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04x11 - 21 Dump Street

Posted: 01/27/23 15:58
by bunniefuu
Coming up
next on "Cupcake Island,"

the contestants
fight off a tiger

with just a tube
of frosting.


We're eating cupcakes
while watching cupcakes.

That's called winning
the game of life, honey.

Oh, hey, kids.
Do you want some cupcakes?

Put those away.

Max and I
gave up desserts

in order to get in peak physical
form to make the Z Force.

They don't want cupcakes?

Is it too late to
have more kids?


Why would we need cupcakes
when we've got rice cakes?

Mm! Gross.

Alert! Alert!

Incoming transmission
from Super President Kickbutt.

Thundermans, I have a very
special assignment for Max.

For Max?

What, are you guys
testing out

some new sort of
super hairspray?

We'd like you to speak
to some troubled youths

at the Metroburg Juvenile
Detention Center.

Oh, Max, remember that
summer you spent there

- while the rest of us...
- Unhunh.

Didn't go on
vacation to Hawaii?

You guys went where?

President Kickbutt
is talking.

As a reformed supervillain,

we think you'd be
a perfect role model

to help the kids
turn over a new cape.

Me? A role model?

I mean, fashion model, sure.

No filter needed.

Are you going
to do it or not?

Uh... yeah, I'll do it.

But only if they name a sandwich
after me in the cafeteria.

Fine. You can have
the chopped liver and onions.


Super President Kickbutt,

The Maximus O. Thunderman
liver and onion sandwich.

Every time they puke,

they'll think of this guy.

Well, what do you think
about that, Barb?

Max is goin' back
to super juvie.


This time we can
tell people about it.

This is so much better than
the last time I was there.

I mean, the only people
they had come talk to us

were a couple of lame supes.

- Didn't they send Mom and Dad?
- Yeah, it was the worst.

Nora, there's bedbugs
on the couch!

Save some for me.

All right, triple bug bonus!

A cockroach crawled
under the lamp.


Kids, pack your bags!
We're moving!

Evil Super Cockroach
is back?

You ate my sidekick,
but you won't eat my family!

We're just playing
Super Bug Blitz.

Can you just
stop being old?

I knew that.

Stop being so old, Barb.

Kids, look at this mess.

You can't tear up the whole
house for a video game.

We didn't tear up
the whole house.

Yeah, we haven't even
been near the bathroom.

The bathroom!


Okay, they have
a problem.

Take that, spider!
Look at Chloe.

Where'd you get
that phone?

Uh... I love you?


Oh, Phoebe, hi.
What brings you by?

'Cause for the past

you've been screaming

Well, since you're here,
do you mind cutting my nails?

They could use a trim.

Ugh! No, I'm not
touching those.

Then I'll just do this.

Okay! Okay! Okay!
I'll cut them.

I just need them short enough
so I can hit that button.

"Top Secret Party."
Colosso, what is this?

Don't touch it.
You're not invited.

You made a "Welcome Back To
Being Evil" banner for Max?

That banner could
be for anybody.

What makes you think he's
gonna go back to being evil?

Hanging with those
pint-sized villains today

will remind him how much fun
it was to be a bad guy.

You know, before you
ruined him?

Aren't you
a pint-sized villain?

I'm fun-sized.
It's different.

The point is he'll be back
to the old Max in no time.

No way.
Max gave up evil.

When Max gives something up,
it's for good.

Oh, like he gave
up sweets?

Well, feast your eyes on
the security monitors.

This was
taken this morning,

before he left for Metroburg.

What? Uh...

It can't be.

And look what
happens next.

Oh, come...
No, Max, not the trash.

No, don't eat it.

What the...
Don't! Don't! Aww...

How am I the single one?

Told ya.

He couldn't resist
those cupcakes.

And he won't be able to
resist being evil again.

I guess I was wrong.

Heh. Maybe you should push
that button one more time.

You were wrong.


Little Max Thunderman.

As I live and breathe.

Officer Bosco!

Ooh, I still can't believe
you're the same boy

who started
the puddin' rebellion.

Uh, what was that slogan?

"We're not puddin'
up with this."

That's the one.


You'd better
be careful in there.

This crop of delinquents
is as bad as they come.

Not for long.

I'm here to be a good
influence on them.


It feels weird to say
that out loud.

The kids are right through
that thundertanium door.

We had to upgrade
the security systems

since somebody escaped
three times.


I was so good at being bad.

Well, now, nobody gets in
or out without my knowing.

Hey, there.

Oh! What the...

How'd you get
past the security system?

Oh, I'm the official
Hero League protector.

I have access to every
code in Metroburg.

It's a perk.

I also give free jelly jams.

Ooh, I like you.

Phoebe, what are
you doing here?

Well, President Kickbutt
wanted me

to come watch you
change some lives.

I don't mind. Do you?
'Cause she didn't mind.

Do you mind?
I don't mind.

I have my talk
all planned out.

And you can't be here, throwing
around your pointy elbows.

Look, don't make
her leave.

She might take
the jelly jams.

You want one?

Max wouldn't eat those.
He's given up sweets.

And when he gives
something up, it's for good.

Right, Max?

Back up. Why are
you so close to me?

Before you go in there,

you've gotta put on
these power zappers.

No superpowers allowed
in the detention center.


There's something very
important I need to do first.

Ow! Ow! Ow!

Classic Max.

Ha ha!
I knew you'd like that.

President Kickbutt,
our phones are missing.

Send in the Z Force.

The Z Force is at
the center of the Earth

fighting a giant
radioactive worm.

Good! They're not busy.

I am.

Stop calling me.

Kids, we have
your phones.

Oh, good.

We'd better warm up
our squishing fingers.

Ow! Cramp.

Kids, we took your
phones away

because you were
destroying the house.

You guys need a break
from technology.

When your mother
and I were kids,

we used to play a little
game called "go outside."


We play "Go Outside."
It's an app.

On our phones.

Every ten minutes, it charges
both of your credit cards.

It's so fun.

No, we actually
played outside...

Real games,
like pick up sticks.

Paint the sticks.

Kick the sticks.

It was a lot of
stick-based games.

How old are you guys?

- Outside.
- Mm-hmm.

Come on, Nora.

I think the outside
is that way?

All right...

time to meet Metroburg's
worst of the worst.

This is T-Bone.
He has magnet powers.

I'm also a babe magnet.

Child, sit down.

This is Gale Force.
She's a human wind tunnel.

That's right.
I blow a mighty wind.

From which end?

Wanna find out?

This little one,
they call Maisy.

And we don't talk
about her power.

Hello, Phoebe.

How does she
know my name?

You're gonna be great.

You're gonna be great.

Release the monsters.

Time to be an inspiration.

Sit down, delinquents!

- Where do you want me to go?
- Away. You're ruining my flow.

So, you little wannabes
think being bad is cool?

Well, it's not!

How would you
know, buttface?

It's "Mr. Buttface,"
to you.

And I used to be evil,
just like you.

You? Evil?

What's the worst thing
you've ever done?

Remember that news anchor that
got punched by the kangaroo?

Everybody knows Punchy.

Well, I trained him.

Yeah, they tried to
turn Punchy good again,

but once you made an anchorman
cry, there's no going back.

Then you turned good.
Right, Max?

Why'd you bring
your mom?

We are twins.

Sit down and stop riling
up the juvies, Mom.

- Yeah!
- Burn!

I know where you sleep.

The point is you are
never too evil to change,

no matter what you've done.

Well, uh, I destroyed
a whole city

with a tornado
made of corn...

A cornado.


Uh, thanks for sharing.


might be in
your forever home.

What about you, T-Bone?

I dropped a satellite
on my gym teacher's car.

You tackle that,
Coach Kelly!

Please. Heh!
That stuff's not that bad.

You know, I once tried to take
over the world with, uh...

...Dark Mayhem.

- You know Dark Mayhem?
- Know him?

I was almost his plus-one
at the Villain Awards.

Okay, let's not forget to
tell them about the time

you helped me take
down Dark Mayhem...

'cause you're not
evil anymore.

Remember that part, Max?


You took down
Dark Mayhem, too?

I don't wanna
brag, but...

I gained his trust
and stabbed him in the back.


Bosco, bring me
a Max Thunderman sandwich!

Get your own sandwich!


Aw, Hank!

The kids are having so much
fun without their phones.

Is it possible to be
too good at parenting?

Oh, we should
reward ourselves

with the "Cupcake Island"

Yeah. I have to see
if Tristan can beat Bryce

after that gator took
his baking hat.


The TV's gone!

What kind of filthy, no-good
loser would steal our TV?

These losers.


We realized
you guys were right.

We've all been spending too much
time staring at screens.

So we made
the TVs go bye-bye.

Um, kids, we...
we appreciate the thought.

But we're about to watch
our show's big finale.

It is very important

we find out who gets
off Cupcake Island.

Maybe you could fly there...
On "Twig" Town Airlines.

Sorry we can't
"stick" around.

You'll need these.


Barb, I wanna watch

America's number-one
dessert-themed reality show.

Maybe we should
take our own advice

and take a break
from our devices.

Yeah, I mean, I guess
we don't need to see Bryce win.

No, it's gonna
be Tristan.

- Bryce!
- Tristan!

We have
to find the TV!

Then I took control of
Tech Rider's super cycle,

and almost drove my sister
straight off a cliff!

Dr. Colosso and I laughed
about that one for weeks.

You used to be
so awesome, Mr. Buttface.

Yeah. Why did
you turn good?

Because I...

I don't know.

Well, Max, you turned good
because you love your family.

And deep down, he was really
good the whole time.

No, that's not it.

Uh, I have an idea.

Why don't we write
down all the things

we love about
being good, huh?

Here. For instance,
I love flossing twice a day

and having a brother
I can totally trust.

Wait, everyone stop.

Give me those pens.

Phoebe, I need to talk
to you immediately.

Will you cut it out so I can
change their stupid lives?

I'm just trying
to help you.

They're villains.
If you give them pens,

they're gonna use them to
pry off their power zappers.

I think you're

Wait, why is one of
those pens a straw?

Because I switched it.

Now we're gonna
teach you a lesson.

I think I'm gettin'
through to 'em.

You kids are being
very rude right now.

Just putting
that out there.

Shut your stupid trap.

You guys better let us
out of here or else!

Or else what?

Or else...

I'm gonna repeat
my request to be released.

If the Hero League ever wants
to see either of you again,

they're gonna have
to agree to our demands.

What have we got
so far, T-Bone?

Uh, a picture of me
in a silly hat.

Man, I miss hats.

What was President Kickbutt

thinking, sending
you down here today?

she didn't send me so much
as I made the whole thing up.

What? Then why'd
you come down here?

Just say it.

Because this is the first
time you've spent any time

with villains since
you stopped being evil.

I was afraid that being
around these kids

might bring out
the old Max.

So... you think
I'd just go back

to be evil,
just like that?

- No, I just meant...
- No, I get it.

You think I'll always
be a villain.

And you're right.

I'm sorry, what?

People never
really change.

I guess being back
here with them

reminded me of
who I really am.

A stand-up guy
who loves his family?



Hey, kids!
Let me help you out.

Come on, Max,
you've worked so hard

to turn your life around...
Don't throw it all away.

You know,
real supervillains

would've busted outta
this joint by now.


Even with our powers,
we can't break that door down.

Well, I guess you'll just
have to talk to someone

who has access to every
prison code in Metroburg.

Good thing there's
no one here like that.

President Kickbutt gave
my sister all the access codes

back when she was named
protector of Hiddenville.

Then tell your mom to
get your sister down here.

I am his sister!

- Give them the code.
- Never!

I'll break her.
My powers break everyone.

tickle powers?

It's evil and adorable.

Our TV has to be
here somewhere!

I'm coming for ya,
"Cupcake Island"!

Whoa, maybe we should
give them back the TV.

No. This is what we're
waiting for, Billy.

They're cracking.

Oh, kids!

Listen, uh, your mother
and I think

that we have taught you

a very valuable life
lesson, right, Barb?

Yep, yep!
You guys learned.

We learned.
Everybody learned.

Here are your phones.

Now, where is our TV?

I don't know...
The sticks are pretty fun.

Give us back our TV!

Oh, Chloe!


I don't think
that's our TV.

It's all right, Hank,
just take it.

Billy, look.

They added crickets
to Super Bug Blitz.

What a time to be alive.

Look, the kids are back
to their old habits

because we couldn't
give up TV.

Does this mean
we're bad parents?

No. Watch this.

Kids, go play with
your phones... outside.

That is called winning
the game of parenting, honey.

And now to find out who
won "Cupcake Island."


Tristan won it all, baby!


Get her pointy elbows,
where she's weak!


Okay, okay.
The first number is .

Just please stop.

Come on. Just tell us
the rest of the code.

Max, why did you have to
go back to being evil?

Isn't it obvious?

So they'd be distracted
while I do this.

Max, I knew you
were good.

Well, now I do.

Before, I thought
you were totally evil.

- Traitor!
- Let's take them down!

All right...

we should get these power
zappers on 'em before...

...they hurt us really bad.

What? What?

Why can't I control
my hand?

'Cause there's
metal in your watch.

Told you I'm
a babe magnet.

Maisy, stop.

I'm gonna pee my pants.

Max, now!

All right, one of us
just has to get to her.

Oh, looks like we're in
for some stormy weather.

Max, it's up to you!

I'm gonna need a push!

Gotcha, windbag!

That would be funny...

if I didn't just
pee my pants.

Sorry, kids.

But I told you,
evil doesn't pay.


'Cause it was kinda
evil how you tricked us.

Guys, being a superhero
doesn't mean

you have to be all goody-goody
like my older sister here.

We are the same age!

So, we can be superheroes,
but still be cool like you?


- All right. I'm in.
- Me, too.

I'll think about it.


I'm sorry I doubted you.

Should've trusted that
you gave up being evil.

Yeah, when
Max Thunderman says

he's giving something up,
it's for good.

You know about
the cupcakes, don't you?

- And the garbage cupcakes.
- Awww...

Oh, I forgot to tell you...
Don't hand out any pens.