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07x24 - Preemptive Strike

Posted: 01/26/23 08:39
by bunniefuu
Captain's log, stardate 47941.7.

The Enterprise is en route
to a briefing

on the situation in the Demilitarised
Zone along the Cardassian border.

Meanwhile, we're celebrating
the return of an old friend.


- Welcome home.
- Thanks. It's good to be back.

Congratulations on your promotion,

- Same to you, Commander.
- Thanks.

I understand Advanced Tactical
Training is a picnic.


- Did you see the buffet?
- This is real Bajoran foraiga.

It wasn't easy to get.

You shouldn't
have gone to all this trouble.

We wanted you to know how glad
we are to have you back.

So, where are your new quarters?

- Deck four, section eight.
- What do you plan to do?

- Lt Ro.
- Go ahead, sir.

- Please report to the bridge.
- Yes, sir. Excuse me.


You seemed a bit overwhelmed
by the attention.

To tell you the truth,
I really want to see everyone,

I would just rather do it
one at a time.

You look very fit. Tactical Training
seems to agree with you.

You know me, I enjoy a challenge.

More than a challenge.
Half the class washes out every year.

But somehow, I didn't think you
would be one of those.


...I want you to know I really
appreciate your recommending me.

If not for you, my life would
be very different right now.

- Bridge to Picard.
- Go ahead.

We have a distress signal
from a Cardassian ship

near the Demilitarised Zone.

Change course to intercept.
I'm on my way. I...

I'd like you at the conn, Lieutenant.

Ensign Gates.


The distress signal was cut off
before we found out what was wrong.

I have the ship on sensors.

It seems to be under attack
by several small ships.

- Can you identify them?
- No, sir. No identification codes.

I will scan their warp signatures.

Sir, sensors indicate the attacking
vessels are Federation ships.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the Starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission,
to explore strange new worlds... seek out new life
and new civilisations... boldly go
where no one has gone before.

- We're coming into visual range.
- On screen.

Those are Federation ships.

Isolate one and magnify.

The Maquis.

Open a channel.


To all Maquis ships,

call off your attack
or we will be forced to engage you.

No response.

You are Federation citizens.

Your actions violate our treaty
with the Cardassians.

Call off your attack!

- They are not responding, sir.
- Mr Worf, are we in firing range?

Not yet, sir.

Arm phasers and photon torpedoes.

I never thought we'd fire on our own
people to protect Cardassians!

The Maquis ships are regrouping
and closing in on the Cardassians.

Cardassian shields
are down to 30 percent.

They may not withstand
another hit.

We are within weapons range.

Can you detonate a torpedo spread
between Maquis and the Cardassians?

- Yes, sir.
- Do it.

The Maquis are breaking formation.

They are withdrawing.

Signal the Cardassians that we are
standing by to assist any wounded.

Aye, sir.

Do you people have experience
treating Cardassians?


Do you mind?

Gul Evek.

I am sorry
we could not come to your aid sooner.

I suppose we're lucky
you came at all.

Starfleet looks the other way
when the Maquis attack.

That is not the case. We are doing
everything we can to control them.

That attack suggests your efforts
have met with limited success.

They used photon torpedoes
and type-eight phasers.

Now tell me, Captain,

how do you suppose a group
of civilians acquired such weaponry?

I assure you,
not through official channels.

The fact that some Maquis
are former Starfleet officers

has nothing to do with it?

Starfleet does not condone Maquis
actions in the Demilitarised Zone

any more than your government
would condone paramilitary actions

by Cardassian civilians.

We have dealt with our colonists
who armed themselves.

As they destroyed
a Juhrayan freighter a week ago,

I would say your efforts
have met with limited success.

If the Maquis are not stopped, the
situation will continue to escalate

and the Cardassian military
will have no choice

but to take matters
into their own hands.

Captain's log, supplemental.

Gul Evek and his crew
have left the Enterprise.

We have proceeded to our rendezvous
with Admiral Nechayev.

No Bularian canap?s this time?

I thought twice was pushing it.

It's just as well,
they're extremely fattening.

You only missed Gul Evek by hours.
I asked him to stay.

I thought an Admiral's assurances

might convince him we are trying
to deal with the Maquis.

Evek manages to make the Cardassians
sound like helpless sheep

being preyed on by Federation wolves.

But we caught the Cardassians

supplying their colonies in
the Demilitarised Zone with weapons.

Gul Evek told me
they had stopped that practice.

How comforting.

Admiral, this Maquis situation
has you worried.

If I were living that close
to the Cardassians,

I'd keep
a phaser under my pillow, too.

But in the last weeks,
we've seen signs

that the Maquis
are moving beyond self-defence.

Their ranks are growing.
They're acquiring ships, weapons.

They seem to be preparing
a more aggressive military posture.

We've got to put a stop to them

before the entire
Demilitarised Zone ignites.

But before we stop them,
we have to find them.

They seem to be scattered
in small cells around the Zone.

We don't have reliable intelligence
about them.

Perhaps you need
an undercover operative.

Our thinking exactly.

We intend to infiltrate
their organisation,

and the person we want to do it
is aboard your ship right now.

Starfleet wants me
to infiltrate the Maquis?

Because of your recent training,

because you're Bajoran,

and because of your past troubles
with Starfleet

gives you a certain credibility.

Well, that's certainly true.

Just how soon
would this mission begin?


I see.

I've spent the better part
of my life fighting the Cardassians.

I never thought
I'd be helping them out.

This is a rare case when our
interests and theirs coincide.

We both want peace
in the Demilitarised Zone

I've heard a lot about the Maquis.

One of my instructors
at Tactical Training,

a lieutenant commander in Starfleet,
a man I both admired and respected,

he was sympathetic to them.
He resigned and left to join them.

We're all sympathetic, Lieutenant.

Our civilians
in the Demilitarised Zone

are in a difficult situation,

but even sympathy
must end at some point.

The peace treaty
isn't just a piece of paper.

If the Maquis force us into a w*r
with Cardassia,

it may mean
hundreds of thousands of lives.

Two years ago, Starfleet would never
have tapped you for this mission.

They must have
a lot of confidence in you now.

The way I see it, there's
one good reason to take this mission,

and that's to validate
your faith in me.

We are looking for a Bajoran woman,
dark hair.

She is responsible for the death
of a Cardassian soldier.

If we learn she has been here, this
establishment will be closed down.

You say she has dark hair?

- Yes.
- She was here.

- Just missed her.
- Do you know where she went?


It was really nice meeting you.


So, did you k*ll that Cardassian?

Starfleet thinks I did.
That's reason enough to hide.

Why did you tell them that I'd left?

There are worse things a person can
do than k*ll a Cardassian soldier.

You don't often meet someone
willing to say that out loud.

In the Zone,
a lot of us feel that way.

I'd like to meet people like that.

Don't be afraid.
You're not in danger here.

What is your name?

- Did you k*ll that Cardassian?
- Who are you?

We're the people
who saved you from Starfleet.

Thanks, but I'll be going now.

Did you k*ll that Cardassian?


That's a risky thing to do
in the Demilitarised Zone.

You can end up hunted
by Starfleet and the Cardassians.

Then why did he risk
bringing me here?

We're asking the questions.
Who are you?

My name is Ro Laren.
I grew up in the Bajoran camps.

That would explain
why you have no love for Cardassians.

I know what they're capable of.

They tortured my father to death,
and I was forced to watch.

Where are you living now?


I was a Starfleet officer,

but I was court-martialled and I was
sent to the stockade on Jaros II.

I'm not exactly what you'd call
Starfleet material.

- When were you on Jaros?
- What difference does it make?

We want to check your story.
When were you there?

Starfleet let me out three years ago
because I agreed to do work for them,

mostly to do with Bajor.

But I got tired of watching them
placate the Cardassians,

and so I left.

You resigned?

Not officially. That's part of the
reason why they're looking for me.

What were you doing on Ornara?

I think I've answered
enough questions.

I'd like to know who you people are.

Let's say that we sympathise
with those who oppose Cardassia.

Are you Maquis?

What if we were?

If you were,

I would ask if I could join you
and help you fight.

We'll check your story.
Go ahead. I'll keep an eye on her.

Come. Let's stretch our legs.

Aren't you taking a chance
by letting me see all of this?

What if my story doesn't check out?
What if I'm not who I say I am?

Well, then we'll have a problem,
won't we?

You are Maquis, aren't you?

Many of the people here are.

Starfleet considers you outlaws.

They fear you'll destroy
the peace treaty.

They don't understand
the situation here in the Zone.

I lived on Juhraya.

When the treaty was signed,

the colony suddenly found itself
in Cardassian territory.

Some of us chose to stay,
take our chances.

Then one night, I was dragged
from my bed and beaten.

The authorities clucked their tongues

and agreed it was an unfortunate
incident, and did nothing!

I'm not surprised.

The Cardassians intend to make life
so bad for Federation citizens

that they'll leave.

but no one seems to see that!

Except the Maquis.

How old were you
when your father was k*lled?

I'd rather not talk about that.

Hungry? Would you like something?

No, thank you.


You like hasperat?

An old Bajoran friend of mine
used to make it.

His was stronger.

He was k*lled many years ago,

fighting the Cardassian occupation
of Bajor.

I miss his company.

And his hasperat.

My father used to make the strongest
hasperat you've ever tasted.

Everything else seems mild
by comparison.

Did he teach you how to make it?

Yes. But I haven't tried it in years.

If you would make the brine
for a really strong hasperat,

I mean, eye-watering,
tongue-searing strong,

you'd make an old man very happy.

I would enjoy making it again.


I've checked with my sources
at Starfleet. Her story's true.

I was sure it was.

Kalita, she'll stay with you,
until we can find her a room.

There you are.

We've just heard a disturbing rumour.

Another rumour?

One that I think
we should take seriously.

A traitor coming from Pendi II
said he could verify

that the Cardassians will give
their colonists biogenic weapons.

I thought shipments
entering the Zone were searched.

The Cardassians always seem
to find a way around that problem.

Then we have to make
a pre-emptive strike,

show the Cardassians we won't sit
still while they k*ll us with toxins.

Agreed. But we can't mount a strike
without medical supplies,

and our stockpile is dangerously low.

If we request more,
it will draw suspicion.

I can get medical supplies.
I served on the Enterprise.

They always had
extra medkits for relief missions.

They're not going to give you medkits
just because you ask for them.

I don't intend to ask.
I intend to take them.

How? The Enterprise is a fortress.

I know its security systems.

Give me a ship. I can do this.

This is madness.

We can't let her do something like
this. We know nothing about her.

I know that she can make
very strong hasperat.


We need medical supplies.

I think we should let her try.

Alright. But I'm going with her.

I could use an extra hand
at the controls.

And a witness.

I've set the transporter confinement
parameters to maximum.

We'll be able to fill our hold with
medical supplies with one beam-out.

I had no idea
it was going to be so easy.

Approaching Federation border.

How will you leave
the Demilitarised Zone

and not be searched at a checkpoint?

We're going to cross the border here.

There are sensor buoys
all along the border.

If we don't cross at a checkpoint,
Starfleet will investigate.

With the right security codes we can
disable the detectors on the buoys.

Starfleet changes codes constantly.

I know the encryption algorithms.

If I can access the buoy's protocols
I should be able to find the codes.

"Should be able to?"

Do you want this mission to succeed?

Of course I do.
We need those medical supplies.

In that case, let me do my job.

I'm in.

What's wrong?

If I don't input the right code in
20 seconds, we'll trigger the alarm.

I'm getting out of range.

Don't! If we break the commlink,
we won't be able to try again.

It worked.

Until they change the codes again,
we can cross the border here.

Captain's log, stardate, 47943.2.

It has been over a week
since Lt Ro left the Enterprise.

We have yet to receive
any communication from her.

We picked up a request for help from
a science ship in the Topin system.

- Are there other ships nearby?
- We're the closest.

Helm, set a course
for the Topin system.

Mr Data, signal the science ship
we're on our way.

It is unlikely they would
receive our signal.

The Topin system contains
an unstable protostar.

It generates
magnetascopic interference.

- Can we use sensors to find them?
- Most of our sensors will not work.

Our directional array
may pierce the interference.

That array
has such a narrow scan field.

Might as well break out the palm
beacons and find them that way.

This is insane. We're sitting here,
no sensors, blind to the outside,

waiting for a Galaxy-class starship
to come swooping down on us.

Don't worry.

It's hard for them to locate us
with just directional sensors.

Besides, they're looking for a
science ship that wants to be found.

They're here.

Stand by to engage thrusters.


No, sir. It will take
six hours to scan the system.

Captain, the distress call
is being repeated.

- Data, can you locate the signal?
- I am attempting to do so.

They're scanning our last position.

I've locked on to their sensor beam.

I'll use it to manoeuvre
into transporter range.

- How do we beam through the shields?
- We can't.

To get those supplies, we have to
take this ship through their shields.

Sir, I am scanning the area from
which the distress signal was sent,

but I am unable to detect a vessel.

Captain, the computer has detected

a piggyback communication
on the last signal.

Can you decode it?

- It will take a few moments.
- Do it.

The shields have a weak point.

When at impulse, the thrust
destabilises the shield here.

- I'll try to punch through there.
- Won't they detect us?

They'll know something's there, but
will take a few seconds to find us.

We'll have to beam the supplies
aboard and get out fast.

The message is difficult to decode.

Interference has garbled
much of the transmission,

but it seems to be coming
from Lt Ro.

Ro is on that ship!

Sir, a vessel is attempting
to penetrate our aft shields.

Let it through.

We're going to make it.

Alright. We're in.


Let's get outta here.

Captain, medical supplies
were beamed from cargo bay seven.

The vessel that penetrated
our shields

is of the same design
as ships used by the Maquis.

It is moving off.

Let it go.
There must be someone with her.

We should make it look as though
we're trying to stop them.

Mr Worf, lock phasers
on their previous position and fire.

Aye, sir.

Now we know what they mean
by "Advanced" Tactical Training.

You went through their shields?

Ro parked us
between their warp nacelles.

I thought she was crazy,
but it worked.

- She knew what she was doing.
- Well done!

I have to inventory supplies
and find out what we have.

See you later.

It seems Kalita has decided you're
not a Federation spy after all.

She's suspicious of everyone
at first. And rightly so.

We've learned
to be cautious of strangers.

No, I understand.

But I've known since I first met you
that in your heart, you're one of us.

Captain's log, supplemental.

Having earned the Maquis's trust
with her raid on the Enterprise,

Lt Ro has been given access
to a ship

and allowed to leave
the settlement alone.

It's rumoured the Cardassians
are supplying their colonists

with biogenic weapons.

I find that hard to believe.

Ships that enter
the Demilitarised Zone are searched.

The Maquis are convinced
the Cardassians avoid the searches.

- We could make use of that.
- Sir?

We have come up with a plan

that has the potential
to seriously curtail the Maquis.

We want to give them a target
so threatening

that they'll be willing to commit
as many ships and people as possible

in order to destroy it.

- Give them a target?
- Biogenic weapons, for example.

You could provide them
with intelligence which would show

that the Cardassians are, in fact,
supplying their colonists with them.

That would get their attention.

You could say
that to get past the checkpoints,

they ship the components
for weapons through third parties,

and then we could put together
a convoy

and send it towards
the Demilitarised Zone.

And when the Maquis attack it,
Starfleet would be waiting for them.

We could station our ships in the
Hugora Nebula to avoid detection.

Basically, I would be leading them
into a trap.

That's right.

If you have a problem with
any of this, I need to know it now.

Well, if I do, sir, it will not stop
me from carrying out my duty.

I knew that I could count on you.

It took a while, but I patched
into Starfleet's comm system.

I intercepted a communication
from a checkpoint.

They're concerned.
A Pakled transport came through

carrying retroviral vaccines.

Why is that a concern?

Last week, a Ferengi transport came
through carrying biomimetic gels.

By themselves,
neither of these is dangerous,

but Starfleet is concerned because,
with other components,

the Cardassians could put together
a biogenic device.

What is Starfleet doing about it?

They can't do anything.
These items are all perfectly legal.

How close are the Cardassians
to having the components they need?

Very close.

Two days ago, a Yridian convoy
left Deep Space Nine

for the Demilitarised Zone.
It's carrying isomiotic hypos,

plasma flares and quarantine pods.

We can't let it
reach its destination.

But it's too big
for us to go after alone.

I'll discuss the situation
with the other cell leaders.

Considering what's at stake,
they'll want to help.

I've sent a communication
to the others.

When this is over, we'll celebrate.

When it's over?

When Cardassia realises they can't
intimidate us into leaving.

Something tells me it will be a long
time before we're celebrating.

Don't be discouraged, Ro.
It'll take time.

But the important thing
is that we not give up.

I spent ten years in the camps.
I don't give up.

I've been thinking a long time about
what our celebration will be like.

We'll have a huge dinner.

You'll make hasperat
and I'll make blueberry pie.

We'll drink wine and we'll dance.

I'll even play the belaklavion.
That'll give everyone a laugh.

You play the klavion?

Yes, badly.

It's a difficult instrument,
but I enjoy the challenge.

My father played the klavion.

When I was very young,

and afraid of monsters
under my bed...

...he'd play for me.

He said that the klavion
had special powers.

Monsters were afraid of it...

...and when they heard it,
they disappeared.

When I listened to that music
he played for me...

...I was never afraid to go to sleep.

When he died...

...I realised even he couldn't make
all the monsters go away.

Why wait?

Let's go to the market.

Let's get food for a feast,
for a celebration.

A celebration of what?

Of absolutely nothing.

Just to celebrate.

I'd like that.

Come. Let's go to the market.

If I'm to make a pie, we'll have
to find a substitute for blueberries.

Haven't seen real ones in years.

On Bajor, there's a berry...

Yes, I know it, very sweet.



They must have discovered
that there was a Maquis cell here.

Kalita, get one of the medkits.

You have to hang on.

When an old fighter like me dies...

...someone always steps forward
to take his place.

Not tonight.

Hello. Are you alone?

I hope not.

Let's get acquainted?

There's a table in the back
that's more private.

I'd like that.

We have to cancel the mission.


The Maquis didn't go for the bait.

They think the convoy
is too big a target.

But there are only six ships.
We could even cut back that number.

It's the commitment of resources,

of grouping so many of the Maquis
together at once.

They feel it makes them vulnerable.

Every intelligence report
that I get from Starfleet

suggests that the Maquis are eager
to expand their strikes,

they want to escalate
their activities.

Now you're telling me
this isn't true?

It's probably different
in every cell.

The people I've met
tend to be more conservative.

I'm sure others
have a more militant attitude.

Laren, what's going on?

Do you have the money
I asked you to bring?

- Yes.
- Put some on the table.


By this time,
you should be negotiating my price.

When you sent me on this mission...

...I thought that I could do it.

Even though it meant helping
the Cardassians

and betraying people
who are fighting against them.

Now I'm not sure where I stand.

Do you want to back out
of this mission?

Sir, I don't wanna let you down,
I swear.

This has nothing to do with me.
This is about you.

If you back out now, you'll throw
away everything you've worked for.

We're committed to this mission.

My only question for you is...

...can you carry out your orders?

I could put you before
a board of inquiry

for having lied to me
about this operation.

I would certainly have you
court-martialled if you sabotage it.

Now, it's your decision.

I'll carry out my orders, sir.

I feel it necessary
to have Cmdr Riker go back with you.

He can pose as a relative.

I just want to make sure that nothing
happens to obstruct this mission.

I'm sorry.
I don't have that kind of money.

Captain's log, supplemental.

We have received word
from Cmdr Riker and Lt Ro

that the Maquis will attack
the convoy as planned.

Our ships have taken up position in
the Hugora Nebula to wait for them.

I have established a link
with the probe

we left on the perimeter
of the nebula.

This is the convoy.
We expect the Maquis attack force

to cross
from the Demilitarised Zone.

As soon as they cross,
we'll intercept them.

To ensure the ship Cmdr Riker and
Lt Ro are piloting is not fired upon,

I have relayed their warp signature
to the attack force.

Sir, the Maquis squadron
is coming into sensor range.

- Go to red alert.
- Aye, sir.

- Squad Leader to all ships.
- Go ahead, Squad Leader.

We'll be crossing the border in less
than one minute. Arm your weapons.


Starfleet can't make its move until
we're out of the Demilitarised Zone.

We'll break formation and take cover
in the nebula when they appear.

The ships in the convoy are raising
their shields. They've spotted us.

We cross the border in 30 seconds.

What the...?

I'm sorry. I can't let this happen.

Sir, the vessel being piloted
by Lt Ro

is firing a low-intensity
particle beam into the nebula.

What the hell is she doing?

The polarising effect of the beam
may make us detectable.

- Can you counter the effect?
- I will attempt to do so.

- Ro, why are you firing?
- Scan the nebula.

There's a Starfleet attack force
hiding in it.

I see it!

Squad Leader to all ships.

Abort the mission.
Repeat, abort the mission!

Sir, the Maquis ships
are breaking formation.

- Have they crossed the border?
- No, sir. They are withdrawing.

Captain, Lt Ro's ship
is not retreating with the others.

It is heading towards us.

When she comes aboard,
take her into custody.

- Alpha seven to Alpha nine.
- Go ahead.

- Stand by to beam me aboard.
- Standing by.

Take the ship
back to the Enterprise.

You're going with them?

It's been a long time since
I really felt I belonged somewhere.

Could you tell Capt Picard
something for me?

- Of course. What is it?
- Tell him I'm sorry.

So long, Ro. Take care of yourself.

Goodbye, Will.


She seemed very sure
that she was doing the right thing.

I think her only regret
was that she let you down.

Here's my report.