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02x05 - The Silence of the Innocent

Posted: 01/14/23 08:38
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

[doorbell rings]

[doorbell rings]

[doorbell rings]

[indistinct chatter]

[tense music playing]

Good morning.

Police. I have a search warrant.

[tense music playing]

[Glória] Excuse me.

You three, upstairs.

Carlos, stay down here with me.

[indistinct chatter]

[officer] Let's go!

[tense music playing]

[cell phone ringing]

Go ahead.

Cell phone, please.

[tense music playing]

[music continues]

[Verônica] Ângela.

I know you're scared.

Come with me.

You don't have to be here anymore.

Get out of here.



[door opens]

Back to work, clerk?

[door shuts]

Did you send for me, Chief?

You've been suspended by internal affairs

till the end of the investigation.

g*n and badge on the table.

Be careful, Verônica.

You might find something

you don't want to find.

It's almost over.

- Your family is waiting, go.

- [Verônica] I will.


I just need to do so something first.

[electronic music playing]


I dream about Janete a lot.

[Janice sobs]

I started using her name.

And I

blame myself every day

for not making it in time.

I'm sorry, Janice. I

I failed Janete.

I failed her too.


Nete asked me for help, and I

And I was scared.

But now she's close to me.

Thank you.

[Janice sighs]

How far along are you?

Six months. [laughs]

I'm calling her Janete. [laughs]

She's gonna be a badass.

[Janice chuckles]

She's gonna be strong.

She's gonna be a warrior.

She'll be very independent,

and won't depend on any men.

You know

what Janete wanted the most

was to be a mother.

I know.

She tried everything.

She tried

spells, praying,

even spiritual help.

When I saw you on TV,

I thought of looking for you because

when Nete used to write to me,

she sent me a picture.

I I'll get it for you, okay?

[Janice sniffles]

[intense music playing]

[woman speaking indistinctly on TV]

and that's why I got out of the streets

and started practicing sports.

[cell phone chimes]



[cell phone chimes]


We're live at the Soul in Faith temple

Dad! Come here!

[reporter] where investigations imply

the involvement of Matias Carneiro

in child trafficking.

What's up?

We tried to reach out to his spokesperson,

but we haven't heard from him yet.

Matias' testimony is highly anticipated.


[reporter] but according to reports,

the missionary will make

a statement later this afternoon

through his spokesperson.

Back to you, Renata.

No more TV, guys.

Come here, I want

I want to be with you a little bit.

[sniffs] Mmm!

What a great hug.


don't have to leave?

I want to spend the night.

May I, Paulo?

[Paulo] Sure.

[Verônica laughs]

My babies! Mwah!

Missed you guys.

[footsteps approaching]

[Lila] Mom. Look.


You said you would spend the night, Mom.

- Sorry, honey, I passed out.

- Look what I've found.

Is that you?

What is this? A trip down memory lane?

I forgot about these pictures.

[Verônica] Look at Grandma and Grandpa.

They would've loved you guys.

She was a chess champion, you know?

Gee She would travel

to play in tournaments.

She was great.

[clicks tongue]

Why don't you keep this?

Don't you want to be a cop

like your grandpa?

Like you.

Dad, can I help you?

I shouldn't have listened

to that woman, Dad.

[sobs] I made a mistake. I'm sorry.

Talk to me, Dad.


You teach everyone to forgive.

[breathes shakily]

[sobbing] Forgive me, Dad.

Forgive me.

[indistinct office chatter]

[Glória] Is the helicopter yours?

Of course.

I like to fly,

to meet my followers.

I think it's important

to be in touch with them.

That's not a crime, is it?

Pablo Albacete. Do you know him?

[Glória] AKA, Tenor.

I take pictures

with so many people, Chief

International trafficker.

Human trafficker.

He donates to your church,

in fact, he's one of the most generous.

My church gets donations

from all over the world.

It's a lot of people.

Five young girls were trafficked

with fake passports.

Four stops, changing vehicles on each one.

The first vehicle was your helicopter.

Everything I own belongs

to the young people I help.

If bad people took advantage of my faith,

I want them to be punished.

[Verônica] Your helicopter,

people from your orphanage,

donor to your church, and you didn't know?

Look, I'm here to help.

I didn't even bring an attorney.

[Matias] You guys made a mess.

You scared my family.

And for what?

Did you find anything in my house?

You don't get to ask questions.

[Matias] The money in the safe is legal.

My weapons are registered.

I'm innocent in all of this.

Olga, the House of the Saints' director,

is a criminal.

I know what you had

in your office, Matias.

Documents, flight routes,

bank transactions

You do?


You broke into my house?

Actually, Chief,

why is this woman interrogating me?

Does she have a badge by any chance?

I authorized her to be here.

That's also nonsense, isn't it?

[Matias sighs]

Well, any other questions, chief?

I have to go back to my church.

Ricardo, escort him out, please.

Good cannot wait.

[Matias scoffs]

f*cking assh*le.

We have nothing on him.

What about the helicopter?

It's not the first time

that the owner gets away with it.

The orphanage's director assured

Matias didn't know anything.

What about that

That girl. What's her name? Júlia?

- The instructor?

- Instructor.

Told us the same story.

Matias is innocent, it's all Olga's fault.

They are afraid.

They know what Matias is capable of.

- [Verônica sighs]

- Back to square one.

What about the abuse?

We need someone to report

this guy's abuse right now.

Take advantage now that he's weak.


Are you sure?

["Amanhã" by Guilherme Arantes playing]

[indistinct chatter]

["Amanhã" continues]

- We'll need more pills.

- [Gisele] I'll get it.

[birds chirping]

I wanted to k*ll Vic

for not telling me you were alive.

Well, but you forgave me. Right, princess?


I'll let you guys talk.

Take good care of her.

- [man] Hmm

- [chuckles]


- [Verônica] I missed you.

- Gee.

[man sighs]

Come on.

He handed over the women's files

from the church.

What do you have in mind?

So, I was thinking [ clicks tongue]


Al Capone didn't get caught

because he was a mobster,

but because of his tax returns.

Matias is trying to get away

with a trafficking charge.

But if someone reports the abuse,

he's done.

If we can get someone to do it.

There are over a hundred women.

They are all his victims.

It's hard.

You know women are afraid to report.

They think no one will believe them,

they're afraid of losing their job

Especially against this guy

who everybody loves.

"Matias is innocent"

is trending in Brazil today.


Well, the bigger they are,

the harder they fall.

And the bigger the ratings.


- I have to go.

- Oh, wait.

Look at this.

I found out Matias and Brandão

knew each other for years.

Can you investigate their relationship?

I wanna know everything about him.

What didn't make it into the biography.

- You got it?

- I got it.

- Bye.

- Bye.

What are you doing here?

Does he make you wear that belt?

I do it because I want to.

My husband doesn't make me do anything.

What do you feel for him?

- Love and hate? Is that it?

- Get out of here.

You watch him, and you do nothing.

You know you're totally involved,

right, Gisele?

You're an accomplice.

- Expose Matias and save yourself.

- Matias is the only salvation.


Are you listening to me?

If he goes down, you'll go down with him.

Do you get that?

You are the one who doesn't get it.

You'll never get it.

I saw every cure.

Every person my husband saved.

I saw every miracle.

I'm a better person because of him.

What about Ângela?

Do you ever think of her?

She'll learn like I did.

- What if he hurts her too?

- [softly] Leave.

- Has he hurt her?

- Get out of here!

- Get out of here!

- Has he hurt her?

- Leave! I'm calling security.

- Has he?

He has.

[breathes shakily]

[tense music playing]

[woman on video] I was there,

naked, unprotected,

in that man's hands

and his wife's.

[sobs] They have a daughter,

a child, a little girl,

who was probably sleeping

somewhere in that same house,

without the slightest idea

of what her parents were doing to me.

[Verônica] What about Ângela?

Have you ever thought of her?

- [Gisele] She'll learn like I did.

- [Verônica] What if he hurts her too?



["Liberdade (Quando o Grave Bate Forte)"

by Alok and MC Don Juan playi]

- Have you seen my friend Carol?

- No, I haven't.

I know what he does to your mom.

Again? I'm done talking to you.

Listen to me for the last time.

If you don't want me to,

I won't look for you anymore.

What else do you want from me?

Ângela, it took me a long time to realize,

but it was right in front of me

the whole time.

You are Matias' biggest victim.

Trust me. I can protect you from him.

No. You lied to me.

You lied about your name,

and you're lying again.

I know that That he's done everything

to convince you that it's okay

for a father to touch his daughter.

But I also know that you woke up.

And that's why you listened to me

and helped me.

Because, deep down, you know

that what he does to the women

is the same thing he does to you.

He never touched me.

Do you have any idea

how important your voice is?

So many people need this to be reported

He never hurt me. Never!

Liar. I hope you die!





[footsteps approaching]

[Matias] I forgive you, honey.

It's that It's that woman's fault.

But please understand.

Every bad thing that happens to one of us

affects the other.

If it affects me, it affects you.

My brother used to say,

"Nail, flesh

and blood."

We used to protect each other.

I'm just trying to protect you, honey.


["Se Essa Rua Fosse Minha"

playing on music box]

[Ângela breathing shallowly]

[Lila] Dad, can you

get the eggs? I forgot.

- I didn't forget, honey.

- [Rafa] You're eating more?

[Paulo] Get it.

[clears throat]

[Lila] Thank you.

Here, honey.


- [Lila] Dad!

- [Paulo] I'm sorry.

[Rafa] Ah, Lila

[Verônica] Hey, honey

Happy birthday, sweetie.

I wish you good health and happiness.

Dad, I know we're not having a big party,

but can I invite a friend?

Honey, I think you're having

a slightly different birthday this year.

It's gonna have to be just us, Lila.

- She wants to invite her crush.

- Stop, Rafa.

[Rafa] She talks to him

on Instagram all day.

- And you with Léo.

- [Paulo] Léo?

You didn't tell me you had a crush!

He's just a friend.

- [Lila] No, Mom

- You're not telling your mom?

He's just a friend.

Rafa just likes to get on my nerves.

- Is he a friend from school?

- [Lila] No, from the club.

I wanted to invite him today,

but that's okay.

Honey, today Uncle Prata

and Uncle Davi are coming over

- Everyone that matters will be here, okay?

- [cell phone chimes]

And I will never miss

my baby girl's birthday ever again.


[male voice] Who is Verônica Torres?

A horrible m*rder*r

- [Paulo] What's that, honey?

- who k*lled a police hero.

A crazy and depressed woman

who tried to k*ll herself

- Verônica?

- [Lila] Mom!

and changed her identity

to get away from the law

Did you k*ll someone?

Lila, don't be stupid.

Are you gonna believe this bullshit?

- Calm down, you two.

- [Lila] You're stupid.

- Can't you see?

- Honey Honey, no.


- I'm a cop.

- Verônica, please.

- [Verônica] Okay? Easy.

- No, let me

Let me Let me explain to her.

Sometimes a police officer has

to do things to protect people,

and I've done things I'm not proud of,

but I don't regret it either.

["Amanhã" by Guilherme Arantes playing]

[loud cheering]

[cheering continues]

[song stops]

[indistinct chatter]

Do you believe in justice?

Despite everything, I still do.

In the justice of God, always.

But also, in man's justice.

Once again, they tried to bring me down.

The atrocities,

the lies that they say about me

It's a damn witch hunt.

It's intolerance.

Right? It's bigotry.

But I won't bow down to hate.

I'm going to fight until the bitter end.

I'll stay strong in my purpose of faith.

And I know you will follow me.

I don't worry about my image.

I worry about the sick.

The kids from House of the Saints.

- Kids we take from the streets

- [man] Praise God.

from jail, from poverty.

And it's not about food.

It's not about shelter.

But about hope.

One of the girls from House of the Saints

was on the streets.

She had nowhere to go.

She was starving, she was cold.

And we welcomed her here in our house.

Carol, come here.

[tense music playing]

[Matias] Come here.

They want to see you, child.

[Matias] Carolina,

you'll never be homeless again.

I promise.

[Carolina sniffles]

She will be very welcome in our house.

Right, Ângela?

[tense music playing]

[Glória] You must have seen the videos

that are going around, right?

You know how Matias operates.

He'll spread fake news to destroy me.

I'm sure he will.

But what else can he have against you?

If they have any dirt on you,

you better tell me now, Verônica.

I have nothing to tell.

Are you sure?


That's exactly what this guy wants.

To pit you against me.

Well, it looks like he's succeeding.


I trust you.


Security camera from Matias' house.


She was at the boss' house for an hour

and left with a packed bag.

Enough time

to clear all evidence against him.

But I still haven't gotten

the search warrant from the judge.

You know I won't wait, right?

I know.

Since you two are friends,

you'll keep each other company.

Come, Carol, let me show you the room.

Hey, Ângela. Smile.

You don't want

to scare your friend, right?

[dramatic music playing]

I sent you a thousand messages,

I went after you, I was worried.

What do you want?

You have to run away.

Your dad explained everything.

That woman messed with your head.

Your dad is worried about you, Ângela.

[dramatic music playing]

He thinks you're going crazy.

You know what?

I agree with him.

[tense music playing]

[music continues]





[camera clicking]

[tense music playing]

[g*n cocks]

[Verônica sighs]

Do you ever give up, Verônica?

We know you cleared all evidence

from Matias' house.

And you thought you'd find it all here,

waiting for you?

Glória has requested a search warrant.

You're a target, Anita.

Now you'll lose your badge for good,

and without it [laughs]

you're useless.

Imagine if Matias finds out

you were the one who gave us

the intel on the helicopter.

That's treason.

And I'm supposed to beg you

not to turn me in?

Is that it?


Help me bring Matias down.

Get out, Anita.

[Verônica] Maybe I can negotiate for you.

You were one of his victims too,

right, Karina?

He abused you too,

just like he abused the others.

Shut the f*ck up!

If a strong woman like you

couldn't defend herself,

have you thought of the others?

Shut up, get out of here! Leave!

Report Matias.

But don't do it for me, do it for you.

[Anita sighs]

[door shuts]



[water splashing]

[soft music playing]

[Gisele sighs]



Are you trying to scare me?

Let Carol go home, Mom.

Your friend is being treated

very well, honey

Don't let dad do anything to her.

Do what, Ângela?

- Your dad takes care of people.

- No! You know what he does.

Why does he do this to them,

and why do you help? Why

Why do you wear that thing?

For him? Who is it for?

You're not okay, honey.

I'll have to talk to your father.

You're imagining things.

You're starting

to sound like your grandma.

Don't say that!

I don't even know who she is!

Don't say that. I know what I saw

[grunts] Stop! Stop, enough!

Your dad is the truth.

Your dad is the cure.

Your father is a path of faith.

You have to believe in the path he built.

You have to believe, it's the only way

not to get hurt. Do you hear me?

You need to have faith, honey

[tense music playing]

No! Spit it out!

Spit it out, Ângela! Spit it out.

Spit it out.

[dramatic music playing]


[dramatic music playing]

[sobs, kisses]



You're always welcome.


Carmem? How are you?


Can we talk?


Excuse me.

Being a mother was never my thing.

Karina was about 14 when

she started screwing up.

Ended up in jail.

Then they offered me money

to take her to that orphanage.

- Saint Cosmas and Damian.

- Yes.

Karina was always a headache.

It was a good thing. For me and for her.

He assured me she was going

to have a better life.

Isn't she a chief of police?

[Verônica laughs]

Yes, she is. Anita Berlinger.

Important person's name.

- You never spoke to your daughter again?

- I sold her.

She wasn't mine anymore.

And who did you make the deal with?


No, not Matias.

I never even got close to him.

He wasn't so famous at the time.

He was more discreet.

It was just him, his wife

I made a deal with a chief of police.

Júlio Torres.

He's your dad, right?

I saw you in the paper.

"The policewoman who came back

from the dead."

No My dad didn't have anything

to do with this.

He was actually investigating the case.

[Carmem] What do you mean?

He took Karina to the orphanage.

And when they started to investigate,

he came back, again yes.

To bury the case, right?

To save his own ass.

How do you think a f*ck-up like me

would have a restaurant like this?

[Carmem] Listen. Listen, honey.

Your father was very righteous.

He paid good money for my silence.

["548" by Maria Maud playing]

- [grunts]

- [glass shatters]

["548" continues]

["548" stops]

Your mother gave you a sedative.

That's why you're groggy.


you're gonna have to be hospitalized.

No, Dad.

[Matias] I can't help you anymore.

I can't let you be like your grandma.


Why did you do this to yourself?


What about Carol?

Did you get into a fight?

Why did you bring her here?

Aren't you happy?

Your friend was homeless.

You're trying to punish me.

- [Matias sighs]

- To hurt me.

I never hurt anyone, honey.

I know what happens in that room.

It's the only way I can help people.

I didn't choose any of this. It's a gift.

But it's also a burden.

Do you understand that?

People see evil and filth in everything.

But you're my daughter.

You know the truth.

And they know too,

because they can feel the cure.

The cure is alive, honey.

When I touch them

it's the cure that touches them,

not me.

I don't want to be a part of this.

You're already a part of this.

We are one.

Do you understand?

Huh? Do you?

Carol came to talk to me.

She told me about her dreams.

Her fears.

And she asked for the cure.

But she's not sick.

That's up to me, sweetie.





[somber music playing]

- [Ângela sobs]

- [music continues]

[Ângela sobs]

[music intensifies]


[cell phone chimes]



- [cell phone ringing]

- [sniffles]

[cell phone continues ringing]


[Anita] Be at my house

in half an hour, clerk.


[doorbell rings]

[tense music playing]

[door unlocks]

Is this a bad time?

No, of course not. Come in.

Your house is lovely.

Somber, simple.

Thank you.

I like it.

I remember you arriving

at the orphanage like it was yesterday.

Same face.

More rebellious.


And ended up becoming one

of the most faithful of my flock.

Who would've thought?

This mess was good for something.

To separate the wheat from the chaff.

You don't love me anymore.

You don't even offer me whiskey

when I come to your house?

[Matias laughs]

- Neat, right?

- Right.

[tense music playing]

[music continues]

[menacing synth music playing]