05x02 - Haunted Heights

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Equalizer". Aired: February 2021 to present.*
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An enigmatic woman with a mysterious background uses her extensive skills to help those with nowhere else to turn.
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05x02 - Haunted Heights

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on The Equalizer...

Eight years ago,
I shot a man in front of his children.

That's not something you just get over.

No more equalizing.


Mel, are you okay?

I'm in the bar with Mel.

I think she's having a panic attack.

ROBYN: Harry, what's happening?



Dante's captain offered him a promotion.

In Los Angeles.


So you're taking the job?

It's not what I wanted.

But it's what's necessary.

The only person
I can trust to be there

is myself.



WOMAN: Leave me alone!





Somebody help me!

Get away from me!





♪ ♪

♪ ♪


Good morning.




You okay?

Yeah. Yeah, I just, um...

Rough night.

Didn't get much sleep.


Isn't it supposed to
be senior photo day?

Don't you want to dress up?

It's tomorrow.

And we have to wear our uniforms.


Well, that's criminal.

Senior photos are
supposed to be memorable.

ROBYN: Morning, all. Morning, babe.

- Hey, Mom.
- Hi.

Did I hear y'all
just talking about photo day?

- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah.

Can you believe they want her
to wear her uniform? I mean,

this is a moment all
about self-expression.

Mine sure were.

I had my hair

in a press and curl here,

buzz cut on this side.

Bamboo earrings

with my name in it. I was fly.

- Your girl was sharp.

- She was like...
- Ooh.

- Ooh. Okay, pose. [LAUGHS)



Hey. You know what?

Since I can't change my outfit,
do you think...

maybe I should do something
different with my hair?

- Hmm.
- You know? Maybe put it up?

- Something classy?
- VI: That's a fabulous idea.

I could make an appointment
for you at Lani's Loc Lab.

- ROBYN: Ooh.
- Ooh, yes.

- I've always wanted to try her.
- VI: Okay. Done. My treat.

Even go with you, get my nails done,

- make a day of it.
- Aw.

I love that.

Oh, wait. Actually,
I might have plans with Cam.

Hold on.



Everything okay?

Uh, yeah, yeah. Just...

I texted him earlier,
and he still hasn't responded.

Maybe he hasn't seen the text yet.

No, he definitely saw it.

The three dots appeared. [SIGHS)

- Then disappeared.
- VI: Oh,

those dreaded three dots.

And he usually
always responds right back.

What's up with you two?

You've been spending
a lot of time together.

I'm not sure, actually.

- Well, what would you like it to be?
- Ooh.

Wow. Ah, would you look at the time?

- Gosh, I got to go. I'm gonna be late.

But I love you!

I love you, too. [LAUGHS)

Bye, Auntie. [CHUCKLES)

Text you when I get an appointment time.

Hey, listen, I wouldn't read
too much into the Cam thing.

You know?

He's probably just busy.


Okay. Bye!

Well, listen, I have
a meeting, too, so...

enjoy your salon day.

- I sure will.
- All right.

- Love you, Auntie.
- Love you, too.



Hey, Mel.

- Hey.
- How's business?

Oh, you know. Busy, busy.

- Busy is good.
- Yeah.

Listen, Rob, about the other night,

when you had to go
into that place alone...

- I am so sorry that I...
- Hey.

You don't owe me an apology.

You said you were out.

I'm the one who got caught slipping.

Trust... it won't happen again.

That night was a very valuable lesson.


Well, uh...

I think she's here for you.

KARLA: The police said

my grandmother fell downstairs and...

broke her neck.

They ruled it an accident.

But you don't believe that.

A few days before she... died,

my grandmother called me.

She was convinced she was being stalked.

I've never heard her sound so afraid.

She have any idea who was stalking her?


To know my grandmother was to love her.

She was always there
when someone needed her.

And I thought I'd do the same for her.

But then...

But what?

She said she wanted
to go to the police, but...

she was afraid

they wouldn't take
an old lady seriously.

So I told her I'd fly back
and go with her.

But then I couldn't take time off

till a few days later, and...

...it was too late.


I feel so guilty.

Well, you did what you could.

I mean, you can't be there 24/7.

KARLA: She was always there for me.

But when she needed me most,

I wasn't there for her.


I'm gonna do everything I can
to get to the bottom of this.


HARRY: I don't know, Rob. I mean,

it looks like the NYPD did
due diligence on this one.

It's like Karla said...
there's no sign of foul play,

so they ruled it an accident.

I mean, is it possible
they got this one right?

Priscilla tells her granddaughter
she's being stalked.

Then, days later, falls to her death?

I don't know if I'm buying that
as a coincidence.

Occam's razor? You know?

Sometimes the obvious
answer is the correct one.

Maybe. But Hickam's dictum.

It took 25 years
for me to find out the truth

about what happened
with my father's m*rder.

All the while,
somehow thinking I was to blame.

I know. I remember.

That's a hell of a burden to carry.

And for no good reason.

I'm afraid, until this woman
finds out what really happened,

she'll torment herself just like I did.

Well, if there's any chance

we can help her let go of that guilt...

I'm gonna go poke around
Priscilla's building.

Okay. One question.

Who's driving?

I can handle this one on my own.

You don't have to come.

Would you rather I-I not come?

Of course not.

Let's go.

Took you way too long to answer that.

Don't read into it, Harry.

Don't read into the pause?

You know, I am married.
You know that, right?

♪ Bang, bang, bang and a... ♪

♪ Boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ A cool thing get
if a cool thing got more cool ♪

♪ Real cool ♪
Yeah, do your thing
with a bang, bang, bang ♪

♪ And it goes like boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ Just how cool could a cool thing get ♪

- ♪ If a cool thing got more cool?
- ♪ ♪ Real cool ♪

♪ Yeah, do your thing
with a bang, bang, bang... ♪

We're a little bit early.


♪ ♪

What now?

His phone's on Do Not Disturb.


Oh, my goodness!

You come to let me love on these curls?

Hey, Lani.

[CHUCKLES) No, but I need to.

I'm just... Today I'm
just getting a manicure.

- Mm.
- We're here for this one.

My great-niece Delilah.

- Hi.
- Delilah.

- As in Robyn's baby?
- Mm-hmm.

Exactly. She's got a big day coming up.

Yeah. Senior photos. [CHUCKLES SOFTLY)

Then you've come to the right place.

We'll get you started with
my signature scalp treatment

while we decide what to do with you.


Have fun. This way.

DELILAH: Thanks.

So, anything special in mind?

Um, you know, I was kind of
thinking, like, a fun updo.

Oh, okay. Well, sit back and relax.



Ooh. He's cute.

- [CHUCKLES) That's your man?

To be honest,

I'm not sure.

Looks like you got some competition.

I say go hot pink.

- I will if you will.


Hi, Evelyn.


Okay, why'd you have me come
all the way over here?

You certainly don't need my help
picking out your hue du jour.


I had a mammogram last week, and
now they want to do a biopsy.

Which will probably mean nothing.

What if it doesn't?


let's not put the cart before the horse.

I know it's scary,

but I am sure you did everything right.


yearly mammograms.

I did.


doesn't stop my brain from going
to the worst-case scenarios.

Take a deep breath.

Do the test.

Get the results.

If you don't get the answer you want,

then we'll have
a different conversation,

which will probably not come to pass.

But if it does,

you will deal with it.

I did.

You seemed to go through it with such...


In public.

As a woman, you feel
your breasts represent

your femininity, your sexuality.

But at some point, I realized

my identity is not that.

I am more than two mounds
of fibrous tissue.

Have you told anyone else?

- No. Not yet.
- Mm-kay.

I understand the instinct
to keep it secret.

But if that test
should come back positive,

at some point, you're going
to need a support system.

You have me,
but you also need your family.


This is the place.

It won't be the same without you guys.

You-you sure you won't reconsider?

We just can't risk staying any longer.

Not after what happened to Priscilla.

AJAY: Where are you moving?

WALTER: Not sure yet.

We'll stay with my daughter
until we find something.

I'm sorry.


You take care of yourselves.

Yeah, you, too, buddy.

Ajay Mani?

We talked earlier.

We're here on behalf
of Priscilla Diaz's family.

Oh, right, yeah.

I won't keep you. I was just wondering

if we could see Priscilla's apartment?

Yeah, of course.

Uh, these are the people who
called earlier about Priscilla.

This is my sister Sharvi...

- Hi.
- ...and my girlfriend Jane.


Karla asked us to help her pack
up while she makes arrangements.

Gosh, it's all just so sad.

We noticed that there's some
cameras around the building.

Would there be some way
for me to look at the footage?

Yeah, I'm confused.

The police said she just
tripped down the stairs.

Yeah, they-they said it was an accident.

Maybe, but Karla said

that Priscilla told her
she was being stalked.


ROBYN: I mean, it's probably nothing,

but we thought we would
put Karla's mind at ease

by looking into it.

- Yeah.
- AJAY: Yeah.

Of-of course. Our super
will get you the footage.

- Down the hall, last door.
- Thanks.



Looks like the Bates Motel.

That's not terrifying.



[LAUGHS) Hi. Are you the superintendent?

Uh, yeah, 'cause
you have the patch, literally.

What do you want?

Uh, I was told by the owners

that you could help me
with some surveillance videos.

Wait here.


Seems like some of your tenants decided

to move since Priscilla's death.

Any particular reason why?


Maybe you should just tell her.

She's going to find out.

Find out what?

Uh, some of the tenants
think the building is...


So the people outside who said
they couldn't risk staying...

they thought a ghost k*lled Priscilla?

SHARVI: I know it sounds ridiculous.

Why would they think that?

Well, some of the tenants
have been complaining

about hearing noises at night.

Uh, a few of them claim
to even see things.

Like, supernatural things?

SHARVI: Word got 'round,

and next thing you know,
the poor tenants are terrified.

Well, it started with a few leaving,

but when Priscilla died,
it just got worse.

Yeah, truth be told,
it's a big financial blow

for me and my sister.

The place is literally
falling apart around us.

But our father left us this building,

and we're determined
to keep it in the family.

So, they all tell me the building is...

Haunted. Yeah. Ridiculous, right?

I just did a sweep. No Ring cams.

You got anything useful?

Well, there's a camera there

that's, uh, pointed towards
the head of the staircase.

That caught Priscilla's fall, all right?

And that's what the cops had access to.

Now, if somebody was following her

towards the staircase,
down the hallway here,

that camera over there
would have caught it.

But, uh, our pal Leo here
says it's broken.

Like half the stuff in the building.

I mean, just look at the lights.

The owners don't have

- any money for repairs.
- HARRY: Right.

LEO: Hell, they barely pay me.

But that don't stop the tenants
from getting on my case.

HARRY: No, I hear you.
Folks got beer budgets

with champagne taste.

Oh! Who do you think's got to fix that?

ROBYN: It's a camera.

No wires. It must be Bluetooth.

Can you...?

Yeah, let me see if I can trace that.


You know whose camera this is,
don't you?

He's going to find out
in a minute anyway.

HARRY: Okay, uh,
camera's sending a signal

to an IP address...

Okay, look, it's mine.

But-but it's not what you think.

I-I... I did it for Doreen over in 3C.

Look, with all the strange stuff
happening in the building,

I-I just wanted to keep an eye on her.

Just wanted to protect her...

from spirits.

HARRY: Yeah, well, I don't think

the, uh, spirits were her real problem.

Show us the footage, Leo.

HARRY: Okay.

All right. Let's take
a look at our stalker.

Okay, look, there's Priscilla

running down the hallway
towards the camera.

And here comes...


Nothing. What is that? I don't...

She's being chased by no one.


ROBYN: Look at her face.

She's running from someone.

Or some thing.

All right, is it possible
someone doctored this footage?

No, I mean, I'd be able to tell.

Yeah, well, she's scared
to death of something.

- Something we can't see.
- Oh, no, no, no.

Don't tell me you're buying
into all this haunted madness.

Well, it sure seems
Priscilla believed it.

She believed that she had a stalker.

Who has somehow managed
to evade detection.

Until now.
Let's-let's knock on some doors.

Agreed. Maybe someone saw something.

Okay. I got this.

Don't worry. I'm a man of the people.

I know who k*lled Priscilla.
It was George.

Does-does this George live
in the building?

No, not anymore.

He had a dispute with
his roommate back in... '82.

Pushed poor George straight down
those stairs, broke his neck.

So George is... dead?

Doesn't mean he's not here.

You're sure? You haven't
seen anyone strange?

No one. No ghosts, either.

Only thing I've seen
is people around here losing

their damn minds.

Sorry. Had to make sure you were real.

Ghosts are allergic to sage.

DOREEN: A stalker? No.

No one like that.
I feel perfectly safe here.

Except for the spirits, of course.

♪ One, two, three and to the fo'
Snoopy Doggy... ♪

Come on. Seriously?

Rats can't be that big.

Biggest things you ever seen.

- Some as big as a rottweiler.

And there's thousands of 'em?
Oh, yeah, there is.

Why the hell would
you want to live there?

[CHUCKLES) Best city in the world.

Listen up!

New intel says Diablo's gonna
poke his head above ground.

The bad news is,
he's planning on fleeing the country.

- How much time do we have?
- LUIS: 24 hours

before Prince Charming makes his move.

And I don't have to remind you all,

if he makes it over the border...

He'll be untouchable, which means

he'll keep flooding the streets
with carfentanil-laced dr*gs.

Problem is,
we've searched under every rock

from Diego to Barstow.


Has to be somewhere we're not searching.

Someone think outside the box, please.

- AGENT: Cross-referencing...

I might have something.

HARRY: This is the only tenant

who hasn't seen anything
the slightest bit strange.

And all the rest swear
the place is haunted.

But why? Mass hysteria?

Idea worm?

Well, whatever it is, it's bad enough

that some are willing to leave
with nowhere to go.

We couldn't help Priscilla,
but we can help them.

You know what?
I'm gonna go back there tonight.

According to everybody who lives there,

whatever happens there
happens after sundown.

And when it does, I'm gonna be there

to get to the bottom of it.



Hey, Marcus.

Robyn, how you doing?


How's L.A.?

Learning your shortcuts around the city?

It's L.A., there are no shortcuts.

I swear, I never thought
I'd miss the subway this much.

'Course, though, that's not what
I miss most about the city.

The city misses you, too.

Hate to ask, but I really need a favor.

We're helping the marshals
track down Diablo.

The pill king?

Been living up to his nickname lately.

Bad batch of pills k*lled
four middle-schoolers last week.

[SIGHS) Can I help?

That's what I'm hoping.

Back in the days, I crossed paths

with a guy named Travis Moore.

He used to share a cell with Diablo.

Where can I find him?

That's the thing.

He's not in any of the NYPD,
or federal databases.

He did two years for dealing,
but he's already off probation,

so no way to track him.

Hmm. Where's he originally from?

Bronx, east side.

You think he'll go back
to what's familiar?

They always do. If he's dealing,
he'll have to be blessed.

The Bronx is under G-Squad rule.

Let me go over there
and see what I can dig up.

Appreciate it.

Yeah. I'll get back to you later.



♪ ♪

♪ You know I want you,
I don't want no other... ♪

He really left you on read, huh?

♪ What the vibes,
tell me what we doing ♪

♪ Hey... ♪

Can I give you some advice?

Men are visual creatures.

If you want him, you have to grab

his attention. Be bold.

How about something like this?


Ooh, that would look so cute on you.

And with those cheekbones of yours.

- Watch out, Naomi Campbell!
- You don't need a buss-down.

You should get some Bantu knots.

- Oh, no, girl.
- STYLIST 2: I'm telling you a buss-down

is the way to go.

You know, get your glow-up.
Show him what he's missing.

Then you... ghost him.

Mm. Boom!

- His loss. [LAUGHS)
- That part.

LANI: Baby, don't chase him.

ALL: Replace him!

- CLIENT: That's right.



Uh, you know what?

Um, I... I, uh...

I actually... I don't think
I can do this right now.

[SIGHS) Oh...

- Auntie, I have to go. I-I'm sorry.
- Dee?

- I have to go.
- Hold on. Dee!

I'll call you.



[GROANS) Papa!

I sat here,

helping some of you process your trauma

when I hadn't even confronted my own.

It's, uh, pretty ridiculous
if you think about it.

JACOB: We each travel our own journey.

Facing denial isn't easy.

What's important is
that we all get there.

MEL: Mm, yeah. Well, uh...

...I'm at a point where I'm trying

to figure out who I am.

You know, for so long, I was a sn*per...

that's what I did, that's who I was...

and now, I-I can't even look at a g*n.

JACOB: That might have been part of you,

but that's not all of you.

And we're here to help you realize that.



♪ ♪


[GRUNTS) Travis,

I'm looking for your old roommate,

I haven't talked to him in years.

Even if I had, why would I tell you?

Because Diablo on the loose means

more carfentanil-laced dr*gs
on the street,

which means more dead kids.

And I care about dead kids why?


Where is he?

Where is he?

[WHIMPERS) Okay, okay! Okay.

LUIS: Take him down alive, if possible.

If not...

This is it.

Second door. There.

Go, go. Go.


Move, move!

Go, go, go!


Don't move!

Clear. Negative, it's clear back here.

LUIS: Any sign of target?

MARSHAL: Clear here.



- What's up?
- Hey, how's it going? All set up?

Yeah, no, I got, uh,

motion detectors in the hallways,

I got heat sensors,

I got cameras on every floor.

This mystery ends tonight.

Look at you, a real-life Ghostbuster.

[CHUCKLES): Yeah, except I'm not looking

for paranormal activity,
I'm here to debunk it.

I'm a Ghostbuster-buster.

Oof. Well, that's one way
to ward off evil spirits,

tell them your dad jokes.

Did I ever tell you

- the one about, uh...
- You know what?

Just be safe. You know,

there's a lot of things
in the terrestrial world

- that can't be explained.

Yeah. Showtime. Call you back.


Oh. It's getting hot in here.





♪ ♪



Who are you?

Who the hell are you?

BOBBY: I-I swear,
I have no idea who Priscilla is,

and I've never stalked
anybody in my entire life.

So, what, you just like
hanging out in people's attics?


You think I like it up there?

I used to live in the building
across the street.

When my landlord raised the rent,

I couldn't afford it anymore, so...

So how'd you end up here?

Well, this is one
of the few buildings left

without one of those
fancy access systems,

so I snuck in, I found the attic

and I've been squatting up there
ever since.


[SIGHS) Hey.

Hey. So, what happened?

I found our ghost. Say hello to Bobby.

He's been squatting up in the attic.

No wonder everybody's been
hearing voices.

So he's the reason why Priscilla
thought she was being stalked?


I think we have
our real-world explanation.

- Huh?





- Geez!

MEL: Hey, Harry? What the...

What's going on?

- Harry? What's...

Get away! what's happening? Harry.

What... what's happening?

Stop! They're...

- They're everywhere!
- Harry...

Help! Help! Help! God!


Get away!


What's happening? What's
happening? What's happening?

I need your help in here! Help! Help!

[HARRY WHIMPERING) Harry? Harry? Hey.

What's going on?

No. I see you. I see you, demon.

[GRUNTS) Get away!

Get away! Get away!

- Get away! Get away!


MEL: Hey, babe, it's me. It's me.

Look, I don't want to hurt you.


What's the matter with you?



Why am I putting so much
pressure on a hairstyle?

It's just a photo.

'Cause it's not really
about the photo, is it?


When I was about your age,

I was madly in love
with a boy in my class.

And then I found out that he had a crush

on a girl who had relaxed hair.

So I decided I was gonna

relax my hair, too.

I'm sorry, you with relaxed hair?

It's true.

I decided to do it at home myself,

except I left the relaxer on too long.

Oh, no.

Just came out in clumps.

- No.
- Just... I could not leave the house

without a hat or a scarf for months.

I eventually had to shave my head.

No. Aunt Vi, that's crazy.

Funny now, but I wasn't laughing then.


But it taught me

a really valuable lesson.

Go for it.

Choose whatever style you want,
no matter how bold.

But just make sure
you do it for yourself.

No one else.

♪ ♪


How you feeling?
Great, good. Never better.

Seems like the ghosts
people were hearing and seeing

were actually hallucinations.

I can vouch for that.

So what's causing them to hallucinate?

Well, once I got Harry outside
into the fresh air,

the hallucinations stopped.

You think it's airborne in the building?

It's possible. You remember
the tenant with the oxygen t*nk?

Yeah, he said he never saw anything.

How's your head?


And your skin is flushed.

- Nausea? Blurred vision?
- Yes.

Throw in some dizziness
for good measure. Why?

Could be carbon monoxide poisoning.

That would explain the symptoms.

And it's been known
to cause hallucinations.

It would also explain
why Priscilla was running

from nothing.

But it doesn't explain
why she was breathing in

so much carbon monoxide every night.

Maybe it's a leak.

Yeah, but if it were a leak,

we wouldn't be seeing
the effects only at night.

- So it's intentional.
- ROBYN: Yeah.

Which means someone is trying
to get rid of the tenants.

HARRY: All right.

Okay, look,

if it's affecting the whole building,

it's got to be going through
either the vents, or the plumbing.

If it were me, I'd go through the pipes.

That would explain why you said

Bobby the squatter
didn't have any symptoms.

HARRY: That's right.

There's no plumbing in the attic.

So the question is, who would
have access and know-how

to pull something like this off?

Uh, my money is on the super.

I mean, he's got grudges against
the owners and the tenants,

not to mention,
he's an extremely creepy person.

All right, well, the plumbing
hub should be in the basement.

Uh... Rob.


Carbon monoxide. Here.






You're back!

- Come here.
- Hi. [LAUGHS)

- Mm.
- Hello.

Okay, so, you ready to get slayed?

Gosh, yes. I am ready.

- Okay.
- Okay.

This is what I want.

Ooh. You sure?

More than sure.

Okay, then, I got you.


- Oh. Let me see one more time.
- Okay.

Well, we know your grandmother
was not being stalked.

So it was just an accident?

Not exactly, but we're
gathering more information.

I'll keep you posted when we find out.

Thank you for doing this.

Listen, your grandmother
deserves justice,

and you deserve to find out the truth

about what happened to her.

HARRY: Okay, so,
it looks like police are opening up

an investigation
on the carbon monoxide "leak"

at the building, not to mention
the super's m*rder.

Those poor tenants, breathing in
that stuff all night.

Who would do that?

Well, I'm not sure who,

but I could tell you why.

That building is rent-controlled.

Somebody wants to buy it,
probably to tear it down.

Which they can't do
until the tenants move out.

ROBYN: The siblings who own
the building, Ajay and Sharvi,

made a big point of telling us
they weren't selling.

HARRY: Except a developer called

the Pine Hollow Group

recently ordered an assessment.

You only do that if someone
makes an offer on the property.

Ajay and Sharvi haven't accepted it.

At least not officially.

These developers are... are snatching up

everything in the area.

Big, small, doesn't seem to matter.

Oh, man, these are some bad guys.

Several other buildings they bought

have been connected to a series
of accidental deaths.

A fire, an electrocution.

Even a... an apparent su1c1de.

I mean, these guys seem like
they're willing to k*ll

to get what they want.

You think they're responsible
for the CO poisoning?

Only two parties make out
in a situation like that:

the buyer and the seller.

Speaking of CO,
I was curious about the rig,

and it turns out
there's a whole protocol

to buying carbon monoxide.

All the cannisters have
serial numbers on them,

and all the vendors have
to log each sale.

So that's...

- What?
- Um...

the cannisters that you found
in the basement were purchased

with Ajay's credit card.

Track his phone. Send me his location.

Ajay's got some explaining to do.

Beautiful view, isn't it?

Yeah, it is.

This used to be a building
just like yours.

An eyesore.

I-I thought you liked my building.

When it's done, it will be beautiful.

And look over there.

We're making that whole top half
of the building into a destination.

It'll be filled with luxury stores

and high-end restaurants.

- You name it.
- Wait. "We"?

You-you work for the Pine Hollow Group?

The carbon monoxide tanks
in our basement, that was you?

I figured if all the tenants moved out,

you and your sister would have to sell.

Two people are dead because of you.

That's not what the police will think.

It was your credit card that
purchased the CO cannisters.

You're trying to pin this on me?

You're the only one
who can tie me to it.

ROBYN: Let him go!

Give me Ajay and no one gets hurt.

- You want him?
- No.

No, no! No, no!

- Go get him!


AJAY: Help!


Help! Please!

AJAY: Help!

I'm slipping.




AJAY: Somebody, please...

Sure you want to do that?

sh**ting at someone up close
is a bad idea.

Why? You don't think
my psyche can take it?

No. 'Cause, tactically, it's...


Help me! Please!

- Oh! Oh, my God.
- Hold on.

- I got you. Hang on.



♪ ♪

♪ 'Cause all I want to do... ♪

Everything okay?

Yeah, no, everything's good.

A little light on the details.

No, no, I'll tell you more if you want.

I was just trying to be
respectful of your,

you know, choice.

Oh, yeah. No, you're right.

- Just tell me if Rob's okay.
- Oh, no, no, no, she's fine.

Everything's fine, really.

[SIGHS) Okay.

Hey, listen,

I just mean, you know, I'm sorry
that I had to involve you.

You know, you're not part
of the team anymore.

Hey, I'm part of this team.

Okay? That's the team that matters most.

Always has, always will.

- I love you.
- Hmm.

Even though I kicked your ass, though?

- Mm.

All right, I'm gonna go
wrap some things up

in the Sanctum.

- Unless you... Unless you need me?
- No.

- No, I'm good.
- No? You sure?

Yeah, I'm sure. Go.

Okay. [LAUGHS)



- How are you?
- Good.

Just, uh, wanted to see
how you're holding up.

I'm good.

I don't know how to thank you, though.

For everything.

No need.

I just hope this
brings you some closure.

It does.

Karla, listen to me.

There was nothing you could have done

to prevent your grandmother's death.

You understand?

It wasn't your fault.

Thank you.

And she didn't die in vain.

You know, her sacrifice kept all

of her neighbors from being
forced out of their homes.

That, and your determination
to find the truth.

That would have made her happy.

No doubt.

She would have liked you.

She liked strong women.

[CHUCKLES) Sounds like the three of us

could have formed a club.


Have a good night.




Hello, Auntie...


You've seemed a million miles
away all night.

- It's just that I...

Oh, yes.

The curls are back.

- Yes!
- Yeah?


VI: Don't get me wrong,
I love the braids,

but I have missed these beautiful curls.

ROBYN: And they are poppin'.

- Let me feel.
- Oh, my goodness.

- Thank you.
- Feels good.

[CHUCKLES) I decided

I didn't need a new me.

I like me just fine.

And if Cam doesn't understand that...

Oh, it's all good. We talked.

Oh, no. Uh-uh.

We're gonna need
a little more than that.


Turns out the girl in the pic
was just a model Cam hired

to promote a pop-up event
for his sneaker business.


The whole thing was
a last-minute opportunity and...

And Cam got swamped.

But he called me as soon as he could.

Said he wanted me to be the first one

he showed the results
of the photo sh**t to.

- Okay.
- DELILAH: But, uh,

I did tell him how
not responding to my texts

made me feel.

- And he got it and apologized.
- Mm.

That's my baby girl.

That's my baby girl right there.

- Can we just say "adulting"?
- ROBYN: Yeah.

VI: Okay? I am so proud of you.

Set your boundaries,
you weren't afraid of

a difficult conversation.

That is so grown-up of you.

Thank you, Auntie.


All right, well, this grown-up
has homework to do.


Is homework slang for calling Cam?

- Maybe. [GIGGLES)

Can you believe it?

Our baby got a boyfriend.

Time to take the door off the hinges.

- I'm-a get the drill. Come on.


Oh. Dante.

Oh, well... I'm gonna take this.

Yes, you are.

Hey, Marcus.


Just wanted to call
to thank you for your help.

Did you get the guy?

Sure did. Thanks to your intel.

It meant a lot.

Good. I'm just glad I could help.

And that you're safe.

Sounds kind of quiet over there.

Are you the last one there?


Gonna grab a beer and watch
the end of the Giants game.

A little taste of home.

Sounds nice.

Guess I'll let you go, then.

Yeah. Okay.

Good night, Robyn.

Good night.

The Giants are up by seven

with eight minutes remaining.

ANNOUNCER: 1st and 10 from the 15.

I'm sure they'd want to come away

with something more than a field goal

from this position.
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