06x01 - Ladders

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Community". Aired: September 2009 to June 2015.*

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Jeff Winger is disbarred and suspended from his law firm when it is discovered that he lied about possessing his bachelor's degree. This leaves him with no choice but to enroll at Greendale Community College to earn a legitimate degree with an eclectic staff and student body.
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06x01 - Ladders

Post by bunniefuu »

[NOISE] Yahoo!

Welcome back to Greendale, now ranking fifth on Colorado's alphabetical listing of community colleges.

Rest in peace, Bad Boy Slim's DJ School.

This school owes its continued existence to the following heroes.

Jeff Winger, a teacher so dedicated to clean energy, he's already parking like his car is electric.

Britta Perry, currently raising awareness of homelessness, not that she has a choice.

Abed Nadir, who actually wrote this announcement for the sake of, as he put it, catching everyone up.

And Annie Edison who led the effort to save Greendale from 534 critical emergencies.







Hey Leonard, what, are you gonna Bogart the disc all day?


[SOUND] Like tears in rain.



I can't believe the roof collapsed.

We almost k*lled Fat Neil.

That was Garrett.

See, we're monsters.

Okay, if they blame us for this, let me take the heat.

I'd never see the inside of a cell.

I have been reliving this day over and over for a thousand years.

Guys, this is not on us.

That roof was gonna collapse, 80% of the rubble was styrofoam.

Speaking of guilt, where's Shirley?

You didn't tell him?

I was waiting until we were all together.

Abed's not comfortable with C-H-A-N-G-E.

Hey, screw you.

I can spell.

Screw you.

Is Shirley gone?

Did she spin off?

Nobody spins off in real life, Abed.

Shirley went to look after her dad in Atlanta and ended up taking a job as a personal chef to a brilliant, but troubled Southern detective.

I told her I'd manage her sandwich shop while she's gone.

Oh, that's very generous of you.

I have a friend in town, every time you're gonna need help with that.

She'll be back.

[LAUGH] Like Troy?

Are any of you white people noticing what's happening to this group?

Do Abed and I need to be concerned?

You have my word, as leader of the white people there's no cause for alarm.

Say hello to new Shirley.

[LAUGH] Just kidding.

This is Francesca Dart.

I have brought her on as an administrative consultant.

I thought it would be fun, and mandatory for you to add her to your little committee.

Why, because one roof collapsed?

No, God, God no.

I'm your friend bringing you a new friend, one with training in not collapsing roofs.

Is she, excuse me, ma'am.

Is she above us or below us?

She is, woop!

[LAUGH] I'm getting a call, here, and I'll have to take it.

Frankie, why don't you explain what your role will be, while I leave to take this call.

My phone is vibrating, but it is In your office, which you didn't realize, when you started the fake phone call move.

My phone is in my pocket, Jeffrey.


I'm walking away, so I can get it out and answer it.

Let me know how it goes.

Okay, I'll just have a seat and-.


No! No, no, no! Hey!

Our friend use to sit there.

She spun off.

I'm sorry, what about here?

Yeah, [CROSSTALK], I guess that's okay.

Okay, so, I took an informal survey to get a sense of how Greendale is perceived.

And three themes emerged, weird.

Passionate and gross.

Now you want to hang onto that grouping.

In marketing, it's what we call the Good Belushi.

If I had a magic wand, I would use it to make sure Greendale never had to grow up.

I would also probably use it to cut the Magic Wand class that I noticed is actually offered here, as well as VCR Repair, a class called Ladders, and When is it Okay to Shake a Baby?

In terms of hierarchy, I'm a big believer in it.

Someone needs to say, I'm in charge, and that person is me.

That's my decision.

That doesn't mean that we don't work together, but all communication and decisions will go through me.

I'll send out an email later to set up our next meeting.

Awesome. Okay. Great seeing you, Professor.

Yeah. Coolios.

Who in the crazy bitch?

Did that just happen?

Did you see her binder?

[LAUGH] Pretty nondescript.

Seems like she may be trouble.

To be fair, she's an additional white person, which has clearly become important here.

No, thank you.

I, I'm just glad I was able to answer.

My, my phone got lodged in my pocket.

I know!

I guess that is a thing.

So, you were saying about the thing, the reason you were calling was, what were you talking to me about?


Looks good, Tony.

I'm sorry, I just assume your name is Tony.

Here you go.

I gave you some extra heat.

Britta, what is the weekly cost of this restaurant?

Oh, that's easy.

My dignity.

Seems like this sandwich counter is consuming your happiness and converting it into burnt bread and debt.


Frankie, hi.

Someone removed all the liquor from the faculty lounge.

I'm sorry, I cannot legally protect or insure a campus with free flowing booze.

Well, I can't teach with free flowing sobriety.

Is that true?

Do you really think you're an addict?




Oh, oh, hey!

Yes, I can talk.

Damn it.

I am available anytime for you.

Frankie, Frankie.

Hi. I had an idea about how to deelectrify the pool.

Oh, that's already been dealt with.

Okay, well, then, there's-.

Oh, let's see.

Done, done, deloused.

Appraised, defused, rebuilt.

De-peanut buttered, debunked, spayed, neutered.

Underway, resanctified, plunged, deported and exhumed.

Thank you.

Oh, this is pretty.


I'm gonna name one of my sandwiches after her.

My sandwiches suck.

She is improving Greendale.

Yeah, but how much can you improve Greendale before it stops being Greendale?

She didn't suffer for this place.

She doesn't understand it.

She's gonna end up messing with something that-.


Temporal mutation in English, Doc.

Simply put Mr. President, in 12 hours these dinosaurs will become-.

Mind if I sit here?


Go ahead, I can reshoot.

How's everything going?

I have concerns.

I'd like to hear them.

I'm worried you're not distinct enough for Manny both in terms of physicality and purpose.


I can't determine if you have any specific flaw, quirk, or point of view that makes you a creative addition to the group.

I don't know what that means, but I'm writing it down.

My umbrella concern is that you, as a character, represent the end of what I used to call our show, which was once an unlikely family of misfit students, and is now a pretty loose knit group of students and teachers.

None of whom are taking a class together in a school which, as of your arrival, is becoming increasingly grounded, asking questions like, how do any of us get our money?

When will we get our degrees, and what happened to that girl I was dating?

As opposed to questions I consider more important like, what is real?

What is sanity?

Is there a god?

Where's that Pierce hologram?

Jeff said last year he saw a Pierce hologram.

None of the rest of us have ever seen it.

So, if there's a Pierce ghost on campus, I'd like to get a head start on busting it.

All right. This is the first I've heard that I'm a character on a show.

I'm excited to be one, but I agree, I'll be a boring one.

Quirks are not my strong suit, results are.

I love quirky people.

I come from a big family of people who are literally insane.

I moved down here to take care of one of them.

But I myself am exceptionally boring, and I am quite proud to be that way, because it allows me to help the less boring people turn quirks into results.

That's the most interesting take on not being interesting that I've ever heard.

As far as what I represent about your show, I wouldn't give me or anyone else that kind of power.

Good shows change, I assume.

Personally, I don't own a TV.

You're the first person to say that that I didn't immediately delete from my brain.

Thank you.

Emergency meeting at Shirley's Sandwiches right now.

Everyone freaking out.

New lady is evil.

Crazy frown.


I should go.

Abed, I could really use someone's help in learning the ropes around here.

I'll ask around.

Friends, dumb hats.

Totally talking down to you.

She hates you.

I got it from Jared.

What are you guys doing back here?

Are you the big chilling?

Yeah, only there's not a hippie that d*ed to make us come together and complain.

It's our school.

Frankie's taking over the campus.

She cancelled ladder's, she's banning substances, she wants to shut down Shirley's sandwiches.

She called Annie a bitch.

She implied I was a bitch.

She implied Annie was a stuck up bitch who thinks she's better than everyone.

Okay, now you're just-.

She was nice to me.

In fact we kinda got along.

Abed, are you sure she wasn't actually being sweetly condescending?

Yup, I learned to pick up on that one.

I make a movement that we form a separate, secret, committee.

I second Britta's motion, not movement.

I third Annie's number two-ing of the movement Brita made.


Our mission to preserve the real Greendale.

Oppose Frankie or drink.

Whatever's easiest.


Are you guys sure she's bad?

Are you sure you're not doing what I usually do, overreacting to change?

Nobody's ever doing what you usually do Abed.

You're nuts.


In a good way.

I'm just saying.

Leave reality to us.

We always support you.

Don't make it more dramatic than it is.

It's a blood oath to defy evil.

You're either in or you're out.

Can I hang around if I don't do the oath.

Oh, gee. You mean just be friends?

Sure. Great, Abed.


Can I have some pretzels?


Those are secret committee pretzels.



Yes, that was a test.

You guys are bad friends.


Don't think of it as bad baking.

Think of it as a crushing blow to a gender stereotype.


Britta, it might help if every burnt sandwich didn't come with a self-aware burnt sandwich bit.

Is that how you're gonna help increase sales, creative notes?

I had that sign spinner idea.


We're a restaurant inside a cafeteria Annie, our weak point wasn't traffic.

Flo, Alice no fighting, can't afford to lose this place.

If I have to start drinking in the men's room, the score in my head has to change from Trent Reznor to Johnny Cash doing Trent Reznor.

I'm a bartender Annie, I know a little bit more about the human side of service.

I can't eat this.

Can I have my money back?

You're human garbage.

Hi, Mr. Winger.

Nice lecture yesterday.

Don't patronize me d*ck.

It might not seem like this, but you're k*lling small, black owned business.

I'll call it even for a drink with Mr. Winger.

That's absurd.

You will?

Let's see some ID.

You snitch, you die.




Well I guess we'll wait for the others before we start.

I don't think they're coming.

What? The committee had a meeting last night and decided you are evil.

Ooh. Wait, you guys had a meeting last night?

So, we broke up as friends.

Because I don't think you're evil.

I think you scare people, because you live in the real world instead of up your butt.

I'm sorry that happened, Abed.

It's like I said yesterday at lunch.

Drama and conflict are exciting and easy.

Making a difference can be pretty boring.

You guys had lunch?

I'd like to try to live in that world.

I'm a little tired from all the drama, the heroes, the villains, monsters.

Pokemons. You're just a person that sees things the way they are.



I don't know if I can be like that but I don't think it makes sense to be against it.

You guys ever hear of The Slender Man?

I'd like to try to help you.

And if possible, learn from you.

You guys on Reddit, 4Chan?

That would be great, Abed.

Cuz it's awesome.

I think we'd all benefit if we were more like you, so what do you say?


Let's order some food.

Let's save Greendale.

Let's save Greendale.


We are something else.





What are you doing?

What do you mean?

Someone told me you were sweeping, straightening clocks.

Why are you cleaning that sign?

I gave you a list.

Yeah, the list felt pretty similar visually.

I can't picture a montage cutting from me verifying Diane's invoice to me emailing confirmation to Diane.


But a montage is what, Abed?

It's a movie apologizing for reality.

And we are where?

Reality. And what do people do here?

They email Diane?


Abed, if you change your clothes one more time today, you're fired.


Hey, Abed.

Hey, Todd.

Are Andy and Bruno around?


Abed, maybe you should order the special.

I'll have the special.

The specials are kept in the back.

You should, you should go in the back.


[SOUND] I'd like the special.


Vaporizers, Skittles?


Hey, Annie.

This place is so conceptual.

It's practical, too.

We made enough money to save Shirley's.

And in an ironic way, because if Shirley saw this, her soul would die.

Hey, Abed, check this out.


Oh, Britta's still the worst?


The bar gets dirty.

You're gonna need someone to clean it, probably after hours, and those floor polishers can get pretty loud.

I'd hate for someone to hear it.

You blackmailing me?

Just talking shop.

What's the rumpus, Abed?

Miller's Crossing.

Mm hm.

This is really great.

You guys should be proud of yourselves.

We missed you.

Have a drink.

Put on an old timey jacket.

That's okay, I don't really do this anymore.

All right, come on.

I said I don't do this, see.

You dirty rat.

Guys are all dirty rats.

What's your romper room?

All right, maybe just one drink.

Then maybe cut to a montage of drinks.




Let's never stop being friends again ever.

Mm hm.


We shouldn't have made you choose between Frankie and us.

Oh, she's good for business.

We're sorry that we made you choose between-.

You're just repeating what I said.

No, you're repeating what I said.

Oh, I'm a time traveler?


This is the show.

[LAUGH] Abed, I just got word from Diane that one of your emails was a little shaky.

Are you okay?

I'm good.

Late night last night.


Yeah, I could use a little protein.

I'm gonna go get an early lunch.

You guys know about tardigrades?

They're these microscopic creatures that look like robot bears.

They can survive in space.

Mm. Mm hm.

Get into space, you dirty tardigrades, see?


And they're everywhere.

There's a lot of little things in real life that are just as cool as fake stuff.

I learned that working for Frankie.

You guys would like her, you know.


Is this what you guys want?

You wanna play cops and robbers with costumes?

Why is that guy a carrot?

Because they ran out.

Who tattled?

In what world, Brita, do you see this as covert enough to require tattling?

You built a bar in a school.

There was lumber involved.

I have been letting you hole up down here, because it kept you contained and satisfied, because you are all compulsively defiant, but it wasn't enough.

You had to drag Abed back in, and Abed deserves better.


Oh, ho, ho, ho, ho, it finally comes out.

Abed deserves better.

That's been out.

Shut up, Leonard.

I once mistook six people for you at a pharmacy.

It's not their fault, Frankie.

I chose this.

These are my friends.

I hate emailing Diane.

She can't commit to a font.

It's pathological, and so am I.

This is where I belong.

I know you think that, Abed, but you don't know any better.


But shut up, Leonard.

You are.

You are old.

And you deserve less, because of your age.

I don't, I don't actually believe that.

I'm just trying to, I'm trying to, and everybody here is a, is a fart a livid fart from the butt of a lesser god.

I'm, I'm better than this.

Cut to everyone on campus getting as drunk as they want montage.


Frankie hasn't come back to work today.

That's terrible.

The insurance company dropped us.

The school has no insurance.

What was Frankie's salary?

A lot.

What were the insurance premiums?

A lot.

Add those two numbers together, that's your new school dance budget.

Oh, nice.


Welcome to ladder!





Who wants to see the ladders professor go higher?



Aah! [NOISE]

You did it, Jeff Winger!

This is your school now.

[SOUND] Annie.

It was worth it.



All right, that should be the extent of the professor's medical bills.

What, what about that lawsuits from the students?

I think we should fight those.

Actually, I suggest you settle out of court.

This is my fault.

Obviously not.

It's my fault.

It's my fault.

Guys, it's my fault.

It's my fault.

It's my fault.

It's my fault.

It's my fault.

It's my fault.


It's my fault.

It's my fault.

It's my fault.


All right, all right, all right.

So, whose fault wasn't it?

And who knows anything about handling anything like this?

In terms of hierarchy, I'm a big believer in it.

Someone needs to say, I'm in charge, and that person is me.

That's my decision.

Wait, what?

I'm sorry?

Who talks like that?

Why would anyone hire someone so pompous?

Miss Dart, word of advice, change your personality, or start looking for companies run by insane people.


Don't hire this woman.

Fifth time's the charm.

He's barged the four offices screaming, don't hire this woman.

What the hell is going on?

What are you doing here?

How did you even find me?

I emailed Diane.

She knows way too much about your schedule, by the way.

Whatever he's offering you, Greendale, well, we can't double it.

We probably can't even match it.

Whatever he's offering you, Greendale will give you less, and an apology.

Do you know-. Shh.

It's not enough, but maybe if you added more apologies.

Like a montage of them?

We're sorry.



I told you I wouldn't be needing dinner tonight.

I'm guessing you wouldn't.

Not if you're looking for this.


How'd you know?

Nobody makes more crumbs than a cook.

Well, the same goes for clues and detectives.

You're too busy solving murders to get away with your own.

Well, then, what about the case of my wife and my legs, Shirley?

Can you solve that one, huh?

Can you?

Cuz if you can't, then I ain't got nothing to live for.

Begging your pardon, Mr. Butcher.

I think the people on this bayou would disagree.

You rescued a runaway girl today.

Rescued, balls.

I couldn't even rescue a, a bulb from a socket.

And you did all the work today, didn't you?

I'm just a detective from the swamps of Atlanta, can't even walk.



[NOISE] Then let me be your legs.

Let me do for you what I did today every week until you find your wife.

Or your legs.

You are a stubborn son of a bitch, Shirley Bennett.

Now come on.

I have dinner to make.

You got cases to solve.


[NOISE] Feeling someone's gonna m*rder some tater tots tonight.

That's no mystery at all.



Next week, on The Butcher and The Baker, when a new detective on the Bayou disappears, and Butcher is the prime suspect, it's up to Shirley to cook up some answers.

Did you get any of that?

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