01x04 - A Plan for Sand/Whale Music

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That!". Aired: August 7, 2010 - October 14, 2018.*
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Animated series follows the magical adventures of 6-year-olds Nick and Sally, who travel the world with the Cat in the Hat as their guide.
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01x04 - A Plan for Sand/Whale Music

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Hey!

♪ What?

♪ Come over here,

♪ The Cat in the Hat
is about to appear. ♪

♪ He's whizzing over
to whisk you away ♪

♪ On a fabulous
journey today. ♪

♪ He's coming!

♪ And now he's arrived
In the Thingamajigger ♪

♪ the thing that
he drives ♪

♪ He's a Cat and
he's oodles of fun ♪

♪ With his hairy helpers
Thing Two and Thing One ♪

♪ Instrumental

♪ Instrumental

♪ It's the
Cat in the Hat! ♪

♪ All of our adventures
start like that. ♪

♪ Wherever you're going
Where ever you're at ♪

♪ The Cat in the Hat
Knows a lot about ... ♪

♪ He knows a lot about,
he knows a lot about, ♪

♪ He knows a lot about
....THAT! ♪


Welcome to...
Castle Nick!

'Scuse me.


Squooch over,


My castle...

MY castle!

Okay, that's it!
We need a bigger sandbox!




The Cat in the Hat!


[blow noise]

Much better!
That bucket was way too small.

We have the
same problem

Our sandbox is
too small.

Well, its luckity-do
for youthat I came!

I know of a sandbox
that's big big bigger.

And it's just a short ride
in the thingamajigger.

The Gritchty-Gratch
desert is so full of sand,

It's the bestest sandbox
in all of the land.

Do you wanna come?


Your Mother will not
mind at all if you do!

Hey Mom!

Can we go to the
Gritchity-gratch desert

with the Cat in the Hat,
and play in the sand there?

[tongue in cheek:]

Just don't get
sand in your socks.

We can go!
We can go!

I know!
I know!

To the Thingamajigger!

Buckle up!

Flick the


Isn't this fun?


♪ Here we go, go, go go!

♪ On an adventure.

♪ The thingamajigger
is up and away! ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go!

♪ On an Adventure.

♪ We're flying with the
Cat in the Hat today! ♪

♪ We're going to play in some
Gritchity-Gratch sand, ♪

♪ We'll all build
sand castles. ♪

♪ Oh won't that be grand?

♪ Here we go, go, go, go!

♪ On an adventure.

♪ Go, go, go, go GO!


There's plenty of room here!

I'm gonna build the
hugest sand castle ever!


Ooh... My castle
keeps falling down.

Watch Nick the
sand-master at work!

Oh no!

Cat what's wrong
with this sand?

This sand is not right,
we need something new.

Hey...I know!

Let's call Thing one
and Thing two!


[Hello! ; Whistle]

[Hello! ; Inspecting noises]

Ugh, ugh, ugh.

Oh thank you
Thing One.


Nowthatis what I
call a sand castle.



I'm going to make
myself at home.

Hey! look at me.
I'm King of the castle.......




What is this sand up to?

Is it broken?

We need someone to help us.

You are so smart!

We need to find a sand expert!

Let me see.....

Hmm...no one thisway.

No one thatway.

I'm sorry to say.

Looks like we're all out
of sand-helpers today...

Great hairy eyeballs!

Actually, those
are my eye lashes.

And how delightful
they are too.

Thanks you.

They keep the sand
out of my eyes.

You're a camel!

Why yes, I am!

Carmela's the name.
And sand is my game.

Pleased to meet you.

This is Sally and Nick.

We came to the desert to
build castles of sand,

But things aren't going
quite as we planned.

Everything we try to
build just falls down.

Well let's see
what you got here.


You want that
sand to stick,

then you'll have to
get yourself some water.

Where can we find
water around here?

I was about to say
the very same thing!

There's water everywhere
in the desert,

if you know
where to look.

Hidden in bushes
and weeds-

Mmm... Delicious...

I drink it all the time.

Wow...there iswater!

But not enough to
wet all this sand.

If you want thatmuch
water, you need an OASIS.

An oasis?

What's an oasis?

Well, an oasis is a
water-hole in the desert,

with plants and
trees all round it!

And where are the
places to find an oasis?

I can't see anything but sand.

Me neither.

They're kinda difficult to find,
but I can lead you guys to one.

Hop on and I'll
give y'all a lift.

Thanks Carmela.

We get to ride a camel!

Thanks, but no thanks.

That hump
looks waytoo bumpy.

[pats bowl] Wouldn't want to
lose even adropofmywater!

Thing one and Thing two,
you drive.


Follow behind us in the

Are we there yet?

Are we there yet?

Boy I wish we were there cause
we're not there yet, are we?



Cat over board.

Cat, are you alright?


Though I do feel
a tad shorter!

Me too!
I'm sinking.

We can't walk
in this soft sand.


I knew these would
come in handy one day.

Ahh, oh!

Or, maybe not.

Hey Carmela...How come you
don't sink into the sand?

My feet are
spread apart really wide

to keep me on the
top of the action.

Wow...If only we could
make ourfeet wider,

we could stay up too!


Soglad I signed up for
those tennis lessons!

These new feet are great!

But camel-riding's better.

Well, hop back on!

I thought you'd never ask!

Your hump really is
comfy, Carmela!

It gives us something
to hold on to.

It's the perfect cat's cradle.

And I've got all the food I
need for a week in my hump.

Just like my hat!

Sandwich anyone?

With real sand.





We made it!

Welcome to the Oasis!


The oasis!

Now this is where you find
the really good,wetsand.

[bouncing, big
bounce and 'Whee' noise as dive]

Thing ,

for a perfect dive!

Good job!

[Wheee - bite noise.]

[Dolphin type noise
- bite noise]

Oooh, look, the sand
is getting really wet!

Now we can build
whatever we want.

And while you enjoy the sand
- I shall enjoy a little nap!


So what are going to build?
How about a sand man?

Like a snow man,
only warmer.


I know!

Let's build a sand camel,
as a thank-you to Carmella

for finding us the
water for our sand!

Great idea.

I'll help.

What kind, kind,
children you are!

More water please!

Thanks, Things!

It works!

The sand's sticking together!

This wet sand is
perfect for building!

So let's get busy!

[Sleeping noises]

[Extra loud]

[Wakes up]
Oh, my!

Nice work.

Love the hump!

Nick and Sally,
you two did a great job.

And it was fun building the
same thing, wasn't it Nick?


I've got a great idea, why
don't we do that back home?

Good idea Nick!

Thanks, Carmella.

My pleasure.

Let's go!

Bye, thank you!


Can I look yet?


Oh my!

It's me!

Its our way of saying:
"Thanks toyouCat

for such a great trip!"

You really are soooo kind!

We went to the desert
and found an oasis.

Made friends with a camel
who loves sandy places.

Her lump's full of food.

Her feet broad and wide.

That's handy when sandy.

Oh boy, what a ride!

May I?

Sometimes it's not how much
sand you have that's important.

It's knowing
what to do with it.


Now, that's
how you build a sand cat.

Wasn't that fun?

♪ This is the Mom song,
'cause Moms are great ♪

♪ Moms are better than
chocolate CAAA... KE!! ♪


our song still
doesn't sound right.

What do you mean Sally?

We sound great!

Except for the last part.

Let's try it again Nick.

And, a-one, two, three, four...

♪ This is the Mom song,
'cause Moms are great ♪

♪ Moms are better than chocolate CAAA...


Okay, maybe we
don'tsound great.

The Cat!

The Cat in the Hat!

That's me.

But what's wrong
with you two.

I heard someone cry out?

Like this

[yells like their note]

We're singing a
song I made up.

We want it to soundperfect
when we sing it for our Moms.

But we're having trouble
with the last part.


Oh, I know
a lot about that.


[gargles a vocal scale]
Do, re, me, fa, so, la, te, do.

That was great... but,
um...why did you use water?

[gulp] My singing teacher
always sings through water.

He's a whale,
you know.


Say, maybe you could take
a singing lesson

from Humphrey too?

A singing lesson?

From a whale?

[mock operatic singing]
Your mother will not mind at all

if you dooooo!


Mom, can Nick and I go take a
singing lesson from a whale?

Sure, why not!

Don't forget
your life jackets.

Thanks Mom!

We can go!
We can go!

I know!
I know.

To the Thingamajigger!

Ooh, hey, nice shirts!

Don't you just love
the colour orange?

[laugh] They're
life jackets, Fish.

And they're just the thing
for a day of sailing

on the Great Blue

You mean
the ocean, right?


Are you ready?

Yes we are!

Are you steady?

Yes we are!

Are you sure you're
ready to explore....?

Yes we are!

Then buckle up!

Flick the



Isn't this fun.


♪ Here we go, go, go go!

♪ On an adventure.

♪ The Thingamajigger
is up and away! ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go!

♪ On an Adventure.

♪ We're flying with the
Cat in the Hat today! ♪

♪ We're off to see Humphrey,
and get a few tips, ♪

♪ To put a more beautiful
song on your lips! ♪

♪ Here we go, go, go, go!

♪ On an adventure.

♪ Go, go, go, go GO!

Wait - did you say we're
going to see Humphrey?

Humphrey the whale?

[squeals with delight]

He's my favourite
singer EVER!

The best in the
whole wide ocean!


He can help anyone
sing any song.

I just hope our high note
doesn't breakanything!

Ahh, here's the spot!


Flick the float-a-ma-boater!



I hope he's not
in the bath.

Is that Humphrey?

Or is THAT him?

Yes... and YES!

He must be HUGE!

Oh, not THAT big, really.

He's only about...


...oh my..the size of A WHALE!



Dear me!


What a ride!

Well, flip my tail-fluke,
it's the Cat in the Hat!

What a nice surprise!

Hi, Humphrey!

I brought some
friends to meet you.

This is Nick, Sally,
and Fish.


Hello Humphrey!

Wow, it really is YOU!

Nice to meet you, too!

Sorry about spouting you
up in the air like that.

That's okay.

It was fun!

But what a big sneeze!

Do you need a tissue?

That was no sneeze.

That's how I breathe!

Through this blow-hole,
here on the top of my head.

Want another ride?

Yes, please!

Hold on tight...


Oh this is fun!



Let's just do this ALL DAY!

Or Humphrey, you could show them
the OTHER thing you're good at?

Oh, you mean this?

Where'd he go?
Isn't he going to sing?



This isn't what I
meant, but WHEEEE!

How was that?


I didn't know whales could jump
out of the water like that.

It's called breaching.

It's fun!

And sograceful!

It's like you were
dancing in the water!

Did someone say dancing?

I LOVE to dance!


But I'm not exactly
dressed for a swim.

Maybe Things one
and Two can jump in?



Let the water ballet begin!


That was awesome! Good job!


What a show!

Gold start on that!

What about our show Sally?

We should tell
Humphrey why we came.

You're right!

Humphrey, Nick and I are
having trouble singing a song.

The Cat thought maybe you could
give us a singing lesson?

He says you're a
great singer.

Please, I'm blushing.

Don't be silly.
You're quite a crooner!

When it comes to singing,
you're the big Kahuna!

Oh, do give us a song?


Well, if you insist!

Now, where did he go?

water... water...water....


Found him.

Shall we come too?

Oooh can we?


Submarine time.

Pull the Suber-e-blubbler!

[Ding, ding!]



There's Humphrey!


He IS a great singer!

Maybe WE'D sing
better upside down.

I love this part.






Thank you!
You're too kind.

Hi, Humphrey!
I heard your song -

Oh, you have guests!


Harriet, this is Nick, Sally,
Fish, and the Cat in the Hat.

Hi ya!
[laughs shyly]


Nice to meet you.

Nick and Sally came
for a singing lesson.

Ooh, I'd LOVE
to hear you sing!


[counting them in]
Ah one, two, three four...

♪ This is the Mom song,
'cause Moms are great, ♪

♪ Moms are better than
chocolate CAAAAKE! ♪


That was wonderful!

Oh yes!

I can tell you really
love your Moms.

But the CAAAKE part
doesn't sound right!

But its perfect.

What you're sayingin
the song is what matters.

Hmm, I guess you are right.

You know, singing

is how we whales communicate
with each other!

Like when Humphrey sang, he was
telling me that we have a date.


And we have a date
with our Moms.

To sing your song.

It was nice to
meet you, Humphrey.

And you too Harriet.

Thank you!

You're welcome!
Drop by any time.



I met Humphrey the whale.


Well isn't that fine,
isn't that great?

Singing is how
whales communicate!

Give it a try,
it might work for you

Singing a song
gets the message through!


♪ This is the Mom song,
'cause Moms are great ♪

♪ Moms are better
than chocolate CAAAKE! ♪

Oh thank you, Nick!

that was wonderful!

But - why did you
sing upside down?

Because that's
how whales do it!

You kids.

[laugh] What are we
going to do with you two?


Psst, Hey kids!
Wanna find out more fun stuff

about animals,
plants, and well, fish?

Go to pbskids.org for fun games,
fascinating facts and fantastic

activities. Ha ha ha ha ha!
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