04x01 - Dora's Fairytale Adventure

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Dora the Explorer". Aired: August 14, 2000 – August 9, 2019.*
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Features the adventures of young Dora, her monkey Boots, Backpack and other animated friends.
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04x01 - Dora's Fairytale Adventure

Post by bunniefuu »

Are you ready to explore?

Come on!

i¡Vamos arriba!

KIDS: ♪ D-D-D-D-D-Dora...♪

All right!

♪ Dora, Dora, Dora the Explorer♪

ALL: Dora!

♪ Boots and supercool exploradora. ♪

DORA: We need your help.

Grab your backpack!

♪ Let's go, jump in...♪


♪ You can lead the way...♪

♪ Hey, hey!

♪ D-D-Dora, D-D-D-Dora♪

♪ D-D-Dora, D-D-D-Dora♪

♪ Swiper, no swiping, Swiper, no swiping.♪

Oh, man!

♪ Dora the Explorer!♪

i¡Hola! Soy Dora.

And this is my best friend, Boots.

[ hooting]


[ laughing]


[ someone sings fanfare]


That sounds like a trumpet.

Come on.

Let's see what's going on.

BOTH: Whoa!

[ sings fanfare]

I am the gate to Fairy Tale Land!

Do you want to come with us

to Fairy Tale Land?

All right!

To enter Fairy Tale Land,

all you have to say is "Once upon a time."

Can you say "Once upon a time"?

Say "Once upon a time."

BOTH: "Once upon a time."

[ gate sings fanfare]


DORA AND BOOTS: Lollipops!

DORA AND BOOTS: The three little pigs!

BOOTS AND DORA: The Gingerbread Man!

Boots, we're in Fairy Tale Land!

♪ Come with me now and we can go ♪

♪ To un mundo mágico.♪

♪ Right this way, no time to lose. ♪

♪ Come on, take my hand ♪

♪ Wonder what we're going to see. ♪

♪ Will the three little pigs play with me? ♪

Of course!

♪ Hey, you're in Fairy Tale Land ♪

♪ It's un lugar maravilloso...♪

BOTH: ♪ A fairytale land.

DORA: ♪ So, just come on in... ♪

♪ And make yourself at home.

BOOTS: Hi, Jack. JACK: Hi, Boots.

♪ 'Cause you might see Snow White ♪

♪ Or the Gingerbread Man

♪ Or play catch with a very friendly gnome. ♪

ALL: ♪ It's un lugar maravilloso, a fairytale land ♪

♪ Grab your wand, come and join our merry band ♪

♪ Es un lugar maravilloso♪

♪ Calling all Cinderellas and magical fellas. ♪

♪ By now we think you understand. ♪

ALL: ♪ You're welcome in Fairy Tale Land ♪

♪ In Fairy Tale Land

♪ In Fairy Tale Land...

[ song ends]

[ all laughing]

Here, have a banana.

[ snoring]

Oh, no!

What's happening to Boots?

Boots has turned into...

OTHERS: Sleeping Boots.

Sleeping Boots?

[ snoring]

It's the witch's work!

Look, the tree!

DWARF : It's turning into...

ALL: The witch!

I put a sleeping spell on that monkey.

[ cackles]

Please tell me how I can break the sleeping spell.

You'll never find out.

[ cackles]



Careful! i¡Cuidado!

i¡Cuidado! iCuidado!

[ witch yelling]

Sorry, boss.

My mistake.

BROOMSTICK: Sorry. Sorry!

Boots, wake up, wake up!

[ snores]

[ yawns]

Tickle, tickle, tickle.

Tickle, tickle, tickle.

[ snores]

Wake up! Wake up!

[ snores]

[ sighs]

Do you know how to break the spell

and wake up Sleeping Boots?

There's only one way to break the spell.

Sleeping Boots must get a hug

from a true princess.

But there are no true princesses

in all of Fairy Tale Land.

Many have tried to pass the test to become a true princess.

But it's very hard.

[ all agreeing]

Hardest thing ever.


You can become a true princess.

[ all agree]

It could work.

DWARVES: You can do it.

BACKPACK: i¡Sí se puede!

Oh, Dora, I know you can do it!

I don't know if I can become a true princess.

[ snoring]

But I've got to try.

I've got to try for Boots.

[ dwarves cheer]

How do I become a true princess?

To become a true princess,

you have to find the red ring.

I have to find the red ring.


Teach the giant rocks to sing.

Teach the giant rocks to sing.

Turn winter into spring.

Turn winter into spring.


DWARVES: Bring the moon

to the queen and king.

Bring the moon to the queen and king?

Wow, that's a lot!

MAP: You can do it, Dora.

OTHERS: You can do it.

BACKPACK: i¡Sí se puede!


This is going to be

the hardest thing I've ever tried to do.

There's only one way I can do it.

I'm going to need your help.

Will you help me become a true princess?


VOICE: Psst, Dora.

Over here.

Dora, you have to wake up Sleeping Boots

before my last leaf falls.

Ooh, there goes another one.

Whoa, we have to hurry.

[ snoring]

Can you watch over Boots

while I try to become a true princess?


To become a true princess,

first we have to find the red ring.

Who do we ask for help when we don't know which way to go?

Map, right.

You have to say "map."

DWARVES: Louder!

♪ I'm the map, I'm the map.

♪ He's the map, he's the map.

♪ I'm the map!

Dora's trying to become a true princess

so she can wake up Sleeping Boots.

To become a true princess,

first she has to find the red ring,

then she has to teach the giant rocks to sing.

Then she has to turn winter into spring.

And last of all,

she has to bring the moon to the queen and king.


So first we have to find the red ring.

The ring is hidden in the dragon's cave.


So tell Dora, first we go to the dragon's cave.

Where do we go first?

The dragon's cave!


¿Dónde está?

Do you see the cave?

Sí, allí está.

Is the cave on the first path or the second path?

The first path.


Come on, vámonos.

I have to become a true princess so I can wake up Sleeping Boots.

There it is!

The dragon's cave.

We've got to watch out for the dragon.


We've got to be very quiet.

[ slurping]

I hear something.

Maybe it's the dragon.

Do you see the dragon?

[ slurping]



I need your help to tiptoe past the dragon.

Will you help me tiptoe?


You have to stand up to tiptoe.

Stand up, please.

Stand up!

Now tiptoe.


Tiptoe, tiptoe.

[ cr*ck]



[ slurping]

Tiptoe, tiptoe, tiptoe, tiptoe.

Phew, we made it!


Ooh, the dragon's cave looks so dragony.

Quick, we have to find the red ring.

If you see the red ring, say "ring"!


You found it!

The red ring.


Uh-oh, the dragon is coming.

Do you see the dragon?


Quick, help me get on your finger!

Point your finger, point your finger!

Help me to put on the ring.

Put your hands out in front of you and point your finger.

Point your finger.


The dragon turned into a prince!

I was under a spell for a long time

and was forced to be a dragon

and guard the red ring.


You have set me free--

me liberaste.

Gracias, Dora.

De nada.

[ both giggle]

I have a special present for you.

Es una cajita de música mágica.

A magic music box!

Sí, Dora.

This music box will help you become a true princess.

When you wind it up, it plays beautiful music.

The music is so beautiful it could teach anything to sing.

¿De veras?

What a great present!


You can only play the music box once.

Don't play it until you need it.

Okay, I'll be careful.

Well... adios.

[ both giggling]

i¡Buena suerte!

i¡Caramba! Dora found the red ring.

I'll have to work harder

to stop this girl from becoming a true princess.

Yeah, boss, she's really good.

She's one smart girl...

y muy valiente.

i¡Silencio!Be quiet!

Now, fly, Broomstick, i¡vuela!

We're upside down...

We're going down...

i¡Cuidado, cuidado, cuidado!

[ yells]

Ooh, sorry, boss.

[ playing fanfare]

Dora the Explorer has passed the first test

to become a true princess.

Fly, Shoe, i¡vuela!

We have to figure out where we go next.

Say "map."


You got past the dragon.

You're so brave.

And you found the red ring-- check.

Where do we go next?

The rocks, right, the giant rocks.

The giant rocks are guarded by the giant giant.


So tell Dora, next we go to the giant rocks.

Where do we go next?

The giant rocks, that's right.

¿Dónde están?

Do you see the giant rocks?

i¡Sí, allí están!

Are they on the first path...

the second path...

or the third path?

The second path, okay.

Dora, I have a message for you

from the seven dwarves.

DWARF: Dora, Sleeping Boots is snoring louder than ever.

[ snoring]

And look!

More leaves have fallen from the wall.

You have to become a princess

before the last leaf falls!

ALL: Hurry, Dora!

I'm hurrying!


These rocks sure are giant.

[ rumbling]

The ground is starting to shake!

MAN: Fee-fi-fo-fum

fumpty-dumpty- dumpty-dum.

Listen, here comes the giant giant.

Fee-fi-fo-fum fumpty-dumpty-dumpty-dumpy.

DORA: Does the giant giant look happy or grumpy?


Fee-fi-fo-fumpy, I am feeling very grumpy.


I can't find my little puppy.

Estoy muy triste.

Aw... the giant giant can't find his puppy.

That's why he's feeling grumpy.

i¡Señor Gigante Gigante!

Maybe I can help you find your puppy.

Oh... gracias.

Will you help me find the giant giant's puppy?


My puppy says [ barks].

DORA: The giant's puppy goes [ barks].

Listen and find the giant's puppy.

[ owl hooting]

[ barking]

[ squeaking]

Where's the puppy?

Behind the house.

All right, you found the puppy!

[ barking]

[ panting]

Wow, that's a big puppy.

My puppy, my puppy...

i¡mi perrito!

[ barks]

You're such a good puppy.

Yes, you are, mi perrito lindo.

[ barks]

Thanks for finding my puppy.


i¡Señor Gigante Gigante!

I have to try to teach the giant rocks to sing

so I can become a true princess.

Rocks to sing?

Ay,that's a toughie.

Eso es muy difícil.

I know.

But the prince gave me a magic music box to help me.

The prince says

this magic music box plays music that is so beautiful

it can teach anything to sing.


I'll wind it up.

[ straining]

It's stuck!

Help me wind up the music box.

Put your hands out in front of you

and wind, wind, wind, wind, wind!

Good winding.

[ music begins playing]


i¡Qué bella canción!

♪ Here's a magic music box

♪ If we play it near these rocks ♪

♪ Boingy-boingy-boingy-bing

♪ We'll get these rocks to sing. ♪

♪ Boingy-boingy- boingy-bing... ♪

BOTH: ♪ We'll get these rocks to sing. ♪

[ giggling and barking]

Maybe if we all sing the song

we can get the giant rocks to sing.

Will you sing the song with me?

Oh, great!

The song goes like this:

♪ Boingy-boingy- boingy-bing ♪

♪ We'll get these rocks to sing. ♪

Sing with me!

BOTH: ♪ Boingy-boingy-boingy-bing

♪ We'll get these rocks to sing. ♪


♪ Boingy-boingy-boingy-bing

♪ We'll get these rocks to sing. ♪


♪ Boingy-boingy-boingy-bing

♪ We'll get these rocks to sing. ♪

Nice and loud!

♪ Boingy-boingy-boingy-bing

♪ We'll get these rocks to sing. ♪

[ rocks starting to sing]

It's working!

♪ Thank you, magic music box

♪ Thank you from us giant rocks ♪

♪ Boingy-boingy-boingy-bing

♪ You taught us rocks to sing

♪ Now we love to sing

♪ Especially the words

♪ "Boingy-bing"!


[ Dora cheers]


i¡Muy bien, Dora!

You taught the giant rocks to sing.

♪ Singing is fun...

[ chuckling]

♪ Boingy-boingy- boingy-bing ♪

♪ You taught us rocks to sing ♪

♪ Now we love to sing... ♪

I can't believe it!

Dora taught the rocks to sing.

You go, girl!

Yay, Dora!


[ cheering]

Be quiet!

Vuela,Broomstick, i¡vuela!

I'm getting dizzy...

BROOMSTICK: Sorry, boss...

Dora, I have a special present for you

to help you become a true princess.

Inside this bag is a little bit of sunshine--

sol caliente para mi gente.

Ooh, sí...

está bien caliente.

What a great present!

I can use the sunshine to make things warm.


Once you open the bag, the sunshine will escape.

Don't open the bag until you need it.

Okay, I'll be careful.

I'll put the bag in my backpack for safekeeping.

Yum, yum, yum, i¡delicioso!

[ both giggling]

Gracias, Señor Gigante Gigante.

You're so sweet.

[ sighs]: Aw...

[ puppy barks]

[ bleating]

[ playing fanfare]

You have passed the second test to become a true princess.

Run away, billy goats gruff, run away.

[ goats bleating]

We only have two more tests to go so we can wake up Boots.

We have to figure out where we go next.

Say "map."

Hooray for Dora!

She never gives up!

You found the red ring-- check.

You taught the giant rocks to sing-- check.

Where do we go next?

Winter, right-- Winter Valley.


We have to turn winter into spring.

So tell Dora, next we go to Winter Valley.

Where do we go next?

Winter Valley, right-- brr...!

¿Dónde está?

Do you see Winter Valley?

i¡Sí, allí está!

Dora, over here, look.

Dora, there aren't many leaves left

on the wall.

Quick, you have to become a true princess

before my last leaf falls.

[ snoring]

ALL: Hurry!

I'm hurrying!

[ wind whistling]

[ wind whistling]

We made it to Winter Valley.

Wow, it's really cold.

i¡Ay, qué frío!

She'll never be able to turn winter into spring.

[ shivering]

BOTH: That's right, boss.

I'm going to make it even colder.

i¡Más frío!

Snowmen, march!

Frío, frío...

Snowballs, roll!

Frío, frío...

Storm clouds, whirl in!

Frío, frío...



Storm clouds!

[ wind whistling]

It's getting even colder.

But I've got to turn winter into spring.

The giant gave us a bag of sunshine to make things warm.

Where did I put the bag of sunshine?

In my backpack, yes!

Say "backpack."


[ music playing]

♪ Backpack, backpack...



i¡Ay, qué frío!

Dora needs the bag of sunshine

to help her turn winter into spring.

Is the sunshine in the bag that's azul?


Is the sunshine in the bag that's amarilla?

i¡Sí, muy bien!

You found the bag of sunshine!

Ahh, that's better.

Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, i¡delicioso!

I need your help to make things hot.

We have to say "caliente."

Can you say "caliente"?

Say "caliente."

BOTH: i¡Caliente!

All right, the sun is making it warmer!

♪ In winter, ay, mío♪

♪ I have to keep it frío♪

♪ I've frozen the río♪

♪ I love it when it's frío.♪

♪ If you want to bring spring

♪ Then you've got to sing "caliente."♪

ALL: ♪ Caliente!♪

♪ Come on, everyone

♪ Let's help out the sun, caliente.♪

♪ Caliente.♪

Can you sing "caliente"after me and help me bring the spring?

Great! I'll sing it first, and then you sing it.

♪ Caliente.♪

ALL: ♪ Caliente.♪

♪ Caliente.♪

♪ Caliente.♪

♪ Caliente.♪

♪ Caliente.♪

♪ Caliente.♪

♪ Caliente.♪It's working!

♪ What's happening? Ay, mío♪

♪ Those flowers by the río♪

♪ Is spring here already?

SNOWMEN: ♪ Our heads are getting sweaty. ♪

♪ Let's sing it some more like we did before, caliente.♪

♪ Caliente.♪

♪ We're helping the sun

♪ And isn't fun? Caliente.♪

♪ Caliente.♪

♪ Caliente.♪

♪ Caliente.♪

♪ Caliente.♪

♪ Caliente.♪

♪ Caliente.♪

♪ Caliente.♪

♪ Caliente.♪

♪ Caliente.♪

DORA: It's really working now!

We're out of here!

How does that girl do it?!

Hey, look!

ALL: ♪ Spring is here!

[ all cheering]

We turned winter into spring, yes!

And look, the snowmen, the snowballs, the storm clouds

and the witch are all going away.

ANIMALS: Hurray! i¡Viva Dora!All right!

I love spring!

Dora, we have a special present for you.

ANIMAL: It's a magic hairbrush.

When you use this brush,

your hair will grow longer and longer.

i¡Ay, gracias, gracias!

ANIMALS: i¡Cuidado, cuidado! Watch out!

The magic will only work once.

Don't use the brush until you need it.

Okay, I'll be careful.

ANIMALS: Good luck!

i¡Buena suerte!

[ playing fanfare]

You have passed the third test to become a true princess.


Only one more test to go and we can wake up Boots!

We have to figure out where to go next.

Say "map."

Wow! Dora has almost become a true princess.

We found the red ring-- check.

We taught the giant rocks to sing-- check.

We turned winter into spring-- check.

Where do we go next?

The castle, right!

We have to bring the moon to the queen and king.

So tell Dora, next we go to the castle.

Where do we go next?

The castle, right.

We need to find the castle.

¿Dónde está?

Do you see the castle?

i¡Sí, allí está!

But where are the queen and king?

Do you see the queen and king?

Right, there they are.

Yes, yes, we're up here!

Your Majesties.

Dora the Explorer, you must be

very brave to have come so far.

You have passed many tests, but I'm afraid

this last test will be the hardest of all.

You must bring us... the moon.

[ cackles]

Now Dora's going to give up.

I will never give up!

Boy, this girl is something!

I need to bring the moon to the queen and king.

Wow, I think we need help from all our friends.

Come on, let's call our friend Isa the iguana.

Say "Isa"!




Hi, Dora.

I'm here to help.

That's great, Isa.

Now let's call our friend Tico the squirrel.

Say "Tico"!


i¡Hola, Dora!

A tu servicio.

DORA: Gracias, Tico.

Qué bueno que llegaste.

Let's call our friend Benny the bull.

Say "Benny"!


Hey, guys!

Hi, Dora!

I'm here to help.

That's so great, Benny.

Come on, let's climb up the stairs to Dora.

The witch made the steps disappear.

Now there's no way you can climb up

and help your friend.

[ laughs evilly]

Dora, how are we going to get up

to the top of the tower

so we can help you?

I've got an idea.

The animals in spring gave me

a magic hairbrush.

I can use the hairbrush to make my hair really long

and then my friends can climb up my hair!

Great idea, Dora.

Yes! It can work.

[ all cheer]

Will you help me brush my hair really, really long?

Great! Help me brush my hair.

Hold up your hand and brush your hair.

Brush, brush, brush, brush, brush!

It's working.

My hair is growing!

Come on, climb up my hair.

You're here!

You're all here.

Group hug, group hug!

Now we can help you get to the moon.

ISA: But how are going to do it?

Sí, es muy difícil.

It's far.

[ stars laughing]

DORA: I hear stars.

Do you see stars?

[ laughing]

Here we are! Here we are!

[ laughing]

Stars! i¡Estrellas!

DORA: Look-- the stars can make a staircase to the moon.


STARS: You can't catch us!

[ stars laughing]

DORA: Tico's climbing to catch a star.

i¡Viva Tico!

Try and catch me.

[ grunts]

DORA: Benny's using his muscles to catch a star.

Go, Benny!


DORA: Isa caught a star with her tail.

Awesome, Isa!


Can't catch me!

[ laughing]



Wow, Dora--

super jump to catch a star.

Yay, Dora!

i¡Viva Dora!

BENNY: But we need one more star.

Look, there's a star.

And it's an explorer star.

DORA: That's Fairy Star.

She's got magical fairy dust.

[ others gasp]

We've got to catch Fairy Star.



Look, she's coming to you.

You have to catch Fairy Star.

Put your arms out in front of you

and catch the star.

Catch it. Catch it. Catch it!

[ all cheer]




DORA: We all did it together.


Go, Dora!

ALL: Yay, way to go!

ALL: Hooray.

You made it to the moon!

Gracias, estrellas.

Hi, Moon.

Hi, Dora.

I've always wished you would come to see me.

How can I help you?

Moon, I need you to come visit a queen and king.

Okay, I'll do it.

Huh? i¡Caramba!

How did you get up here?

I took away the steps.

[ gasps]

And where's Dora?

DORA: Here I am.


Queen and King, I have brought you the moon.

[ all cheer]

[ playing fanfare]

You have passed the fourth test to become a true princess!

Uh-oh-- you found the red ring,

you taught the giant rocks to sing,

you turned winter into spring,

and you brought the moon to the queen and king!

You broke my spell!

All my power is gone!

She has no power, Dora.

She is flying far, far, far, far away

and will never be seen again.

ALL: Hooray!

Come forward, Dora.

Dora the Explorer, you have passed every test.

You are now a true princess.


Dora's shoes are so sparkly.

ISA: Wow! What a shiny gown!

BENNY: She's wearing a princess hat!

TICO: i¡Qué bella princesa!

You have turned into a true princess.

i¡La princesa Dora!


Wow, Dora, you're a true princess.

You look great.

But I have to hurry!

I have to wake up Sleeping Boots.

I have to hug him before the last leaf falls.

There's only one leaf left, and it's starting to fall.

Hurry, Dora, hurry!

Quick, send in the unicorns.

We have to hurry.

Come on, we have to help the unicorns fly to Boots.

To tell the unicorns to fly, we say "vuelen."

Say "vuelen."



We need to fly over Spring Valley.

Say "vuelen."

We need to fly over the giant rocks.

Say "vuelen."

We need to fly past the dragon's cage.

Say "vuelen."

Dora, Dora, hurry.

The last leaf is falling.

It's falling!

Hurry, Princesa Dora!

Quick! I need your help to wake up Sleeping Boots.

Help me hug Boots.

Put your arms around yourself and hug, hug, hug!

Hug yourself tight.

Tighter. Tighter!



Oh, Dora, I had the most amazing dream.

I dreamt that you became a princess

with really long hair.

My dream-- it came true!

[ all laugh]

Oh, Boots!

Hooray! Hooray!

You saved me!

Princesa Dora woke up Sleeping Boots.

[ all cheer]

[ playing fanfare]

Yay, Princesa Dora, you did it!

We did it!

♪ ♪

ALL: ♪ We did it!

♪ We did it.

♪ We did it. Yay!

♪ Lo hicimos.♪

♪ We did it!

♪ ♪

♪ We went to Fairy Tale Land

♪ And Boots fell into a deep sleep. ♪

♪ We did it.

♪ We did it!

♪ Hooray!

♪ And Dora became a princesa♪

♪ To rescue me...

♪ We did it!

♪ We did it!

♪ We did it!

I used the magic brush

and my hair grew and grew.

And I got a hug from Dora and my dream came true.

Hooray, Princesa Dora!

ALL: We did it!

[ song ends]

NARRATOR: And so Sleeping Boots awoke at last.

The mean witch was never seen again,

and everyone in Fairy Tale Land lived happily ever after.

Wow. We had such an exciting trip today

in Fairy Tale Land.

What was your favorite part of the trip?

That was a very good part.

My favorite part was waking up

and seeing la princesa Dora.

My favorite part was

when we woke up Sleeping Boots

with a big hug.

We couldn't have done it without you!

Thanks for helping.

BOTH: i¡Gracias!

Fairy Star's going to turn me back into a princess,

but she needs your help.

First Fairy Star needs to change my shoes.

To tell Fairy Star "shoes," we say the Spanish word "zapatos."

Now Fairy Star needs to give me a beautiful dress.

Say "vestido."

i¡Qué vestido tan hermoso!

Now I just need to make my hair long.

Tell Fairy Star "cabello largo."

You did it!

Thanks for helping Fairy Star

turn me back into la princesa Dora.


[ child giggling]
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