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04x10 - May Z-Force Be with You

Posted: 01/20/23 16:41
by bunniefuu

Hey, Max.

You ready for your big Z-Force
interview tomorrow?

Yup. That's why I'm
gettin' this haircut

that says I care,
but not too much.

It also says
your barber has fleas.

Ha! Hank burn!

That's it. Shampoo girl!


You heard the boss.
b*at it!


So what about my tip?

Here's a tip...

Get paid before you
give the haircut.


Hey, Max, nice sundress.

It's a barber's cape.

Well, whatever it is,
I'd love to borrow it sometime.

I'm gonna go try
on my new outfit.

What are you doing?

You're supposed to be nerding
it up for our interview,

not dumbing it
up with Cherry.

Don't worry, I've been
preppin' all week.

Besides, Cherry really
needed help deciding

what outfit to buy for
her ping pong tournament.

You are always dropping
everything to save Cherry.

- That's not true.
- Phoebe, help!

My outfit's trying
to eat me.


Phoebe, we will not
make the finals

if we don't ace
this interview.

Remember the plan?

You say smart things while
I wow them with my power pose.

You look like you're
holding in a fart.

It's my power pose!

This tournament
is gonna be awesome.

And I can't lose with
my bestie by my side.

Cherry, I'm sorry.
I don't think I can come.

I gotta be fresh
for my interview...

Especially if the guy
hates Max's power pose

as much as I do.

But who will I high five,
if I win?

Who will I cry on,
if I lose?

Who will save me,
if I get stuck in the net?

Don't freak, okay?

I'll be there for you.

I just won't be
there for you.

You're gonna do great.
Yeah, you're right.

And I don't need you to help
me with every little thing.

I'll see ya.

Pull, not push.

You're the most special-wecial
rose bush in the whole world.

And you're gonna grow up to
be big boys, yes, you are!

Why is Mom talking
to her flowers?

It's not that weird.
I talk to trees.

Hey, nice trunk, Herbie!

I'm leaving before
I catch crazy.


Your mother is using baby talk
to make her flowers grow

so she can win
the Hiddenville Flower Fest.

Mrs. Wong may have
beaten me every year

since we've moved here,
but this is my year.

Think again, bozo.

Check it out.
My rose game is on fleek.


You will never know what
victory smells like, Barbara.


Just once I wish
I could b*at her!

What you need
is some flower power.

Remember that crazy
fertilizer back in Metroburg

that makes
everything grow fast?

Whoa Grow?

Hank, you always say
the Thundermans aren't cheaters.

I came up with that slogan
before I met Mrs. Wong.

No. I don't
have to cheat.

I just need to get
my baby talk game on fleek.

Don't I, boo-boos?

Hey. Let me
give it a try.

Get your head in
the game, boo-boos!


This is why Max
quit football.


Billy, I have an idea.

You run to Metroburg and get...
BILLY: [zooming]

I got the Whoa Grow.

That's the first time you've
had a clever idea before me.

It's obvious.

You pour Whoa Grow on
the fence so it gets so big,

Mrs. Wong can't
see over it.

That's better.

Why don't we pour it on
Mom's roses instead?

Fine, if you think big
roses will do anything.

Just a little
more won't hurt.

There, perfect.

I stop crime and wrinkles.

[cell phone dings]

Emergency text
from Cherry?

You've gotta be kidding.

You weren't kidding.
How did this even happen?

I pinged when
I should've ponged.

I'm sorry you lost.

No, I didn't lose.
I'm in the finals.

This happened during
my victory dance.

You wanna see it?
No, no, no, no, no!

Okay, only one person stands
between me and the championship.

I'm gonna destroy you,
Cherry Seinfeld.

Don't listen to
Principal Bradford, okay?

He's a pathetic middle-aged
man with nothing else to do

but play in a stupid
ping pong tournament.

No offense.

Hey, you girls gonna
gossip all night,

or are we gonna
do this thing?

Oh, it would be so cool to
take a championship game selfie.

Sure. Go ahead
and take a picture.

- Whoa!
- [heavy thud]


I was never here!

Are you okay?

I really should've
stayed home.

♪ What you see ♪

♪ Is not what you get ♪

♪ Livin' our lives
with a secret ♪

♪ We fit right in ♪

♪ Bet you never guessed ♪

♪ 'Cause we're
livin' our lives ♪

♪ Just like all the rest ♪

♪ A picture
perfect family ♪

♪ Is what we try to be ♪

♪ Look closer,
you might see ♪

♪ The crazy things we do ♪

♪ This isn't
make believe ♪

♪ It's our reality ♪

♪ Just your average family ♪

♪ Trying to be normal
and stay out of trouble ♪

♪ Livin' a double life ♪♪

Oh, sweet.

You're ready for
our Z-Force interview

like a good little nerd.

My nerd is broken!

I'm sorry, Max.

Cherry needed help at
her ping pong tournament,

but I was the one
who got pinged...

or ponged.

It's a very
confusing sport.

We can't let the interviewer
see you like this.

Z-Force members
don't get hurt...

They do the hurting.

I know, I know, and
rescheduling isn't allowed.

You're supposed
to carry us.

Now I have to carry you
because you can't walk.

And on the bright
side, Cherry won.

Ah, really?
Was it a close match?

Yeah, it actually
came down to...

I don't care!

Phoebe, how are
you feeling?

Oh, great.

It's the girl who destroyed
our chances at the Z-Force.

Max, it's not her fault.

You're right, it's yours,

because once again,
you had to go save Cherry.

Well, of course.
She always saves me.

She's my super bestie.

I just wish I could save her
from missing this interview.


Not gonna happen,
unless you can replace her

with someone who doesn't look
like they were hit by a bus.

Wait, Max, that's
a brilliant idea.

If we can't fix me,
we can replace me

with someone who knows
everything about me.

Where can we find
someone that can do that?

Hey, I'm Phoebe Thunderman
and I have a twin brother.

There's no way anyone's
gonna believe Cherry's you.

Hey, Phoebe.

Told ya! Jinx!

You owe me a soda!

Ugh, there's
two of them.

It's amazing how
well the Whoa Grow works.

The roses are huge.

Let's get ready
for the flower show.


Your hair's gray!

How did the years
go by so fast?

Wait, the Whoa Grow.
Maybe it did something to us.

"Warning: Do not touch.

May cause rapid aging."

BARB: Kids,
are you outside?

Oh, no!

There they are.

What's up with
your heads?

Um, we're wearing
these garden rally pots

to help Mom win.

Yeah, aren't they gray?

- Did you say gray?
- I heard "great".

Hank, look at my roses!

Are they behind these
really big roses?

No, these are mine!

See, I told you...
Baby-talking works.


Can't wait to see the look on
Wong's face when she loses!

Oh, let's get to
the garden show.

Kids, wear those rally
pots for good luck.

- Aren't they gray?
- Still heard "great"!

Okay, let's go over that
last question one more time.

But first,
you look super pretty.

So do you.

I'm trapped in
my own nightmare.

Okay, so when he asks
you about your first save

as Hiddenville's protector,

you tell him you and Max saved
the water and power plant.

Pretty sure that
was you, Phoebe.

Oh, this was
a great idea.

[alarm beeping]

Alert! Alert!

Z-Force interviewer

Don't worry, I got this!

It's my chance to finally
save you for once.

- Ow, my neck!
- Sorry.

All right,
Phoebe, go hide.

Hi! I'm Max Thunderman.

You look like
you're holding in a fart.

You must be...


That's me, Pheeb to the B.

Or Pheebs, or Queen Ph...
MAX: [powers whooshing]

Just Phoebe is fine.

The name is Detail,
because I'm thorough.

And I have a dog tail.

No, you can't see it.

I didn't ask.

Everyone asks.

And then they laugh.

Then I fail them.

And then I laugh.

So, are you
on the Z-Force?

I should be.

I tried out years ago,

but my tail got stuck
in an escalator.

It's how I got
the nickname "Tail Fail."

You still can't see it,
so stop asking.

Now, if the Z-Force passed over
a mighty man with a tail,

what makes you think
you have what it takes?

Once you see our saves, I'm
sure you'll be really impressed.

Doubt it.

In this interview,
I wanna find out stuff

no one else knows about you.

No one?

Not even a best friend?

- Oh, no.
- [quiet thud]

What was that?



[heavy thud]


Do you mind?
I have a customer.

That's the one I was
telling you about, Teddy.

What am I gonna do?

There's no way Cherry's gonna
ace this interview without me.

Let me guess.

You're gonna ask me to style
you to look like Cherry

so you can crash
your own interview?


It's Phoebe's
bestaroo, Cherry!

And the train
wreck continues.

Guys, I think
I might actually

have a sh*t at
winning this year.

Mom's gonna kick
Wong's butt, baby!


save it for when
Mrs. Wong's around to hear you.

Oh, no, I grew old
person nose hair.


It's like a gerbil
fell asleep in there.

That's it,
I'm running to Metroburg

right now to find a cure.

Okay, but go after
we help Mom set up

so she doesn't
get suspicious.


You have a nose
gerbil, too.

Okay, go now.

Ah, I always thought you
two had dirt for brains.

Guess I was right.

For your information,

my children are wearing
those pots to support me.

We sure are.
Woo-hoo! Go, Mom!

Ow, my hip!

Your fan club is almost
as pathetic as your flowers.

Pathetic? Take a look.

Barb's gonna kick
your butt, baby!

Hey, that's my thing!

I don't know what sorcery
you used on those flowers,

but you'll never
b*at me, Barbara!

Don't you listen to that mean
old Wong, my little boo-boos.

Oh, no, they're
growing too much.

Your pot's cracking.

Luckily I have two super
fans with pots I can use.

Hands off,

What? Why?

Because... Billy and I

have inherited Dad's
sweaty head gene.

The doctor said it
would skip a generation.

Just hand over the pots.

Look, Mrs. Wong is
talking to your boo-boos.

Stop growing,
you dumb roses!

What are you looking at,
you dumb people?

Where did Billy
and Nora go?

They're probably hiding so we
don't see their sweaty heads.

Been there.

I don't think
they saw us.


[quivery voice]
Billy, we got even older.

[quivery voice]
I can't hear you.

I think we got even older!

I need to super speed to
Metroburg to find us a cure.

Your powers are old, too.

What are we gonna do?

I don't know
what you're sayin'...

but this feels right.

And saving her preschool class
from that snapping turtle

got Pheebs named Metroburg's
supertoddler of the year.

Ah. Tell me again why
this non-supe is here.

I'm starting
to wonder why I'm here.

Okay, so, Phoebe,

what was your first save
as Hiddenville's protector?

Uh, ah, Pheebs, weren't
you just saying that...

Z-z-zip it,
neck brace.

I want to hear it from her.

Well, it was
when Max and I

kept the water and power
plant from exploding.

I actually did it!

We did it together.
Right, Phoebe?


- [phone rings]
- Whoa!

Metroburg's proton reactor
is having a meltdown.

The Z-Force is busy!

So they're calling me!

This is my chance
to redeem myself.

You two are coming with me.


Consider it part
of your interview.

You have heat breath, freeze
breath, and telekinesis.

I have... a tail.

For someone who's
so ashamed of his tail,

you sure talk
about it a lot.

Ha ha!
There's our chopper!

[chopper blades whirring]

Let's go show
the Z-Force what I can do.

No, no, no, no, wait!

Uh, I... I'm Phoebe's
good luck charm.

You have to let me go.

I don't have to do anything...
Especially show you my tail!

Stop asking! Huh!

I never asked!

[alarm buzzing]

Okay, it looks like we're
approaching meltdown level two.

Oh, that's not so bad.
How many levels are there?


One reactor's overheating,
the other is freezing.

Stabilize them while I go
run around the building,

taking credit for all of this.

Wait. What if we can't
stop the meltdown?

Then you'll be puddles
of radioactive goo.

And I'll still
be Tail Fail.

Don't let me down.

Never fear!
Detail is here!

[door shuts]

All right, Max.
What can I do?

- Get out of my way.
- Okay.

All I gotta do is use my
freeze breath on this core...

[frosty breath gusting]

[ice crackling]

...and use my heat
breath on this core.

[fiery breath gusting]


- [powering on]
- Oh, no, no, no, no!

Max, you really need to
work on your victory cheer.

How about yippity-dippity?

No. That core just
heated up again.

We have to freeze one and heat
the other at the same time...

Which means I won't
be able to

stop this meltdown
without Phoebe.

Well, lucky for you,
I am Phoebe.

Oh, you meant the real Phoebe?
Yeah, she's not coming.

Okay, Billy, if we can't
super speed to Metroburg

to find a cure, then we need
to teleport there with Chloe.

Zoe? Who's Zoe?

There's Chloe.
Maybe she knows Zoe.

Excuse me, pardon me.
Excuse me, pardon me.

Excuse me, pardon me.
Chloe, I need your help.

What the heck
happened to you?

Long story.

[quietly] I need you to
teleport me to Metroburg.

Come on.



Now what?

Phoebe took Chloe away.

That was Phoebe?
I thought it was Max.

Excuse me, can you
please take a photo of us

in front of my flowers?

Get off my lawn!

Is that you, Nora?

What did the big
fella say?


How did this happen?

We were trying to
help Mom b*at Mrs. Wong,

so we used Whoa Grow.
Right, Billy?

Oh, wake up,
you old bag of bones.

Huh? Where am I?

Oh, my poor
little babies!

Don't worry.

We will change you back
right after Mom wins.

No, I don't want
to win like this.

Salt's the cure?

Ain't that a kick
in the pants?



I'm going to tell
the judges you cheated,

because your flowers are...

...tiny now!

That means I'm definitely
going to win!

I won!

Forget ping pong.
Gardening's ma jam.

Tad Bradford's life
is not sad!

- [pots shattering]
- [objects clattering]

I was never here!

Woo-hoo! Yeah!

Why are you cheering?
You didn't win.

Well, turns out I just
wanted to see you lose.

And you did!

Can you change us back
before our teeth fall out?

Too late.

Oh, Hank,
let's turn 'em back

before anything
else falls out.

[salt shaker shaking]

We're young again.

Yes, but you're
also grounded.

You can ground me, but you
can't make me give this up.

Ah, this is so right!

[alarm buzzing]

This is no use.

We're gonna have to tell Detail
the truth and get outta here.

Man, I hate to admit it, but
I really wish Phoebe was here.

Ow, ow, ow.

Phoebe, you're here!


Well, I'm... not that
excited to see you.

Oh, really?

I really wish Phoebe was here.

Heard it, recorded it,
and made it my ringtone.

Let's do this.

It'll be easy with
Detail out of the room.


And you can tell everyone
that Detail saved you!

You guys aren't done yet?

I just texted my mom
that I did it.

We're just regulating
some regulators.

[quietly] We'll never
be able to pull this off

with him watching.

Then I'll make sure
he's not watching.

Hey, Mr. Tail, why don't you
let me get a picture of you

stopping this whole meltdown
thing for the Z-Force?

Oh, good thinking.

It would be proof
of my save.


Yeah? Uh-huh.
[camera shutter clicking]

Stop! That's really
bright! Ow!

All right, quick.

You blow freeze breath
on that core,

and I'll heat
this one. Go!

- [frosty breath gusting]
- [fiery breath gusting]

Work it.
Show me... hero.

- [camera shutter clicking]
- I love it!

- [fiery breath gusting]
- [frosty breath gusting]

- Hey, we did it!
- Okay, hide!


That's enough!

Hold on! You did it?



Goodbye, Tail Fail!

So did we pass
the interview?

Yeah and you made me
look good doing it.

Oh, I can't wait to
tell the Z-Force!

I'm recommending
you for the finals.

And as a reward, I'll give you
what you've been asking for.

You can watch my tail wag.

Is it weird I want
a tail now?

I did it, Phoebe!

All those times you've saved me,
and now I've finally saved you.

Of course,
you did, Cherry.

You're my super bestie.

Thanks, Cherry.

Our dream is still
alive because of you.

You'll never hear
me say that again.

Please tell me
you got that.

Thanks, Cherry.

Our dream is still
alive because of you.

Man, you are just full
of ringtones today.