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01x10 - The Heinous Aura ~Mastermind~

Posted: 01/06/23 17:42
by bunniefuu
Who the heck are you? They're a group of dangerous Esper criminals.

They're called Claw.

They're gathering young Espers like us.

No doubt about it.

That's Kageyama.

Bring him right away.

I won't let you have Ritsu! Shigeo! It won't be easy even for you, Kageyama.

They have many officers as strong as the guy you fought.

But, I have to go.


I'll help you.

Lately, Ritsu's been visiting that psychic power research center called Awakening Lab.

Let's go! Show us the way, Ekubo.

Yes, this is the place.

Here we go! Ritsu trained with his psychic power here.

It seems they got here before us.

Yes, it seems so.

Hey, Shigeo! Hey! Wake up! Did Claw do this? It's no good.

He's in no condition to talk.

I knew it.

This is where they got their information.

Ritsu MOB 50% INCURSION It looks like Claw came after the middle school students gathered at the Awakening Lab.

But they're both using those kids.

One is for research and the other for world domination.

It's easier to use talented people if you get them when they're still budding.

"Budding"? Tsubomi? A woman becomes a flower By opening her petals What's wrong, Kageyama? I just saw Tsubomi singing her heart out at karaoke.

I think I can finally read a woman's mind.

You're talking about your crush at a time like this? Maybe my feelings for Tsubomi reached her.

Kageyama, you really need to get a clue.

I'm sorry I'm so clueless.

It's okay.

It looks like one of them was tortured.

Are you in charge here? Yes Did you sell information about Ritsu Kageyama to Claw? No.

They came here because they were after White T

-Shirt Poison.

I see.

Everyone seems to think it was Ritsu who caused that tornado and kicked my butt.

Ritsu put his school jacket on me then.

That's why everyone thought he was White T

-Shirt Poison.

Then, for some reason, his latent power was awakened.

Ritsu is in danger again because of me.

Damn it! What the heck is going on? Just when I thought I could do some research on outstanding young kids.

If you go and build an eye

-catching lab like this to research psychic powers, of course you'll attract Claw's attention.

Did they take other kids, too? Yes, There are three other kids.

Where did they go? I don't know.

God damn it! That f*cking brat! You have lost your touch if you got your ass whipped by one little brat.

Nobody told me they were Esper brothers.

What the f*ck you doing? "Brothers"? There were two of them? You're kidding! PACKAGE DELIVERY SERVICES Ouch! Ritsu? Are you okay? Where are we? They're taking us somewhere.

I think they're taking us to their hideout.

We have to escape.

But we can't move like this.

It's no good.

We have to untie these ropes first.

Rei, can I borrow your power? All right.

Over here.

Burn through it.

Focus! Ignite!

- Help!

- Stop the truck! Cut the racket! Shut your traps! Stop! Stop the truck! We need help! Something's wrong with Ritsu! Ritsu's going to die! I'll take a look.

Run! Hurry! Hurry! You damn kids! Come back here! Hurry! Oh, no! What are we going to do? Lend me your power.


- You did it.

- You did it! Now's our chance to escape.

Run! Hurry! He threw me down without even touching me.

Another guy knocked them all unconscious just by grabbing their heads.

These guys sound tough.

Ritsu MOB 55% They got away from you? What the heck is wrong with you guys? Oh, well.

It can't be helped.

I'll notify the General.

Capture them as soon as possible.

We will.

I swear we'll get them before the Boss gets here.

You damn well better.

Let's go.

This is such an important time.

Men are useless.

Leave this to me.

- Wasn't that fun?

- Yes, it was.

- Let's go again.

- Yes.

I'm this way.




See you.

Hurry! Where to?

- Go in!

- Where? Here? Ritsu! What are you doing? Tsubomi! Don't talk so loudly.

Stay quiet.

Oh, I get it.

You're playing hide



What? Oh, dear! You're hurt, Ritsu.

That looks painful.

- Let's see a doctor.

- No.

- No!

- No! What? Why? Who are these people? They're my friends.

Anyway, we don't want to go anywhere we'll be seen.

I see.

You're playing hide


-seek, after all.

You don't want to be caught by whoever is "it.

" Sure.

Then why don't we go to the school infirmary? The school? I see.

There's nobody there right now.

I'll fix you up.

Do you remember how we used to play doctor? Let's go! I can see Tsubomi again.

Kageyama, I keep telling you that you need to get a clue.

No, that's not it! Ritsu She's with Ritsu.

Really? They're going somewhere.

Why don't we go to the school infirmary? The school Okay.

Let's go! Don't give away any information.

Make stuff up when you talk to the police.

Okay Make stuff up? Like what? Clairvoyance? That's right.

My wife has psychic powers.

What makes you think so? She knows all about where I have been and what I have done.

Like when I play pachinko instead of working, or when I lie about overtime and go to a hostess club.

I see.

That's a specter.

What? You're haunted by the specter of your wife! What? You mean she's here, too? I'll exorcise you right away!

- Okay!

- Have a seat! Close your eyes! My special w*apon, Salt Splash! Don't move! Don't move! Splash! Splash! Splash! Splash! It's so salty! I knew it.

A tracking app.

GPS TRACKING Splash! You're not done yet? Splash! We're through.

Did you get rid of the specter? Yes, it has left you.

But! Your wife is still haunted by an evil suspicious demon.

Put this salt in your bathtub and get in it with her.

What? Take a bath with her? That's right! If you are a happy, loving, and intimate couple, you'll chase away that demon.

All right.

I'll do it.

Okay, that's 2,800 yen for the exorcism.

Oh, yes.



You don't need the change, right? Oh Yes, that's right.

You have helped me a lot.

- Thank you.

- Salt Splash! Thank you.

I made an extra 200 yen.

Mob Mob Mob MASTER You're not going to answer? No.

This is not the time for my part

-time job.

Let's go.

Dang that Mob.

What the heck is he doing? I should have put a tracking app on his phone.

Wait Come to think of it Oh, then let's turn on our GPS.

Will that kind of thing help? MOB BODYBUILDING CLUB TELEPATHY CLUB 497! 498! 499! 500! Nice work.

We finished tomorrow's quota as well.

- Yes!

- Yes! I can't take any more.

Yes! I did it, too! Yes.

How does that youthful sweat feel? It's invigorating, isn't it? Yes!

- It's awesome!

- Good.

Now you're one of us, Oni! Let's build those muscles to the max! Count me in! Okay! It's time for our protein drinks.

Let's go!

- Yes!

- All right! Hey, Telepathy Club.

Are you joining us? No.

I'll pass.

Let me die like this.

What a wimp you are.

You need to build even more muscles.

I told you, I'm not in the Bodybuilding Club.

Okay, we're leaving.

If you see Kageyama, tell him he can't be absent without permission.

What's the optimum time for protein absorption? Within 30 minutes of exercise!

- Okay! Hurry!

- Run! Yes! Onigawara! Close the door! Yes, sir! SALT MIDDLE SCHOOL Just as I thought.

Kids always come to school.

I found them.

- What's wrong?

- Wait, Hanazawa.

You're tired already? Joining the Bodybuilding Club hasn't done you any good at all.

Hey! I'm just kidding.

Let's go.



I fell asleep.

Ouch I sense something! Here it comes! I really feel it in my muscles! Ouch! It hurts.

INFIRMARY That hurts, Tsubomi.

Oh, Ritsu! You're such a chimp.

Did you mean to say "wimp"? What? They both end in "imp.

" It doesn't matter, does it? Besides, chimps are cute.

But that's totally different.

This is none of your business, outsider.

In this situation, you're the outsider.

Really? SALT MIDDLE SCHOOL We've got the kids cornered.

Got it.

I'll be there soon.

HQ contacted me.

After the Boss's inspection, he'll determine which members of Seventh Division are worthy enough to become officers at HQ.

The Boss will be here soon, too.

You know exactly what will happen if you fail, don't you? Leave this to us.

The Boss is coming from HQ to inspect us.

The head honcho So, we'll finally get to see his face.

It makes my scar tingle.

I'll get those kids.

I'll become an HQ officer.


I will.

I'll brainwash them and bring them back.

SALT MIDDLE SCHOOL Those guys are looking for us, aren't they? Yes.

It's only a matter of time before they find us.

In fact, they might already be close.

I can't let Tsubomi get caught up in this.

That's right.

If only my brother were here.

Is your brother really that amazing? He's way better than me.

Then I'm sure he'll come and save you.


We would do the same.

They're here! What's that noise? I think they have found us.

When they come in, leave them to me! Take that chance to escape! I can't I can't let you do that.

Let's fight them together.


My muscles ache It hurts

- Hot compress!

- Tome! What are you still doing here? Same to you, Ritsu.

You too, Tsubomi? Who are these guys? There's no time to explain.

We have to escape.

Why? From who? I found you.

Give up and come with me.

You must be "it"! "It"? Ritsu, we'll put up a barrier.

Run away while he's caught.

- But

- Just lend us your power.


- Here goes.

- Okay.

- Hurry, Ritsu!

- Okay.

Tsubomi! Tome! This way!

- Wow! That's so pretty!

- Come on!

- Run away!

- Get away from the guy who's "it"! Hurry! Wow! This is fun! TAKOYAKI MOB SALT MIDDLE SCHOOL Tsubomi and Ritsu are here! MOB 65% THE CHARACTERS AND ORGANIZATIONS ARE FICTIONAL