21x40 - Episode 40

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Big Brother". Aired: July 5, 2000 – present.*
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A group of contestants known as "HouseGuests" live together in a specially constructed house that is isolated from the outside world for a cash prize of $500,000 (or $750,000 in the 23rd season onwards).
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21x40 - Episode 40

Post by bunniefuu »

Julie: days ago, "camp

B.b." Opened its doors to hopeful houseguests.

Tonight, after competitions, evictions, and constantly

Changing alliances, it's time to crown the winner of the

Half-million-dollar grand prize.

Welcome to the live, season finale of "big brother."

[ Cheers and applause ] announcer: previously on

"Big brother": with only the showmance and nicole left in the



Announcer: ...the stage was set for the final three-part

Head of household competition.

And michie conquered part one.

I will not let myself celebrate.

It's a little premature, and I have another job to do.

Announcer: now, after a summer of epic competitions...

Hold on!

Hold on!

Hold on!

Oh, man, I hate this already.



Oh, my god.

Announcer: ...intense emotions ...

All the times for being special--

Announcer: ...and crazy confrontations helps.

I didn't say any of that!

I didn't say any of that!

What is happening.

You [ bleep ] know what's happening.

Nick, that's a lie.

Oh, my [ bleep ] god!

No, it's not, bro!

Announcer: ...it all comes down to this: who will become

The final head of household?

And who will ultimately be crowned the win of b.b. , And

Walk away with the half-million-dollar prize?

Find out tonight live on the -minute season finale of "big


It smells like vegetable bouillon.

[ Cheers and applause ] julie: good evening,

I'm julie chen moonves.

Welcome to the live season finale of "big brother."

It's been a summer of powerful duos, and holly and michie have

Managed to make it to finale night as the last couple


But in their way is nicole, who may have lost cliff, but she

Hasn't lost her desire to win it all.

So, who will avoid eviction, win over the jury, and walk out of

The house as the winner?

We'll find out live, tonight.

But first, led by "big brother" legend, dr. Will kirby, the jury

Recently gathered-- first, to welcome their newest member,

Then to debate the merits of the final three.

My name is dr. Will and on season two I took home the grand

Prize so I know what it takes to win "big brother."

Tonight we're going to debate why each of them deserves to win

"Big brother."

Who do you think will be joining us tonight as the next member of

The jury?

I think cliff will be comings next.

He survived the block five times.

His time has to be running out.

I don't think so.

I think it might be michie.

Jack, any chance hole will be joining us tonight?

It's a long shot, doc.

Unfortunately, I think cliff's road has come to an end.

I would like to say it's michie but I'm not feeling

Anyone's energy yet.

Guys, it's time to find out who juror number eight is.

Oh, my god.

[ Cheers and applause ] no!

I'm so sorry.

You played a great game!

Oh, my god!

Cliff, why are you here?

Holly actually followed through on a promise to throw

The h.o.h., And nicole won.


Jackson won the veto.

He had promised that he would take me to the final three, but

Here I am.

You thought he was going to keep you over holly?

Yeah, I'm the idiot, aren't i?

Come on, cliff!

You know this game.

He always talked to me about the value of a handshake and I

Fell for it.

I thought you were going to win the whole thing.

Well, I did, too.

[ Laughter ].

Now that we know who the final three are, what are the

Most important factors in determining a winner?

And we're going to start with nick?

I think it's all, you know, physical competitions.

Right now, what jackson has done is amazing.

That's nine win.

I don't think comp wins matter as far as the big picture

Of winning "big brother."

I think it's a lot to do with social game.

But big dog's got nine wins.

So for this season, yeah, comp wins are going to be a big

Deciding factor.

Personally, I don't think it's about comp.

I would like to vote the person with a more loyal game, a more

Honest game.

I can vouch for him that he is loyal.

Sis, what's going on?

I'm so confused, why are you saying he's loyal?

The last week I was there I realized the one person I was

Targeting, who was him, was the only one who was loyal to me

That week, him and holly.

He literally has never been loyal to you except for one


It's the game of "big brother," you can't be loyal to

Every single person.

He screwed up my game since name one.

How is that buying loyal?

Maybe I'm being an idiot, but I saw a lot of facets to his


Cliff, was michie loyal?

≫> I don't think so.

Cliff, it was impressive that michie convinced you guys to

Keep a showmance?

I think it was damn impressive.

He fooled me.

I thought he was different in terms of keeping his word.

Just like concocting that line about tommy.

Oh, yeah.

Was that his best game move?

I think it was his best game move.

I think the game would be completely different for myself

And tome if he hadn't been able to convince both myself and


Every did lie in the game.

Everybody has to do what's best for their game.

And I can't fault him.

Lies happen.

I get it.

I just don't necessarily want him to keep saying that he is

Honorable and having integrity.

Just come right out and say, "I played a game that got me to

Where I needed to go."

Right, respect.

He really was a jekyll and hyde at times.

I saw a guy whob friendly, but at other times condescending and


Michie uses his strength to think he is better than


This is michiea world, and we are all just living with it.

I have heard him speak aggressively and inappropriately

To christie and kat.

I told human, I don't want him to win this money, but this is a


I have battle inside me.

Do I go with my morals, or do I go with the love of the game

That I have?

Like, you have to separate game from personal.

Julie: so, that's what the jury thinks of michie's game.

But what are their thoughts on how nicole and holly played?

We'll find out, next.

Stay with us.

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ Cheers and applause ] julie: welcome back to the

Season finale of "big brother."

Holly was part of a powerful duo.

Nicole was a non-threatening outsider.

So what does the jury think of these two women who outlasted

Them all?

Tommy what, impressed you most about nicole?

Her humility.

You know, we talk a lot about jackson's character, and in

Terms of who these people are, I would love to give my vote to


I think nicole's playing, honestly, the best social game

Of them all, and I think it's completely under-rated.

She would drop, like, little seeds of doubt in people.

She would drop a seed and create other enemies for people so that

She didn't become an enemy herself.

It's brilliant.

Nicole not only played the strategy game but in the end,

She won some competitions that we as an alliance needed to win.

I would have been out of this house a lot earlier if it wasn't

For nicole.

Sis what, do you think?

Well, I'm not giving her as much credit because I'm honestly

Confused with her game play because I really don't know if

It is strategy or it's just luck.

Like I need her to explain it to me so I can understand.

I think that I respect her game, but she also slow played

Her game.

I don't think she played the entire game, based off of my


Yeah, she played-- we three can vouch she was playing the

Whole time.

Yeah, she was playing the game.

Like, you have to understand that laying low was what nobody

Else here was doing.

Something that you'd have to hold against nicole if it was a

Strategy to float through this game, I'm not the type of game

Player to throat through a game.

She wasn't flowing.

She was part of an alliance.

You all just didn't include her in grtful or six sh**t.

Holly and michie are in alliance.

When is the brawn and which is the brains?

I think michie is both.

And I think that's the problem with holly.

Personally, I don't think holly should win the game.

I just honestly don't think she's done anything spectacular.

I want to know was her plan to stand behind the biggest


Or did she just fall for the guy and get lucky?

Because I don't really respect that.

We can all agree that michie is very aggressive, he's very


There are a lot of instances that holly was the one that kept

Him from acting on those things.

Michie probably would not have gotten this far if it were not

For holly because she was holding him back.

She can do a good job at taming the beast and maybe that

Was a plus for her.

Don't you want to vote based on game play.

What kind of game play is that?

She won h.o.h.

How many comps did we all win?

She showed up when she needed to.

She won when she needed to.

He couldn't play in an h.o.h.

The week after he won, so then she would win it.

That's amazing!

Holly went after the bigger targets.


Michie went after kind of the bottom feeders.

She also, I think, developed a lot of relationships with a

Lot of people.

That's a good point.

I didn't focus on social interactions outside of my


How did that work out?

I'm getting to, that doc.

Give me a second, buddy, all right?

But to be able to maintain great relationships with the other

Houseguests, even though she was clearly in the six and still was

Never put up as a threat.

Days she was never on the block.

That's impressive.



Guys, this has been a lot of fun, but there's still game left

To be played because there's still an h.o.h. And an eviction

Before we determine the final two.

You're also going to have the opportunity to question the

Final two, so want questions, along with our discussion here

Tonight, are ultimately going to determine the winner of "big

Brother" .

So I suggest you make those questions count.

Julie: up next, nicole and holly face off in part two of

The final head of household competition.

For nicole, it's a must-win if she hopes to break up the


Stay with us.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Julie: welcome back to the season finale of "big brother."

Michie one part one of the h.o.h.

So who will he face off against?

It's time to find out.

Oh, god, I'm already nervous.

I need to go balls to the wall.

Let's do it.

Let's get it over with so we can announce the winner, done.

Welcome to part two of the final head of household competition.

To get to part three you'll need to jog your memory about the

Summer and be the first to match the correct day number to each

Memory on your giant brain.

Here's how it works: on the air horn, your clark starts and you

Begin looking at all the memories of the summer.

When you know the name a memory was made, you retrieve the

Corresponding day number, climb up the brain and place it on the


When you think you have all memories placed correctly, hit

Your button to lock in your answer.

If you're correct, you'll hear a ding, and the clock will stop.

If you're incorrect, you'll hear a buzzer and your clock will


Are you ready to play "foggy memory?"


[ Horn ] when I see the memory of jack

Signing up for his whackativity, I know right away that is day


I had been studying the days all summer.

So I see the memory of casey, and I know right away that is

From the food fight power of veto that happened on day nine.

Let's go!

I remember otev was day .


I won that.

"B.b. Comics" day .


And then ovi's eviction was , and froggy style was .

Day .

It's a memory comp.

That's my thing.

I'm not an athletic gal.

I'm a brainy gal.

Oh, al the alien.

It didn't happen on an eviction day.

It didn't happen on a competition day.

It's somewhere in the middle.

But what day is it?

[ Laughter ] the last memory that I have to

Put a day number on is the day we got pranked with the clowns.

I think it happened on day , so I'm going to lock in my


[ Buzzer ] oh, my gosh!

Which one is the one I mixed up?

Was it that monday?

I'm not sure about al the alien.

So I'm going to go change that one.

[ Buzzer ] no, no, no!

It was the nighttime, nicole!

Oh, my gosh!

The only one I'm questioning are the clowns and the alien.

So I need to switch these answers super quick.

[ Bell rings ] please be good enough.

[ Horn blows ] I want to build up my resume

As much as possible before I hopefully stand up in front of

The jury and plead my case.

So part two, I'm coming for you.

Even though I've kind of worried about memory comps, I know a lot

Of these days right off the bat.

I escaped the coop, I know it was day .

Kaitlyn herman, I know that was day .

Luxury comp, day .

This competition is exhausting.

I hate to admit this, but I have never once gone rock climbing,


Even though I'm from a huge climbing community.

And I'm really regretting it right about now.

Or ?

I don't know.

[ Laughter ] [ buzzer ]

Or ?

Let's try another day during prank week.

[ Buzzer ] oh, my god!

What am I getting wrong?


For clowns.

Okay, .

I don't think-- [ bell rings ]

Oh, my god!

All right, let's see how you all did.

Holly, you finished with a time of... Minutes and seconds.

Nicole, let's see if you can beat holly's time of minutes

And seconds.

Minutes and seconds.

Congratulations, holly.

You have won part two of the three-part h.o.h. Competition.

Holly brings home a "w."

She did it.

She had a job to do and she got it done.

That was so hard.

[ Crying ] oh!

No, no, no!

I should have beat her.

I could have beat her.

I would have loved to pulled out an underdog win for every single

Underdog in this world.


I'm so frustrated.

If and when you're at the end, make sure you advocate for


Like, I'm here for that, too.

Today has been a rough day, but I got to this point because

Of my social game.

I just need to somehow attempt to navigate this final three.

Because I was meant to get all the way to the end.

I can sincerely argue that against each other, it could be

He won so many things.

"She rode his coattails.

She was behind him."

Ask that's exactly what I'm afraid of.

Whereas, next to me, I think it would be, "wow!

She really pulled out all the stops towards the end and won

All these comps."

Obviously, I'm not in part three.

Let's say you're to win it and you chose me, showed everybody,

This is holly's game.

Here I am, not michie and holly.

Here's hole.

And I think a lot of them would be like, damn!"

And that's just my-- my opinion of it.

It's just such a big moral dilemma.

Oh, my gosh!

I am overwhelmed because I worry about walking away with second

Place if I'm next to michie.

I know that taking nicole would likely give me a better shot of


But I can do that?


Julie: so holly or michie?

It's time for the showmance to go head to head.

The winner will have to immediately decide who they want

To evict, and by doing so, who they'll face off against for a

Half million dollars.

Let's head to the backyard and get things started.


Hey, julie!

Yes, ma'am.

Julie: for the last time this accept the power is up for


Holly and michie, you two have been together for most of the

Summer, but now it's time to battle one another.

Nicole, your fate lies in the hands of whoever wins this


It's time for the "showmance face-off."

This competition is called "the jury is out," and to win, you'll

Have to prove just how well you remember the houseguests who now

Sit on the jury.

You're about to watch a series of videos.

Each video features a jury member.

In each video, the juror will make three statements

Reminiscing about summer at "camp b.b."

Your job is to identify which statement is false.

Your answer will be a, b, or c.

For each correct answer, you will receive one point.

The houseguest with the most points after all eight videos

Are played, will become the final head of household.

Holly and michie, do you both understand?

Yes, ma'am.

Yes, ma'am.

Julie: all right, then let's begin.

Here's your first video: dear brett I waited for you

To host the veto competition, but I guess you were busy.

I used the power of veto once, but it was never used on me.

I know if you were there you would have used it against me.

I survived the block by a vote of -.

The last competition I played in was "time me a river."

Call me, xoxo, kat.

Julie: which statement is false, a, b, or c?

Answers, please.

Lock in your answers.

Answers are locked.

The false statement is c.

The last competition kat played was "otev: the paranoid pigeon."

You both got it right.

You both receive one point.


As we move on to video number two.

This summer was one to remember.

I met so many new friends at camp b.b.

I survived an eviction -, and when I did go at least I was not

Evicted unanimously.

I thought I would be a comp beast, but I won exactly one

Competition this summer.

Camp b.b. Has been a blarveght yours, truly, jack.

Julie: which statement is false, a, b, owe c?

Answers, please.

Answers are locked.

False statement is c.

Jack won two competitions this summer.

Again, you both got it right.

You both get another point.

Thank you for resetting.

Here is video number three.

Howdie, guys.

How y'all doing?

You know, I've had a lot of memormemories this summer.

It makes me think of that memory wall.

If I recall, analyse's teeth are showing in her memory wall


And the person directly below me on the memory wall is wearing a

Necklace, and I don't know if you picked up on it, but in my

Memory wall photo, I am wearing glass.

Guys, I gotta go.

Y'all take care.



Julie: which statement is false, a, b, or c?

I see answers are locked.

Are we locking in those answers.


Julie: all right, the false statement is a.

Analyse's teeth are not showing.

Again, you both got it right.

You both get a point.

Thank you for resetting.

Here is video number four.

Hey, guys!

Oh, my goodness!

I am have had the time of my life at camp about.

B. This summer.

But is it started off rough.

I didn't win a competition until day .

But I won the same number of h.o.h. Competitions as I won

Veto competitions.

In fact, I won the same number of veto competitions as sam.

I gotta get back to singing and dancing.

Love you all, tommy.

Julie: which statement is false, a, b, or c?

I see both answered.

I'm going to say lock if your answers now, if you want to

Change it.

All right.

Answers are now locked.

The false statement is b.

Tommy won more veto competitions than h.o.h. Comps.

You both got it right.

You both get a point.


We have a tie score of four points each.

As we move on to video number five.

Hey, guys.

I'm having the best summer camp ever and the best part-- I got

To wear a chicken suit.

I played in one of the first three veto competitions of the


However, of all the jury members, I played in the fewest

Number of veto competitions.

And speaking of veto comps, I did not get zinged by zingbot.

All right, it's time to make my eggs-it.

Xoxo l.

Julie: which statement is false, a, b, or c?

Lock-- wait, wait, wait, sorry,


Julie: another lock in your answers.

Answers are now locked.

The false statement is a.

Analyse did not play in any of the first three veto


Michie, you got it right.

Holly, you did not.

Michie, you get a point.


Michie takes the lead with five points.

Holly has four.

Here is video number five-- wait, she said I did not get

A zingbot.

Oh, my gosh!

I read that backwards.

≫> julie: video number six.

Hi, universe, it's me.

Wow, what a crazy summer I've had at camp b.b.

I nominated both cliff and kat for eviction.

But, then again, I was on the block on eviction night more

Times than any other houseguest.

And can you believe that I didn't win a single veto

Competition in th summer?

Sending my energetic peace and love to the universe.


Julie: which statement is false, a, b, or c?

Answers, please.

Lock in your answers.

Answers are now locked.

The false statement is b.

Cliff was on the block more times than christie.

You both got it right.

You both get another point.

Thank you for resetting.

Here's video number seven: yo, this summer has been


All I know is I was head of household before was head of


In fact, I was the third head of household on the summer.

But, whatever, it is what it is.

I played in less than five veto competitions.

But, honestly, this whole summer was a come-up, and I would do it

Again in a heartbeat.

Yours truly, nick.

Julie: which statement is false, a, b, or c?

I see you both answered.

Lock in your answers.

Answers are locked.

The false statement is c.

Nick played in more than five veto competitions.

You both got it right.

You both get another point.


Michie has seven, holly has six.

As we play your last video.

Hola, everyone!

This summer was insane!

I was the first houseguest to have the power of veto used on

Them, which was cool.

I was also the first houseguest to win the power of veto during

Their h.o.h. Reign.

But you know what was interesting?

The houseguest evicted immediately before and after me

Were both evicted unanimously.

Xoxo, jess.

Julie: which statement is false, a, b, or c?

You both answered.

Lock in your answers.

Answers are considered locked.

The false statement is a.

Actually, cliff was the first houseguest to have the power of

Veto used on them.

And we have a winner.

Congratulations to you, michie.

You are the final head of household.

Michie, it's now up to you to decide whom you would thriek


And in doing so, whom you want to compete against for a half

Million dollars.

Michie, I'll be back for your decision shortly.

Julie: so, michie is the final head of household.

He has vowed to take his girlfriend, holly, to the final


Will he deliver?

Stay with us.

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ Cheers and applause ] julie: welcome back to the

Season finale of "big brother."

Just minutes ago michie became the final head of household.

Now, he must choose to evict either holly or nicole,

Automatically ensuring the remaining houseguest a spot next

To him in the final two.

Let's head to the living room for his decision.

Hello again, houseguests.

Hi, julie.

Julie: holly and nicole, in just a few moments, michie will

Cast the final eviction vote of the summer.

But before he does, you each have one last chance to plead

Your case.

Holly, you're first.

All right.

Jackson, it has been an honor to play this game alongside you.

I have loved being your teammate, your ride or die.

And playing with you has just been a more incredible

Experience than I could have ever imagined.

I done goofed on sis' question.

I know she didn't play in food fight, and I was thinking that

She wasn't-- I read zingbot wrong.

So you earned the right to pick, if you want to, go out there,

And duke it out with me.

I love would to duke it out with you.

We have been playing together this whole time.

But why not turn the tables a little bit?

Either way.

Julie: thank you, holly.

Nicole, you have the floor.

Michie, I told you once, I'll tell you times, you're good.

I respect your game so, so much.

Whatever you choose to do I expect it.

I never expect anything.

But you are a man who loves things going full circle.

Come ofull circle!

I absolutely love you and respect you.

You're my brother for life.

And hopefully not a stick in the water.

Thank you.

Julie: thank you, nicole.

Thank you, everyone.

Michie, you are now guaranteed at least second place and the

$, Prize that goes with it.

But you have a big decision to make by deciding right new whom

To evict, are you also deciding who will sit next to you when

The jury casts the vote for the winner.

Make no mistake this is a half-million-dollar decision.

I know.

Julie: are you ready to make it?

I think so.

Julie: then please stand, go to the head of the living

Room, and cast the last eviction voaft summer.

Uhm, I love you both.

And I can honestly say that y'all are two of the best things

To happen to me in this game inside these walls and outside

Of it.

This is tough.

And if there is any way I would want to spend my last week, it's

With the two best women in this house.

I love you both.

And I'm sorry, but, nicole, I vote to evict you.

Julie: it's official.

Nicole, you are the last person to be evicted from the "big

Brother" house.


It's okay.

It's a game!

It's a game!

I told you don't-- guys you better... Over.


That's my girl!


All right, g*ng.

You make me so proud, lady.

Wait, wait.

[ Cheers and applause ] julie: some entrance.

[ Applause ] oh, my gosh.

Nicole, I love you.


Oh, my god.

My mom is out there.

I saw my padre.

I saw my dad!

Julie: when you lost part two to holly in the final

H.o.h., You knew chances were slim.

Very slim.

Julie: ...that you were going to be surviving in the


What are your thoughts right now?

I'm not shocked.

Like I said, I'm not expecting anything, but it's in my nature

To always be hopeful and always have faith, and if it was meant

To happen it would, and, obviously, it did.

It's a game.

I don't get hurt.

I just really, really wanted it.

But it's okay.

Julie: what are you taking away from this whole experience?

Oh, my gosh.

I'm nervous.

I apologize.

I have learned so much about myself.

This hasn't been a game for me.

This has been an-- julie: you just saw your


Your mom is here.

Your sister is here.

This has been such a transformative experience.

I have learned so much about myself and who I am, and I've

Learned that I've preached so much more than I practiced about

Being unique and being authent and I can loving yourself and

Accepting yourself.

And I said that coming into this house that I was a butterfly.

But I wasn't, I was such a caterpillar.

I spread my wings and I love myself.

And learned to love myself.

Julie: you're definitely a butterrify now, definitely!

It's not over, you're the last juror.


Julie: and you're going to be out here before you know it

To cast your vote for who you think should win.

So stay right there, nicole.


Julie: thank you.

Up next, the final two are revealed to the jury, let the

Interrogation begin.

Plus, you've been voting for america's favorite houseguest!

The winner of that $, prize will be revealed at the end of

The show.

Stay with us.

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ Cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ]

Julie: welcome back to the season finale of "big brother."

The fate of the finalists now rests in the hands of the jury.

Please welcome: jack.







And jessica.

[ Cheers and applause ] welcome back.

Welcome back.

As you can see, there are only eight of you out here right now

And woon empty seat.

That's because juror number nine was just evicted, and I think we

Should bring that person out.

Shall we?

Juror number nine.

Come on out.

Julie: okay, just to bring everyone up to spheed.

Michie won the final-- wow!

Julie: ...head of household competition.

Obviously are he chose to evict nicole and take holly with him

To the final two.

Now, just in moments, each of you will walk up to the voting

Box and vote for who you think should win "big brother."

But before you do that, I know you have some questions for the


You've been asked as a group to come up with three questions


Have you agreed on these questions?

We have.



Julie: all right, then let's let it roll.

Let me bring in mickey and holly.

Hello, there.

Hi, guys!

Julie: I am here with the jury of nine, and they've got

Some questions.

For each of you before they vote.

And, cliff, you are first.

Take it away, cliff.

Hey, guys.

Michie, after receiving a very critical goodbye message along

With animosity toward you from other jurors, I question the

Effectiveness of your jury management.

How important was jury management in your game play.

Jury management was very important.

Unfortunately o'day , my alliance was blown up and I was

Forced in a position on my own and I was having to compete for

My life.

Everything I did were sh*ts that were, unfortunately, directed at


I upset a lot of individuals, and I'm aware of that.

But everything that I did was game related and it was based

Off of the decision they say felt like I had to made.

I was honest when I didn't want to be.

I was loyal when I didn't have to be, and only lied when I

Needed to.

Everything I did was to get me and the one person that has

Always had my bark her, into these two chairs.

And it was never personal.

It was always game.

And everything was well thought out and strategic.

Julie: thank you, michie.


Hi, guys!

Holly, what was your strategy coming into the game, and how do

You feel it evolved over time?

So I came with plan a-z, knowing I wouldn't know which

Plan to take until I walked through this door.

The one thing that was constant siknew the best bet for me was

To fly under the radar.

So I had downplayed a lot of my strengths.

I definitely did not show my cards in mental comps, in


I took a note out of nick's book, and I said less.

I didn't really-- I didn't really tend to talk about my

Academic or my professional achievements.

I was very, very low key.

I listened, rather than spoke.

I gained information like a sponge.

And I was able to fly under the radar.

I won when I needed to.

But I didn't really show my cards.

And I adapted to situations as they were thrown at me.

I exhausted mostly plan a-z, by the end of this thing.

I pulled out the tricks when I needed to --

We have more questions.

Thru go.

Julie: tommy, tommy, you're up.

This question is for michie.

Michie, some of the women on the jury feel that you were

Degrading and condescending to them at times.

We agree that you played a great game, but we are not sure we

Should reward that type of behavior.

We want to give you this opportunity to prove otherwise

I'm a very intense person, and anything in life worth doing

Is worth overdoing and I give % in everything I do.

I'm very passionate and my actions and decisions have shown

That in this game.

I never at any point disrespect aid woman's character, physical

Appearance, or in any way moralize her as a person.

I do get amplified.

I do care about everything I do and I'm very intense, and I

Never made anything perjury with anyone malor female.

I respect women more than anything.

I love my mom to death and she raised me right.

And at no point have I wanted to come across as degrading.

I know myself and I know I get worked up, and I'm work on it.

But at no point in any argument ever did I let things be

Personal or make joof jokes or make slanderous remarks towards

Any woman, ever.

Julie: thank you, analyse.

Hole, you preachedded to some members of the judge are that

You were here to play your own game.

A lot of us feel you played michie's game.

We need specifics how you played your game.

Mickey and I ironically never had a final two and we played

Drastically different games.

We had different targets.

He had a plan to kind of take out more middle-ground targets.

He actually took out you in an attempt to disarm me and

Christie and tommy.

I went for big targets, big fish, they thought had really

Big potential it win this game.

I went after nick, knowing that that was not the best move for


I went after sam.

I saw similarities in both nick and sam they saw in myself, and

They scared me.

Also, I know that people could argue that I was riding michie's


I would argue that I was more behind him like dragging on to

His coattails with my heels dug in so he didn't jump off a


I kind of wanted to manage him at times.

So that he didn't, you know, get himself into trouble.

Because I did need him as a teammate and as a tool in ways.

And so, yeah, i-- we worked together a lot, but I played a

Very, very different game than he did.

Julie: thank you.

All right, jessica.

You have the second-to-last question.

And I need to ask mickey and holly to be succinct.

Take it away, jess.

Michie, why do you think you deserve to win over holly?

My strategy coming in here was something my dad's always

Said-- there's always a bigger fish.

Meaning there's always someone bigger and always someone


And I utilizeed that in this game.

The decisions I made were to leave targets in this house.

I knew I had a target on my back but I did not want to lipinate

The targets.

My goal was to eliminate those and disarmament people around

Them to eventually have the targets removed when they very

Needed to.

Everything that I've done has been strategic and well thought


A train without wheels is a derailed disaster waiting to


My strategy and logic laid the tracks for it.

That is what got me to this chair.

I did a lot of things behind the scenes and I deserve it, more

Than just competitions.

Julie: thank you, michie.






Why do you think you deserve to win over michie?

So, there are a lot of different ways to play this


I chose the hardest route, I think.

I walked in here knowing I wanted to play with integrity

And honesty.

Which, honesty in "big brother" is not even a word.

I wanted to be able to walk on the that door, look my family in

The eye and have them be proud of the way I played.

So I was a straight sh**t with all of you.

I like I said, I flew under the radar.

I don't think anyone was ever really target meeg.

I know that, obviously, mickey and hole as a duo, we were a


But did anyone ever really target me?

I think I managed my relationships with everyone

Really well, and genuinely and authentically.

I was able to rely on my social game, as well as my wit.

And I was very, very calculated and very, very careful with all

My moves, yet, I played with integrity.

Julie: hole.

That is all, julie.

[ Laughter ].

Julie: I need to-- thanks.

I need to save some time for both of you to present your

Closing arguments.

So stay right there.


Julie: when we come back, michie and holly plead their

Case to the jury.

Stay with us.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Julie: welcome back to the live season finale of "big


The jury is just moments away from casting their votes for the


But before they do, mickey and holly have some final words for

The jury.

Michie, holly, it's time to address the jury.

Michie, you're first.

All right.

Jury, y'all are about to vote on who should win "big brother."

Thus, who has played the best version of "big brother."

I came here to play "big brother," and I've done that.

I've thrown votes, I've been punished.

I've been a have-not.

Been on the block three times, taken myself off twice.

I won competitions four h.o.h.s, four vetoes.

I have been available between - and impossible to evict

Other than the double eviction.

I won america's field trip, guaranteed safety, and made it

To the final two chairs in a social and strategic game that

Carried me when my competition could not.

I served as camp director, and everything I've done I've done

In a very powerful showmance and kept us both alive.

Everything I have done has been game, and as a jury, each of you

Individually have said if you were voting if you were

Hypothetically a jury member you would vote based on game and not

Personal emotion.

I hope you stay true to that.

I love each and every one of you.

Everything I did was not personal and my goal was to get

Here with the one person I love most.

Julie: thank you, holly.

I have lived a life of being underestimated.

In real life, it's annoying.

In this fake life, I capitalized on it.

I came in here knowing I needed to fly under the radar.

I'm from the middle of nowhere, so I'm unintelligent, right?


Far from the case.

But, did I show my card in mental comps?

Nope, not until I absolute needed it, like beating nicole

In a memory comp.

I knew that my social game was strong enough that I could rely

On it.

I even was the very last person to ever see the block.

And I only did because nobody else was up-- nobody else could

Go up.

I'm also petite, soy must be weak, right?


I mean, I'm not athletic, I didn't play sports.

I'm half his size and seven years older.

But I won, arguably, the hardest physical comp of the season.

I have been right on his heels in other tough comps.

I have the country grit and the unwilling tons quit.

And I have proven that I can be a powerful, graceful female


I can play this game with integrity, with honesty, so it's

Whether you want the front-line soldier or whether you want the

Stealthy sn*per that takes big sh*ts that matter while

Maintaining the peace.

You guys, this is a half million dollars.

There's a lot of good I could do with this.

But it is a big decision.

I love you guys so much.

Julie: holly.

I am proud that I played the game with you, and I respect--

Julie: were both told in commercial break you have one


Okay, sorry.

Julie: so I need to, sorry, cut you off.

All right, jurors, it's time for each of you to vote for the

Person you think deserves half a million dollars.

One at a time you will step up to the voting box, and you will

Insert the key with the name of the person you think should win.

Jack, get us started.

And if you could put some hustle in your steps.

Yes, yes.

Julie: that would be appreciated!

For everyone!

All right.

Well, you two, it's safe to say after days, you all probably

Know each other.

[ Laughter ] here's my vote.

I wish you guys the very best.

Love you, jack.

Love you guys, both.

Julie: kat, come on down, kit-kat!

Well, well.

If it ain't the conspiring b*tches.

Yes, right on cue!

Julie: thank you, analyse.

Good luck, guys.

Thank you, sis.

Julie: thank you, analyse.

Julie: nick.

What's up, y'all.

You both deserve to win the game, but a goat can only make

One sound.

I just dont know what it does.

Julie: thank you, nick.


Hey, y'all.

You look beautiful.

A beautiful couple.

I love you both.

Love you.

Hard to choose just one, but know I love you both.

Julie: thank you, jessica.


You guys!

Christie lip.

Listen, my head and my heart are in a fight, but this is a

Game, and this vote was earned.

I love you both so much.

Love you, chris!

Julie: thank you, christie.



Congrats, guys.

I love you both so much.

Tommy, I love you.


Sorry, buddy.

Julie: thank you, tommy.


Respect to both of y'all, guys.

Y'all played a great game.

I'm voighting for the person I think played the best overall


Julie: thank you, cliff.

And finally, nicole.


All right, g*ng, living with you guys for a week has been

Very, very informative.

And because of that, my vote is accordingly.

Julie: thank you, nicole.

And with that, the voting is now complete.

Up next, early evicted david, ovi, kemi, bella, and sam join

Us live.

Then it's the moment of truth.

Michie or holly.

Who will be crowned the winner and walk out with the half

Million dollars?

Stay with us.

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ Cheers and applause ] julie: welcome back to the

Season finale of "big brother."

Please welcome back david.




And sam.

[ Cheers and applause ] welcome back.

Welcome back former houseguests.

Now the five of you all left the game early on and got to see

Everything from the comfort of your own home.

And I know you have a lot to say.

Before we count the votes, let's talk about the season.

Now, everyone who has lived in the "big brother" house knows

That you are watched /.

And sometimes things that happen in there

Become controversial.

Let's start with some of the controversy.

Let's start with the alliance of eight, known as grtful.

On night number , ovi, you watched as nicole was literally

Shut out of the h.o.h. Bedroom by grtful.

Some viewers watching saw that as an act of bullying.

How would you describe that moment ovi.

Yeah, I'm thankful that you asked me that, julie inspect in

Regard to that scenario that was hard and disheartening to go

Through that.

We all signed up for the game but made an agreement the

Actions we takeed in the house would be based on game but the

Relationships we made would be real.

The actions I took in that room in that h.o.h. Room that day

Were not about game but bullying.

We need to call it out when we see it.

We cannot be bystanders when we see mistreatment of others.

Especially when it was a friend of mine, I felt the need to

Stand up.

I hope when they watch that, they realize the actions they

Took did not agree with what he held as moral.

Julie: nicole, how did you feel?

I was very frustrated.

I was an advocate for being an upstander and not a bystander.

A lot of people in the room were bystanders and I wasn't allowed

In the room to advocate for myself and defend myself or shut

It down, you know.

They just locked me out, and continued to have their little


And I'm a very firm believer in forgiveness and moving forward,

And that's what I've done in this game and that's what I'll

Do in my life.

I haven't seen the footage but I plan to forgive and move forward

Because that's what my momma taught me.

Julie: thank you.

Kemi, let me turn to you.

What was it like for you watching from home what

Transpired in the house this summer?

Yeah, I mean, it was extremely disappointing.

Jack, jackson, christie and nick, I'm not exactly sure what

Your obsession is with me.

But I hope that when you get to watch footage back from the

Season, you understand why it was received the way that it


A the lot of things that were said to and about me and several

Of the other houseguests are completely inexcusable and


And I hope that you can leave this experience better people

Than you came in as.

Julie: let me give them a chance to respond.

Jack, I'm going to start with you.

Kemi, the comments that I made and that I was confronted

With when I first was evicted from the home were-- came from a

Place of ignorance.

And I'll never be able to apologize to you enough.

You are a beautiful person and you're a great person.

What happened in there was me reflection of any type of person

That I want to be.

And it's not fair to you.

I'll never-- once again, I'll reiterate it again.

I'll never be able to apologize to you enough but I hope some

Day maybe you forgive me.

Julie: christie?

I specifically don't know what was said, but I just want

You to know when I do go back and watch if there's anything I

Regret saying, which I'm sure in the heat of the moment and

Hormones, there were things they said.

I actually really respect you as a person, and you will get a

Personal phone call from me apologizing.

Anything they do remember saying was based on, like, an isolated

Issue that we could totally talk about.

But I have nothing but respect for you.

And in the heat of the game you become someone that you're not

Always proud of.

So I apologize to you.

Julie: jackson, michie.

I'm not sure what is in reference here.

But I do know that the only issues I ever had with kemi on a

Personal level was when something was said about jack

And I cooking that she sees the good old boy kind of thing we

Were told.

On a personal level, I had no issues with kemi.

I love you to death.

I always thought it was funny how you whispered and things

Like that.

I don't know what it is reference to, and when I watch

It back, it will be made clear.

But fiat any point offended you on a personal level, I'm very


I did everything I could to sort of adapt to an environment they

Felt I needed to in order to get to this point in the game.

And adapting is no excuse in any way, shape, or form.

But I do like you as a person dpp spp I'm sorry if I offended

You or upset you genuinely.

Julie: do you accept the apologies you heard right here,


I think it's important to understand what you're

Apologizing for before you apologize.

Julie: okay, we'll stick a pin in it for now.

Michie, I do want to ask you on day one, you were voted camp

Director, exphu to banish four houseguests.


You chose david, kemi, jessica, and cliff.

You said you chose kemi because she was the only person who

Didn't campaign to be saved.

You also said you chose david, jessica, and cliff because they

Were campaigning for the same job.

But some viewers thought you did it because jessica, david, and

Kemi are minorities, and that you chose cliff because he is

The oldest houseguest.


Julie: what would you like to say to your critics.

Absolutely not.

I'm not r*cist, and this was a decision it's only time kemi

Ever talk to me was when I was showering, she was brushing her


And this is all based on first impressions.

The three people that raised their hands, exemplified

Strength and courage and maturity, and what looked like a

Sense of responsibility for the house.

And if they had the ability to raise their hands and stand up,

I figured if I should do the same, that I could potentially

Have my game threatened by these individuals.

It had nothing to do with race or age or gender or minority


Everything diin this game did not see that.

This was strictly players against players.

I even advocated for everything staying game in my first h.o.h.

Race, age, religion, gender-- none of that ever had anything

To do with any decision.

Julie: let me give david a chance quickly to respond.

You know, I understand the game play move.

I did volunteer to be camp director.

And even-- I had two weeks to think about it.

Like, was it a minority thing, or was it game play?

And I came to the conclusion that it was game play, based on

The evidence I saw.

But since I've been watching the show and watching behind the

Scenes, you jack, included there seemed to be some implied biass.

Ovi pointed it out, and kemi pointed it out.

You will have a chance to see it and have a conversation.

I hope you are able to become better people as a result.

Julie: I have to get to the jury-mance, the showmance.

I have to get to nick.

Nick, you told bella, I'm going to learn mandarin for you.

I love you."

And then in the jury, we see a jury-mance with kat.

What do you have to say to bella?

Yeah, I don't-- I take responsibility for my action.

Being in the house with isabella was amazing, and I don't take

Anything back that I said.

I just suppose that when I got out of the house and got into

The jury house, my mind just went in the direction where I

Felt that I had feelings for kat.

And I guess I just pursued them.

It wasn't anything against isabella.

I wish that nothing got shown.

I wanted to talk to her first and not let her see it.

Julie: let me give bella a chance.


Julie: bella, what would you like to say?



When you made a commitment to me, I said, "just please don't

Make me look stupid.

And you made me look stupid!

So, I was really, really hurt by that.

And you know what?

No one deserves to feel that way.

Julie: thank you, all.

When we return, it is the moment of truth.

Michie or hole?

Who will win "big brother."

Find out next stay with us.

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

Welcome back to the live

Big brother season finale.

After days, it's finally time to crown the winner.

Michie and holly, I'm about to reveal the jury's votes.

The winner will receive $,.

The runner-up, $,.

I will pull the keys from the box, revealing who each juror

Chose to win.

You will need at least five votes to take home half a mill.

Nicole has cast her vote for holly.

Cliff has cast his vote for michie.

Tommy's vote goes to also michie.

Christie has cast her vote for michie.

Three votes michie, one vote for holly.

Jessica's vote goes to holly.

Nick has cast his vote for michie.

Four votes michie, two votes holly.

Analyse has cast her vote for-- congratulations, michie.

You have won "big brother."

[ Cheers and applause ] come on out!

[ Cheers and applause ] come on out!

[ Cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ]

[ Cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ]




Julie: when we return, the winner of america's favorite


Stay with us.

Julie: welcome back to the season finale of "big brother."

Just for the record, kat voted for holly, and jack voted for


There is one more prize up for grabs tonight!

Our viewers have been voting for their favorite houseguest.

The top three vote-getters were cliff, tommy, and nicole.

But there's only one winner.

The winner who got emergency one million votes is...

Congratulations, nicole!

You're going home with $,!

You're going home with $,!

[ Cheers and applause ] I told you!

I told you!

Julie: nicole.

I love you!

Julie: nicole, we're running out of time.

How do you feel?

I feel amazing.

I didn't expect this at all.

Julie: you're definitely a butterfly, lady.

Michie, you had a very serious look on your face pup wanted

Your confetti.

You wanted your confetti.

How are you feeling?

I did it for my family.

I did it for my mom, and I did it for my dad.

And at the end of the day, what I did more than the half million

Is I hope they're proud of me.

Julie: hol i, you're going home with $,.

How do you feel?

Not too shabby.

And my family is here from wyoming and that's so greater

Than any dollar amount.

Julie: in the final seconds, does this romance

Continue outside the house?

Take it one day at a time.

Julie: what do you say?

Yeah, one day at a time.

We have adventurous plans.

We had long ones, and if we made it through that.

Julie: thanks to all our houseguests for an incredible


If you want to be a houseguest next summer, go to

Cbs.com/casting right now.

Nicole says, "do it!" Do it!

Julie: from outside the "big brother" hois, I'm julie

Chen moonves.

Thank you all for watching, and we'll see you next summer.

[ Cheers and applause ]
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