Room for One More (1952)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Movies from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Room for One More (1952)

Post by bunniefuu »

This is my wife's story.

Naturally this is not
it. Neither is this.

This is it. The one with that
sparkle in her eyes.

About 350 babies pass
through our nursery.

Some are from separate families.
Most single mothers.

Almost all are adopted within
a few weeks of arrival,

and they live 12 months with their new
families before formal adoption.

It's like a love affair.

If both parties are happy after
a year, they legalize it.

For the 350 babies, we received
an average of 800 applications.

A woman who requests a baby today will
have to wait more than three years.

That's a lot of time.

Is right. Now follow
me, please.

- He's doing a great
job. - Thank you.

- You must be very proud.
- The credit is not ours.

The demand is great.

But here is the department in
which we are not successful.

It has to be possible to find
a home for some of them.

We would like to find a
place for all of them.

Our goal is to
lose our jobs.

It's easy to find a home for
blue-eyed blonde girls.

But who would want that freckled
kid with the protruding teeth?

I know he's not very handsome

But that does not mean that he is not
a child and does not need a home.

Nothing happens to them that cannot
be arranged with good will.

Maybe our Parent-Student Association
can do something.

We will try to help find a
suitable home for them.

What's wrong with their houses? I know
them all and they are adequate.

These kids are much
older than ...

I also have children, they
would be jealous.

I would not mind a baby, but a child
with the formed character ...

It could be a bad influence
on your children.

Or you could do something to embarrass
your entire family.

- You are right. -
They are right.

I have no answers for
your objections.

I'm sorry. I shouldn't
have asked him.

Goodbye and thank you for giving
up your Sunday to visit us.


I would like to help
her to lose her job.

Don't tell me someone
was listening to me.

I was not listening.
I was observing.

Mrs. Rose, you already
have three children.

It should have been four,
but we lost one.

Since then we have felt
somewhat scarce.

What will your husband say?

You will love the idea.

As soon as I gather the
courage to tell him.

I have never had a child this way.
That I have to do? Choose one?

I have one chosen for you.

I've been praying that someone would
make an offer like yours.

Sit down.

- We have a real emergency.
- An emergency?

They just brought us a girl.

She has many problems and is disturbed.
He tried to commit su1c1de.

Look, all I want is a sweet
boy who can play.

This girl has suffered year
after year of hell.

His parents separated.

The mother remarried and
did not want the girl.

She has been beaten and mistreated.

Her mother ended up throwing her out of
the house and did not let her return.

I couldn't take care of that. I'm
not ready for that kind of ...

You probably need psychological

He needs a home and a mother
to replace what he had.

- Mrs. Canyon, I don't think I ... - Mrs.
Rose, I've known you for a long time.

All the abandoned cats and dogs
end up finding their home.

He never asks them where
they come from.

- Let me talk to my husband.
- Be convincing.

I want this girl to
stay with you.

You are good at children.

It's okay. If your mother
is not at home,

I guess you can open your
birthday present.

Excuse me.

- A book?

It is a special book. I have
had a hard time finding it.

"Complete Poems" by James
Wigtown Raleigh.

Is that all I'm going to
have for my birthday?

It contains over a hundred masterpieces,
and some rhyme.

- Do you want me to
read you one? - No.

How about "What Old
Santa Claus Heard"?

"Annie, the little orphan"?

- "The Wigwam"?
- No.

- Why not? - I want you
to finish the cake.

You do not understand it.
It is a deluxe edition.

It cost me $ 2.95. Look
at what binding.

- I'll read you the first page.
- Dad, make the cake.

Make the cake ...

Can't we spend a little
time on culture?

Take care of this.

Daddy, I ordered the basket
from Mrs. Turner.

- How about the kitten?
- He's on it.


Who are you from, puppy?

It is not our. Get it out of here.

Perhaps it has been lost.
Where is it going to go?

You can go in peace. We
will meet him soon.

Come on, puppy, we don't need
you to lick the floor.

Dad, how can you
do such a thing?

Where is the basket?

Here it is, Tim. Is
it big enough?

Tell that cat to limit

The first looks like
the mother.

- Like in this family.
- Number one.

An only child?

What a silly question.

- The number two.
- Thank you.

Number Three.

They look like two boys and a girl.

- The number four. -
Thank you Doctor.

Still expect more.

- Dad make the cake. -
What have you said?

- Dad make the cake. - I seemed
to have heard that.

- The cream needs more sugar. - Thank
you. And thank you for this.

It is tilted.

I want to make a six layer
cake that has six layers,

not three subdivided layers.

Also, when you put the cream on,
it will have a perfect finish.

Keep leaning.

Dad, wait, wait ... if
we're going to ...

Numbers five, six and seven.

They are all different. One is black,
one is white, and the other is brown.

- What have you said? -
Everyone is different.

One is black, the other is white,
and the other is brown.

- That cat must have
a bicycle. -Yes.

Hi. Pass.

How did you get back in
here? Come on out.

Who has let him in?

- It must have been lost.
- Let him stay, dad.

So sorry. Happy

Now I know who let him in.
Welcome, generous lady.

It seemed so lonely ...

You have to control your
generous impulses.

Well, not all. What have
you been doing all day?

Viewing shop windows.

Happy Birthday!

There it is again.

Wake up, come on.

- What happens?
- Awake.

What did you do with the ladies of the
Parents and Students Association?


You and the girls. Where
did you go? Please...

We went to see the children
from the orphanage.

And did you have a conversation
with your friend Mrs. Canyon?

I wanted me to ask you about the
possibility of adopting a child.

He's here, and he's come
with the little monster.

- But I did tell him to wait! - Well,
he didn't understand. Tell him again.

That girl has had a very bad
time. She is disturbed.

Well, I am a disturbed

Everyone who can should help. It is a
modern way to increase the family.

You go to your school and I to mine.

Do you think we
can afford it?

I thought that you
would find a way.

Where? How?

You are married to an engineer
on a fixed salary.

And fixed increases.

Prices rise. If we accept another
child in this house,

we will deprive our own children
of things they deserve.

- We'll tighten our belts. -
I thought we already did.

You haven't bought anything
for yourself in years.

That robe is older than
any of the kids.

- I do not care.
- Me. And we?

Now the children can take
care of themselves.

We will soon have some time
to ourselves again.

- I guess you're right. - Anna,
I know how you feel.

We owe each other, but not
this one. And not now.

- We better tell
him. -Yes.

Good Morning.

Anna, I hope you understand. He had
to come with Jane this morning.

- It's a bit early because
... - Wait.

Before starting this unfortunate discussion
in front of the girl ...

Let's go from here. They
do not like me.

Isn't it better for
them to decide?

- He told me everything was settled. -
I told Mrs. Canyon I'd think about it.

Isn't the 8.5 dollars a
week of welfare enough?


Maybe he could stay with
her for two weeks.

They wouldn't stay with
me for two minutes.

Where do we test
now? In the zoo?

Just a moment. If it's
only two weeks ...

- You can stay?
- Okay...

You do not. She.

Thanks Anna.

Jane, this is Trot,
Teenie, and Tim.

- Aren't you going to finish?
- I'm not that hungry.

Well, dinner is over.

Brandy and chocolates
come later.

Everyone to the kitchen to help
the butler with the dishes.

If you're not going to finish that,
you could give it to the dog.

- It's a shame to waste
it. - Yes ma'am.

Go away, as*h*le.

Why is Jane always

It feels strange.
Give it time.

- And then run away.
- Father!

- This is for Tramp. - I'll give
it to him. Prepare your bowl.

It looks better than
what we've eaten.

I don't like that comment.


- Here comes your food.
Thief! - What happen?

Man's best friend just
ate tomorrow's food.

Jane! Why haven't you
watched the dog?

- He ate the hamburgers. - They should
have educated him better.

You've already eaten enough.
You're going to get sick.

You must have the lonely one.

Tim, kids, why don't you go
play in the living room?

Yes. Read Teenie's
birthday present.

- Poetry? - I do not
know how to read.

But Tim does. Try it. It
will improve your mind.

Nothing is wrong with my mind.

I just wanted to...

I just wanted ... I don't
know what I wanted to do.

What has become of the
children before

who brought the pipe and
slippers to his father?

You're a good boy, daddy. I think
I'm going to adopt you.

We are going to keep this matter
at the husband and wife level.

Please. I have to
wash the dishes.

You always have something
to do. Washing dishes,

feed the dog, the cat,
the children.

Have you ever thought
that I can be ...?

Not only of bread the man lives.

You better go see what
the kids are up to.

How did we get them?

Where are the children?

Do you want to sweep under
the dining room table?

The children have left
a lot of crumbs.

I will not do it. And you
have no right to ask me.

- I will not do it! - Jane,
what's wrong with you?

- Is this the poem you were reading?
- They were reading it aloud.

"Annie, the orphan, came to
live in our house ..."

I'm not Orphan Annie. I am
not an orphan at all.

You and your literature ...

I will not wash cups and plates,
nor will I sweep up crumbs.

I will not do it. And
no one can force me.

Don't talk like that to ...

No one is going to force you to do
anything you don't want to do.

It's just that here we all
sweep up our crumbs

and we help in everything
that has to be done.

I thought you might want
to help me. That's it.

Why should he?

If this book bothers you so much,

we burn it in the fire. It is
not worth arguing for him.

So bad.

Why not? It's just the
$ 2.95 Deluxe Edition.

Burn it to see if your
silly ideas burn too.

But I'm not an orphan!

Okay, Dr. Freud, are we finished
washing the dishes?

The day is over. The
children are in bed.

Except those kids.

Have you put our little gift
from heaven to bed?

Deluxe Edition...

I try to imagine who her
parents might have been.

- Was John Dillinger married?
- Do not be silly.

She is not a criminal.

She is just a lonely
and scared girl.

He didn't even want to sleep
unless I left the light on.

Perhaps he is signaling
to an accomplice.

That is not funny.

That girl has problems. Nothing
we do will change it.

Dillinger is crying. I'll go
see what happens to him.

- Don't delay. - Do you want
to go to bed, please?

- Go away.

This is women's work.

In this house, women's
work never ends.

It hasn't even started.

Why are you crying?

Who called you?


What is this?

It's okay. I have
taken it.

What are you going to do?

- You had a good dinner tonight,
right? - Is for tomorrow.

Why do you think we won't
feed you tomorrow?

- Why were they going to do it? -
Because we want you to be happy.

Nobody wants children.

They are just something that happens
to a woman when she gets married.

Do you think we don't
want our children?

Yes, because they will get in trouble
if you don't take care of them.

As I gave them to my mother. But they
don't have to take care of me.

You don't trust anyone, do you?

Of course not.

- Do you trust yourself?
- What does it mean?

Well ... I
mean ...

If you could take care of yourself

if you didn't have to depend
on other people's kindness,

Would you feel safer?

How am I going to take care of myself?

Maybe I could find
you a job.

What work could I do?


Maybe you could help out at the
grocery store after school.

Or maybe a neighbor would hire you
to take care of their children.

And safe.

- Do I leave this
here? - No.

You're welcome.

How long is that girl
going to be with you?

We have twelve days
of sentence left,

but if we are lucky it
may k*ll us all first.

I don't know how your wife
has convinced mine

To let that girl take
care of our baby

Remember, Harry: the
women of this world

they are always noble, altruistic
and trustworthy.

Let's toast not to
be like them.

The baby will probably
sleep all the time.

We'll be back in time for
your ten o'clock bottle.

- What if they're late?
- We will be here.

Don't worry, Jane. The movie
ends at half past nine.

If we haven't returned by ten,

there are two bottles with your
preparation in the fridge.

We will be here.

Come on, Harry. We don't want
to be late to the movies.

Gladys, I hope you know
what you're doing.

Do not worry. Jane is a
very competent girl.

So was Lucrezia Borgia.

I'll take a look to see if
everything goes well.

- It was a wonderful movie.
- Yes, wonderful.

- Can't you go faster?
- Faster?

It's okay. Let me know when we
get to the end of the road.

And have they had to push
it two kilometers?

I feel sorry for you guys.

Two or three cars arrive
like this every night.

- Please.

- My wife used the car ... - Yes,
they all say the same thing.

- Does not answer.
- Not...?

- And good? - Does
not answer.

Get in the car, Harry. You will
see that melancholic girl.

- All good? -
Yes, good.

Wait a minute, 12 liters
are missing.

- Where is? - You have searched
all the drawers.

The baby! The baby
is missing!

I'll call the police.

Put down the phone and come to the
kitchen. Come Daddy. Come, Gladys.

Thank God.

I guess you have looked everywhere
to find the formula.

Why haven't you used the
bottles that were there?

That's the shelf you
fixed this morning.

- You've earned your dollar.
- We better put him to bed.

This is Jane Miller, a friend of mine.
You want to open an account.

- How are you Miss
Miller? - Good.

Do you want to sit down?

- Savings or business account?
- Commercial.

You have opened a business and want
to have your capital on hand.

Does that mean I can
get it out quickly?

At the slightest sign of disaster.

Sign there, Jane.

How much will your
first deposit be?

One dollar.

- What's wrong with Teenie?
- Nothing, mom.

I'm just practicing first
aid. Do not move.

I can not.

I have a fractured
left clavicle,

dislocated third vertebra

and second degree burns
to the buttocks.

- That's the worst place. - Yes,
and it does not cooperate.

Doctor, remove the bandages from
the patient and put him to bed.

Don't forget to turn off the light.

I don't want to see that dog
in bed in the morning.

Good night, Tramp.

By the way, Jane and I went
to the bank this morning.

You have opened an account.

I am glad that someone in this house
is financially independent.

Where is?

Yes, Mrs. Canyon.

Row in the boat, carried by the
current, happy, happy ...

Life is a dream.

Take a look. There it goes.

Can't wait to get
it served?

I believe that an omelette should
be the size of the pan.

It takes more skill
than most mortals.

But I studied under the orders
of the best chefs.

Oscar, the hotel cook.
Here you go, Teenie.

And my uncle Jim.

Yours is coming right away, Trot.

What you do not finish
you can use as a hat.

- Who was calling? - I'll
tell you after breakfast.

We may not be alive after
this breakfast.

- You better tell us now. -
Come on, tell us. Who was?

Well ... it was Mrs. Canyon.

Help her pack.

But, Jane is staying
with us, right?

You don't have to go, do you?

I'm doing yours, Trot.

I'm not hungry. You
can eat mine.

- Here's my notebook.
- I'll put it on top.

I do not want it.
It's for you.

I know that I have cost him more than
the social assistance they gave him.

I cannot accept this.

Here's more than five dollars.

You said you must learn
to be independent.

Not to depend on the kindness
of others. Not even yours.

Well thank you very much. This
balances the accounts.

We can go.

What a trick!

Take it away.

Better not. Maybe they don't
like cats where I go.

What a bummer.

I do not want to go!
Please let me stay.

I'm sorry.

Come on, Mrs. Canyon.


Where is my bag?

Town Hall Engineering.
This is Desmond Duran.

I'll check it out and
call you back.

Where is Mr. Rose
this time?

Taking a cigarette?

Drinking water?

Washing the hands?

Tell me, am I getting

He had to go down to the pharmacy.
He has cut his finger.

When you come out of anesthesia,
tell him I want to see you.

Mission accomplished. Where
is the curmudgeon?

At his office. Drinking
blood. Where were you?

Looking for discounts.
w*r supplies.

The self-inflating rubber boat.

Sleeping bag.

The volleyball ball.

Why are you hiding them?

- What have you said? - Why
are you hiding them.

So that the curmudgeon doesn't remember
I'm going on vacation tomorrow.

Where are you going?

We have rented a cabin in
Michigan this summer.

You will not succeed. He will
notice that you are happy.

And I was already looking for you.
You must have work for the night.

It's not that bad. I
wouldn't do that.

When he read "Uncle Tom's Cabin" he
thought Simon Legree was the hero.

Well, how about the finger?

- They saved
him. - Good.

So there's no reason
why I can't work

in reviewing these plans.

Tonight. That
tells me?

Well, casca ... Mr.
Duran, I'm sorry.

Right now I have some
work pressure.

I thought that
job was done.

Well, it grows. It is getting
bigger and bigger.

Always the same.

When there is a rush job there
are always excuses.

Instead, if they want to sneak
out to drink water,

if they want to go have a cigarette,
if they want to go shopping

or to heal a finger, they go
away immediately, right?

Before he goes

It seems to work.

I'm almost done. Lay down. I'll
go in a couple of minutes.

- It is day? - It usually
happens every 24 hours.

Do you want to stop now?

As soon as this is over. I have
10 or 15 minutes left.

Kids, dad is working. We are
going to leave him alone.

All shut up. Come into
the kitchen, let's go.

- Go putting breakfast.
- Yes, mother.

Without the slightest complaint.

If Jane handles the kids like that on the
beach, we can have a second honeymoon.

There is something I tried
to tell you last night ...

No hurry. Go back
to your duties.

- I think you should know ... -
Come on, go, I have to finish.


What did dad say?

- I couldn't tell you. -
There will be fireworks.

Kittens, kittens ...

- They are no longer kittens.
They're cats. - They're cats.

Teenie, please take this
cup of coffee to daddy.

We want you to be happy.

I have burned.
Go away.

So much coffee is not good.
You take too much.

It makes you nervous. You
should drink milk.

Do you burn me alive
and criticize me?

Get me a glass of cold water.
Does not matter. I'll go.

I want it to be cold.

- Do not be angry.
- OK OK.

We just wanted to put
you in a good mood.


So we can tell you about the child
we're taking to the beach.

What a child?

He's a poor orphan. We are going
to pick you up at summer school.

Because Mrs. Canyon says ...

- Do not say more. -
I could not refuse.

Well I do.

I do.

Those are all I want to
see when I get back.

- What is your name? -
These are your papers.

Is named...

James. Yes, James
John Wilson.

Jimmy John. I already

Mr. Rose, is something
wrong with your wife?


She came to ask about him and
I tried to discourage her.

But when I told him
he was surly, bad

And the worst student
in summer school

her eyes seemed to sparkle.
- I know that glitter.

I don't like leaving no child
without a vacation,

but in this case I think you
do well not to take it.

I'll go see him. What
class are you in?

At 403.

Silence please.

Jimmy John.

Come here.

You can't teach him much. He
only attends for 5 minutes.

- And he has a very bad
temper. - Really?

He puts his legs up for the other children
to trip over, and then hits them.

He doesn't even want to learn
the alphabet at his age.

So I punished him for sitting
under my table.

Do you know what he did the
other day? He bit my ankle.

Sister, I would have bit
him on both ankles.

Come on, kid.

Row, row your boat gently
down the current,

happy, happy, happy,
life is a dream.

Row, row your boat gently
down the current,

happy, happy, happy,
life is a dream.

Come, come, come,
get on our boat,

cheerfully, cheerfully,
go with the flow.

Come, come, come,
get on our boat,

cheerfully, cheerfully,
go with the flow.

Fun for everyone
singing a song,

cheerfully, cheerfully,
while we paddle.

Fun for everyone
singing a song,

cheerfully, cheerfully,
while we paddle.

What's wrong with your
voice, Jimmy John?

I don't think he has a voice.
He hasn't said a word yet.

Is asleep. Come
on, wake up.

Still, still.

No one is hit here.

Teenie, you go back. Johnny,
you in front with me.

- Come on, throw it at me. -
I always throw it at you.

Throw the ball to us. Come
on, throw it away.

- Ready? I take out. - It
doesn't always touch you.

Let's have a game.

That's what we are
doing, right?

Something has to happen to that ...
what's his name? Jimmy John.

I have the impression that
nothing is wrong with him.

You had the impression that
our cat was a male.

- How about a walk? - I have
to put him to bed first.

You had a rough day.

You're not going to put him with
Tim. There may be a bloodbath.

No. We have to give him a quarter, it is
a regulation of the Social Council.

Well, you will have to think about
building it, because there isn't.

We are going to give you
our room. So sorry.

Where are we going to spend the
second honeymoon? On our raft?

I'll sleep in the girls' room.
And you with Tim and Teenie.


We have the right to be together.

Okay, but it's not fair that
you serve with your left.

I dont know.

Do you want to say good
night to the children?

It says "good night".

- Come on. - You
get it, Tim.

Don't serve like that.

21-19. We
have won.

- Give us revenge. - You should
do something, daddy.

- That kid is missing a screw.
- Yes, and a nut too.

- He's just scared. - With
a left-hander like that?

Do you mind if I give it some?

Give it to me. Behind. Now you will
see how a champion comes out.

You keep watching us. I think
you will end up liking us.

What's wrong?

If you can cry, you can
talk. What's wrong?

Get out, Tim.

Nice shot, Teenie.
We are doing well.

I can do something?

Why was he screaming?

Has been in hospitals
since the age of two,

in large rooms with other children,

with nurses coming
and going.

He has never been
alone in a room.

Maybe it would be better for
him if we took him back.

Should we give up now?

I suppose not.

We enter?

Do you want to take him?
It's too heavy for me.

Dad, are you going
to sleep with us?

It seems to have been so decided.

We have drawn lots. You
get the top one.


Jimmy John, why don't you put on your
swimsuit? I'll take you on the boat.

It is useless talking to him,
he never opens his mouth.

A cat ate his tongue.

- Where are you taking
it? - Who knows!

Row, row your boat ...

Row, row your boat gently
in the current,

cheerfully, cheerfully ...

You know how to drive?

You know how to drive?

Don't be there like an idiot,
because I know you are not.

I will ask you one more time
and I hope you will speak.

You know how to drive?

Of course not, don't
be silly.

Well, nothing like learning
right now.

He wants to k*ll me? Take
the wheel. Catch it!

They will put her in jail for
letting a child drive.

- You're doing it right.
- I'm scared.

It's okay. I'll
take the wheel.


- I've done well,
right? - Perfect.

- Is not easy. -
Of course not.

And I have.

You have done it very well. You can
go back to practicing another day.

If he did not speak before, it
is not because he was angry.

He just had nothing
to say.

Well, that will be
a lesson for me.

Ma'am, could you not learn to
swim like other children?

- Best. - Then turn around
and take me there.

You could also
use classes.

Dad, look.

I'm out of here.

I'm scared. There are too
many waves for me.

You're good. Let's go. There
is no reason to be afraid.

Put me back in.
Let's go!

The water is very good. There
is nothing to be afraid of.

What Happened to Silent Sam?
Why didn't he speak?

Don't be silly, I had
nothing to say.

- Let's go. -
Yeah come on.

- Don't let me go. -
I will not do it.

And as I catch you again ...

- What happen?
- Nothing.

Only I'm going to
tell my mother.

Quiet. What

- Ask him. - Come
on, let's go.

- What happened to your
hand? - I've hurt.

- How? - I got caught
with the window.

- What were you doing up there? -
I just wanted to open the blinds.

- How old are you?
- Twelve.

Enough. Come


Watch this.

- This is a woman. -
I already know that.

What I want to know is
how children are born.

So this is an advanced

Do you know how chickens
and birds lay eggs?

- No. - They put them
in the nest.

And they keep them warm
with their feathers,

until the chicks
hatch and hatch.

- I didn't come out of an egg. - No.
That doesn't work with people.

What if people sat on the eggs
waiting for them to hatch?

- They would break them.
- Well of course.

- Besides, who has feathers?
- Nobody in our environment.

Instead, the women have
the nest inside,

where the eggs are
warm and safe.

And when the baby has grown,
it is born whole. So.

Good system.

I'm glad you approve it so we
don't have to change it.

But how do babies get in there?
How do they breathe?

Let me think.

Do you know how a diver breathes
through a tube?

Well, it reaches the baby in a similar
way, but through an artery.

You'll see,

blood carries oxygen through
the artery to the baby.

The mother's heart
is the pump.

It could work.

But how do they connect
the tube to the baby?

He's not wearing a diving
helmet, is he?

No. It goes into the baby's navel.
Like a cord in a socket.

That's what your belly button was for.

I had always wondered what
he was doing there.

Yes? You already
know it.

Can I join you or
am I too small?

He was talking about babies.

- He's a nice
guy. - Yes?

When I have asked other people,
they washed my mouth with soap.

- Thank my Lord. -
You're welcome.

Wait until we get to the stork.
Now that is interesting.

What is that supposed to be?

A woman.

- It doesn't look like much.
- I drew it from memory.

Ready to go hiking?

- Hi, Ben.
- Hello.

Come on, I'll take you.

Who wears Jimmy John?

He is too old to ride a
bike. We can't take it.

Tim, if you weren't ... How about
you let Jimmy John ride?

Let it climb.

If you learn to pedal,
it can help.

I would like this to
be a happy family.

Let everyone talk to everyone. I
have to get back to work soon.

Try putting your foot on the
pedal. Loosen the screws.

Can you put your foot
on the other pedal?

Already? Let's go.
Easy, relax.

You just have to hold on
tight to the handlebars.

You are doing it very well.

- I was hooked. - What
had he told you?

Get me out of here!

Jimmy John! Stop!

Get me out of here.

Can I get my bike before
it breaks the chains?

It weighs, right? Give it to your
mother. Come on, partner.

Come on, Tim. Hurry up.
We don't have all day.

Ben, don't try to
go without hands.

Not so fast, Benjy.
I'll fall.

- Let's go to the baseball field.
- We are not enough.

There are always a lot of
kids to play baseball.

Jimmy John, you have
to say goodbye.

- I have to return?
- We have tried.

But you don't get along
with children.

After all, it's their home,
and they don't want you.

If they say I can stay,
will they accept it?

Didn't you break Tim's bike? Didn't
you hit Trot in the eye?

Weren't you caught looking
out a window?

But if they let me?

We will wait for you in the car.

I hope you have
a good lawyer.

What are you saying?

- Shall we do the secret
ballot? - Good idea.

What's that secret
ballot thing?

We all write "stay" or "go"
on a piece of paper.

And most win.

- Nice dress you are
wearing. - Shut up.

That's what I say.

Come on, open them.



What is the verdict?

I've been so long in
f*cking hospitals

I can't even read

But you went to school, right?

They took me to school
for a couple of weeks

and then they would take
me back to a hospital.

The only thing I learned to
read was a thermometer.

I will read them to you.




- We stay with Jimmy John.
- We stay with him.

What did I tell them? Everyone
has voted that I stay.

- Wait, here it says ...
- They were anonymous.

Of course, they were anonymous
... And what did you vote for?

The first day after returning
from the beach,

Anna got a manicure and went
to the hair salon.

I guess he didn't want me to
keep drawing from memory.

Mother, you've been
to the hairdresser.

It was time. You always
go so disheveled.

- What is this?
- The ranch.

The boy scouts are gathering
here tonight.

Boy scout meeting on the
first day back home?


Your poor father has
been here alone

while we enjoyed
the beach.

And now...

- OMG! - Get
it off me!

- Squeeze the heel, toes back. -
You're going to break my foot.

Do you want to tiptoe the
rest of your life?

- If you continue like this, I'll walk on my knees.
- What did they tell you at the hospital?

The muscles in your feet are stiff.
You have to stretch them.

It is k*lling me.

He pulls on my legs like he
wants to rip them off.

- I think enough is enough
for today. - I think so.

Plus it's time for your
reading lesson.

- Here's the book. -
Who wants to read?

Don't you want to know as much as
the other kids in your class?

- They dont know anything.
- Well believe me,

If you don't learn to read, you
won't know anything either.

It starts there.

"Long time ago"...

- Do not stop. - "there was
a", "there was a" ...

What word is this?

- "Little bunny".
- Little bunny...

- I'm not going to read any more.
- You are going to do it.

- I want to go to the kitchen. -
As soon as you finish this book.

It's okay. I'll
finish him off.

Brat. Come

What happened? What are
you doing to him?

What I should have done before.

I shouldn't have asked
to stay. I'm going!

I will go where I want
and do what I want.

Then do it. But drop everything
we've given you.

And you get out of
the way, Tramp.

Mom, come quickly.
Has done...

What happens now?

- Look. -
Oh my!

He goes naked.

Jimmy John! What
are you doing?

He told me not to take anything with me.

Well, I have nothing.
Just my skin.

I should not have said that. But
why did you tear the book?

I won't read about a bunch
of stupid rabbits

in blue pants who speak
like people.

It's silly.

You're right, it's silly. We
will find something better.

Hurry up I am

Scouts, rest.

- Hello, Mr. Rose. - Hello
Benjamin, gentlemen.

Break ranks.

Is the meeting over?

As soon as we see some movies
from our summer camp.

It won't be long.

You have been very kind to let
us use your living room.

We have always held our meetings at school,
but they are having a raffle.

And what do they raffle? Boy scouts?

- Dad, mom is upstairs.
- It's the place to be.

Sorry to come between you and
donuts, but that's life.

Anna, who told those
scouts ...?

Look what mother bought me.
A real suit, like yours.

You have been invited to the meeting.

My legs are as straight
as anyone's.

The apparatus is barely visible.

- Nobody will notice, right?
- No one can tell.

- Why is this? - For
being a good mother.

All right, Jimmy John, not everyone
knows how to fall like this.

That's the way, you have
to let yourself fall.

- I'll do it again from above. - No,
we're going to see the movies.

- What are the movies about?
- From the camp.

I'll turn the lights off.

Put the movie on.

This is our first
treasure hunt.

Where Chief Johnson mistook an
oak for an elm and got lost.

If he hadn't located that stream,
it would still be there.

A compass is very useful
on a scavenger hunt.

Alone at last.

The last boy scout and the last donut
have disappeared into the night.

Are you sure we can
afford that?

I've been saving for weeks.

- Wake up, wake up.
- What happens?

Tim gave me the boy scout manual.
I have to read it.

Teach me.

- Now?
- Now.

From the beginning to the end.

Can I have my jacket, please?

- Thank you. - You're

"On my honor, I will do my best ...

for fulfilling my duty towards
God and towards my country,

to obey the scout law,

and to help everyone
at all times. "


"To keep me physically strong,

mentally awake and
morally healthy. "

Do a good deed for the day.

"Raising an adopted
child can be fun."

If you have any questions,
I will gladly answer them.

Is there a reason why these children
were not legally adopted?

Of course.

If we adopt them, we will be responsible
for all their expenses.

Hospital bills, operations,

And we can't afford it.

In this way, with the help
of the social commission,

taking advantage of the clothes
of our older children,

and with the help of our neighbors,
we managed to get ahead.

Sometimes we have to add a
little water to the soup,

but thus we preserve
the figure.

But also having children
of her own,

I don't know how he manages to take care
of them and also take care of the house.

I'll tell you my secret: I don't
put the duster on the furniture.

Wouldn't you rather raise a baby
than a grown, troubled child?

No, because we have already had
the satisfaction of our babies.

Everybody knows how
to avoid scratching

but these children pose an
interesting challenge.

Don't you think that by accepting
this interesting challenge

may you be neglecting
your husband?

In what sense?

How many senses are there?

I assure you that
any inconvenience

that it may have caused
is temporary.

How long is "temporary"?

- Young man ...
- Thank you.

- Are you married? - How?
Stronger, please.

- Are you married? - Sometimes
I'm asking.

Well, I'll tell you something
about my husband.

Our children are very
interested in him.

He is reasonably patient,
fair and firm.

He always enthusiastically helps them
overcome their difficulties.

He's the first one they go to when
they need help with their homework

or a new catcher for
the baseball team.

And when they get something they
run to him to show him.

Because he always receives
it with joy and pride.

Has constant love
and affection

of all members of the family,
including his wife.

And you ask me if you're
being careless?

It was a great year for
the Boy Scouts.

When the holidays
came again,

it fell to me to stay
physically strong,

mentally awake and
financially sunk.

Do you see what I see?

A rabbit!

Hold the bike, Tim.

- Mrs. Rose
... - Yes?

At the risk of being presumptuous,
can you tell me what you're doing?

This poor rabbit needs
somewhere to sleep.

As far as I know, rabbits
have no trouble sleeping.

How did it get here?

They had him in a box at the market
and they were going to k*ll him.

- I could not avoid it. - And
your eyes started to shine.

I only paid 42 cents.
Very cheap.

It is to eat, not to shelter you.
If you want to enlarge the house,

Why don't you build a
cabin for you and me?

Behold! Jimmy John
is riding.

I guess he won't
break this bike.

I'll go get Herbie
some lettuce.

I have a little.


You see, she was under the impression
that this rabbit was male.

Daddy, dinner is ready.
If you're interested.

I'm going.

Who? Yes, Mrs.

No, Mrs. Canyon,
we're full.

It's going to be fun, a good excursion.
And without the gadgets.

- Next week? -
I think so.

Teenie, it's your turn.

We thank you for what we
are going to eat. Amen.

Why didn't you say:
ready, set, go?

- Hi, Jane. Where were you?
- Where it always is.

With Ben.

He doesn't even go to scout
meetings anymore.

I hate it. I never want
to see him again.

- What have you done? - He invited
me to the end of the year dance.

The end of the year dance? Since
when is that a crime?

Where do you live, on the moon?

Dancing is "just" the biggest
party in school.

So why did you
bother Jane?

Because it's "just" the New Years
Eve dance and "just" is elegant

and "only" you have to
wear an evening dress.

Jane doesn't even have
a day outfit.

Next time Mrs. Canyon leaves
a girl around here,

make sure it comes classy.

It's okay.
Let's go.

I'm going there!

- Merry Christmas. - Merry
Christmas, Dad.

1,2,3 ... Come on!

No! Just a moment.
No Please!

No, leave them.

Before we throw ourselves
on the spoils,

Shouldn't we get into the
spirit of this day?

Children, we better give up
or we lose the whole day.

"Good King Wenceslas". "Merry Christmas,
good King Wenceslas."

- It's all he can play.
- Let's hear him, okay?

Now we will sing "Good
King Wenceslas".

Good King Wenceslas looked

out the window on Steven's day

when the snow had fallen

covering everything with
a crisp blanket.

The moon was shining that night,

although the cold was intense,

when a poor man appeared

who collected firewood for the winter.

Second stanza.

Hey, page, come here,

if you know, tell me,

that peasant, who is he?

Where and how do you live?

Lord, live far from here,

on a mountain,

near the edge of the forest ...

Everyone to open their gifts.

Look how big mine is!

It probably contains
nothing but money.

You would be surprised if
it were an evening dress.

All right, k*ll me.

Is beautiful. But
it's yours.

I don't have many occasions to use
it, so I have cut it for you.

Thank you mother.

Why don't you try it on?

Try it on. Trot and
I will help you.

A hunting knife!
Thank you.

A microscope! I've
always wanted one.

Look what they put on
me. A real camera.

- Where is the reel?
- Next Christmas.

Look at everyone. Look at Jane.

Is very pretty.

- It fits you well.
- It is awful.

Is beautiful.

It still looks like Mom's old
dress, cut out for you.

Teenie is right. But we
hoped it was worth it.

It is wonderful.
I do not care.

We just have to tuck it in a
little more and shorten it.

It will be the most beautiful
dress at the dance.

- It's still horrible.
- Teenie!

Jane and I saw a dress in a
shop window the other day,

but it was $ 25.

You better return this.
I could cut myself.

I don't think I know how to use this.

You better pay it back and
use the money elsewhere.

It is not good for much without a reel.

- Here, daddy. -
Thanks, Trot.

Okay. Merry Christmas,

Merry Christmas, Dad.

- What happens? - You
have to stop him.

- How? - You have
to stop him.

- To who? -
Jimmy John.

Do you know the temperature
what it does?

I have left the thermometer
in my other pajamas.

Two below zero. You can't
go hiking today.

- Who? - Jimmy

You already know Jimmy John.

He's hell-bent on earning
that scout medal.

If you go out in this weather,
it will hurt your legs

and you can lose everything
you have gained.

Wake up.

They never gave me a medal for anything
in the middle of the night.

- Hurry up. - It's still
dark out there.

Gone an hour ago.

If I was going to do 15 kilometers,
I had to get up early.

Why haven't you stopped it? Isn't it
worth being the best boy scout?

Not for Jimmy John.

I thought we were going
to buy the dress.

We are going in the opposite direction.

There is.

Jimmy, are you okay?

Haven't you read that poster? Parking
prohibited on the road.

Do you accept that I drive
you part of the way?

It was a mistake.

Let's buy that dress again.

Ben is going to pass out
when he sees you.

Daddy, what time is it?

Do you want to stop worrying? It's
not even half past seven.

Not even? He left at five
thirty in the morning.

And it's already dark.

Nothing happens. Take
my signal flashlight.

You see it? There is no need to worry.
Take Tim's signal flashlight.

Come on, Tramp. We're
going for a walk.

What have you said?

I'm just going for a walk with
the dog. Any objection?

No, but we've had that
dog for a long time

And you've never taken
it for a walk

It is time for me to take the air.
Come on, Tramp. You're wanting it.

You see it?

Hurry up with the soup, Jimmy
John. Tell us more.

- Teenie. - I know, it's
time to go to bed.

I'll upload it. Come
on, Teenie.

After the first nine
or ten kilometers,

the trick is not to sit down,
because you couldn't get up.

The channel next year?

Do not tell her. He is
capable of trying.

- Whoops! Who is she?
- Do you like it?

Will you sign an autograph for me?

"Nice to see you."

- You are precious. - But
don't breathe too deeply.

That must be Benjy.

In the words of George
Bernard Shaw:

"Youth is such a wonderful thing that it
is a shame to waste it on children."

Benjy? Yes,
I am Jane.

Could I speak to him?

I get it.

Thanks for calling.

Well, what time is that boy
coming to pick you up?

Are you ready for printing?

You better return
this dress.

- What happens? - It
was his mother.

Says Benjy has a cold.

What a pity.

He has no cold. She doesn't
want her to go out with me

because I'm not really
your daughter.

How do you know?

Last night Benjy told me that his mother
wanted to know more about my parents.

Well forget it, you'll go to
the dance with someone else.

I can't carry her, she's older than
me. Besides, I don't have a suit.

You have the new blue suit and it's
only three years out of you.

Mom, I'll be the only one.

If I take my dress off now, maybe
they'll give you your money back.

We cannot return it.
We have adjusted it.

I can't dance, but
I'll take you.

You stay there. I'll be
fixed in five minutes.

- Where are you going? -
I have to cure a cold.

Cheer up.

- Goodnight. -
Mr. Rose ...

- Is your mother there?
- Yes, my father too.

- Well, I want to see you both.
- I don't want to miss this.

- Listen to me, Mrs. Roberts
... - Mr. Rose, no ...


I have come up with a prepared
speech about Jane.

He was going to call him a few things
before punching him in the nose.

- Don't get excited.
- Yes, good.

None of that
matters now.

The important thing is that there is a
girl who is going to her first dance

with a short companion dressed
in a blue suit.

This is a tragedy,
Mr. Roberts.

So if you, as the head
of the family,

He doesn't care, I'd like to take this
tall young man in a suit to the dance

and fix things for her.

I'm very sorry to tell you ...

Shut up, Grace.

I don't know how your presence can
mend a broken heart, but go.

- Thanks Dad. - Time
to go, Benjy.

- Don't wait up, Mrs. Roberts.
- It will not.

It is going to be a surprise.

- Where's Jane?
- Over there.

I haven't been able to get close
to her since I arrived.

I do not remember well. You have
two dances and you have three.

I will dance with you.


He has seen me.

May I have this dance?

- Hey, Tim ... - Sorry,
I don't dance.

Will old friends
be forgotten

and never remembered?

Will old friends from the
old days be forgotten?

Happy New Year, Jane.

Happy new year, daddy.

For the good old days, dear,
for the old days.

We will start the meeting by declaring
allegiance to the flag.

I declare my fidelity
to the flag

from the United States
of America

and the republic that it represents,

an indivisible nation,

with freedom and justice for all.

Remove the flags.

Explorers and guests
can sit.

Tonight he honors us
with his presence

the Mayor of our city, the
Honorable Michael J. Cane.

Before the court of honor
awards the decorations,

I want to ask the audience
to avoid applause

for individual

Our program is very long and we
want to speed it up. Thank you.

Howard Williams, rookie
scout candidate.

Donald Sherwood, candidate
for second scout.

And now the highest honor
of the explorers,

the Eagle medal,

which is part of the treasure at
the end of the scout rainbow.

James John Wilson, candidate
for the Eagle medal.

Have designated scouts escort
the laureate to the stand.

Let the designated scouts
escort your parents here.

May the laureate and the
scoutmaster follow me.

I ask you to reaffirm the oath of
the explorers with your master.

For my honor I will do my best
to fulfill my duty to God

and my country and to
obey the scout law,

help all people
at all times,

and stay physically strong,
mentally awake,

and morally just.

By the power vested
in this court

by the National Council of
Boy Scouts of America,

we awarded the Eagle
Scout medal,

James John Wilson.

Do parents want to get
behind their child?

Does the mother want to impose
the medal on her son?

The explorer will impose on his
mother a miniature eagle.

In memory of this solemn
but happy occasion,

the court invites the father to present
an American rose to his wife.

The Eagle ceremony is over
and the session adjourns.

Speak. Come on, Jimmy,
say something.

You'll have to say something, Jimmy,
or we'll never go home.

Well, I've had a lot of help.

And I've had an advantage
over you guys.

I have had the opportunity
to choose my parents.

Don't bother Ben's parents or
they won't invite you again.

The Roberts have been kind enough to invite
you over for the night, right?

I feel so lonely without them. I do
not know what I'm going to do.

I do.

"Do one good deed a day."

Have I ever dared to tell
you that I love you?

I don't remember hearing
it in recent years.

We have been so busy raising children
that I have not had time.

But I love you very
much, Mrs. Rose.
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