Littlest Angel's Easter, The (2005)

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Littlest Angel's Easter, The (2005)

Post by bunniefuu »

I want to hear the robins sing

I want to hear the voice of spring

all around me the blessed earth

waking up and giving birth

I want to see the flowers bloom

I want to breathe the sweet perfume

trees are growing up strong and true

and I believe that I can too

for every moment brings more to see

and it's all happening to me


that love is all around [ woman narrating ] heavenly, isn't it ?

Peace and serenity.

That's what heaven was all about for
- [ chuckles ]

well, an eternity.

But even in heaven, once in a while something comes along...

To shake things up. Oops !

Deep inside I couldn't hide

my heart is open wide aah !

Sorry. It all started a long, long time ago...

As you count time on earth,

but only an angel's breath ago in heaven.

[ Grunts ]

another rehearsal ruined !

And you said he'd grow out of it !

I didn't say when.

It took some getting used to when the littlest angel arrived in heaven.

As a matter of fact, some of us are still getting used to him.

It's about the littlest angel, gatekeeper.

He needs to learn that he has responsibilities as an angel.

I have the perfect assignment for him.

Surely you don't mean an earthly assignment.

- Are you sure he's ready ?
- You might say he'll learn by "egg sample."

An easter egg sample.

[ Chuckling ]

now that you've completed basic training

- you mean I passed ?
- [ Chuckles ] more or less.

Yahoo ! I passed !

I was really worried about my backward loops.

I kept looping when I should have been "backwarding."

Your backward loops are fine, littlest angel.

It's listening that you need to work on.

I have something to show you.

A hole in the clouds ?

I didn't do it
- honest !

[ Chuckling ] no, no, littlest angel.

This is the divining pool.

What is it ? It's a kind of window.

Through it, we observe what's happening on earth.

This is how angels find out who needs our help.

Take him, for instance. That's ryan newman.

His family just moved to a new town

a very small town compared to what he's used to.

I wish we were back in the apartment.

Think of all the things we have here we could never have in the city

the garden, the fresh air

you've always wanted to play baseball. I'll probably stink.

[ Gatekeeper ] ryan's mother is right.

Change can bring good things to those who are open to change.

But ryan isn't.

He needs to make new friends, littlest angel.

That's your assignment
- to help ryan make friends.

That's easy. I'll be his friend.

That isn't quite how it works.

The idea is to help people learn to solve their own problems.

Besides, you can't be friends with somebody who can't see you. Huh ?

Only the humble of spirit can see angels

those who are willing to admit they need our help.

But it's been thousands of years since I lived on earth.

How will I know what to do ?

Well, some things have changed, but human nature hasn't.

You'll know what to do.

I will ? You will.

"Littlest angel. First assignment
- ryan newman."

I wouldn't use the indelible ink if I were you.

No doubt the case will have to be reassigned.

I believe he'll do just fine.

But then, I believe in all kinds of miracles.

You just moved here, didn't you ? Yeah. So ?

So, do you play baseball ?

Ha. Baseball is stupid.

- What did you say ?
- It's stupid.

Not as stupid as those pants.

They're falling down. [ All laughing ]


Poor ryan. If only I could be his friend.

[ Kids laughing ]

hi there. Want to be friends ?

Oh, no ! I'm "indivisible" !

- Hey !
- Stupid school. I knew I'd hate it here.

Hey. Hi there. I think baseball is stupid, don't you ?

Uh, one thing
- what is baseball ?

Huh ? [ Laughing ]

very funny, dweebs.

Guess the gatekeeper was right after all. He can't see me.

The gatekeeper said I'd know what to do,

but I don't know what to do at all. [ Dog barks ]

sorry, boy. No time to play.

I have serious business
- angel business. [ Whining ]

[ laughs ] what's this ?

It's too hard to be flat bread.

And it's too flat to be a hat.

You want me to throw it ? [ Barks ]

hey ! [ Laughing ] you're tickling me !

You sure are friendly.

[ Gasps ] I do know what to do !

You're a genius !

[ Barks ]

- where'd you come from ? The home for ugly mutts ?
- [ Whining ]

go on !

He wants you to throw it !

I suppose you want me to throw this stupid thing.

[ Barks ]

huh ! Not again !

[ Barking ]

hey, that was cool ! Do it again.

You're really smart, aren't you, boy ?

[ Laughing ] hey, cut it out ! Cut it out !

Tickles, doesn't it ?

[ Dog barks ]

I bet you can't catch this one !

I've got it !

Whoa ! You're amazing !

Thanks for dropping by, pastor martin.

Well, it's always a pleasure to welcome a new family to our community.

Uh, mrs. Newman, I couldn't help noticing your beautiful garden.

You see, every spring we hold an easter egg hunt for the children.

- I
-i was wondering if
- you want to use my garden ?

-it's not much, really.

Although, don and I have put a lot of work into it.

[ Panting ] thirsty, boy ?

Then you agree ?

We'd be honored. Ryan, get away from that dog !

[ Barking ]

oh ! Oh !

[ Whining ]

- oops.
- Ryan !

Sorry. I
- I just

something tells me it's time for you to go home now.

[ Whining ]

and what are you doing playing with that dirty dog ?

He's not dirty. H
- hey, come back !

You should never play with strange dogs.

- He could be dangerous !
- He isn't dangerous. He's just

he isn't even wearing a collar. Go wash your hands.

Right now.

I'm so sorry.

Uh, no problem. Really. [ Chuckles ]

hmm. I don't think ryan's mom likes dogs.

Hey, how come you're still here ?

- Why didn't you go home ?
- [ Whines ]

[ gasps ] you don't have a home ! Oh, no !

Now there are two of you who don't have any friends.

-but why can't I keep him ?

We don't have time for a dog.

And besides, we've got to get the garden ready for the easter egg hunt.

- But he needs a home !
- This stinks. I hate everything here.

I hate the stupid school bus. I hate the stupid kids.

That dog's the only good thing that's happened,

and now you won't let me keep him !

Ryan, you're going to have to forget about that dog.

Look. I'll make you a deal.

If you help me in the garden, we'll get you a bicycle.

Then you won't have to take the school bus.

- What choice do I have ?
- But ryan ! What about the dog ?

I'm not the one to say I told you so,

but I warned the gatekeeper.

Earthly assignments require experience and maturity.

He simply wasn't ready. Lord knows if he ever will be.

Hmm. I think the littlest angel could use some extra help on this one.

I thought ryan needed a friend.

Sometimes people turn away from the very things they need the most.

You understand !

I am the understanding angel.

At least he'll get a
- what is it ?

A bicycle. Right.

Then he won't have to ride the school bus with those kids.

And would that be a good thing for ryan, or a bad thing ?

- Huh ?
- Don't give up, littlest angel.

There are always second chances.

That's what easter is all about.

[ Whispering ] now's your chance !

- [ Dog barking ]
- hi, boy !

Were you waiting for me ? Sorry, boy.

You can't come home with me anymore. No dogs allowed.

[ Barks ] look, I'm sorry,

but there's nothing I can do.

Hey ! How'd you do that ?

[ Barking ]

you're the best friend I've got.

Don't worry, boy. I'll look after you this time, I promise.

What's your name, anyway ? [ Barks ]

sonny ! I think I'll call you sonny !

If at first you don't exceed, fly, fly again !

- Got any more sausages ?
- [ Laughs ] you're gonna turn into one.

I'm hungry. Was that a robin ?

Missed it. Huh ! [ Chuckles ]

so, no school today ? How are you gonna spend your holiday ?

- First, I'm gonna plant the petunias.
- You really want that bike.

-what time is it ?

- Almost 9:00.
- May I be excused ?

Nice to see him happy for a change.

I told you it was just a matter of time.

Here you go, boy. [ Barks ]

I'll take you for a walk after I finish gardening.

But remember, you have to keep quiet and stay put.

[ Laughs ] eww ! Sausage breath !

Hi. Hello there. It's me. I came to say good

[ Giggles ] I'm gonna miss that.

But now that ryan has you for a friend,

I've finished my first assignment. You want me to throw it ?

[ Barks ] well, maybe just once.

- [ Barking ]
- this is fun ! [ Laughs ]

[ barking ] oh, no !

- Whoops !
- I told you to stay under the porch !

If mom sees you, we're both in trouble ! [ Leaves rustling ]

- [ barking ]
- sonny, don't !

[ Ryan ] sonny, stop it ! Stop !

[ Motor starts ]

[ barking ]

my garden !

-oh !

What is that dog doing here ? [ Whines ]

[ yelps ]

[ gasps ] [ gasps ]

not my figurines !

[ Barking ]

sonny, what are you doing ?

[ Whining ]

- no, boy ! Sit !
- [ Barks ]

you've got a lot of explaining to do, ryan.

The deal's off ! No bicycle !

And get that dog out of here !

You heard them. Get out of here ! [ Whining ]

- [ whining ]
- go on, get lost !

I wish I'd never found you !

But, ryan ! He's your best friend !

Stupid dog !

None of this would have happened if he would have just stayed put !

Well, actually, it was kind of my fault. I threw the frisbee.

What was he good for, anyway ?

He was good at being your friend.

All he ever did was chase this stupid frisbee...

And lick my face and
-and make me laugh.

What did I do ? He was my only friend, and
-and I chased him away.

[ Sobbing ]

[ both sobbing ]

-who are you ?

You mean you can see me ?

Of course I can see you. You're sitting right there.

What's with the halo and wings ? I'm an angel.

You mean in the easter pageant ?

No, in heaven.

Right. Prove it.

- Well, you don't have frogs like buster on earth.
- [ Croaks ]

see ya later, buster !

The floating sunglasses !

That was me ! Only you couldn't see me.

[ Gasps ] if you can see me now, you must want my help !

Only the humble of spirit can see angels, you know.

I'm humble, all right. [ Sniffles ]

sonny's never going to want to see me again !

There are always second chances.

- Really ?
- That's what the understanding angel told me,

and she knows a lot.

I've got to find sonny !

Sonny ! Sonny !

Where are ya, boy ?

Where could he have gone ?

Maybe he belongs to somebody else.

-uh. He told me he doesn't have a home.

- He talked to you ?
- It's more like I felt his feelings.

He's lonely, same as you.

I can feel your feelings too.

Hello there, ryan. What can I do for you ?

We're looking for my dog, pastor martin.

Have you seen him ? Uh, "we" ?

I mean "i." He's yellow with a circular patch around his eye.

Well, a dog like that did run by...

While I was carrying supplies into the food bank.

He went that way.

Thanks, pastor martin. Ooh ! Uh
- ha
- oh !

Huh ?

See ya ! Thanks !

Ow !

Sonny ! Here, boy ! Sonny, where are you ?

Hey, how come I can see you and pastor martin can't ?

- He's humble.
- I don't know.

I was sent to help you, so maybe only you can see me.

If you're really an angel, aren't you supposed to know everything ?

- Like where sonny is ?
- Uh, I'm not sure.

- It's only my first assignment.
- Great. I get a rookie. Sonny !

[ Ryan ] sonny ! Sonny !

- [ Screams ]
- ryan !

Help ! Help !

Get me outta here !

- I can't lift you !
- What kind of an angel are you ?

That's exactly what the other angels keep asking me.

We need help.

Any sign of him ?

Pastor martin says he saw him an hour ago. He was looking for the dog.

Oh, don, it's all my fault.

What if he's run away ?

- What's happening ?
- I have to make them understand !

Come on, guys ! Follow me ! Ryan's in trouble !

Ryan ! Somebody's trying to tell us something !

Almost there !

Am I glad to see you !

- I brought your parents !
- Mom ? Dad ?

Ryan ? Down here !

Hold on, son ! We'll get a rope !

I had no idea that dog
- sonny
- meant so much to you.

We'll find him, I promise.

I shouldn't have tried to hide him from you.

It's just, he's my only friend.

Have you really tried to make friends with the other kids ?

All they do is play baseball.

Why would they want to be friends with me, when I've never played ?

It just takes practice. Even the pros had to start out as rookies.

Yeah, I guess you're right.

[ Laughs ] and some rookies are pretty amazing.

Sonny, where are you ?

Sonny ! Sonny ! Come here, boy ! Sonny !

Here, boy ! Here, boy !

- Anything ?
- Nothing.

It's no use. We'll never find him with just four of us looking.

- [ Crowd cheering ]
- what was that ?

There's a baseball game today.

Hey, where ya going ? You'll see !

So this is baseball.

Whoa ! Hey ! I've got it !

[ Crowd cheering ]

[ all murmuring ]

[ girl ] whoa !

I'm gonna eat ice cream for breakfast more often !

Here ! Catch !

Awesome catch !

Are you sure you don't like baseball ?

We could use you on our team. No, our team !

Guys, right now we could really use your help finding my dog.

[ Laughing ] well, why didn't you say so ?

I just don't understand it.

We couldn't find sonny anywhere.

Now we can't even find him in the divining pool.

Hmm. I don't understand it myself.

There must be a reason why you can't find sonny.

- What reason ?
- You'll see, eventually.

You just have to have faith and hope.

Remember, littlest angel, springtime is a sign that there is always hope

always a chance to try again.

On this easter sunday, we are reminded...

That hope is reborn as surely as the flowers bloom again each spring.

That's just what the understanding angel said.

This easter we welcome the newman family to our community.

Many of us got to know the newmans while looking for their dog.

Sadly, sonny is still missing.

But the search for sonny occasioned the budding of many new friendships.

That's why we couldn't see sonny in the divining pool !

Huh ? You weren't supposed to find sonny !

You were supposed to find friends
- and you did !

The lord works in
- [ gasps ] [ sonny barking ]

- [ all laughing ]
- mysterious ways.

- [ Barking continues ]
- it's sonny !

- Where is it coming from ?
- The church basement !

[ Barking continues ]

[ growling, barking ] [ ryan ] sonny !

Oh, sonny, I'm so glad I found you !

I'm sorry i
- [ laughing ]

[ continues laughing ]

he was here all the time !

Yeah ! Pastor martin must have locked him in by mistake.

- He's talking to himself.
- Nobody's perfect.

[ Cheering ]

it looks like we have a new member of the family.

That new bike may have to wait. Dog food's expensive.

It's okay. I don't mind taking the bus to school.

Time for the easter egg hunt, everyone !

[ Cheering ]

- aren't you coming ?
- It's time for me to go back to heaven, ryan.

- You don't need me anymore.
- But I thought we were friends.

Oh, we are ! I'll always be there when you need me.

You sure you don't want some easter eggs ? They're chocolate.

Uh, what's a chocolate ?

I've got a dream that I can share

it's for the people everywhere

I must say, I'm impressed.

Word is they're very pleased upstairs.

I suppose there's nothing to do but congratulate him.

Well done, littlest angel. As ever, you're full of surprises.

Thanks ! Ugh !

- Ugh !
- Want some ?

[ Gatekeeper chuckling ]

[ all laughing ]

[ laughter continues ]

happy easter !

I want to hear the robins sing

I want to hear the voice of spring

all around me the blessed earth

waking up and giving birth

I want to see the flowers bloom

I want to breathe the sweet perfume

trees are growing up strong and true

and I believe that I can too

for every moment brings more to see

and it's all happening to me

understand that love is all around me

I want to see the mountains high

I want to see the eagles fly

hopes are blossoming fresh and new

dreams are coming true

deep inside I couldn't hide

my heart is open wide

spring is smiling down from above

so I can grow in peace and love
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