13x19 - Dismissed

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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13x19 - Dismissed

Post by bunniefuu »

[Cruger] The Battle of Sirius.

You took evemhing from me!




- [woman] Doggie! Doggie!
- No!

[woman] Help!



But not this time.

l am waiting, Gruumm!

[Gruumm] Yes.

The time is right.

l accept your invitation,
Doggie Cruger!

Why is Commander Birdy
coming here, huh?

That overstuffed pelican and l
do not get along.

He is not a pelican.

He is your supreme commanding officer,
and you get along with him fine...

[computer voice]
Shuttle landing in Bay .

...l hope.

Welcome to S.P.D. Earth station,
Supreme Commander Birdy, sir.

- [Birdy] Hello, Cruger.
- [Kat sighs]

[Cruger] Cadets, ten-hut!

Hmm. Commander...

...where is this S.P.D. squad
you brag so much about?

These are my S.P.D.
Power Rangers, sir.

[Birdy] Really?

These are the Power Rangers?

Well, l expected different.

How proud you must be, commander.

Shall we continue this
in the Command Centre?

lt must be nice working
in a state-of-the-art facility.

[Cruger] No complaints, sir.

The technology you see
was built by Dr Manx here.

Well, well. l'll have to see about
getting your Dr Manx

up to supreme command.

l'm quite happy here, sir.


Rangers to your stations.

[Kat] A robot is attacking the city.

- Ready?
- Ready!

[all] S.P.D. Emergency!

[all] Delta Squad Megazord.

l'll crush you!

The Megazord
should have stopped that blow.

Red Ranger should have anticipated.

There are procedures, commander.

Strategy. Be patient.


You were patient on Sirius.

That was uncalled-for, commander.

That's Senior Commander Birdy,

Your superior.


Understood what?

Understood, sir.

You're mine!

Look out!



[all] Five, four, three, mo, one, fire!


Nice work, guys. We got him!

That robot should never have
gotten into the city.

This is not good commanding, Cruger.

You should have split up the Rangers
and let them fight on mo fronts.

Sometimes l do split them up.

However, today, l feel
their strength lies in their team.

Oh, you do?

Split them up immediately, for good.

That would be our downfall.

lf the Rangers are separated,
Gruumm will pick them off one by one.

You're putting them and Earth in danger.

This is an order, Cruger,
not a conversation.

l cannot support this decision.

l will not.

Birdy's brief stay
was a little too long for me.

l heard that. Makes six of us.



Commander Birdy, speaking
for the entire S.P.D. Earth station,

we hope you have
enjoyed your visit, sir.

- Thank you, Sky.
- It's Jack, sir.

And now Commander Cruger
has an announcement.

To all personnel and to my Rangers,

l want to thank you for your loyalty.

lt's been my privilege to lead
the S.P.D. forces

and my honour to have served
with you all.

As of today, l am relieved of duty.

[Cruger] You are now under the
Ieadership of Supreme Commander Birdy.


Why would Birdy relieve Cruger
of his command?

- l hope it wasn't because of us.
- No way.

Earth is the last place
Gruumm hasn't conquered

because of us and Doggie Cruger.

Maybe Birdy thinks we should be
attacking Gruumm, not waiting.

What are you saying,
Cruger was doing a bad job?

lf you remember he already lost
a squad of Power Rangers.

He was relieved of duty
tying to protect you.

What do you mean?

Commander Birdy ordered your squad
to be split up. Cruger refused.

Then l'll refuse. We'll all refuse.

[Sky] We can't do that, Z.

Birdy is now our commanding officer,
and we obey orders,

- even if we don't agree with them.
- [Kat] Sky's right.

You are Power Rangers S.P.D.

You follow the chain of command.

Ah, Dr Manx. l was iust about
to call for you.

[Birdy] l want you
to install another monitor.

and make a note to add silent alerts
to the Rangers' uniforms.

And let's start thinking about
replacing these Rangers.

- Report.
- It's an energy alert, sir.

lt indicates any unusual surge.
Excuse me.

This reading is off the scope.
l've never seen anything like it.

Well, call the Rangers.

Rangers, report
to the Command Centre.


Rangers reporting, sir!

We've had a report
of an unusual energy surge.

Red, Blue and Green Rangers,
l want you to investigate.

- Yes, sir.
- Just Red, Blue and Green?

ls there a problem, Ranger?

No, sir.

Let's do it! Woo-hoo!

OK, here we are.

Let's check it out.

l don't see anything.

[Jack] Maybe, but l got a bad feeling.

Something's there. Look.

- [motorcycle rewing]
- [Gruumm laughing]

No way! It's Gruumm.


This is what we train for, guys.

- Yeah!
- [Jack] Let's go!



[all] Whoa!

Punch it!

- Whoa!
- [chuckling]

- Where did he...?
- Ah!


Who dares?


Hang on, Sky.

l'm coming.



- [panting]
- [laughing]

You are the mighty Power Rangers?

[Gruumm] Give Anubis a message.

Tell him l am waiting for him.


That was brutal.

That energy surge...

...it was Gruumm.

He's here?

And you let him defeat you?

Sir, that may not be a fair...

Anything further to report, Rangers?

- Yeah...
- No, sir.

[Sky] We were lucky
to get away when we did.


Welcome to the new S.P.D., Sky.


Cruger may not have been able
to defeat Gruumm on Sirius,

and the Rangers failed today.

Humph! If you want
something done right...

...do it yourself.

And if Gruumm is looking for a fight...

...l will give him one.

Gruumm did say something, didn't he?

lt was a message for Cruger.

[Sky] It was a personal message.

He wants to meet Cruger
on the b*ttlefield.

You didn't hear this from me,

but l think Commander Cruger
would like to know this.

Only one of you should go.

lf all of you are gone
it will arouse suspicion.

l'll go.

What's the alert?

There's been a report
of a wanted criminal in C Sector.

l want you to send Yellow and Pink.

Sir, l'd like to analyse
the situation first

- and see who is best suited...
- Are they not capable?

They're Power Rangers, are they not?

Do not question my orders, doctor.

Just do as l say.

- It was Sector C, right?
- That's what l heard.

l am Changtor.
Welcome to my beach pam

where you're the guests of honour.

Our first and last pam game
is called Bring in the Rangers

and collect a big reward
from Broodwing.

Love that game. What about you, Syd?

Me too.

But l'm really disappointed you didn't
tell us there was a dress code.

Just a sec, OK?

- S.P.D. Emergency!
- S.P.D. Emergency!

- Hyah!
- Hyah!

- Nice outFits.
- [both] Thanks.

[Birdy] Show your face, Gruumm.

Come out and fight.

- Huh?
- Ah!

Who is this they sent to fight me?

Supreme Commander Fowler Birdy.

l asked for Doggie Cruger.

Supreme Commander,

you will do for now.

- [laughing]
- [screaming]

- Sir.
- Hmmm.

Gruumm is here on Earth.
He's put out a challenge for you.

He wants to meet you
on the field of battle.

- Does Birdy know this?
- No, sir.

The message wasn't for him.

lt was for our commander.




lt's going badly, isn't it?

Syd and Z are holding their own,
but Commander Birdy is in trouble.

He's a fool.

He's no match for Gruumm.

No, he isn't.

Sir, l have something for you.

- Will you come with me?
- l know what you're tying to do.

Good. All the more reason
for you to come with me, sir.



- Whoa! [grunting]
- [both] Ha!


[both] We did it! Yeah!

Look what l can do.

- [chuckling]
- [both] Whoa!

Hey, guys, we want the team back.

Megazord online.

Let's do this!

You look a little washed out.


lt's judgment time for you, buddy.

No! This is all a big mistake!


[all] Five, four, three, mo, one, fire!



You sory old bird.

Prepare to be vanquished.


Shadow Ranger?

l am here, Gruumm.

At last, my revenge!

[both screaming]

- Lasers locked.
- Hey!



My turn.

You OK, commander?

He disobeyed my orders!

And if he didn't,
you wouldn't be around right now.


Game over.

Come on!

Full throttle!


This is what you get
for messing with S.P.D.

- Fire!
- [screaming]

lt's all over, Gruumm.

Don't be a fool, Cruger.

You may have won this time,

but l swear to you this:

lt will be a long battle
with many surprises.

Nothing you do surprises me,

l will be waiting,

and this time S.P.D. will prevail.

You'll never take Earth, Gruumm...

...l promise you that.

Well done, sir.

[Cruger] You all did well, Rangers.


[all] S.P.D.!


l have written my highest recommendation
to the Central Command

regarding these Rangers of yours,

A fine group.

That they are, sir.

l still think there are certain areas
in which S.P.D. could be improved,

like, for example,
the supreme commander

staying out of his best
commander's business.

l couldn't have a finer leader
than you, Anubis.

Thank you, sir.

The galay is depending on you.

[Birdy] Bring it home for all of us.

l will, sir.


Wipe those silly-looking grins
off your faces.

lf you think that it's going to be
a holiday around here, you're wrong!

You're soft, spoiled, stubborn!

Evey last one of you.

Aren't you supposed to be attending
some training at this particular moment?

- Huh?
- Uh...

Oh, it's so good to be back.

And good to have you back, sir.
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