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01x08 - Episode 8

Posted: 02/03/23 19:15
by bunniefuu
Where are you going?

To practice.

You want to win that badly?

We don't have a choice.


Why Jihu?

If it weren't for him...


It's not too late.

Just one word.

Tell me you like me.

That's all it takes.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Do you know what you're doing?

The almighty Gu Junpyo

is practially begging.

I have no other choice.

I don't know why
I've fallen in love with you.

That was your last chance.

It won't do you any good
to cry tomorrow.

I won't go easy on you.

It's what I want.

I guess that's who you are.


Let's fight to the finish.

No regrets.

None at all.

Whatever happens,
I won't regret it.

So if Jihu loses this time,

he'll be kicked out of F forever.

And Jandi will be expelled.

What if he wins?

That's impossible.
Don't tell me you bet on Jihu.


Who in their right mind
would bet on Jihu?

But if he does win,
the returns would be very high.

Gambling isn't about miracles.

Junpyo! Junpyo!

The final match will begin now.

Athletes, come forward.

Song Wubin! Song Wubin!

So Yijeong! So Yijeong!


Jandi, it's all over for you!

Yijeong, good luck!

Justice will prevail!

So Yijeong! So Yijeong!

Jandi, hang in there a bit longer!

So Yijeong! So Yijeong!

What's going on?

Who the heck?

- Who won?
- I didn't see.

Who won the race?

Who came in first?

So it's official.
Jandi and Jihu are cleared.

Any objections?

You were awesome.


I should be thanking you.


My brother has matured
thanks to you.

See you again.

What a relief!
Isn't it?


It was a great match.

I agree.

I'll go check on Junpyo.

- Thanks.
- Thank you.

- Thanks to you.
- Same to you.


Want to go on a date?

I've paid off a really big debt.

What are you muttering to yourself?

I guess the shock was too big.

Do you remember the time
I broke Jihu's robot in kindergarten?

His robot?

The one made of wood?


Jihu, give this to me.


I'll give you all my toys.

Not this, Junpyo.

Why not?

It's mine now.

Jihu's father made that for him
before he passed away.

I've always thought
that I owed him something.

So you've paid it off?

I can't break Jandi into pieces
like I did that toy.




Want to go on a date?

The date!

- Jandi.
- Where are you going?


I want to take a walk
and get some exercise.

Dressed like that?

- Actually...
- Going on a date with Jihu?

How'd you know?

It's too bad you hurt Junpyo's feelings,

but love doesn't always work out
the way you planned.

That's right.

When you come to a dead end,
you always find your way out.

What do you mean?


You have to be on good terms
with Jihu.

Don't you think your skirt
is too long?

Can't you have more sex appeal?

Jandi, your lips are too dry.
Try licking them.

That's sick.

Jandi, women need to smell seductive.

Stop it!

I'm going now.

What does Jihu's family own?

The Suam Culture Foundation.

Real Barcelona.

The L.A. Dolphins!

And she'll be the granddaughter-in-law
of a former president.

Do you know what time it is?
Let's go out.

- No!
- Yo!

- How about the sh**ting range?
- No.

- A drive?
- I'm lazy!

- Shopping?
- Not interested.

You want to stay in your room
when the weather is so nice?

I bet Jihu is having a great time
on his date.


I wonder what Jihu and Jandi
do on their dates.

I just can't imagine.

I know.

I bet they take naps under the sun.

Jandi resting in Jihu's arms?

Let's go out!

Let's go!

- Stop it.
- Let's go out!

This is the first Christmas present
she gave me.

A horse for a present?

I went on a hunger strike
for four days and three nights

to get a puppy.

How'd it turn out?

I was beaten up like crazy.

How about a horse
instead of a puppy?


You want to ride that?

N Seoul Tower Cable Car

Sir, here's your coffee.


This coffee costs $.

What do you think?

It's like drinking coffee
at a rooftop bar.

Want to drink something?

No, thanks.

I've never ridden this before.

What about you, Jandi?

Junpyo and Jandi's first night together!

Are you ill?


No, I'm fine.

I'm sure she's fine.

Let's not get into that.


An apology isn't enough.

That's why we have laws
and law enforcement officers.

Where are we?

My house.


Yun Jihu, Min Seohyeon

I don't see anyone around.

I feel uncomfortable
with people around.

The maid comes
when I'm out of the house.

I see.

It's really strange.

I don't feel uncomfortable
with you around.

I feel at ease for some reason.

It's strange, but interesting.

There's something warm about you.


I know it now.

I know why Junpyo likes you.

- Jandi!
- Huh?


That's Seohyeon.

You're in the picture, too.

It's the horse I saw earlier.
The Christmas present.


Maybe the others were right.

If it weren't for Seohyeon,

I may not have ended up liking you.

How is Seohyeon?

She's not going to marry

the other guy.

Then what?

Nothing has changed.

Why's that?

I think it's time...

For me to let her go.


In any case, thanks.

You've helped me to get over her.

My first love.


Sometimes, there are people
you end up meeting again.

I'm sure you'll be able
to see her again.

The two of you...




I think Seohyeon has taught me
how to let go of you.


First love.

Goodbye, Jihu.

I may end up regretting it.


I should let her go.

What's wrong with him again?

It's probably Jandi again.

Jandi and Jihu...

Are sure to break a record today.

See you at the ice rink!
How about a game?

How dare he order me around?

You should be on a date
instead of calling us out here.

I know.

I tried my best.

But I escaped because I was bored.


I don't like easy women.

I thought she was a tomboy,
but she's actually quite feminine.

Jihu, what's wrong with you?

She followed me home
and didn't want to leave.

Stop it.

I was shaken up by Seohyeon,

so I was just playing with her.

You jerk!

Are you okay?

Let go!

Repeat what you just said.

Playing with her wasn't too bad.

You want to die?

It doesn't concern you.

It does!

It does concern me!

Let me go!

Let go!

If you hurt Jandi's feelings,
I'm going to k*ll you!

It took you a long time
to admit this.

See? You can't give her up.

You should've been frank with me
from the start.

You're crazy.

That was harsh.

Why didn't you tell us earlier?

I had a debt to collect.

He broke my robot.

Cheap things suit you.

If you lose it, you're dead.

Just one word.

Tell me you like me.

That's all it takes.

Junpyo and Jandi's first night together!

Gu Junpyo

Don't make me feel bad.
I'm in a really good mood.



What did you say?

Gu Junpyo

Junpyo, Junpyo!

Wake up.
Jandi is here!

Wake up!

No way.

Is this a lie?
All of a sudden?

What happened?

He was running out to meet you.

Junpyo, wake up!

What are you doing here?

I have a lot of things to tell you.

Things to argue about.

Things to teach you.

What are you doing?

He was depressed all day.
He wanted to apologize to you.

I should be the one apologizing.

Junpyo, I'm sorry.

I lied to you.

Last time...

You wanted me to say one word.

I regretted not saying it
after you left.


Junpyo, wake up.

I can tell you
what you want to hear now,

but not like this.

Wake up!

Are you sure?

Jandi must be really surprised.
Look at her shoes.

Junpyo is so lucky.

It's - 'C outside.
Aren't you cold?

Jandi, that was really touching.

If I were Junpyo,
I could die right now and be happy.


I'm sorry.

The two of you were just so stubborn.

Tell me what you were going to say.


You said you had something
to tell me.


Stop it.
I'm a patient, remember?

You're no patient!


What is this?

Don't do that.

One, two, three, four.
five, six, seven, eight.

Two, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.

Two, two, three, four!

What are you doing
in my neighborhood?

You should be at home.
The roads are really slippery.

I'm exercising right now.

You even look silly
when you're exercising.

- Get in.
- Why?

You want to exercise?

- Get in!
- Hey!

Try it.

Good shot!

Your turn.

Bend your knees.
Even more.

Good shot!

Nice shot!

Junpyo, hey.

I'm full.

Let's go, if you're done eating.

You can go first.
I'll catch up with you later.

Here you are.

Thank you.

Thank you!
I'll be back again!

Who is this?

Aren't you Jandi?

What are you doing here?

- Do you know her?
- No.

What's all this?

It smells.

Are you collecting garbage?

Were you begging
for leftover food?

What a drag!

Can you wait?
You can take our leftovers.

What are you doing?

What are you doing?

Junpyo, long time no see.

I see your tastes have changed.

Who is she?

Your maid?

Shut your mouth...

If you don't want the newspapers to report
that your company is bankrupt.

- I'm sorry.
- Don't apologize to me.

Excuse me.
Please forgive me.

I can't seem to swallow.

How can I make my first move?

Why is it so hot?

If I take my shirt off,
it'll cause a commotion.

I'll just tough it out.

Why is this movie so mushy?

Junpyo, now's the time.

- Turn your face.
- No.

Don't look at me.
Junpyo, you're dead if you do.

I really can't do this.

I'll just have some popcorn.

Answer your phone!
Answer your phone!

- Hello?
- Jandi!

- Sis!
- Geum Jandi!

- Eat up, honey.
- You, too.


- Honey.
- I'm home.

The eel is really soft.

Honey, it's an eel.

- It's great for your stamina.
- Eel!

Where did you get all this?

Why do you ask
such stupid questions?

Junpyo ordered it.

The hotel chef delivered it himself.

He also brought a whole tuna
and made sashimi on the spot.

I thought it was a whale!

Oh, brother!

Let's eat!
Help yourselves.


Let's eat until our stomachs explode!

Until our stomachs explode!

Give some to dad.

I'm telling you beforehand
so you won't be mad.

The food isn't for you.

You don't get a single piece.

So I was just walking along,

and someone tapped me
on the shoulder.

And then?

Do you want to watch a movie?

That's so cheesy!

Jandi, is something wrong?

Gu Junpyo

Hello? Junpyo?

I can't hear you right now.
I'm really busy at the shop.

There are too many customers.

Can I get a bowl of porridge?

Sure, ma'am.

Did you hear that?
I'm really busy.

I don't think I'll be able to see you
for some time.

Jandi, which shop are you talking about?

Can I have some more kimchi?

Okay, wait a second.


Thank you.

It's warm.

So you're practicing during vacation?

A little.

It didn't seem that way.

I thought you were training
for the Olympics.

I feel better after a swim.

Is something wrong?

What about you?
Why are you here?

I left my music here.



I'm at school.

I'm here with...

Okay. I'll wait for you.


Junpyo's coming.

You'll get to see him if you wait.


What's wrong?

I'm really busy.

I have to get home.
I almost forgot.

I'll see you later.

Thanks for the coffee.

Were you here with someone?

Huh? No.

It's cold.

It looks tasty.

We've been such eating
such expensive food lately.

When is Jandi going on a date again?

I don't know.

I hope she goes out
for some Chinese food.

I'd prefer a full course ltalian dinner.

That's right.
What's that snail dish called?


That's French food.

Who is it?

Who is it?

If someone is here to collect money,
tell them we're out.


Is it the food delivery man?
Did you order takeout?


If it's the landlord,
say that we're dead.

It's Junpyo.




May I come in?

What are you doing here
so late at night?

It's not late.
It's only : p.m.

It's early evening.

- Father.
- Father?

Did you hear that?
He called me "father."

- And mother.
- Honey.

Can I sleep here tonight?


What did you say?

Are you crazy?

Why would you want to sleep here?

- Who invited you?
- Your dad.

- No, your mom.
- Mom!

Of course you can sleep here.
It's quite late.

It's after :.

You can't go anywhere
so late at night.

You can sleep in my room.


It fits you like a glove.

You look great in anything you wear.
You're a model.

Don't you think
it'll start a new trend?

I'm all ready.

Ready for what?


It reminds me
of my first night with you.

The night of our wedding.


Junpyo, what are you doing here?

I didn't expect much,
but this is really fun.


Your master bedroom
is smaller than my bathroom.

Your bathroom is extraordinary.

But what's even more funny
is that five people are sleeping together.

No one would believe me.

- Is that funny to you?
- How could it not be?

Then enjoy yourself
so you won't regret it later.

Of course not.

I feel like I'm in a refugee camp.

I'm going to sleep now.
Don't talk to me.


It's like we're one family
under a single blanket.

Hey, are you sleeping?

Are you sleeping already?

Miss Laundry!

I have laundry!

Jandi's laundry for you!

I want to eat snails.

Sweet and sour pork...


Sweet and sour pork...

Where did you get all this?

Why do you ask
such stupid questions?

Until our stomachs explode!

Hello? Junpyo?

I can't hear you right now.
I'm really busy at the shop.

There are too many customers.

Can I sleep here tonight?

You look great in anything you wear.
You're a model.

Don't you think
it'll start a new trend?

Where is he?

Why don't I see
Junpyo around?

Don't look at me.

You're dead if you do.

Junpyo, now's the time.