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Best Of The Specials - 01x03 - Best Of The Companions

Posted: 01/25/23 17:41
by bunniefuu
I'm your new
undercover agent on loan

from Scotland Yard,
code name the Doctor.

These are my top operatives --
the legs,

the nose, and Mrs. Robinson.

I hate you.

No, you don't.

Doctor Who picks some
pretty lucky human beings

as companions along the way,
and those people

get to experience the Universe
and get insight

into how this TARDIS works.

Shall we?

Even through all the close calls
and near-deaths,

being scared out of their wits,
they all pretty much

agree that it's worth it.

I could not be more jealous
of the companions.

Amy and Rory just get to live
the best life ever.

Don't worry about a thing,
your majesty.

We're on our way.

Man: The companion
is basically someone

that keeps the Doctor sane.

If you were the last
of your kind

and you were roaming
around the Universe,

you would need someone
to keep you sane.

Or at least to fire
jokes off of.

Who da man?

Oh. I'm never saying that again.

You've got a real
time machine?

Not for much longer if
I can't get it stabilized.

Five-minute hop into
the future should do it.

Can I come?

Not safe, Amelia, not yet.
Five minutes.

Give me five minutes.

I'll be right back.

People always say that.

Am I people?

Do I even look
like people?

Trust me.
I'm the Doctor.

Haislip: The Doctor tells Amy
that he's going to

just jump five minutes
in the future,

not going to happen.

And this little child Amelia
sits down

with her suitcase
all ready

and packed up to go,

and your heart breaks for her.

Woman: Poor Amy!

I felt so bad.

With her little suitcase,
so cute.

I wanted him
to show up so badly,

and she just keeps
sitting there.

It's really sad.

She really trusted him
from the beginning,

and I think that's why

she waited for him
as long as she did.

She felt some sort of
purpose with him.

She felt like she
finally meant something,

that she belonged somewhere.

Even from that first meeting,

someone saw her for her
potential at that young age,

and nobody had done that.

When you're a kid and something
like that happens to you,

you hold onto things
so tightly.

And then the guy, like,
checks out for most of her life.

It's like, "Well -- you got me
all excited here, dude,

and then you left
and then I had to

go back to
playing with dolls."

Rogers: Doctor disappears,
"I'll be right back."

And for him, he is right back.

But it's actually ten years
later or something, twelve?

Which has totally
psychologically screwed Amy up.

Morales: Which is probably why

she's so pissed at him
the next time she sees him.

Amelia Pond!
You're the little girl!

I'm Amelia,
and you're late.

What happened?
Twelve years.

You hit me with
a cricket bat!

Twelve years.
A cricket bat.

Twelve years
and four psychiatrists.


I kept biting them.

They said you
weren't real.

He burrowed so far
into her psyche that

he sort of mind-owns her
from a very young age.

So it is early evidence
in their relationship

of the kind of damage
the Doctor can actually wreak

on these poor companions.

But they all --
they go for it.

Like, they want it.
They ask to go on the TARDIS.

Like, everybody volunteers.

There's a lovely
moment where Amy

pretty much saves everything
by convincing the android

inventor of these
World w*r II-era Daleks

that he actually has a heart,

that he's more
than just a machine.

Hey, Paisley.

Ever fancied someone
you know you shouldn't?


It hurts, doesn't it?

But kind of a good hurt.

I really shouldn't talk
about her.


There's a "her."

Rogers: I mean,
that's a neat trick,

if you can convince a robot
that he's not a robot

just by reminding him of
a girl he liked.

What was she like,

Such a smile.

And her eyes...

her eyes were so blue.

[ Beep-beep ]

Almost violet.

Like the last touch of sunset

on the edge of the world.

[ Beeping ]

[ Warbling ]

Hardwick: Love conquers all.
To an extent,

it's just like, "oh...

well, we just poured hugs on
the b*mb and it went away."

But that's kind of
what happened.

They poured hugs on the b*mb
and it went away.

Rogers: Amy's her own kind of
superhero at a certain point.

She kind of becomes her own
avatar of empathy

in a way that the Doctor can't
be because he's either

too much of a nerd or
too much of a Time Lord.

But Amy can bring out
these emotional responses

even from only slightly
animate objects.

Hardwick: It was
a really beautiful way

to resolve the episode,

and it just goes
back to the theme

of "Doctor Who" as a show,
which is the idea of

intellect and romance over
brute force and cynicism.

The Doctor: Welcome to
the human race.

She's here.

River is bad-ass.
She really is.

I love that character.

The way she's introduced
to the Doctor,

where she sends him a message --
"What does this say?"

"Hello, sweetie."

It's kind of great to send
someone a message that way,

and it says, "Hello, sweetie."

It doesn't say,
"come save me."

Man: The party's over,
Doctor Song,

yet still you're onboard.

River: Sorry, Alistair.

I needed to see
what was in your vault.

Do you all know
what's down there,

any of you?

Because I'll tell you
something --

this ship won't reach
its destination.

Wait till she runs.

Don't make it look like
an execution.

Triple-seven five

slash three four nine by ten.

Zero-twelve slash acorn.

Oh, and I could do with
an air corridor.

What was that, what did she say?

Like I said on
the dance floor,

you might want to find
something to hang on to.

[ Beeping ]

Morales: And she's just like,

it's cool,
I'm pressing this button

and going out to space.

That's fantastic.

She's mad clever,
that River Song.

The Doctor essentially

has no equal.

He has no one that
keeps him in check.

She actually puts him
in his place,

which you never, ever see,
so she has

the same effect on him that he
has on everyone else,

where she just
shows up and says,

"Hey, this is how it is,
and you're this person,

and I can land the TARDIS."

Parked us right alongside.

"Parked" us?
You haven't landed.

Of course we've landed.
I just landed her.

But it didn't make
the noise.

What noise?

You know, the --
[ Wheeze, whoosh ]

[ Wheeze, whoosh ]

It's not supposed
to make that noise.

You leave
the brakes on.

Yeah? Well,
it's a brilliant noise.

I love that noise.

Come along, Pond.

Let's have a look.

She's not just this companion
like all the others

who kind of followed him around
like a little puppy dog

because they were
just so excited

to see the rest
of the Universe.

She's been there,
she's done that,

and she can face him eye to eye.

River is in many ways
the Doctor's equal.

Certainly hair-wise,
it is a clash of the titans.

They're an exciting,
hirsute couple.

River Song is one of the closest
to being his equal, but isn't,

simply because she's
not immortal and she has

a washer instead of
a swimming pool.

They really are two sides
of the same coin.

They are therefore
in that way connected.

I think the connection
runs a lot deeper

than we have yet discovered.

My old fella didn't
see that, did he?

He gets ever so cross.

Watts: I like that
she's more willing

to just sh**t somebody

and ask a question later,
which is more reactive,

more physical
than the Doctor is.

Dalek: Records indicate
you will show mercy!

You are an associate
of the Doctor's.

I'm River Song.

Check your records again.

Dalek: Mercy.

Say that again?

Dalek: Mercy!

One more time.

Dalek: Mercy!

She's dangerous, and, in a way,
it's the dangerous companions

who are super interesting

when you compare them
with the Doctor.

Is this sensible?
God, I hope not.

I think that River knows
enough about the Doctor

that if she wanted to,
she could probably be

the only person that
could really hurt him.

Can I trust you,
River Song?

River: If you like.

But where's the fun in that?

[ Chanting ]

[ Chanting stops ]

[ Man coughs ]


That's a relief!

What, I burst out of
the wrong cake?

Again. That reminds me,
there's a girl

standing outside
in a bikini.

Can someone let her in
and give her a jumper?

Lucy, lovely girl.


Now, then,


we need to talk
about your fiancee.

She tried to kiss me.

Tompkins: There's frequently
tension between Rory

and the Doctor, I think because
it appears to Rory that

Amy has feelings for the Doctor,
which frequently is the case.

That's probably
enough hugging now.

'Cause, let's be honest --
Amy is a handful.

She's really crappy
to Rory in the beginning

and he takes it,
'cause he loves her.

We're still together
in ten years.

No need to sound
so surprised.

'Cause, I'll tell you,
most people --

certainly me, like, growing up
nerdy the way I did --

I want to be the Doctor,
but I'm probably Rory.

And so when she blows him off,
you're kind of like,

"Hey. Why are you so much
like my high school was?"

And so you start to get
bitter at Amy, and, like,

"but he --
he's right there!

I'm right here, Amy!
What do you need?"

To feel like
you're a third wheel

in your own marriage,
that can't be pleasant.

I know I've made a lot
of people feel that way,

and I apologize here and now.

It took this show
to make me understand

I was hurting
people's feelings.

Ian: Rory has every reason
to be jealous,

because who wouldn't
be jealous if your chick

just took off with the coolest
guy in the Universe?

You can equate the TARDIS to

a high-end sports car

that he just basically
pulled up in front of

your woman's house,
picked her up,

and took her to Milan
for the weekend.

Of course I would
be intimidated.

The Doctor, he's the Doctor,
and I'm a nurse.

My profession is a nurse.

Sheppard: I don't think he's
jealous of the Doctor.

I think he's wary
of the Doctor.

He's called the Doctor out
on several occasions.

No, you know what's
dangerous about you?

It's not that you make
people take risks.

It's that you make them
want to impress you.

Yeah, you make it so they
don't want to let you down.

You have no idea
how dangerous you make

people to themselves
when you're around.

I don't know if that's
necessarily the Doctor's fault.

It's not like the Doctor tries
to be as amazing

and brilliant as he is,
he just is.

The distraction of
the Doctor in her life

makes you think that she's
just going to dump Rory.

I mean, what has he
got for her?

But you come to realize that
she cares for Rory

more than the Doctor.

Amy: I love you.

I know you think
it's him,

I know you think it
ought to be him,

but it's not.
It's you.

Hardwick: They
always throw those

kind of red herrings in
where you don't --

when she's saying
"I love you,"

you don't know if she's
talking to the Doctor or Rory,

and I think it's really great
that they do reveal,

like, "oh, no,
it is Rory that she loves."


You're welcome.

I think there are a lot of
people who would not

choose Rory over the Doctor,

until you realize

that he's an alien
and probably can't love you

the way that Rory can.

Rory can love you.

Doctor, what is going on?

Is this because of you?
Is this some

time-lordy thing because
you've shown up again?

Listen to me. Trust nothing.
From now on,

trust nothing you see,
hear, or feel.

But we're awake now.

Yeah, you thought you were
awake on the TARDIS, too.

But we're home.

Yeah, you're home.
You're also dreaming.

Trouble is, Rory,
Amy, which is which?

Are we flashing forwards
or backwards?

Hold on tight.

This is going to be
a tricky one.

Rogers: The dream lord
was somebody

who was forcing the Doctor

and Rory and Amy to live

either in some idyllic village
later in their lives together

or back on the TARDIS.

The fun of the episode
is to see what life

is going to be like,
potentially, for Rory and Amy.

And to have Amy have to
make some decisions

about what she believes in
and how much she loves Rory

and the kind of love triangle
that Amy and Rory

and the Doctor
have but don't have.

She's kind of torn between
hanging with Rory

or travelling in space
with the Doctor.

But I know where your heart
lies, don't I, Amy Pond?

Shut up.

Just shut up
and leave me alone.

Douglas: Honestly, I didn't know
Amy cared that much about Rory.

I think that the reality of

the situation was when
Rory jumped in front of

the acid-spewing old lady

and saved her,

that let her know how much
she really cared for him.

Amy: No.


Come back.


You save everyone.
You always do.

It's what you do.

Morales: I think that scene

is good for the audience.

I mean, we really know
how she feels about him,

how much
she feels for him.

This is the dream.
How do you know?

Because if this is real life,
I don't want it.

I don't want it.

Rogers: Amy makes her choice
about which is the real world

based on which world
has Rory in it,

which is super romantic.

Also maybe not the basis I
would want somebody to choose

which Universe is real and which
one's going to get destroyed,

because if I'm in the one
that Rory isn't there,

I might have a --
you know, just --

'cause I -- not
turned into powder.

Be very sure.
This could be the real world.

It can't.

Rory isn't here.

I didn't know.

I didn't, I didn't,
I honestly didn't,

till right now.

I just want him.

She makes a decision like
the Doctor makes decisions.

Like, "Hmm, okay --
blow up this planet

or destroy that race, or" --
you know, it's like

huge stakes based on
an emotional reason

rather than a rational one.

[ Van accelerating ]

Weeping Angels. Terrifying.

Rogers: There's just something
so compelling about

the angels especially
as a monster,

that they can get inside you,
they can live

inside your eye if you
look at it for too long.

It's just that
keeping dread of being

surrounded by something
that you can't defeat.

Okay, Bob, enough chat.
Here's what I

want to know --
what have you done to Amy?

Bob: There's something
in her eye.

What's in her eye?
We are.

What's he talking about?

Doctor, I'm five.

I mean, five.


I'm fine.

You're counting.


You're counting down
from ten.

You have been for
a couple of minutes.

I don't know.

Well, counting down
to what?

I don't know.

I'm a pretty smart viewer,

and so I can --
I'm usually ahead of things.

[ Laughs ]

And this I didn't know what
she was counting down to.

Why are they
making her count?

Bob: To make her
afraid, sir.

Okay, but why,
what for?

For fun, sir.

Palmer: I love Amy.

Mostly because
she's Scottish,

but she has this
fantastic attitude

to just roll with everything.

That's part of what makes
the show work.

You've got this
otherworldly stuff

and then you've got these

ordinary people,
and you put yourself there

and you imagine
how you would react,

what you would do
and how you would get

out of this situation.

How would I react
if there was

a weeping angel projection
locked inside

my eye-slash-mind?

I think I'd freak
the [bleep] out.

You ever seen a big guy
screaming and yelling

when he's out there,

That would have
probably been me.

The Doctor: Amy, listen to me.
This is going to be hard,

but I know
you can do it.

All you've got to do is
walk like you can see.

Just don't open your eyes.

Walk like you can see.

Adsit: The scene where Amy
is walking through

the forest with
her eyes closed

shows that she
trusts the Doctor

more than she trusts
herself, probably,

because she's doing something

that is instinctually
the wrong thing to do.

Essentially, Amy gets
put in a minefield,

except instead of having to be

told where to walk
'cause it'll blow up,

she has to keep her eyes closed

but not look like
she has her eyes closed.

Fly casual.

How great is it to have to
keep your eyes closed

when you know these terrifying
things are all around you?

I just thought that was
fantastic television.

I loved it.

Hardwick: It's a really
messed-up moment when

Rory basically gets
vanished from existence.

Amy, move away now.

No! I'm not leaving him!

We have to help him!

The light's already around him.
We can't help him.

I'm not leaving him!
We have to.

I'm sorry.

Get off me!
I'm sorry!

Get off me!

Hardwick: Most of the time,

you see the Doctor will do

whatever he can
to save someone,

and this is one of those times
where he literally has to

drag her away and say,
like, "He's gone."

Adsit: Could he have
done more for that?

No. There was
nothing to be done.

That's when things
fail for him,

is when there's
nothing left to be done.

If his body's absorbed,
I'll forget him.

He'll never have existed.

You can't let that happen.

The fabric of spacetime
is being reknitted

without Rory in it,
but the Doctor essentially

tries to will Amy to
remember him anyway.

Keep him in your mind.
Don't forget him.

If you forget him,
you'll lose him forever.

No way. On the Byzantium,
I still remembered the clerics

because I am a time traveler
now, you said!

They weren't part
of your world.

This is different, this is
your own history changing.

Don't tell me
it's going to be okay.

You have to make it okay!

It's going to be hard,
but you can do it, Amy.

Rogers: He's trying to
get Amy to remember

Rory even though the Universe
doesn't want her to,

that there's something
about how much she loves him

that can defeat even that.

Rory's only alive
in your memory.

You must keep hold
of him.

Don't let anything
distract you.

Rory still lives
in your mind.

[ Crash ]

[ Gasping ]

What were you saying?
Hardwick: It's such a kick in your heart

when she's sobbing and,
like, "oh, my God,

I just lost the guy I love,
I just lost

the guy that meant
everything to me,"

and then a second later,
like, "What are we doing?"

And then it's gone,
and then he's --

you know, and this force
that we all loved

is just gone from her life.

Morales: The Doctor knows that

Rory existed and she doesn't,

but she feels it still
and she's sad still

and doesn't know why.

I think it's, like,
an amazing, amazing idea.

There are certain people

that are in your life
that hurt you

or are a painful experience,

and many times
you wish to erase them.

I think I'd rather remember
someone I loved rather than just

having them wiped out of my
memory after something tragic.

Amy doesn't have the choice,
so she just is

living blithely without him.

She doesn't remember me.

How could she not remember me?

Because you
never existed.

Morales: Rory's sad.

A lot of bad things
happen to Rory.

Rory has to go through
a lot of crap.

It's terrible.

Rory keeps dying.

Aah! Aah!

Hardwick: Rory really
kind of became

the "South Park" Kenny of
"Doctor Who."

No! No!

Hardwick: I think
Moffat takes, like,

a mad, sick pleasure in, like,

"How can I t*rture
Rory this week?"

[ Gasps ]

The Doctor: He can't breathe.
Turn it back on.

Hardwick: What's so great

is that Rory just has
this indomitable spirit.

Whatever you do to him,

he will constantly prevail

because his spirit
is unconquerable.

You're new here,
aren't you?

First day.

Then I'm very sorry.

River Song is pretty --
she's a pretty cool customer.

She breaks out of prison.

She's gotten very good at it.

Kisses a dude with some
hallucinogenic lipstick on.

She's wearing it,
not him,

although now some of it is
on him because of the kiss.

I don't have to explain
lipstick to you.

I think there may have been
women I've dated

who had some hallucinogenic

because I'm not sure I would
have kissed all of them.

Here's the thing --
if you put it on,

doesn't it affect you?

I would totally buy that.

That would be awesome,
and it would

probably be
a really cool color.

I'd like it.

She had the lipstick.
The hallucinogenic lipstick.

She tried to use it on me.

Your tricks don't work in here,
Doctor Song.

Storm Cage,
pretty impenetrable.

River Song has penetrated it.

If they can't hold her there,

I don't know if
there's a prison built

that can hold her.

River's kind of like
"Hogan's Heroes."

She stays there
'cause she wants to.

She'll stay there
out of respect

for whatever crime
she's committed,

but she'll jump out
any time she needs to.

She's willing to sacrifice

her freedom to help the Doctor,

to be on his side always,
even if it means

doing things that are
kind of shady.

She bends the rules.
Ah, she flat-out

breaks them, I think.

[ Gasps ]

This is the royal collection,

and I'm the bloody queen.

I'll tell you what --
that's not going to

take time away
from her sentence.

It's about
the Doctor, ma'am.

You met him once,
didn't you?

I know he came here.

The Doctor?
He's in trouble.

I need to find him.

Then why are you
stealing a painting?

Look at it.

I need to find
the Doctor

and I need to
show him this.

Morales: And then she's

Cleopatra for a little while.

Why not, River?
Let's do it.

Why not? You know
that person existed.

Let's have some power.

Hello, sweetie.

Now, the question is,
was she Cleopatra?

Was River Song Cleopatra really,
or did she just

convince people that she was,
or did she, like,

throw Cleopatra in a closet

and, like, put on a wig
and sit in her throne?

What happened, I wonder.

But it is kind of awesome.

The Doctor: What's this?

It's a painting.

Your friend Vincent.

One of his finer works.

He had visions,
didn't he?

I thought you ought to
know about this one.

Doctor? Doctor,
what is this?

Your girlfriend
isn't more important

than the whole Universe.

She is to me!

Morales: Centurion Rory.

Anybody in
a Roman soldier outfit

is really hot.
I dig it.

The skirt, the pleats,
the probably no underwear.

It's fantastic.

Whoa, whoa whoa whoa,
what are you doing?

I'm saving her.
This box is the ultimate prison.

You can't even
escape by dying.

It forces you
to stay alive.

But she's already dead.
Well, she's mostly dead.

The Pandorica can
stasis-lock her that way.

Now, all it needs now
is a scan of

her living DNA,
and it will restore her.

Where's it going to
get that?

In about , years.

Tompkins: So Rory
decides to make

a big change in his life,

and he is going to
stand guard over Amy

for thousands of years
as a sort of Centurion

or a "cent-Rory-an,"

if you will.

I wouldn't blame you
if you didn't,

and I'm sorry
that I said that.

This box needs a guard.
I k*lled the last one.

, years, Rory.
You won't even sleep.

You'll be conscious
every second.

It would
drive you...mad.

Will she be safer
if I stay?

Look me in the eye and tell me
she wouldn't be safer.

Answer me!



Then how could
I leave her?

[ Exhales ]

Why do you
have to be so...


Because right now
I'm not.

Hardwick: He has
a plastic body,

but it's still Rory's mind,
and the idea that he sits

and waits for her like a puppy,
no sleep,

that -- that kept me awake for
a week bending my mind, like,

every moment,
you're just there,

and all you have to do is wait.

No one's going to bring you

an iPhone to play
Angry Birds.

You are stuck in front of
that box for , years

because that's how much
you love this girl.

I don't know.
Me personally,

I might have been like,
" years. Maybe I'll date."

I think waiting that long for
somebody is a little cray-cray.

[ Laughs ]

, years go by,
and how do you know

what's actually going to
come out the other end?

That's when you're,
like, really,

really setting yourself up
for disappointment.

Okay, kid. This is where
it gets complicated.

If my wife was locked
in an alien box,

I would probably wait
forever for her,

because it feels like
I wait forever for her

every time we go out!

[ Laughs ]


Narrator: According to legend,

wherever the Pandorica
was taken

its long history,

the Centurion would be there,
guarding it.

His last recorded
appearance was during

the London blitz
in .

There are eyewitness accounts

from the night of the fire
of a figure

in Roman dress
carrying the box

from the flames.

Since then,
there have been no sightings

of the lone Centurion,

and many have speculated
that if he ever existed,

he perished in the fires
of that night,

performing one last act
of devotion to the box

he had pledged to protect
for nearly , years.


Oh, Rory.

Adsit: I think Rory's

had the broadest arc
of any character

maybe in the show's history,

where he just goes
from comic relief

to genuine hero,

and that all comes out of
his love for Amy.

Dalek: Scans indicate
intruder unarmed.

Do you think?

[ Laser blasts ]

Sheppard: He's an embodiment
of -- of --

of absolute loyalty.

He would sacrifice anything
and do anything,

and he's proved it
time after time after time.

Rogers: You know,
in a way,

like, the story --
the last couple of

seasons' worth
of story --

becomes the story of their
relationship and his maturity.

So there's this great
metaphor here

of Rory finally stepping up
and not just being a --

like, chasing around,
following Amy shrieking

and fighting with
fish vampires with

a broom or whatever
kind of silliness

he engages in in the early
part of the season.

He becomes every bit her equal
and the Doctor's equal.

Aaah! Ah!

[ g*ns cock ]



Is that a body bag?

Yes, it is.
It's empty.

How 'bout that?

We see Canton,
this guy we've come

to know and like,

we see him m*rder River,

we see him m*rder Amy,

and we see him m*rder Rory,

and then I think,
"I actually started to

like that dude,
and then he m*rder*d

all of my friends,
my TV friends."

Sheppard: I think one of
the reasons they might have

picked me for the role is my
propensity to play bad guys,

so I think nobody was
particularly surprised

when I started k*lling people.

"Ah, see?

I knew he was going to turn out
to be somebody awful."

[ Laughs ]

Rory: What are you
waiting for?

Canton: I'm waiting
for you to run.

It'll look better if I shot you
while you're running.

Then again,
looks aren't everything.

[ Inhaling ]

[ g*nsh*t echoes ]

You know he's not really
k*lling the companions.

There's no
"Doctor Who" Universe

where you sit there
and go like,

"Well, I guess that's it
for Amy and Rory.

Maybe canton will be
the new companion."

Pretty sure that's
not happening.

But trying to understand
what's actually going on

is the fun,
becomes a puzzle.

"How the heck are they going to
get out of that one?"

Oh, finally.

Sheppard: It's amazing
the extent that they

had to go to in order to
make that work.

You're coming with us,
Doctor Song.

There's no way out this time.

There's always a way out.

If your back is against the wall
and you know you're going to be

m*rder*d by the agents
of the White House,

make sure you fall out of
a very high building

and just do a very graceful

sort of reverse swan dive.

It was absolutely lovely.
Absolutely lovely.

[ Splash ]


Who are you?

You're going to find out
very soon now.

And I'm sorry, but that's when
everything changes.

Sheppard: The relationship
which fascinates me

at this point in the series

is the Doctor and River.

It's one of the saddest things
I've ever seen.

You, me.


Must it always
end this way?

Sheppard: She's truly moving

in one direction
and he's moving in the other.

Rogers: The Doctor's
first kiss with River

is River's last kiss
with the Doctor.

[Stuttering] You and I,
we're -- we're --


His first adventure with her
is her last adventure with him.

Forget about
star-crossed lovers.

They're time-crossed lovers.

River: Every time we meet,

I know him more,
he knows me less.

I live for the days
when I see him.

But I know that
every time I do,

he'll be one step
further away.

And the day is coming

when I'll look into
that man's eyes...

[ Sighs ]

my Doctor...

and he won't have
the faintest idea who I am.

Romance or amore
is tough, but even if

you are both time travellers,

and you're going in opposite
directions in the time stream,

I think you have to stop

and you have to say, "Hey,
how was your day?"

And also,
"Who are you, again?"

Right, okay.


What's wrong?

You're acting like we've
never done that before.

We haven't.

We haven't?

Oh, look at the time.
Must be off.

Um, it was very nice.
It was...

It was good,
it was...


You know what
they say.

There's a first time
for everything.

[ Lightning crashes ]

And a last time.

Morales: The first time

and the last time.

That's such a great line,
I love that.

It's so bittersweet.

I think it's a really
interesting way

to look at life
and time.

Rogers: Her relationship
with him

will only get
sadder and sadder.

But on the flip side,
the Doctor knows --

and by the end of the season,
has realized --

understood enough of this
to know he'll always have more.



Rogers: They end up being
very existential about it.

They're always --
in whatever moment

they have together,
they're in that moment together,

and then they split off.

Sheppard: It's as though
everything they do,

every interaction they have,

the total of everything
they've ever done.

I think it's the most
amazing story in --

certainly in this
incarnation of "Who."


I'm pregnant.

Morales: Boy.

This show certainly throws
some things at you, huh?

[ Gasps ]


Whoa. Whoa.

What's wrong with her?

Get her into the TARDIS.

Morales: I would love
to have been in the room

when Karen got
that script and went,

"Oh, so I'm giving birth
this episode

when I haven't been
pregnant this whole time?

That's awesome."

If I was pregnant
for some of it,

wouldn't it have
had an effect?

I don't want to tell Rory
his baby might have three heads

or like a time head
or something.

What's a time head?

I don't know,
but what if it had one?

I loved her explanation of,
like, what if it has two heads?

All this time travelling
I'm doing, I mean...

It's a very interesting human,
mother-like response.

They refer to the baby
as a "time head."

Now, I don't know if that's
a derogatory term...

A time head.
Shut up.

I don't know if it's going to
be some baby born with

a clock for a head!

It would be kind of cheap,
I think.

I think that's more of
a first-draft idea.

I have no idea what
a time head is.

It sounds gross.

I'm just glad about
Amy's pregnancy

that the Doctor
wasn't the father,

'cause that was creepy
when they were

talking about that.
That was weird.

Now, I have a question,
a simple one.

Is Melody human?

Sorry, what?

'Course she is!

Completely human.

What are you
talking about?

Morales: They made it seem like
it might be the Doctor because

she was pregnant
and she wasn't pregnant

on that little thing.
It kept going back and forth,

and we're like, "Oh, does that
mean it's a weird time-baby?

Sheppard: Positive,
negative, positive.

Ah! Freaking out.
The pictures freaked me out.

Everything freaks me out
about that.


What does it mean?
What doesn't it mean?

Whose is it?
And we were led down

that path for a while.

Rory: What is
happening to her?


She's going into labor.

Did he say -- no, no,
of course he didn't.

Rory, I'm --
I don't like this.


You're gonna have to start
explaining some of this.

What, the birds and the bees?
She's having a baby.

I needed to see the flesh
in its early days.

That's why I scanned it.
That's why we were there

in the first place.
I was going to drop you off

for fish 'n' chips first,
but things happened

and there was stuff
and shenanigans.

It's plain when you look at Amy
that she's not pregnant,

and then she goes into labor.

We're coming for you,
I swear.

Whatever happens,
however hard, however far,

we will find you.

I'm right here.

No, you're not.

You haven't been here

for a long,
long time.

[ Gasps ]

Oh, no.

[ Pulsing ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Shuddering ]

[ Gasps ]

Woman: Well, dear.

You're ready to pop,
aren't you?

Little one's
on its way

[ Amy gasping ]

Morales: You know,
obviously it adds stakes

to the whole thing.

She's been hiding,
having a baby,

and this is just some
weird projection of her.

Wait, so all these episodes,
that was not real Amy,

and real Amy was pregnant,

being held in
a chamber somewhere

and we don't know --

we just don't know anything
that's real anymore.

We don't know
anything that's real.

It makes you question
the reality of the thing

you thought you knew
about the show.

Here it comes.


[ Amy gasping ]

[ Screams ]

To redefine the canon
where you have to go back

and rethink and rewatch
all those episodes again

and go, "Oh, yes.

Did they plant this
on purpose here,

or am I just now
because of what I know,

is this just
a happy accident,"

and I tend to think that Moffat
planned almost everything.

Amy: I wish I could tell you
that you'll be loved,

that you'll be safe
and cared for and protected.

But this isn't
a time for lies.

What you are going to be,

is very, very brave.

Two minutes.

They're not as brave
as they'll have to be,

because there's someone coming.

I don't know where he is

or what he's doing,

but trust me,
he's on his way.

So Amy's talking to her baby
and she's saying

this brave warrior is coming,
going to save everything.

Don't you worry.

He's been around for
thousands of years.

He's very fierce and determined
and wonderful.

You think she's talking
about the Doctor.

Oh, guess what --
you forgot that she's

married to a Centurion
who's also

been around for
thousands of years

and also is very brave
and blah, blah, blah,

but also, you're a baby.

You don't understand
a word I'm saying.

I might as well be
talking to the wall.

I think that trick is pulled
over us a lot on this show,

and I knew she was talking about
Rory the whole time.

Oh, God, I was
going to be cool.

I wanted to be cool.
Look at me.

You're okay.

A crying Roman
with a baby.

Definitely cool.

I love that she sees Rory
as her protector,

because he is.
He obviously proved that.

It's your
daughter's name

in the language
of the forest.

I know my
daughter's name.

Except they don't have
a word for "Pond"

because the only water
in the forest is the river.

The Doctor will find
your daughter,

and he will care for her,

whatever it takes,
and I know that.

It's me.

I'm Melody.

I'm your daughter.

Tompkins: You would think
the revelation

that River is Amy
and Rory's daughter

would just answer every single
question that you had.


it turns out it elicits
further questions.

I know some people who
watched the show

and were like,
"I knew it."

You didn't know it.
Stop lying.

Yeah, I'm saying it
on television.

Stop lying,
friends of mine.

You know who you are.

I'm fascinated to see what
the second half

of Six does,
because I think the series

has taken another
massive leap.

Okay, Doctor,
did I surprise you this time?

Morales: I think Amy

and Rory and River are
really great this season.

I like Amy especially,
because I enjoy how she

stands up to the Doctor and is
feisty about everything.

This is my life now, and it just
turned you white as a sheet,

so don't you call it
dull again, ever, okay?


Morales: I think she makes
a great partner to the Doctor.

They all do, actually.

It's all kind of a good

mix of people
and characters

and personalities.

Nice hat.

I wear a Stetson now.

Stetsons are cool.

[ g*nsh*t ]

[ Blows ]

Hello, sweetie.

Sheppard: The companions

are a very special,
special breed.

I mean, who gets to tag along
with the Doctor?

It's a wonderful thing,
and we want to be

just as excited
and interested

in the companion
as we do about the Doctor.

You're a time traveller now,

It changes the way
you see the Universe.

They've been good.
Really, really good.

Yeah, I kind of creamed it,
didn't I?

I guess I'm a bit
of a companion,

'cause I've travelled.
I've been told

if you've actually
time-travelled on the TARDIS,

then you are, in fact,
a companion.

It's bigger
on the inside.

You get used to it.

I think that's
the requirement.

I would maybe travel
with the Doctor.

It does seem like
a lot of fun.

And I would also get to
meet so many people

that I would probably
not meet in New York.

I have gene-spliced myself
for all nursing duties.

I can produce
magnificent quantities

of lactic fluid.

Even though there's a lot of
weirdos in New York,

but how many of them can put on
the skin of another person?

Tompkins: Time travelling.

Let's face it, we all
want to do that, right?

Our lives are miserable
and we don't

like the people around us.

I don't know why
you put up with me.

I would jump at
the opportunity to go.

The unknown, to go someplace
you've never been before,

see planets and things
that you've never seen.

I would definitely go.

It's wonderful
and heartbreaking,

and you would do it, too.

We are in space! Woo!

You would say to yourself,
"I'm going to spend as much time

as I can with this guy,
'cause he'll always be able to

return me to the exact
time that I left.

You know, nobody will ever
notice I've been gone.

Won't mean a thing."
And it's never true.

Are you from
another planet?


So, what do you think?

Other planets.
Want to check some out?

What does that mean?

It means --

It means...
come with me.


Wherever you like.