didn't.

That's why I k*lled your father.

That's why my father d*ed.

I think about it all the time.

Every day.

Forgive me.

Forgive me, both of you.
Because I can't.

Yesterday, Samurai b*at me to a pulp.

But I didn't talk.

I didn't tell him anything.

Not a thing.

Because I'm not afraid anymore.

Now I'm free.

You're the only friends I have.

And I love you.

But I'm not like you.

- Hey!
- Hey!

Aureliano, someone's here.
We've got to go.

And just leave him here?

We'll come back to get him. Let's go.

All good.

Stop counting.
We need to rethink the deal.

What's the f*cking problem?

One of your guys wounded one of mine
and ran off with the money.

We can't trust you.

- What are you talking about? Are you sure?
- Of course I'm sure. He's still bleeding.

- And who was it?
- That's for you to tell me.

All right. We'll give you
the money back out of our cut.

I don't need money.

The deal ends here.

Yeah, but you don't decide these things.

Your man does.

And he wants to stay here
in Ostia with Aureliano.

Remember that I'm Spadino's wife.

Who the f*ck are you?

The last hours before the closing
of the ballot boxes were decisive

owing to the extremely high turnout.

And here are the results.
They've just come in.

The Right, with 54.09% of the vote,
wins the election...

We won.

But this victory cost us dear.

In fact, now we have
to take Rome for Lele too.

Remember when you told me
that I changed your life.

Yeah, well...

- That's all in the past.
- Yeah.

My life has changed too.

And you've always been there.

You've never abandoned me.

Not even when I was out of my mind
or when I told you to f*ck off.

I love you, Spadino.

For real.

What, are you drinking now?

A toast to those no longer with us.

What happened?

Nothing. I've got to go.

Should I come with you?


I'll call you later.

Amedeo! Amedeo!

Oh, at last.

Thank you!

Thank you, guys.
It's all thanks to you.

Starting today, Rome changes!


I know I shouldn't have come, but...

we created all this together.

Thank you, Sara.



Why don't you stay and celebrate with us?

No, thanks, I can't. I have to go.


- Call you later.
- Yes.

- Bye.
- Bye.

Where were you? All hell has broken loose.
We need to talk.


Our dealers started up again real good.
We made a shitload of money.

- But then Angelica showed up.
- What happened?

It seems one of our guys f*cked up and...
What are you doing?


Where are you?

Come with me.

- What the f*ck did you do to him?
- What did I do to him? I made him talk.

I know everything about you two.

Now I'll take him home and make him repeat
what he told me. Sound good?

But I don't have to do that...

as long as you give up control

and hand it to me.

I'm sorry, Alberto.

You don't know how sorry I am.

I'm sorry too.

Sometimes like a king
Without an army

Without a throne or a scepter
Carrying a borrowed sword

Sometimes I only move the vocab
For how I am

I'll take you where I am
It's a sour taste...

Now take him home and get him to talk.

I bring the pressure
And confusion with me

I weaponize it
Calibrated by the condition

To stay outside and inside
Without approval

And to keep my head high
Among other people, with my name

Sometimes it all changes
And moves away

Sometimes they're filigree nightmares

Until the bell rings

Yet another round

To show those sons of b*tches

You think you can send me to the ropes

This life hits hard
Call me the "wrestler"

The wheel turns
And sometimes you lose your bets

I'm on the ground
But I aim at the peak like Messner

Life's an elevator without buttons

Going up and down as it likes
You're born in it, what can you do?

Kick and punch the doors in
Till you get to the right floor

Then at last you can stay there

Rap's good one day, it's tough the next

Life's good one day, it's tough the next

Love can go flat
But then come up and take me higher

Always the same

Rap's good one day, it's tough the next

Life's good one day, it's tough the next

Love can go flat
But then come up and take me higher

Always the same


Come over here.


In the end you were right, huh?

You made just one mistake.

You needed Samurai's help again.

We started out together.

To this city.

Now we're on the same side.

I'm not interested one bit
in your business.

What are you interested in?


That's a good business, too.

I can put my properties at your disposal.

We can go.

No, not yet.

We have to set the terms of the deal.

I want Adami and the Anacletis gone.

How can I get rid of them?

They're the ones who did everything.

Now that you've won,
you don't need them anymore.

Give him some ideas
on how to save his ass.

I think he needs them.

We'll find a solution.

Rap's good one day, it's tough the next

Life's good one day, it's tough the next

Love can go flat
But then come up and take me higher

Always the same

Rap's good one day, it's tough the next

Life's good one day, it's tough the next

Love can go flat
But then come up and take me higher

Always the same

I've got a rhyme for each of my fears
One for when it's all good

One for when the axe of fate comes down
Slams the door

In this crap sh**t with life
This game of chess with death

Time's too short to waste any

Mistrust grows
But the heart still burns and I'm hot

On a good day come higher with me

On a tough day, buddy, stand by my side

I don't believe in much anymore

I'm hungry as a hound
For what destiny has taken from me

Rap's good one day, it's tough the next

Life's good one day, it's tough the next

Love can go flat
But then come up and take me higher

Always the same

Cinaglia hasn't called you yet,
am I right?

If you come any closer I'll k*ll you.

Who the f*ck are you?

A guy with the same problem as you.

Cinaglia is back with Samurai.

You had a deal.

You thought you'd reign over Rome.

Instead he f*cked both of you over.

Why'd you come here to tell us this?

Because they f*cked me over, too.

Cinaglia and Samurai.

And I don't want you to suffer
the same fate as your friend.

If you want
to go up against those two pieces of sh*t

I'm at your disposal.

I b*at my tempo
With my hand on the wall

One b*at goes to love
And one to the dark side

I have the strength
It runs like lava in my veins

But when in doubt remember
I come for the good

I come for those who come in peace

I come for those who can't shut up
If they don't like something

For those who can't keep quiet
And don't give in

Even if it goes up and then down
And it seems nothing changes

Rap's good one day, it's tough the next

Life's good one day, it's tough the next

Love can go flat
But then come up and take me higher

Always the same

Always the same...

What did I miss?