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03x23 - The Day of the Forestation

Posted: 01/02/23 06:54
by bunniefuu
I'll explain you everything, I were only trying to discover the famous secret of the Metarex But I think they quickly understood what I were doing Eggman-sama the Metarex ship is approaching more and more !

The situation start to be critical Then, there's not time left to waste Now I will go straight to the goal, if you permit I discovered the coordinates of their destination were encoded and were containing a message "When dawn rejoins twilight, mist spreads, the Earth that Sleeps will thus be purified" Even me, I don't know what it means But, it seems on the aquarius year Once within 1000 years, Something is happening And obviously, Metarex were waiting this precise moment !

Then, a little advise, Don't even expect to go there because it's way too dangerous !

Short after this, Metarex were attacking us, and now, Eggman-sama and robots are jailed in Dark Oak's ship And I escaped as fast as I were able to By the way, Bokkun, What means those numbers on the screen ?

It has been so much time that I already forgot Ah yes, that's right, that will blow up I got you, moron herd !

It's you the moron !

Ouch, you hurted me Stop to cry !

The Day of the Plantations There's nothing here It's only an impression, wait for the following It's the 2nd Control Room, which have been built for need case But does the ship is still able to fly ?

Its performances are not what they were anymore, but, we can still use it Blue Typhoon take off !

Shadow I hope you are not worrying for Shadow ?

Don't forget he's always acting on his own way We must keep our habits and let's go to fight, okay ?

Okay Sonic, You're right Are you all ready ?

We're going to crush those horrible Metarex into pieces !

Cosmo, prepare you to confront Dark Oak !

Hey, softly Sonic, She's still frail Don't worry for me, I'm feeling better now Oh, what a surprise !

You're becoming attentive with girls, you even begin to approach, as I see Not at all !

It's not what you think at all !

Then, to whom did you approach ?

Enough you, don't add anything more !

Stop to laugh, That's not funny Well, that's enough !

Wait Cosmo You will only have problems if I stay with you, when you will be fighting Don't forget, it will surely be our last fight against Metarex !

I want you to attend to everything will happen from now I want that, personally And when everything will be finished, I would like you to live with us on our planet Thanks Tails-san All the reactors are activated, engines are ready Do you see that, Dark Oak ?

I'm totally faithful now, No one can steal the freedom inside them And as long as they will be there, you won't be able to accomplish your project You Fools !

There's a lot of enemy's ship in the sky They are coming straight to attack us !

I bet we will going to have fun Blue Typhoon, target Dark oak's ship Understood They're coming This is the long awaited moment You will triumph There it is out last battle to re-establish the order and tranquility then, it is the good moment to deploy all our strength Count on me Perfect, we will going to take care of them Sonic squadron go !

Understood !

It's party time !

It begins quite bad Laser Canon !

Knuckles, Rouge, Go on the takeoff deck !

Now, with which face may I fight ?

Are you ready for the fight ?

Like always How long are you going to look at yourself ?

You don't know how hard it is to be beautiful !

Can you tell me what is not gorgeous at me ?

My mirror, no !

If you could see the horrible face you're doing I still have other mirrors on the ship You will pay for that !

Shovel Claw !

Sonic !

Don't touch my Sonic !

I wonder what Dark Oak is thinking right now ?

Is this your destination ?

We will give you a big discount on the ticket price From 30 to 40% !

That's what we call a good deal !

Did you see his look ?

Unusually, the trip will be free for today Obviously, our passenger feels like an important person I wonder what he's planning this pretentious guy Don't say bad things of him !

But what is the problem ?

He's totally ignoring our presence By the way, where are you leaving ?

Here !

I bet you never made any forced landing !

Oh, Look at this, it's a disaster No, Our Detective Agency came off We should never built it on the ship You well knew there would be solidity problems But Vector asked to built it at any case Obviously, since it is our symbol !

Otherwise, how do you want people to take seriously our Detective Agency !

Wait, hey You !

It seems you forgot to thanks us !

Don't you intend to save Eggman, by any chance ?

My only and unique target is Dark Oak !

I thought by receiving this passenger aboard We could win some money but I feel like it got us more problems than anything else You could have chosen someone less scary That's right, but I felt he could give us work It's also a proof of being a good detective But All of that has no meaning anymore, Let's go help him !

Yahoo, yeah Let's go help him !

Nice, that'd be all I'd need Looks Like it's moving outside I suppose it's the moment of operating The signal !

Eggman-sama is calling for help !

Sonic, we will all charge straight on Dark Oak's ship and save Eggman, okay ?

Okay buddy !

Amy, Stay behind with Sonic Okay, I will show to these Metarex the incredible power of a woman in love !

Chaos Spear !

anywhere !

You miss training Eggman I didn't expected you to save me Stay on shelter, it's better Don't worry for me Decoe, Bocoe !

Yes Master And this is the highlight of this episode !

Transformation !

Now, I'm putting the head Bazooka mode, Fire !

In fact, we didn't need your help we were able to get out when we would have wanted to People are always used to underestimate us, right Eggman-sama ?

Then, we totally got you, admit !

Eggman I made a few manipulations before being arrested Verification in Progress, Access granted And I made a deviation of the energy of the ship, so that there's some short-circuit, here and there You're a true genius Eggman-sama !

It's now or never Oh I did it !

How dare you hit my precious face ?!

Give me your hand !

Oh !

It's not the good moment to talk about this subject Well, Hurry !

It's up to you Tell me where Dark Oak is ?!

This way ?

The enemy is approaching the bridge Get rid of the hull except for the central block Okay But what's happening ?!

They want to get rid of us But what the ?

The time of our battle has finally come, then let's fight !

There's an enormous distortion in the axis of coordinates The distortion is propagating quickly What's that ?!

"When dawn rejoins twilight, mist spreads, the Earth that Sleeps will thus be purified" A Planet Egg "When dawn rejoins twilight, mist spreads, the Earth that Sleeps will thus be purified" I understood Once each 1000 years, this place become the crossing point of all galaxies But this light is coming from a totally different universe than our It's a bad sign !

I guess This is precisely this exceptional event that Dark Oak were waiting to accomplish his project You're probably right, Tails Oh, Sonic !

Got it, All we have to do is get rid of him We absolutely must stop them from doing their plantation !

You fool animal, it's useless to fight against the reign of "Order and Tranquility" The Planet Egg is constituted of water Chaos Emeralds are constituted of Light They feed us with energy !

This profusion of water and light needed to make abundant harvestings will also feed the vegetation !

I've waited 1000 years for this time All those who will dare to perturb the Order and Tranqulity in this universe Will severely be punished !

Look at us !

Filling the universe with sovereign vegetation !

It's The last stage of the plantation project has just begun We must stop this monster !

Use all your munitions !

Farewell White Seed !

Sonic !

Master Emerald !

Not that soon !

Tails !

Cosmo !

Amy !

Blue Typhoon, sorry You who need the light to live, You only are defenseless animals but it's not too late, Accept to live inside the Order and Tranquility !

Where there's nor hate nor sadness, in a place where universe is dominated by the vegetation Sonic !

And that's all what you can propose us ?!

Sonic !

No !

If you continue to fight, he will k*ll you No, There's no way I can tolerate a such boring world !

Then, my friends and me will going to fight until the end !

In this case, disappear !

Forgive me, Amy Sonic !

Sonic !