01x02 - Honesty

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Adventures from the Book of Virtues". Aired: September 2, 1996–September 6, 1999.*
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A buffalo uses stories to answer children's questions.
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01x02 - Honesty

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Tell me a story ♪

♪ Read me a poem ♪

♪ Laughing in melody ♪

♪ Sing me the song ♪

♪ Then let me hold it ♪

♪ Deep in my heart ♪

♪ Where it can speak to me ♪

♪ All the day long ♪

♪ The adventure of virtue ♪

♪ The adventure of truth ♪

♪ The thrill of knowing ♪

♪ That it's up to you ♪

♪ Building a new day
shining in the sun ♪

♪ This is my story ♪

♪ The adventure has...begun ♪


Over here,

( Drill buzzing )


This new?

It's pretty old.

It's a graflex--

A camera
news photographers used.


She's a real beauty.

Oh! No, no, no, zach!

I'll be careful.

I said "no," okay?

I've already got a buyer.

I'm going to call them.

So, don't touch.

Sure, dad. Promise.



( Crashing sound )


( Grunts )

( Groans )

I was sitting

Here when it... It...
It just fell over.

You blamed it
on what?

Sock, keep it down

Will you?

( Laughing )

( Shrieking )

Well, someone's
in a good mood.

Yeah, what's
the joke?


Why'd the bobcat
cross the road?

To bother somebody else
for a change.

( Gasping )

Okay, so zach grabbed
for a fancy camera.

Then the whole thing
goes bingity-bangity-boom.

And that's the joke?

No. First zach promises his dad

He won't touch the camera;
then, he knocks it over.

And then he tells
his dad the display

Fell over by itself!

( Laughing )

Uh, that's
not very funny.

But the display was
real wobbly... Honest.

Accidents happen.



Plato, I learned
my lesson.

Which is?

Uh, don't touch
the cameras?

Zach, you're missing
the big picture.

Big picture?

( Laughs )

Camera joke, right?

( Laughing )

Guess not.

Did you
really promise

You wouldn't touch
the camera?

Well, yeah, I did.

But, but it didn't
seem like a big deal.

Big or small,
promises should be kept.

Bravo, aurora.
It's a matter of honesty.


Let me see...

Did you find
it, ari?


in olden days
there lived a king

Whose daughter was so beautiful

That even the sun himself

Was amazed
each time he shone over her.

She often sat
beside her favorite well

Playing with a golden ball.

That is, until one day...


( Sobbing )

( Frog croaks )

Fair princess?

Why cry on such a beautiful day?

I dropped my
favorite toy.

Now I shall never
see it again.

I'll get it for you!

Oh, would you? Please?

You'll do something
for me in return?

You can have pearls or jewels
or even my golden crown.

Promise you'll
be my friend.

Welcome me
into your home

So I may eat with you and sleep

On your
softest pillow.

Friendly frog, I promise!

Well, all right then.

But the princess did not mean

What she promised.

She would say anything
to get back

Her golden ball.


I have done as i...

Uh! Wait princess!

I cannot keep up

With you!

Wait! Please!

( Knock at door )

( Croaking )

The king's daughter.

Let me in!

( Croaks )

( Croaking and panting )

Forgive me for being so slow.

Save me father!

Child, is there a giant
ready to carry you away?

Not a giant, a frog,
a horrid little frog.

Oh, come, come.

Why do you fear such
a harmless creature?

( Knocking )

King's daughter,
open to me!

By the water
what promised you me?

She explained how

She dropped her ball,
how the frog retrieved it

And her promise.

Well, then you must
fulfill your promise.

( Knocking )

But to a cold,
loathsome frog?

Do as you promised.

( Croaks )

Princess, I knew

You would return.

At the king's urging, she let
the frog sit in her chair.

And drink from her cup.

And she served him food

From her plate.

( Croaks )

( Laughs )

So then the bear
turns to the wolf

And says "badgers?

We don't need no
stinking badgers!"

( Laughing )

I say, my good
frog, your tales

Of forest life
are most amusing.

Do tell us more.

Forgive me, your majesty,
but I am tired.

Come, princess, where is
your softest pillow?

No, no, no!

How much more
of this indignity

Must I suffer?

Daughter, by
breaking a promise

To the frog, the
indignity is his.

( Croaks )

( Sighs )

( Croaking )

Now are you happy?

Ribbit. Ribbit.

Oh, my thanks

For sharing your most...

Comfortable pillow.

Sweet dreams,
kind princess.

do as you promised.

Princess: father's right.
I must keep my promise.

Forgive me, frog.

The pillow is here.

I will sleep

On the chair.


( Shrieking )

Who is this?

Guard, arrest this intruder.

But, sire,
it is i, the humorous frog.

Your guest?

You take me for a fool?

No, but for a wise
and instructive father

Whose daughter
has freed me

From a terrible curse.

Years ago I met an old woman
and made her a promise--

A promise that I then

Refused to keep.

For your honesty

I will be forever grateful.

even the sun marveled at them--

Not because of their beauty

But because of their love
and promises kept.

Good for them

But for me, in the real world,
it's too late.

There's no time limit
put on honesty.

But he'd explode if I told him.

You might be surprised--

Which brings to mind
another story.

Look under
"washington" for me.

By george, here it is.

legend has it that
when george washington

Our first president, was a boy

Living on his family farm

His father received
a wonderful gift.

This cherry tree
is very, very special.

I want you to take care of it.

yes, father.


Days later, george's father
gave him a gift.

I've trained you
on how to use this.

Now you have
one of your own.

Promise you'll
be careful.

George couldn't wait

To try out his new hatchet...
On everything.

( Mooing )

Lord charlatan, you are a
disgrace to your family's name!

En garde!



Take that!

In the name of the king,
take that!

And that!


( Groaning )

Oh, george,
somebody cut

Down my new
cherry tree.

Any idea
who might

Have done
that, george?

Father, I cannot tell a lie.

I cut down the cherry tree
with my hatchet.

But why?

Well, I was playing and, uh...

And now the tree is dead.

After I asked you
to take care of
the tree, you did

The exact opposite.

( Sighs )

Still, you were
brave enough to
tell the truth.

And that was a fine tree

But I'd rather
have a truthful son

Than a whole orchard
of cherry trees.

legend has it

George washington never forgot
what his father said

And on this day he learned
the value of being honest.

Easy for george washington.

He grew up to be president.

Zach, maybe
you should

Tell your dad
what happened.

It wasn't much of a lie.

A lie is a lie, and
the thing about lies

Is they nag at us,
growing more painful.

Nah, it'll blow over.

Think so?

That reminds me

Of a story.

My uncle told me
this tribal fable.

Once a brave warrior named
strong wind had the power

To make himself invisible.

He could move among enemies

And hear their plans,
so when they

Did att*ck, strong wind
could always defeat them.

( w*r chant )

( Laughing )

There came a time
when strong wind

Wanted to marry
and have a family.

Of course, every maiden around
wanted to be his bride.

Since strong wind asked

His sister, sharp eyes,
to help him

In his search,
the maidens did all they could

To get on her good side.

( Women giggling )

can you not make

Them go away?

I can only make
myself disappear.

Be serious--
you could have any one

Of the most beautiful women
in the village.

I want someone who
is beautiful inside

Someone who speaks the truth

No matter what.

Since only
the pure of heart sees

Strong wind when he's invisible

Sharp eyes tested the maidens
to see if they were honest.

So, you can see strong wind?

Yes, I see him as
clearly as I see you.


If you honestly see him

Then what does he wear?

Great feathers, like an eagle.

And how does

He pull his sled?


His sled... It's a moose.

He pulls it
with the hide
of a moose.

Sharp eyes and strong wind

Thought they'd never find
an honest maiden for him.

The chief of a nearby village

Had three daughters--

Quiet fire

Mountain cloud

And the youngest

Morning light.

The older sisters
were jealous of her.

If strong wind
sees her

We don't have a chance.

Speak for yourself.

Quiet fire, you rely too much
on your... Posture.

Maybe you're right,
but we needn't take chances.

We must make certain

Strong wind never finds
morning light attractive.


( Muffled scream )

( Gasps )

( Gasps )

How could this happen?

What was to be gained?

Hear my vow--

Those who did this

Will pay for this crime.

( Sobbing quietly )

Oh, morning light.


Poor, sweet,
little sister.

Now she has no chance

Of marrying strong wind.


She is right, father.

Strong wind would
never pick someone who...

Who looks like me.

( Sobbing )

Morning light, wait!

And now, one of us

Will be the bride
of strong wind.

( Both cackling )

Now, remember:
only the pure of heart

Will be able
to see strong wind.


What is he wearing?

A helmet... With antlers.

No, made of silver.

His coat is
made of silver.

It is not!

You are liars.

No, we do see him.


He just went in.

Strong wind!

You can't go in.

There he is!

No, there!

These two need
to learn some manners.

It will be my pleasure.

( Strong wind laughing )

Where is he?

You think
I can see him?

Keep guessing!

( Laughing ):
so you want
to be my wife?

Pity I just can't see it

And obviously, neither can you.

( Yelling )

( Crashing )

There you are!

( Groaning )

( Strong wind laughing )

Leaving so soon?

( Grunts )

Then he tripped me.

And then smeared me
with berries.

He was meaner
to me.

No, he wasn't.

Was too.

( Women arguing )

( Gasping )


Where do you think
you're going?

To see strong wind
and take back the chance

For happiness
you tried to steal.


Explain your


If you will explain this.

My attackers wore these.

You should have

Taken them off, sisters.

I vowed to punish those
who harmed morning light.

What do you have

To say for yourselves?

I want the truth!

I thought so.

Well, child

Do you see him?


How refreshing.

An honest answer.


Who is this?

Try again.

Can you see him?



( Gasps )

Yes! Now I do!

He draws his sled
with the rainbow

And his bow is like
the milky way

And his eyes shine
like the moon.

Only for you,
morning light.

Morning light's hair grew
and her scars were healed

By the love between herself
and strong wind.

Quiet fire and mountain cloud

Escaped punishment

From their father

But strong wind followed

And ever since then

The aspen trees
have shivered with fear

At the approach of strong wind

For however quiet his advance

They still fear his power
and his anger

At their cruelty and lies.

very good story, annie.



I don't want to end up
like those sisters--

Scared every time
I see my dad.

I'm going back
to the camera store.

I'm proud of you.

Good luck.

Go get 'em, kiddo.

I think you're crazy, zach.

No, no, sock.

Honesty is always a good idea.

A poet, ben jonson, once wrote:

"Truth is the trial of itself

"And needs no other touch

"And purer than the purest gold

Refine it ne'er so much."


I... I should have
told you the truth.

"It is the warrant of the word
that yields a scent so sweet

"As gives a power to faith

To tread all falsehood
under feet."

I... I broke the graflex.

♪ So when you speak ♪

♪ Speak the truth ♪

♪ No matter how you feel ♪

♪ For the truth ♪

♪ Is the only thing
that's real ♪

♪ The truth ♪

♪ Is a chest of treasure ♪

♪ And honesty is the dream. ♪
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