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04x11 - Here Come the Girls

Posted: 01/28/23 09:09
by bunniefuu
'The Doctor's time has run out,
and now the ladies in his life
need to turn back the clock.'

It's a Doctor-less world for her.
Donna displays great courage.

'So join Confidential backstage
in a world bereft of the Doctor,

'but blessed with a Noble
and a Rose.'

Filming the Shan Shen market
was awful for weather.

The rain, it was chucking it down.

We brought all sorts of
hocus-pocus-y sort of stuff,

and brilliant banners,
brilliant stalls, exotic fruits.

We managed to find all Chinese
extras from the west of England,
so that was great.

Everybody was very high-spirited, and
thank God they were, because it could
have been a thoroughly miserable day.



'My entire contribution'

to episode was done in one day,
which was a fairly manic day.

We had Shan Shen Alley first thing.

It was an extraordinary day,
with this huge setup
and all these supporting artists,

all this set dressing, all this
stuff, all these banners
hanging from everything.

Shan Shen Alley was a chance
for the props department

to use all the weird props they've
never been able to use elsewhere.

You could sell them
on market stalls,
in an alien marketplace. Perfect.

So when you knew that you were
bringing Billie back, Rose back, did
you know that Bad Wolf would be...?

I'd sort of thought...
It's part and parcel of
Rose, really, as a warning,

as a message, a sign
that goes with her.

Rose was trapped in a parallel
universe. The walls are closed.

Opening those walls was going to
mean the deaths of all universes,
everything collapses. Yeah.

If messages are bleeding
through, if she's crossing
universes, everything's in danger.

Not just this universe - everything.
But she's using Bad Wolf to let
the Doctor know ahead of time. Yes.

It's the bat signal, isn't it?
It is! That's a much better way
of putting it.

Take two.

And, action!

One of the things we address in
the episode is, what the world
would be like without the Doctor.

What she doesn't know is that,
in another life, another world,
she was with the Doctor

when he did defeat the Racnoss.

Donna is connected to the Doctor.

By her not meeting the Doctor
in The Runaway Bride,

the Doctor is k*lled. But
the events of The Runaway Bride
continue anyway.

Some other secretary
at HC Clements must have been
dosed with Huon particles.

The plan almost succeeded,
the Doctor stopped them,

but Donna wasn't there
to stop him.


You can stop now.

Loads of energy.

What happened? What did they find?

Did they find someone?

I dunno. A bloke called the
Doctor or something.

[ Cut there!

Rose knows how important Donna is.
Even though she sees herself
as nothing, as she says.

I'm nothing special! I'm a temp.

Donna Noble, you're the most
important woman
in the whole of creation.

Rose... Torchwood in Rose's universe
is monitoring the timelines.

'So, Rose has an overview, an
objectivity of all that's going on.

'Because their universe is slightly
ahead of ours, she can see where'

she needs to go in our universe
to stop everything unravelling.

Take two!

Wh... Where is he?
They took him away. He's dead.

Sorry... Did you know him?

Billie's return in Episode ...

We had to keep that under wraps.
That had to be kept really quiet.

'We never knew whether it
would be two or three episodes.'

I would've done with one scene
in the end.

'Planning for this goes
back months or so.'

'When I found out I was returning
to Doctor Who,'

I was fine up until
about three weeks before sh**ting.

Then I had a minor breakdown.

I thought I could never play
that character again.

'So, I went out,
frantically buying boxsets'

and watching my own performances!

Such a sad confession!

Episode 's an extraordinary
episode for Donna.


This is where we leave you.
I don't want to see
that thing on my back.

'The moment in
the circle of mirrors,

'both times she's in the circle
of mirrors. First of all,
she's terrified.'

And then she's so beautifully
hopeful, travelling back in time.

Those are some of the finest
performances I've ever been
associated with.

At least I'm not gonna die!

Cos I understand now.

You said I was gonna die,
but you mean this whole world.

It's gonna blink out of existence.
But that's not dying.

Cos a better world takes its place.
The Doctor's world.

And I'm still alive.

'And of course,'

Rose knows differently.

I'm sorry.

I'm not gonna get there.

She told warn you.

She said two words.

What were they? What did she say?

Bad wolf.

Doctor, what is it? What's bad wolf?

It's the end of the universe.

We're heading to the series climax.
All sorts of things are stewing.

In every episode, there's
elements being carried forward
that will pay off in the finale.

There's been the return of Rose.

We've seen her now with Donna.

We've seen Martha, before
becoming part of the Doctor's
world back on Earth.

Those seeds and elements are all...

It's like a rolling stone
gathering moss.

Something from every episode
is about to pay off

as we hit the biggest
finale on Planet Earth!

It's fantastic.