My Darling Clementine (1946)

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My Darling Clementine (1946)

Post by bunniefuu »

Hya! Hya!

Hya! Hya! Hya! Come on, dogie!



Chihuahua steers.

Howdy. Howdy.

My name's Clanton. This is my boy, Ike. My oldest boy.

Any sweet water up beyond?

Yeah. Two, three miles straight up the trail.

Cattle look pretty scrawny. Yeah.

Me and my brothers, we're trailing them on to California.

If you ain't committed to no shipper, I'll take them off your hands.

Not interested.

Make you a good offer. Pay you in silver, three dollars a head.


Might raise you to five dollars silver. Paid more than that in Mexico.

They'll be a sorry-looking lot when you get to California.

They'll feed out when we get to grass country.

Sure is rough-looking country.

Ain't no cow country. Mighty different where I come from.

What do they call this place? Just over the rise, big town...

...called Tombstone. Fine town. Tombstone?

Yeah, I heard of it.

Well, me and my brothers... might ride in there tonight. Get ourselves a shave, glass of beer.

You'd enjoy yourself. Wide awake, wide-open town, Tombstone.

Get anything you want there. Thank you.

James, this is mighty fine chow.

One of these days you're gonna be as good a cook as Ma.

I'm learning and trying. That's what I'm telling him.

Corey Sue ain't marrying him because he's pretty. Because he's a good cook.

There goes that chingadera again.

That sure is a mighty pretty piece of brass.

Brass? That's solid silver.

Twenty-five American dollars' worth of solid silver, ain't it, brother Wyatt?

It sure is, James. Don't let him fool you.

Gonna look mighty pretty in them curls of Corey Sue's.

Ain't that the truth now.

Let's mount up. If we're going to town, let's get going.

Twenty-five dollars gold. By gollies, you sure got a bargain.

Whoa, girl! Whoa! So long, James.

So long, James.

So long, Wyatt. Morgan. So long, Virgil.

There it is. Tombstone.

Let's go.

Good evening, gentlemen. Welcome to the Bon Ton Tonsorial Parlor.

Barbershop? Well, if you want to call it that.

What can I do for you?

Shave. Hair cut?

Shave. We give baths too.


I don't know how to work it so good. Only had it a week.

Come all the way from Chicago.

Say, you fellows miners? No.

Prospectors? We're cattlemen... just passing through here. Shave, please.


Hey, barber!

What kind of a town is this?


Luke, you know your duty. You and your marshals go and get him out.

That's Indian Charlie in there, drunk. I ain't committing su1c1de on myself.

Me neither. I ain't going in there.

What kind of a town is this anyway? Excuse me, ma'am.

A man can't get a shave without getting his head blown off.

You're the marshal. Get that drunk Indian.

Why don't you? They ain't paying me for it.

And they ain't paying me enough either.

Young man, you be careful!

It's all right, ladies.

I don't blame old Luke. I wouldn't go in there either.

What kind of a town is this anyway, selling liquor to Indians?


Put a knot on his head bigger than a turkey's egg.

Indian, get out of town and stay out.

How'd you like to stay on here, as marshal?

Nope. Barber!

200 a month goes with this badge. Not interested.

I'm just passing through trying to get a relaxing shave.

We'll make it 250. Not interested.

Hey, Mr. Bon Ton!

Shave, please. We want to thank you, Mr...?

Earp. Wyatt Earp. What?

You're not the marshal from Dodge City?


The cattle's gone!



Mayor, is that marshaling job still open? It is.

I'll take it. It's yours.

Providing my brothers are my deputies.

When do you want to start? Now.

Who runs the gambling around here? Doc Holliday, mostly.

Who runs the cattle? The Clantons.

Old man Clanton and his four sons.

Good evening, Mr. Clanton.

Good evening.

The fellow with the trail herd, remember?

Oh, sure, I remember you.

You was right. I didn't get very far with them.

They was rustled this evening.

That so?

Well, that's too bad.

Guess you ain't heading for California, huh?

No. I figured on sticking around a while.

Got myself a job.

Cowpunching? Marshaling.

Marshaling? In Tombstone?

Well! Good luck to you, Mr...?

Earp. Wyatt Earp.

1864, 1882.

Eighteen years.

Didn't get much of a chance, did you, James?

I wrote to Pa and Corey Sue. They're gonna be all busted up over it.

Corey Sue's young. But Pa, guess he'll never get over it.

I'll be coming out to see you regular, James. So will Morg and Virg.

We're gonna be around here for a while.

Can't tell. Maybe when we leave this country... young kids like you will be able to grow up and live safe.

What'd you find? I followed their trail... from Clanton country to the river. They're moving cattle, all right.

Well, get yourself some sleep. There's coffee on the stove and some beans.

Morg's riding shotgun to Tucson.

Say, maybe I'd better ask around the banks while I'm down there.

They're too smart for that.

Chihuahua, sing us the one about the old blind mule.

Hey, Mac. I hear Doc's coming back tonight.

Well, maybe he is and maybe he ain't. I ain't heard.

Well, do you know where he's been?

Tucson. Over the border. Who knows where Doc goes?

I love poker.

Yes, sir, I really love poker.

Every hand a different problem.

I've got to do a little figuring here.

What would I do if I was in your boots, Mr. Gambler?

You drew three cards and I stood pat... and yet you raised me.

Now the question is, what should I do?

Yeah, mighty interesting game, poker. A game of chance.

Listen, miss, I admire poker, but you're increasing the odds.

I catch you doing that again, I'll run... Listen, Mr. Tin Star Marshal.

This is Doc Holliday's town, and when he comes back...

Sorry, but I don't like eight-handed poker deals.

Mr. Marshal, you don't think that I... Oh, no.

Well, where were we? He just raised you, marshal.

Oh, yeah.

Well, seeing as you know I got three of a kind...

I guess I'll...

How are you, Doc?

Have a good trip?

Doc Holliday.

Nice-looking fella.

Don't let's have trouble.

I told you to get out of town and stay out.

Oh, Doc, I'll cut you in on the game... I told you to get out of town.

Check me in, will you?

That door's for ladies and gentlemen.

Go on with your game, gentlemen.

Well, you can cash me in. It's getting late. I'll see you all later.

This sure is a hard town for a fella to have a quiet game of poker in.

Howdy. Good evening.

I'm... Wyatt Earp. I know.

I know all about you and your reason for being here.

I've heard a lot about you too, Doc.

You left your mark around in Deadwood, Denver and places.

In fact, a man could almost follow your trail going from graveyard to graveyard.

There's one here too.

The biggest graveyard west of the Rockies.

Marshals and I usually get along better when we understand that right away.

Get your meaning, Doc. Good. Have a drink?

Thanks. Believe I will.

Mac, a glass of champagne for the marshal.

Make it whiskey.

You're my guest, marshal.


Champagne it is, Mac.

Plan on staying here long? A while.

Till you catch the rustlers that k*lled your brother?

That's the general idea. What's the specific idea?

I don't follow you, quite.

You haven't taken it into your head to deliver us from all evil?

I hadn't thought of it quite like that. But it ain't a bad idea.

That's what I'm getting paid for. Let's get down to cases, marshal.

I, for instance.

How would you handle me if I took a notion to break the law?

You already have. For example?

Running that tinhorn out of town. That's none of your business.

I see we're in opposite camps, marshal. Draw.

Can't. We can take care of that easily enough.


My brother Morg's g*n.

The big one, that's Morg.

The other one, that good-looking fellow, that's my brother Virg.

This is Doc Holliday, fellas. Hiya, Doc.

Howdy. Howdy.

Have a drink.

Don't mind if I do, Doc.

Join us, Mac. Yes, sir. Thank you.


Your health. Your health, Doc.

Thank you.

Come, my good man. Give me service, or I'll take my patronage elsewhere.

Your foot, sir.


The actor in tonight's show. Shakespeare in Tombstone.

Coming right up, Mr. Shakespeare.

It's been a long time since I've heard Shakespeare.

How would you like to join me tonight?

Yeah, fine.

See he gets to the theater or there won't be a show.

Mac, cash in for me, will you? Yes, sir.

Take Mr. Thorndyke to the Bird Cage.

Bird Cage? You're incarcerating me in a bird cage, sir?

That's the name of the theater. The theater? The show!

Good heavens, the show must go on.

Lead on.

Drinks on the house.

May I present my friend, Wyatt Earp.

Him? A friend?

"He." Not "him." Well, he or him.

He ain't no friend of mine.

What she's trying to say, Doc, is, we've met before.

Sort of found ourselves together in a eight-handed poker game.


and gentlemen.

Owing to circumstances that I had nothing to do with... the show The Convict's Oath will not appear tonight.

But as if I didn't already have enough trouble... that eminent actor, that sterling tragedian...

Mr. Granville...

Thorndyke! has completely disappeared.

Wait a minute. What are you acting so mad about?

This is the fourth time this year this happened.

Bird imitators. Bird imitators, that's all we get.

I can explain that. What are you fixing to do?

Be reasonable. All we want to do is ride him round town... a couple of times on the rail.

Well, that sounds reasonable enough to me.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute. I got a better idea.

Just give me 15 minutes and I think I can find this Mr...


I'll bring him back here. Now sit down. Take your seats and have another beer.

Look, Yorick, can't you give us nothing but them poems?

I have a very large repertoire, sir.

Great. All right, Yorick, go ahead. sh**t.

Minstrel, pray help me.

Wait. I want to hear this.

Thank you.

To be, or not to be, that is the question...

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind... to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune... or to take arms against a sea of troubles... and by opposing, end them.

To die, to sleep, no more... and by a sleep to say we end the heartaches... and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to.

'Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished.

To die, to sleep.

To sleep, perchance to dream.

Ay, there's the rub... for in that sleep of death... what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil...

That's enough. That's enough.

You don't know nothing but them poems.

You can't sing. Maybe you can dance.

Leave him alone.

Please go on, Mr. Thorndyke.

Thank you, gentlemen.

Must give us pause.

There's the respect that makes calamity of so long life... for who would bear the whips and scorns of time... the law's delay... the insolence of office... and the spurns that patient merit of the unworthy take... when he himself might his quietus make with a bare bodkin?

Who would fardels bear, to grunt and sweat under a weary life...


Please help me, sir.

But that the dread of something after death...

Would you carry on? I'm afraid...

It's been so long.

The undiscovered country... from whose bourn no traveler returns... puzzles the will... and makes us rather bear those ills we have... than fly to others that we know not of?

Thus conscience does make cowards of us all...

They're waiting for you at the theater, Mr. Thorndyke.

Thank you, sir.

Shakespeare was not meant for taverns, nor for tavern louts.

Yo rick stays here.

My apologies, marshal. Ike and Phin have had a little whiskey.

I figured they're just having some fun.

Come on, Mr. Thorndyke, I'll take you to the theater.


Stop, Pa! Stop!

When you pull a g*n, k*ll a man. Yes, Pa.

Whoa! Whoa!

Tombstone, folks. All out for breakfast.

How's that, Bill? How's that?

Go on. Get up there. Go on. Get up.

How're you this morning, Earp? Fine.

How are things in Deadwood, Mr. Gambler?

All right, I guess.

Brother with you? No.

Get yourself some flapjacks. The stage is leaving in 30 minutes.

See you're on it.

Thank you.

I'll prepare a room for you. Thank you.

Can I help you, ma'am?

Dad's usually here to take care of the...

Is that your duffel up there? Yes.

Alice, give me a stack of buckwheat cakes with plenty of molasses... and a steak, rare. A couple hunks of bacon if you got some... and a big pot of coffee.

I'm looking for Dr. John Holliday.

You mean Doc Holliday? Well, I imagine so.

Doc Holliday. Why, he rode out of town about 3:00 this morning, heading south.

I don't know when he'll be back, ma'am.

He'll most likely be back suppertime.

Maybe you'd like to have some breakfast, freshen up a bit.

I would like some coffee.

Have you got a room for Miss... Carter. Clementine Carter.

Thank you.

See if Josefina can't get a few buckets of hot water so she can take a bath.

Yes, marshal.

That's Doc's room. You're across the hall from him.

John's room?

Oh, that's John with a mustache.

He is a good surgeon, isn't he?

I wouldn't know, ma'am.

That's a nice picture of you.

All right, folks, all together now.

Tombstone is grateful to you for a wonderful performance.

Mr. Mayor, I'm touched by your tribute.

Have my card. Thank you very much.

Sorry you're leaving. Here's your bill.

The bill.

Thank you.

Great souls by instinct to each other turn... demand allegiance, and in friendship burn.

Goodnight, sweet prince.

Goodbye! Parting is such sweet sorrow.

Would you like a glass of beer, ma'am? No, thank you.

I'm looking for Dr. John Holliday.

Who? Dr. John Holliday.

Oh. Well, I'll see if I can find him for you, ma'am.

Thank you.

Go right in, ma'am. Thank you.


Hello, John.


I'd like you to meet my friend. Wyatt Earp, Miss Clementine Carter.

We've met. Good evening.

Howdy, ma'am. I'll see you both later.

Let's eat.

What are you up to?

It's wonderful to see you again, John.

You are pleased that I came?

My coming has made you unhappy. It was ill-advised.

Any less ill-advised than the way you left Boston?

How'd you know I was here? I didn't.

Finding you hasn't been easy.

From cow camp to cow camp. From one mining town to another.

If nothing more, you should be flattered to have a girl chase you.

Clem, you've got to get out of here. But I'm not.

This is no place for your kind of person.

What kind of a person am I, John?

Please go back home, Clem. Back where you belong.

Forget that...

Does this happen to John frequently? - Oui, mademoiselle, each time is worse.

You're ill, John.

So that's the reason you left. That has nothing to do with it.

Foolish, foolish John. As if that would have mattered.

I tell you, the condition of my health has nothing to do with it.

I don't believe you, John.

Then I'll give you the truth.

The man you once knew is no more.

There's not a vestige of him left. Nothing.

I'll take you back to the hotel. Please, John.

You can't send me away like this.

You can't run away from me, any more than you can run away from yourself.

Now I know why you don't care whether you live or die.

Why you've tried to get yourself k*lled.

I've heard all about you, John, and you're wrong, so wrong.

You've got no right to destroy yourself.

You have a world of friends back home who love you, John. And I love you.

There's a stage leaving in the morning for the East.

Take it.

If you don't, I'm moving on.

Very well, John. I'll go.

Dr. John Holliday!

From where I stand, that tin badge you wear... doesn't give you the right to stick your nose in my personal affairs.

What's eating you, Doc?

Why didn't you tell me Miss Carter was here?

She told you why. She wanted to surprise you.

Give me a clean glass, Mac.

Don't start drinking whiskey again. Give me a glass, Mac.

I'll pour it.


That stuff'll k*ll you.

Why don't you go away?

Squall your stupid little songs and leave me alone.

I'll see if I can get Doc to bed. Finish your supper.

Have a drink. No, thanks, Doc.

I said, have a drink.

No, thanks, I just finished supper.

Look, Doc, I ain't trying to poke my nose into your personal affairs.

But from where I stand... a man would have to go a long ways to find a finer girl than Miss Carter.

Or a prettier one, for that matter.

Ain't no man around who wouldn't give his shirt to...


You've said enough.

Just as you say, Doc.

And this isn't any of your business, either.

Keep that up, and you'll be out of business.

You've just given me a brilliant idea, marshal.

It's time I tempted fate.

Let's see...

Who's in here I don't particularly like?

That's a sucker game, Doc.

There's probably 50 fellas in town waiting to see you get liquored up... so they can fill you full of holes.

Build themselves up a great reputation.

The man that k*lled Doc Holliday.

Mac, give me a hand and let's get him to bed.

All right.

You don't think that's kind of... No, sir! No, sir!

New chair gets in next week from Kansas City, Kansas.

Fine. Fine.

Sweet-smelling stuff, Mr. Earp. Sweet-smelling stuff.

Have a good breakfast?

Yeah, stowed away a whole skillet full of ham and eggs. Feel good.

We figured on getting a buckboard and maybe going up to see James.

Good idea.

Thinking I might ride out there later this afternoon myself.

If I wasn't in the territory, I'd swear we were back home on a Sunday morning.

Yeah, with Ma scrubbing our necks to go to camp meeting.

By golly, I'll bet that's what it is. A camp meeting.

Could be.

You know, I swear I can almost smell the honeysuckle blossoms.

That's me.


Morning. Morning.

You gentlemen coming to church this morning, I hope.

We're having our first social to raise money to finish the church.

See? It's a camp meeting.

Camp meeting! No such dad-blasted thing! Regular church.

Is that it?

I wondered what that lumber was for. Roof'll be on next week.

I hope you single men will come. Be awful nice for the dancing.

Yeah, sis here's single.

Dad-blasted good dancer too.

Thank you, ma'am, but my brothers got sort of a job of work to do... and I ought to stay around the place.

Keeping the peace is no whit less important. Get going, sis. Good day.

Good day. Good day.

There's probably a lot of nice people here. We just ain't met them.

Come on, Morg, let's get started. I'd like to get back for that dancing.

As for you, when Doc finds out you butted him last night... he'll twist that tin badge around your heart.

I'm Chihuahua.

I'm Doc Holliday's girl.

Just wanted to make sure you were packing.

Stop slamming doors! People bellowing, dropping pitchers on the floor...

I get no rest. I'm sorry. You're not mad, are you?

Sure not. What right have I got to be mad with anyone or anything?

She's packing, Doc. She's leaving town.

Happy. aren't you?

I ain't sad.

Get me a thing of...

Chihuahua, I'm going into Mexico for a week or 10 days.

While I'm gone, I want you... Take me with you, will you?

Why not?

Why not?

Tell François to fix a bridal breakfast. Flowers, champagne.

You get in your prettiest dress.

Tell him the queen is dead. Long live the queen.

Oh, Doc!

Morning, Miss Carter. Good morning, Mr. Earp.

You leaving?

Yes, I'm leaving for the East on the stage.

The eastbound stage don't leave till noon on Sunday.

It's a mighty short visit.

Some people think I've overstayed my visit already.

I don't know, ma'am.

But if you ask me, I think you're giving up too easy.

Marshal, if you ask me...

I don't think you know much about a woman's pride.

No, ma'am, maybe I don't.

Girls, don't forget to be back in time for Sunday dinner, now.

I'm sorry about your bags. I didn't get them down.

The girls put together a lunch. Well, bless my soul. He did it.

Good morning, miss. Marshal.

John Simpson said he'd have a church and he has. Church bells in Tombstone.

I believe that's the first church bell I've heard in months.



I love your town in the morning, marshal.

The air is so clean and clear.

The scent of the desert flowers.

That's me.

Barber. Oh.

Marshal, may I go with you?

You are going to the services, aren't you?

Yes, ma'am.

I'd admire to take you. Thank you.

Now, folks, I hereby declare the first church of Tombstone... which ain't got no name yet, nor no preacher either... officially dedicated.

Now I don't pretend to be no preacher... but I've read the Good Book from cover to cover and back again... and I nary found one word against dancing.

So we'll commence by having a dad-blasted good dance.

Will you oblige me, ma'am? Thank you.

Hold it, folks. Dag-blast it, hold it!

Sashay back and make room for our new marshal and his lady fair.

Well, by gollies!

Marshal, I hope you're as good a dad-blasted carver... as you are a dad-blasted good dancer.

Oh, you know...

Pardon me for intruding on your dinner party, marshal.

That's all right. Sit and join us.

Clem, I told you last night to leave Tombstone and go back East.

I also told you if you didn't leave, I would.

He)', Doc!

That's the second time in three days... you've been trying to run somebody out of town.

That's my business. That's what I'm paid for.

Miss Carter or any other decent citizen can stay here as long as they want to.

We're through talking. My advice to you is, start carrying your g*n.

That's good advice.

Doc's gone.

He's left town. He was going to Mexico and take me with him.

He was gonna marry me. Well, you're leaving too!

What's the matter? It's just a common case of hysteria.

Oh, it is, is it?

What're you doing? None of your business.

Behave yourself. Get out. I won't get out till she leaves town.

Do you want me to spank you?

Take your hands off me. Leave me alone!

What do you know? What do you know about Doc and me?

We was going to Mexico to get married. Yes, he was gonna marry me.

Until this Miss Milkface comes pussyfooting along and...

Where'd you get that?

Doc. Where do you think I got it? You ain't lying?

Why should I lie? He gives me everything I've got. I've got a roomful of stuff.

Keep your door locked, Miss Carter.

See that this wildcat stays in her room and tell Virg to stay.

What's up?

Doc Holliday.

Where's Holliday? He came in about a half-hour ago.

Got his saddlebag and a sack of gold out of the safe and left in a hurry.

Were you looking for Doc? I am.

Well, he left on the bullion stage, riding shotgun.

Left town? For Tucson.

Get my bay mare up to the jail, will you, Jess?


You! Whiskey for my boys.

I think the Huachuca Pass is your best bet, Wyatt. Good luck.

Thank you, Jess.

How long ago did the stage come through?

About 15, 20 minutes. Doc Holliday on it?

Yes, and he was sure going to town.

I need fresh horses. Cut me out two, Joe.

One that'll lead well. All right, marshal.

That bay looks good.

Hey! Hey! Hey!


Pull up!

Whoa, whoa! Easy. Whoa!

I told you I'm through talking, marshal.

You're coming back to Tombstone with me, Doc.

Sorry, I'm not going back.

Well, in that case, I'll be taking you back.

Go for your g*n, marshal.

You call it, Doc.

Who is it? The marshal.

Why don't you go chase yourself up an alley?

Who do you think you are?

Chihuahua, open this door. Doc? Is that you, Doc?

I said, open this door. Yeah, Doc. Just a minute.


Yes, Doc. Open this door before I kick it down!

Yeah, Doc, let me get something on.

Well, hurry up!


Come in, Doc.

Chihuahua, why did you tell the marshal I gave you this jewelry?

Well, you did, Doc. You gave it to me.

I never saw this piece of junk in my whole life. Who gave it to you?

You can't remember everything you give me.

Sure you did. Don't you remember? When?

Two or three days ago. I don't know. What difference does it make?

That being the case, I charge you with the m*rder of my brother, James Earp.

He's fooling. I ain't fooling.

It was stolen from him the night he was sh*t in the back.

Now do you still insist I gave it to you?

No, no, of course not. Then who did?

I ain't gonna be a squealer, Doc. Let's go, Doc.

Well, you told me to go away and squall my silly little songs somewhere else.

So I came up here and had a good cry.

There was a knock at the door and...

I thought it was you.

I opened the door and...

it was Billy Clanton.

Billy Clanton! Go get him, Virg.

What's happened? There's been a sh**ting. Stay outside.


She's badly hurt.

Mayor, you'd better send to Huachuca for an army doctor.

We have to operate immediately. That'll take five or six hours, Doc.

You're a doctor, ain't you?


Morg, go get Miss Carter. She's a nurse.

Tell her to stop by Doc's and get the doctor's bag.

Mac! You and Buck go clean the saloon.

Put two poker tables together and put lights around them.


Doc, you're gonna operate.

Drop her feet, Kirby. Drop her feet. Hurry, Doc.

Mac, the light. Over here.

Doc's here, honey. Oh, she's been right brave.

Sorry, Doc.

Still mad?

No, honey.

Look. I haven't got anything to put you to sleep... so this is going to hurt like blazes.

Yell, scream, holler. Anything you like.

Tell me when you're ready.

Bite on it. Bite hard.

Oh. Oh, Ma!

There, there, honey, Doc's going to help you.

I'm looking for your brother, Billy Clanton.

He's right in there, Mr. Earp.

My boy Billy.

sh*t down on the streets of Tombstone.


It's too bad it had to end this way, Mr. Clanton.

Get mounted.

Hi, Doc.

You're all right.

You've been a brave girl.

All right, lift her up gently please.

Doc... I mean, doctor, I'm gonna take her to my house and take good care of her.

Can't I do that, marshal?


Dr. Holliday.


I'm awfully proud of you, John.

Thanks, Clem. She was a brave girl.

Mac, you ever been in love?

No, I've been a bartender all my life.

We'll be waiting for you, marshal, at the O.K. Corral.


Well, the Clantons are at the O.K. Corral all right.

They're barricaded down there.

We want you to count us in on this.

We ain't fighting men, but we sure like to help you out.

Thanks, deacon, but this is strictly a family affair.

What's the matter? They too yellow to come fight?

They'll come.

Easy on that keg, son.

How's Chihuahua?

She's dead.

"Doctor" John Holliday!

When do we start?


Sun up, Ike! Phin! Sam!

Sun's coming up, marshal.

Now, got everything straight? Yeah.

Let's go.

Here they come!

Doc Holliday's with them.

Wait till they get closer, you fools.

Phin, cover your brother.

Morning, Mr. Clanton.

Let's talk a while. Ike!

Well, now.

You go right ahead and talk.

I got a warrant here for you and your sons.

Charging the m*rder of James and Virgil Earp.

There's also a charge of cattle-rustling.

I'm giving you a chance to submit to proper authority.

Well, you come on right in here, marshal, and serve your warrant.

Which one of you k*lled James?

I did. And the other one too.

Then I'm gonna k*ll you.

Throw your g*n down and come on out, old man.

My boys. Ike. Sam. Phin. Billy!

They're dead. I ain't gonna k*ll you.

I hope you live a hundred years.

Feel just a little what my pa's gonna feel.

Now get out of town. Start wandering.


Doc? Yeah.

Goodbye, ma'am. Mighty nice to have made your acquaintance.

Get along, horses.

There's so many things I wanted to say and... now nothing seems appropriate.

Yes, ma'am, I...

Yeah, I know.

The mayor says you might be staying here a while.

Maybe helping get a school started.

Yes, I'm the new schoolmarm.

Well, that's mighty nice, ma'am.

Me and Morg are going out to see Pa. Tell him what happened.

I might come East again. Get some cattle.

Maybe stop by here again.

Stop by the schoolhouse?

Yes, ma'am, I sure will.

Goodbye, ma'am. Goodbye.

Ma'am, I sure like that name.
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