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02x05 - Episode 5

Posted: 01/08/23 12:56
by bunniefuu
[Media pro opening music]


[Arthur groans]

[both breathe deeply]


Not now, dear.

You know her, right?

Annika? Yeah. Yeah, she's fantastic.

Yeah, she's great,
she'll do whatever it takes.

Well, almost.

She's your pick, right?

- For Antarctica.
- Yeah.

It wasn't easy.

You don't have to apologize.

No, I don't.

And you shouldn't either.

Me? What for?

Well, the polar nights,
they can be cold and long,

you wouldn't want me to bring you along
for the wrong reasons, would you?

Of course not.

I mean, you're a great biologist
and all that, but...

I need the very best.

[tension music]

Bye, Arthur.


Bye, sweetheart.

[opening music]

[woman] Do you know who Arthur Wilde is?

Yeah, who doesn't know
who Arthur Wilde is?


Is he gonna be a part of this?

I think he is a genius.

And there's...
There's no way he k*lled all those people.

Yeah, he deserves another chance.

To me he looks like a fair person.

As I said, I don't know him,
but from what I've seen,

he doesn't seem to be trusted.


[Erika] Nanas hi Maru, this is Alexandria.
What's your position?

[captain] Alexandria,
this is Nanas hi Maru.

Position: Three-nine degrees,
zero-three minutes south,

one-zero-nine degrees,
one-eight minutes west.

On course, we'll be there in hours.

Copy that. Thank you. Over.

[tension music]

They're coming.

Let's drink to that.

Where did you get that from?

Renaud's cabin.
I don't think he will mind.

Hand it over.

Take it easy.
It's not like we're sinking, are we?


Was that a sh*t?

- You okay?
- Did you hear that?


What's going on?

Where's Arthur?


[shouts and grunts]


Let me see that.
Keep your hand up high.

- Oh, my God.
- [complains]

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

She tried to k*ll me.

- Who?
- Gloria.

[Alec] f*ck! f*ck.

Oh, my God.

[Amy] What happened?

She's dead.

- What the f*ck happened?
- It was an accident, I swear.

Oh, Jesus, I went...
I went to the bathroom,

I came out, she was standing there,
she was holding my g*n,

she was pointing it at me.

I swear to God!

Oh, she's...

- Then what?
- So then I went for the g*n, right?

I grabbed it by the barrel,
and it went off.

It took parts of my hand with it.

But I hung on and I fought,
and I fought, and I fought,

and then came the second sh*t.


The snitch.

- [Kim] What?
- What?

What? What snitch?

Someone's been stealing our research.

That's the reason for the murders.

You f*cking psychos.
I told you it was one of them!

Not Marcus, not Charlie, not any of us!
It was one of them all along!

Stop it, Wil!

Come on,
we need to take you to the infirmary.

Wait. Okay.

Wait, you think Gloria was a snitch?

She didn't even want to be here.
Why would she...?

It was her alright.

It's Kowalski's.

[Rachel] So?

It's been missing
since the night he was k*lled.

And the k*ller used it
to enter the lab to get rid of Zack.

[Arthur] So it was her.

First she k*lled Kowalski, then Zack

and I was next on her list.

There's no other explanation.

We need to stop this hemorrhage, come on.

[piano music]

[Erika] Arthur! Arthur! Are you okay?

Arthur. Arthur. Arthur, wake up!


I'm not too involved in that whole case.

Honestly, I don't do so well with drama.


I mean, it wouldn't surprise me.

He's a very special man, so...

I guess it could be true, the accusations.



It's me, can I stay with you?


- Sorry, I can't keep still.
- Yeah, me neither...

It just doesn't add up.

I know. She's the last person on this ship
that would do something like that.

Why did she have Kowalski's key card?
And what the f*ck was she doing

- in Arthur's cabin?
- She wanted to talk to him!


Can I trust you?

I don't know.

Can you?

I managed
to break into Kowalski's laptop.

The day he d*ed, he was looking
into some f*cking molecule.

- What? What molecule?
- I don't know, I'm no biologist.

But Gloria freaked out when she saw it.

That's why she went looking for him.
She wanted to tell him about it.

What are you saying? Arthur is lying?

I don't know!
But I don't trust him anymore.

Look, Gloria was not a f*cking snitch.

You're right.

She wasn't.

How can you be so sure?

I just know.


- It's you!
- Calm down! Calm down!

I haven't k*lled anyone!

Look, I wouldn't be telling you this
if I wanted to hurt you, alright?

Why...? Why would you?

Because I need your help.

And I'm willing to pay for it.

Five million.

[tension music]

Five million dollars?

But first, I need to see
that molecule in Kowalski's laptop.

[Alec] You managed to break in.

Now, why in the world
wouldn't you tell me?

I tried to.

Anything interesting?

I don't know.
What are you all looking for?

You were the last
to talk to Gloria before she d*ed.

- I was not. That would be Arthur.
- You know what I mean.

Did she do or say anything strange?

- Not really.
- Not really.

[pants] Are you sure?

Yes, I'm sure.

[laughs] Then why do I get the feeling
that you're lying to me?

Where you in cahoots with her? Hm?

What? No! I promise!

We were just working on the case.

How's that going?

We'll make it on time.

You stay here.

I don't want you walking around
with that f*cking animal on the loose.

Maybe I can help you with that?


I'll keep that in mind.

[tension music]


[tension music]

- Hey.
- Hey.


He's gonna be okay.

There's something you need to see.

Bloody hell, what the f*ck is that?

[Rachel] Looks like a burn.

- When did that happen?
- [Rachel] I have no idea.

Hey! Hey!

Hey, how are you feeling?

That's the morphine.

I can give you more when it wears off.

I did my best, but you will want to see
a real doctor when you get back home.

[pants] Thanks.

[Alec] What about your right arm?

What the hell is that?

Oh, this?

It's a minor lab accident, an acid spill.

- It's nothing.
- Doesn't look like nothing.

It looks really bad.
I'll need to cauterize it.

When did that happen?

Six-seven days ago.

- Why didn't you tell us?
- Because it's nothing, really.

Don't worry.

- It's not been the best of weeks.
- The Japanese should be here

in hours. Get some rest.

And Charlie?

No news.
Let's hope he doesn't find a way out.


Someone's stolen morphine and Ketamine
from the cabinet.

f*cking hell.

Any junkies among the crew?


Booze and pot for sure, but not this.
Not from my cabinet.

You think it was him?

The dr*gs?

Come on.

I don't know.

But he must have needed something.

But then again, all he had to do was ask.

Thank you.

One more thing.

How the f*ck did he have a g*n?

I gave it to him.


[action music]


Where is it?

- Where is what?
- Don't you f*cking play with me!

The g*n!

I haven't seen no g*n.

Me neither.

Do you think I'm stupid?

What if I did?

Have you been drinking?

What if I have?

I swear I haven't seen no g*n.

Do you want to search us

before or after
we take this to the pantry?

Or maybe you want to take her yourself.

Get the f*ck out of here.

- How could she?
- How could anyone?

[sighs] But Gloria? She's...

If there's one thing
I've learned about human nature,

it's that we're all
weak, miserable, frightened souls

putting on a show.

Pretending that we deserve
affection, attention, even love.

We don't.

It's a masquerade.

That's all it is.

And a cruel one too.

Doctor Wilde, the cynic.

It's my default setting.

It's how I hide the fear.

Also a brilliant scientist

who has devoted his life
to finding a way to stop Climate Change,

which will save millions of lives.

It's not about the lives.

We're on the verge of extinction.

And we deserve it.

- Why then? Why all the effort?
- Because they doubted me.

They said it couldn't be done.
They even laughed at me.

And then they put me in jail
for crimes I didn't commit.

There is one life I want to save.

And I'd save the whole world just for her.

It hit me when I was in jail
how wrong I'd been.

How sorry I was.

Humanity may not deserve to be saved.

And I may not deserve your forgiveness.

But that's all I want, Rachel.

That's all I need.

[tension music]

Wil, look.

The shoelace.

What's that?

f*cking weirdos.

I have a client willing to pay millions

for a sample of the algae
and all of our data.

[sighs] We just need to transfer
all the files into this drive.

So the PBR in the container...
That was you?

Yeah, my client managed
to sneak that into the ship.

Who are they, your clients?

- They're the good guys.
- [agrees]

Of course, the good guys.

Who do you think got Arthur out of jail?

f*cking Greenpeace?

Look, he doesn't deserve to be the hero.

But you and me...

Don't we deserve
some kind of compensation for all of this?

We sure do.


cross your fingers.


- Yeah!
- Yeah.


Now, we need a second case,
just like this one.

Can you get it done in time?

[birds chirping]



[tension music]


Good afternoon.

I hope you had a good night's sleep.

Who are you?

A friend.

My apologies
for the unagreeable reception.

Why am I here?
Do you work for Arthur?

I was hoping we might help each other.

By kidnapping me?

Consider yourself my guest.

I need your confession.

On tape.

The Polaris VI murders,
your attempt to frame Doctor Wilde,

your lies in court.


After what you did to Sylvia?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Your confession would allow me
to carry on with my plans.

In exchange, I would allow you
to carry on with yours.

And what are you plans?

I, the people I represent,
need to protect our investment.

I don't particularly like Doctor Wilde,
but we believe in his vision.

- You want to save the planet.
- That would be great, yes.

For image and fiscal reasons, mainly.

The scientific results so far
have been excellent,

but we've run out of funds.

I need to raise a few more million
for the next phase.

That's why I need your confession.

To get him money?

If everyone believes that Doctor Wilde
is not only a brilliant scientist,

but an honorable citizen too,
it would make things much easier.

But he's not honorable.

I'm sure he isn't.

We all have
our bright and dark sides, don't we?

You look like a nice, sensible,
young woman yourself.

Look, Doctor Wilde
has found what he was looking for.

We've got it.

I still need his name to raise more funds,

but we don't really need him anymore.

Other scientists could take it from here.

You might even be better off without him.

Better for your image.

Also, if anything were to happen
to Doctor Wilde,

God forbid,

your confession
would never need to go public.

What if I don't do it?

What if I refuse?

I'm afraid that's not an option.

[tension music]

[Charlie pants]



What are you doing here?
You need to stay in your cabin,

- for f*ck's sake, Rachel!
- I know, I just needed some air.


- Is that Kowalski's?
- Yeah.

Yuto got it unlocked.

- Have you found anything?
- Not yet, no.

- Nine hours and we're out of here.
- [Kim] Mister Kurtz?

- May I speak with you?
- Yes, what is it?

It's probably nothing.

But I'd rather have you decide
for yourself.

- Go ahead.
- It's about Gloria.

What about Gloria?


You've got to be kidding me!

Yuto! Still?

[pants] Our first try wasn't working.
I've made some changes.

We don't have the time!

- We're leaving in eight hours!
- [sighs]

I know, I got it.
It will be on time. I promise.

Don't look at me. It's in his hands.

Get it right, for Christ's sake, Yuto.

I think you and I
should go and check the samples.



[Arthur] People surprise you,
don't they?

- What?
- Gloria.

Trying to steal our findings.


I know.

I was leaning more in your direction,
to be honest.

Excuse me?

Well, we do have a past, don't we?
You and I.

Maybe you still have
some hard feelings towards me.

Come on.

It's been ages.

You know what?
I was young and stupid.

Yeah, but you're older now, aren't you?

More to lose.

More at stake.

A family, for example.

What does that have to do with anything?

This is not a game, Amy.

The people funding this project

would do anything
to protect their investment. Anything.

Now, I don't believe that you'd be willing

to put your little boy
and your little girl

on the line just to get back at me now,
would you?

Of course not.

You have a daughter yourself, huh?

You know how it is.

That's right.

I do.

[drums music]



"Transfer interrupted."


[tension music]


Are you okay?

Yuto says
he can make the PBR in time.

And I'm not so sure.

Have faith, he broke
into Kowalski's laptop pretty quick.

- Did he?
- Yeah, it's good.

Alec's looking over it right now.

- Wow.
- Yeah.

Is your hand hurting? Are you okay?



I think you need to get some rest.

Wait, hm...

Gloria's shoelace was...
It was tied around her ankle.

Do you know anything about that?

[doubts] No.

It's... Just Alec said...

It's nothing. I think it's nothing.

Well, I'm sure
that if Alec's looking into it,

he's going to get to the bottom of it.


Of course I know who Arthur is.

Hm... Amazing colleague.

Great scientist.

I admire his stamina, I think...

Projects like these
need people like Arthur

to get off the ground.

I think he's a smart man.

Maybe too smart.

[tension music]

[laughs] I f*cking knew you'd come.

Go on, check her leg.

The shoelace was just a sign.


- This is not what it seems.
- Drop the act, Arthur!

It's over!

- You k*lled Kowalski.
- What?

Shut up.

When I found your DNA under his nails,

you tried to fool me
into doing the tests on board

so you could manipulate them.


Then you k*lled Zack
and you framed Charlie.

And the three men Charlie k*lled,
you can add them to your tally.

Are you even listening to yourself?

You k*lled Gloria too.

You put Kowalski's card
in her pocket to fool us.

Are you done?

- What happened to your arm?
- I told you.

- It was an accident.
- Why keep it secret?

Why steal morphine from the infirmary?

- Erika would've given it to you.
- Because I don't trust her.

I don't trust you!

I don't trust anyone!

Because you see,
this has happened to me before!

The exact same thing!

Not just the murders, the accusations,
the suspicions, the injustice,

but being framed too!

"It's Arthur."


Is that the best you can do?

It's ridiculous!
Anyone could have written that!

And your sad little hypothesis
is lacking a key element.

A motive.

Yes, that's right.

Now, why the f*ck would I k*ll my team

when I've just made one
of the greatest scientific breakthroughs

of the modern era?

I don't know.

No, you don't, do you?

And do you know why?

Because you're f*cking useless.

f*ck it!
Enough with your f*cking lies!

My mission is to deliver
both you and your research,

and that is what I will do.

They will make the call, not me.

As for you, you will stay in your cabin
until we get rescued.

And if you try f*cking anything,

then I f*cking swear
I'll break your f*cking neck

with my own hands. Do you understand?

[tension music]




You were gonna do it for ,?


What's so f*cking funny?

[laughs] Mister Wan's deal
was half a million.

- No f*cking way!
- [laughs]


Here you are!

- Charlie has dropped the lifeboats!
- Let the boy have his fun.

He's up to something.

- We need to secure the rescue boat now.
- Go ahead.

Enough with the drinking.

Give me that bottle, sailor.

Why don't you join us? Huh?


This is over.

Give me that bottle.

- Now.
- Or what?

What are you gonna do? Huh?

- Hey, Wil...
- What are you gonna do?

- Take it easy.
- Let go of me!

Are you sure you want the bottle?

- No.
- Are you sure?

I'm sure.

That's what I thought.


[Yuto] I didn't have time
to design a proper case.

I used a plastic box from Wan's kitchen
and will do the work.


I will take this,
and you take the hard drive.

I'll take both, stay back.

- This is liquid hydrogen.
- What?

It will freeze you to death.
Just like you tried to do with Rachel.

What... How... Why do you think I...

You were copying files to your hard drive.

When Rachel did that thing
and the lights went out,

the transfer was interrupted.

Exactly at :.

Wait, I can explain.

You just needed me
to get you a second case.

Once you have it, you're gonna k*ll me,
just like you k*lled everybody else.

- No, I didn't! I swear!
- Don't move!



I locked Rachel in the freezer.

That was me.

[light music]

[Rachel] Who's there?

Hey, hey, let me out!

[knocks the door]

[Amy] I needed to get
the files from her computer.

But that's all I wanted.

I wasn't going to let her die!

[Rachel] Let me out!

Please, let me out!

Let me out!

Let me out!

I was going to let her out,
but I needed an alibi.

[Renaud] Move it!

- [Alec] They found him.
- [Renaud] Go inside the boat, now!

- Ready?
- [Charlie] Yes!

[Amy] You were all up on deck.

[Renaud] sh*t, it's stuck.

- Stay back!
- [Arthur] Oh, for Christ's sake!

I'm sorry, I can't watch this.

[Amy] I joined you for like a minute
and then I came back.

I was going to get her out,
but then the door wasn't working and...


Look, I know how this looks,
but you have to believe me.

I did not want to hurt her
or anybody else, please.

- It wasn't me!
- Just don't come any closer!

- Yuto, please!
- Don't f*cking move!


[makes an effort]


[both make an effort]




- The engine's back on.
- But we're not moving.

He's cut us off!

[machinery and alarm]

The engine is overheating.

- What's going on?
- It's Charlie.

He's trying to blow up the ship.

My name is Olivia Jackson,

daughter of the late Sarah Jackson,
who d*ed at the Polaris V Station.

I believe Arthur Wilde
was responsible for my mother's death.

And his crew helped cover it up
to protect the research.

When I discovered Arthur Wilde
and his team were going to Polaris VI,

I managed to join
under the name of Margaret Mitchell.

It was then that I k*lled them all,
one by one,

leaving only Arthur Wilde alive.

I spared his life for the sole purpose

of framing him
for the murders I perpetrated.

[tension music]

I did it for my mother.

And I would do it again.

[credits music]