Garbage Pail Kids Movie, The (1987)

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Garbage Pail Kids Movie, The (1987)

Post by bunniefuu »

- Garbage Pail Kids -

Valerie Vomit

Windy Winston

Foul Phil

NAT Nerd

Ali Gator

Greaser Greg

Messy Tessie

- Antiques -

Quiet! Someone might hear us!

Turn off the lights

I'll get it.

I got it!

Now I can't see anything!

You'll get use to it in
a few seconds...


Uh oh.

Yee haw.


What is going on up there?

It's him...

If I'll catch anybody out here...
I'll be very surprised.


I wonder...


This should keep a lid on things
for the rest of the night.

Take it off.

- Take the lid off.
- I'm trying...
- Shh...

This is hard.

I wanna get out and play!

Okay creep... gimme.

I don't have any money!

If he ain't got money,
he ain't got nothing.

- You're running out of time, creep.
- No, please!

Little baby's gonna cry?



Let go!


Those are my kind of guys...
real psychos.

Stop it Blythe...
Juice is mine.

Come here... right here.

- What are you doing?
- Put him down.

What are you gonna do to me?

Drop him.

No no no!

Thanks a lot, kid.
We appreciate the donation.

Ha ahahhhah.

Okay baby, let's go.

- Manzini's Antiques -

Good lord! You smell like
a fire hydrant.

I had an accident.

Come, boy.

We better clean you up before the flies get you.

Captain Manzini, what don't you use for that garbage pill?

- How long have you worked for me, boy?
- Couple of months.

Have I ever forbid you to
touch any of my treasures?

- This is the one exception.
- Yes sir.

Did you get the blood of a toad
and the eye of a newt?

No. The pet shop is out of unicorns too.

No wonder there's no magic
in the world today.

You can't get the ingredients.

- Here, try this on.
- A dress?

Only to western life...
This is a dashiki.

Given me by the great Afripail
tribal leader Uhm-Tu-Tu...

in gratitude for making
his mother-in-law disappear.

You were in Africa?

Actually, I was on my way back from Egypt.

I was doing a split week in
Cleveland and Cairo.

But that's a long story.

Are you gonna tell me what happened?

I got in a fight.
I lost.

Losing is relative, my dear boy.

What matters is conceding with grace.


- Who did this to you?
- Some guys.

Some guys...
Did you reported to the police?

Last guy who snitched on Juice
got poured into the westside highway.


Which is broth than vampire's broom
make this clothes as good as new.

Let's go do some work.

Do you sell much of this stuff?

We only had 2 customers, and they didn't buy anything.

Patience is a bitter vine, but it bears sweet fruit.


That's from the Greek.
It loses a little something in translation.

Now... let's add a little sparkle to our merchandise.

Funny people should call this junk, isn't it?

When every single piece, is a...
is a diary into the human spirit.

Take this, for instance.

"To my darling Mary, From Herbert."

This is not a modern book.
This is a testimony for love.

And this?

Yet the child who slept
with this...

grow up to shake the world.

Tell me about this,
Captain Manzini.

An early form of air conditioning.

Also a tool of romance.

It could beckon or rebuff.

Did you ever get beckoned

I also got rebuffed.

But, like me, this is a relic from a simpler age.

good and bad, black and white.

When a man could set all his
differences with one of these.

Then some damn fool invented g*n
powder and a bigger damn fool split the atom.

That's when I decided to leave mankind to it's folly.

and retire here into the world of memories.

- Touch'e!
- Dodger, no!

- Have you ever heard of Pandora's box?
- Never heard of Pandora.

Right. Clear this up.

According to legend, all trouble in the world...

were once squeeze into...
one tiny little box.


Along came this nosy little girl called
Pandora, opened it up...

and let them all out.

- I don't understand.
- Think of this... as Pandora's pain.

Look at that!

Look at that...

- It's so pretty!
- Look at that.

- SALE -

What's this thing here?

That's pretty cool.

Tangerine? Hey Tangerine.
You got a minute?

- You want to come inside and take a look?
- Why would I want to?



Captain Manzini got great stuff,
well, stuff you pail use for your creations.

Come inside.

We got buttons.


We got medals too.
They're really good medals.

Put them on, it's just...

That's great kid.
What do you do for an encore?

Open a vein?

We got beads, we got great beads.

We got...
all here.

How much is this?

Touch my woman, creep!

No. I was...

Baby come on, he's just a kid.
He's not 12 years old.

I'm 14!
I'm almost 15!

He's not worth the time it will take to beat up!
Forget him.

Come on, let's go have some fun.

I wish I could help you baby.

But the little creep must be
taught a lesson.

It's a matter of principle.

Oh yeah?

I think it's just a matter of you
like to see people bleed.

Eww. Yuk!
It looks like an elephant blew it's nose.

You made a monkey out of me kid.

What are you gonna do?

I'm gonna send this little scuzz ball
on a journey.

Oh come on Juicy baby no...
Let's go play.



What are you gonna do?


Why won't you just leave him alone?

Shut up. Get down.

No! Put me down.

What are you doing?

Why won't you just leave me alone?

Don't touch me!
What is wrong with you?

See you later, creep.

Hey guys!
Turn off the water.

Oh, he looks pretty bad

He don't smell too good either.

What if he need a doctor?


Hey, got any iodine in there?

Let's see.

Yeah. Looks good too.

- Don't! That's poison.
- Hey! Drink the red, you'll get dead.

Poor little guy...
Hope he doesn't have to have a shot.

Hope it pail help him.

This will make him wake up!


Put a cork in it!

Are you okay? You sure took
a bad fall.

What are you?

What are we?

- Same to you, buddy. Let's get out of here.
- Yeah.

Let's go.

Hey, get out of that chair.
It's the captain's chair.

Leave the chair alone.

Stop that please.

Stop it you guys!

You leave me alone.

Put that stuff down, it's not yours.

Hey. Hey.
Put this back!

Don't touch this!

This is my turf.

My god! It's cousin Charley.

Put this back!

Please, don't touch this!

What are you doing?

You did this?
How would you like to get stumped?

La la la la


Hey, this is fun!

My god.


You let them out!
You let them out of the garbage pail!

- I don't know what happened, honest!
- You don't?

Hi captain, long time no see.

Alright children, we've had our fun.

Come on, back into the garbage pail.

- No way!
- No!

- That pail be jail.
- Yeah!

You are forcing me to lay
very heavy magic on you.


Dodger, I want the tooth of a crocodile,
a bottle of English fog...


a hair of a goat,
the shadow of your smile.

Captain, we can't get that stuff anymore.

That's 20th century progress...

We pail put a man on the moon...!

But we can't find a few simple
ingredients to do a magic trick.

Alright... you took them out of
the garbage pail...

Say hello to trouble.

Meet the garbage pail kids.

Yo, I'm greasy Greg.
Wanna rumble kid?

No, thanks.

- Messy.
- Hi.

Don't shake hands with Messy Tessy.

Fooled you!

I'm Windy Winston

Thank you for that...

I'm foul Phil.


Not in this lifetime little person.

I'm NAT nerd.


NAT is a baby!
NAT is a baby!

La lala la la

- Hi.
- Hi, I'm Valerie Vomit.


Faked ya out, didn't I?

And this little green chappy is Ali gator.

An eye ball a day keeps the doctor away.

No thank you. I'm a vegetarian.

How about a finger?



Totally disgusting!

I caused a lot of trouble,
didn't I captain?

Somehow we gotta keep this kids out of mischief
until we get them back in the garbage pail.

First of all, we gotta get
you cleaned up. You could do with a bath.

No! No bath!

Not you! Him!


Come on.

Don't even think about it.



Rinse off.
Rinse off.


- Here, for you.
- Thank you.

He's got cute legs.

Tasty looking toes too.


We can not choose the way we look,
but we pail choose the way we behave.


That's totally uncool.

Now listen! Since you won't go back into
the pail...

You must at least promise me...

Stay away from the Normis.

- What are Normis?
- Normal people.

We gotta hide from them.

They hate us.

Yeah. They think we're ugly.

Ugliness is not in a mirror.

Ugliness is cruelty, meanness of spirit,

To be blessed with unusual features...

is an adventure.


You think they bought it?

- What a crock!
- Yeah, tell me about it.

You couldn't chose a worst time
to come back.

People are absolutely obsessed
about their looks this days.

dating, jogging, having everything
lifted including their wallets.

Well, I don't think you're ugly, exactly.

- Wanna suck face?
- No.

Well, I mean,
I already love somebody.

- Tangerine, now she is ugly!
- She's beautiful!

You ain't gonna get her.

He could with our help.

Not with Juicy and his g*ng is in the picture.

Yeah, well, that's a problem.

Good night kids.


Give me a little shoulder here.




I'm really sorry about
what happened yesterday.

You know how Juice can get sometimes.

- Forget it.
- Okay.

Well, are you going out to meet him?

No, he's got some business
to take care of.

I have some stuff to do, myself so...

Let me help you...
How far you going?



Well, what I meant was...
where are you going with your... stuff?

To the dance clubs.

Hey, you wanna come along and help me?


Uh, so what do we do when we get there?

What do you mean?
Like, how do you sell the clothes?

Well, you start at the highest price
you can find...

look the clothing,
it may or may not have tags on it and...

- What are you doing?
- Calm down. It's under control.

And then, if they won't go for
the price, we go down slowly but not too far...

if they wanna take out more than 5$,
don't sell it.

Hey wait! Tangerine!

- Selling good stuff?
- Yeah.

- Let's see.
- I've got all new stuff.

- Wait wait wait... don't Handel that like that.
- Why? It's still not that great.

No, I don't like it much.

Okay, um 14 please.

Do you want that?
Ok, that's 10.

Let me see.
You want that? Alright.


Tangerine, you're doing great.

I'm gonna sell my way out of this town.

Someday I'm gonna be a famous fashion
designer in New York.

In New York?

Or Hollywood.
They need designer for movies, don't they?

Yeah, but that's a long way off.

Well, I'm not gonna live at
somebody's crappy basement all my life, that's 12.

- Hey, buy it or drop it.
- I'll drop this.

Hey, how much for the shirt?

- $12.
- Sold, let's go.

Hot, doesn't it? Looks great.

Okay, wanna hand me that t-shirt?

Okay, did you want this skirt?

Okay, that's gonna be 10 so.


- Tangerine?
- Get away!

You got a bad attitude girl!

Oh honey, you haven't seen bad yet...

Hey baby.

Get in.

Is anybody in there?

Hey! Ultra violet?

Are you in there?

Banana Anna?

We may never find our friends again.

We tried. Now let's eat.

- Maybe we should keep looking!
- Yeah!

That's it! Let's eat!

That sounds good to me!

Oh, it's pig out time.

We don't have any money!

No problem!
We'll carve out an I.O.U.


Come back with my truck!

All right! How are you doing down there?

It's stuck down there!

No! Not the brakes! The gas!


What the heck was that?


No! I think we hit a bump!

What have you done to my car?
What are you, crazy?

They're here, They're here!


Hey, we're the Pepsi generation!
Ha, haha.

- What did you guys get?
- Hot dogs!

- Chips and dips!
- Cookies!

Bubble gum!

Yeah, toasted hot dogs,
taste like toes.

You got one track mind!

I got a fast tack mind!

Pass me the mustard.

Pass the onion and garlic!

-Oh no! Look out!

I'm sorry.

God bless you!

Ali! You ate my burger!

- What that your's.
- Yeah!

Oh yeah? Prove it!

I can't! You ate the evidence!

Yeah yeah...
Tough toothpaste.


What's the matter?

- My tummy hurts!
- What did you eat?

- Everything!
- That will do it alright.


Turn off the light.

- What's the matter?
- We're on a hangover.

You want some cereals?

- If it's blood rare...
- Coming at ya.

Good shot.

I've been thinking about
what you said, help me out...

- Yeah?
- How would you help me?

-We already did!

The chick! See, she's into fashion?

Tangerine, Yeah. So?

We sowed. Check it out!


- No way...
- Yeah.

There you go... You dress sharp,
you impress the chick.

- Hot threads man.
- Yeah!

- What am I supposed to do with them?
- Stick them up your...

- Wear 'em.
- Wear 'em? Me? I don't know...

Take a hike, k*ll the last...

- Yeah...
- Go away.

But they're just not me!

Get out of here!

Don't talk back.


Hi, Tangerine.


Wow! Where did you get those clothes?

That is some coat!

I, I made it.

- What?
- I made it.

- You made this?
- Do you like this?

It's not bad.

Have you done anymore?

Well, some. Why?

Well, I was just thinking I
could sell them for you...

You know, along with mine.

I mean...

I could try.

You know, that jacket makes
you look... older.

- How much older?
- Oh, at least 16.

Maybe 17.

So, how many outfits could you
have for me by say... Friday night?

- Outfits?
- Oh, I want at least a dozen...

And of course,
I can't promise you I can sell them.

A dozen?

Well, obviously you're an amateur.

Look, I can try...

You can try? Why don't you go
try it right now?


Look, obviously you're not serious!

O' I am, I'm real serious.
I'll go to work right now.

When can I see you again?

Friday night. That is, if...
of course...

You have enough stuff to make
me worth my while to try and help you.

I'm on my way.

Oh my god, Juice.

Dodger, be careful. Look out for Juice.

I'm too happy to die.

Hey, hey guys...

What's going on?
Oh boy.


What time is it?

You were right...
Tangerine loved the outfit.

Ah, chicks is chicks...
and I know my chicks.

But I got another problem and I
need your help.

What do you want?

I need more clothes, a dozen more.
At least a dozen outfits.

- And I need them...
- It's gonna take a while.

- By Friday?
- It's three days.

- Yeah.
- No way. We have only one machine.

There's gotta be some way.


Quiet. I got an idea.

Go on home, kid.

Yeah kid. We gotta put it to a vote.
We'll give you our answer over breakfast.


- Bring me back some rare...
- What?

Anything, as long as it blood rare.

Why should we do something nice?

Let's quit now it's my advice...

We can do anything by working with each other.

I ain't gonna work for free,
tell me what in this for me?

We can do anything by working with each other.

Come on kids, take a shot,
show them what we really got!

We can do anything by working with each other.


can't stop now, we got a job to do

And we are me and you

We can do anything by working with each other.

Help a friend out of a mess
put your friendship to the test

We can do anything by working with each other.

can't stop now, we got a job to do

And we are me and you

So come on guys, we're really smart
we'll borrow tools to do our part

We can do anything by working with each other.

Step up!

We can do anything by working with each other.

Work it out and do your best
don't give up on your success

We can do anything by working with each other.

concentrate on what you do,
buckle down it's up to you.

We can do anything by working with each other.

We can do anything by working with each other.

We can do anything by working with each other.


Yo guys, I got breakfast for you.


Here ya go.

Valerie, Catch.

Hey, If you do get that chick,
all you got is trouble.

I just want her to like me.

Careful what you wish for,
you might get it.

That means you're not gonna make the stuff?

It means we're almost finished.

- Thanks guys.
- Yeah yeah...


You're early... How's things
below stairs?

- Almost perfect.
- Yeah. I know what you mean.

Look, I want you to hold down the fort.

Whatever that means.
I'm going down to the music archive.

I am feeling the answer
is a musical one.

- Now I'm depending on you.
- You got it, captain Manzini.

Hey, look what I found!

- Check it out.
- TV.

Maybe there's news about our friends.

- Cartoons!
- How you get this thing to work?

Bozos, you gotta plug it in!

What's going on down here?


Nothing... Nothing at all.
Just hanging around.

Anybody see my jacket?

I'll get it for you Dodger, right away.


Here it is, Dodger!

- Valerie has it, Dodger.
- Valerie has it.

- There you go.
- Thank you.

See you later, Dodge. Bye.
Good day, Dodge.

Bye guys. See you in the morning.

Alright, alright, alright.
Come on guys, hurry up.

Come on, turn it on.
I wanna see some wild kingdom.

They have a alligator special.
Come on!

Ah, doesn't work!

Ah, something's loose.

- Oh no!
- I'll fix it.

Don't touch it Messy!

Now it works.

Now it's broken!

Well, maybe we should get back to work.

No way.

Yeah! All work and no play, no way,
it makes me irritable.

What do you say we go out and party?

Uh uh, I got a better idea.
Let's go see a movie picture.

We can't go out.

We'll get captured.

No, we won't.
Uh uh.

What she got, what she got there?

I made us these.

Yeah! Costumes.

Check it out.

Old faithful.


Oh, grow up.

Gee, I thought it was funny.


We'll go to the movies.

Were going to where the action is.



- Ready to go?
- Okay.

Take off Windy. How are you doin' dude?


Watch out bozo!

Give the guy some push!

Hurry up! Open the door!

And away we go!

Oh boy!

What do you have?

- We want...
- We don't have any more.

All we have left is rabbit and hot dogs.

- Rabbit.
- Hot dogs.

Hot dogs! They'll take rabbit.




Coming right in...


Will you sit down.

We need a chicken

There you are....

When it comes to cooking,
I'm the catch-me-up.

Valerie love dogs.

We got problems.

I'm gonna check this thing out.

- So... What's the matter there?
- I don't know.


- Well, I'll meet you inside.
- Alright.


And stay out!

Hey, My kind of crowd... Huh.

This is kid stuff.
I can fix it in no time.

Yeah, yeah, this is it.

Yeah, this be the place.


Himm, too skinny.

Himm, too bony.

Himm, too leathery.


No. Nonono.


That is it... Yeah.


It's toe time.

I'm getting out of here.

Let me outta here.

No. No.

Get me out of here.

He bit my toe!


Put me down!

Let me try this one.

This should do it. Yeah,
this is easy.


Let's make some alligator shoes!




- Take this.
- Yeah, my man.

- Watch out.
- Take this.

I'm going to pancake the little


Hold it, Hold it!

Little suckers got guts.

- He's with me.
- Yeah.

How about some toes, please?


Drinks for everybody!


- Sit down and eat.
- Eat.

Boy, this movie is making me hungry.

Yeah, me too. Let's go.

Oh, popcorn!

- Yeah.
- As many...



This dog has my name on it.
Chill out dude.

Bye bye.

Have fun.

Hey, cutey.

That's funny!


No! That's funny!

Gimme that!


Hey, to all the little suckers of the world!


Ninety nine toes on the wall,
Ninety nine bottles of toes...

You take one down, give it around.

Thanks guys, for bringing them home.

Ali gator?

Are you drunk?

- Bye guys!
- Bye!

- What's going on dudes?
- Come on, Ali!


I'm going to the party!

Get in here. Go inside, go inside.

Now let me give you a hand Greg.

Put it away.
Ali, get inside.

Yo, the coast is clear. Open up!

- Is that you Greg?
- Yeah!

- Cap, you wanna see me?
- Ali, yes.

As the natural leader of the children,
you are setting up horrible example.

Thanks. I'm that kinda guy.

In the whole universe, there's only one
place you and the children are safe.

Whether you like it or not,
and that is in the garbage pail.

Now, until I pail find a spell that
would get you back in there...

You are all in grave danger.

- We can take care of ourselves.
- Maybe so.

I want you to swear on a solemn oath...

That you will stay out of trouble.
Now, say after me...

I, state your name.

- "I, Ali Gator"
- Do Solemnly Swear

- "Do Solemnly Swear"
- To obey captain Manzini

"To obey captain Manzini"

And refrain from eating people's toes.


"And refrain from eating people's toes."


Now, don't you feel better?


Cap, you're an educated man, huh?

Let's just say I did my homework...

And you take the word of a talking

There's no time like no time in the night time.

... or the day time, or any time...

Ba Ba Ba boop boop do



Brown water!

- Oh no!
- Oh yes!

Ha hahahah.

"Once upon a dragon's tale...


"sent the kids back in the pail"

Oh rats!

Why not?

La da da da da, rats.

Rats and thunder wind and hale

Send the kids back in the pail.

I don't understand.

It's a basic Mary Poppins and
it's not working.

There's something on his mind.

- Yeah! A girl!
- And it ain't me!

That girl, kumquat.

That's uh... Tangerine.

The world is full of great things,
but then again the chicks mess it up.

- Thanks.
- No!

Besides that girl,
what else is on your mind?

- You.
- Me?

Yeah, all of you guys.

I'm worried about what's gonna happen to you.

I wish I knew.

- We're scared.
- Yeah!

Scared our friends are gonna die!

- Where are your friends now?
- We don't know.

We just can't find them.

We think they might be locked
up somewhere.

In a really terrible place!

In the state home for the ugly!

State home for the ugly?

I can't believe people would
make a place like that.

Neither did I.

I'm ashamed to admit I never
tried to find it.

I didn't wanted to believe that
such a place could actually exist.

- Do you believe it now?
- Oh, now? Yes.

I was quite happy to let life go
rushing pass my door...

Closing my eyes to things I didn't
wanna see.

But when you care for someone...
That's it, that's fine.

When you care for somebody,
when you love them

That's enough, Ali!

That brings responsibility.

This means we're gonna find the place?

Saddle up, partner.

We' gonna find the home for the ugly!



Kick buns.

Ninety eight, ninety nine, one hundred.

Hey! Let go of me, get away from me!

Oops! Our mistake.

You shouldn't wear a mask
unless it's Halloween, kid.

No hard feelings, hey kid?

Go suck a rope!

Yeah... Get out of here.


There it is, the state home for the ugly.

Looks like a prison.

How do we find out
if the kids are in there?

According to the great master Ying Lee...

"The dusk falls like of the black birds' wings"

You mean, we wait until dark?

- Exactly.
- No, I can't!

- Here.
- Gimme the ball.

Woh, woh. Wait up! I'll be right there.

- Hey, here he comes!
- Yeah!

- He's here.
- I thought he'll forget.

Here's all the clothes.


- Let me help.
- I got it.

- Thanks guys.
- See ya Dodge.

So, you going to make a lot of those things for me?

I've got big plans for us.


Bye baby, I'll see you in a while.

It feels lousy, abandoning
my principles for money.

- Principles?
- Yeah.

Letting the little creep live.

Hey, hey, hey. Tangerine.
Hey, hey. Tangerine.

I saw Juice.

You okay?


There he is!

Come on. Hurry up.

What's that?

- Get away from me!
- These are my friends.

Those ugly things? Yuck!

Give them a chance! You'll like them.

They made all the clothes
you're so crazy about.

- You bet your toes we did.
- Ali, no!

They made the clothes?


Sort of.

Opps. Sorry, Dodge.

Show me.

My god!






Dodger, baby, I gotta flash.

Departments stores are gonna give us
a fashion show...

A whole fashion show!



Well yes, Tangerine's.

That's for professionals,
So all I'll do is sow my name and use staples

I mean, you don't have a label... Do you?


Okay, so let's stand the reason
that we need one, right?


- So we'll have to get started.
- Get started?

Dodger, baby, don't keep sounding like an echo.
Catch up!

Those things... down stairs.

They gotta start sowing.

But you gotta promise not to
tell anybody where they are.

Cross my heart.

I go for two toes and a finger.

Oh, was a tension breaker?


I call.

You got a poker face.

Me too.

What was that?

Maybe I'll just raise a little.


Yuck! Cut that out.

But I haven't finished the examination.

Oh yes you have!

You back again?

We ain't doin' no work 'til
you keep your promise.

You were supposed to help us
find our friends.

- We need to go there.
- We still don't know where it is.

Yes we do.

- Who?
- We do.

Captain Manzini and me... We found
the state for the ugly yesterday.

And you didn't tell us?

- You know your toilet swill.
- Hey!

Don't get crazy.

I didn't tell you 'cause we're
checking how to get in there.

That place is a fortress.

- What can we do?
- That's what I'm trying to figure out.

- We'll need a plan.
- We need a miracle.

- Yeah!
- We're working on it.

And in the meantime, you guys could...

Getting started with the stuff for the fashion show?


Come on guys, please?

Will you please do it for me please?

- Alright, we'll do it!
- Alright!

But if you don't check out
the home for the ugly...

There will be a ton of garbage on your head.

And Dodge...

If you fink out on us...

I wouldn't wanna be your toes.


Captain, shouldn't we be
sneaking in?

Captain Manzini never sneaks.

He advances the enemy and engaging head-off.

Good evening sir.

Nice little puppy you have.


Who are you guys?
What you think you're doing here?

You get out or I'm going to sick spike on you.

Absolutely no visitors. You got that?
Now get outta here!

Move it!
Move it.

- Captain, we are retreating.
- Nonsense.

We are merely advancing in different directions.

What do we do now?

We fall back and regroup.

The captain and Dodger are gonna
find our friends!

The captain and Dodge are the greatest, yeah!



Need any more models? I'll be
glad to help.

Gee, no... We have plenty.

- Anyway, sweety...
- Valerie.

Anyway, Valerie,
Models have to be pretty.

Pretty tall...

Taller than you.

Didn't mother ever tell you
not to make faces like that?

Suppose your face froze,
and you have to go through the rest of your life...

looking just like...



Maybe it wouldn't make that
much difference.

But we don't have any mothers.

Why am I not surprised.

Hey, hey. Tangerine. Come on, lighten up.

Dodger, baby you look so cool tonight.

Why, I don't even know how I
will be able to resist you.


Dodge. My man...


Yeah, right.

Eww, gross.

We want to go to the fashion show.

You can't go out. You might get caught.

No, we won't.

What's this?

Ho ho ho...

We'll go as clowns!

I don't care what stupid costumes
they're wearing...

They can't go!

Look, suppose they are caught and sent to the home for the ugly?

You wouldn't wanna have it on
your conscience, would you?

- No.
- Of course not.

So what we're gonna do...
We're just gonna take care of that.

We're going to the fashion show!

We're going to the fashion show!



This is gonna solve the problem baby.

Lock them in there?

Well we'll let let out as soon as the show is over.
We'll rush right back.

And we'll bring them a treat.

Pizza, or something really revolting
if they would like it better.

Where's the key?

It's right here.

Where you won't loose it.

We're going to the fashion show!


Hey Dodge, Dodge.

Hey, the door is locked.


I can't believe it!

Oh, man.

Oh no.

I can't believe it.


That's not fair.

We wanna go to the fashion show!

Are you excited?


McBundy's! I can't believe it!

It's gonna make me a star.


We worked so hard.

It's not fair.

Forget this guy's toes.
They're history!

It's okay.

Dodger, baby, take my clothes inside
and start setting up.

I'm gonna go park the car.

I'll be back before you can miss me.

I still wanna go to the fashion show!

Oh, that feels so good.

What can we play?

Okay, we're playing baseball.

- Threes and nines are wild.
- Great.

Let's see, now...


Hey, that's no fair Ali!


I think I better break up the tension around here.


Son of a witch!

I think I got it!

Holy Toledo...

We are closed for the day.

Why don't you come back
in the morning and...

Alright, I call.
Set them down.

Oh well, I fold.

A flush beats two of a kind.

I guess I lose again.

I guess the piles all mine.
Get your hands away from me.

-Not so fast.


Ah... Who cares?

Ya, some kind of friend he turned out to be!

Maybe he's hurt.

Oh. Big brave boys... I'll go.

I'll go.

Yeah Greg. Give him a piece of my mind too....

Yeah, he'll be hurt'en for sure.

sh**t! The game was just getting good too.

Better be in trouble 'cause I'm hotted....

You know.

Woh, woh.

What's going on?

What's wrong.

Oh, no ma’am?

Please, try to get the
order of my dresses right.

And 86 the gum.

Oh, honey if it's not real... Don't use it.

Ok, that's great... No!

Um. Alright, you better wear these.

I'll get you some new nail polish....

Oh honey, I hope this is not
your real hair.


Okay, how's the crowd?

Full house.

That's not bad for a start.


Here's your bounty money, fella.

You find anymore little uglies,
you'll know where to put them.

- So where are we off to?
- The fashion show.




Alright, alright. Keep moving.

Hey, I'm gonna report you to
the authorities.

I'm an endangered species.

I can't see our friends anywhere.

My mother

Right now.

- Where are they taking us?
- Come on, come on!

- Get in there!
- Quit pushing!

Get in there.

I wanna go home.

In there.

I'm hurrying

Get in there.

I'm going get us outta here.


Hey, Yo.


Dirty screws.

Hey come back here!

Come back here.


What's going to happen to us?


I didn't see any of our friends.

Do you really think they maybe
locked up in here?

We can't save them if they're not here.

Yo Einstein!
We gotta save ourselves.





They're crying.
You want us to shut them up?

- They'll be gone soon.
- What? Where?

Like a big garbage dump in the sky.



I'm sure glad I got transferred
out of that laboratory.

Did you uh, see any experiments?

Oh yeah.

Those doctors...
They like to hurt people.



Windy? Ali?

Oh my god!

There you go, I found it.

Why don't you just whistle for your
little friends, creep?


You double-crossed them.

No. You did.

I just gave Juice the key.

Where are they? Where?

State home for the ugly.

Lose him.


- No!
- Come on!

That's for coming out for him.


If I'll see you around here again
You'll be in your very own cage.

Captain Manzini!

I think they got the children.

Oh no! We gotta get them out of there.

Dodger, I think we might
be too late.

Maybe! But we can still get
the bad guys. Now go!

Tonight McBundy's department store...

is delighted to welcome you to the debut...

of a truly remarkable young design star.

Iconoclastic, rebellious and original.

Her clothes will make us think.

Tangerine's clothes to wear...

When one simply doesn't know what
to wear to occasions which...

It doesn't matter
what one wears.

"Our designer star Tangerine...

"In a magnificent little number
which called bewitched....

"Bothered and...."


A bustea in guava butter tones

accented by peach pit and raspberry jewletes.

Tonight I would like to show you
a totally new concept in youthful fashions.

A little flashy, a little trashy...

but fun.

Guys, I need your help right now.
Really, I need your help.

The little guys are in trouble!

Come on!

Let's go!

- Captain!
- Children, you're alive!

You're alive...

Now don't worry. we're gonna
get you out.

But how?



We'll think of something.


Who are you? What are you doing here?

I am the great Manzini.


Quick, Quick!

Here, Santa Clause, have a merry Christmas.

Here guys...


-Come on...
-Hurry up.

The guys waking up!
Phil, Windy, blast them...

Wake up Freddy


I'll get him, I'll get him...

Alright Windy, gross!




Simmer down.

Good job.


Hurry you guys.


He will never be able to follow us now.

Let's go, let's go. Hurry! Hurry!


Let's go find our friends.

I don't see them.


Where can they be?

Guys, guys.

Dodge, how are you doin'?

Captain, what about all of the
other children?


Remember the garbage truck?

We were too late.

Just go and check out
that everybody else is out and safe.

- Okay.
- Come on children.

We're free! Yeah!


Jump down.


Here we go...

Watch the tail...

Yo, over here. Last but not least.

Hey, it's okay, everybody's out!


Thank you guys.

Hey guys, thanks a lot!

Thank you.

- Now, are we all here?
- Yeah!

Good. Let's get back to the store.

- No way.
- No!

We wanna go to the fashion show
and squeeze us some juice.

We're tired of being losers.

It his toe time.

Well, on the one hand, Juice
is dangerous.

But on the other hand, seems
too pity to quit while we're on a roll.


"Wow, what a gift they will make in this little number.

"Sandy in a sexy leotard outfit.

under an antique lace white dress.

"Rosy in green form fitting evening dress...

Guarantee to wow your audience.

As soon the stuff gets over border,
get it to the warehouse.

Yo, captain.

Remember this is our fight.


Go quick.

Go now.


Careful Greg.

One. Two.



Ah, and here we have another black skirt...

with a zebra top...

A unitard.

topped by Tangerines winning little French over dress.

Wow, what a gift it will make.

Um. Oh, this is...

Please bear with me, there's
been a slight mistake.

Would someone will
straighten this out please?

Um, here we have...

Where are we?

a black outfit with a blue top and..


Hey, those are ours.

Gimme that!

a way to go with that.

You're ruining my fashion show.
Do you understand that?

Get away from my clothes!

They're our clothes! They're ours!


Gimme that!

Gimme that.

Hey, those little creatures are sure ugly!

Oh yeah? I'll show you ugly!




Let's get outta here.

Get her, Ali, get her.


Go ahead! Make my day!

- Oh!
- Take it out!

Let's go.

Get him.

Come on!

Mr. tough guy.

Way to go.
Come on, let's get out of here.

Come on Dodger.
The old one two.

Got away!


He's not worth it!
Not worth it.


I'm sorry.

Me too.

Look, the fashion was a big success.

I mean, you're a hit.

And these clothes...

They're not mine.

They are now.

Look, maybe we can just be friends.

Maybe we can just do fun things together.

No thanks.

I don't think you're pretty anymore.

And then I realized I had the
answer all along.

Now I know you hate the thought
of going back into the pail...

But believe me, it's for your
own good.

Dodger, bring that garbage pail closer.

Now children, I want
you to close your eyes and concentrate.

Now this is your song played forward...

However, when I play the piece backwards...

You will be drawn irresistibly
back into the garbage pail.

- Yeah...
- Are you ready?

Close your eyes and concentrate.

Now's our chance guys.

Let's go!

Um, Captain?

Go Vesy.

Come on. Follow me


Dodger, this is no time for sentimentality
I shall miss them too.

Think how peaceful it would be.


We're nearly there.

Yes, I can feel it working.

Oh. It's pulling us in. Woh

- Here we go!
- Bye, children. Good bye.

Ohh... ohhh.

Hang on captain, I got you.

Don't worry, Dodger.
I've been stuck in tighter places than this.

Damn it! I lost them!

Losing is relative. What's important
is conceding with grace.


Punch it Windy!

Got the pedal to the metal.

Well, perhaps it would have been be safer to lock
them away from the world...

But as you taught me, Dodger...

You can't change the world by
locking yourself from it.

-Bye guys.


Good bye.


Hold on Val.
Away we go!

Ya. Haha.

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