02x10 - De Patre Vostro (About Your Father)

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Rome". Aired: 28 August 2005 – 25 March 2007.*
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Series primarily chronicles the lives and deeds of the rich, powerful, and historically significant, but it also focuses on the lives, fortunes, families, and acquaintances of two common men: Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo.
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02x10 - De Patre Vostro (About Your Father)

Post by bunniefuu »




He's gone.
Put him over.


Salve, Vorenus.

- How are you?
- Good enough.


Thank you.

I was far away.

All my life...

I've been fearful of defeat.

But now that it has come...

it's not near as terrible
as I'd expected.

The sun still shines.

Water still tastes good.

Glory is...

all well and good, but...

life is enough, ne?

Glorious news!

At Actium, in Greece...

the navy of our imperator
Octavian Caesar...

under the command
of Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa...

has won a decisive victory...

over Queen Cleopatra
and her sl*ve Mark Antony.

The Egyptian fleet
has been destroyed.

Even now, Octavian Caesar
advances on Alexandria...

where the witch and her creature
take refuge.

Apparently, Cleopatra took fright
and fled...

as soon as the battle started.

And that cowardly villain Antony...

jumped in a boat
and chased after her.

Left his men to die
for the sake of lust.

Antony's no coward.

As soon as they knew
they'd lost the battle...

they fled to save the gold...

that they'd stowed
on Cleopatra's ship.

They plan to fight on, no doubt.

They cannot do that without money.

Wasn't cowardice.

That's not what my husband says.

Your husband's a liar.

Dear me...

one might wonder
whose side you're on.

He wasn't like that as a child.
He was a good honest boy.

I don't know what happened.

I'm to blame, probably.

If you maintain Cleopatra

and her progeny on the throne...

his honor Mark Antony...

by his sacred oath

will withdraw from public life.

He will reside quietly in Egypt
as a private citizen...

and promises never to engage
in any way whatsoever...

- with politics...
- Tell him no.

He will put himself and his woman
in my hands without conditions.

Yes, sir.

There is a man close to Antony.

His name is Lucius Vorenus.

I want you to speak to him alone.

Tell him Titus Pullo is here
and will answer for his safety...

if he can find a way
to open the gates.

You can tell him that,
but it won't do any good.

Is there some word we could send him
that he knows comes only from you?

Pullo, if need be
I will burn down the palace...

with all inside.

Tell him that
his children are well...

and that I hope my child
is well also.

Private joke.

He'll understand.


His honor Gaius Octavian Caesar
states that his answer is no.

That's all?

He demands that
you surrender yourself...

and your people without conditions.


I am calm.

I am.

You go and tell...


frog-spawned homunculus...

- Calm.
- that I...

We must remain calm.


Find this man a drink or something.

Surrender, he says.

I'd sooner eat my own children
than surrender to him.

We could escape by night...

in disguise.

We could go south...


And hide under bushes like...

like hunted animals?


No, I cannot run.

I will be guided by you, naturally...

if you think there is some other path
available to us.


Death is available to us.

Is there not some military trick?

Some clever ruse
to turn things about?

You're so good at that sort of thing.

Piss and blood, woman.

I'm a soldier.

Not a f*cking magician.

Look around us.


hermaphrodites and lickspittles.

This is our army now.


is all we have left.

Titus Pullo says that
your children are well.

He hopes his child is well also.

He says it is a private joke
that you'll understand.

- So he's here?
- And close to Caesar.

He answers for your safety...

if you will forsake Antony
and find a way to open the gates.

You tell Titus Pullo
that his son is well...

but he has forgotten who I am.

Maybe you should think on it a while.

- What other way...
- You, emissary.

A challenge.

I challenge your master...

- to single combat.
- Sir?

Let him meet me face to face
with sword and shield...

just as our ancestors did.

Then we shall see
who is the better man.

- Antony.
- No.

This is the way.

How can he refuse?

His honor is at stake.

He must accept,
or he will be exposed as a coward.

Go tell him.
Tell everyone in his camp.

Mark Antony has called the dog out.



Fetch some weapons.

We shall practice.

- Vorenus.
- Highness.

Octavian's going to k*ll me,
is he not?

They're negotiating.
It'll be all right.

Do not lie to me.

There can only be one son of Caesar.

If anyone dies, it will be me.

Talk that way loud enough...

the gods'll hear you
and they'll make it so.

Come with me to the armory.

We'll get you a decent sword.

If it comes to a fight,
you can give as good as you get.

Single combat?

With sword and shield.

He's gone mad, has he?

I'd say more drunk
or drugged than mad, sir.

What of Cleopatra?
Is she in the same condition?

No, sir.


- And Lucius Vorenus?
- Remains loyal to Antony.

Thank you.

Stay close by.

A siege, then.

I'll inform the engineers.

Even a madman could hold that palace
for weeks.

- Months.
- Burn it down, then.

We need to keep
the Egyptian people quiet.

I suspect destroying the royal palace
with their queen inside...

might make them rather peevish.

What, then?

This is for your queen alone.

No other. Is that clear?



I amuse you?

No, sir.

- I assure you...
- I'm a f*cking clown...

am I?

Shall I...

Shall I do a little dance for you?

- Does that please you?
- Your highness...

Stand up.

Give him your sword and shield.

Let's see...

- if he can do any better.
- Antony.



Take them!

- Queen Majesty, please.
- Don't look to her.

I'm the master here.

Now take them.

You ready?

Really, sir, I must protest.


Young Hermes has returned.


What does the boy say?

When do we meet?


Octavian Caesar...


refuses your challenge...

and asks the same terms as before.

If those terms are not accepted...

fire and siege works
will begin tomorrow.

You tell him to shove his terms
up his arse.

Good lad.


f*cking coward.

He always was. f*cking coward.

What are you all looking at?

Enjoy yourselves, you scum!


Eat! Eat! Eat!

Drink! Music!

Come and have a drink with me.

Now do you see that?

Do you see that, you gyppo c**ts?

That is how a real Roman drinks.

"To her majesty,
Queen Cleopatra Philopator.

I fully understand
that you have been led...

into this predicament
through no fault of your own...

by the renegade Mark Antony.

If you will deliver him to me, either
alive or dead being no matter...

I promise to you on my oath...

that you and your people
will be unharmed...

and treated with all respect.

You shall retain your crown
and all continent rights."

He asks me...

to bring eternal dishonor
on my name.

And in return...

your empire...

your people...

- Majesty's life.
- My life...

for my honor.

Good enough.

- Better than death.
- That is a sl*ve's answer.

Majesty has felt Anubis
breathe on her before now.

She knows her sl*ve is right.
She wants to live.

There you are.

What are you doing here?

Come back to the party.

Maybe later.

What's the matter, poor baby?

Are you sad?

Of course I am sad.

Look at you.

Look at us.

Apollo and !sis, it's pathetic.

I'm sorry.

I do not mean that.


No, it's true.

These years together...

have been the happiest of my life.

We lived, didn't we?

We did.

Octavian will burn
the palace tomorrow.

We must decide how to end this...

and when.


Why not now?

No, dear, let's not go in darkness.

Tomorrow in the sunlight.


Shall we go back to our guests?


I'm tired. But you go.
I don't mind.

Just for a little while maybe.

He had that lovely singing voice.

Took a spear in the eye in Gergovia.

Yes. Gansa.

What of him?

I forgot.

f*ck him.

Do you believe there is an afterlife?

Of course.

There are people who say no.


And this is all there is.

- Who says that?
- Learned men.

Greeks, probably.


Greeks talk a whole pile of nonsense.

f*ck 'em.

f*ck 'em.

Mark Antony.


What's happened?

"Dearest love...

forgive me for leaving you this way.

You know how I hate to say goodbye.

I will see you again
on the other side.

Please, come quickly."


Why didn't...

Why didn't she wait for me?

The queen must die alone.

It's the custom.

With her last breath,
she called your name.

Please, you go away now.

Here it is, then.

Anything to be rid
of this f*cking hangover.

This won't do.

Let's use a proper Roman sword.

It's a damn good sword.

It's a good place to die,
at any rate.

Could have been a ditch in Gaul.

Men that knew Alexander...

once stood here.

Good a place as any, I suppose.

Lucius Vorenus.

Iron to the end.

Don't you die here with me.

Get out while you can.

I'll do that.

It's been an honor...

serving with you, sir.

Has it?

I hope so.

Brace it there.

Any instructions or messages, sir?


Just tell the people I died well.

I died Roman.

My poor love.

Bring the children.

Lucius Vorenus wishes to speak?

- No.
- Then he shall stop looking at me.

I gave you an order.

I take no orders from you.

I let you live because
Antony was fond of you.

Do not test me now.

Kiss my arse!

You're lucky I don't
open your stomach.

I wonder that you had not done
the honorable thing...

and followed your captain.

I would.

But I have to get Caesarion
out of here.

- What do you mean?
- If he stays...

Octavian will k*ll him.

He's perfectly safe.
I've made a pact with Octavian.

I keep my crown
and no harm will come to my people.

Octavian may let you live...

so he can parade you
through the Forum in your crown.

To Antony's children...

he will show public mercy
and kindness.

But Caesarion, another son of Caesar?

- Octavian will k*ll him.
- No.

- He's just a child.
- He'll die.

And for what?

We both know he's not
the son of Caesar.

We know nothing of the sort.

I was there at his conception.

Doesn't matter what you say.

He is the son of Caesar.

Whoever he is.
He stays here, he dies.

You'd see that if your desire to live
hadn't blinded you.

And you, why would you save him?
What is he to you?

He's nothing.
But his father is my friend.

I'll take the boy to him.

The man...

- what's his name?
- Titus Pullo.


Is he a good man?

Define good.

Children, come.


By his own hand.

That is how nobility dies.

Put on your traveling clothes.

You're leaving with Lucius Vorenus
for your safety.

But my place is here... with you.

Traveling clothes. Now.

My condolence for your loss.

He died well.

If there's anything
we can do for you...

anything you need...

It's so kind of you to ask.

Your well-being is my chief concern.

Thank you.

I have been so scared.

- But I'm not anymore.
- No?

Antony painted you
as a cruel monster.

But it is not so.

I sense that you are
a good and honest man.

I'm not wrong, am I?


My children and I are perfectly safe.

You are.

Even Caesarion?

He's just a boy.

He's no threat to me.

I keep my crown.

I remain queen of Egypt.

You are Egypt.

How could I replace you?

I am content.

We shall be good friends.

We shall.

As a friend...

would you grant me one favor?

- Of course.
- Come with me to Rome.

Let the Roman people
see and rejoice...

that Egypt and Caesar are reconciled.

I would like that very much.

Perhaps next summer,
when our mourning for Antony is done.


Or perhaps sooner.

My ship is large and comfortable.

It's so good of you.

I shall have to consult my priests.

- A voyage so soon after a death...
- Please.

You would be doing me
an immense honor...

by coming with me as a guest.

I would be eternally grateful.

How can I refuse?

And the children, of course.

You must bring the children.


Caesarion is longing
to see Rome again.


- We sail tomorrow.
- So soon?

The winds are with us.

Would be a shame to delay.

Tomorrow, then.

Close the doors!

I'm sorry, my love.

I was hungry to live.

But you were right about that boy.

He's a monster.

He only wants me alive
to parade me in chains...

for a mob to spit on.

I lied to you for nothing.

Please don't be angry with me.

Bring the old woman.

She's a sharp little piece.

She'll look well
in nothing but chains.

We should have taken her
there and then.

Why abduct her
when she'll come of her own accord?

And what if she follows
Mark Antony instead?

She betrayed Antony
so that she might live.

Why would she lose heart now?

You can have that effect on people.

No, I was all sweetness
and light with her.

Charm itself.

That is your most...

disheartening manner.

The belladonna is not fast...

but it is least painful.


Yes, I know.

Which leaves one looking best?
I want no bloating or discoloration.

The snake, but...

Is it quick?

Forty breaths.

The snake, then.

It doesn't look like much.

The one that took Cousin Seth
was green.

- Do you remember?
- They vary.

This is the needful animal.

Where's the best spot?

Wrist or breast, no matter.

Thank you.

Make sure the children are safe
before you follow me.

Yes, Majesty.





It goes away toward the end.


have a rotten soul.

What did she say?

She said I had a rotten soul.

Find the children!

Caesarion has escaped.

With Lucius Vorenus.

The man turns loyalty into a vice.

Any notion where
they might have gone?

Big country, Egypt.

Even now, I would be happy
to forgive Vorenus...

if he surrendered himself
and the boy.

- He's made his choices.
- Yes.

It's a shame when it's just the boy
needs to die.

If only you could talk to him, Pullo.

I'm sure you could persuade him
of the right course to take.

Have to find him first.


I could look for him.

Why don't you do that?

When I recover my rightful place...

I shall be sure
that you are properly rewarded.

You may choose a province to govern
and any woman of the court.


That life is over.

It's best you forget about it.


My mother would set things aright.

I doubt it.

I wonder my father tolerated
such a pessimist around him.

There'll be no more talk
of that sort.

It's just a bird.

I've not been in the desert
at night before.

It does not please me.

We shall not do this again.

Get some sleep.

We've got a long ride tomorrow.

I will sleep when I like.

You will sleep when I tell you.

What's wrong?

How's it going?

Not so bad. You?


I never thought I'd see
that ugly bastard...

glaring down at me again, though.

I knew you'd remember.

- This is him, then?
- This is him.

Who is this man?

Name's Titus Pullo.

I do not like your manner.

Handsome, isn't he?

What news of my mother?

She's dead. k*lled herself.

Best way to go. Honorable.

Do not touch me!

Thought he'd be bigger.

There are ten legions out
looking for him.

Patrols on all the roads
West to Africa.

All the Upper Nile ports.

The only way to go is south.

So we can cut back across the desert
towards the river at the cataracts.

I'll go with you as far as Judea,
you can get a ship from there.

You can buy a ship if you want.
His mother gave me a heavy purse.

You'll not come with us?


I'll head out East maybe.
They always need soldiers out there.

Probably won't even make it
out of Egypt.

How are the children?

Well enough.

Vorena the elder
is at the temple of Orbona with Lyde.

Lucius got apprenticed to
a stonemason.

Now that's a decent trade.

He's on fire to be a soldier.

You're not encouraging him, are you?

No, course not.

Vorena the younger, now...

she's a little tiger.

Still doesn't speak much,
mind, but...

practically runs the tavern.

Anyone misbehaves...

she gives 'em a look
like Medusa on the rag.

And Gaia?

- That didn't end so well.
- No?

Long story.

When did you return?
We had no news of your arrival.

We docked this morning at Ostia.
I came directly here.


Antony is dead.

By his own hand.

I see.

Thank you for telling me.

My congratulations.
You're as good as king now.

Not king.

Merely first citizen.

Would you care for
some refreshments and water?

Thank you, no.

I'm glad you're not upset.

A display of grief now
would have been impolitic.

Of course.

I've no intention of grieving.

So, who are the children?

They're Antony's children,
Helios and Selene.


Poor things.

Perhaps you will look after them
for me.

They seem amiable enough,
as far as I can tell.

It would be
the charitable thing to do.

Kindly Uncle Octavian shows mercy.

People will love it.


No end to your cleverness.

You m*rder*d the other one, did you?


Not yet.

Soon, I hope.

He only offers to parley and says...

the whole thing was your fault
in the first place...

and that me and him
should make peace.

- What did you reply?
- I head-butted the cunny...

- and bit his tongue out.
- Took that as a no, then, did he?

- You bit out his tongue?
- I did.

- Tasted like chicken.
- That is disgusting.


Fifteen gold says
I k*ll more than you.

Best keep clear, boy,
it's gonna get wet.

Wait, we can talk our way past.


As soon as his majesty
opens his mouth, we're cooked.

- Let's just go at 'em.
- No. That's an order.

Grumpy and cautious as ever.

Like an old sheepdog, you.

Salve, Captain.

- Romans, are you?
- We are.

Don't see many citizens out here.
What's your business?

Hunting sphinxes.

No such thing as sphinxes.

- Now you tell us.
- We're grain merchants.

We're on the road to Memphis.
We've just lost our way.

- Grain merchants.
- Yeah.

Lost your way.

What's your name, boy?


- A bit haughty for a sl*ve.
- He is.

I beat him regular,
but it doesn't do any good.

On your way, then.

I told you.

Get down!

Get under!

Is he all right?

I've seen worse.

He'll be fine.

No, I'm done.

Gerrae, you big girl.

It's just a few scratches.

We just need to lay up
somewhere for a rest.

A couple of days,
you'll be back on your feet.

Take me home.


Home's a long way.

It's best we just...

I don't want to die
in this f*cking sh*thole.

I want to see my children.

Take me home.

All right, brother.

All right.

We'll do that.

Helios, stop chasing Antonia.

So, have you chosen a dress?

I think you should wear
that blue thing.

I'm not going.

It's not a matter of choice.

I don't feel well.

No wonder.

You could choke Vulcan in here.

Today is your triumph as much as his.

Mother to the first citizen.
You should be happy.


All my life, I've watched you
strive for this moment.

Look at you.

It's amusing, isn't it?

I don't know what I shall do
if you give up.

Today we celebrate
the glory of our beloved imperator...

Gaius Octavian Caesar!

And the glorious rebirth
of our Republic!

At the third hour,
all trading will cease!

The Sacred Way must be
cleared of traffic!

Servile violators will be whipped!

Will there be captives tortured?


Are you sure you won't come?

- I've seen a triumph, I don't...
- You three...

upstairs, tend to the cart.


You're back!

This is Aeneas. A friend.

- Blessings.
- He's from Egypt.

Children, I've brought
your father home.

Why did you bring him here?

He wants to see you.

He's been wounded.

He's going to die, likely.

He should've died weeks ago,
but he wanted to get home.

Won't last long now.

Thank you, Doctor Pullo.

You're awake, then?

Make up your mind.



Where are the children?
Where are the children?

Lie still. Lie still.

They don't want to see me.

I understand.

That's all right.

They're stubborn.

Stubborn like their mother.




What's that?

Octavian Caesar.

He's making his official return

Big parade.

That's funny. I thought I was dying.


Ladies, we shall be taking our places
very shortly.

I hope you're all ready.

I'm sorry Mother Atia
could not be here.

I'm afraid my husband
will take it as an insult.

It isn't meant as such.

I know. I know how fragile she is.

But dear Octavian is so touchy
about these public events.

Everything must be just so.

He has such faith in your judgment.

I'm sure he'll forgive her
if you speak kindly of her.

I will, I will.

It is time.
In order of precedence, please.

Hello, ladies.


Yes, here I am.

Let's just get this charade
over with, shall we?

Excuse me?


I don't mind, really...

but it is I should go first.

You will find
if you consult the priests...

the wife takes precedence.

I don't give a f*ck
what the priests say.

I'll not let a vicious little trollop
like you walk ahead of me.

I go first.

I take no offence, of course.

You are not yourself.

I know who you are.

I can see you.

You're swearing now
that someday...

you'll destroy me.


far better women than you
have sworn to do the same.

Go and look for them now.





We'd given you up for dead.

One of these days maybe.

But not yet.

I'm very glad to see you alive.

Old friends are a rare commodity.

It's been a long road
we have traveled together.

It has.

I sent you to find Caesarion.

- What happened?
- I found him.

- He's dead.
- You're certain?

k*lled him myself.


- Cut his throat.
- Where was this?

In the desert, some forty-odd miles
south of Alex.

I brought his head to show you,
but it went bad.

Didn't look like anyone.
So I tossed it.

And Lucius Vorenus?

Didn't make it.

That's a shame.

It is.

He was a good man.

I suppose you'll be wanting
your reward, then.

I hadn't thought of that.
Wouldn't say no.


He bought it.

Brother Osiris,
let me live to spit in his face...

and remind him of this day.

Didn't I tell you there'd be
no more of that blather?


It is my sacred duty.

By my blood, I'll not rest
until I have avenged my mother...

and redeemed my father's name.


about your father...
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