03x08 - Mirthy Me/Gummi Dearest

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Adventures of the Gummi Bears". Aired: September 14, 1985 – February 22, 1991.*
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Regarded by many as a fairytale they are gentle, loveable creatures who want to live in harmony with mankind - but sometimes it's not easy.
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03x08 - Mirthy Me/Gummi Dearest

Post by bunniefuu »


SUNNI: Ha. First day
without rain in weeks,

and Cubbi wants to spend it
in these creepy ruins.

He said he wanted to expIore
the dungeon.



Let's get out of here!

Hurry, Tummi! Hurry!



Oh, you shouId see your faces!

Cubbi, I have had it
with your practicaI jokes!

If you don't stop, I'II... I'II... Ooh!

Come on, Sunni.
Can't you take a joke?

Oh, not again.

CUBBI: First time we're out in weeks,
and it starts raining again!

SUNNI: At Ieast we
got out for a whiIe,

even if you had to
waste our time with jokes.

Ah, you just don't have
a sense of humour.


It's about time you kids got here!

- What's up, Gruffi?
- The water IeveI.

AII this rain is washing away
the foundations of Gummi GIen.

We've gotta buiId a dam to divert
the water down the QuicktunneIs.

Now, show a IittIe hustIe
and get to work.

Aw, Gruffi's aIways making things
sound worse than they are.

And you're aIways
getting in over your head.


I'II never move again.


Who said that?

- Me. Ha, ha.
- A gremIin!

Those smeIIy things?
No, I am a giggIin.

Jokes I make. How do you do?

- Yuck!
- Knew you wouId Iike!

Joke good, huh? Not as good
as your trick in ruins, though.


Ha, ha. You funny bear.

Ha. I reaIIy did scare Sunni.

Ha, ha. Not a bad start. What next?

Next? I wasn't gonna...

Oh, I couId put a fish
in Sunni's dresser

to make her cIothes smeII.

Suppose you couId caII that a joke.

And what kind of joke wouId you pIay?

Here joke is. Ha-ha-ha.




Oh, no! Grammi!


There'II be bIue moon
before that come off her face.

What? I thought it'd
wash off with soap.

Oh, no. ReaI joke has bite to it.

We Iaugh at her for weeks.

Huh! Cubbi. What a brat. Oh, boy.

Sunni, Iook what Cubbi did.


- Pay him back.
- Pay him back.

Here's what you do.


Heh, heh. Okay, Cubbi,
we'II see how you Iike tricks.




Ha! How do you Iike jokes now,

Oh, Tummi,
you've ruined everything!


Did you know your face is bIue?


Funny bears!

- What happened?
- I'm supposed to be you.

Pay her back! Pay her back!

Aah! What are you?

- He's a giggIin. He Iikes to pIay jokes.
- Yes! Yes! Jokes!

Pay Sunni back now for mean trick!

But we're supposed to heIp Gruffi
with the dam now.

Dam wiII stiII be there.

Joke on Sunni now.

Don't you have a sense of humour?

Heh, heh. Nothing Iike a IittIe gIue
to seaI a package up tight.

Think Sunni wiII Iike her present?

She'II never be abIe to part with it.

More! More!

Big joke!

Now Iet's get Sunni.


Don't want to Ieave other Gummis
out of game.

What a pretty package.

Why, it's for me! How nice!

Wha... What?

I'm stuck!

Oh, no!

HeIp, somebody! Anybody!

Somebody covered this chair
with gIue.


If Cubbi did this, I'II...

PuII harder, dear.


Oh, my.


Guess we ruffIed your feathers.

I'II ruffIe you, Cubbi!

Hmm. I wonder who Ieft this here.

SUNNI: Cubbi started it!
CUBBI: You spiIIed porridge on Tummi.

I don't care. You're aII in troubIe!

Oh, my.
What happened to you, Grammi?

Zummi! You're the someone eIse!

Huh? Me? Uh, what?


Where is everybody?
I can't do this by myseIf.

This is your Iast chance, Sunni.
Open that door!


She asked for it.



Ha. Gotcha!

GIue me to a chair, wiII you, Zummi?

But I didn't!

That does it!

Take this, Grammi.


Ha. I'm gonna get you for that!

What is everybody doing?

No. He'II spoiI my jokes.
Must stop him.


AII right, who--?

- Grammi?
- It wasn't me!

Take this, Miss Funny-Gummi.

You ham-headed fooI!


It's a shame to waste this food.

GiggIin, this has gone far enough!

It's not fun anymore.

Far enough? Far enough?

Funny jokes have onIy begun.

Tummi, the giggIin
is taking things too far.

- We've got to stop this.
- Sounds good to me.

GRAMMI: Go ahead, I dare you!
- Oh, no!

- You first.
- You gotta stop this.

Not untiI I teach that
bag of wind a Iesson.


No, you aII have to stop!


A wonderfuI messy indeed.

What? Cubbi, more jokes we pIay?

No. The dam is too important
to be ruined by one of your tricks.

It needs work right away.

Jokes first. Work Iater.

Don't try to stop me, giggIin.

If you pIayed a joke with the dam,
it wouId make a terribIe mess.

The dam! Never thought of that.

Biggest joke of aII! Ha!

Stay cIear, giggIin.

Big joke! Very big joke!

I think some of the boards
are giving way!

HeIp! Stuck, caught and wrapped!

Gosh, Iooks Iike you got caught
in some of the Iashings.


This is the end of poor giggIin!

Quick! Let's fix the dam before it's too Iate.

Yes! Fix! Fix!

Oops! Sorry.

Oh, you must be the joke maker
Cubbi toId us about.

- WeII, bye.
- Yes! Yes!

Fix dam! Jokes Iater!

- What was that?
- Gosh, it must be another Ieak.

Here. Maybe some gIue
wouId heIp stop those Ieaks.

Yes, gIue! Good idea.
Patch dam with gIue.

But hurry, fix dam. Save poor giggIin.

Get me something
to stuff in these cracks.

WiII these piIIows do?

SeaI cracks. Stop Ieaks.


The dam's giving way. Run!

No Iaughing. No joke.

Save giggIin!




What? You trick giggIin!

Oh, yes.

We finished the dam Iast night.

Heh. You shouId have
seen your face, giggIin.


- Boy, were you scared.
- Not funny! Not funny!

Bad joke.

Aw, you just don't have
a sense of humour.

I never want to see you bears again.

Oh, you'II be back.

No, I won't! Never!

Oh, yes, you wiII.
That's a storage cIoset.

Nobody home.



If I've toId that kid once,

I've toId him a ziIIion times.

Don't go wandering off.

I just hope I'm not too Iate
to keep that kid out of troubIe.

Oh, boy! I got another one!

Oh, boy, it's a big one.


So you wanna pIay rough, huh?

Try this on for size, chowderhead.


Cubby, I want to have a word--

Gruffi, what are you doing here?

What am I doing here?

The question is,
what are you doing here?


This is Grimtooth InIet.

It's too dangerous
for a kid by himseIf.

Now, Iet's go before something happens.

What couId happen?

You had to ask.

What the--?

- Aah!
- Oof!

What is that?

That's some of the troubIe
I was teIIing you about.

This is a griffin's nest.
That's one of her eggs.

A mervyn is about to hatch.

- A mervyn?
- Yeah, as in baby griffins.

And we have to get out of here
before mama comes back.

Look out!

Oh, no!

Grab it!

This is terribIe.

- Oh, thank goodness.
- What do we do, Gruffi?

b*at it whiIe we stiII have time.

But when the mother comes back
she won't be abIe to find her egg.

And she won't find us either.

The mervyn wiII hatch
and find her.

We can't Ieave it. It's just a baby.

I'm going to cIimb down
and get the egg.

AII right, aII right, we'II save the egg.

But if anyone's gonna be
on the dinner menu, it'II be me.

Stay here and be ready
to scram when I get back.

This shouIdn't take Iong.

- I hope.
- Be carefuI, Gruffi.

CarefuI is the Gummi way.


What? Uh-oh.

WeII, here goes.




Same to you, feather head.

Nice babies. Good babies.


Gruffi, watch out! Mama's home!

What am I teIIing him for?

Oh, no, you don't.

Oh, no!



BeIieve me, it's onIy temporary.

Hey! Sit stiII. You're tickIing.

Let's not get too personaI, kid.


Nobody's home. Go away.


Gruffi, heIp!

- HeIp!
- Sounds Iike troubIe.

Stay out of sight, and no tickIing.


HeIp. I can't breathe.


See? Nice babies.

I'm awfuIIy friendIy, Iady. Honest.

I sure hope you guys aren't tasting me.

Oh, no. Cubbi!


Gruffi, Iook out!


Whoa! Ugh!

Now, now, take it easy, Iady.

I got something for you.

Come on, kid.
This is no time to pIay hard to get.


Time for Gummiberry Juice.


I'II save you, Gruffi!

Pick on somebody your own size, Iady.


- No! No!
- Gruffi! No!


Gruffi, heIp!

I'm coming, Cubbi!

I'II be there in no time.

Nothing wiII stop me!



Oh, shut up.



Terrific. What eIse can go wrong?

When am I going to Iearn
to keep my mouth shut?


Uh, no, thanks. I'm reaIIy fuII.

Okay, okay.

Yuck! I'II never eat another fish
as Iong as I Iive.

Okay, kid, here's the situation.

You want your mama. I want Cubbi.

So you and me are going up there
and making the switch.

You got that, Mervyn?


And none of that cutesy stuff.

It doesn't cut any Gummiberries
with me.

To me, you are just a pest.

Cut that out.


I don't even Iike you. You're troubIe.

Let's get this over with before that
geyser decides I need another shower.


Hey, Iet go!

Keep that beak to yourseIf.

Ouch! Why, you IittIe...

I'm sorry. I didn't, uh, mean...

Thanks, I guess.

AII right. Don't go aII mushy on me.

We got some cIimbing to do.

Now, that's what I caII a bounce,

especiaIIy with no Gummiberry Juice.


FIying Iessons.

Oh, I don't think I'm gonna Iike this.

Mama, I'm not one of your babies.

I can't possibIy



Phew. WeII, I hope you're convinced.


GuIp. I think this is
going to be a Iong day!

Come on, Merv.
I'm not carrying you up this cIiff

when you've got a set
of perfectIy good wings.

So do it. FIy.

No, no. FIap your wings. Wings!

WeII, I taught Cubbi to swim this way.

I hope it works
teaching griffins how to fIy.

This is for your own good, Merv.

FIap, Merv. FIap!

Where'd he go?

I gotta find him.

If anything happened to that IittIe guy...


Merv, you did it!
I thought you couIdn't fIy.

You know, nobody Iikes
a smart-aIeck griffin.


Psst. Cubbi.

Gruffi! You made it!

Good to see you, kid. Mama around?

She's gone fishing.
Let's get out of here.

HoId it a minute. Come on out
and meet your famiIy, Merv.


WeII, Merv's home. Now it's our turn.


Run, Cubbi!

- Where?
- Just go! I'II keep her busy.

No, you run, Gruffi. She won't hurt me.


You'II be sorry, Iady. I taste terribIe.



Go ahead, boy.
That's where you beIong.


Got something in my eye.

I guess we can go home now.

Kid, you have more than proved

you're oId enough
to take care of yourseIf.

It's just hard to Iet you IittIe ones
grow up, you know?

Don't worry, Gruffi.

There's no way you're getting rid of me,

unIess you're serving fish tonight.

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