Mud, and lift
Sand, and pull
Water, and raise up
With the sting of the whip
on my shoulder
With the salt of my sweat on my brow
Elohim, God on high
Can You hear Your people cry
Help us now
This dark hour
Deliver us
Hear our call, deliver us
Lord of all remember us
Here in this burning sand
Deliver us
There's a land You promised us
Deliver us to the Promised Land
Yal-di ha-tov veh ha-rach
Al ti-ra veh al tif-cha-d
My son I have nothing I can give
But this chance that you may live
I pray we'll meet again
If He will deliver us
Hear our prayer, deliver us
From despair these years of sl*very
Grow too cruel to stand
Deliver us
There's a land you promised us
Deliver us out of bondage
Deliver us to the Promised Land
Hush now, my baby
Be still, love, don't cry
Sleep as you're rocked by the stream
Sleep and remember my last lullaby
So I'll be with you when you dream
River, oh, river, flow gently for me
Such precious cargo you bear
Do you know somewhere
he can live free
Deliver him there
What is that?
How beautiful he is!
The gods have smiled on him.
And on me.
But, Your Highness, this is
the sort of basket the slaves make.
The baby must be Hebrew.
- We should place it back...
- No.
Don't you dare question my reasons.
Just know that I have them.
Say nothing about this.
We must find a good name for you.
Moses, Your Majesty.
Moses? What does that mean?
The perfect name
For you came delivered to me
By the great Blue Nile
Ramses, meet your new brother...
Brother, you're safe now
And safe may you stay
For I have a prayer just for you
Grow, baby brother
Come back some day
Come and deliver us too
Deliver us
Send a shepherd to shepherd us
And deliver us to the Promised Land
Deliver us
To the Promised Land
To the Promised Land
Deliver us!
Moses, I can't believe
I let you talk me into this.
The last time we tried
one of your crazy dares
- we almost lost...
- Are you backing out?
- If you're too scared...
- No.
No. I'm in.
All right, Ramses.
So, we race our chariots
down the edge of the cliff
and around the marketplace.
No, through the marketplace.
That's faster.
All right. Through the market
and the Temple of...
- Ptah!
- Ptah!
- Yeah.
- Wait. The Temple...
But the High Priest will be there.
That's the best part.
Can you imagine
the look on Hotep's face?
Of course, if you're scared
of a crabby little priest...
First through the royal gate wins.
All right, Ramses.
On the word "dust."
As in "eat my dust!"
Wheels of the chariot spinning
Barreling down from the ledge
We know the best way of winning
is keeping close to the edge
Watching me pulling away in the front
Ought to prove to you I'm your master
There's only one thing
that's better than going so fast
- And that's going faster
- Come on, you fools
You're horses, not mules!
You've got to go even faster
Thundering into the market
on a magnificent steed
Since there is nowhere to park it
Might as well pick up some speed
Whoops! Scattering melons
and olives and baskets
And making a small disaster
No time to turn and look back
at the damage we've done
We've got to go faster
We've left the marketplace in ruins!
Next target, the temple!
Hey, maybe we'll be lucky
and Hotep won't be there.
I'm counting on him being there!
Praise to Ptah
Praise to Ptah
God of creation
We submit to your laws
Praise to Ptah
The land of Egypt
is fixed in your command
Eternal, unchanging
Protect us from disruption
Chaos and woe
Disruption, chaos, and...
You almost toppled the statue
You nearly ran over a priest
Dodging the things that come at you
Quick as the wind from the east
Hard to avoid coming close to a crash
as you nearly knock down the pilaster
Look! The gates are ahead
and the race will be done
Got to go faster
Faster, faster, faster
I won!
I cannot imagine two more
disgraceful, disrespectful sons!
Do you have any excuse
for this behavior?
Father, I didn't think it would be...
Precisely. You didn't think. Again.
Father, it was entirely my idea.
Ramses was against it
but I was the one
who talked him into doing it.
I see.
Spoken like a true Prince of Egypt.
At least Moses is taking
responsibility for his actions.
Well, it was my idea to race
our chariots through the marketplace!
You destroyed
the marketplace as well?
Oh, just a couple of stalls.
The Temple of Ptah
will require months of repair.
I have tried
to teach the royal princes
respect for the gods
but this, well, this sacrilege!
I fear I have failed you, my Pharaoh.
High Priest, both royal princes
have often told me
how much they value your lessons.
Isn't that so, boys?
Yes. We do.
So much.
Ramses, look around you
at the statues
of the great Pharaohs of the past.
Do you ever want
to join their company?
It is the Pharaoh's duty
to preserve the divine plan.
If the crown prince is unable
to live up to that duty, then...
High Priest, if either of the young
princes causes trouble again
there will be swift
and severe punishment.
I give you my royal promise.
Your Majesty.
Young princes.
Old priest.
Thank you, High Priest.
The boys and I
always enjoy your visits.
You have no idea
how much trouble you've caused me.
Father, I understand
the favor of the priests is important
- but Hotep...
- No, Ramses
I don't think you do understand.
Our dynasty is young.
My father and I fought together
for years to take the throne
and we wouldn't have succeeded
without Hotep's support.
Since then...
I have forged a chain of alliances
with the army, the noble families
and above all, the priests.
One weak link
Can break the strongest chain
One weak king
Can end the longest reign
All of our enemies
Look for a tiny ch*nk
Wait for that one weak link
Ramses, my son
Are you that one weak link?
I don't have time for this now.
I leave with the army
for Midian today.
Father, give me
a division to command.
I can help you put down the rebels.
- Command a division?
- Yes.
I can't entrust you
to leave the palace
without enraging
the entire priesthood!
No, you will stay here
and assure your marriage
to Princess Nefertari.
Princess Nefertari?
- But that's not as important...
- An alliance
with the oldest royal family in Egypt
will strengthen
our claim to the throne!
You will become engaged to Nefertari.
And do not give her
a reason to change her mind!
One weak link
Can break the strongest chain
One weak son
Can lose us all we've gained
Don't make my worst fears come true
That the one weak link
That one weak link is you!
Poor Ramses. You're too hard on him.
I fear...
not hard enough.
Ramses has to marry
that awful Nefertari.
She is such a snob.
Ramses must do his duty.
I know.
But it must be terrible
to have a wife who bores you.
I... wouldn't... know.
What are you doing? Stop.
Don't even try that. Exactly.
Please don't blame Ramses
for my mistake.
you will never have to carry
the burden of this crown
I will pass to your brother.
Ramses must not allow himself
to be led astray.
Not even by you, my son.
All he cares about is your approval.
I know he can live up
to your expectations.
When you return from battle
could you give Ramses a title?
A position with real responsibility.
I hardly think
his is the best time to ask.
All right.
I'll think about it.
Thank you, Father.
Moses, I know it's not easy
being the second son.
I'll say.
Well, Ramses is
going to get a pyramid.
All I'm going to have
is a souvenir from Midian.
My army awaits me. I must go.
And while I'm gone,
don't do anything!
I'm good at that.
"The second son"
My father's wrong
It's got to be
the easiest role on Earth
Just play around
Just play along
Enjoy the bounty of my birth
So what's today's amusement
for this second son?
Which one shall I choose from?
So many kinds of fun?
Which one?
I could ride one of the horses
Go and sh**t some arrows
Take a sail on the royal barque
But standing in the shadows
Of these statues of the pharaohs
I see the contrast
couldn't be more stark
Their deeds forever known
In story, song, and stone
While I won't leave the faintest mark
Like the humblest of slaves
I won't leave the faintest mark
Footprints on the sand
Ripples on the river
Wispy drifting clouds
That blow across the desert sky
One day we are here
And the next we vanish
Vanish in the blink of an ibis eye
We vanish in the blink of an ibis eye
It's not that I want glory
Or the world to know my name
But maybe just to leave things
A little changed from when I came
But it's not my lot
Use what you've got
And all I am is
footprints in the sand
Ripples on the river
Echoes of a sound
From a distant fading chime
One day we are here
Next I know we vanish
But I'm a fool
And so I like to fool myself
That I'm...
Not just footprints on the sand
But someone who'll leave footprints
On the sands
Of time!
Of time!
One weak link
Can break the strongest chain
One weak son
Can lose us all we've gained
Don't make my worst fears come true
That the one weak link
That one weak link
That one weak link is...
Ramses, where are you?
I know you're in here.
Our secret room.
Here, I brought you your clothes
- so...
- Go away.
You've torn me down enough
for one day.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself.
Father thinks a lot of you.
Yes. And none of it is good.
Every time he looks at me, I can
see the disappointment on his face.
Once you're engaged
and made an alliance
with the royal family of
- Nefertari...
- Nefertari!
No, no, no! I'm meeting her
on the royal barge this afternoon!
I'll never be ready in time!
Of course you will. That's why
I brought you your clothes.
What would I do without you?
Now come on, I'll help you dress.
And Father...
Well, I have a feeling he might
have something in store for you.
You'll see.
It will come true
One day he will see
what I have always known is there
Greatness in you
He'll see the nobility
you both so clearly share
And thank Horus and Osiris
That you're his son and heir
I'm his son and heir
Nefertari will be
swooning at your feet.
You've always got my back.
Well, I certainly don't want
to look at your front.
Now go meet your future queen.
Wait. Aren't you coming with me?
Oh, no. This is much too important.
The last thing you need is a
troublemaker like me hanging around.
Now hurry.
While I leave faithful
fleeting footprints on the sand
So, Princess Nefertari...
how do you like the royal barge?
Very few have
the privilege of sailing on her.
My family's barge is bigger.
Nefertari, we are so looking forward
to welcoming you into our family.
I believe you have it
the wrong way around.
We are considering
whether to welcome you.
My family is the most ancient
royal family in Egypt.
We understand why you are
eager to make an alliance.
I'm eager to make an alliance
because of your beauty
and your intelligence,
and charm, and your...
Shall we discuss the terms?
- Indeed. Let's get down to business.
- Yes.
We want temples built
for the pharaohs of our family
who've not been properly honored.
Very good.
But in return, Pharaoh will expect
the princes loyal to your family
to swear allegiance to him.
Of course, that is contingent upon
Seti conquering the desert rebels.
My father will return
victorious from the desert.
He always does.
If all these conditions are met,
then I will marry you.
This is like
a love poem come to life.
My family will find
an auspicious date for the wedding.
I believe the barge
has returned to the dock.
My congratulations, Princess.
Are you...
Are you happy about our marriage?
Of course. We're making
a strong alliance.
No... no.
I mean about you and me.
Are you happy
that you're marrying me?
- You're going to be Pharaoh.
- Yes.
And my family will have
a queen of Egypt again.
It's everything I've dreamed of.
But you've never
dreamt of, you know...
sharing your life with someone?
Being in love?
Of course I have. There was a time
when I was a little girl
that I used to think that I...
But I don't have the freedom
for girlish dreams.
I have my duties.
As do you, Your Highness.
Life! Health! Strength!
Life! Health! Strength!
Menma'atre' seti merenp'tah
Now we celebrate your blessed return
Life! Health! Strength!
Father, you're injured.
I'm fine. It's nothing.
We should cancel the ceremony.
You need to rest.
The Pharaoh of Egypt does not rest.
The people expect
a victory celebration.
My people...
I have returned to you
as the Conqueror of Midian!
Mighty Seti Conqueror of Midian
Long may you reign!
Life! Health! Strength!
Life! Health! Strength!
Menma'atre' Seti merenp'tah
Long may you reign
I prefer this welcome
to the one I received in the desert!
And I have other news
that gladdens my heart even further.
Tonight, we rejoice
in the betrothal of
Prince Ramses to Princess Nefertari.
My son's new station in life
deserves a fitting title. So...
I hereby promote Ramses
to be my Viceroy
responsible for choosing
all royal ministers.
Congratulations, Viceroy.
Father, I thank you.
I promise, I won't let you down.
As my first act as Viceroy
I appoint Moses...
Assistant Viceroy
in charge of overseeing
the temple complex!
Viceroy, I beg you reconsider.
Prince Moses is highly inappropriate
for such a position.
I think Prince Moses
is perfect for the job.
Your Majesty, you cannot allow...
The Viceroy has spoken.
High Priest, I promise
I will live up to my new duties
in ways you cannot imagine.
And now,
let the celebrations continue.
- Ramses,
- Yes, Father.
to honor your new title
I have brought you
a gift from the desert.
Bring in the Midian girl!
They say Midianites are
good dancers. Let's see.
Go on, girl.
Dance for your new master.
You think you've captured me
my body and my soul
You think I'm yours
in your command and your control
You bid me dance
For your pleasure and your glee
And I could stand here stubbornly
But no, I will dance
But my dance will be only for me
I dance to the day I am free
I dance to the day I am free
A-Ni Chof-She-Yah
E'-Heh-Yeh Chof-She-Yah
Ta-Meed E'-Heh-Yeh Chof-She-Yah
A-Ni Chof-She-Yah
E'-Heh-Yeh Chof-She-Yah
Ta-Meed E'-Heh-Yeh Chof-She-Yah!
Let her out of the cage!
She'll dance much better.
Guards, release her.
Good idea, Moses.
Now let's see what she can do.
How did you like that?
Did it thrill your swollen pride?
You think you've chained me here
But you're the one who's tied
To your arrogant kingdom
Which you cannot understand
Someday will crumble back to sand
And then I will dance
Or if that day I don't live to see
All of the others like me
Will dance to the day we are free
I dance
Dance to the day I am free!
Take her away.
That sl*ve girl does not show
sufficient respect for her master
the future Pharaoh.
But what spirit.
She's fearless.
And did you see that sensuous...
Let us celebrate
my father's historic victory!
Yes, yes!
Menma'atre' Seti Merenp'tah
Menma'atre' Seti Merenp'tah
Menma'atre' Seti Merenp'tah
Menma'atre' Seti
Life! Health! Strength!
That'll be all. Good night.
- No!
- What is this? Who are you?
You're the sl*ve girl
- Father gave to Ramses...
- I am no sl*ve.
And I have a name. Tzipporah.
You're not going anywhere, Tzipporah.
- Guards!
- Please. Just let me go.
How can you be so ungrateful
to Prince Ramses?
He's going to be Pharaoh one day.
And any girl in her right mind
would give anything
to be a royal sl*ve.
Well, of course you would think that.
It's just as I said...
You're the one who's tied
to your arrogant kingdom
Yes, I know...
Which I cannot understand
Someday will crumble back to sand
- That's right.
- And then
You will dance
To the day I am free
What does that mean?
Free to be hungry? Free to search
for water and food in the desert
- like a wild animal?
- No.
Enjoy the life of luxury
that has been given to you.
In Midian, we say
if you don't choose your own path,
you are lost no matter where you go.
A-Ni Chof-She-Yah
E'-Heh-Yeh Chof-She-Yah
Ta-Meed E'heh-Yeh Chof-She-Yah
What is that? What are you saying?
I am free, I will be free
I will always
Be free!
No, wait! I can't let you...
Moses, do you know what?
That Midian girl has disappeared.
I have no idea...
Hey. That's her veil.
You took her.
Me? No. She ran in here.
I tried to stop her.
Hey. She was in your bed chamber?
She said the strangest things.
I think she'd rather
starve in the desert
than be with you, right?
That doesn't speak
very highly of you.
You think this is a joke,
stealing her?
Why would I steal a girl from you?
Maybe because Father
finally favored me for once
and you couldn't stand it.
That's crazy.
You're jealous.
And you wanted to get back at me.
Do you want a fight?
You asked for it.
How'd you like that, Moses? Hey...
How dare you!
- Ow. That's cheating.
- So is taking my tribute.
I'll find the girl
and bring her back.
She can't have gone far.
Stop that woman!
I'm sorry. I just...
I didn't expect to see you here.
At last, this is God's doing.
- Out of my way, sl*ve.
- Hi.
You dare touch me?
God has led you to me...
to us, your real brother and sister.
Forgive her, Your Highness.
She's lost her senses
after the day's work.
Not that we're complaining about
our workload. We quite enjoy it.
If you're here,
deliverance must finally be at hand.
Aaron, I told you to have faith!
She's obviously lost her mind.
Take the poor woman away.
Thank you, Your Highness.
Yes, I'm afraid
she's gone quite insane.
Miriam, come with me.
No, Aaron. This is
what happens when you believe.
- You are rewarded for your faith.
- Miriam, be quiet!
I know how I sound!
I know that people are
always laughing at me
saying I'm crazy. But...
God has given me visions.
When I saw the Queen
take you out of the river
I knew that God had saved you
to be our deliverer!
I have waited for this moment
my whole life.
Did anyone see
where the Midian girl went?
Yes, I saw the woman run past me!
She was headed towards the desert.
- Show me.
- No.
Now that you're here,
you can't leave us again!
You must remember...
Follow me!
Hush now, my baby
Be still, love, don't cry
Sleep as you're rocked by the stream
What are you singing?
Your Highness, she went this way.
Sleep and remember my last lullaby
I know that song.
So I'll be with you when you dream
Wait, please.
It really is, Moses. I am...
No, it can't be.
No, it can't be!
Gleaming in the moonlight
Cool and clean
and all I've ever known
All I ever wanted
Sweet perfumes of incense
Graceful rooms of alabaster stone
All I ever wanted
This is my home
With my father, mother, brother
Oh so noble, oh so strong
And now I am home
Here among my trappings
and belongings I belong
And if anybody doubts it
They couldn't be more wrong
I am still
a sovereign prince of Egypt
A son of the proud history
that's shown
Etched here on the wall
Surely this is all I ever wanted
All I ever wanted
All I ever...
No! No!
Yal-Di-Ha-Tov, Veh-Harach
Al Ti-Ra Veh-Al Tif-Chad
My son, I have nothing I can give
But this chance that you may live
The guards said
you ran into the palace
as if you'd been pursued by a ghost.
Is something wrong?
I've been in this room
countless times
but I've never really looked at
the pictures on these walls before.
The Hebrews.
These things...
You did them?
The Hebrews were growing
too numerous.
And there was the possibility
they were conspiring
to revolt with the Midianites.
A possibility?
Sometimes, for the good of all
Sacrifices must be made
Sometimes one must do things
Make a bitter choice
that scars your soul
This I never wanted
Pharaohs make decisions
I must keep our kingdom
safe and whole
Not just what I wanted
My son.
Why would you call me that?
Glistening in the sunrise
See the river dance
in greens and blues
All I ever wanted
Now the Nile is singing
Telling of how much it hurts to lose
All I ever wanted...
This is where I found you.
A basket in the bullrushes with...
the most beautiful baby
I had ever seen inside.
A Hebrew baby.
After Ramses' birth
I couldn't have any more children.
To me, you were a gift from the gods
my son as truly as if
you came from my own body.
Yes, but I didn't.
The blessings of the Pharaoh's family
did not apply to me. I'm not...
I'm not beloved by the gods.
And when I die, I won't be
with you in the House of Horus.
I don't belong here.
I don't know where I belong.
This is your home, my son
Here the river brought you
And it's here the river meant
To be your home
Now you know the truth, love
Now forget and be content
When the gods send you a blessing
You don't ask why it was sent
I am still
a sovereign prince of Egypt
A drop in
the eternal stream that flows
From the golden font
Now I know it's all I ever wanted
All I ever wanted
All I'll ever...
Prince Moses has drawn up
his vision of the new temple.
Has he indeed?
We cannot rededicate a temple
once the foundation ceremony
has been performed.
You can do
whatever the Assistant Viceroy
tells you to do.
Moses, tell them what you want.
Get up!
I said, get up!
Did you see that?
I don't see anything.
Explain your plans
to the High Priest. Please?
Here we see an avenue of sphinxes
with obelisks at the end
leading to a massive gate.
He won't stop whipping that man!
He can't get up!
Once you pass through,
you arrive in the court.
Miriam, there's nothing we can do.
Statues of the Pharaohs
of the Old Kingdom
- Can't someone help him?
- will line the walls.
It will be quite
the impressive sight.
Then I will!
Miriam, no!
Stop whipping him!
Get back to work!
Stop it! Stop beating those slaves!
I command you to stop!
Do you dare to disobey me?
Swift and severe punishment
that's what Pharaoh promised me!
He has transgressed
The laws of the gods
The laws of the gods
Eternal, unchanging
Protect us from disruption
Chaos and woe
Disruption, chaos and woe
Moses, where do you think
you're going?
You're almost
at the edge of the desert.
No one can survive out there.
Hey. Are you worried
about that accident?
He was just a guard,
one step above a sl*ve.
A prince of Egypt
can't be punished for such minor...
But I'm not a prince of Egypt.
What are you talking about?
There's no royal blood in my veins.
I was born a Hebrew.
Ask Father and Mother
if you don't believe me.
I'm a Hebrew.
If that's true,
no one must ever know that.
I can't keep it a secret.
Of course you can.
We can!
Look! Look! You're in shock.
You're not thinking straight,
so just come back with me now.
No, I can't stay
where I don't belong!
You know I can't live without you
At least I wouldn't want to try
So don't expect I'll stand here
and do nothing as you say goodbye
Now you think you have to leave me
You think your only choice is flight
But as we always have
we'll think of something
That will make it right
I will make it right
I will make it right
Find a way to fix it
Leave it up to me to make it better
Stronger than I've ever been
We will walk in light
Like this never happened
And we'll keep
your secret safe forever
You can count on me
to win this fight for you
I will make it right
Thank you, my brother
I love you want to try
But there's no way to deny
The crumbling of the lie
That has haunted me from birth
And no power on Earth
Can change the past
No power on Earth
Can make a lie be true
Though it breaks my heart
to leave you
There's nothing I can do
Maybe the rest of the world
can be fooled
But that still leaves us two
And no power on Earth
can change that, brother
Not even you
But I will be Pharaoh, the living god
and if I say day is night,
it will be written.
And I say you are innocent.
I say you...
you are my brother!
No, Ramses!
No power on Earth
I will make it right
Can change the past
- Find a way to fix it
- No power on Earth
- Leave it up to me to make it better
- Can make a lie
- Stronger than I've ever been
- Be true
Though it breaks my heart
- To leave you
- We will walk in light
There's nothing I can do
- Like this never happened
- Maybe the rest of the world
- can be fooled
- And we'll keep
- But that still leaves
- Your secret safe forever
- Us two
- You can count on me
- To win this fight
- And no power on Earth
- For you
- Can change that, brother
Not even you
I will find the might
Try with all your might
I will make it
You can't make it
- I will make it
- You can't make it
Where is the Lord?
Where is the Lord?
Where is the Lord
In this land of deserts and of pits
This land of drought
And deep darkness?
Where is the Lord
Here in this wilderness
This land no one has crossed
And where no one dwells?
Blow, you desert sands
Scour me and cleanse me
Till I cannot see
Till I can no longer stand
Blow, you desert winds
Till even the gods can't find me
In this gods-forsaken land
And cover every footprint
I leave on the faceless sand
Lai lai lai lai liddle lai lai
Lai lai lai lai lai lai lai
lai lai lai lai liddle lai lai
Lai lai lai lai lai lai
Lai lai lai lai liddle lai lai
Lai lai lai lai lai lai lai
Lai lai lai lai liddle lai lai
- Lai lai lai lai lai lai
- Go away!
This well belongs to us!
No, it doesn't! It's everyone's!
Our sheep need water!
Well, too bad. They're not
getting any water here.
Our father is
the High Priest of Midian.
Oh, the High Priest of Midian!
That's even worse.
Your people caused
all the trouble with the Pharaoh
because you're too proud
and stubborn to bend your knee.
That's right!
A-Ni Chof-She-Yah
E'-Heh-Yeh Chof-She-Yah
Ta-Meed E'-Heh-Yeh Chof-She-Yah
I lost my brother
in a w*r your people started!
- You hit my sister!
- Come back here, you!
- No! We're going! Come on! No!
- Don't hit her, please!
Let the girls use the well!
And who are you to give us orders?
I am...
So nobody's going to get in our way!
- Take this!
- Stop! No!
Let's get out of here!
Thank you...
- nobody.
- No worries.
Now, if you'll excuse me
I just need a small sip of wat...
He fell in!
Why did he do that?
He seemed very tired.
Don't worry, we'll get you out!
Let's pull the bucket up.
Oh, Father has been looking for you.
Tzipporah! Help us!
What are you girls doing?
We're trying to get
the funny man out of the well.
Well, that's one
I've never heard before.
Oh, there's a man in the well!
I just said that.
Well, hold on to the bucket.
Well, come on!
He's coming up.
He's getting higher!
He's almost here! We got him!
- It's you.
- What?
That's why Papa said
she'll never get married.
- From the edge of the great oasis
- Father
- across its...
- you can't let that man stay here.
He deserves to die.
He was going to force me
to be the Crown Prince's...
Well, I can't even say it.
He defended your sisters
and you told me he was
the one who let you escape.
I did not say that. I said,
I escaped from his room!
It seems almost the same thing to me.
He is an enemy of our people.
But at the moment, he is our guest.
Why do you always say
the opposite to what I say?
I don't know.
It just works out that way.
Welcome to the land
of the Midianites!
- That's our father.
- He's the High Priest!
Thank you, High Priest.
Oh, no, no, no. Please, please.
You must call me Jethro.
I sit on my father's right.
- You can sit with me!
- Thank you.
We will tell you
about ourselves and how we live
and you can tell us
stories of your life.
Here in the desert,
we love to hear stories.
My children, let us give thanks
for this bountiful food.
And let us also give thanks for
the presence of this brave young man
whom we honor here tonight.
Please, don't. I've done
nothing in my life worth honoring.
Well, that's true.
Send him away, Father.
Why are you doing this?
I don't know yet.
But I think his story and ours
have joined for a reason.
We will find out together.
I don't have a story anymore.
I'm just a stranger
in a strange land.
We all have a story.
But not all of us know what it is.
A single thread in a tapestry
though its color brightly shine
Can never see its purpose
In the pattern of the grand design
And the stone that sits
at the very top
Of the mountain's mighty face
Does it think it's more important
Than the stones that form the base?
So how can you see
what your life is worth
Or where your value lies?
You can never see
through the eyes of man
You must look at your life
Look at your life
through heaven's eyes
Lai lai lai lai liddle lai
Lai lai lai lai lai lai
lai lai lai lai liddle lai lai
Lai lai lai lai lai lai lai
Dance with me!
No, I'll just stand here and watch.
Come on, dance with me!
I don't know how.
Lai lai lai lai liddle lai lai
Lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lai
Lai lai lai liddle lai lai
lai lai lai lai lai lai lai
A lake of gold in the desert sand
Is less than a cool fresh spring
And to one lost sheep a shepherd boy
Is greater than the richest king
If a man lose everything he owns
Has he truly lost his worth?
Or is it the beginning
Of a new and brighter birth?
So how do you measure
the worth of a man?
In wealth or strength or size?
In how much he gained
or how much he gave?
The answer will come
The answer will come to him who tries
To look at his life
through heaven's eyes
And that's why we share
all we have with you
Though there's little to be found
When all you've got is nothing
There's a lot to go around
There's a lot to go around
No life can escape being blown about
By the winds of change and chance
And though you'll never know
all the steps
You must learn to join the dance
You must learn to join the dance
Come, come, come!
Come! Moses, join the dance!
Well, I can't do that.
Just follow me. It'll come naturally.
Come on, Moses.
You can do it.
Give it a go!
Come on, Moses.
Just feel the rhythm!
That's it! Come on.
That's it!
There you go!
Hey! Lai lai lai lai liddle lai lai
Lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lai
Lai lai lai liddle lai lai
lai lai lai lai lai lai lai
Lai lai lai lai liddle lai lai
Lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lai
Lai lai lai liddle lai lai
Lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lai
Lai lai lai lai liddle lai lai
Lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lai
Lai lai lai liddle lai lai
lai lai lai lai lai lai
So how do you judge
what a man is worth?
By what he builds or buys?
You can never see
with your eyes on Earth
Look through heaven's eyes
Look at your life
Look at your life
Look at your life through heaven's
Father, give me a band of soldiers
and I'll lead them
into the desert after Moses.
I'll find him
and I'll bring him home.
Nefertari's family
will use this scandal
to cancel the wedding
and move against us.
But he'll die out there!
If he hasn't already.
Seti! Seti!
Are you all right?
I just need to sit down for a moment.
You pretend you don't care,
but this is destroying you.
It's just my injury
- from the Midian campaign.
- No
it's Moses!
He's your son!
He's in the desert without food,
and without water.
I would give my life to save Moses.
But my life is not mine to give.
Father, I don't understand.
You will someday.
I am Pharaoh.
Egypt is my firstborn
and my lastborn.
I must think of Egypt
before all else.
Even before the life of my son.
What nonsense are you speaking?
I'll run after him
into the desert myself if I have to!
No, you won't!
You are the Queen of Egypt.
You will do your duty.
I issue a proclamation
that Moses shall be banished
from Egypt forever
for the m*rder of a guard.
You can't.
Mother... Mother, talk to him.
He always listens to you.
So it is written.
Moses, where are you?
Through every Prankish endeavor
Every wild chariot ride
One thing I thought was forever
You'd always be at my side
There was a time
I thought that time would last
And somehow I'd be time's master
Too young and stupid
To realize that time moves so fast
Now it seems even faster
You look lost in thought.
I'm worried about Dinah.
Yeah, the sheep by the tree stump.
I'm afraid Dinah may have gone lame.
You've named the sheep?
Of course I have. I spend
so much time with them.
You see Sarah
chewing on that old piece of leather?
She's so stubborn,
she's convinced it's a piece of food.
She'll keep chewing on it all day.
And Micah next to her
he's such a tease.
He loves to annoy her.
Look at you.
You used to live in a palace
with hundreds of slaves
looking after your every need.
And now hundreds of sheep
look to me for their every need.
And you know what?
I've never been happier.
I love them.
Well, do you feel the same way...
about people?
Sheep are simpler.
- Some of them.
- No.
Tzipporah is nosing the ewes
back into the center of the flock.
There's a sheep named after me?
How do you know
it's not the other way around?
A sheep?
She is bossy.
And has a terrible temper.
And she's courageous and smart.
She's my favorite.
Can you see the ram over there?
Oh, the one with the big horns?
What's his name?
I haven't thought
of a name for him yet.
But see how he glances over at her?
He wants to go over,
but he doesn't dare.
He's afraid he's not worthy of her.
Well, he shouldn't worry.
She won't mind if he approaches.
How can you tell?
She's got him
in the corner of her eye
To her he's the best-looking thing
in the world
I suppose it's possible.
Stranger things have happened
Like us...
for instance?
Would you ever have thought
Given where we started
You and I would chance to meet?
Never in a million years
Never in a million years
And now could you have dreamed
If we should be parted
We'd feel somehow incomplete?
Never in a million years
Never in a million years
Could you ever have imagined
we'd be here like this
Ever nearing
the inevitable day we kiss?
And if you should ask how soon
I think this feeling disappears
Never in a million years
Never in a million years
Oh, look! The ram,
he's making a move.
He's walking towards her.
Oh, he's nuzzling her nose.
Does he dare to hope?
- No, she's turned her back on him.
- Oh, no. She's not running away.
Oh, he is getting closer to her.
She's not moving. And now he's...
Oh, I think you may have an addition
to your flock in a few months.
Daniel has wandered off.
I better go find him.
Oh! Well, don't forget your staff.
I guess I'm a little bit...
Could I ever have imagined
I'd be here like this
In the afterglow of
finally reaching our first kiss?
And if I were asked how soon
I think this feeling disappears
Never in a million years
My love
Never in a million years
Hasten to Ra
Say unto him
who lifts his arm in the east
That the king is coming as a god
That the king stands
in the palace of the horizon
Behold he comes
Behold he comes
My son.
Our people...
and our dynasty
are now in your hands.
Father, don't tire yourself.
Listen to him, Ramses.
I must know...
before I...
He means to say...
I understand.
No weak link
Ever shall break our chain
No weak king
Ever shall end our reign
Father, I promise you
I will meet every task
Father, I swear I'll do
All you would hope
Or ask
I am not afraid.
No... no!
Your Majesty, Lord of the Two Lands,
beloved by Amun
your queen kneels before you.
This is why you were born
This is what you were made for
This is who you will be
The rest of your long life through
Now this life that was yours
Belongs not only to you
Now you know what you must be
Now you know what you must do
Where are you?
Here I am.
Behold, a bush that burns with fire
But is not consumed...
What do you want with me?
Take the sandals from your feet
For you stand on holy ground
Who are you?
I am that I am
I don't understand.
I am the god of your ancestors
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
I have heard the cry of my people
In oppression in Egypt
Now I will send forth a messenger
To deliver them up out of bondage
To a land of milk and honey
Now I send you!
It couldn't have been real.
No, it couldn't. Except it was.
The most real thing I've ever seen.
The moment I stood
before the burning bush
I understood
for the first time in my life,
there's something bigger than me
something greater than all of us.
I don't believe in miracles.
Was that a miracle?
Hard to believe
But I know what my ears heard
What my eyes seemed to see
And even if I dreamed it
How can I live
Knowing my people languish
While only I am free?
Tzipporah, a very wise girl
once told me
if you don't choose your own path,
you're lost no matter where you go.
I know my path now.
I must return to Egypt
and free my people.
I saw a miracle
And now it's up to me
Well, of course, I'm not
going to let you go alone.
I promise, we will return
when this is done
but this is something I must do.
I know.
This is why you were born
This is what you were made for
This is who you will be
The rest of your long life through
Now this life that was yours
Belongs not only to you
Now you know what you must do
Now you know what you must do
Now my life is changing
- Will life from now on turn out
- Will this strange
- To be
- New path ahead be
All I ever wanted?
So much rests on me now
Is this vast responsibility
All I ever wanted?
All that I ever...
Deliver us
Deliver us
Remember us
Will my new life be
All I ever wanted?
There's a land you promised us
Deliver us to the Promised Land
And will all I ever wanted
Deliver us
To the Promised Land
To the Promised Land
I never dreamed
I'd return to this place.
Neither did I.
This used to be my home
but now I don't belong here
any more than you do.
Your family will be happy
that you're alive.
I don't even know
if they'll want to see me.
Make them see you.
Though this journey
was rugged and long
And probably unwise
You can truly say
even if it goes wrong
You looked through heaven's eyes
Help them to look
through heaven's eyes
Life! Health! Strength!
Life! Health! Strength!
Life! Health! Strength!
Seven days have passed
since the birth of Pharaoh's son.
And on the seventh day
the gods have decreed
that we bless the firstborn
and give him his birth name
- Heaven protects you
- registering him
- Earth protects you
- in the book of the House of Life.
Night protects you
Day protects you
- Heaven protects you
- You are protected like
- Earth protects you
- Gold
- Night protects you
- You are protected like
- Day protects you
- Stone
- Heaven protects you
- You are protected like
- Earth protects you
- The seven gods
- Night protects you
- Who made
- Day protects you
- The world
What is the name you give your son?
Seti the Second.
Your father would be proud.
In the name of Amun-Ra the Father,
Horus the Son of !sis
and Kneph the Spirit
of the River Nile
I name you Seti the Second
heir to the throne of the living god
Pharaoh Ramses.
Mighty Pharaoh Ramses
Queen Nefertari
Seti the Second
Life! Health! Strength!
Life! Health!
- Stop! This is a royal celebration!
- You can't come in here!
I am here to see my father
- the Pharaoh.
- What's this? There are no strangers
allowed in the throne room!
But I'm not a stranger.
It... It can't be.
Everyone said
you were dead.
- Moses!
- Ramses!
It... It's been so long,
and you were on the throne.
I am Pharaoh now.
Then Father?
And Mother?
She's different
than when you left, Moses.
She rarely leaves her chambers.
She never really recovered
from Father's death.
Isn't this that Midian girl
who escaped?
You brought her back to me
just like you said you would!
You kept your promise.
What promise?
It was a long time ago.
Ramses, Tzipporah is my wife.
- What?
- Excuse me, Your Majesty.
I'm compelled to remind you
that Pharaoh Seti banished Moses
from Egypt for life.
Hotep, you're still here.
I will always be here.
- You, on the other hand...
- This
is my brother.
He's come back from the dead
and I am going to welcome him
back into my family.
Ramses, you can't!
He pretended to be
a member of your family
then ran off and married a sl*ve!
I was never a sl*ve!
In fact, I'm more of a princess
than you are.
I'm descended from
five generations of Pharaohs!
There are ten generations
of high priests in my family!
- How dare a desert savage speak...
- Nefertari...
The Pharaoh makes all decisions here.
With the advice of the High Priest!
Enough! Be quiet.
Ramses, perhaps we should
go somewhere and talk.
Just the two of us.
That's a good idea.
And I know just the place.
My wife can be
a bit forceful sometimes.
Yes. Your wife.
We have so much to talk about.
We do.
You have a son now.
Yes, I do.
He's the happiest part
of my life. But now...
now, you've returned.
Oh, it's been so long
but I still remember
every twist and turn
inside the palace.
Except you're going the wrong way.
Oh, right.
Our secret room.
I remember the last time I was here.
We would hide here
when we were in trouble.
But we didn't know
what trouble really was.
In truth, we didn't have
a care in the world.
Ramses, I have to tell you
why I'm here.
Don't worry. If you want
a royal pardon, I'm happy to...
No. It's about my people.
- The Hebrews.
- They're not your people.
My own brother and sister are slaves.
I'm your brother!
Ramses, I...
Have you ever really looked
at the pictures on these walls?
What are you talking about?
Before I knew I was a Hebrew
I looked at those scenes of death
as just a piece of pretty artwork.
I couldn't imagine anything
so far from what I'd experienced.
Ramses, try to imagine
that you weren't born
at the top of the pyramid.
Try to imagine your life as a sl*ve.
If you want
your Hebrew brother and sister freed
I'll sign the decree today.
No, you know what I'm saying.
I want you to free all the Hebrews,
and don't pretend to be naive.
And don't you pretend to be insane.
It's impossible, and you know it!
We've had slaves
since the first Pharaohs.
You're Pharaoh!
You have the power
to do whatever you want!
Is that what you think?
When I was a boy
I couldn't wait to be a man
I thought that
then I'd finally be free
There'd be no more scolding voices
I'd make my own choices
I dreamt about
how happy life would be
When I grew up
Then I grew up
And now I sometimes have
to laugh for all I'm worth
I'm the least free man on Earth
The least free man on Earth
But you have the power.
All the priests and the aristocrats
would be against it.
I'd be alone against everyone.
Unless what? What are you thinking?
I'm not thinking.
I'm remembering.
There was a time
when every time I'd tumble down
I'd have my brother
My accomplice and my clown
To pick me up
Restore my purpose and my pride
When you were always at my side
At my side
At my side
I'm stronger with you at my side
Be my adviser.
Return to being
a prince of Egypt and help me.
How can I do that?
You're saying every change
I've made I must reverse
- Yes!
- My wife would k*ll me
Yes, and mine do even worse
But I'll only do it
If you promise me that
I'd have you back here and on my side
Do you mean it?
If I return to Egypt,
you'll free the Hebrews?
Oh, I promise.
If you promise to be...
On my side
On my side
Once more to have you on my side
On my side
On my side
I know you're always...
On your side
- So once again, my brother
- So once again
- Has a second birth
- It seems I'll have a second birth
- Now you can be
- And I'll
- The second least
- Be even more
- Free man on Earth!
- The least free man on Earth!
Against all others
- You will keep me fortified
- I will keep you fortified
To set my people free
Well, if the price is me
- From now on I will be
- From now on you will be
- Always on your side!
- Always on my side!
Thank you, brother.
Hey, you won't be thanking me after
you've been in court for a while.
Now I have to think
of how to tell my wife.
Me too.
You were listening?
Is there no place where I'm alone?
Your Highness
you are fortunate we were
the only ones who witnessed this.
You cannot free those slaves.
I made a promise to my brother.
The Pharaoh does not make promises.
I don't understand.
The Pharaoh of Egypt wouldn't
give the Hebrews their freedom
without a heavy price.
Well, what does he get?
Well, we made a deal.
What deal?
Now don't get angry
- before I explain.
- What deal?
He said he would free
the Hebrews if I stay...
if I stayed in Egypt
and returned to court.
You did not agree to that!
It was the only way I could
get Ramses to make a promise.
What about your promise to me?
You said we would return
to Midian after this was over.
You said you're happy there.
Of course I'm happy.
Well, are you going
to be happy without me?
Well, of course
I was expecting you...
hoping that you'd stay with me.
Tzipporah, just think
of what we've done.
Ramses just gave
the Hebrews their freedom!
By taking ours away!
Is this a vision, or are you real?
You came back to us.
You see, Aaron, after all these years
when everyone else had given up hope.
You told me my visions were crazy
but Moses has returned to us.
Exactly. What could be crazier
than coming back here?
This is Tzipporah, my wife.
Your wife?
And now my sister.
- You shouldn't be here!
- Aaron!
He's a wanted fugitive.
Moses, the guards would seize you
the moment you set foot
near the palace.
No, Aaron. I've seen the Pharaoh.
The Pharaoh has granted my plea
and freed you all!
You are free men and women
from now on!
- Impossible!
- It can't be true!
Why should we believe you?
I told you, God has sent
Moses back to deliver us.
The royal decree will arrive soon
and then it will be official.
That day has come
You thought would never come
The day you break your chains
The thrill of freedom
coursing through your veins
I know it's hard to believe
But I swear it's true
Now there's only one thing
That we can do
Simcha! Chagigah!
Sing a song of exultation
Simcha! Chagigah!
Let us make a joyful noise
Let the caged bird fly
to the open sky
With a cry of liberation
Let's begin the celebration
Simcha! Chagigah!
- Simcha! Chagigah!
- Don't you understand?
- You are slaves no more!
- Simcha!
Simcha! Chagigah!
Simcha! Chagigah!
Simcha! Chagigah!
Simcha! Chagigah!
Sing a song of exultation
Simcha! Chagigah!
Let us make a joyful noise
Let the caged bird fly
to the open sky
With a raucous cry of liberation
Now we celebrate in jubilation
Simcha! Chagigah!
Simcha! Chagigah!
Hey! Hey!
Hey! Hey!
Hey! Hey!
Hey! Hey!
Simcha! Chagigah!
Simcha! Chagigah!
Let the caged bird fly
to the open sky
With a cry of liberation
Simcha! Chagigah!
Simcha! Chagi...
Hear this message from your pharaoh
Hear and obey
"Now from this day
The Hebrews will no longer
be supplied with straw for bricks
But they are still required
to make the same number of bricks
As before"
- I don't understand.
- Oh, I do!
You've stirred up trouble
where there was none.
You! You doubled our work load.
No, this can't be!
- The Pharaoh assured me...
- The decree...
bears the royal seal.
You lied to us, Moses!
Worse! You gave us hope!
Get back to work, slaves.
That hope was crueler than anything
that the Egyptians ever did to us!
Thanks to you
what was hard becomes harder
Thanks to you
what was bad becomes worse
Please don't help us again
Please go back to Midian
With our curse
Please have mercy
Deliver us!
- Go away!
- Deliver us!
This time, stay!
And take your empty words
that won't come true
Look, there's your brother,
the Pharaoh, floating down the Nile!
Go join your family
on the royal barge!
And deliver us
From you!
Moses, no!
Ramses went back on his word.
- We are free to go!
- No, I'm not.
They're my people and whether
they choose to accept me or not
I'm going to fight for them.
What don't you understand?
Fighting only makes matters worse.
Aaron! Moses will help us.
Don't stand in his way.
Ramses! Is it true?
Have you gone back on your promise?
The Pharaoh of Egypt
does not make promises.
You've broken your word.
Why did you do this to me?
To you?
I'm not the one who ran away
leaving his father to die
in mourning for a lost son.
I'm not the one
who left his brother alone
thinking you were dead.
I'm not the one
who turned his back on the family
who rescued him
from a life of squalor!
A family who loved him
like one of their own.
And once again
you are the only one you see
Here's the real question
"Why did you do this to me?"
Oh, this isn't about you, Ramses.
Everything is about me!
I am Pharaoh!
Like Menkheperre Thutmose!
Horemheb the Warrior!
Menmaarte Seti!
Guards, seize him!
Did you think
I would not be as strong?
Some weak link?
Now you see you were wrong
- Moses, run!
- No, Aaron!
- You were wrong
- I warned you!
You were...
It's blood!
The river is turning to blood!
The Nile has turned to blood!
How is this possible?
God has stretched out his hand
and shown his power.
You have to believe me now!
God has sent Moses to deliver us.
High Priest,
what is the meaning of this?
I can assure you
our secret arts can do the same.
Observe. By the power of Ra
turn this water to blood.
You see, it was a mere trick.
Ramses, there are things
that are even greater than we are.
Even greater than Pharaoh.
I've come to understand that.
And you need to understand it too
or terrible things will happen
to your people. To Egypt.
Plagues, darkness and fire...
You must stay strong, Your Majesty.
I promise you,
whatever this imposter does
we can match it
and more.
By the power of Mut
Nut, Kh'num, P'tah
Nephthys, Nekhbet, Sobek
Sekhmet, Anubis, Anukis
Rashpu, Wasjet, Sokar, Selket
Seshmu, Meshkent
Hemsut, Tefnut
Heket, Mafdet, Ra!
Thus saith the Lord
I send a pestilence and plague
Into your house, into your bed
Into your streams, into your streets
Into your drink, into your bread
Upon your cattle, on your sheep
Upon your oxen in your field
Into your dreams, into your sleep
Until you break, until you yield
I send the swarm, I send the horde
Thus saith the Lord
No power on Earth
Can match this might
I will send thunder from the sky
I will send fire raining down
No power on Earth
Can stand against
- Such force
- I will send hail of burning ice
On every field, on every town
Ramses, you betrayed our bargain
It's you who chose this course
I will send locusts on a wind
Such as the world has never seen
On every stalk, on every leaf
Until there's nothing left of green
I send my scourge, I send my sword
Thus saith the Lord!
Moses! You came!
Of course I will come
if my mother summons me.
I knew the gods would bring you back.
Mother, I have missed you.
Then why are you doing this?
People are sick and starving
and they tell me you are responsible.
But, no. If only
Ramses had kept his promise.
Now I have no choice.
Of course you do.
Promise me you will
make peace with your brother.
Promise me.
I gave you a home, my son
Not just me, so many
Our love for you was strong
And now you've come home
But to those who loved you
You do us all such wrong
And it breaks my heart to ask you
Did you hate us all along?
I send the punishment of plagues
I send it down upon your head
Into your streams, into your streets
Into your drink, into your bread
Upon your cattle, on your sheep
Upon your oxen in your field
Into your dreams, into your sleep
Until you break, until you yield
I send my scourge, I send my sword
Thus saith the Lord
Thus saith the Lord
Ramses, talk to me!
We could always talk here.
End this now before
something more terrible happens.
- Free the Hebrews.
- I can't.
You know I can't!
Why do you keep asking me
for something I can't give you?
No power on Earth
Sometimes I feel
I have no power on Earth
You can make it right
You're the one who can fix this
All you have to do is give the order
Set the Hebrews free
You think it's that simple?
It is simple.
It's not easy, but it is simple.
You have the choice.
Ramses, let my people go.
You will not give me orders.
You will not thr*aten me!
Think of your son.
I am Pharaoh.
Egypt is my firstborn
and my lastborn.
I have to think of Egypt
before all else.
You Hebrews have been
nothing but trouble!
Father had the right idea about you.
I'll send the swarm,
I'll send the horde
I'll send my scourge,
I'll send my sword
No power on Earth
You can make it right
Can change my mind
Only you can fix this
I send my fire raining down
Such as the world has never seen
No power on Earth
Brother, take the chance
- While you still have it
- Will tell me what is so
Now before the horrors grow
On every stalk, on every leaf
Until there's nothing left of green
- Now finally my heart is hardened
- You can't win this fight
Now this I finally know
One last time, I beg you
I will never
- Let your people go
- Let my people go
Thus saith the Lord
Thus saith the Lord
I will not...
- Let your people
- Let my people
- Go!
- Go!
So much destruction.
So much misery
brought upon people
who don't deserve it
who had no part in any of this.
Why is this necessary?
Is this the only way?
Sometimes for the good of all
Sacrifices must be made
No, no, we can't be like that!
We can't be like him!
I can't do this anymore!
Use your magic to free the Hebrews
or change Pharaoh's heart!
But I will not be
your messenger anymore!
- Moses
- No.
- Moses
- No, I can't. I won't.
One more time you must go forth
One more time before it's done
Choose someone else!
Once more I send forth my messenger
Now you must go to your people
Make them hear, heed your call
Through the darkest night of all
And then?
They will be free
Take a lamb
and mark the lintel and posts
of every door with its blood.
For tonight
I shall pass through
the land of Egypt
and smite all the firstborn.
But when I see
the blood upon your door
I will pass over you
and the plague shall not enter.
For the rest of my life
I will have to live with this
For the rest of my life
I'll have to face the part I played
These faces filled with grief
And with despair
Every morning when I wake up
They'll be there
Seared into my memory
With a cruel burning knife
For the rest of my life
There's a weight on my soul
Like a pyramid of stone
There's a weight on my soul
A ransom never to be paid
The crimes I do
I do them in your name
But I feel just as guilty
all the same
Like a brutal soldier
who does anything he's told
There's a weight on my soul
For the rest of my life
When you know you're in the right
It's so easy to do wrong
You have to win the fight
So you close your mind
and heart up tight
And go along
Tell yourself you're staying strong
You ramp up your ferocity
Excuse any atrocity
But once you've won
You have to live
with what you've done
And for the rest of my life
I will have to live with this
For the rest of my life
These questions
haunting me like ghosts
Does a noble end mean
any means will do?
Is your power
the only reason to follow you?
And one final question
I see no answer to
For the rest of my life
How will I get through?
Unlike so many of our victims
I have the rest of my life
To get through!
To get through!
My little boy.
He was born a living god.
How can he be dead?
Your people can go.
- Ramses, I...
- Go!
Leave our son to the embalmer.
We need to go to the people.
I can't.
We have to reassure them
that Pharaoh is still all-powerful.
That no one can tear down
the pyramids of Egypt.
All our pyramids and palaces
Our obelisks and statues
Before my eyes
They crumble into sand
Beneath the weight
of your tiny silent body
Our fortresses are fallen
And we stand
On a barren wind-swept land
I know people call me heartless
Oh, if only it were true
I wouldn't feel this unbearable ache
The s*ab when I felt
my heart breaking
Shattered into shards
By the loss of you
How I wish I could be heartless
But I can't be
Someone else is grieving too
Like mine
His pain will last forever
Like rain that never ceases to pour
So I can't be heartless
For him, I can't be heartless
For him, I never
Have needed heart more
I never
Have needed heart
Moses! Is it true?
The word is all over Goshen...
- Miriam! Stop! Just wait.
- But if it's true, I...
Tell Miriam the Hebrews can go.
But you have to lead them.
Let them go. I did what He wanted.
It's done and...
I'm done.
Moses, you made a choice.
An impossible choice.
I don't know.
No one can ever know
what it has cost you.
But there's one thing
you must not forget.
One thing is true today
that wasn't true yesterday.
Your people are free.
Many nights we've prayed
With no proof anyone could hear
In our hearts a hopeful song
We barely understood
Now we are not afraid
Although we know there's much to fear
We were moving mountains
Long before we knew we could
There can be miracles
When you believe
Though hope is frail
It's hard to k*ll
Who knows what miracles
You can achieve
When you believe
Somehow you will
You will when you believe
In this time of fear
When prayer so often proved in vain
Hope seemed like the summer birds
Too swiftly flown away
Now I'm standing here
With heart so full I can't explain
Seeking faith and speaking words
I never thought I'd say
There can be miracles
When you believe
Though hope is frail
It's hard to k*ll
Who knows what miracles
You can achieve
When you believe
Somehow you will
You will when you
- Believe
- A-Shi-Ra L'a-Don-Ai Ki Ga-Oh Ga-Ah
A-Shi-Ra L'a-Don-Ai Ki Ga-Oh Ga-Ah
Mi-Cha-Mo-Cha Ba-Elim Adonai
Mi-Ka Mo-Cha Ne-Dar Ba-Ko-Desh
V'-Chas-D'-Cha Am Zu Ga-Al-Ta
V'-Chas-D'-Cha Am Zu Ga-Al-Ta
A-Shi-Ra, A-Shi-Ra, A-Shira
A-Shi-Ra L'a-Don-Ai Ki Ga-Oh Ga-Ah
A-Shi-Ra L'a-Don-Ai Ki Ga-Oh Ga-Ah
Mi-Cha-Mo-Cha Ba-Elim Adonai
Mi-Ka Mo-Cha Ne-Dar Ba-Ko-Desh
V'-Chas-D'-Cha Am Zu Ga-Al-Ta
V'-Chas-D'-Cha Am Zu Ga-Al-Ta
A-Shi-Ra, A-Shi-Ra, A-Shira
There can be miracles
When you believe
Though hope is frail
It's hard to k*ll
Who knows what miracles
You can achieve
When you believe
Somehow you will
Now you will
You will when you believe
You will when you...
How could you let them go?
Do you love your brother
more than Egypt?
Don't forget
to whom you are speaking!
I am Pharaoh,
Lord of the Two Kingdoms!
And you should not forget
the fate of those Pharaohs
that went against
the will of the gods!
Dynasties come and go
but the power of the High Priest,
that is forever.
Remember your father.
He understood this.
I do almost nothing else these days
but to remember my father.
You should remember
your firstborn also.
And the firstborn of all your people.
Their blood cries out for vengeance.
There are many in your army
who feel as I do
who do not wish to see
Egypt humbled and humiliated.
If you do not pursue the Hebrews
I'm sure your soldiers
will follow me.
Assemble the soldiers.
I'll lead them
into the desert after Moses.
Pharaoh has spoken.
Can you forgive me? I doubted you.
No more than I doubted myself.
It's good to have people close to you
who will question your decisions.
We've made it
to the border of Egypt, but...
but the Red Sea stands in our way.
How are we going
to cross it without ships?
I didn't mean question
my decisions right now.
Well, there's driftwood on shore.
And there must be
boat builders among you.
Among us.
Go and see
if anyone can fashion rafts
to ferry everyone across.
What do you see out there?
It's what I don't see.
I'm never going
to see my father again.
And my sisters.
My people.
Now I'm the stranger
in a strange land.
This was never your fight.
I have no right to ask you
to cross a sea
and give up a life that
we promised each other.
To give up your freedom.
A-ni chof-she
E'-heh-yeh chof-she...
It's true, I will never now be free
I understand if you turn back.
Can I actually imagine
in a moment's doubt
That I could take my life back
and just turn about?
But though we know full well
This choice is not without its tears
Never in a million years, my love
Never in a million years
What's that?
It's the Egyptian army!
Ramses has led them after us!
Ramses betrayed us! It was a trap.
What are you going to do, Moses?
I don't know.
There's no way out!
Many nights we've prayed
With no proof anyone could hear
All at once, an answer came
In ways we never planned
So we are not afraid
For we've seen miracles appear
Is there one more miracle
Is there one more miracle
If I stretch forth my hand?
Nothing's happening!
We're lost!
They're getting closer!
Deliver us
Now you will deliver us
And until the end of history
Will this day be sung
Aaron, Miriam, lead the Hebrews
across to the other side.
I'll be the last through.
There's one final thing
I must do in Egypt.
Perhaps you should go.
Where you go, I will go.
Do you call this another trick?
We can move faster than them,
Your Highness!
We catch them in the sea
before they reach the other side.
We will teach all slaves what
they will suffer if they dare rebel.
- We will k*ll them all!
- Rames!
Starting with this one here.
Let me have the pleasure
of k*lling him myself.
No! No, no.
- I'll deal with him.
- Rames, listen to me!
I can't run from what I did!
- God, I grieve for your son.
- Don't you...
For all the sons of Egypt.
And so I give myself to you.
You can k*ll me,
keep me at court, whatever you wish.
But let the Hebrews pass
through the sea to freedom.
Let me be the ransom for my people.
Your Highness,
the Hebrews are getting away.
Order your soldiers
to follow them into the sea!
One weak link
Can break the strongest chain
There's still time to catch them!
One weak king
Can end the longest reign
And we can k*ll every one of them.
Are all my worst fears coming true?
Honor your father.
Take your vengeance.
That one weak link
That one weak link
This is why you came here!
I've come to end this.
There has been too much death.
A chain of death stretching back
to my father and before.
I'm going to break the chain.
I'm going to be the weak link.
- Rames.
- You think you can change everything
that's passed down to us
through the centuries?
Not everything.
There's a way of honoring the past
Without being trapped by it
There will be a change
at court when we return.
We'll have work to do
putting the priests
back in their place
but I will be at your side.
No, your home is out there...
with your people.
This is the only gift
I can give you now.
If Hotep is right,
my power will soon be over.
This is why you were born
This is what you were made for
This is who you both will be
The rest of your long lives through
What is it? What is it?
My sister Miriam is
the one with the gift of prophecy.
But in this moment,
I feel like I can see.
Ramses, you will be a strong ruler.
You will expand the lands of Egypt
farther than they have ever been.
You will build
the greatest empire on Earth
without slaves!
You will be called Ramses the Great.
And we Hebrews will have
our little kingdom by the sea.
Now you know what you must be
Now you know what you must do
After the Hebrews!
I order you to stop!
They're following me now!
By the power of Mut
Nut, Kh'num, P'tah
Anubis, Anukis, Hemsut Tefnut,
Meshkent, Mafdet Sobek, Sekhmet
Sokar, Selket
For the rest of my life
I don't know what is to come
For the rest of my life
No ancient laws to show the way
But as each day
I search for what to do
I'll know there is a brother
Who is searching too
I'll know there is
a brother out there
Who can understand
Footprints on the sand
One day we will vanish
Like footprints on the sand
Like echoes of a fading chime
Our bodies will be gone
But deeds can live on
For we can be both merely
Human and sublime
Both footprints on the sand
And footprints on the sands
- Of time!
- Who knows what miracles
You can achieve
When you believe
- Somehow you will, now you will
- Footprints on the sand
You will when you believe
When you believe
You will when you believe!
You will when you believe!
Prince of Egypt, The: Live from the West End (2023)
Moderator: Maskath3