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03x07 - Les Fleurs du Mal

Posted: 01/18/23 11:28
by bunniefuu
Miss Martolli, are you okay?

You kissed Tetsuo? I can't believe it.

That is what happened.


we decided it would be appropriate
for Tetsuo to use the informal you.

Of course! It's funny, we never
used the informal you between us.

You could if you wanted to.

You think?

If you find it suitable.

Now we know each other
pretty well. It makes sense.


So then,

do you (informal) want to eat dinner
at my place with Tetsuo tonight?


Today is Thursday.
I usually eat at your place on Mondays.

Yes, on Mondays you (informal)
come to eat alone at my place.

But if you (informal) came accompanied,
it could as well be another day.

Absolutely. But why come accompanied?

Because what matters to you (informal),
matters to me.

And I want to meet Tetsuo.

It does not bother me.

However, I must first make sure
it does not bother Tetsuo too.

We could invite Nico too.
It would make Tetsuo feel more at ease.

Tetsuo does not know Captain Perran.

Yeah but boys are like that.

They feel better in a pack.

there are still a lot of things

I absolutely do not understand
about these kinds of relationships.

It is by far the most complex
puzzle I ever had to solve.

- Yeah, me too.
- The puzzle.

Can we go? All good?

- Raphaëlle. This informal you...
- Yes?

Bothers me tremendously.
It is as if you were not yourself anymore.

I was afraid to upset you
but I totally agree with you.

- So we keep on with the formal you, right?
- Right.

- It is better.
- Yes, it's better.

- Yes.
- Come on, I'll give you a ride.



Thank you.

Françoise Martolli, , custodian of the
tropical greenhouse at Jardin des Plantes.

So, her face is burnt

and seeing where the body was found,
I'd say it has been moved.

The body was not moved.

But there is a body of consistent evidence
indicating she b*rned without a fire.

There is no trace of asphyxia,
nor hypovolemia.

There was no combustion.

Oh! Stay away from that!
Get back, get back!

- What?
- Stay away! The tree, here.

It's an Hippomane mancinella
commonly called manchineel tree.

It's also called "the tree of death".

Its sap is so corrosive

that water streaming down its leaves
can feel like acid.

Fournier, you know your plants?

I mean, after all this time analyzing
poison, it became like a hobby.

You can't fathom all
the dirty tricks nature can use.

So what, it's an accident?

Her face is swollen.

Her fingertips are cyanotic and there are
traces of emetic regurgitations.

I think the victim was already dead

when she was exposed
to the manchineel sap, yes.

- Absolutely.
- Miss Nielsen is correct.

She didn't die from the burns.
No, it's poisoning, for sure.

No doubt about it: it's a m*rder.

Hey! We got the victim's belongings.

She had her ID,
nothing missing from her office.

We found Ventoline, three pens,

a grocery list,
nothing suspicious except for this.

"I drowned Paco, I think he's dead.
Come to Le Vésinet asap

What can you find about Paco?

The sender is someone called Boris.

Okay, so I have no Paco
on our missing list.

And no drownings in the last hours.

But we know who this Boris is.
His name is Boris Martolli.

- Like the victim? Is he family?
- Yeah, he's her brother.

What were these two scheming?

Le Vésinet they were
talking about could be that.

We checked the cadastre and
these are old greenhouses

the victim bought out years ago.

Maybe where this Paco drowned?


Criminal Police!
Drop whatever's in your hand!

- I haven't done anything!
- Where's Paco?

Paco? He's in the back, over there.

Come on.

Here we are!

I may have overwatered him,

I thought he was dead,
so I repotted him in dry soil

and everything's alright.

He even calmed down, look.

Wait, that's Paco?

Of course that's him.


He doesn't like to be touched.

He's a shy mimosa.

Françoise created a strong bond with him.

She'll be here sooner or later,
you'll see.

- Boris...
- What?

Something happened to Françoise?

It's quite a shock, you know?
Françoise has always been there for me.

When did you see her last?

Friday. She wanted to
check in on the cabbages.

What's all this around Paco?

Actually, Françoise was
a neuro-biologist plant expert.

She wanted to attest to the sensitivity
and the intelligence of plants.

With Paco, it was wonderful:
he's hypersensitive.

- Those are the cabbages?
- Yes.

We're trying for a sound-based fertilizer.

My sister was the artist.

I'm just a gardener.

I can't do all this alone.

I'd be honored
to eat at Raphaëlle's place.

Ha. However, you must know
that Raphaëlle is not a great cook.

- It doesn't bother me.
- It does me.

On Mondays,
I eat the M menu, with skewers.

Today is Thursday.
I do not know what we will eat.

If Raphaëlle
is important to you (informal),

then it's important for me to know her.

Ah! You too. Alright.

She invited another guy.
To make you more comfortable.

Captain Perran. Something about
a pack. I did not get it all.



Goodbye. Tetsuo.

Nico? Do you want to eat
dinner at my place tonight?

I need to talk about it
with Emma, but why not.

No, without Emma.

Astrid and Tetsuo
are coming to the house and...

and I so want to meet him

and I figured that
if there were a guy, it might be easier.

- I mean, another guy.
- I see.

Are you sure
we'll have something to talk about?

He's a mathlete.

As far as I know, he's doing
a thesis on the golden ratio.

You serious? Did you know it's also
known as "the divine proportion"?

Art history is filled with tales about it.

For example, did you know, let's say...

Keep it for Tetsuo, back on the case.

What's that thing?

Don't talk about him that way,
you'll upset him.

Ah! See?

We need to go easy on him. And as far as
we know, he might be a witness.

- Are you mocking me, Commander?
- That thing, as you said,

is an experiment conducted by the victim.

She tried to prove
that plants were intelligent.

We can't rule out the possibility

that her m*rder
may be connected to her research.

It's quite the contrary.

I found many lawsuits against her
by agri-food giant Nesmonges Industry.

Attempts of expropriation,
appeals to bailiff... Real harassment.

Are those litigations about
Françoise Martolli's research?

It seems so.
They accused her of patent-jacking.

Patent-jacking in the agri-food
business is quite the motive.

But I visited her farm
where she was studying,

there were just a couple of cabbages.

I have a hard time thinking
that agri-food giants felt threatened.

I'm not so sure, Commander.
I may have something.

Before working at Jardin des Plantes,

Martolli was a researcher
in the private sector.

She was a botanist for the Sonopi company.

She suddenly quit a year and a half
ago after years of service.


So, Sonopi is the pharmaceutical branch
of agri-food giant Nesmonges Industry.

- Dig further.
- Understood.

We're talking about a looney who
was singing lullabies to plants!

Then what's with all the lawsuits?

You've been after her for a year.

Nesmonges Industry is a big
group. I'm General Counsel.

My job is to not let anything pass.

it would leave the door open to anything.

This woman is dead!

She was probably m*rder*d.

What are you saying?

That agri-food giants are sending K*llers
to end their adversaries?

You can do much more damage with lawyers.

If I were you,
I wouldn't be so sure of myself.

I'll probe everywhere.

And if anything pops out,
it will be costly.

Don't bother.

We're within the lines.

I know: I get paid for that.

- Astrid.
- Yes.

I'd like to look for a solution

to help you deal
with the stress of your exam.

It was not planned.

I struggle with unplanned events.

Moreover, I just received a text
from Commander Coste.

I have to meet her at the MLI.

And that's not an unplanned event?

It is a planned unexpected event.


In that case, could we discuss this
at the end of our next class?

At the end of our next class.


I am leaving the sheet. I know it already.

We found half-digested acacia leaves
in her bolus.

The tannin they contain
is a lethal substance.

The analysis shows
that the tannin concentration

in the acacia leaves
was not enough to k*ll.

But acacias are clever.

It was observed that when animals
eat its leaves,

it could increase
its concentration of tannin

to deter their aggressors.

There was a real m*ssacre among
South-African antelopes for instance.


the tannin level wasn't
high enough anymore during the analysis,

but it probably was
when she ingested the leaves, right?


Except I didn't see any acacias
at the crime scene.

I mean, it's normal.

I don't know what an acacia would be doing
in a tropical greenhouse.

Since ,

there is an arid zones
and deserts greenhouse

at the Jardin des Plantes.

- Could that correspond?
- Let's go and see.

Here, an acacia.

Yeah. These are some cuts.

I guess we can say it's as*ault.

How did they make her swallow that?

Acacia leaves are inedible.
She would have noticed.

Or it's su1c1de?

minutes in here and I already saw
ways to die quickly and painlessly.

So a scientist of her standard
would have gone for a plant

with a more efficient poison.

No, this variable tannin level thing
looks like a real criminal MO.



- They are engraved.
- I can see that.

So if this was used to cut into the trunk

that made the tree poisonous…

The acacia.

It means we have a suspect.


I looked everywhere.

- He got away.
- sh*t!


The footprints.

No, no.
It's not what it looks like.

Of course not.

Okay Boris, come with us.

You'll need to have a good explanation
for your cannabis plantation.

There's enough in here
for a rasta army.

We listed everything Boris was growing,

and we found this plant
among the cannabis rows.

- What is it?
- The DEA doesn't know.

They sent a sample for analysis.

And this Boris,
is he a legitimate suspect?

You think this guy k*lled his own sister?

He was totally dependent on her.

He's been working on
the victim's plantation for years.

He lives there, he has
a farm worker's salary.

And he's her sole heir.

So his sister's death
doesn't make him rich,

but he's comfortable.

Why would he k*ll her?

She had already taken him in.

Maybe she wanted to stop.

Or she had found out he was
growing cannabis behind her back.

He k*lled her so she wouldn't turn him in.

Makes sense.

It was her idea, I swear.

The cannabis, it was her idea.

Françoise had a gift with plants.

And you had a gift for business, right?

Let's say I had some experience.

We were a good pair.

And I felt like

I was doing some good, at my level.

She said it was for the greater good.

What do you mean?

I'll give you the names
of all our clients.


who went through chemo,

people who had chronic pains,

or old people with osteoarthritis,

on which my sister's plants
were working miracles.

Where did you find that?

In a greenhouse at the Jardin des Plantes.

We found it a few feet away
from your sister's body.

Those are my shears.

Françoise used to
borrow them all the time.

She had every right to,
she gave them to me.

Well it played a big part
in her death.

We think it increased the toxicity
of the poison that k*lled your sister.

You know the acacias' properties?

Of course.

Françoise told me the story
a hundred times.

Antelopes being poisoned by acacias.

Boris, do you realize
everything's accusing you?

We think you poisoned
your sister with acacia.

Françoise yelled at me sometimes
when I was messing up,

but why would I hurt her?

She took care of all the important stuff.

What would I do without her?

It was going well since she'd agreed
to take me in on the farm.

I'm doing good work,
she was happy.

And what is this?
Another psychotropic drug?

I dunno.

- Boris.
- I swear I don't know.

It's the plant Françoise was looking after
for her research.

She never told me anything.

She said
“The less you know, the safer you are.”

We need to know why

Françoise Martolli's research
was dangerous.

I think that's the key.

Well, according to her statements,
even if she was selling her weed

she wasn't paying off any debt
she took on for her judicial fees.

And there's no purchase linked to
her plantation at Le Vésinet

to justify this massive financial hole.

So she was selling the cannabis
for something else.

Her secret research.

I got the results from the lab.

The plant among the cannabis

is called Artemisia Annua.

Apparently it's a plant used
in traditional Chinese medicine.

- For fevers.
- Artemisia Annua.

This variety is cited in a file.
I found the file.

It is one of the main components
of Javanex,

the world best selling
anti-malaria treatment.

What the hell is it doing
in an archived file

at the Criminal Documentation?

“What the hell.”

An investigation was opened

after a complaint
made by a group of patients

for aggravated deception and manslaughter.

- Is that all?
- Absolutely.

There are no other charges.

We didn't know it was Artemisia yet.

What led you to Javanex?

My research object was not Javanex.

My research object was the lab
producing Javanex.

The Sonopi lab.

Let me get this right.

The world best selling
anti-malaria treatment made by Sonopi

has horrible side effects.

Françoise Martolli's research
on that plant,

must have been to develop

an alternative to Javanex.

Which she could have then distributed
in open source.

Meaning for free.

Now I understand why Sonopi
harassed her with lawsuits.

They wanted to ruin her
so she wouldn't continue her research.

That's why she was telling
her brother he was safe.

We need to know what
Françoise Martolli was working on

before leaving Sonopi.

Problem is they made
all of her research classified.

Maybe Delphine Burand
could tell you.

Who's she?

I managed to get access
to an old organization chart.

Delphine Burand was Martolli's partner
when she was still at Sonopi.

- It's her.
- Let me see.


Maybe the examiner

will be lenient

and will not try to put me in
an oppressing and stressful situation.

That's unlikely.

Stress is part of the exam.
It's one of the most important parts.

Check if the future officer is reliable
when faced with unexpected things.

If they're capable of making
the right decisions when stressed.

How do you manage during investigations?

I mean,
you must face some unexpected things.

That's the nature
of investigations, right?


But I am with Commander Coste.

She is my landmark
among all the changes.


she cannot be there for the exam.

- The rules do not allow it, right?
- Right.

This morning you told me
about planned unexpected events.

How do you manage that?

To face planned unexpected events,

I have a system in place.

An anticipation system.

For instance,

this morning I had to go to a crime scene

in the tropical greenhouse
at Jardin des Plantes.

Before I left, I looked up

a map of the Jardin des Plantes,

a map of the greenhouse
with all the exits

so I could get out easily
in case of emergency.

If I ever had to leave the premises
without Commander Coste,

I had studied a map of the neighborhood

and prepared a way back
by using public transportation.

I had also printed a recap of the weather

even though I always have
umbrellas in my backpack.

- umbrellas.
- Yes.

In case the first one does not work.


That must take you hours.

It is something I am used to.

It does not take me
as much time as you think.


this strategy has limits.

Because it is impossible
to plan for everything.

I see.


I'll digest this information and

I'll find a solution.

It is a figurative expression.

Digest this information.

You can go. Thank you.



- Commissioner?
- Come on in Coste.

I had the DA on the phone

and he's reticent about
letting us go after Sonopi.

They're a major economic player.

More like a big lobby.

Listen, Coste, we can investigate
but I need something solid for that.

We have a great asset.

The name of an epidemiologist

who was working
as Martolli's partner at Sonopi.



I found Delphine Burand.

Interrogating her is gonna be
more difficult than we thought.

Persistent vegetative state.

She tried to commit su1c1de
a year and a half ago.

m*rder, su1c1de…

It's starting to be a lot
for Sonopi's employees.

The nurses identified Martolli
in the photo

and said she was often
visiting her colleague.

What else do we know
about Delphine Burand?

She's from Nigeria.

Her parents d*ed from malaria.

She was a leader
against the decisions of the WHO.

She quit Sonopi
at the same time Martolli did.

Thank you for coming Mr. Burand.

Thank you.

Françoise was here
after what happened to Delphine.

We would see each other a lot,
but less so lately.


She'd become totally paranoid.

She was sure Sonopi was to blame
for Delphine's health.

And you never had
suspicions about Sonopi?

Of course I did.

I considered everything

but since nothing came out
of the investigation…

Eventually you have to face the truth.

Delphine was in pain,

I couldn't make her happy and...

she tried to k*ll herself.

You don't think I'd prefer
a big bad lab was to blame?

Today, I don't care about
what others think.

So, no problem.

For a long time, I was scared
others would reject me

because I'm autistic.

So I hid myself.

I kept my cool
and was pretending all the time.

It's called masking.

But you need to be careful
because if you do it for too long,

you'll have a burnout.

It is true that it is essential
to live among people

but pretending to be someone else

is not the best way
to be at peace with yourself.

Balance is very hard to find.

It's different now.

I'd rather be rejected for what I am

than be accepted for what I'm not.

Before, it was like
I was wearing a disguise.

Yes, Astrid?

Excuse me.

- You asked me to come.
- Yes.

I asked you to come.

I did not ask you to come
and make noise.

Are you finding anything?

I am not finding.

I am thinking.

And may I know
what you're thinking about?

The poison that k*lled Françoise Martolli.

Maybe the poison
that k*lled Françoise Martolli

was not the poison we identified
because we saw it through a filter,

like a disguise.

Yeah, it could be possible.

What makes you think that?

Delphine Burand's file.

Delphine Burand was taking
homeopathically dosed aconite

to soothe the symptoms
of malaria.

She tried to k*ll herself by taking
a high dose of this treatment.

And aconite is a powerful poison
if wrongly dosed.


The acacia leaves.

I do not understand.

See what that's like for once?

We found tannin-rich acacia leaves
in Martolli's bolus.

And we deduced that was
the poison that k*lled her.

But tannin is also a cure for aconite.
That's why Martolli ate acacia leaves.

The acacia was not the poison,
the acacia was the antidote.


OK. Thanks, Astrid.

Thanks. Have a good day.

You are welcome.

Baudelaire? I love him.

“My youth has been nothing
but a tenebrous storm,

pierced now and then
by rays of brilliant sunshine,

thunder and rain
have wrought so much havoc,

that very few ripe fruits
remain in my garden.”

“The Enemy”. It's beautiful.

I thought you were into maths.

That's some great idea I got, Astrid.
Inviting Nico to dinner tonight.

Tetsuo is comfortable now, awesome.

I do not like poetry.

Metaphors in poetry
are duality in mathematics.

Numbers are omnipresent in poetry.

An alexandrine is feet,

a sonnet is lines and a rhyme

is nothing else than the unknown variable
of a polynomial equation.

Raph, are you hearing this?

A polynomial equation.


Thank you. It is perfectly mixed.

Well, let's talk about something else.

How did you meet Astrid, Tetsuo?
Tell us.

Captain Perran, you are in my seat.

Yes, of course.

Astrid was coming
to my uncle's shop a lot.

But she was there on Mondays.

To shop.

But I work on Wednesdays.

And one day, she came
on a Wednesday for a case.

What about you?
Have you been together long?

Oh, together.

- No, we're…
- We're just friends.

We've been for…

- years.
- years already, yeah.

That's crazy.

I'm with someone right now.

- Emma.
- Right.

Oh, sorry.

Yes, Fournier?

Wait, have you seen the time?

It is : pm.

Wait, calm down.
I don't understand.


If it's that urgent,
come to the apartment, alright.

See you in a bit.

It's good.
It's strong but it's good.


These are the results of
the blood test on Martolli.

Didn't we already have them?

We did.
But aconite is an undetectable poison.

Unless you know it's already there,
hiding in the dark.

That's the MO?

The real poison that k*lled Martolli?


I found a tiny amount
of aconite in her blood.

Way enough to k*ll her.

That's the MO,
like with Delphine Burand.

Aconite is a poison
with very short latency.

Which means the injection of the substance

inevitably took place a few minutes
before Françoise Martolli's death.

That would mean that the suspect
went through the greenhouse that night.

We checked with the guard already.
No alarm went off.

Françoise Martolli opened
the door.

So she knew the k*ller.

Hey, Paco.

I sent the documents I found

at the farm in Le Vésinet
to fraud prevention.

There'll be an investigation on Javanex.

It won't bring your Françoise back
but let me tell you,

Nesmonges Industries and Sonopi
will be in big trouble.

And if you ask me,

they have nothing to do with her death.

That's what we're led to believe.

Don't you think?

There you go.
I knew we were on the same page.

- Commander?
- Yes!

- You OK?
- Hello, Arthur. Hey. Hi.

I kept an eye on Martolli's in box
and look what she received an hour ago.

An email from
the th arrondissement's library?

Yeah. Automated email.

She must have borrowed a book
and the due date has passed.

Check out when she borrowed it.

So, Martolli went to the library
the day she d*ed.


- Thank you for bringing the register.
- No problem.

Do you know if she was coming
with someone to the library?

No, she usually came on her own.

She would take her book
and go straight to the hospital.

The hospital?

Yes. That's why she was coming.

The library organizes
reading sessions for patients

and she was among the volunteers.

Which hospital was that?

Astrid, my pens.

I think it was Saint-Joseph.

- Saint-Joseph?
- Yes.


- Isn't that where Delphine Burand…
- It is.

There is a recurring serial number.



- What is it?
- Can I see?

There, there, there,
there and there.

That's the serial number
for “No Trifling with Love”.

I am familiar with that title.



I have seen that book before.


In Françoise Martolli's lab.

Where the Artemisia Annua was.


Oh Astrid, I love it when you do that.

I should be used to it
but you still amaze me.

“No Trifling with Love”,
Alfred de Musset.

“Thank you Françoise
for these unforgettable moments.

Your open lips fell on mine,

and the universe was forgotten.

I love you.”


Martolli and Delphine
were having an affair.

- They kissed on the lips.
- Yeah.

You didn't notice anything special?

No. She would read to her.

Always the same beautiful text.

She was quite discreet.

Always polite.

“Hello, goodbye.”
Nothing more.

Blue roses do not exist.

But you're holding one.

What I mean is
blue roses do not exist in the wild.

Usually, they are roses that
have been colored with methylene blue.

You just need to mix the substance
with the water the flower will suck up.


this process also colors
the inside of the stem.

But here, it is not the case.

This is a real blue rose.

You're interested in roses too?

When I was little,

I was reading a mystery novel on a loop,
“The Mystery of the Blue Rose”.

The entire plot of the book is based on
the mystery of this impossible rose.

This is a real blue rose.

Do you know who
brought this flower?


This blue rose is my sister's masterpiece.

Crazy, right?

When she told me about it,
I didn't believe her.

So she worked, and here's the result.

How did she make it?

She started with a white rose,

changed its genetic code
by incorporating a molecule

that turns hydrangeas blue

and it's called...



- Like Delphine?
- Delphine.

Delphine Burand, her colleague?

We think there was something between them.
A love story.

This flower is proof. Were you aware?

She never told me about it.

I should have seen it.

They were so, how to say, in tune.

Francoise was in love with Delphine...

But why did she never tell me?

I think she was mainly trying
to protect Delphine from her husband.

So he wouldn't find out about her affair.


I knew I had already seen
those blue roses somewhere.

This picture was taken
at Delphine Burand's

after her su1c1de attempt.

Antoine Burand said
he had broken the vase in his haste.

Yes. It is written there.

“I broke the vase in my haste.
It broke into a thousand pieces.”

He counted them.

That means he saw
the blue roses that night.


And by going to the hospital last month,
he could've recognized them.


And we also know he went to
Francoise Martolli's plantation

because they had stayed in touch
and saw each other often.


He could've seen the roses

and understood his wife
was having an affair with the botanist.

Delphine Burand.

The blue rose?
This story's going to get weird.

- It's already weird, don't you think?
- Yeah, it is.

- Stop it, he clearly doesn't like it.
- I'm just petting him, nothing bad.

Did you check out
Antoine Burand's phone records?

His phone pinged at Le Vésinet
the morning of Martolli's death,

but not at the greenhouses.

He could have left his phone home.

Except his phone
pinged at a Parisian restaurant

and his bank details
attest that he ate there.

And so does the restaurant staff.

And considering how fast aconite acts,

he couldn't have poisoned Martolli

if he wasn't there
at the time of her death.

There. But the woman he was eating with
left way earlier than him.

And he stayed at least hours,
alone, drinking.

Why stay alone
at the restaurant for so long?

To get over rejection or something?

Or to build a solid alibi.

We're allowed to drink on our own, no?

I'm not the one
who's going to tell you otherwise.

But it's surprising,
it's unusual for you.

Your phone pinged
next to Francoise Martolli's plantation

the day she d*ed.

Francoise told me to swing by.

And when she brought up Sonopi,
I walked away.

Didn't care.

But anyway, my presence there
doesn't prove anything, does it?

- Indeed.
- Then I think I told you everything.

We'll meet again, Mr Burand.

I'll figure the truth out.

Wouldn't count on it if I were you.

But I thank you
for your commitment to Delphine.

Good luck, Commander.

Thanks Paco.

That's the confirmation I was waiting for.

you are walking on the documents.

One must not walk onto the documents.

It's him. I can feel it, it's him.

We know the poison
was administered at the greenhouse,

while Martolli wasn't there.

Maybe the poison
didn't need Antoine Burand

to be taken by Francoise Martolli.

No, no. An accomplice?

I thought about it, it doesn't work.

No, it's not the kinda crime
you commit with others.

It's way too intimate.

And it's especially not
Antoine Burand's style.


- Do you know Sam Loyd's problem?
- No.

- Any link with your puzzle?
- Yes.

Sam Loyd is the inventor
of this mechanical puzzle.

The puzzle.
He had dared to solve this combination.

And? Is it that hard?

It is not hard, Raphaëlle.
It is impossible.

No matter the number
of movements you may do,

you will never be able
to solve this combination.

Because the starting situation
has a mistake.

and are mixed up.

What has been blocking our reflection
in this investigation from the start

is the temporal frame.

There is a physical
and chronological impossibility

to the poison being administered
to Francoise Martolli

at the moment of her death.

We have to dissociate
the moment it was taken

from the moment it was administered
to her body.

The intermediate.

That's it.

We need to find the intermediate
that allowed Francoise Martolli

to ingest the poison,
alone and unknowingly.

- Exactly, Raphaëlle.
- Exactly.


This is the ventoline we found
on Francoise Martolli at the crime scene.

It's turning into harassment,
Commander, no?

And those are the results
for the inhaler analysis.

Full of aconite.

We traced the inhaler back
thanks to the serial number

and the buyer was you.

I think you took Francoise Martolli out

and also put your wife in a coma.

All of this is Francoise's fault,
don't you understand?

One night, Delphine came back home
with a blue rose bouquet.

I just wanted to know
who had offered them.

I may have insisted a tad,
but she ended up giving in.

She told me she had met someone,
she was gonna leave.

She wanted to leave me.

I lost it, I wasn't myself anymore.

I don't know what I wanted to do exactly,

but I gave her her meds

and I tripled the dosage.

You don't know what Francoise made me do.

It's been a long time
since a crime's passionate aspect

was considered as a mitigating factor.

That's what it is, though, no?

If she hadn't seduced my wife,
I'd have never tried to k*ll her.

And why not
take care of Francoise at the time?

Why k*ll her so many years later?
It doesn't make sense.

It's not about passion anymore.

Because Delphine had always
refused to tell me who it was.

Since then I don't sleep.

I think of only one thing:

finding the one
who pushed me to do all of this.

And when did you figure out
it was a she and not a he?

The blue rose

at the hospital.

When I understood she was the one…

She lent me her shoulder
to cry on for months,

I couldn't handle it,
I wanted her to pay.

For Delphine, you understand?

Not really, Mr Burand.

And I don't think the judges will either.


Tetsuo and Captain Perran
saw each other again last night.

- No kidding!
- No kidding.

- Looks like they're friends.
- I do not know.

What I know is that they spoke
about something I did not understand.

Decidedly, I have great trouble

the works of romantic feelings.

Yeah? What did they say?

Captain Perran said
he had been in love with you for years.


Captain Perran said
he had been in love with you for years.

But I thought
I was starting to understand.

Being in love with someone
means wanting to be their lover.

But if Captain Perran
was in love with you,

why not tell you?

It does not make sense.

Nico? In love with me?

- Wait, Astrid, are you sure?
- That is what he said to Tetsuo.

I must go,
I have a meeting with Anne Langlais.

I must not be late. One cannot be late.


It is empty.

We're going to fill it together.

There are all the examiners
you might face.

Being there so often,
I'm starting to know them all

Better said, I know their habits,
their quirks, their flaws.

There are all the locations
that could be selected for the exam.

And lastly, the last few years' almanacs.

I have to say,
the weather is the most uncertain part.

We are going to turn this exam
into a planned unexpected event.

Thank you.

Your file is well done.