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06x02 - Redemption (2)

Posted: 01/10/23 07:48
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Stargate SG

-1"; The X

-302 will be the first human

-built spacecraft capable of interstellar travel.

Colonel Chekov feels a Russian officer should be assigned to join SG


Over my rotting corpse, sir.

- I wanna join you.

- I don't see it happening.

There's an energy build

-up within the gate.

The Tauri are in danger.

They are under attack from Anubis.

We're talking about a blast

- There's worse?

- We have no idea how to stop it.

If the X

-302 fails, this planet will be destroyed.

Even if we contact the Asgard, there's a chance they won't be able to help us.

Anubis has grown powerful, but still only defends a small handful of planets.

If one of those Stargates also cannot be contacted It is the origin of the attack.

Mission command, we missed the window.

We thought we'd compensated for the energy fluctuations, but apparently not.

We're on our own.

Prepare to meet your doom.

Oh, please.

And now, the conclusion.

Has a real flair for the dramatic, doesn't he?

Very theatrical.


Pretty much all the Goa'uld are like that.

But why wait?

Why does the guy show up a day and a half after this starts to do his whole "prepare to meet your doom" thing?

Maybe he wanted to make sure it was gonna work.

That'd be embarrassing.

"Nothing can stop the destruction I bring upon you.

" Then the gate shuts down.


Never mind.

" Yeah, well, that didn't happen, and we only have 54 hours left.

Major, can I see you for a second?

When the gate was connected, a shaped charge disengaged the wormhole.

- An outgoing wormhole.

- True, but

- The blast would detonate the gate.

- Wait a minute.

- If you'd just let me finish

- You're wrong, but you gave me an idea.

We know certain waves can travel in both directions through a wormhole.

- Radio signals, for one.

- We call Anubis up and ask him to stop?

"Hey, Anubis, this is your agent.

You're playing it way over the top.


- "Can you get serious?


- You were saying?

We send a massive EM pulse back through the wormhole, knock out whatever is making this happen on the other end.

Will that work?


I already thought of it.

I didn't mention it because it is far too problematic.

- More than the gate exploding?

- The iris'd have to be open.

- The gate room's shielded.

- Are you saying it absolutely won't work?

What I'm saying, sir, is that we have no idea how much EM would be required to knock this out.

So let's all just go home.

- How long will it take to set up?

- Four hours, tops.

That's how long you have to come up with a better idea.

I have tried to connect to this world twice.

It is the only one which I cannot contact.

Then we must hope that is the location of the w*apon.

I'm coming with you.

If the Goa'uld truly can be defeated, then I wish to be a part of it.

You said I could not judge this w*r, for I'd yet to fight a battle.

You've trained me.

Now let me fight.

- You said you did not doubt me.

- I do not.

Then I will join you.

Be quick.

Very well.

Sirs, I've calculated that opening the iris will increase the flow of energy to the gate by at least ten times.

If this doesn't work, we'll be cutting half the time before the gate detonates.

No better idea yet?


- You and Dr McKay don't see eye to eye.

- Sir, this has nothing to do I believe if this plan has any chance of working, it's with your cooperation.

Yes, sir.

- I know what I'm doing.

- We are nearing the planet.

It is guarded.

A good sign we have the correct location of the w*apon.

There are rings on the surface.

We must hope to catch any Jaffa on the ground by surprise.

Right here.

You just wanna be able to take credit for it when it works.

- For the record I hate you.

- Well, it can't get any worse, then, can it?

Oh, no.

I'm rapidly working up to "despise".

We have to get over this physical

-attraction thing if we're gonna work together.

I think I can act as though it never existed.

Shall we save the world?

Before I take the credit for this, shouldn't the EM pulse generator be pointed at the gate?

You're good.

Very good.


- You remain on board with Shaq'rel.

- Why?

One day, you will be a great warrior.

This day, the danger is too great.

I am prepared to die.

I am not prepared for you to die.

- Two gliders in pursuit.

- How is it possible?

Are we not cloaked?

Anubis must now have means of detecting cloaked ships.

I am decloaking and diverting power to shields.

- Entering range of surface rings.

- Teal'c.

Is it not equally dangerous on the ship as it will be on the planet?


I will do my best to return for you.


Stay close.

The forces on the ground may have been alerted to our presence.

Chel nok Identify yourselves.

We must move

- That's it.

- We're ready, sir.

Close the blast doors.

Open the iris.

Energy transfer is increasing.

Seven times greater.



- Go.

Yeah, go.

- Do it.

Activating electromagnetic pulse.

Energy transfer is still increasing.

Look, if this was gonna work Close the iris.

We're off line.

She's not gonna be happy when she wakes up.

- Medical team to the control room.

- She is going to wake up, isn't she?

The path is well


We must stay under cover.

Many gliders patrol the skies.

This wound is not small.

You must be in great pain.

Nothing I cannot bear.

You could easily be dead.

I do not understand.

There was at least eight of them.

- Ten.

- How did neither of you get hit?

It is always more difficult to hit a moving target.

It is also helpful to be lucky.

There is little time to waste.


And I was just startin' to feel better.

Are you gonna be OK?

At least until the gate explodes, yeah.

Look, I never meant for anyone to get hurt, much less you.

It's OK.

We had to try something.

I always wanted to be a pianist.

- Excuse me?

- A concert pianist.

A guy who plays piano in front of people.


- What'd you think I said?

- Never mind.

I had a not


-comfortable childhood.

My parents hated each other and blamed me.

Music was my salvation.

It had this perfect order for me.

That's nice.


When I was 12, my teacher told me to quit.

A fine clinical player, he said, but no sense of the art whatsoever.

- Why are you telling me this?

- I'm just tryin' to bond.

- Why?

- Hospital gowns turn me on.

I thought science would be different than music, but it's just the same.

It's just as much of an art as anything else.

Look, it's not your fault that the EM pulse didn't work.

You're an artist, Major, maybe the best I've ever seen.

- I'm just critical because I'm jealous.

- I'm touched.


I wish I had a brilliant plan to draw for you.

And you're funny, too.

Even electrocuted.

Me, I got I got nothin'.

- You're creepin' me out.

- It's just self


I'm beginning to realise that I'm not gonna solve this, and that one of your typically insane ideas is probably gonna be our best chance.

- How much time until detonation?

- You were right.

We cut it in half.

- What now?

- Well, first I thought I'd get dressed.




Do you want me to hold anything, or?


This w*apon is unlike any Goa'uld design I have seen.

I have seen similar construction.

It seems to have been built by the Ancients.

Who are they?

An advanced race of beings who created the Stargates.

- But I thought

- The Goa'uld steal their technology.

If this is not Goa'uld technology and Anubis has merely learned to operate it Perhaps he will not be able to rebuild it quickly.

- But do we have sufficient expl*sive?

- That is our concern.

You remain here.

- But I

- You are injured.

You will slow our pace and risk giving us away.

- My symbiote heals me.

I can go.

- Rya'c, listen to him.

This is but one of many battles to be fought.

Remain here until sundown.

We will try to return before then.

If we encase the gate, it could reduce the effects of the expl*si*n by 40 per cent.

There isn't time to implement that plan.

If we detonate the gate ourselves now, we could reduce the damage by 20 per cent.

The damage to the atmosphere would be irreversible.

Any survivors would be stuck on a world incapable of sustaining life.

So far, we've been unsuccessful in our attempts to reduce

- What you thinkin'?

- Besides the fact that they are morons?

What do you think the little alien guy's doing down there?

- Bet you regret coming here now.

- Can't really look at it that way, can we?

So what are you doin'?

It's the stupidest thing, but it's been bugging me.

- What's that?

- We're inside a mountain.

The gate can't fit through any of these doors.

- So how did we get it in here?

- Yeah.

The ceiling retracts.

Above it is a shaft that leads to the surface, and inside is a crane mechanism that hoisted the gate down.

- Interesting.

- Yeah.

- Does it go up?

- Moving the gate won't shut it off.

I mean, there is nowhere on Earth that I knew you'd think of something.

The shield most likely extends around the perimeter of the w*apon.

The path.

Just hear me out.

All we need to do is get it far enough away from Earth.

The X

-302 can achieve that without having to enter hyperspace.

- That's crazy.

- We have less than 24 hours.

Two to get the gate to the surface, four to get it to Peterson and loaded onto a C

-17, and two more to fly it to area 51.

The 747 meets us in Nevada, which leaves us 16 hours to get the rig mounted and airborne.

And none of this is gonna happen if we're just standing around.

I think that this is gonna save the planet, and we are gonna do it.

Move, people.

- Well done, Major.

- It wasn't all my idea, sir.

- And I dare say it's not done yet.

- Right.


You do realise that if this works we won't have a Stargate any more.

It did occur to me.

Drop your weapons Yeah, this is Sergeant Siler.

We're ready.

Activate the crane.

I have been instructed by my superiors to offer you the following compromise.

In exchange for your continued cooperation and full disclosure of the X

-302 technology, we are willing to facilitate the use of our Stargate.


A financial arrangement to be negotiated.

- You want us to rent it?

- A simplistic way of putting it.

The X

-302's hyperspace technology doesn't work.

It will someday.

The reason I am here in the first place is because my government is unwilling to incur the expense and risk of running a Stargate programme.

- We are simply trying

- Here's the part you don't understand.

Even if

- and I stress if

- we're able to successfully dispose of this gate, there's nothing to stop Anubis starting all this over again with a second gate.

No one's going to be running a Stargate programme.

The second gate has to stay buried.

What did you hope to accomplish here?

You thought you could destroy something created by a god as powerful as Anubis?

He did not create the w*apon and he is not a god.

Your god may have been weak, shol'va.

Mine is not.

If you know of me, then you know of our cause.

The Jaffa rebellion grows strong.

All Goa'uld are false gods, and their only real power comes from the Jaffa whom they oppress.

The next time you open your mouth to speak, it will be to answer my questions.

You did not k*ll all the Jaffa at the rings.

We know there are three of you.

Where's the boy?

Evidence of how desperate your pathetic little rebellion is.

You bring a boy to fight the w*r of men.

Or is it something else?

Maybe he's someone to whom you wish to prove yourself.

Bring me the old man.

Wherever the boy is, he will not escape.

Unlike you, he's of little value to Anubis.

However, on your behalf, I'll be happy to demonstrate to him how a real warrior fights to the death.

Is there anything else I should know?

There's some concern that the 302s may not have the fuel capacity to exit the atmosphere carrying the Stargate.

- How is that possible?

- The engines were designed for a craft with an alien inertial dampening system that reduced its overall mass.



- You'll be carrying a very heavy load.

- How heavy?

- The gate weighs 64,000lbs, sir.

- That's heavy.

You'll need to reach an altitude exceeding 180km.

At minimum escape velocity before I release the gate, or it'll fall back to Earth.

Based on the X

-302's rocket

-fuel capacity, even a full burn won't do it, so the other engines have to get you partway, hauling something six times greater than they were made to.

- Yeah.


- The whole rig isn't exactly aerodynamic.

Carter I'm not so sure I want to know any of this.

They're lightening the 302, but that's why you're going alone.

Believe it or not, every pound counts.

Shouldn't have had that cake.

Wish I could go with you, sir.

Yes, I'm sure you do.

And I find that quite bizarre.

- Anything else?

- If this works, Jonas really deserves What?

- Deserves what?

- I don't know.


He's the one who gave me the idea to do this.

Sir, he gave up everything to bring us the naquadria.

The hyperspace generator doesn't work.

That's not his fault.

Good luck, sir.

Hey, what could go wrong, huh?

The prisoners will not speak.

Take them to the rings and have them transported up to the Ha'tak.

What exactly did you remove?

Weapons, some of the life


There's still more than a day's worth.

Well, if we need more than an hour, we're all in trouble.

We also took out radar, some of the safety mechanisms, landing gear Excuse me?

We had to accommodate the clamping system.

Once you re

-enter the atmosphere, you'll have to eject.

After you target the 302 to splash down off the coast of Florida.

- When were you gonna tell me this?

- Just now.

We weren't sure any of this would happen until five minutes ago.

You're not gonna believe this.

Holy crap.

They're waiting for you.

Good luck.

They're airborne, sir.

Mission Command, we're approaching separation altitude.

Colonel, confirming altitude at 10,000m.

Roger that.

This is Mission Command.

You have a go for separation.

Proceeding with separation.

Separation complete.

Good luck, sir.

Stop saying that.

Altitude reaching 30km.

Velocity at Mach 6.

Engaging aerospike engines.

It's gettin' a little bumpy, Command.

Roger that, Starflight.

You're still too shallow to fire the rocket booster.

I may have been understating things.

It feels like this thing's falling apart.

Altitude is 42km.

He needs to reach 50 before he can fire the main rocket engine.

Command, I've got a master caution alarm.

Roger that, Starflight.

Losing power.

Starflight, your altitude is only 48km.

Full port engine failure.

Starboard at six zero per cent.

Preparing to ignite rocket booster.

You're still too low, Starflight.

I'm losing velocity, Command.

I'm going to start losing altitude.

Command, please advise.

OK, Starflight, go with main

-engine burn.


Velocity is 25,000km per hour.

for at least 15 seconds now.


-engine burn at one zero zero per cent.

Velocity approaching 40,000km per hour.

Altitude one two zero kilometres.

Five, six, seven Preparing to release the gate.

- Not yet, Starflight.

- I'm burning out here.

All right.

That's it.

I'm out of gas.

Starflight, your altitude is 130km.

He's not gonna make it.

He's slowing.

He had to fire the rocket booster too early.

- It didn't work?

- He's gonna fall back to Earth, sir.


Got any ideas?

Anybody wanna wish me luck?

We're working on it.

Based on altitude, angle of ascent and velocity, he'll hit Europe in 35 minutes.

If he puts the 302 in a nose dive, he could cut his descent time in half.

- Why?

- He can drop the gate in the Atlantic.

I'm figuring there's time for it to sink maybe 2,000, 3,000ft.

- Will that do any good?

- It'll reduce the devastation.

- By how much?

- Not much, sir.

Enough that it's worth a shot, isn't it?


We can reduce the damage by dropping the gate into the ocean.

You have to put the X

-302 into a nose dive, and

- What?

- Starflight, it's all we got.

- What about the hyperdrive?

- Colonel, it didn't work.

We just don't know where it'll send me, right?

Who cares as long as it's a galaxy far, far away?

He's right.

The window formed, it was just unstable.

We have no idea what would happen if we opened a window within the atmosphere.

Yeah, well, given the situation We're taking it under advisement.

Please stand by.

- Major, I can make a call.

- Do it, sir.

You really are a lunatic.

I said you were an artist, but I haven't slept in three days.

You're creating an interdimensional field around an already highly

-charged Stargate with an unstable burst of energy.

- I realise

- What I am suggesting has real benefits.

Maybe it saves a few lives.

If this works, we save the entire planet.

- What chance do we have of that?

- Maybe we can reduce the risk a little.

- How?

- The instability of the naquadria Is relative to the size of the burst you're trying to extract.

We don't have to send the gate across the galaxy.

Even a second in hyperspace potentially gets us millions of miles.

Make the call.

This is General Hammond.

I need to speak with the president immediately.

Altitude seven six kilometres and still falling.

OK, we have orders, Starflight.

We're gonna try it your way.

Thank you.

Run me through it.

We have to override the safety protocol that will cause the 302 to avoid an unstable wormhole.

We think we can increase the chance of this working by only activating the generator for one second.

It wasn't programmed to work for such a short time.

Hang on.

Of course.

Thank you.

Sir, we're gonna write a new subroutine.

It'll be ready to upload in a few minutes.

All right, well, in the meantime, I'll just keep falling.


We're done.

Uploading the new program.

All you'll have to do is activate the generator.

- Roger that.

- You won't have much time.

- I know.

- Sir, if this works I know.

- Sir?

- What?

/ Good luck.

Activating hyperspace generator.


This is Observer One.

Visual confirmation.

The X

-302 has entered the hyperspace window.


Colonel, do you read?

This is Observer One.

There is no sign of a chute.

There is, however, a light show going on up here.

It worked.

Deep Space is estimating that the gate detonated three million miles from Earth.

This is Observer Two.

I have a visual on a chute.

Moving in for confirmation.

Mission Command, the cockpit module is intact.

We are pinpointing splashdown position.

Patching in satellite imagery.

Observer Two, pararescue team is on the way.

Roger that.

Colonel O'Neill is conscious and waving.

- The gate has shut down.

- Let us hope it is not too late.



Rya'c Rya'c So that's it?

You're just givin' up, closin' the shop?

At least until we find a way to defend ourselves against this kind of thing.

- Shouldn't take you long.

- Yeah, right.

I thought you'd be happy.

Hey, I never said we shouldn't use the Stargate.


- Let me know if I can help.

- I will.


- That means you don't hate me.

- Maybe.

Too bad for you.


I was more attracted to you when I did.


- Colonel.

I'm glad you're OK.

- Thank you, sir.

You know the president wants to see you in person?

- Yes.

We spoke on my way here.

- You can have any assignment you want.

Actually, I've always wanted to command my own boat.

- The navy?

- No, somethin' a little smaller, with oars.

You deserve it, Jack.

- You sure you wanna take this?

- We're closed for business.

I was supposed to retire five years ago.

We don't know when we can re

-establish the Stargate programme, if ever.

Actually, I just meant it says "Property of US Air Force" on it.

I still feel responsible for the teams stranded offworld, but there is nothing Hammond.

We're receiving a communication.

What's up?

Go ahead.

They're all here.

General Hammond.

Teal'c O'Neill.

It's good to hear you are well.

The w*apon used by Anubis is destroyed.

- We feared it was too late for the Tauri.

- It was close there for a minute.

We approach in a cargo ship.

Request permission to land.

- NORAD's aware of their approach.

- Permission granted.

Welcome back.

Good job.

It is in fact Rya'c who deserves the honour.

Sir, if you don't mind me asking, what exactly did we give the Russians?

- Good old American dollars, Major.

- You're kidding.

And the plans for the X

-302 and 303.


And one more thing.

- So, I hear you're a pretty good pilot.

- Master Bra'tac taught me well.

I hope to be as good as my father one day.

Just know that no one is that good.

It also helps to be lucky.

Don't I know that.

Listen, you sure you don't wanna stick around for a while, kinda hang out?

Rya'c has chosen to help Bra'tac spread the word of our cause.

Well, it's good to see you again.


Colonel, you got a moment?

Carter told me everything you did to help out.

We all appreciate it.

Thanks a lot.

See you later.

Colonel, Dr Jackson is gone.

Yeah, I noticed that.

Not a day goes by when I don't think about what happened.

I stood by and watched while he saved my people from disaster.

I should have jumped through the glass, disarmed the device.

He's gone because I didn't.

You have to live with that.

So do I.

You want me to make you feel better?

It wasn't your fault.

I don't blame you.

If I could go back and change what happened, I would do that, but I can't.

All I can do is try and change what happens from now on.

I don't want you to exonerate me, I just want to be given the opportunity to prove that I can make a difference.

You wanted to see me, sir?

This is not what you want to hear, but part of the deal to get the Russian Stargate involved agreeing to let one of their officers join SG


This is the thanks I get for saving the world again?

I'm sorry, Jack.

You're going to have to live with this.

Sir, can't we just give 'em their own unit?

They'd be happy with that, wouldn't they?

What about SG


Actually, General, I've already chosen our new team member.

Good luck, Colonel.

Thank you, sir.

- How do I look?

- You might wanna lose the helmet.

- Good guess on the green.

- Thanks.


-1, you have a go.

Thank you, sir.