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04x06 - The Augments

Posted: 01/19/23 12:17
by bunniefuu
Previously on Enterprise:

Jonathan Archer.

What brings you here?

Someone att*cked
a Klingon bird-of-prey.

The entire crew was massacred,
the ship's missing.

They were Augments.

You were leading us before,

and now he is,
and you can't accept that.

Why shouldn't I lead?
Augments should be led by Augments.

We've been authorized to use
whatever force necessary to stop Soong.

We know you can get to the embryos.
Give us what we came for.

You'll tell us what we want to hear
or you'll watch him die too.


Every stasis field in this station
will shut down,

releasing hundreds of pathogens.

I wonder which one will k*ll you first.

- There's no way to stop it from here.
- Somewhere else?

The primary junction.


And now, the conclusion.

Containment breach in 40 seconds.

He's almost there.


I'm at the primary junction.

You'll have to divert
the secondary relays.

The panel to the left.

I see them.

Twenty seconds.

He's isolated this room,
the pathogens can't reach us.

What about the captain?

The ventilation grid is going to carry the
pathogens through the rest of the station,

including the central core.

How long do I have?

Less than a minute.

- Archer to T'Pol.
T'POL [OVER COM]: Go ahead.

Can you get a transporter lock on me?

There's too much interference
from the core.

You have to get farther away.

Arm the phase-cannons.

Target exterior hatch J-9.

- Captain, the core will decompress.
ARCHER: That's the idea.

Stand by on the transporter.

- You'll only have a few seconds.
- Acknowledged.

COMPUTER: Warning:
Pathogens detected in the central core.

- T'Pol.
T'POL: We're ready.


Commander, do you have him?

Yeah. We need a medic down here.

We've crossed into Klingon space.

- Where's Enterprise?
- They're holding position.

Archer's not foolish enough to follow us.

We won't be seeing Archer again.

What are you saying?

He's dead.

No one was to be k*lled
without my express order.

I had no choice.
He att*cked us, tried to escape.

If you disobey me again,
I'll lock you in the targ pit.

You won't see the light of day for a month.
Do I make myself clear?

Yes, Father.

- What's our speed?
- Holding at warp 3.8.

Not fast enough.

The port inducer assembly's
been damaged.

Go to Engineering and repair it.

I'm not an engineer.

You're a bright boy, Malik,
I'm sure you'll figure it out.

First-officer's log, supplemental.

We've evacuated the away team
and all personnel from the station.

The captain shows no sign of infection.

He's recovering in Sickbay.

They crossed the Klingon border
approximately two hours ago.

TRIP: Soong's not even bothering
to cover his tracks.

He knows the Klingons will intercept us
if we follow him.

They have half a dozen patrols
in the area.

Is there something we can do to keep
from showing up on their sensors?

I could paint a bird-of-prey on the hull.

Perhaps we could fake
a Klingon warp signature.

I'd have to reconfigure
the coil assembly.

It would take a few hours,
but it should be doable.

What's the status of C-12?

Dr. Lucas and his team
would like to return

and begin decontamination procedures.

That's quite a mess they gotta clean up.

He estimates it will take
more than a year.

Once we're safely through Klingon space,
we'll set a course for these coordinates.

The Klingons call it Klach D'kel Brakt.

I call it the Briar Patch.
It's a little catchier, don't you think?

Briar Patch?

You should have read
more of the books I left for you.

The region is flooded with radiation
from supernova remnants.

Klingons have never mapped it.

There are signs of at least two
habitable planets inside the Briar Patch.

- It's unlikely anyone will find us.
- This is your plan?

To hide again?

The embryos need to mature
in a safe environment.

Starfleet isn't gonna give up so easily.

They'll send other ships,
this gas cloud won't protect us.

All right, what course would you set?

I'm not certain.

But I know that running away
isn't the answer.

Are you familiar with the name
Botany Bay?

It's a penal colony
on the shores of Australia.

It's also the name of a pre-warp vessel
launched at the end of the Great Wars.

The ship carried many of our brethren,
including Khan Noonien Singh.

Botany Bay is a myth.

There's no evidence it ever existed.

All records of the launch were destroyed.
They didn't wanna be followed.

Even if you're right, the ship was lost,
never to be heard from again.

That's exactly my point.

Khan was a great leader,
but he made one fatal mistake.

He ran from his enemies
rather than face them.

We've spent our entire lives
running and hiding.

When are we going to make a stand?

The matter is not open for debate.

Alter our heading.
Set a course 184-mark-3.

We're going to the Briar Patch.

I'll be in my lab.

I wasn't aware
the doctor discharged you.

He didn't. What's our status?

Holding position
near the Klingon border.

Bridge to Engineering.

Are we ready?

I've realigned the warp coils.

We should look like a Klingon
battlecruiser to their sensors.

But this trick's not gonna work
if we get within 80,000 kilometers.


Tactical Alert.

Take us in, Travis. Warp 4.

Come in, Malik.

You asked for me?

You have to stop challenging my authority
in front of the others.

Well, can't a son disagree with his father?
I thought we were family.

I'm willing to overlook
the things you've done,

but you have to trust
that what I'm doing is best for all of us.

You used to have faith in me.

I was a child. I didn't know any better.

- I know it wasn't easy after I left--
- How are the embryos?

I'll be ready to incubate the first of them
in a few hours.

You're manipulating its DNA.

These base-pair sequences regulate
the neurotransmitter levels in their brain.

If I can modify them,

aggression and violent behavior
will be removed.

You're changing its personality.

I'm correcting a defect in its genome.

Genetic engineering was in its infancy
when you were created.

They weren't able to repair
all the mistakes.

Did you fix these mistakes
in the rest of them?

I didn't know how until recently.

What right do you have
to tamper with their genome?

Trust me. I know what I'm doing.

You don't know that this is a defect.

Maybe this is the way
our creators wanted us to be.

Father, you're needed on the Bridge.

There's a ship approaching
at high warp.

- Have you identified it?
- It appears to be Klingon.

Let's see them.

- This ship has minimal aft weapons.
- Increase speed.

Arm torpedoes.

Open a channel.

This is Captain Archer.

Drop out of warp or we'll disable you.

He sounds pretty confident
for a dead man.

Aft torpedoes.
Target their propulsion systems.

Forward plating's holding.

Return fire.

Aft shields at 50 percent.

- We should engage them.
- Mm-mm.

They outgun us three-to-one.


The Denobulan pilot,
put her aboard the shuttle.


Scan for any planets
along our flight path.

Their warp field's fluctuating.

Concentrate all fire on their engines.

They've altered course.
They're heading for a planetary system.

We've reached the coordinates.

Take us out of warp.

They're moving into a low orbit.

They're opening their shuttlebay doors.

Hold your fire.


Bio-signs on the shuttle?

One. Denobulan.

Can you get a transporter lock?

The atmosphere is too dense.

We're being hailed. It's Soong.

Murdering hostages
is turning into a new hobby for you.

No one's been k*lled, captain.

That ship is caught
between two thermal layers.

It should be relatively safe
for four or five hours,

enough time for you
to mount a rescue mission.

This isn't over, doctor.

Goodbye, captain.

He's gone to warp.

Disconnect that circuit before
you power the relay, you might damage it.

Warp trail's been dispersed.

- Enterprise won't be able to follow us.
- Excellent work.

There's something else we need--

- I need to speak with you.
- What is it?

We've underestimated them.

Starfleet isn't going to stop
until they find us.

What do you suggest we do?
Turn ourselves in?

Before we left C-12, I beamed aboard
two dozen canisters of biogenic agents.

You did what?

We could modify a torpedo
to carry the pathogens.

A single torpedo would never make it
through their hull plating.

I wasn't talking about the Enterprise.

We'll use it against the Klingons.

The Qu'Vat colony
is less than four light years away.

If we detonate the torpedo
inside the upper atmosphere,

it'll scatter the pathogen
across the entire planet.

Every organism on the surface
will be dead within days.

When the High Council hears
that humans have decimated their colony,

they'll launch a counterstrike.

The Klingons will keep Starfleet busy
for years.

What you're proposing is mass m*rder.

There is no other choice.

How long will it be before Starfleet turns
to the Klingons for help in finding us?

This is the only way
to guarantee our survival.

Go back to the Bridge.

What happened to you in prison?

You're not the man who raised us.


The man who was willing
to do whatever was necessary.

Return to your station.

Captain's starlog, supplemental.

We've rescued the pilot
of the Denobulan shuttle.

Fortunately, her injuries were minor.

Trip and T'Pol are trying
to enhance our sensors

in an effort to find the bird-of-prey.

Target the directional array on grid 459.

How are your parents?

They're fine.

They moved into a new house
in Mississippi.

It's not like the old place
in Panama City,

but it's pretty nice. Why do you ask?

You haven't spoken of them recently.

In fact, you've said very little
since I returned from Vulcan.

There hasn't been a lot of time
to catch up.

You also haven't joined us
at the Captain's table since we left Earth.

- What are you trying to say?
- You've been avoiding me.

Well, maybe I have.

But you gotta admit, it's a little awkward.

I mean, you're married.

I know you did it to help your mother,

but it's gonna take me
a little time to adjust.

I'm still adjusting to it myself.

Well, this is gonna sound strange,
but, um,

as tough as it was watching you
go through with the ceremony,

I was proud of you for what you did.

Yup, I guess it's probably for the best.

What do you mean?

Come on.

It's not like we would've made
an ideal couple.

A Vulcan and a human?

Romeo and Juliet probably stood
a better chance.


Subspace distortion.

Zero-point-four light years.

There's no sign of a warp trail.

They might have concealed
their engine emissions.

- Engineering to Bridge.
ARCHER [OVER COM]: Go ahead.

I think we've found him, captain.

- You don't sound 100 percent sure.
TRIP: Well, it's the best we've got.

Send the coordinates
to Mr. Mayweather.

Lay in a pursuit course, maximum warp.

I don't have a lot of time.

The aft launcher's still off-line
and father wants me to--

You won't have to answer to him
any longer.

I'm taking command.

You can't.

I've already spoken
with everyone on the Bridge.

They're behind me,
but I need to know where you stand.

You helped me before.

That was different, this is our father.

He may have raised us,
but that doesn't make him our father.

He'll never be one of us.

- Don't do this to him.
- He's given me no choice.

I have a plan to protect us from Starfleet
and the Klingons,

and he won't even consider it.

You know what he's doing
to the embryos?

He's altering their genome.

Making them weak and docile,
like ordinary humans.

- That's not true.
- Go to his lab, talk to him yourself.

I know how much he means to you.

I have feelings for him too.

He'll be treated with respect,
you have my word.

Are you with me?

Father, please come with us.


Four of you, to subdue me?

- The crew is united behind me.
- Is that so?

There's no time for this.
You all have work to do.

Don't make this more difficult
than it needs to be.

And if I refuse, are you going to k*ll me?

No one else has to die.

What about the millions you plan to k*ll
with that bioweapon?

Please, Father.

There's no other way.

Lock him in his quarters.


A Klingon battlecruiser,
0.3 light years away.

They're on an intercept course.

Archer to Engineering.

Is there a problem with the camouflage?

Not that I can see.

Our Klingon warp signature's
holding steady.

They'll be in visual range
in less than two minutes.

The universal translator,
did you update the database?

It's been programmed
with seven Klingon dialects.

Let's hope this guy speaks one of them.

Open a channel.

Attention, cruiser.

If you come any closer to my ship,
you'll be fired upon.

Who is this?

My name isn't your concern.

You've entered restricted space.

Drop out of warp
and prepare for inspection.

The last time I checked,
this was still Klingon territory.

KLINGON: No ship is allowed to pass
through this system without authorization,

on the orders of Governor Klag.

I don't take orders from
a mere governor.

We're on important business
for the High Council.

What sort of business?

That matter is classified.

KLINGON: I'm not detecting
a council transponder signal.

Perhaps you forgot to activate it.

You expect me to turn on a transponder

and let every ship in the area know
that we have the chancellor on board?

Chancellor M'Rek is on your ship?

He had important negotiations
with the Orions.

We're taking him back to Kronos.

The Orions.


I've heard rumors of his negotiations
with their females.

Tell me,
is it true what they say about them?

If I were you,
I wouldn't be making allegations

about Chancellor M'Rek
over an unsecured channel.

I meant no insult.

I'm sure you didn't.

It would be best if you made no mention
of this to your superiors,

or you might find yourself commanding
a garbage scow.


We're honored
to have the chancellor in our system.


They're altering course.

Don't tell me it's visiting hour.

I'm sorry, Father. If I didn't go along
with him, he would've k*lled me.

You did the right thing.

If he deploys that w*apon,

he'll be confirming everything they've said
about Augments for the last 150 years.

They'll destroy all of you.

You have to help me stop him.

We can sabotage the engines,
or the torpedo launchers.

No, we'll never get to them.

Malik's posted guards
at every vital system.

You have to get me off the ship.

I've disabled the internal sensors.

It should be some time
before anyone notices

one of the escape pods is missing.

Be careful. He might suspect you.


What is it?

An automated beacon, it's very faint.

It could be a distress signal.

Can you get a fix on it?




What took you so long?

You have to alter your--


You have to alter your course.

Is that so?

My children--

The Augments are planning
to att*ck a Klingon colony.

What were you doing
in that escape pod?

What do you think? I was waiting for you.
You're the only one who can stop them.

Heh. I didn't come back
because I missed our lively debates.

Please, please, you have to do as I ask.

Your story doesn't sound very plausible.

I think we were getting close
to finding your Augments.

You may have put yourself
into that escape pod to throw us off.

You're not serious.

You've made it clear
you'll do anything for them.

Lie, m*rder,

maybe even sacrifice yourself.

If the Klingons retaliate against Earth,

it'll make the Xindi incident
look like a lovers' quarrel.

What do you care
what happens to Earth?

You believe your children
are the future of humanity.


Captain. Contact C-12.

Three-hundred kilograms of biotoxins
are missing from their inventory.

Dr. Lucas already told me
about the missing toxins.

Malik stole them without my knowledge.

He's going to use them on the colony.

You saw what he did on the station.
You know what he's capable of.

You didn't know.

You had to see him m*rder someone
in front of you.

What do you want me to say?

That you were right about them
and I was wrong?

Maybe things would've been different
if I'd been there for them,

if Starfleet hadn't locked me away.

None of that would've mattered
in the end.

It's in their nature.

They were engineered to be this way.

"Superior ability breeds
superior ambition."

One of their creators wrote that.

He was m*rder*d by an Augment.

Work with Soong. He'll show you
how to scan for their warp trail.

I wanna intercept them
before they reach the colony.

He may be leading us into a trap.

- I believe him.
- That planet's over three light years away.

We're gonna have to push the engines
hard to get there in time.

- Is that a problem?
- Well, at that speed,

our phony warp signature
might not fool the Klingons.

Do what you have to do.

You've been quiet.

Soong didn't get off the ship
without help.

The sensor grid wasn't damaged
in the att*ck,

someone took it off-line
to cover his escape.

Maybe he disabled it.

He would have needed
the security codes.

I never gave them to him.

Well, if Father didn't do it, then who?

Can you think of anyone?

Lokesh didn't seem that enthusiastic
about your plan to att*ck the Klingons.

He's been in the weapons bay
for a day and a half modifying the torpedo.

Maybe I should t*rture him,
just to make sure.

What do you think?

Only four of us have the codes.

Of those four, you and I are the only ones
who weren't on the Bridge

when Soong escaped.

You think I did it.


Your heart's b*ating faster.

Perhaps it's trying to tell me something.

Are you going to use that on me?

If I have to.

You shouldn't have done that.



I'll miss you.

How long can we sustain warp 5?

As long as the captain wants it.

Or until we blow up,
whichever comes first.

Adjust the scanning frequency,
15 megahertz.

Sorry about that business
with the Orions.

Hope you weren't permanently injured.

Why don't you stay focused
on what you're doing?

Ooh. Someone's a little protective
of Commander T'Pol.

I just don't like you very much.


Is that them?

It is a ship, but it's not the bird-of-prey.

Captain Archer to the Bridge.

It's a Klingon vessel.
They're on an intercept course.

It's a lot bigger than the last one.
This one's a D-5 class battlecruiser.

How long until we're in visual range?

Two minutes.

Same as before, Hoshi.


They're hailing us.

MAGH [OVER COM]: Earth vessel,
surrender and prepare to be boarded.

Aft plating is failing.

Hail them again.

If we don't reach the colony
before that bird-of-prey,

millions of your people will be k*lled.

I'm not detecting any other ships.

Perhaps you plan to att*ck the colony.

Captain, if I may...?



Drop out of warp,
or we'll destroy your ship.

I tried.

We may be able to surprise them
with a torpedo if we drop to impulse.

I wouldn't recommend that, captain.

Their sensors are far superior.
They'll detect it.

They're targeting our reactor.

Power down weapons.

Stand by to deploy the grappler.

Take us out of warp.

They've dropped to impulse.

- Malcolm?
- A few more seconds, captain.

On my mark, Travis.

They're closing.

They're extending a docking port.

- Malcolm?
- Ready, sir.

Full impulse.

They're targeting the grappler.

Hold your speed.

Shearing force is approaching critical.

- We're losing the grappler.
- Hold your speed.

They can't create a warp field.

They're disabled.

Resume course for the colony,
maximum speed.

There are three population centers.

Two here,
and another on the northern continent.

We'll detonate the torpedo
over the southern hemisphere.

That'll ensure
the maximum number of casualties.

- What's the w*apon's status?
- We've modified the warhead,

but we need to test the guidance protocols
before we can--


There's a ship on an intercept course.


Increase to maximum speed.

Load the torpedo, stand by to fire
as soon as we drop out of warp.

- But the guidance protocols--
- Do as I say!

They've detected us.
They're accelerating.

Stay with them, Travis.

Tucker to Bridge.

If we go any faster,
the nacelles are gonna fly off the pylons.

How long until we're in weapons range?

Two minutes, but the bird-of-prey
will reach the colony in 73 seconds.

- Trip--
TRIP: I heard.

I'll give you what I can.

- How much longer?
- Guidance is still off-line.

- We'll need to get closer.
- Take us into low orbit.

They're preparing to fire.

- Travis?
- Another 15 seconds.

- Take us out of warp as close as you can.
- Weapons are standing by.

Ten seconds.

Torpedo's ready.


They've launched the w*apon.
It will reach the atmosphere in 12 seconds.


Hard about.

Direct hit to the Armory.

We've lost hull plating,
torpedo launchers...

What about phase-cannons?

- The aft cannon's online, just barely.
- Lock onto their Bridge.

- No, no, no.
- Stand aside, doctor.

Their Bridge is protected
with dispersive armor.

Your weapons will never penetrate it.

Target your cannons here,
behind their sensor array.

What good will that do?

Their main plasma junction's
located there.

A direct hit would disable
their entire power grid.

Trust me.

Do what he says. Fire when ready.

They're disabled.

Are they still alive?

I'm reading 12 bio-signs.


Captain, there's a power surge
in their reactor.

He's overloading his dilithium matrix.

He'll destroy their ship.

Let me talk to him.



Malik, it's Father.

Don't do this.

Some of your brothers and sisters
are still alive.

Would you rather
they went to prison with you?

The embryos.

There's no place for us on Earth,
or anywhere else.

Better to die here.

Please, please, please.

I'll see you soon.




I'll contact Starfleet on your behalf,
let them know that you helped us.

I can't believe they're gone. All of them.

We're heading the wrong way.

You're not going to the brig.
I'm taking you to crew quarters.

You're alive.

You betrayed us all.


Goodbye, Father.

[r*fle FIRES]

Captain's starlog, May 27th, 2154.

Our actions at the Klingon colony
appear to have satisfied the High Council.

They've called off their plans
to retaliate against Earth.

You could at least let me finish my work
before you take it away and destroy it.

No one's destroyed anything.

It's being stored in a secure location.

Maybe someday,

we'll figure out how to use it
to benefit humanity.

I wouldn't count on it.

I've been thinking,

perfecting humanity
may not be possible.


Artificial life-forms.

Goodbye, doctor.

I doubt I'll finish the work myself.

Might take a generation or two.