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08x16 - Reckoning: Part 1

Posted: 01/09/23 08:26
by bunniefuu
The System Lords are no longer.

You have become a meaningless coalition
that cannot resist the power of my master,

Lord Baal.

Your master has no honour. The System
Lords have not weakened in their resolve.

The Jaffa are weak-willed and fallible.

Is it any wonder they've begun
to doubt their faith in the gods?

So many Goa'uld have fallen.

Baal was wise to send a representative.

I would have k*lled him
with my own hands.

Despite your ill will, Lord Baal wishes
to extend a most generous offer.

In exchange for your surrender,
Baal will allow you to keep your armies

and continue to administrate
your territories under his authority.

You will be permitted to live
so long as you bow before him

as the supreme commander
of the entire Goa'uld domain.

Refusal to accept the terms of this offer
will result in the resumption of hostilities

and, ultimately, your death.

Bring her.

- What is the meaning of this?
- I should ask you the same thing.

Major Samantha Carter.

Actually, I'm a colonel now.

Her cargo ship was intercepted
by my sentries

when it violated the proximity zone
around this station.

I am well aware of your past relationship
with SG-1 and the Tauri.

Would you have me believe that her
sudden appearance is mere coincidence?

What are you doing here?

(body falls to the ground)

- They are late.
- Or they're not coming.

- In that case Rak'nor would've sent word.
- If he were able to do so.

Maybe we should reconsider the mission.

This is not an SGC mission.

Reconsidering is not an option.

I know the timing of these
surprise att*cks is crucial...

And we're just here as observers, but...

if you take on one of Amaterasu's
motherships without proper backup,

- you could get yourself k*lled.
- Us observers, too.

Many att*cks have been coordinated
simultaneously across the galaxy,

each designed to create a weakness
in the forces of the System Lords.

And if even one fails... I know.

The rebel Jaffa have the security codes
currently used by the System Lords.

They will believe we're allies
and lower the shields.

If all goes according to plan.

The Jaffa aboard this vessel should be
sufficient to overwhelm any resistance.

We have allies among Amaterasu's Jaffa
who will also help facilitate our att*cks.

Once the others witness
the death of their false god,

they will realise the truth
and join our ranks.

Isn't the fact that we haven't heard
from Rak'nor a bad sign?

(electronic beeps)

What is it?

The ship's sensors have detected a vessel
closing in on our position. Ha'tak class.

- Rak'nor?
- Unlikely. Rak'nor would have hailed.

Then it has to be Amaterasu.

Shouldn't we get out of here?

Teal'c, the odds are not in our favour.

They never are, Daniel Jackson.

I am hailing them
and transmitting the security codes.

(whooshing sound)

They fired on us.

- Shield strength is down 60%.
- How is that possible?

What the hell did they hit us with?

Returning fire.

Our weapons are ineffective.


- We have lost shields.
- Now can we get out of here?

Navigational controls are not responding.

- We must evacuate.
- Glider bay?

The rings can transport us to the planet
below. We'll escape through the Stargate.

What is it?

- That's not good.
- This way.


Colonel Carter.

(Stargate alarm)


Jack, we got a problem. We need to talk.

Hi. Hello. How are you? Long time no see.
What's doin'? What's up? Hey, buddy.

I'm sorry, Jack. It's good to see you again.

Congratulations on your promotion.

- Thanks.
- You deserve it.

Yes, well...

- What's up?
- The replicators.

They've launched an all-out attack
on the Goa'uld.

If the Goa'uld can't stop them,
they'll overrun our galaxy within weeks.

Why didn't you say so?

I'm sorry. You said we had a problem,
not a big galactic emergency.

Our operatives have spent years tagging
as many Goa'uld ships as possible

in an effort to track their movements.

Today we have beacons
on more than 100 motherships,

transmitting their location via subspace
to an encoded Tok'ra network.

And this?

It's a receiver that will allow me
to tap into the subspace network.

We can keep tabs on Baal's fleet, see how
their battle with the replicators is faring,

and get Tok'ra intelligence reports
from our agents in the field.

We could have used something
like this a long time ago.

The High Council never thought
they could trust you with it.

- What changed their mind?
- Nothing.

- They don't know I took it.
- Ah.

My relationship with the Council
is still a little strained.

It's not gonna get any better
if you keep stealin' stuff.

No complaints. I'll take anything I can get.
Weapons, receivers... silverware.

- Each dot represents a Goa'uld ship.
- That's a lot of dots.

That's just one small quadrant
of the galaxy. Watch.

(electronic beeps)

- What just happened?
- The beacons stopped transmitting.

Those ships were either destroyed
or taken over by the replicators.

Battles like the one you just witnessed
are taking place across the galaxy.

Several Goa'uld territories
are now entirely in replicator hands.

As I said, given the progress
of these battles,

the Goa'uld will be wiped out
in a matter of weeks.

You know, I have to admit...
I have some mixed feelings about this.

We all want to see the Goa'uld
stranglehold on the galaxy broken.

But not if they're just gonna
be replaced by something worse.

Unscheduled offworld activation!

(Stargate alarm)


Hey, kiddo.

So... what the heck happened?

Didn't you guys have a ship?

And, by the way... where's Daniel?

- He was beamed away before our eyes.
- By replicators.

- Just Daniel?
- I can see only one reason: My duplicate.

The greatest threat to the replicators

is the disrupter you built
using Ancient knowledge.

So? She's immune to that now.

Yes, but replicators always seek out
the most advanced technology.

She may be worried there's other Ancient
technology that threatens the replicators.

Daniel Jackson had access to
such knowledge when he was ascended.

- I thought he didn't retain it.
- We don't know for sure.

Daniel has remembered things
from when he was ascended.

She may think that all she needs to know
about the Ancients is in his subconscious.

If it is, she'll find it.

(sighs) Oy.

The Tok'ra have operatives
in Baal's inner circle,

including one of his
high-ranking lieutenants.

According to the latest intelligence,

the Jaffa rebels are re-pledging their
loyalty to the Goa'uld by the thousands.

But the Goa'uld are losing the w*r.

Yeah. You'd think
that'd make 'em look weaker.

The Jaffa have never seen
the likes of such creatures.

Many could see these replicators
as a plague,

an evil punishment to all for daring to
stray in their beliefs and betray their gods.

This situation has dealt
the Jaffa rebellion a serious blow.

Even if we were to somehow defeat the
replicators, the Goa'uld would take credit,

thereby solidifying Jaffa loyalty as well as
their belief in the Goa'uld as gods.

I think the key phrase in there was
"somehow defeat the replicators".

We haven't had much luck. The inert
replicator cells left by my duplicate

haven't given any clues as to how
to fight the immunity she's developed.

As far as I know, Thor hasn't made much
progress in modifying the disrupter either.

Well, let him know what's going on.

And remind him that we've saved
his cute little grey bum several times.

Years of effort,
all but undone in a matter of days.

It will be almost impossible to turn so
many of our brothers back to our cause.

Perhaps. Yet there may be a way.

Even if we can, will it make a difference?

These machines are unlike
anything I've seen.

We must believe that
Colonel Carter and Thor

will devise a means
to destroy the replicators.

How, then, can we prevent
the Goa'uld from taking credit,

solidifying their position
as gods in the eyes of all Jaffa?

We must act now,
before this conflict is resolved.

Win back the hearts and minds of those
who waver before they are lost to us.

We must once and for all destroy
the Goa'uld's image as gods forever.


By capturing the temple at Dakara.

Everything we have fought for
hangs in the balance.


- But Dakara...
- Capture it,

and never again will a Jaffa
worship a false god.


I'm sorry to bother you, but...

I'm only gonna say this once, Carter.

What happened to Daniel
was not your fault.

She knows he may hold
key Ancient knowledge because of me.

She's out there because of me.
I gave her the means to counter

our only effective w*apon against her.

I also gave you permission
to work with her.

It's not gonna change anything.

Unless you're suggesting we use
that time machine to go back and fix it.

No, sir. We all agreed we would never
do that. It could make things worse.

(knock at door)

Sir, we're receiving a message from Thor.

He said he's ready to transport...

You were saying?

Never mind.

Hello again, Samantha Carter.

Hi, Thor.

I have transported your research

and the remains of the human-form
replicator to this lab.

We may continue our work from here.

Any progress on your end?

I have yet to isolate the cipher
the human-form replicator introduced

to render the disrupter w*apon ineffective.

Given the situation, I think
it's time to take more drastic steps.

You are suggesting we attempt
to trigger a subspace connection

between the remains of the arm
and the rest of the replicators

so that we may search for the cipher
among their communications data.

- Too wild and crazy?
- To do that, we must reactivate the cells.

I know.

What makes this place so special?

The temple at Dakara
is sacred to all Jaffa.

It is rich in historical significance.

Legend tells it is the place
where Anubis rose from the dead.

It is also the site of the first prim'ta ritual.

It is that rite of passage that has
bonded us in servitude ever since.

For thousands of years the Jaffa have
viewed Dakara as the holiest of sites,

the very cradle of our existence.

It is the place where the Goa'uld first
gave Jaffa their strength and longevity.

And you really think this place
is gonna make a difference?

Seizing control of the temple

would prove the Goa'uld do not possess
the power of the gods.

Even the most stubborn Jaffa would have
to question his loyalty to the Goa'uld.

There has to be a catch, or you guys
would have done this a long time ago.

Dakara is deep within Baal's territory,

and under normal circumstances
it is heavily guarded.

However, with Baal's forces throughout
the galaxy battling the replicators,

the temple is more vulnerable now
than it has ever been.

Our success depends
on the element of surprise

and the use of the entire rebel fleet.

Listen to me, O'Neill.
This w*r must be fought on two fronts.

We will re-ignite the uprising
and conquer our oppressors,

while you find the means
to stop these replicators.

Let us each fight
the enemy we know best.

(whooshing sound)

Hello, Daniel.

What the hell do you want?

You have information that I need.

OK. What do you want to know?

- I'm afraid it's not that simple.
- No, it is that simple.

If it's all the same to you, I'd rather not
do the hand-on-the-head thing.

- Honestly, I'll tell you whatever you want.
- Honesty is not the problem.

Unfortunately, to get what I need,
we're going to have to dig a little deeper.

Shall we begin?

What you are proposing is madness.

Dakara cannot be taken.

Tolok, you have not spoken.

Aron's right.

We would be sacrificing countless men
and ships on a fruitless mission.

We should be concentrating
on the greater threat, the replicators,

before they destroy us all.

Jaffa, hear me.

I have engaged the replicators
in battle many times.

Believe me when I say they cannot
be defeated by conventional means.

You have faced them in the past...
and won.

Indeed. Yet never in such numbers.

Those of you who choose to engage
the replicators in battle will not survive.

Teal'c is right. We must fight
only those battles we know we can win.

Yet you propose
an equally impossible task.

With Baal otherwise occupied,
now is the time to strike.

No free Jaffa has ever set foot
in the temple and lived.

And that is precisely why
we must go there.

If we succeed, many will rejoin our cause.

- If we succeed.
- (Teal'c) Were the circumstances different

I may feel the same as you, brother.

But the situation has changed.

We must act now
or our children will know no future,

let alone the taste of freedom.

Teal'c, I believe
there is wisdom in these words.

However, you are aware that, if we fail,

it will effectively mean
the end of the rebellion.

Are you prepared to risk
our entire cause on this one action?

Indeed I am.

So, what say you?

I say we take Dakara.

So be it.

Five more regions belonging to Baal
have fallen in the past 24 hours.

- Not putting up much of a fight, is he?
- He's making a typical Goa'uld mistake.

He's defending territory
at the expense of resources.


We can send him a message through
the undercover Tok'ra in his midst.

We could suggest a change in strategy.

Like what?

Typically the replicators are patient and
slow-moving when not being engaged.

If Baal stops aggressively
fighting them and pulls back,

it may give Sam time to find a solution.

Forget that.

Look. There goes another one.

Jack, he's thinking like a System Lord
defending himself against a Goa'uld.

He doesn't know what he's dealing with.

- If he retreats, where will he fall back to?
- You're thinking of Teal'c and the rebels.

They're counting on Baal's fleet
being too busy to care about them.

The Jaffa rebellion has already failed.

We can't risk the fate of the galaxy
on one long-shot chance to revive it.

Is that Jacob talkin'? Or is that Selmak?

Jack, I'm sorry,

but the more ships Baal sends out to fight,

the faster the replicators
assimilate them into their own armada.

Their numbers are growing exponentially.
If we don't do something about it,

by the time we do come up with a w*apon
to use against them, it may be too late.

- (Stargate alarm)
- Unscheduled offworld activation.

- Now what have you got, Walter?
- Some kind of...

Oh. Baal.

Stand down, boys.

Baal, buddy.
We were just talkin' about you.

All good.

By now, you are aware of
the replicator threat in our galaxy,

and that my fleet
has engaged them in battle.

There's been a little chit - and chat -
around the water cooler.

- How's that goin'?
- We're holding them at bay.

However, they are a more formidable
force than I first anticipated.

Yeah. Pesky little buggers, aren't they?

I am aware that the Asgard previously
fought the replicators effectively.

More or less. I don't like
to toot my own horn, but...

I am aware that you assisted the Asgard.


I wish to know what means you possess
to fight this scourge.

I'm sorry. We must've had
a bad connection there for a second.

It almost sounded like
you were asking me for help.

The replicators are a threat to everyone,

including the countless humans who
populate worlds throughout this galaxy.

Now, I propose that we work together
to defeat our common enemy.

My, this is an occasion.

You know that bitter taste in your throat
that's kind of wrapped around your uvula?

That's what's left of your pride.

Perhaps you could curb your amusement
for a moment.

If we're going to work together, the first
thing we should discuss is strategy.

Your attempts at meeting the replicators
head-on will only result...

- Jacob.
- What?

I got it.

I've got a better idea:
Instead of helping you,

why don't we sit back
and watch you get your ass kicked?

That way you'll be dead, and we'll be glad.

You cannot be serious.

Yes, I can. I just choose not to.

Some of the time.

With your insolence, you are dooming
not just your world, but all of humanity.

I think big.

What the hell was that?

I'm sorry, Jacob,

but I'm just not quite ready
to sacrifice Teal'c.

(Thor) The process is complete.

Now we must re-establish
the subspace link

between these cells
and the rest of the replicators.

What if they receive... instructions?

It is a risk we will have to take.

I will only maintain the link
for microseconds at a time.

It will slow the process,
but I do not believe we have a choice.

- What did we get?
- I am processing the data now.

(electronic beeps)

I believe we have pinpointed the location
of the replicators within this galaxy.

They're everywhere.

We are approaching Dakara. Defences?

I am reading only a single ha'tak-class
vessel in orbit around the planet.

Baal must indeed be desperate.

There are normally a dozen ships
patrolling this system.

Then we may yet succeed.

We are in position.

Gliders are ready for launch.

We are being hailed.

You have encroached on the domain
of Lord Baal. Identify yourselves.

Shel'kek nem ron.

You are greatly outnumbered.
Surrender now or be destroyed.

They called you Arom, did they not?

After you returned
to your plane of existence.


Daniel. It is good to see you again.

I don't understand.
Last thing I remember...

You are still on the ship.

The human-form replicator is attempting
to probe your mind as we speak.

So why are you here?

Because when she is done,
she will destroy you.

And when that time comes,
you will be faced with a choice.

I have received word from the battle.

The fleet continues to engage
the replicators, as you have ordered.


I believe it would be wise
to pull our forces back.

If we stop confronting the enemy on
so wide a front, it may slow their advance

and allow us a chance
to mount a proper defence.

- You doubt my power?
- Of course not.

But your fleet is falling into their hands.

- Not even the Kull warriors...
- Do not concern yourself.

When the time is right,

I promise you,
this nuisance will be dealt with.

Trust in me.

As always.

It took several hundred
microsecond-long connections

and hours to go through
each subsequent burst of data,

but we isolated the cipher that makes
the replicators immune to the disrupter,

and we've adjusted it accordingly.

The w*apon works again.

- Good job.
- It was an incredibly risky thing to do, sir.

We still don't know if we were detected.

And the altered disrupter still needs
to be tested under battle conditions.

- Got a plan?
- Thor was able to ascertain

the various positions of the fleet
now controlled by the replicators.

We're going to engage
a few isolated ships.

- Be careful, Sam.
- Good luck.

Thank you, sir.

Never a dull moment.

So you're here to offer me
the opportunity to ascend again.

- If that is what you wish.
- What I wish? What are my options?

Personally, I would choose eternal
enlightenment rather than the alternative.

If it were only that simple.

I admit the decision
is not as easy as it appears.

The last time, for you, the experience
was challenging at the best of times.

Unfortunately I don't have any memories
of the last time I was ascended.

How can I make an informed decision?

Daniel, I did not take
your memories from you.

You think I haven't tried to remember?

- Tell me how.
- I can't.

Then tell me what I need to know.

If you are seeking an absolute truth,
you will not find it.

Only truth that applies to you.

That is so extremely unhelpful.

When the time comes, you will know.

What if replicator Carter
finds what it is she's looking for?

- There is that possibility.
- You have to stop her.

- I can't.
- Why not?

- Offer me ascension now.
- You're not dead yet.

All I can do is prepare you,

help you to find your path
to enlightenment when that time comes,

if that is what you decide you want.

There's a way to defeat the replicators
in my memories, isn't there?

You need only to open your mind to it.

(Bra'tac) Brothers!

All of you will be detained.

Have patience.

For all of you who renounce the Goa'uld
as false gods will one day be free.

Take them. Go.

You will not be harmed.

The last of the garrison have surrendered.
The temple is secure.

Many lives were spared today.

(they clasp hands)

Well done.

Firing w*apon.

The ship's systems have shut down.

- That worked well.
- The w*apon appears to be effective.

Another ship.

They are firing on us.

(whooshing sound)

Targeting the second ship.

- It's still coming.
- They have adapted to our modifications.

- That was fast.
- Yes.


Initiating evasive action.

Excuse the intrusion. I will return.


(Anubis's voice) Speak.

A force of rebel Jaffa have managed
to take control of the temple at Dakara.

As I hoped, they have no doubt
gathered their full force

and presented us with the opportunity
to annihilate them once and for all.

Have the fleet disengage their battle
with the replicators and move on Dakara.

Take it back at all costs.

Leave no survivors.

As you wish.

(Oma) You control the barrier between
your consciousness and what you seek.

You merely need to open your mind.

The truth is: All knowledge,

everything that is and was and will be,

is everywhere,

out there and in all of us.

If you immediately know candlelight is
fire, then the meal was cooked long ago.



- You're tryin' to understand it, aren't you?
- It means what you want it to mean.

No, it doesn't. And you're not Oma.

No, I'm not.

But it doesn't matter.

Thanks to you, I found
what I was looking for.

We are approaching Earth.
We will be there shortly.

What's wrong?

Several of my key systems
are no longer responding.

We have been boarded.

Modify the disrupter wave again.
I'll go buy us some time.

I have no way of knowing
how many replicators you will face.

What choice do we have?

I must return you to Stargate Command
before my transporter systems fail.

What about you?

I will attempt to fly this ship
as far away from Earth as possible

before it is completely compromised.

No way. I'm not gonna let you...



The w*apon worked at first, but
the replicators adapted. They're immune.

No chance you guys could fix
this thing, get it to work?

Thor's ship was boarded. He beamed me
down here before all his systems failed.

He'll try to get his ship
as far from Earth as possible.

I'll take that as a no.

Never could I have imagined I would one
day stand beneath these great columns.

Think of it: This is the very spot
in which our enslavement began.

Then this sacred temple is an appropriate
place for our enslavement to end.

We have won a great victory
here today, old friend.

We have won a battle, nothing more.
Our victory is far from assured.

Many of Baal's Jaffa have already
pledged their allegiance to our cause.

When word spreads of what
we have accomplished, more will follow.

And their hearts will turn cold if they hear
our accomplishment lasted mere hours.

(footsteps approach)

Tolok. What news?

We have received word.

Baal has broken off
his battle with the replicators.

- He is coming.
- As we expected.

You see? Taking the temple
was not our greatest challenge.

Holding it will be.

This Oma character...
why do you have such reverence for her?

- Those ridiculous sayings are nonsense.
- To you, maybe.

If she really has as much power as you
think she does, why doesn't she help you?

She merely stands by and does nothing.

You mean, while you destroy
entire civilisations.

That's a matter of perspective.

You call it destruction, we call it creation.

- You're not trying to justify your actions?
- No.

- I have no need for you to understand us.
- Why the elaborate ruse?

You can probe my mind at will.
I obviously can't stop you.

You could have resisted.

I needed you to open up to the possibility

of remembering the knowledge
in your subconscious.

It made it easier for me
to find what I was looking for.

And what'd you find?

Pretty. What is it?

The ruins of an Ancient monument
on a planet now called Dakara.

Within it is the one w*apon
in this galaxy capable of destroying me.

Thanks to you, it will soon be no more.

(Stargate alarm)

I'm sure he'll be here any second now.

So, um...

I am so sorry!

I was just finishing up a lovely brunch.

- Impudence.
- No, tuna.

So, I hear you're fleet
is retreating from the replicators.

- How could you know that?
- I have my sources.

My fleet is on its way to recapture Dakara

and destroy the Jaffa
who have dishonoured their true god.

Will you stop with the "true god" crap?

Seriously, what difference will it make?
You're just delaying the inevitable.

The replicators are a formidable enemy.

But I have recently learned
of a w*apon hidden on Dakara,

capable of destroying them.


And you're telling me this... why?

Because you must destroy it
before my fleet arrives to claim it.

All right, you got me. I haven't the
slightest idea what you're talking about.

The w*apon on Dakara
was built by the Ancients.

It is not only capable of destroying
the replicators, but all life in the galaxy.

And your own sweet self included?

- Yes.
- So why would you use it?

I would not. But there is one who would.

One who can survive
such pervasive devastation.

Oh, please don't tell me.


I asked you not to tell me.