chance why dylan we all know you and us
are inseparable
there's no way your parents are going to
let her go on your family camping trip
this is not going to happen
well i've got a plan huh what'd i tell
right right okay full ride to uw
awesome yeah you know i mean i'll
probably spend half the season on the
bench but hey you never know right
your parents have got to be thrilled
yeah you know they're pretty happy
dylan tells me they're having a rager of
a graduation party oh no not a couple
people you know relatives and stuff no
big deal
then i tell them if they really trust me
i should be able to bring a friend
small detail missing see i'm a friend
she's a girlfriend
big difference you got to be kidding me
dad come on she's a friend
exactly this is a family camping trip
maybe the last one we have together now
that mike's going off to college
besides dylan ash doesn't really seem
the camping type
yeah i mean why would you want to spend
her vacation with us with me
she's never been camping before so i
invited her
she said yes okay did she ask her mother
ms gordon thought it'd be fun it was
okay with you guys
no mom come on talk to him please
mike i don't see any harm in it all
right all right all right
thanks mom you're the best you're
kidding ash and i will use the red tent
dylan dylan
i'm kidding
come on son this is a day to celebrate
my oldest boys grill edge this party is
gonna be
huge heck invite the whole class if you
want all the relatives are coming
your grandparents my aunt jessica
not her wish mad daddy don't like the
big wet kisses huh
be nice she's my only aunt mikey i'm
putting you down for 75 kids
yeah there'll be plenty of food dancing
you guys don't need to do this
yes no we do this it's a great day for
the whole family
we're gonna be late let's go
did you already invite aunt jessica
okay good
we're on what my parents said yes
oh are you serious i can't believe it
either i believe what
ash is going camping with dylan no way
in a couple weeks we'll be hiking
fishing and sleeping under the stops
together yeah right my parents will be
drag for a minute there sounding
romantic it will be
oh sure with mom and dad along how could
it not be
well i think it'll be great i've never
seen the redwoods never slept in a tent
beets doing nothing all summer i'll show
you how to fish how to hook bait how to
gut them and clean them
all right i got to stick to the hiking
park those two just can't get enough of
each other
disgusting isn't it no you can't come
with me
because i'm getting a dress for your
brother's party
all right okay maybe um i'll come over
tomorrow morning
okay bye what did he want oh
he wants to take me shopping for hiking
boots for the trip how cool how cute
ash i'm home why do parents always yell
your name and then tell you they're here
isn't it obvious
hey mom up here oh my god ashley get
down here it finally came
what the art institute
here honey open it hurry
okay what does it say dear miss gordon
blah blah blah um based on your
portfolio we are honored to accept you
as an artist and resident for a summer
session at the san francisco art
you can't believe it i knew it honey i
knew it i knew the best art program in
the country couldn't say no to my
daughter hello will someone tell me
what's going on
i got accepted as an artist and resident
at the most awesome art school they only
take like 20 high school students out of
2000 applicants
i didn't even know you applied well i
didn't tell anyone because i didn't
think i'd get in
oh honey of course you would mom i mean
the best artists in the country teach
there everyone wants to go
i know let me look at it again when does
it start
um one week after you finish school one
week i've got a pack
i get all my supplies together how am i
gonna do it all in time it'll be fine
i guess you're not going camping are you
serious i mean this is a
once-in-a-lifetime chance of course i'm
not gonna go camping
i gotta go pack i have to go call your
grandma this is gonna be so awesome
what are you doing she's packing i want
to make sure we have everything
dylan we're not leaving for another week
i just want to be prepared
fishing rods in the garage above the
now i just got to worry about getting
him into college wow he's doing good
now this year he barely made it through
his freshman year and soccer
i'm not sure about the scholarship money
there it's not like football
so what's mom cooking up for this
shindig no nothing we're having a
are you kidding me no food drink the
whole deal
drink yeah juices sodas i may even have
you know what you kids drink nowadays
no dad my friends all drink beer
well not here they don't look
there'll be plenty of everything else
it'll be fun
hey which one do you think will catch
the most fish the one i'm using
hey ash hey mike ash here
try this on dylan
she's not gonna need those so what are
you guys up to today
oh shopping i need a dress for the party
and hiking boots
they'll look great with your dress i'm
sure plus i need a telescoping trip
you have never seen so many stars
i can't believe we're going this is
gonna be great
so did you tell him oh yeah after he
decided to spend his life savings on a
new telescope
how could i you can't wait much longer
his whole family's expecting you to be
i know it's just he's gonna be so
when i applied to this program i hardly
even knew dylan
you know all i could think about was
being back home seeing my old friends
seeing your old boyfriends no
i mean josh doesn't even be in san
francisco this summer
you sure about that yeah he emailed me
he's working at a camp back east
well that should calm down down a little
oh yeah
i'm just gonna say hey the bad news is i
can't go camping with you
the good news is i'm not gonna hook up
with my old
do boyfriend think you'll see other
people while you're there i mean
cece yeah no
how about dylan dylan come on
no no you're gonna be away for a whole
the only reason you bought that thing so
you'd have an excuse to be alone in the
dark with ash
i did not oh yeah i can see it now mom
dad ash and i are gonna stay up and
watch the stars hey
it might work anyway so kim's coming to
the party
i told my dad and angela they said they
were trying to stop by everybody's
coming except the guest of
honor what well mike's flipping out
because the party's dry
so so he doesn't think his friends will
show up sure they will
think about it cake party at bradley's
or root beer at mike's
what would you do i'm going to your
house that's cause you have to my
friends have a choice
what is the problem mike you've been
naked from the start can't you just
celebrate like everybody else
no i can't because everybody else is
celebrating a little differently than we
meaning beer dad cake party's booze okay
you're not even 21. so a lot of parents
don't care they let their kids drink at
home well we don't yeah i know that dad
look the point is is that none of my
friends are gonna want to come to this
part you know what i don't blame the mic
now come on mom think about it
i know you guys don't drink but what if
your guests want to
people can have a good time without
alcohol well your friends maybe
look what if people brought their own
absolutely not your friends are underage
what if they snuck it in
i would throw them out it's my party dad
my house
02x13 - Passages
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Revolves around Dylan Roberts, an ordinary teenager living in the suburbs outside of Seattle, whose older brother Mike is the star quarterback of the high-school football team. Dylan's best friend Jermaine Greene is a biracial, highly educated teen who wants to go to Harvard someday.
Revolves around Dylan Roberts, an ordinary teenager living in the suburbs outside of Seattle, whose older brother Mike is the star quarterback of the high-school football team. Dylan's best friend Jermaine Greene is a biracial, highly educated teen who wants to go to Harvard someday.