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06x09 - Allegiance

Posted: 01/10/23 08:06
by bunniefuu

- Yes, sir.

Set it up.

- Go, go, go.

Immobilise with a cervical collar and let the symbiote heal the damage.

Pressure dressing, stat.

Airway's compromised.

Corpsman, priority one.

Let's move Hey Hey

- What's that?

- Equipment essential to our security.

That wasn't the question.

Open it up.

A Zatarc detector.

See, that's all you had to say.

Move out.

- Pierce?

- Colonel.


-12 was wiped out in the first wave, sir.

- The Goa'uld knew exactly where to hit.

- Where's my father?

He insisted on disabling the DHD at the Tok'ra base and ordered us to leave.

See to your men.


- Is the gate secure?

- If the Chaapa

-ai is reactivated, we will have the answer.

I set a charge equivalent to a tactical nuke to detonate ten seconds after we left.

No one's following us.

- You're sure about that?

- I'm positive.

Stand down.

Help the wounded.

What happened?

Anubis overran our position in the Risa system.

We tried dialling the SGC gate, but it must have been active.

Jonas and SG

-2 were returning from P36

-231 with artefacts they'd gathered.

Jack, I know you wanted to keep the location of the Alpha site top

-secret, but we had no alternative.

We couldn't wait.

- You dialled the coordinates yourself?

- Yeah.

I was careful.

Nobody saw.

To whom do I owe thanks for this refuge?

Colonel O'Neill, this is Malek, commander of the Tok'ra base we evacuated.

- And Ocker, chief of security.

- Your people were brave in aiding us.

- How many made it?

- Less than a quarter of our number.

I'm sorry.

This is the base of the Tauri.

Why are there Jaffa?

Rebel warriors.

Jaffa who have turned against the Goa'uld.

I did not realise their ranks had grown to such a number.

Many more are operating as a fifth column among the Goa'uld.

Just like you.

Many of these Jaffa had to evacuate their rebel base several months ago.

I see.

Is that going to be a problem?

Not for us.


Arik tre

-ac te kek.

"We do not surrender, even in death.

" Tak mal arik tiak.

"You will not be forgotten.


- Nemeth kree

- Hey.

Hey What the hell is goin' on?

This is a funeral, for cryin' out loud

- I asked a question of this Tok'ra.

- No one may speak during the ritual.

For this, you guys are fighting?

- I'm sure he's sorry.

- I am not.

- On the inside.

- It does not matter.

Look, it does not matter.

Come on, a lot of people lost their lives.

Show a little respect.

- They are no different than the Goa'uld.

- Jaffa All right, break it up Go on home.

There's nothin' to see here.

Go on.

There's no need to apologise on their behalf, Colonel.

- Apologise?

- We understand the Jaffa.

Actually, I was gonna remind you that without Bra'tac and Teal'c and other Jaffa, all your little Tok'ra folks would be pushin' up daisies.

I need not remind you that the rebel Jaffa and the Tauri are equally indebted to us.

How so?

We have been fighting the Goa'uld for millennia.


Just when should we expect some progress on that?

It's been a bad day.

Let's move on.


Several of the Tok'ra have expressed concern about their temporary quarters.

Explain to them the meaning of the word "temporary".

If they don't like it, they can leave.

- You really want me to tell them that?

- Yes.


I'll do it.


How's the leg?

It's better.

One of the perks of being a Tok'ra.

If you say so.

What was all that crap at the funeral?

I wouldn't read too much into it.

Why do you guys have to be so dang

- Arrogant?

- Yeah, OK.

It's complicated, symbiote and host.

The blending of two personalities does sometimes have its drawbacks.

Tell me about it.

Jack, there's no denying you had a bad experience.

But if you hadn't had a symbiote implanted Please, don't use that term, huh?

If you hadn't been blended with Kanan, you'd be dead right now.

By the way, if I hadn't become a Tok'ra, I'd be dead too.

Kanan broke one of our highest laws.

He used you.

Even Selmak was sickened by it.

There's no way he could have hidden those feelings from me.

But Kanan did something terribly wrong while trying to do the right thing.

- You can't forgive him for that?

- No.

It's a shame a true blending never really occurred.

You might understand the Tok'ra better.

Oh, I think I understand 'em just fine.

You don't like us much any more, do you?

I like you.

I see the Jaffa differently.

Most of the Tok'ra hosts come from worlds conquered by the Goa'uld, born into a feudal system where their only choices were forced labour or death.

So it's the host's fault?

It's history.

For 2,000 years, every time a Tok'ra died at the end of a staff w*apon, a Jaffa was holding it.

We just got our asses kicked by an army of Jaffa loyal to Anubis.

You think that helps?


There's talk among the Tok'ra that the end is closer than we think.

And I don't mean the end of the Goa'uld.

I mean the end of us.

All of us.

The Jaffa rebellion isn't rolling along as well as could be expected either, I take it.


It's not.

Then at least we have that much in common.

It seemed like a power fluctuation in the cycle output of the naqahdah reactor.

But I discovered the absorption port and its redundancy had been tampered with.

Carter I haven't had coffee.

Sir, if no one had noticed it, the reactor would have overloaded.

- Any chance this was an accident?

- Not a chance.

Would not such an expl*si*n destroy an area several miles in circumference?

Yeah, it would.

- Who knows about this?

- Except for the guards I posted, just us.

How long would it have taken for an expl*si*n to occur?

An hour.

Maybe less.



No one goes near the gate till I get there.

Yes, sir.

What are you considering, O'Neill?

Well, if you'd rigged a reactor to blow wouldn't you want to get offworld before it blew?


- I could send reinforcements.

- We've got enough people here as it is.

Colonel, at least let me rejoin the team.

An incoming wormhole

- what risk could there be?

Sorry, Jonas, you'll have to sit this one out.

Until we know what's goin' on, General, I recommend no gate travel either way.

Understood, Colonel.

I'll have SG

-3 standing by, just in case.

We'll report back in 24 hours.

O'Neill out.

Pierce, I want the guard doubled.

Yes, sir.

What is happening?

Uh, looks like we're gonna be stuck here for a while.

It is imperative that we seek another location for our base.

Yeah, you might want to put that on hold.

We have a situation.

There is a saboteur among us.

Our naqahdah reactor almost went critical.

I discovered it just in time.

- And if you hadn't?

- We wouldn't be having this chat.

I see.

We chose this planet as our Alpha site because it is unknown to the Goa'uld.

And it is imperative that this base remain secret.

We will be questioning everybody.

- Of course.

- Starting with the Tok'ra.

For what reason?

Everything was fine until you showed up.

If what you say is true, we would have perished too.

It'd only take one.


We have no choice.

The Zatarc detector will reveal any lie or deception.

Yeah, but a spy within the Jaffa or Tok'ra ranks wouldn't have to be a Zatarc to attempt this.

Any deception will be detected, whether we are dealing with a Zatarc or not.

That is when I requested to leave and you informed me of the sabotage.

Do you know why the Tok'ra base fell?

Exactly how Anubis was able to defeat our defence system remains a mystery.

OK, we're done.

Thank you.


Thank you.

Jaffa I'll screen the wounded, but I doubt they could have done it.

After that, if we still have nothing, base personnel will have to be screened.

- OK.

- And the Jaffa.


I had hoped it would not come to that.

If the Jaffa won't submit to the screening, after the Tok'ra have, we're just askin' for trouble.

The very purpose of this device questions one's honour.

Or you could say it confirms one's honour.

- It is also of Tok'ra design.

- Oh, come on I have learned much in my 137 years.

Can you look me in the eye and tell me you trust the Tok'ra entirely?


Not entirely.

But enough to allow myself to be screened along with everybody else.

I will convince the Jaffa to submit.

You have my word.

Perhaps once the Tok'ra see how big Jaffa hearts can be, they will finally look upon us as equals.

Colonel O'Neill

- You k*lled Ocker.

- I would have, if he'd challenged me.

- Are you not responsible for this?

- I wish I was.

- Answer him directly.

- I will not explain myself to him.

Then explain it to me.


- I was across the compound.

- I insist that he be screened immediately.


I will not I will not

- Carter, I want you in there.

- Yes, sir.

- I need to know the cause of death.

- I'll get on it, sir.

You both know this, but I'm gonna say it out loud anyway.

I need every bit of influence you two have, or this whole thing's gonna blow up.

I was alone outside the compound, eating my ration in private.

Do you know who k*lled Ocker?


- Did you k*ll him?

- No, I did not k*ll him.

We're finished.

- Holding cell.

- Yes, sir.

Master Bra'tac, I did not k*ll him.

Go with them.

Do not attempt escape.


He is guilty.

All we know is that he's lying about something.

- What more proof do you need?

- This device is not infallible.

It can give false positives.

We've seen it before.

You were all willing to stake the security of the base on it.

Artok's hostility towards the Tok'ra could throw off the readings.

- His hostility is the reason Ocker is dead.

- What if we verify his alibi?

He's right.

Maybe someone saw him where he said he was.

Tok'ra and Jaffa deliberately ate apart from each other.

I will not accept the word of a Jaffa in his defence.

Of course you won't.

So, why don't we see what the autopsy says?


Because we don't convict people just because some damn light turns red

- How long will the autopsy take?

- It's hard to say.

The report may offer tangible evidence proving or disproving his guilt.

Look, he's not goin' anywhere.

You've got my word.

And mine as well.

Many Tok'ra have died in recent days.

To lose another of our number in a place we had thought was refuge, it is difficult.

I'm sure it is.

There is some bruising around his mouth.

The k*ller could have stopped him calling out by covering his mouth from behind.

The trauma to the back of the neck was done with a blade of exotic design.

The blade was used to sever the host's spinal column between the first and second cervical vertebrae, while severing the spinal column of the symbiote between the 33rd and 34th precloacal vertebrae.

Death would have been instantaneous.

No Jaffa did this.

- How do you know?

- Jaffa do not k*ll in this fashion.

Jaffa could not be trained to do this?

A Jaffa would not.

Vengeance is exacted face to face, not from behind.

Face to face, a Jaffa may not survive.

It is a Tok'ra or a Goa'uld who has committed this act.

I disagree.

This is different.

This was a frontal attack.

The only similarity is that it was done by a blade.

The same one?

I won't know until I inspect the internal organs.

- Was the door locked, Sergeant?

- Yes, sir.

- Did you hear anything?

- No, sir.

It's unlikely that someone defeated the lock, stabbed him without a fight, and then re

-locked the door as they left.

What if they att*cked through the bars and pushed him back to where he is now?

Why are there no defensive wounds?

He'd have to be standing in front of the bars.

A Jaffa would never expose himself to such a vulnerable position.

Unless he knew his k*ller and did not fear him.

Artok is dead.

Only yesterday he helped to carry your wounded, and then you k*lled him

- Now is not the time.

- You know the truth.

- I do not.

- A Tok'ra did not k*ll him.

Of this I am certain.

You carry a blade.

To defend myself, when the Tok'ra finally come for me.

He was defenceless Malek Somebody wanna tell me what's goin' on here?


Why don't we put the weapons down?

Teal'c O'Neill Should we go check this out, let these folks talk among themselves?


Recently made, and alone.

Whoever did this fled quickly in that direction.

The footprints Jaffa or Tok'ra?

They could be either one.

All right, let's do a head count.

All right, listen up, folks.

We can stop pointing fingers at each other.

Everyone's been accounted for.

However, that does mean that someone or, dare I say it, some thing is still floatin' around, tryin' to do us in.

We will search in groups of three, a Tok'ra, Jaffa and Tauri in each.

This thing wanted to turn us against each other.

The fact that we're onto him makes him more dangerous.

Keep that in mind.

Let's move out.


Go ahead, Teal'c.

We have located Captain Grier's search team.

They are dead.

Any tracks?

Each team member appears to have been k*lled separately and dragged here.

What's your position?

Near the base of the north cliff.

Stand by.

I got somethin' here.

Carter, hook up with Teal'c at his position.

Secure the area.

Yes, sir.

- What happened?

- I could not defend against it.

I had no choice.

Where's Bra'tac?

He is dead.

Tell me why I should not k*ll you here.

He was swept away.

There was nothing I could have done.

You could have pursued him Bra'tac could have been saved.

I believed it more important to report what I saw.

How can we trust the Tok'ra if they would abandon a Jaffa in battle?

If I had not, I would be dead.


A little help.



Teal'c, don't do this.

Bra'tac would want us to stick together.

He's right, Teal'c.

Bra'tac pushed me out of the way just before the attack.

Somehow, he knew whoever it was had a personal cloaking device.

He was invisible.


Nirrti has stealth technology.

She could've come through the gate with the Tok'ra.

That would explain why there were no defensive wounds and how Anubis was able to defeat the defences of the Tok'ra base.

An invisible spy could operate with impunity.

That woman continues to get on my nerves.

I doubt Nirrti would be in league with Anubis.

She's a renegade.

Well, whoever it is, we're dealing with an enemy we can't see.

Without TERs to counter that technology, we're helpless.

Do you have the means to generate a high

-frequency electromagnetic field?

I could modify the naqahdah reactor.

Within a range of 400 to 700 nanometres?

That might bring the phase particles into our visible spectrum.

- Carter?

- The invisibility field must operate

- Can you make the invisible guy vis?

- Yes, sir.

- That's all I need.

- If you can see it, you can sh**t it.


I will assist you.


Let's move out.

- We need to bring the reactor out.

- Do it.

Everybody else guards the gate.

All right, listen up Our enemy has a device that can render himself, or herself, invisible.

He or she may have come through the gate with the wounded Tok'ra.

Whatever it is, it tried to play us against each other.

That's not gonna work any more, because now we know it is among us.

Bra'tac is gone.

His death will have been in vain unless we trust each other, and work together to defeat this enemy.

Do what you have to do, but that son of a bitch does not get through that gate.

Yes, sir.

If this creature leaves, this base will have to be abandoned.

Yeah, I know.

The same bladed w*apon k*lled both of them.

Probably the others too.

A single thrust, up through the symbiote, continuing up, piercing the Jaffa's heart.

- He died instantly.

- Nirrti's been workin' out.

Not Nirrti, an Ashrak.

A Goa'uld assassin of great strength, most likely in the service of Anubis.

An Ashrak penetrated SGC security and tried to k*ll Major Carter.


The Ashrak succeeded in k*lling Jolinar, to whom Major Carter was host.

That guy wasn't invisible.

While in the service of Apophis many Jaffa were k*lled in this manner, while working in the naqahdah mines of Kawawn.

Apophis ordered the mines sealed, and when the tunnels were opened days later, a single Ashrak was found.

Only one had k*lled so many.

If he's that powerful, why didn't he just go on a k*lling spree?

Divide and conquer.

I wish that Bra'tac were here.

Yeah, I know.


- Are we there yet?

- Almost, sir.

The reactor wasn't designed for a sustained output at this frequency range.

Medics, we've got wounded out here You OK?


I'm sorry, sir.

It got my GDO during the firefight.

- What?

- It was moving in and around us.

One casualty was hit by friendly fire.


-establish a perimeter around the gate.

- I'd like to take a team after it, sir.

- Negative.

- You hold that gate.


- Yes, sir.

We should leave before he att*cks again.

It took a GDO.

Nobody's goin' anywhere.

- You saw what he was capable

- Yes, I did.

That's why I want all personnel guarding that gate.

That includes Tok'ra and Jaffa

- Colonel

- Go help Carter

- A true warrior would show himself.

- Patience, Rak'nor.

As Bra'tac would have said, a Jaffa has many senses with which to fight.

OK, Sam?

- Malek, how close are we?

- 200 nanometres.

- That's still ultraviolet.

- We need 400 to be in visual range.

If we perish, there'll be no one left to carry on the fight.

The Jaffa will fight side by side with the Tok'ra.

And, if need be, die side by side.

- Malek, what's that read?

- 420 nanometres.

Sir, we're there.

Powering up 50 per cent.

Ooh Anybody else feel that?

The tingling is caused by the energy field.

It's not causing any physical damage.

No, I like it.

The power setting may not counteract the cloaking device, but increasing it will reduce our ability to sustain the field.

- Crank it up.

- Yes, sir.

Powering up 100 per cent.

Hold your positions Carter, are we still in business?

Yes, sir.

I just need to bring it back online.

Watch those gaps Rak'nor Everybody down Master Bra'tac

- Pierce, stand down.

We got him.

- Yes, sir.

You're very lucky to be alive.


This Ashrak left me for dead.

I was unable to move, and do not know how long I was unconscious.

My symbiote sustained me and I returned as soon as I could.

Not bad.

I owe you my life, twice over.

I only hope that one day I'm given a chance to repay that debt.

Forgive me.

This single blade did what we could not.

It has brought us together.

This blade has spilled the blood of Jaffa of the Tok'ra and of the Tauri.

By the hand of our common enemy it has made us brothers.

Together, we have ensured it will never spill our blood again.