let me tell you about my family
it was that time of year again after a
long cold winter spring had finally come
to Cedar no the flowers were blooming
the birds were singing dad's allergies
were just kicking
in and as for me well you know what they
say in Spring a young man's fancy turns
to thoughts of
dogs oh here we go
please please can I have a dog no way
there a dog is a huge responsibility L
you have to walk him feed him groom him
I'll take care of everything I promise
just like the room you never clean the
lawn you don't mow and the Garb you
never take out can't play f with garbage
dad you know who end up taking of that
dog Lou you're mother that's
right sorry SP May next makes you think
I'll be any more responsible next year
good point Soldier make that 10 years
when you're out of the house like oper
pH fails
again realle there why don't you just us
in the head with a
dogpper for dinner what that pepper you
can't come you can't do anything because
fish wow you're like the biggest
goldfish in Wisconsin and look how happy
are whoever ra you did quite a job they
must be very
responsible responsible you stuff that
fish so F he stuck on the bottom like
the Arizona you know if I had a dog I'd
be outside playing all the time and I'd
probably become a really good athlete
like you
Dad you're absolutely right Lou well Dad
I think you missed the
point hey what's going on here looks
like you're getting a ticket done who
asked you these spaces are reserved for
the disabled Mr Anderson you see you
parked in the Blue Zone it's just one
tire the other three are in the white
zone guess the symbol of the wheelchair
threw you
off here you go this is an outrage I'm a
veteran of course you are I myself home
from the front one piece and this is the
get think he's starting to come around
dad now listen Andy you got a beef you
take it to I'll move it on out of here
before I you up again cancel my
subcription to place weekly you never
bought one anyway but Andy they need
those spes they have to be able to come
and go easily they got me all wrong AA
I'm not opposed to parking spaces for
the disabled I'm just I'm a veteran and
I want one too
well what was that stay right here
butter girl and remember if I don't come
back name rank here
only okay Mugsy the coast is clear not a
dog in
sight oh no look a dog I'm cra Oh
Brother Where does he get these ideas
this dog saved our riches all the jewels
and money are safe well if we had jewels
and money they'd be safe way to butter
me up there
kid Tommy knock
Ries Dad we need a to protect us I have
this to prot
us I don't have to feed
it so you dressed up like a bur broke
into your own me to like a dog and they
still said no never get a dog sure you
will Lou you just got to be more
creative I don't know goon if I get any
more creative I could be doing time why
don't you tell them that if they get you
a dog they'll never have to get you
anything else ever again oh no presents
for the rest of my life there's a
brainstorm why don't you make your
parents a deal they buy you a dog if you
get all a on your next report card good
one toddler does anyone else see a
problem with that besides
me listen I just wanted to thank you for
giving me such a wonderful mom who I
love more than anything and who even if
she doesn't get me a dog and I know
that's kind of hard to believe is still
the nicest sweetest prettiest mom in the
whole wide world Lou what are you
shouting for I wanted him to hear me the
whole neighborhood can hear you now
knock it off
come on L they're going to get stale
what's it going to
be I have the usual in fact I'll have
all the
usuals day
yeah hey big buddy darn BR always trips
up give me two honey blaz there's a man
who knows what he likes not me I got to
stare at him for a while
well I don't exactly have that
luxury you watching all right Vic that's
the Third customer of M you FK this week
I wish it considered I told you I don't
want a dog my cousin Sheila knows this
guy with a guy dog and he loves it I
don't know the first thing about dogs
that's the beautiful part guide dogs for
the blind trains them for you well
actually they start up by giving the
puppies the kids kids yeah yeah kids
don't interrupt me L the kids raise them
then the puppies go through some classes
when they're older by the time you get
the dog he's fully trained yeah like I
trust my life to a dog so um where
exactly are they giving these pupppies
away and I called guide dogs for the
Blind and they said they were looking
for puppy risers especially kids who eat
donuts well Lou it sounds like a fine
idea to me ask your father why bring Dad
into it bring Dad into what well dear
Louie was just telling me he wants to
raise a puppy for a blind person what is
a blind person wrong with a dog anyway
nice try there L I really think we
should talk about this even the big g*ns
now huh
son ACC to this the GU dog program was
started to help wounded w*r hero look
here one of their first graduates
huh oh I remember him and now it helps
lots of different people many of whom of
course are
veterans okay L you win you're on you
mean it sure why not all
right after all charity begins at home
Andy how sweet it's got to be a right
off in I'm sure of that the G Lou dog
plan was motion and we were on our way
to pick up my new
puppy not a boy take no prisoners there
P how
precious hey that's not fair he was
playing with that come here little fella
Lou say hello to scout look he likes me
he really likes me he likes looking the
Don Crums off your face and here's your
manual you're kidding these are dogs Lou
just think of them as a member of your
family don't worry I'll treat them
better than that Mo it
Tommy it would have been cheaper to have
kid come on SC let's go where do you
think you're heading
this no dogs in the house you heard the
man said we're supposed to treat Scott
like a member of the family I don't even
let my mother in the house
the puppies must with the puppy razor
that would be me at all
times you better hope Grandma hga never
hears about
this rule 35 uh puppies are not allowed
in the
bed sorry SC come on boy
good night
SC come on Scout we got to get ready for
school SC I have to Dad you may recall
19 I'm supposed to take them everywhere
schools restaurants stores so he gets
familiar with all types of places places
he might go with his blind partner fine
take him to school but I'm telling you I
don't care how smart he get not paying
for his college
education wow
cool what he do he doesn't do anything
yet he's just a puppy fig he's a loser
like you my dog is really smart he can
do all sorts of tricks like what give
noogies yeah and take lunch money from
the other
dogs very funny you Looney and your
little dog
too oh good you're home sign this well
sure what is it de my petition to get
special parking for veterans the party
of the first part that's you request the
party of the second part that's me we're
crying out loud AA you don't have to
read it just sign it now Andy you're not
supposed to sign anything legal until
you've read it all right thereon you can
sign it later but I there'll be any left
on this
baby Glen you know the rules no dogs in
school but Lou's dog gets to stay Lou's
dog is training to be a guide dog so my
dog's train to be a an assassin as
moving as that is Mr Glenn I'm afraid
you and your dog going to have to
leave okay dog face I challenge you to a
youy Scout's not allowed to chase balls
play fet or eat human food what's the
point of having a dog if can't eat out
of your
I just the guy I wanted to
see sign it a petition to implement
special parking for veterans huh look
they got special parking for the
disabled for the comps for the fire
department even the School Janitor has
Reserve parking sure I'll sign as soon
as they make special paring for
Pathologists if Scout's kibble intake
was any indication he was thriving and
even though he couldn't fetch sticks or
play ball he was sure becoming part of
the family hey Dad rule 76 no feeding
table scraps to the puppy I wasn't
feeding them it's
SL enough with the cookies people I've
got an important petition here where you
go pal I don't want money I want your
John Han now come back here hey you
special parking for veterans what do you
say oh yeah yeah yeah that really makes
sense show some respect can't you see
I'm a warrior off okay boy I'm going to
show you where all the good stuff is
four dessert smell that that's
chocolate never forget it you know de
it's possible sc's new owner
he's going to be blind mom not
stupid who put that there almost broke
my neck now what's that just my dog sced
no dogs in the market it's
unsanitary can we help you with all just
stay out of my way I had to take Scout
to puppy raising Tings once a month to
teach him how to deal with all types of
situations and
distraction I told you he's not allow
hey watch
atast he's right it's rule number one I
got to give him back as soon as he's
ready let me see that must be a loop
there's always a Lo here it is Rule 435
if the puppy is unable to fully perform
his Guy dog then the puppy razor will be
given the first option to keep them
really yeah now all you have to do is
flunks or make them
flunk L you got a from gu dogs for the
blind today it's almost time to return
Scout I can't hear I can't hear I can't
hear what's that mother I can't hear you
now Lou you knew from the beginning but
he's not
ready well he's
ready look he put the forks on the wrong
side and he eats donuts and he crosses
against the light and he chases things
watch here Scout go get him Bo go
on going Lou do you know what will
happen if Scout learns the wrong things
yeah I get to keep them and what happens
to the person who's counting on him to
be his guide I don't know but I'd get to
keep them honey I'm home how about a
Andy why you're home early I have to be
in court in a half hour I'm presenting
my petition how many people signed
irrelevant a Boy Scout just found out
it's time to give Scout back give him
back he's a member of the family why
don't we just give him Danny Andy he's
never brought me a cold one you both
know Scout belongs with the program
that's why we got him in the first place
to help someone
not your dog he is too and I'm keeping
him let
me the heck are you
gone hey
come back
here you leave me alone mister are you
okay your dog tried to bite me no he
didn't he saved you where's my cane here
let me happy out here Upsy Daisy Buddy L
are you all right Lou what about me that
dog att*cked me what are you blind you
Sav your life Call It Whatever you want
you'll be hearing from my attorney and
also my dry
I'm late I got to go come on skull you
know we're not
wanted your honor we live in a world
that has parking places and those
parking places have to be given up to
people with special needs the veterans
sir you don't want me parking in the
back you want me to park up front you
need me to park up front just answer the
question did you or did you not Park in
the Blue Zone you want answers I want
the truth you can't handle the TRU Mr
Anderson one more outburst and I will
hold you in contempt I have here photos
of special parking places that will
prove Beyond A Reasonable
Doubt Mr Anderson here Dad Scott found
exhibit a on the
sidewalk thanks guys on second thought I
Ive dismissed what you can't do that I'm
the judge your honor I'm afraid I'm
barking up the wrong tree here excuse
the expression Scott would you care to
clarify that for the court I thought I
deserve special parking because I'm a
veteran but seeing my son here with his
guide dog I realize there are people who
need those spaces more than I do so I
got a plate in my head I can still walk
I'm sorry for taking up your time your
honor thank you Mr Anderson that's very
honorable now get out of my courtroom
Cas how can I do this Scout's my best
friend in the whole world very soon
Scout's going to be someone else's
entire universe returning Scout was the
hardest thing I ever had to do I wrote
him letters and he wrote Back With a
Little Help from his trainer hey
everyone Scout pass what do you
everything he knows Saturday's his
graduation can we
go where the heck is can't remember
myell he thanks for remembering
me Lou is that you smell custard Filly
you changed your mind what happened a
donut shop and the grocery store were
the only places I ever went you were
right with a dog I'll be able to cover
more ground that and a dog did save my
life well you're not just getting a dog
you're getting the best dog I heard that
you had something to do with
that thanks Vick no thank you Lou
Anderson and Scout with VI n hey how
would you like to meet us at the donut
shop next week well you don't have to
twist my
arm as I saw the two of them moving
together as one I realized I hadn't lost
I had helped Vic find his way
03x11 - Blinded by Love
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Based on the childhood of Anderson, growing up with his family in the fictional town of Cedar Knoll, Wisconsin during the early 1960s, although Anderson himself was actually from Saint Paul, Minnesota, also situated in the Midwestern U.S.
Based on the childhood of Anderson, growing up with his family in the fictional town of Cedar Knoll, Wisconsin during the early 1960s, although Anderson himself was actually from Saint Paul, Minnesota, also situated in the Midwestern U.S.