Le mystère de la tour Eiffel (1927)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Le mystère de la tour Eiffel (1927)

Post by bunniefuu »

It's hideous.

Thank God they're going to destroy it.

It's a scandal!

It looks like a skeleton!

Look at them.

They all hate it, but they all want to see it.

Young man--

Mr Massard.

And Mrs--

Miss Massard.

Ah, sorry. It's written Mrs Leterrier here.

I've asked you to use my maiden name from now on.

Yes. Sorry, I haven't had time.

She's my daughter, Louise Massard.

She too is made of iron.

Mr Eiffel's colleagues have priority.
Please follow me.

We've been waiting for hours!

So rude!

We'll wait for my colleague Mr Legendre, and his wife. They should be here soon.

I'm fed up with you! Are you kidding me?

Ah, here they are.

I saw the way she was looking at you!

The joys of marriage.

On second thought, let's not wait for them.
They'll take the next one.

Let go of me!

I shouldn't have married you.
I should have listened to my mother.

Ever since your arrangement, I think you've been heading down the wrong track.

It's called a divorce, Dad.


You can say it out loud, it's not contagious.

It's even legal now.

You know, progress isn't only measured in tonnes of iron.

What progress! Living with your father, at your age!

Don't worry. As soon as I can earn a living with my drawing, I'll rent a flat.

A woman cannot live on her own, Louise!

And let me say again that my colleague Gregoire Murat is--

--perfect for me, I know. An engineer. Witty. Handsome.

I know all that. And I agree, he's perfect.

So what are you waiting for?

He proposed to you weeks ago!

I don't know.

I promise, I'll give him an answer. Soon.

Ten thousand tonnes of iron.

18,000 pieces put together in 2 years, with 2,500,000 rivets.

Isn't it amazing?

Several friends of mine have signed the artists' protest letter.

Pointing towards the sky like that...
they think it looks like a nail.

Here you are.

The highest tower in the world...

for the most beautiful city in the world.

I said nothing about the washerwoman.

Or your stupid little secretary.

But now... you've crossed the line.

If you think I'm going to let you treat me like this, you--


Ah. The Legendres are here.

Step back, sir.

He was your colleague?

He was much more than that.

We worked together for 30 years.

We've worked on all of Eiffel's projects

from his very first steel bridge, to this tower.

Don't touch anything.

Don't pay attention to my brother.

He solves crimes through cleaning up.

The modern way, apparently.

A k*ller always leaves hints behind.

Look. Found this on the victim's jacket, and he didn't smoke.

Sorry to disappoint you, Theodore, but this is mine.

I don't know why I haven't strangled you yet.

As for the motive, we'll just wait for the m*rder*r to explain it to us.

Do you mean Charlotte?

You're wrong. It can't be her.

She was alone in the lift with her husband.

They had a fight. She k*lled him with her scissors.

Might be due to my hangover, but I agree with him.

If we k*lled people over a fight...

my ex-husband would have been dead for ages.

Louise, shut up!

We all knew Emile had his little affairs of the heart...

Affairs of the ass, to be exa--


I kept telling Charlotte to leave this jerk.

But she would rather stay and be cheated on.

Looks like she changed her mind.

Dad, I'm going.


A magic show at the Eiffel tower...

It's a bit--

I know.

Not the best idea to take your mind off things.

You couldn't know.

It's the story of my life.

The last time I invited a girl to a dance,
the room caught on fire.

Charlotte told me about this magician.

She thought his show was amazing.

I just can't believe she k*lled her husband.

I worked on tower elevators, Louise.

It's impossible to get in, commit a m*rder, and get out

except for a professional acrobat, maybe.

I know.

And I shouldn't tell you that, but...

We've received threats at work lately.

Threats? From whom?

From an architect... a Mr Jussac.

You are next.

I have really been looking forward to this evening.

Do you know why this Jussac is after Eiffel?

No. All I know is that he claims the contest to build the tower was rigged.

As I said, I want to seize this occasion to--

And Legendre was targeted?

Yes... among others, I suppose...

It's just my luck.

I found the only Parisian woman who'd rather talk about crime than love.

I'm sorry. You're right.

I'll stop harassing you with my questions.

You wanted to tell me something?

It doesn't matter. Do you want a drink?


Alright, put the card back in the deck.

Now, shuffle it.


Thank you.

Go ahead!

I can't look at this...


Is that your card, dear?

Yes, it is!


This trick isn't an illusion.

No possible way to cheat.

Last year, only 3 people could pull it off.

This year, there are only two of us left...

It looks like he's struggling...

I suppose it's for show.

It's not working!


Please hurry! It's not working!

Help me! Open the cage!

Hurry! Open the cage! Quick!


Where is he?

As Mark Twain said...

The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.

Mr Valere?

Mr Murat!

Let me introduce you to an admirer, Louise Massard.

I really thought you were dead.

A great illusion always hides a greater one.

Tell me how you did it. I swear I won't tell.

Look behind you.

I too must disappear for a second,
Eiffel wants me to meet a client.


Congratulations for tonight, it was really... magical.

You know, there is only one secret.


It's hot in here.

This is gorgeous. Is it from your homeland?

From Bordeaux? No.

I'm sorry. I thought--

It's okay.

That stuff is just for the tourists of the Exposition.

They want exotism.

So we give it to them.

I'm going to go.

Your husband is waiting for you?

Gregoire? No, no, he's not my husband at all--

Actually, my father introduced me to him because--

Because I'm divorced... you know how it is.

No, you don't know how it is, clearly--


Anyway, he's not your husband.

That's right.

Ah. Still in here?

Should I take you home?

Come back... to let me know how my rose is doing.

This tower is even more beautiful at night.

Don't you think?


I'm sorry.

Sorry, I-- still need time.

I'm terribly sorry.

Your father told me you were ready for a proposal

or else I would never have dared...

My father said that?

Yes... but don't be too hard on him.

He only wants to protect you.

Well, you're the one I want to protect.

I don't want to hurt you, Gregoire.

Do you know what people call me now that I live with my father again?

The Infamous Divorcee.

I see...

Well, just know my offer has a time limit.

Fifty years... sixty, at most.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, I thought you were somebody else.

Who were you going to greet with that g*n?

Nobody. Forget it.

You lock yourself in your study...
you walk around with a w*apon...

What's going on, is it because of Emile?

I said forget it!

No, wait...

How was your evening?

It went well.

Gregoire told me you talked to him.

Told him I was ready for marriage and family life.

You don't understand.

I refuse to spend another 10 years of my life with a man I don't love.

I refuse to wake up next to him every morning.

I refuse to watch him read the paper
while I wash the dishes!

You don't even know why you didn't like Charles!

That's what you told the judge!

I was bored!

So what?

Passion is for courtesans.

I'd much rather become a courtesan than accept a marriage of reason.

You stupid little goose.


So... you didn't see anyone give him this letter.

No, no one.

But one of his colleagues told me about threats against their team.

From whom?

An architect, who resented Eiffel.


And you saw a young lady run away, after the m*rder?

Can you describe her?

I didn't see her face. But she was blonde.

But none of the neighbours saw her.

It wasn't a dream. I saw her.

You said you were so tired you don't even remember going to bed.

I was exhausted, yes.

I went to sleep, but...

the scream woke me up.

Am I a suspect?

If your fingerprints aren't on this object,
you have nothing to worry about.

I didn't touch anything.

Me neither.

Good. We're making progress.

I caught my father burning some papers

and when he saw me, he closed the door.

I don't know if...

According to the neighbours,
you two used to fight a lot.

What is that supposed to mean?

Seraphin, why don't we leave Ms Massard alone

and see what this letter opener has to tell us.

If there's anything I can do...

My condolences, Louise.

Your father was a very dear friend,
I'm going to miss him.

Thank you for coming, Mr Eiffel.

I know you're very busy with the tower.

I would like to ask a few questions about the threats you received.

They could have something to do with my father's death.

You mean Jussac's threats?

No, they have nothing to do with it.

He used to be my employee,
but he has his own business now.

When we announced the contest to build the tower, he offered his own project.

Naturally, he lost.

Do you think he's dangerous?

No, I don't think so.

Jussac is nothing but a frustrated, mediocre architect.

He wanted to build a granite tower, the fool.

Jussac worked with my father and Legendre?

They worked together on one of my first projects

but they had a fight and Jussac left before the end.

God knows why.

He knew them personally?


I was already questioned by the police

about Jussac, and his ramblings.

But I must tell you, most of their questions

were about you.


It's a nightmare, Louise.

I try-- I try to remember, but--

but there is this black veil, I--

I don't even remember entering the lift.

All I see is

this blood...

This blood everywhere.

What do the doctors say?

They say I acted in a moment of madness

and then forgot.

They think I can't be held responsible for my actions.

At least they won't send you to prison.

They'll send me to the lunatic asylum.

They'll have me committed Louise, but I didn't do anything

I swear, I didn't do it!

There had to be someone else in that lift.

The guide said you were alone...

I'm not insane, Louise.

I'm-- I'm not insane.

You are next.


Good thing you came.
Such a racket I heard in Mr Jussac's flat.

We deal with crimes, ma'am, not noisy neighbours.

Yes, well, the noise from the 3rd floor sounded like someone was being m*rder*d.

It's over here.

I have a bad feeling about this.

Really, a "bad feeling"? A great scientist like you?

Told you I had a bad feeling about this.

"You are next."

Three dead, and two threatening letters.

The question is, why were they m*rder*d.

No. The question is how.


That will answer the question.

This one's beautiful, don't you think?

Go ahead, have fun!

Are you coming for dinner at Mother's tonight?

If she makes roast pork again, I swear to God...

I like her roast pork.


You told me I should--

No, it's stupid. I shoul't have--


Henriette, I think the police are after me.

It's like a trap closing in on me,
and I don't understand--

I didn't want to bring you into this

but I have nowhere to go--

Here you don't need to justify yourself.

I can't stay here. It's too dangerous.

I have an idea.

Put this on.

Give me a kiss?

Hey there, you scamp.

Hey, Madeleine!

Henriette's girlfriend is pretty cute...


Wait, I'll be right back.


You need to dance.

No, no no no...

Police! Open the door!


Don't worry, it has nothing to do with you.

Hey, hands off, we're not doing anything wrong!

Breach of public morality.

There's a law against dancing?

No, but there's one against... you people.

Hey. Stop. Stop pushing. Ow!

I'm going to show you one of my tricks.

That's the only key you'll ever need.

Let go of me. I'm not... like you.

I shouldn't be here with all of you.

An invert, a m*rder*r...

Your record is starting to grow.

It's the first time I've ever set foot here.
And I haven't k*lled anyone.

Then we're curious to know
how your fingerprints ended up in Jussac's flat.

My fingerprints?

I'm not guilty of anything.

Someone must have knocked me out or drugged me.

When I opened my eyes, he was dead.

And she was here, that blond woman!

She was here again. She's the m*rder*r.

And yet again, you're the only one who saw her.

I want to get out of here.

I'm afraid that's not possible.

You are under arrest, Mrs Massard.

For the m*rder of Gaston Jussac and your father.

My father?

We found your fingerprints on the letter opener.

For once, my brother's wonky theories proved useful.

The judge ordered a psychological exam.

Same as your friend, Charlotte Legendre.

Another one of their lax policies...

Next thing you know they'll make excuses for criminals.

Let's hope the real culprit isn't spared the guillotine.

Professor Charcot! I heard you like brains?

I'll give you mine for some spare change.

Let me know when I can take delivery.

Don't worry, when you live in the street it doesn't take long.

The suspect has been convicted of two murders

including that of her father.

She was in a state of altered consciousness at the time

and therefore, cannot be held responsible for her crimes.

I ask the court to commit her

so we can attempt to cure her.

You will be housed with the hysterical women.

The crimes that led you here do not matter anymore.



What are you doing here?

This is a nightmare.

They say I k*lled my father, and another man

like they did to you. They set us up.

No, no, no.

The doctors say we need to accept what we've done

in order to get better.

You can't be serious.

Give me back my Bastien!

Calm down, calm down.

Her Bastien died of tuberculosis, age 5.

I just got here myself.

You'll see, it's easy to forget the outside world in here.

As you can see - a perfect example

of a hysterical attack.

Marie is a splendid case.

She has entered the phase that I call


One would think she's fighting an imaginary enemy.

And now, I will end the attack

by pressing the hysterogenic points.

Thank you, thank you.

Now, let me show you a specimen

of severe hysteria.

The m*rder*r.

Louise stands accused of two murders

but she remembers nothing.

Amnesia is a minor form of hysteria

not accompanied by motor dysfunction.

If the hysteria proves irreversible

then the patient can never leave this place.

Sir! Sir, the brains are ready.

I'm sorry; it is time for my autopsy class.

I will present Louise next Tuesday.

It's good to see a friendly face.

You don't belong here, Louise!

You trial was a farce.

The things they said about--

Nothing they said about me was true.

Nothing. You have to believe me.

Yes, yes, of course.

Do these doctors treat you well?

Professor Charcot doesn't want to heal us

but to display us like circus freaks.

If only I could remember the criminal's face...

I might be able to convince them.

How can I help you?

You can ask me anything.

Keep believing in my innocence.

and come visit me again.

It'll keep me from actually going mad.

They're very good.

You manage to capture something about these women.

Something authentic. And desperate.

It helps me cope.

And someone has to do these women justice.

The way they're treated here is horrible.

The classes...

Pr Charcot has been ruling this place for almost 30 years.

He has made great contributions to science.

Although there are limits to his genius...

He's wrong about me. I shouldn't be here.

But I suppose I'm not the only one who makes this claim.

Wait. I've read your file.

These psychogenic amnesias are remarkable

I can see why Pr Charcot is interested

But he takes the wrong approach.

I think the answers are in your mind,
not in your ovaries.

I know where you're going with this.

You want to make me believe I'm a k*ller,
like Charlotte Legendre.

Well, you saw something

but you don't want to remember it.

Have you ever tried hypnosis?

I saw what it did to that girl Charcot presented the other day.

I won't pretend it's easy.

You may not like what you find in your memories.

You are in your house.

You dozed off in the living-room.

I want you to think back to the night your father died.

I'm going to start counting

and you're going to fall into a deep sleep.



Doctor, I don't think...



You are in the house?

I am in the living-room.

I just came back from the show.

I had a fight with my father

and he locked himself in his study.

I get up, to go talk to him.

I'm at the door of his study.

Behind this door are the answers
you are looking for.

Louise. Wake up.

Are you all right?

Yes... I think.

Your psyche is resisting.

You are on the right path.

Did you see your father?


Only... the face of a stranger.

But he looked afraid... in pain...

This could be a repressed memory.

You seem to have a lot of those.

What is that supposed to mean?

Passing references were made at your trial

to your inclination towards people of your own sex.

Lies, like all the rest.

If you say so.

It will take some time.

All the more so since you seem particularly resistant.

I must not forget that face.

I must warn you, it will be very difficult to control

the flow of images that will resurface.

Some of them will be real, and others...

completely false.

1,665 steps... 1,665 steps...



What's wrong with her?

What have you done to her?

She refuses to eat, so we're taking her to shock therapy.

He kept telling me--

300 metres high--

30.5 metres above sea level--

Did you bring what I asked for?


But... they're looking at us.

I have an idea.

Hey, hey! That's forbidden!

Too bad.

Are you sure about this?

The hardest part will be to walk past

the department gates, to get to the laundry room.

Then all you have to do is wait for me outside with a cab.

That's risky!

I have no choice.

If I stay here, I'll go insane.

Calm down!

Let go of me! Let go of me!


Let go of me! Let me go!

You b*tch!

This one really needs to get zapped.

The Massard girl ran away!

She's not in here!

Here she is!

Get her! She's getting away!

What are you doing here?

Get in!

So where do we go now?

At my father's.

Looking for what?

I don't know. A link between the three murders.

I feel so dirty.

Did they hurt you?

Yes... well, no.

It's just... they own you.

The nurses, the doctors, the nuns...

Constantly touching you, poking you, measuring you...

like a piece of meat.

And there's the noise.

It's horrible in the evening.

I wanted to come visit you, but...

I wasn't sure you wanted me to.

It's my fault. I'm sorry for what I said to you.

I'm going to get dressed.

All of my father's files are here.

What are we looking for?

Jussac, my dad and Legendre worked together

on one of Eiffel's first projects.

It can't be a coincidence.


1868: Jussac, Legendre and Massard.

Apparently they were building a steelworks.

That's it...

Eiffel told me that Jussac left
before the project was completed

without an explanation.


That's all three of them.

All dead...

The safety report.

Some pages are missing.

If something happened, it must be in newspaper archives.

We need to check them tomorrow.

It's late.

It is.

I should go home.

Or you could sleep here.

After everything, staying in this house all by myself...

You can take my room, I'll sleep here.

All right.

Good night.

God dammit!

So people can just waltz out of your hospital?

Louise must have had an accomplice.

When we got to the front door, she had disappeared.

That just confirms that Louise Massard is as normal as you and me.

Or at least, as me.

She faked hysteria to escape the guillotine!

Maybe. What I'd like to know is why she's k*lling those men.

All I can say is, it's obvious that
she suffered a severe shock.

Probably as a child.

I think her father's death is linked to that event.

What event?

The one she refuses to remember.

But we're working on that.

Just to be clear-- you believe something happened

something important, capital, essential...

And nobody remembers it?

Our psyche defends itself.

Just like our body does when we have a cold.

That's what we call the subconscious.

Listen-- until proven otherwise,

Louise didn't k*ll her father with her subconscious

but with a letter opener!

Did you find something?

All the papers from May 68!

Let's see... May 18th, May 18th...

- Me neither.

Wait! An article in this one...

"Tragic accident at a construction site."

"Alphonse Dervin died on the worksite he was overseeing

for the Eiffel company."

"The investigation revealed no safety violations."

Why would my father burn the safety report

21 years later?

I'd say the safety conditions weren't so safe after all.

Oh, look. A picture of the guy who died.

That's him!

That's him-- the face I drew after my hypnosis session!

Alphonse Dervin...

I don't get it. You drew him,
but you've never met him before?

The doctor said I did, but I forgot.

A part of me forgot.

How could you have met him?

How old were you when he died?


After my mother died, my father often took me with him

on construction sites. I must have met him there.

Perhaps your father knew something about his death.

And someone wanted to silence him.

Well, now one thing is certain:

part of the answer is in there.


But wh--


A friend.

What do you want?

Another hypnosis session.

I need to understand what happened
at a building site my father worked on.

-No. --I'm close to the truth, I know it.

Please, doctor. One last try.

Yes, it would be the last try, because I would go to jail.

Too bad.

This was an opportunity to prove your theories.

I'll still leave you this article.

Do you recognise him?

I don't know how or why, but I drew his face from memory

20 years later, in your office.

That's incredible!

You were right, doctor.

There are locked doors in our brains.

But we can open them.

Take me back to that door.

Go home. Too dangerous.

What? Where are they going?

I'm stopping everything until
you provide better safety measures.

Okay, they can't see us.

You need to close your eyes!

Shut up! I said shut up!

I won't shut up!

I wrote a report. I'll send it to the papers.

I'm sure they'll be interested.

"Eiffel's engineers lose their souls on building project."

I said shut up!

You k*lled him!

No, I-- I didn't--

I only pushed him--

We need to make it look like an accident.

It was an accident. You both saw that.

And the kids? Where are they?

Don't worry. They're always wandering about.



Did you remember something?

I saw my father k*ll Dervin.

The papers said it was an accident.

What exactly did he do?

Don't accuse my father.

I'm not accusing anyone.

You said our subconscious could play tricks on us.

This has to be wrong!

I don't know, Louise.

That's right, you don't know!

You don't know anything! Charlatan!


Tell me that my dad isn't a m*rder*r.

I think you need to give yourself time to really take this in.

So it's him.

That little boy who was playing with me.

He's avenging his father's m*rder.

Thank you.

One last thing--

I wasn't going to tell you, but

I think I would be putting you in danger if I didn't.

Someone has entered your subconscious.

I don't understand.

The first time I hypnotised you, I noticed

an unusual resistance to suggestion.

As if someone had locked your memories during the murders.

The other woman.

So he's saying I'm under someone's control?

How is that possible?

I think this guy is just like the others.

He's playing with you. Well, with your mind.

I just want this to be over.

What are you going to do?

I need to find Maxime Dervin.

Or else I won't end up in an asylum,
but under the guillotine.

The police are at your house.

Let's go somewhere else.

Come see this photo.

All three of our victims...

So? Maybe Louise collects pictures of her targets.

With this deviant, anything is possible.

The photo is dated 1868.

She was just a kid back then.

I still don't see what you're getting at.

We've got her fingerprints all over the crime scenes.

And on the letter opener that k*lled her father.

And on the razor blade that k*lled Jussac.

What more do you need?

Nothing. Nothing at all.

Only a motive.

Where are we?

In Valere's warehouse.

Nobody will look for you here.

Are you leaving?

Today is Valere's last show at the Tower.

A big gala. The best people in Paris will be there.

And tomorrow we're leaving for Cannes.

What's wrong?

Cannes is a long way from here.

Well, we travel a lot.

We're even thinking of America, after this tour.


Is that not what you wanted?

But is it really what you want?

What happens if another doctor
tells you to be ashamed of me?

Or if the cops get you.

I love you.

And I want more than one night, Louise.

This is all new for me.

Louise, I haven't told you everything.


You know, when we met, I--


My dear Theodore,

I know you've got hard facts

and Louise's fingerprints everywhere, but...

Something bothers me.

When I checked the Civil Registry

I found someone who, unlike Louise, has a motive.

For all three murders.
- Who is it?

It's Maxime Dervin.

And who's that?

In 1868, he's just a kid.

His dad oversees an Eiffel construction project

and dies in a workplace accident.

Two months later, his mother kills herself with arsenic.

And the Dervin boy finds her in the basement.

His relatives refuse to take him in.
He ends up in an orphanage.

And I found a woman who used to work in that orphanage.

Yes, I bet you zealously questioned the female staff.

Oh, don't be stupid.

The nice lady was about... 300 years-old.

But a good memory.
She brought up an interesting fact.

When Dervin lived in the orphanage,

a male staff member was k*lled by one of the cooks.

I fail to see the connection.

She can't remember what happened,

but the victim was apparently a bastard

who treated Dervin terribly.

An amnesiac eyewitness...

Just like the three engineers... 20 years later...

Doesn't ring a bell?

Everything is linked to that boy.

You're Maxime Dervin.

And that woman I saw was you!

You k*lled my father and the others!

And I was your perfect culprit.

Well, I hope you enjoyed the show.

How did she get into the lift to k*ll Legendre?

Diversion, Louise.

That's the key.

What are you going to do now?

All the people who k*lled your father are dead!

There is a final act.

The grand finale of tonight's gala.

And on that note, I'm off.

Henriette, help me!

Henriette, stop! Wake up!

Stop! Stop! Don't do it!


What are you doing here?!

With tonight's gala, there are policemen everywhere!

I know.

That's why I need your pass.

Tonight, Valere is going to k*ll Gustave Eiffel.


My lovely assistant

is going to sh**t me.

I don't mean to force you to reveal your trick

but how are you going to stop him?

I don't know!

Then let the police do their job.

It's too dangerous.

Are you with me or not?

I will stop the b*llet with my teeth.


Take this with you.

If it comes to it, you'll be able defend yourself.

My dentist doesn't approve.

When I snap my fingers, you'll sh**t--

Eiffel is here!

You go warn him.

Henriette, please show them the b*llet--

This is a real glass of water.

And it is now empty.


Your cabal ends here.

I told you all we had to do was follow her girlfriend.

I'm not the one you need to arrest. It's Valere.

Oh come on, that's enough now.

Let's go!


Feel free to leave the room if you feel uneasy.

This trick can be nerve-wracking.

We lost track of Dervin after he left engineering school.

A 15-year-old couldn't have gone into show business.

He can't be Valere.

I swear I'm telling the truth.

He's avenging his father
who was k*lled on Eiffel's worksite.

Now we will try this trick with an audience member.

Now he's going to k*ll Gustave Eiffel.

Why would he do such a thing?

He holds him responsible for everything.

Mr Eiffel!

Give him a round of applause.

I hate it when you're right.

Drop your w*apon!

Hey, you! Get everybody out!

Block all the exits! Quick!

I forgot my hat on the table, could you--

Please give her a ride home.

What if I shot you now?

Could you catch the b*llet with your teeth?

We'll see if you can catch the blade
of the guillotine between your teeth.

I swear I had no idea what had
happened on that construction site.

My father and his friends made sure of it.

This noise...

Louise! Don't sh**t!

It's impossible...

Valere couldn't have...

I really thought you were dead.

A big illusion always hides a bigger one.


I can't stop myself. Go.


There never was another woman.

I was wrong.

Completely wrong.

Jussac... My father...

I'm the one who k*lled them.

How did I not see it?

You're the one who introduced me to Valere.

You're the one who told me about Jussac.

You helped me escape from the asylum.

It's you...

who made me k*ll my father.

The trick is coming to an end, Louise.

I hope you're not disappointed.

What about Valere?

Oh, I was always the brains

and he was the brawn.

You were a perfect assistant, Louise.

But then you disappointed me.

I was about to pull off the perfect crime

and you force me to get my hands dirty.

So it was all lies?

The dates, the proposal...

You never loved me at all?

I hated you, Louise. More than all the others.

When I saw you with your father

you can't imagine how hard it was not to k*ll you.

It was over 30 years ago!

I had forgot everything. Buried everything.

It's not my fault.

That's what evil people do.

They can forget such horrors and move on.

I've been living with this nightmare every day.

I'm sorry, Maxime!

On behalf of my father, I'm sorry.

But I remember, now.

Do you remember? You loved me, back then.

There must be something left of this love.

Remember when you kissed me--

Yes, I remember.

But you forgot the most important part...


Such depth in her gaze.

She's a friend.

Her stay in an insane asylum drove her insane.

Are you interested in lunatics?

No, I'm-- interested in you.

I'm the editor of the Gazette.

I'd like to write an article about you.

The title will be "The Toulouse-Lautrec of the madhouse."

I'm going to make you a star, sweetie. A star!

It's good to see you.

To see you free.

Yes. All three of us were found not guilty.

Henriette, Charlotte, and me.

But my psyche, as you say, isn't as forgiving.

The days are fine, but at night...

I have horrible nightmares.

You aren't to blame.

That would be like blaming the knife

or the hangman's rope.

I know.

I'm going to help you.

We could have weekly sessions. At my house.

We're going to cure you, Louise. I promise.

Have you seen your friend again?


Not since they released us.

With the hypnosis, the lies...
I don't know what to believe anymore.

And yet you placed her portrait in the best spot.

One of my Viennese colleagues would notice

that you placed it where nobody can miss it.

I didn't really think about it.

You know, I think...

I have really changed, with her.

Perhaps I could also cure you of this.

What if I don't want to be cured, doctor?

Well, then...

I think you should take a risk.

I need to go.

Thank you.

It's time to go, ma'am.

The boat won't wait for us.


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